HomeMy WebLinkAbout062788 regular meeting agenda u u . , AGE N D A Regular Meeting of the City commission Monday, June 27, 1988 at 7:00 P.M. In the City Commission Room of the City Hall In the City of Sanford, Florida. 1. Public Hearing to consider supplementary regulations to provide that residential care facilities including but not limited to foster homes, group homes, family shelter homes and adult congregate living facilities may be utilized as permitted uses or conditional uses within certain residential, commercial and agricultural zone areas of the City. 2. Public Hearing to consider rezoning a portion of that certain property lying East of and abutting Laurel Avenue and between West 8th Street and West 9th Street from SR-1 (Single Family Residential Dwelling) District to GC-2 (General Commercial) District. 3. Public Hearing to consider closing, vacating and abandoning any right of the City and the pUblic in and to all of that certain North/South alley lying between Elm Avenue and Laurel Avenue and between West 15th Street and West 16th Street and all of Laurel Avenue lying between West 15th Street and West 16th Street. 4. Public Hearing to consider closing, vacating and abandoning any right of the City and the public in and to a portion of Palmetto Avenue lying between East 28th Street and East 28th Place and lying between Magnolia Avenue and Sanford Avenue. 5. Request from Cablevision of Central Florida to renew CATV Franchise. 6. First Reading of Ordinances. 7. Public Hearing for Second Reading & Adoption of Ordinances. 8. Confirmation of appointment of the Westside Improvement Neighborhood Strategy (WINS) Chairman. 9. Consent Agenda. 10. City Manager's Late Agenda Items. ADVICE TO THE PUBLIC: If a person decides to appeal a decision made with respect to any matter considered at the above meeting or hearing, he may need a verbatim record of the proceedings, including the testimony and evidence, which record is not provided by the City of Sanford. (FS 286.0105) MEMORANDUM June 27, 1988 FROM: MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION ,\1 f\ I - 1 CITY MANAGER,:; .lJ.. d I~' l; TO: RE: REGULAR AGENDA ITEM 3 -- PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER CLOSING A STREET AND AN ALLEY. REGULAR AGENDA ITEM 4 -- PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER CLOSING PART OF A STREET. Recommend these public hearings be held for public input, then tabled, pending receipt of letters of approval from utility companies. (No.3 will also be re-advertised.) /jd . t MEMORANDUM JUNE 27, 1988 TO: CITY COMMISSION FROM: CITY CLERK 1. Ad was published June 22, 1988. Second Reading and Adoption of Ordinance No. 1909. Copy attached: Map 2. Proper notices were sent to owners, Earl W. & Lillian Thomas, on June 21, 1988 and ad was published on June 7 and 17,1988. The Planning and Zoning Commission recommends approval of said rezoning. Copy attached: Map 3. Proper notices were sent to owners, School Board of Seminole County, on June 9, 1988 and ad was published on June 13, 1988. Recommend the public hearing be held and announce that the public hearing will be re-advertised for July 11, 1988. Copy attached: Map 4. Proper notices were sent to owners on June 9, 1988, and ad was published on June 13, 1988. Petitioner: Dale E. McConnell Copy attached: Map 5. Letter attached from Diane Pickett, Vice President and copy of proposed franchise agreement. 6 . FIRST RE.ADING OF ORDINANCES: a. Ordinance No. 1956: re: an ordinance granting to American Television & Communications Corporation, doing business as Cablevision of Central Florida, a non- exclusive franchise to install, maintain and operate a cable system for the distribution of television signals, frequency modulated radio signals and cable/fiber optic related services; closed circuit television programs for a specific term; setting forth findings on minimum standards for the award of the franchise; providing for City regulation of its operation, payments, service, construction, maintenance, prohibitions, penalties and effective date. b. Ordinance No. 1957: re: amending ordinance No. 1893 of said City; said ordinance being the comprehensive Plan and the evaluation and appraisal report; amending the Future Land Use