HomeMy WebLinkAbout071188 regular meeting agenda / ~~. ( /' AGE N D A Regular Meeting of the City commission Monday, July 11, 1988 at 7:00 P.M. In the City Commission Room of the City Hall In the City of Sanford, Florida. 1. Public Hearing to consider changing the land use to amend the Future Land Use Plan Element of the Comprehensive Plan. 2. Public Hearing for the purpose of public discussion of the proposed'Groveview Neighborhood Park. 3. Public Hearing to consider closing, vacating and abandoning any right of the City and the public in and to a portion of Palmetto Avenue lying between East 28th Street and East 28th Place. 4. Request from Cablevision of Central Florida to renew CATV Franchise. 5. First Reading of Ordinances. 6. Public Hearing for Second Reading & Adoption of Ordinances. 7. Expirations/Resignations - Boards and Committees. 8. Consent Agenda. 9. City Manager's Late Agenda Items. ADVICE TO THE PUBLIC: If a person decides to appeal a decision made with respect to any matter considered at the above meeting or hearing, he may need a verbatim record of the proceedings, including the testimony and evidence, which record is not provided by the City of Sanford. (FS 286.0105) MEMORANDUM JULY 11, 1988 PAGE 1 TO: CITY COMMISSION FROM: CITY CLERK 1. Notice was published on July 6, 1988. Copy attached: Map 2. Notice was published on June 27, 28, and 29, 1988. (Second Public Hearing to be held on 8/8/88.) 3. Notice was sent to the owner, Dale E. McConnell, on June 9, 1988 and ad was published on June 13, 1988. Tabled from the rneeting of June 27, 1988 pending receipt of utility letters. 4. Tabled from the meeting of June 27, 1988, per Cablevision's request. Diane Pickett to appear. 5. FIRST READING OF ORDINANCE: a. Ordinance No. 1911: re: annex a portion of that certain property lying between SR 46 (Geneva Avenue) and vacated SCL RR and lying west of and abutting Brisson Avenue. Petitioner: Stanley H. Sandefur, Trustee Copy attached: Map b. Ordinance No. 1959: re: rezone a portion of that certain property lying East of and abutting Laurel Avenue and between West 8th Street and West 9th Street from SR-l (Single Family Residential Dwelling) District to GC-2 (General Commercial) District. Petitioner: Earl & Lillian Thomas Copy attached: Map 6. SECOND READING AND ADOPTION OF ORDINANCES: a. Ordinance No. 1946: re: annex a portion of that certain property lying between Country Club Road and West Crystal Drive extended Southerly and lying between Pine lake Drive and Lake Blvd. and a portion of that certain property lying South of and abutting Fairway Road and lying between Country Club and West Crystal Drive extended Southerly. Petitioner: City of Sanford Copy attached: Map MEMORANDUM JULY 11, 1988 PAGE 2 b. Ordinance No. 1950: re: annex a portion of that certain property lying between US 17-92 (Seminole Blvd.) and SCL RR and lying between Old Monroe Road and Riverview Avenue and that abutting portion of property lying Northerly of us 17-92 (Seminole Blvd.) Petitioner: Mary Leffler, et al Copy attached: Map c. Ordinance No. 1952: re: rezone a portion of that certain property lying West of and abutting Ridgewood Avenue and lying between West 25th Street (SR 46A) and Airport Boulevard from AD (Agricultural) District to MR-1 (Multiple Family Residential Dwelling) District. Petitioner: School Board of Seminole County Copy attached: Map d. Ordinance No. 1958: re: amend City Code to prohibit use of lead pipes, solder and flux; require notice to persons who may be affected by contamination of City drinking water. 7. Appointments/Resignations of Boards a. Attached list of expirations for July/September 1988. b. Letter of resignation from Joseph Dennison from the WINS Committee. 8. Bid Tabulation #87/88-34: Renovation Station. The City Manager recommends bid meeting specification from Wharton of $67,600. All bids met specification. of Park Ridge Lift acceptance of lowest Smith in the amount "e I 9. City Manager's Late Agenda. July 8, 1988 MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION CITY MANAGE~~~ CITY MANAGER'S LATE AGENDA ITEMS FOR CITY COMMISSION MEETING OF JULY 11, 1988 ,( 1. presentation,of Proclamations to: James QUint John Lomme se Jim Clark . RE: commending them for fund-raising efforts for the American Heart Association. 