HomeMy WebLinkAbout102488 regular meeting agenda / ! AGE N D A Regular Meeting of the City Commission Monday, October 24, 1988 at 7:00 P.M. In the City Commission Room of the City Hall In the City of Sanford, Florida. 1. Public Hearing to consider rezoning a portion of that certain property lying South of and abutting West 1st Street (SR 46) and lying between Kennel Road and Meisch Road from AD (Agricultural) District to GC-2 (General Commercial) District. 2. First Reading of Ordinances. 3. Public Hearing for Second Reading & Adoption of Ordinances. 4. Consent Agenda. 5. Planning and Zoning Recommendations. 6. City Manager's Late Agenda Items. ADVICE TO THE PUBLIC: If a person decides to appeal a decision made with respect to any matter considered at the above meeting or hearing, he may need a verbatim record of the proceedings, including the testimony and evidence, which record is not provided by the City of SanforL. (FS 286.0105) ... MEMORANDUM October 24, 1988 TO: CITY COMMISSION FROM: CITY CLERK 1. Proper notice was sent to owners, Fertakis, on September 21, 1988 and October 4 and 14, 1988. Petitioner: Nicholas & Norma Fertakis Nicholas and Norma ad was published on Planning and zoning memo~ dted ctober Po{p roval. .' t /J?1 'l Ctl /1 !li t '-- /i . opy kt~f 4 FIRST READING OF ORDINANCES: 10, 1988 recommends '" , . A. ORDINANCE NO. 1980: re: annex a portion of that certain property lying East of and abutti7g pr' ceton Avenue and lying between Mattie Street a d Wylly Avenue. Peti tioner: B. Viravong, et al" Copy attached: Map B. ORDINANCE NO. 1981: re: rezone a portion of that certain property lying between Highway 17-92 (French Avenue) and Cordova Drive and between Colonial Way and Katherine Court from SR-l (Single Family Residential Dwelling) District to RC-l (Restricted Commercial) District. /,) Peti tioner: Edward J. Lachtara t/r;/ Copy attached: Map 3. SECOND READING AND ADOPTION OF ORDINANCES: A. ORDINANCE NO. 1966: re: rezoning a portion of that certain property lying East of and abutting Hidden Lake Drive and between Lake Mary Boulevard and Sanford Grant Line from SR-l (Single Family Residential Dwelling) District to MR-2 (Multiple-Family Reside~tial Dwelling) District. Ad was PUb.lishea 7cto r 14, 1988. Petitioner: Bruce Tuttl~J n 7 fd" 411. L.- jl'/v, Copy attached: Map B. ORDINANCE NO. 1974: re: annex a portion of that certain property lying between West 25th Street (CR 46A) and vacated SCL RR and betweeL Oregon Avenue and Ups ala Road. Ad was published on September 30, October 7, 14, ~~~i~i~n;~~8. Harry & Suzanne Adairirt/Lit/jo /L;?'-/~ ,. Copy attached: ~1ap , 4. Consent Agenda U~ A. Request for payment of statement from Stenstrom, McIntosh, Julian, Colbert, Whigham & Simmons, P.A. for professional services rendered September 1988 in the amount O[)j\,' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $7,442.50. MEMORANDUM OCTOBER 24. 1988 PAGE 2 B. Request for payment of Invoice No. 10797 from Ivey, Bennett, Harris and Walls, Inc. for professional services rendered for Impact Fee Development in the amount of. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,405.59. C. Request for payment of Invoice No. 10798 from Ivey, Bennett, Harris and Walls, Inc. for professional services rendered for 1988 Planning Assistance Grant in the amount. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$6,677.20. D. Request for payment Bennett, Harris and services rendered for the amount of. . . . . of Invoice No. 10799 from Ivey, Walls, Inc. for professional Land Development Regulations in . . . . . . . . . . . .$3,282.16. E. Request for payment of statements from Conklin, Porter and Holmes Engineers, Inc. for professional engineering services: 1. For Phase I Westerly Sewer Interceptor Planning CPH Job No. S0602.40. . . . . . . . . . . . $9,614.79. 2. For Sanford Marina Litigation CPH Job No. S0604.01 . . . . . . . . . . ~ . . . $ 279.20. 3 . For Construction of Sanford CPH Job No. S0602.14. . . Sludge Handling Fac. . . . . . $2,897.23. 4. For Wastewater Effluent Spray Irrigation Systems CPH Job No. S0602.26. . .. .... $1,058.33. 