HomeMy WebLinkAbout121288 regular meeting agenda AGE N D A Regular Meeting of the City Commission Monday, December 12, 1988 at 7:00 P.M. In the City Commission Room of the City Hall In the City of Sanford, Florida. 1. Request from Les Sisson, Plant Manager of NCR, and Chairman for the Seminole County Division of united Way, to appear with Bob Walko of United Way and make a presentation. 2. Public Hearing to consider rezoning (change the permitted use of) land wi thin the al"ea shown in the map for the Land Development Regulations. 3. Public Hearing to consider rezoning a certain property lying East of Summerlin between Celery Avenue and First Road from District to PUD (Planned Unit Development) portion of that Avenue and lying AD (Agricultural) District. 4. Continuation of Public Hearing to consider an Appeal of the denial by t,he Planning and Zoning Commission on October 20, 1988 of the Conditional Use for a duplex in a SR-l (Single Family Residential Dwelling) Dis"trict. 5. Request for waiver of Article VII. 6. Public Hearing for Second Reading & Adoption of Ordinances. 7. Resolution No. 1522 8. Consideration of Resolution 9. City Manager's Late Agenda Items. ADVICE TO THE PUBLIC: If a person decides to appeal a decision made with respect to any matter considered at the above meeting or hearing, he may need a verbatim record of the proceedings, including the testimony and evidence, which record is not provided by the City of Sanford. (FS 286.0105) I<1EMORANDUM DECEMBER 12, 1988 TO: CITY COr1MISSION FROM: CITY CLERK 1. United Way presentation. 7. . Ad was published on December 5, Development Regulations submitted November 21, 1988. 1988. at work Copy of Land session on 5, Notices were sent to the owners, New Tribes Mission Homes, on November 11, 1988, and ad was published on November 22, and December 2, 1988. Copy attached: Map Memo from the City Planner dated 11/10/88, recommends approval. 4. Continua"tion of public hearing from the meeting of November 28, 1988. Copy of Planning and Zoning Memo of October 20, 1988 and Letter from Zoning & Arbor Inspector submitted at regular meeting of November 28, 1988. Petitioner: Joe Russell 5. Request from Woodrow Pope to appear before the City Commission to request a waiver of Article VII, Section 1 (3) to rebuild a house at 610 East 7th Street which was more than 60% destroyed by fire. Copy attached: Memo from City Clerk dated November 4, 1988 Copy of Section from City Code 6 . SECOND READING AND ADOPTION OF ORDINANCE: a. Ordinance No. 1974: re: annex a portion of that certain property lying between West 25th Street (CR 46A) and vacated SCL RR and between Oregon Avenue and Upsala Road. Tabled from the meeting of October 24, 1988. Ad was published September 30, October 7, 14, & 21, 1988. Petitioner: Harry & Suzanne Adair Copy attached: Map b. Ordinance No. 1979: re: to annex a portion of that certain property lying West of and abutting Airport Boulevard and lying between Jewett Lane and West Fifth Street. Tabled from the meeting of November 14, 1988. Ad was published October 21, 28, November 4 & 11,1988. Petitioner: Seminole Capital Limited Copy attached: Map c. Ordinance No. 1985: re: annex a portion of that certain property lying West of and abutting Upsala Road and lying between West 25th Street (CR 46A) and vacated SCL RR ROW. Ad was published November 18, 25, December 2 and 9, 1988. Petitioner: D. Davis, et al Copy attached: Map tJIEMORANDUM DECEMBER 12! 1988 PAGE 2 d. Ordinance No. 1986: re: annex a portion of that certain property lying East of and abutting Lowe Avenue and lying between West 25th Street (CR 46A) and vacated SCL RR ROW. Ad was published November 18, 25, December 2 and 9, 1988. Petitioner: City of Sanford Copy attached: Map e. Ordinance No. 1987: re: close, vacate and abandon all of East Third Street lying between Bay Avenue and San Carlos Avenue. Ad was published December 2, 1988. Petitioner: County of Seminole Copy attached: Map f. Ordinance No. 1989: re: amendment of Chapter 28 of the City Code of Sanford to create a reclaimed water reuse system for the City of Sanford, establishing the purpose, providing for promulgation and enforcement of reclaimed water service procedures and regulations; charges and fees, unauthorized work on reclaimed water system, rec laimed water delinquent accounts ,: inspection; mandatory connection to city potable water service. g. Ordinance No. 1991: re: adopting Sect 6.1 of Editions of the Standard Building Code; Mechanical Code; Standard Plumbing Code; existing Buildings Code; Housing Code; Gas Code 1987 Edition of the National Electric Code. the 1988 Standard Standard and the h. Ordinance No. 1992: re: amend the City Code, Chapter 2, Article XVII, Sec. 2-303., to provide that the Henry Shelton Sanford Memorial Library and Museum Board may reconunend on behalf of the City ways and means of acquiring and providing for historic artifacts, etc. i. Ordinance No. 1993: re: rezone a portion of that certain property lying West of and abutting Sanford Avenue and lying between 25th Street (SR 46) and 24th Street from SR-1A to RC-1. Ad published December 2, 1988. Petitioner: George Harper, et al Copy attached: Map 7. Resolution No. 1522: re: adoption of policies and procedures for the use of reclaimed water. 