Concept Map of the Future Land Use Plan Element. c. Ordinance No. 1952: re: rezone a portion of that certain property lying West of and abutting Ridgewood Avenue and lying between West 25th Street (SR 46A) and Airport Boulevard from AD (Agricultural) District to MR-1 (Multiple Family Residential Dwelling) District. Petitioner: school Board of Seminole County Copy attached: Map MEMORANDUM JUNE 27, 1988 PAGE 2 d. Ordinance No. 1953: certain property lying Street (CR 46A) and Lamplighter Drive. Petitioner: Harold F. re: annex a portion of that North of and abutting West 25th lying between Oregon Avenue and & Majorie M. White Copy attached: Map e. Ordinance No. 1954: re: annex a portion of that certain property lying between West 25th Street (CR 46A) and Sunset Drive and lying between Ridge Drive and Forest Drive. Petitioner: David A. Stump Copy attached: Map f. Ordinance No. 1955: re: annex a portion of that certain property lying between Briarcliffe Street and Osceola Drive and ~y~ng between US 17-92 (French Avenue) and Marshall Avenue. Petitioner: David A. Stump g. Copy attached: Map Ordinance No. 1958: use of lead pipes, persons who may be drinking water. re: amend City Code to prohibit solder and flux; require notice to affected by contamination of City Copy attached: Memo from City Attorney Copy of Ordinance 7. SECOND RE.ADING AND ADOPTION OF ORDINANCE: a. Ordinance No. 1883: re: to rezone a portion of that certain property lying east of SCL RR ROWand North of Airport Boulevard from MR-2 (Multiple Family Residential Dwelling) District to PUD (Planned Unit Development) District. Tabled from the meeting of June 13, 1988. Ad published January 29, 1988. Petitioner: ZOM-Sanford Copy attached: Map b. Ordinance No. 1942: re: to annex a portion of that certain property lying between West 28th Street and West 29th Street and lying between Park Avenue and Pinecrest School. Ad published May 27, June 3, 10, and 17, 1988. Petitioner: K. J. Spector, et al Copy attached: Map c. Ordinance No. 1945: re: annex a portion of that certain property lying West of and abutting Airport Boulevard and lying between Je~ett Lane and West 5th Street. Ad published May 27, June 3, 10, and 17, 1988. Petitioner: seminole Capital, Ltd. Copy attached: Map d. Ordinance No. 1947: re: close, vacate and abandon a portion of that certain 14 foot North/South alley lying between West 10th Street and West 11th Street and lying between Mulberry Avenue and Jessamine Avenue. Ad published June 17, 1988. Petitioner: Willie Mae Franklin Copy attached: Map MEMORANDUM JUNE 27, 1988 PAGE 3 e. Ordinance No. 1951: re: rezone a portion of that certain property lying West of and abutting Sanford Avenue and lying between East 25th Street (Geneva Avenue) and the Westerly extension of East 25th Place from MR-1 (Multiple Family Residential Dwelling) District to RC-1 (Restricted Commercial) District. Ad published June 17, 1988. Petitioner: Anita Reid Copy attached: Map 8. Confirmation of appointment. 9. Request for Payment of Statement as follows: a. Donald W. McIntosh Associates, Inc. for professional services rendered Site 10 Topographic Survey Contract in the amount of ..........................$ 5,062.00 b. Ivey, Bennett, Harris and Walls for professional services rended in the amount of ..........$ 1,203.81. 10. City Manager's Late Agenda , .. " I I ; I I , i MEMORANDUM June 24, 1988 TO: MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION FROM: CITY MANA~~ MANAGER'S LATE AGENDA COMMISSION MEETING OF RE: CITY CITY ITEMS FOR JUNE 27, 1988 1. Presentations: a. Certificate of Appreciation to Mike Martin, Division of Forestry. b. Resolution No. 1509 to Amefika Geuka. 2. Items from the June 20, 1988 Work Session. a. Discussion of Interlocal Agreement for Sign control on Lake Mary Boulevard right-of-way. Information submitted with June 20, 1988 Work Session Packet. b. Recommend approval of Amendments to Conklin, Porter and Holmes contracts. (1) Amendment No. 13 - Effluent Filtration, Disinfection, Storage, Pumping and Transmission Facilities. Due to changes in conditions and requirements for consultant support, request the "not-to-exceed" fee be increased by $12,600, to $406,719.47. Information submitted with June 20, 1988 Work Session Packet. (2) Amendment No. 23 - Update Study for Water and Sewer Impact Fees. Information submitted with June 20, 1988 Work Session Packet. c. Recommend approval of Rental Rehabilitation Policy Guidelines dated May, 1988. Copies distributed with June 13, 1988 Late Agenda. d. Recommend denial of ramp fee waiver request from Halifax Cruise Club, Inc. Information submitted with June 20, 1988 Work Session Packet. 