5. For Vacuum Sewer Design CPH Job No S0602.27 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 683.25. 6. For Water Quality Studies CPH Job No. S0602.29 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 274.62. 7. For Site 10 Site Specific Studies CPH Job No. 50602.30. . . . . . . . . . . . . . $21,409.20. 8. For Amendment No. 17 - Construction Services WWTP Tertiary Improvements & Reclaimed Water Dist. System CPH Job No. S0602.3~. . . . . . $ 4,722.28. 9. For Update of City Water, Wastewater & Reclaimed Wate~ Impact Fees CPH Job No. S0602.36. $ 121.86. 10. For Sanford Lake/Mary Reclaimed Water CPH Job No. S0602.39 .... .. ....... $ 1,198 64. 11. For Water Treatment Plant High Service Pumping Mod. CPH Job No. S0606.01. . . . . . . . . . $ 3,184.37. 5. A. Planning and Zoning Recommendations: Item No. 1 refers to Item No. 1 on regular agenda. B. Recommendations from the City Planner. (re=ers to Item No.1) 6. City Manager's Late Agenda Items. MEMORANDUM October 18, 1988 TO: MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION FROM: CITY MANAGE~~_ CITY MANAGER'S LATE AGENDA CITY COMMISSION MEETING OF ----- RE: ITEMS FOR OCTOBER 24, 1988 1. Federal Prison. Recommend the Commission acknowledge receipt of the Letter of Interest, and authorize the City Attorney to draft the appropriate Memorandum of Understanding, as outlined in the attached memo. Copies attached: Memo from Director of Engineering and Planning with Letter of Intent. 2. Items from the October 3, 1988 Work Session: a. Recommend the City Manager be authorized to execute contract with Southern Bell/Northern Telecom for purchase of a telephone system. Information submitted with October 17, 1988 Work Session Agenda. b. Recommend authorization to prepare consultant contract with Conklin, Porter & Holmes, Inc. for the design of plans and specifications for up-grade of Jewett Lane lift station, installation of a new 8" force main from Jewett Lane lift station to 13th Street, and repair by replacement of existing 10" gravity sewer line along Jewett Lane east of Airport Boulevard. Information submitted with October 17, 1988 Work Session Agenda. c. Recommend the study be approved for planning purposes, and that authorization be given to obtain an appropriate engineering services proposal for preliminary engineering of the Mill Creek/Cloud Branch Drainage program, with funding from local option gas tax, and authorization to contact owners of land recommended for retention sites. Information submitted with October 17, 1988 Work Session Agenda. d. Recommend the City Attorney be authorized to prepare an ordinance to establish Mandatory Refuse Collection, with certain defined waivers provided, and authorize Staff to proceed with implementation. Information submitted with October 17, 1988 Work Session Agenda. e. Recommend approval of a resolution designating Fire Chief Tom Hickson as the City's Hazardous Chemical Coordinator for the federally-mandated Hazardous (Chemical) Communicatio~ program. Information submitted with October 17, 1988 Work Session Agenda. 3. Request from Victory Temple of God, 601 Pine Avenue, to use sixth Street and Pine Avenue street rights-of-way for a portion of the required off-street parking. Copies attached: Memo from Director of Engineering and Planning, request, Memo from Zoning and Arbor Inspector, map, survey, site plan. Recommend approval, with stipulation that the congregation obtain a long-term lease for required additional parking. City Manager's Late Agenda Items for October 24, 1988 Page 2 of 3 4. Request from Vaughn Martin, owner, and Bill Hicks, lessee, Martin Motors, 601 South French Avenue, to waive the 25 foot set- back requirement for display of cars for sale. Copies attached: Memo from Director of Engineering and Planning, request, site plan. Recommend denial. 5. Request from Joseph Kantor for a 120 day extension of site plan approval for Sanford Arms Apartment Project on Hartwell Avenue North of 25th Street. Copies attached: Request and copy of last action by City Commission on this project. 