HomeMy WebLinkAbout101088 regular meeting agenda ( ~,,'-,/ -0 / / I I I / I I I A G [; N D A , Re9ular Meeting of the City Commission Monday, October 10, 1988 at 7:00 P.M. In the City Commission Room of the City Hall In the City of Sanford, Florida. 1. Continuation of Public Hearing to consider rezoning a portion of that certain property lying East of and abutting Hidden Lake Drive and lying between Lake Mary Boulevard and Sanford Grant Line from SR-1 (Single Family Residential Dwel~ing) District to MR-2 (Multiple Family Residential Dwelling) District. 2. Public Hearing to consider rezoning a portion of that certain property lying between Highway 17-92 (French Avenue) and Cordova Drive and between Colonial Way and Katherine Court from SR-1 (Single Family Residential Dwelling) District to RC-1 (Restricted Commercial) District. 3. First Reading of Ordinances. 4. Public Hearing for Second Reading & Adoption of Ordin::>.nces. 5. Consideration of request for annexation. 6. Consideration of appointment to the East Central Florida Regional Planning Ccuncil. 7. Request for waiver of off-street parking. 8. Consent Agenda. 9. Planning and Zoning Recommendations. 10. City Manager's Late Agenda Items. ADVICE TO THE PUBLIC: If a person decides to appeal a decision made with respect to any matter considered at the above meeting or hearing, he may need a verbatim record of the proceedings, including the testimony and evidence, which record is not provided by the City of Sanford. (FS 286.0105) I,U:,1VJOR l:>,.NDUJ.Vi (i,':t:r)'l:->er ",0,1988 TO: CITY COMMISSION F'ROI'<l: CITY CLERK 1. Tabled from the meeting of September 261 1988, per request from Arbors Hom~.Qwners Association., , '. "Ii' 'j pe~iti.~ne.. ~: 'ZBrtf6~o-yutt}e~ owner /,.,l~/i{,'f',vta, [y,;:.UJ!.//tl uJ- /~f.1l tJ;. {i_If ~''4Jf'' , copi atttach~>i:.. Map _ / / v. 1_,"(, I.. C ((/Y .l:.lJ.z.!,P \.../ (,;Jj---/' /1/";.' 2. Proper notices"'were s~t to owners, Edward & Ida Lachtara, on September 17, 1988 and ad was published on September 20 and 30, 1988. ,P1titioner: E~~~d & Ida Lachtara '~'~'hI~~7t~d /'~ing memo dated 9/7/88 recommends approval. Copy attached: City Planner's Memo Sept. 7, 1988. Map. 3. FIRST READING OF ORDINANCE: ---::.:::::---.,., , -7 A. ORDINANCE NO. 1979: re: annex a portion of that certain property lying West of and abutting Airport Boulevard ~nd lying between Jewett Lane and West 5th Street. Petitioner:semi~o~~ Capital, Ltd. '}'(c'l /}7\ C '(.;7,)1:) \ ,/(tY Copy attached: Map 4 . SECOND READING AND ADOPTION OF ORDINANCES: A. ORDINANCE NO. 1973: re: closing, vacating and abandoning a portion of Grandview Avenue lying North of and abutting East 25th Street and lying between Sanford Avenue & poinsetta Avenue. Ad was published September 301,19,88. r/:,-,>-'j."''-~'':*,', 't'(! .f"' ./,,,7./// Pet~t~oner: . D. Lan~er' I' '.\. - "';--"/) ',- LY'- 5. ORDINANCE NO. 1975: re: amend City Code Section 17-31 (A), fines for unauthorized parking in handicapped ~~_~~ixl(:S~hf~s/~1;~as published September 30, 1988. ORDINANCElNO. 1976: re: amending Chapter 6, Buildings of the City Code, establishing a requirement for tent permits, an application procedure, and conditions. Ad,W~ :PUb.~~she~ ,~ePtember 30, 1988. 6~;~cilto~1t978: re: amending Article I - Insuran~e Companies, Sections 26.1 and 26-2 of the Sanford City cod:.,~~ v.lar" pu?1.~hed September 30, 1988. ,If, ( 111. Idj', /(J7 Petition of Annexation from B Viravong, et al, for a portion of that certain ~roperty lying East of and abutting Princeton Avenue and lying b~tween Wylly Avenue anG Mattie / Avenue. ./ ~ / cOPie~/~~tla(~d: '(7~~~m~V;;om Department Managers. Petition of Annexation Application for Annexation Map c. B. D. 6. Commissioner Mercer is representative to ECFRPC. , I; l ~ ';tI;' ~ ']::1 L{/r~' -:~~ i "7;}iT'C.-/\ /:::;~: MErl10RANDUM /. -~ '~/ ,( A 'J ( , y/cjl~:::~ian af waiver af aff-street parking ;" M. Cameron for property located at 405 East 4th October 10. 1988 Page 2 from Charles Street. Copy attached: Letter from Charles M. Cameron 8. Consent ^ ;Y\'10<- j~, Request ,;-1>>:,) f'vJ 'Julian, dj.,V services Agenda payment of statement from Stenstrom, McIntosh, Colbert, Whigham & Simmons, P.A. for professional rendered in August 1988 in the amount of..