8. Request from Altamonte Springs to adopt a Resolution pertaining to waiting period before the purchasing of fire arms. Copy attached: Letter from Altamonte Springs dated November 21, 1988. Resolution No. 742 9. City Manager's Late Agenda. (~V f 01 \ I December 8, 1988 MEMORANDUM TO: MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION CITY MANAGE~~~ CITY MANAGER'S LATE AGENDA ITEMS FOR CITY COMMISSION MEETING OF DECEMBER 12, 1988 FROM: RE: 1. Adoption and presentation of Resolution No. 1523, re: commending Police Sgt. William J. Dube for actions on November 25, 1988, which resulted in saving the life of a child. 2. Recommendations from the Planning and Zoning Commission meeting of December 1, 1988. . ( t I , ! / Item 1 needs City Commission action (approval/denial.) Item 2 refers to Regular Agenda Item 13. Copy of Development and Preliminary Plan attached. i ,// ,) Item 3 needs City Commission action (approval/denial.) / Item 4 is submitted for the City Commission's review and comment. Copy of Preliminary Plat attached. 3. Re: Regular Agenda Item 1 6.f., reclaimed water reuse system. \ ' I I a. Ordinance No. 1989. Memo attached from Director of Engineering and Planning with revised proposed ordinance. b. Recommend adoption of Resolution No. 1522, re: policies and procedures, etc. for reclaimed water reuse system. Copy of proposed Resolution attached. 4. Consideration of proposed Staff re-alignment, job descriptions/ additions and some reclassifications. attached with detailed changes and budgetary considerations. Recommend approval. Report " J I , , 'I ; 5. First reading of Ordinance No. 1994, re: compliance permitting for septic tank systems. Memo attached from Director of Engineering and Planning. Recommend approval. \ i , j " 6. Consideration of request from Sanford Airport Authority for the city to provide crash fire rescue support for charter flights. Memo attached from Fire Chief. City Manager recommends approval for the city to provide the support, subject to amending the fire department budget for the additional estimated personnel costs, and subject to the airport paying same as incurrec. I v / /,/ I, / /1." r 1/\ ;, ) j 11. llv \ 'v 12. ,) i 'I)'; r r , 13. Il ". 0 \ If'. I . I 14. ,f j "\ II I City Manager's Late Agenda Items for December 12, 1988 City Commission Agenda Page 2 of 4 7. Consideration of request from patricia Miller to waive City Code Section 16-22, to set up a Temporary Concession Stand in Sanford Plaza parking lot for 30 days. Copies attached: Memo from Licensing Official Letter of Request Permission from property owner State License Health Inspection Insurance/County License City Code Sec. 16-22 8. Consideration of request from James F. Taylor to waive City Code Section 18-25, and let him keep concrete bumpers, which he has already installed, on city right-of-way. Copies attached: letter from James Taylor City Code Section 18-25 Memo from Building Official 9. Discussion of request to City Attorney to prepare Tax Increment District Ordinance. Copies attached: a. Letter from City Attorney regarding same. b. Requested information on target area tax. 10. Consideration of request from James Cabler, Codisco, Inc. for time extension to use a camper type vehicle for security purposes at 903 - 911 West Third Street. Copies attached: Memo from Director of Engineering and Planning, letter from James Cabler. Recommend approval of a six month extension, with the stipulation that if the requirement for such use extends beyond six months, the owner will provide permanent accommodations meeting City Code. Consideration of Memorandum of Understanding with Federal Bureau of Prisons. Copies attached: Letter from City Attorney with proposed Memorandum of Understanding. Recommend the Mayor be authorized to execute same and the City Manager be authorized to forward same to the federal prison system. Discussion of City Election...district boundaries, voting locations, date, qualifying period, ~ime frame from general election to run-off election, etc. Request from Wes Rinker