6. Request for temporary installation and use of a travel trailer for a night watcbman/24 hour per day on-site emergency contact, at Speegle Construction, Inc. storage facility on City property at the Northeast corner of poinsetta Avenue and East 26th Street, during installation of City's Reclaimed Water Distribution System. Copies attached: Memo from Director of Engineering and Planning, request, map, site plan. Recommend approval. 7. Consideration of a request received by the Mayor regarding a Florida Constitutional Amendment on the Rights of Crime Victims (Amendment 2 on the November Ballot.) Copy of requested proclamation attached. 8. Reconsideration of Ordinance No. 1973, and revision of legal description of Easement C. Copies attached: Memo from Director of Engineering and Planning with legal descriptions and survey. 9. Resolution No. 1521, re: establish "Annexation OUtreach" Program. Copies attached: Memo from City Manager with proposed resolution. Recommend adoption of resolution. 10. Recommend the Mayor be authorized to execute an application for FY 88/89 Comprehensive Planning Assistance Funds. Copies attached: Memo from City Planner with application. 11. Recommend the Mayor be authorized to execute Annexation Petition and forms for annexation of the City's Oregon Avenue Wellfield Site. Copies attached: Memo from Director of Engineering and Planning with map and form. 12. Appointments/re-appointments to boards. a. Youth Advisory Committee. Need appointees for two expired terms and one vacancy. Memo attached from Director of Recreation and Parks with recommendations. City Manager's Late Agenda Items for October 24, 1988 Page 3 of 3 b. Scenic Improvement Board. created by resignation of Board Chairman asked that board to make suggestions Need appointee for one vacancy Ray Priest. this be tabled, to permit the for appointment. c. Board of Adjustment and Appeals. Need appointee for one vacancy. This could be tabled pending receipt of suggestions for appointment. d. Historic Preservation Board. Need appointee for one expiring term (Gerry Gross is eligible for re-appointment; but no contact), and for one vacancy created by resignation of Bill Gielow. This could be tabled pending receipt of suggestions for appointment. 13. Consideration of Tabulation of Bid 187/88-55, Restroom Fixtures (Recreation and Parks Department). Recommend acceptance of bid from Noland Company in amount of $3,327.20. (This was the lower bid, and it does meet specifications.) Copies attached: Memo from Director of Recreation and Parks with bid tabulation. 14. Requests for payment of statements. a. From USGS for St. Johns River flow gauging, for background justification for wet weather discharge waste load allocation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $9,500.00 b. From Conklin, Porter & Holmes for engineering services on Sanford/Lake Mary Reclaimed Water....................$875.91 Recommend approval. 15. Approval of Minutes of September 26 and October 3, 1988. Copies enclosed. ADVICE TO THE PUBLIC: IF A PERSON DECIDES TO APPEAL A DECISION MADE WITH RESPECT TO ANY MATTER CONSIDERED AT THE ABOVE MEETING OR HEARING, HE MAY NEED A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS, INCLUDING THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE, WHICH RECORD IS NOT PROVIDED BY THE CITY OF SANFORD. (FS 286.0105) ,d OCTOBER 24. 1 ~QV 8- / i ff-/ i ~(E [~it.)f vi) < ''\ .'JJ ~ jJ ~ ~ /3 :../ 'ru\ ~ ADDENDUM TO LATE AGENDA 10 - 2 4 - 8 8 ~' ,/ ;1 ) c ~ ~~ S1'v'.. \ r{ Request for Annexation /l'Y'ly ,) V I J ./U!\ Copy attached: Application and Map ~EMORANDUM TO: FROM: RE: 1. 2. 3 . CITY COMMISSION CITY CLERK (Subject to certification by the Seminole County Property Appraiser. ) Request for payment of statement fromJRh~zer: Copy attached: Invoice No. 17394 ~):~ Approved by City Manager and City Engineer. Request for proposals ~3X architectural services for Civic Center Consultant. i~ Copy attached: Memo from Director of Engineering. , ~" ~- /YY.1/1 /, ,~:/ I (){/ cfYl ~~[i~;, /~)--)'lZ/r)~<tC{{j;J.2' / f' . ~/ /1r v L/V' , 1---. -,'