2. Consideration of the Budget and setting the millage. Need to adopt by motion: (a) The current year rolled-back rate of 4.4045. (This is to acknowledge the rolled-back rate for notification to the Property Appraiser as required by Statute.) (b) A proposed millage rate of 5.8459 mills. (This is tentative and may be changed downward at the public hearing and final consideration in September.) (c) A "proposed" Budget for 1988-89. (This is tentative and may be changed at the public hearing before final passage.) (d) Set a Public Hearing on the "tentative Budget" to be held at 7:00 P. M. on September 12, 1988, in the City Commission Room. 3. Consideration of requests for waiver of marina launch fees. Requests submitted from: U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary (letter attached). Local marine dealers. Handicapped persons. Memo attached from Director of Recreation and Parks. 4. Second reading and adoption of Ordinance No. 1957, re: Comprehensive Plan (Regular Agenda Item No.1.) 5. Consideration of extending the moratorium on transportation impact fees. City Attorney to report. 6. Approval of Minutes of May 25, June 6, 13, 20, 1988. Copies enclosed. 7. Request from Conklin, Porter and Holmes for payment of statement from 5/14/88 thru 6/24/88 for Effluent Filtration, Disinfection, Storage, Pumping and Transmission Facilities...........$12,600.00 ADVICE TO THE PUBLIC: IF A PERSON DECIDES TO APPEAL A DECISION MADE WITH RESPECT TO ANY MATTER CONSIDERED AT THE ABOVE MEETING OR HEARING, HE MAY NEED A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS, INCLUDING THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE, WHICH RECORD IS NOT PROVIDED BY THE CITY OF SANFORD. (FS 286.0105) MEMORANDUM July 14, 1988 TO: CITY MANAGER FROM: CITY CLERK RE: REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COMMISSION - JULY 11, 1988 1. , ,..-t c, \ Public Hearing to consider changing the land use to amend the Future Land Use Plan Element of the ~omprehensive Plan. The action of the Commission was to hold the public hearing and to pass and adopt Ordinance No. 1957. 2. Public Hearing for the purpose of pUblic discussion of the proposed Groveview Neighborhood Park. dt\ The action of the Commission was to hold the public hearing and to announce the second pUblic hearing will be held August 8, 1988. 3. Public Hearing to consider closing, vacating and abandoning ~any right of the City and the public in and to a portion of ,~r\ Palmetto Ave. lying between East 28th Street & East 28th ; Place. The action of the Commission was to deny said closing. 4. Request from Cablevision of Central Florida to renew CATV Franchise. ~1i The action of the Commission was to approve the application for renewal of franchise and to place on first reading Ordinance No. 1956. The public hearing for second reading and adoption will be scheduled for July 25, 1988. 5. FIRST READING OF ORDINANCE: a. .Ordinance No. 1911: re: annex a portion of that certain ~property lying between SR 46 (Geneva Avenue) and \ vacated SCL RR and lying west of and abutting Brisson Avenue. Petitioner: Stanley H. Sandefur, Trustee The action of the Commission was to approve first reading. The public hearing for second reading and adoption is scheduled for August 8, 1988. 1\1 Ordinance No. 1956: re: an ordinance granting to American Television & Communications Corporation, doing business as Cablevision of Central Florida, a non-exclusive franchise to install, maintain and operate a cable system for the distribution of television signals, frequency modulated radio signals and cable/fiber optic related services; closed circuit television programs for a specific term; setting forth findings on minimum standards for the award of the franchise; providing for City regulation of its operation, payments, service, construction, maintenance, prohibitions, penalties and effective date. Tabled from the meeting of June 27, 1988. b. The action of the Commission was to approve first reading. The public hearing for second reading and adoption is scheduled for July 25, 1988. c. Ordinance No. 1959: re: rezone a portion of that ~V\\ certain property lying East of and abutting Laurel \ Avenue and between West 8th street and West 9th Street from SR-1 (Single Family Residential Dwelling) District to GC-2 (General Commercial) District. Petitioner: Earl & Lillian Thomas MEMORANDUM JULY 14, 1988 PAGE 2 The action of the Commission was to approve first reading. The public hearing for second reading and adoption is scheduled for July 25, 1988. 6., PASSED AND ADOPTED ORDINANCES: ~;~ Ordinance No. 1946: re: annex a portion of that certain property lying between Country Club Road and West Crystal Drive extended Southerly and lying between Pine lake Drive and Lake Blvd. and a portion of that certain property lying South of and abutting Fairway Road and lying between Country Club and West Crystal Drive extended Southerly. Petitioner: City of Sanford b. Ordinance No. 1952: re: rezone a portion of that '.'