HomeMy WebLinkAbout032089 workshop agenda AGE N D A Workshop Meeting of the City Commission Monday, March 20, 1989 At 4:00 P. M. In the City Manager's Conference Room City Hall, Sanford, Florida 1. Presentation by Pam McConnell, Executive Director, Central Florida Zoological Society. 2.. Review of Condemnation/demolition/Code Enforcement process. (Referred from March 13th meeting.) )" Consideration of appropriate action on Transportation Impact Fee proposals. Copies attached: Letter from City Attorney, Ordinance No. 1963. 4" Review of Planning Study for Westerly Interceptor Sewer. Copies attached: Memo from Director of Engineering and Planning, Planning Study by Conklin, Porter & Holmes. Recommend this be placed on the Late Agenda for adoption for planning purposes, and authorization to proceed with final design of first phase construction. 5. Review of Marina Island boat trailer parking. from March 13th Meeting.) (Referred 6. Discussion of Tourist Development Council Grant Application. (Referred from March 13th Meeting.) Memo attached from Director of Recreation and Parks. 7. Review of preliminary recommendations by Schweizer, Inc., for Civic Center remodeling. Copies attached: Memo from Director of Engineering and Planning, Remodeling and Renovation Report. Recommend concurrence, so that Director of Engineering and Planning may proceed to advertise for bids. 8. Personnel items. A. Review of status of compliance with Section 89 Mandates. Memo attached from Personnel Director. B. Review of information, per Commissioner McClanahan's request, on preliminary personnel requests from Parks Division, and from Grounds Maintenance Division. Memo attached from Personnel Director. C. Review of revised Personnel Rules and Regulations. Memo attached from Personnel Director, with revision dated February, 1989. D. Briefing on Civil Service Act revision. r ' Work Session Agenda March 20, 1989 Page 2 of 2 E. Review of request for additional staff for Senior Center. Memo attached from Personnel Director, with request from Director of Recreation and Parks. 9. Status report on Annexation OUtreach Program. Memo attached from Director of Engineering and Planning. 10. Review of request from Scenic Improvement Board to purchase benches and trash receptacles for the downtown area. Memo attached from SIB Chairman, Martha Yancey. 11. Consideration of request from Florida Government Finance Officers Association for adoption of a resolution to request the Florida Legislature to pass laws providing sources of funding for mandated actions/services which create a financial burden on units of local government. Information from FGFOA attached, with sample requested resolution. 12. Consideration of request from Utilities, Inc. for emergency water supply backup. Copies attached: Memo from Director of Engineering and Planning, letter from Utilities, Inc. of Florida. Recommend approval of concept, so staff may proceed to prepare contract. 13. Review of March 27, 1989 Regular Agenda. Copy enclosed. ADVICE TO THE PUBLIC: IF A PERSON DECIDES TO APPEAL A DECISION MAIlE WITH RESPECT TO ANY MATTER CONSIDERED AT THE ABOVE MEETING OR HEARING, HE MAY NEED A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS, INCLUDING THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE, WHICH RECORD IS NOT PRCNIDED BY THE CITY OF SANFORD. (FS 286.0105)