for renewal of Municipal Stadium Lease. Copies attached: Request, Memo from Director of Recreation and Parks. . Re: Regular Agenda Item I 5, request for waiver. Woodrow Pope requests this be tabled until January 9, 1989. City Manager's Late Agenda Items for December 12, 1988 City Commission Agenda Page 4 of 4 (6) Bid 88/89-19 for Trash Pump (Utilities, Water Division.) Memo attached from Utility Director with tabulation. Recommend acceptance of low bid in amount of $8,474.20 from Thompson Pump (bid does meet specifications.) (7) Bid 88/89-20 for Sewer Construction Materials (Utilities, Sewer Division.) Memo attached from Utility Director with tabulation. Recommend acceptance of low bids per section as described in the memo (bids do meet specifications.) ./ e. Requests for payment of statements. City Manager recommends approval. (1) John L. Markham......................$ 2,475.00 Rectified photographs in Downtown Historic District. (2) Elkins Constructors, Inc..............$ 191,013.96 Wastewater Treatment Plant improvements. (3) Conklin, Porter & Holmes for professional engineering services: A. Site 10 Site Specific Studies....$ 8,164.47 B. Sanford Marina Litigation........$ 130.27 C. Water Quality Studies............$ 95.92 D. Vacuum Sewer Design..............$ 18,217.11 E. Wastewater Effluent Spray Irrigation Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 5,326.81 F. Phase I Westerly Sewer Interceptor Plalming . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 2,431.69 G. Water Treatment Plant High Service Pumping Mod.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "'. . . . . . . . . . . $ 19 , 47 9 . 0 6 (4) Conklin, Porter & Holmes..............$ 18,672.03 Amendment 17 - Construction Services -- WWTP Tertiary Improvements and Reclaimed Water Distribution System. (5) Speegle Construction Company..........$ 348,565.41 Reclaimed Water Distribution System ADVICE TO THE PUBLIC: IF A PERSON DECIDES TO APPEAL A DECISION MADE WITH RESPECT TO ANY MATTER CONSIDERED AT THE ABOVE MEETING OR HEARING, HE MAY NEED A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS, INCLUDING THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE, WHICH RECORD IS NOT PROVIDED BY THE CITY OF SANFORD. (FS 286.0105) City Manager's Late Agenda Items for December 12, 1988 City Commission Agenda Page 3 of 4 15. Consent Agenda. a. Consultant Proposal from Ardaman and Associates,Inc. for hydrogeological studies and report at Art Lane Landfill, with fee not to exceed $3,000.00. Copies attached: Memo from Director of Engineering and Planning, proposal. Recommend City Manager be authorized to execute acceptance. b. Consideration of Amendment to Interlocal Agreement with Seminole County for Community Development Block Grant, to allow award of housing rehab contracts for which the low bid exceeded the limit placed by Seminole County, although well within the HUD limitations. Copies attached: Memo from Director of Engineering and Planning, proposed amendment. Recommend the Mayor be authorized to execute the amendment. c. Consideration of FY 1988-89 School Resource Officer Agreement with the School Board of Seminole County; city's share of cost is $29,567. Memo attached from Police Chief with proposed agreement. Recommend the Mayor by authorized to execute same. d. Consideration of Tabulations of Bids. (1) Bid 88/89-11 for Municipal Parking Lot 11 Reconstruction & OVerlay (Public Works Department.) Memo attached from Assistant Public Works Director with tabulation. Recommend acceptance of low bids in total amount of $68,150 from Macasphalt. Bids do meet < specifications. (2) Bid 88/89-12 for Work Benches (Public Works, Shop Division.) Memo attached from Fleet Maintenance Superintendent with tabulation. Recommend acceptance of low bid in amount of $1,600.00 from Cameron & Barkley. Bid does meet specifications. (3) Bid 88/89-15 for Civic Center Renovation (Senior Citizen Center.) Memo attached from Director of Engineering and Planning with tabulation. Recommend acceptance of base bid and alternates 1/5, less vertical surface interior paint, from ABCOM II for total low bid amount of $172,169.00 with funding as described in the memo. Bid does meet specifications. (4) Bid 88/89-16 for Utility Trench Box (Utilities, Sewer Division.) Memo attached from Utility Director with tabulation. Recommend all bids be rejected as outlined in the memo. (5) Bid 88/89-17 for Gas Detector (Utilities, Sewer Divisio~.) Memo attached from Utility Director with tabulation. Recommend acceptance of low bid in amount of $1,635.00 from Safety Equipment Company. This bid met the intent of the specifications and is the lowest acceptable bid.