~ certain property lying West of and abutting Ridgewood ~ Avenue and lying between West 25th Street (SR 46A) and Airport Boulevard from AD (Agricultural) District to MR-1 (Multiple Family Residential Dwelling) District. Petitioner: School Board of Seminole County c. Ordinance No. 1958: re: amend City Code to prohibit ,y(use of lead pipes, solder and flux; require notice to ~\ persons who may be affected by contamination of City drinking water. 7. SECOND READING AND ADOPTION OF ORDINANCE: a. ~~ Ordinance No. 1950: re: annex a portion of that certain property lying between US 17-92 (Seminole Blvd.) and SCL RR and lying between Old Monroe Road and Riverview Avenue and that abutting portion of property lying Northerly of US 17-92 (Seminole Blvd.) Petitioner: Mary Leffler, et al The action of the Commission was to table said public hearing to the meeting of August 8, 1988. 8. Appointments/Resignations of Boards ~1 a. ~:\b. {t\ c. The Commission re-appointed Robert Lundquist and Thomas Whigham to the Youth Advisory Committee. The Commission accepted with regret the resignation of Joseph Dennison from the WINS Committee. The Commission appointed Nicholas Casiello to the Human Relations Advisory Board. ~~~ 9. Bid Tabulation #87/88-34: Renovation of Park Ridge Lift Station. The City Manager recommends acceptance of lowest bid meeting specification from Wharton Smith in the amount of $67,600. All bids met specification. The action of the Commission was to authorize acceptance of lowest bid meeting specification from Wharton Smith in the amount of $67,000. 10. The Commission presented Proclamations to James Quinn, John Lommerse, and Jim Clark commending them for fund-raising efforts for the American Heart Association. MEMORANDUM JULY 14, 1988 PAGE 3 ~. 12. o ci( 13. f\ The Commission approved the Budget and setting the millage. as follows: (a) The current year rolled-back rate of 4.4045. This acknowledges the rolled-back rate for notification to the Property Appraiser as required by Statute. (b) A proposed millage rate of 5.8459 mills. (This is tentative and may be changed downward at the public hearing and final consideration in September.) (c) A "proposed" Budget for 1988-89. (This is tentative and may be changed at the public hearing before final passage. ) (d) A Public Hearing on the "tentative Budget" to be held at 7:00 P. M. on September 12, 1988, in the City Commission Room. Consideration of requests for waiver of marina launch fees. Requests submitted from: u.s. Coast Guard Auxiliary Local marine dealers. Handicapped persons. The action of the Commission was to approve the request for the waiver of the marina launch fees for the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary and the local marine dealers. No action was taken on handicapped persons. Consideration of extending the moratorium on transportation impact fees. The action of the Commission was to pass and adopt an Emergency Ordinance No. 1962 to establish a sixty day moratorium on all transportation impact fees. The Commission approved the first reading of Ordinance No. 1963: "Opting-Out" of Seminole County's Transportation Impact Fee Ordinance No.87-04, restricting against collection of County transportation or road impact fees with the City. The public hearing for second reading and adoption of said ordinance is scheduled for July 25, 1988. 14. The Commission approved the Minutes of May 25, June 6, 13, 20, 1988. 15. ~i ~16. 17. r..Jr-- c:t\J v Gf\ jem The Commission approved the request from Conklin, Porter and Holmes for payment of statement from 5/14/88 through 6/24/88 for Effluent Filtration, Disinfection, Storage, Pumping and Transmission Facilities.......................... $12,600.00 The Commission approved the sale of two surplus billiard tables Bid #87/88-38 to Herman Schroeder (Bram Towers) and Robert Heideman for $50.00 a piece. The Commission authorized staff to utilize up to $2,000. to employ methods to control the midges along the lakefront and in the downtown area. The Commission authorized City Attorney to prepare a resolution supporting the Chamber of Commerce's efforts in this regard. DISTRIBUTION LIST: Director of Administrative Services Director of Engineering and Planning Director of Recreation and Parks Director of Public Works Director of Utilities Police Chief Fire Chief City Attorney Building Official Zoning Inspector