$2,804.66 9. Planning and Zoning Recommendations: A. Item No. 1 refers to Item No. 2 on regular agenda. action. d;fJ!J\ /' B. Item No. 2 needs City Commission -ZV,rL--' 10. City Manager's Late Agenda Items, MEMORANDUM October 7, 1988 FROM: MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION CITY MANAG~!p~ CITY MANAGER'S LATE AGENDA ITEMS FOR CITY COMMISSION MEETING OF OCTOBER 10, 1988 TO: RE: 1. Items from the October 3, 1988 Work Session: a. Recommend the Mayor be authorized to execute change order for reclaimed water distribution system, to increase certain pipes in the distribution system. Information submitted with October 3, 1988 Work Session Agenda. b. Recommend authorization to proceed with proposal for an "open season" annexation program. Memo attached from Director of Engineering and Planning. c. Request from Sanford Gymnastics Association, Inc., for the City to pay the impact fees for the two outside restrooms to be used by the public, at their new facility. ($812.50 total fee - $650.00 for inside fees = $162.50) Request submitted with October 3, 1988 Work Session Agenda. d. Consideration of proposal from Coopers & Lybrand to extend their auditing contract for three (3) years. Information submitted with October 3, 1988 Work Session Agenda. Recommend approval as discussed (extend contract for 2 years with fee in amount of $30,000 per year.) Finance Director to report. 2. BOARDS - appointments to, resignation from: a. Board of Adjustment & Appeals: need an appointee to fill an expired term. b. Historic Preservation: three (3) members' terms expire October 28, 1988 (Kay Bartholomew, Gerald Gross, Donald Moore; all are eligible for re-appointment.) c. Youth Advisory Committee: need two (2) appointees to fill two expired terms. d. Scenic Improvement Board: resignation submitted by Ray Priest, effective immediately. Copy of resignation attached. Need an appointee to fill the unexpired term. Volunteer Applications attached. City Manager's Late Agenda Items for October 10, 1988 City commission Meeting Page 2 of 3 3. Requests for annexation (water service only). a. To property at 3620 Sanford Avenue, Charles L. and Shirley A. Whittle, owners. (The Court invalidated the City's previous annexation of this property.) Recommend approval of water service, at no cost to the City, and recommend waiver of payment of $150.00 annexation fee. Copies attached: Petition Application Deed Restriction Map b. To property at the Northeast corner of SR 46 (East 25th Street) and SR 415, Miller Brothers Partnership, owners. Recommend approval of water service, at no cost to the City. Copies attached: Petition Application Deed Restriction Map Department Heads' recommendations. 4. Request for approval of a dance hall at 200 North Elm Avenue. Darryl Barrs, petitioner, plans a restaurant and lounge with a dance floor. Copy of request attached. 5. Consideration of acceptance of grant for Vacuum Sewer Collection System. Memo attached from Director of Engineering and Planning with further information. Recommend the Commission authorize acceptance of the grant, authorize City Manager to sign acceptance for City, and authorize Staff to advertise the contract as soon as possible. 6. Consideration of tabulations of bids for Ft. Mellon Park rehab (Parks and Recreation Department). a. Bid 87/88-51, Play Apparatus: recommend acceptance of bids for items 1, 2, 4, 5 and 7 in amount of $16,879.90 from Miracle Recreation Equipment Co., and acceptance of bids for items 3 and 8 in amount of $1,122.77 from Hunter Knepshield. These are the lowest bids and they meet specifications. Recommend reject all bids for item 6. b. Bid 87/88-52, Asphalt Paving: recommend acceptance of bid in amount of $5,760.00 from A-Team Construction. This is the lowest bid and it meets specifications. c. Bid 87/88-53, Irrigation: recommend acceptance of bid in amount of $763.23 from Hughes Supply for pipe and fittings, and acceptance of bid in amount of $842.91 from Atlantic Irrigation for sprinklers. These are the lowest bids which met specifications. (A lower bid for sprinklers did not meet specifications.) d. Bid 87/88-54, 4 Concrete Poles: recommend acceptance of bid in amount of $1,098.88 from Jones Electric. This is the lowest bid and it meets specifications. City Manager's Late Agenda Items for october 10, 1988 City Commission Meeting Page 3 of 3 7. Requests for payment of statements. a. Conklin, Porter and Holmes for Professional Services from 3/12/88 through 9/30/88 on Cloud Branch and Mill Creek Drainage Studies.... ............. ..... .... ....... ..$4,889.72 b. Ivey, Bennett, Harris and Walls for Professional Services from 8/1/88 to 8/31/88 on Land Development Regulations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2,380.66 8. Approval of Minutes of Work Sessions of September 19 and 26, 1988. Copies enclosed. 9. Approval of Vouchers for the Month of September, 1988. ADVICE TO THE PUBLIC: IF A PERSON DECIDES TO APPEAL A DECISION MADE WITH RESPECT TO ANY MATTER CONSIDERED AT THE ABOVE MEETING OR HEARING, HE MAY NEED A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS, INCLUDING THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE, WHICH RECORD IS NOT PROVIDED BY THE CITY OF SANFORD. (FS 286.0105)