3. Re: Regular Agenda Item 17.a.: Letter attached from ZOM Companies requesting to withdraw the request to rezone. 4. Request to continue use of an off-site sign for one year. Letter attached from Sid Vihlen, Jr., representing Florida CarPet, 2895 South Orlando Drive. 5. Requests for waiver of Marina Ramp Fee. Letters attached. a. From the Florida Citrus Sports Association, Inc. for their Sailing Regatta. b. From Greater Sanford Chamber of Commerce for sailboat parade on July 4, 1988. ;.. .... City Manager's Late Agenda Items for June 27, 1988 City Commission Meeting Page 2 of 3 c. From Lake Monroe Sailing Association for "Small Ship parade" on July 4, 1988, and for its bimonthly regattas and races. 6. Review of the County Road Impact Fee Interlocal Agreement. Memo attached from Director of Engineering and Planning, with proposed agreement. City Attorney to report. 7. Requests for payment of statements. Recommend approval. a. From Ardaman & Associates, Inc. for Wellfield Development Contract.........................................$ 14,721.51 b. From Ivey, Bennett, Harris and Walls, Inc. for Impact Fee Development......................................$ 302.50 c. From Ivey, Bennett, Harris and Walls, Inc. for Planning Assistance Grant................................ $ 1,347.60 d. From Conklin, Porter and Holmes for Engineering Services through June 3, 1988: (1) For Construction of Sludge Handling Facility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. $ 1,294.55 (2) For Grant Ineligible Sewer System Repair Work ........................................... .$ 84.52 (3) For Wastewater Effluent Spray Irrigation Systems .......................................... .$ 627.54 (4) For Vacuum Sewer Design....................$ 740.20 (5) For Site 10 Site Specific Studies...........$ 7,349.48 ( 6 ) For WWTP Tertiary Improvements and Reclaimed Water Distribution System.........................$ 16,521.19 (7) For Master Wastewater Pump Station..........$ 30,307.71 (8) For Water Treatment Plant High Service Pumping Mod. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 484.94 THE FOLLOWING ITEMS ARE LISTED FOR THE COMMISSION'S INFORMATION. THESE COULD EITHER BE DEFERRED TO A FUTURE MEETING, OR ACTED UPON JUNE 27, 1988. 8. Consideration of Tabulations of Bids. a. Bid #87/88-36 for Water Main Extension Materials. Reconmend accept bids from lowest bidders per section, as described in attached Memo. All bids met specifications. b. Bid #87/88-37 for Water Meter and Chart Recorder. Reconmend accept low bid from Blankenship & Associates in amount of $6,800. Bid does meet specifications. Copies attached: bid tabulations and memos from Utility Director. . . City Manager's Late Agenda Items for June 27, 1988 City Commission Meeting Page 3 of 3 9. Request for an Occupational License for an Open Air Restaurant. Copies attached: Memo from Licensing Official, License Application, Lease Negotiation, Commissary Agreement. Needs to obtain: Lease agreement, hot dog cart, health inspection. 10. First reading of Amended Ordinance No. 1911 (tabled January 25, 1988), re: Annex property between SR 46 and vacated Seaboard Coastline Railroad and West of and abutting Brisson Avenue. The petitioner, Stanley H. Sandefur, Trustee, has deleted property from that to be annexed, so that the annexation does not create an enclave. Copies attached: Memo from Director of Engineering and Planning, letter from Attorney Bill Hutchison, Jr., map, Amended Ordinance No. 1911. ADVICE TO THE PUBLIC: IF A PERSON DECIDES TO APPEAL A DECISION MADE WITH RESPECT TO ANY MATTER CONSIDERED AT THE ABOVE MEETING OR HEARING, HE MAY NEED A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS, INCLUDING THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE, WHICH RECORD IS NOT PROVIDED BY THE CITY OF SANFORD. (FS 286.0105) I/'J ( MEMORANDUM JULY 5, 1988 TO: CITY MANAGER FROM: CITY CLERK RE: ....~ REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COMMISSION ~JUNE 27, 1988 ---.--. .. 1. Public Hearing to consider supplementary regulations to provide that residential care facilities including but not limited to foster homes, group homes, family shelter homes and adult congregate living facilities may be utilized as permitted uses or conditional uses within certain residential, commercial and agricultural zone areas of the City. The action of the Commission was to hold the public hearing and to pass and adopt Ordinance No. 1909. 2. Public Hearing to consider rezoning a portion of ~hat certain property lying East of and abutting Laurel Avenue and between West 8th Street and West 9th Street from S~-l (Single Family Residential Dwelling) District to GC-2 (General Commercial) District. Petitioner: Earl W. & Lillian Thomas The action of the Commission was to authorize the City Attorney to prepare the proper ordinance. First Reading of Ordinance No. 1959 to be July 11, 1988. 3. Public Hearing to consider closing, vacatin; 2.~d abanc.c:.:.:,:,:,S any right of the City and the public in and to all of that certain North/South alley lying between Elm Avenue and Laurel Avenue and between West 15th Street and West 18th Street and all of Laurel Avenue lying between West 15th Street and West 18th Street. Petitioner: school Board of Seminole County The action of the Commission was hearing and to authorize said hearing the meeting of July 25, 1988. to table said public be re-advertised for 4. Public Hearing to consider closing, vacating a~d abandoning any right of the City and the public in and to a portion of Palmetto Avenue lying between East 28th Street and East 23th Place and lying between Magnolia Avenue and Sanford Avenue. Petitioner: Dale E. McConnell The action of the Commission was ~o table sai~ p'~J~l~ hearing to the meeting of July 11, 1988. 5. Request from Cablevision of Central Florida to renew CA7V Franchise. At the request of Cablevision the Commission tabled renewal of CATV franchise to the meeting of July 11, 1388. 6 . FIRST RE.ADING OF ORDINANCES: a. Ordinance No. 1956: re: an ordinance granting to American Television & Communications Corporation, dcing business as Cablevision of Central Flo=ida, a non- exclusive franchise to install, maintain and operate a cable system for the distribution of televis~_on signals, frequency modulated radio signals and cable/fiber optic related services; closed circuit television programs for a specific term; setting forth findings on minimum standards for the award of the franchise; providing for City regulation of its operation, payments, service, constructio:l, l<IEMORANDUM JULY 5, 1988 PAGE 2 maintenance, prohibitions, date. penalties and effective The action reading of 1988. of the Commission said ordinance ,to the was to tabled first meeting of July 11, b. Ordinance No. 1957: re: amending ordinance No. 1893 of said City; said ordinance being the comprehensive Plan and the evaluation and appraisal report; amending the Future Land Use Concept Map of the Future Land Use Plan Element. The action of the Commission was to approve first reading. The public hearing for second reading and adoption is scheduled for July 11, 1988. c. Ordinance No. 1952: re: rezone a portion of that certain property lying West of and abutting Ridgewood Avenue and lying between West 25th Street (SR 46A) and Airport Boulevard from AD (Agricultural) District to MR-1 (Multiple Family Residential Dwelling) District. Petitioner: School Board of Seminole County The action of the Commission was to approve first reading. The public hearing for second reading and adoption is scheduled for July 11, 1988. d. Ordinance No. 1953: re: annex certain property lying North of and Street (CR 46A) and lying between Lamplighter Drive. Petitioner: Harold F. & Marjorie M. a portion of that abutting West 25th Oregon Avenue and White The action of the Commission was to approve first reading. The public hearing for second reading and adoption is scheduled for July 25, 1988. e. Ordinance No. 1954: re: certain property lying between 46A) and Sunset Drive and lying Forest Drive. Petitioner: David A. Stump annex a portion of that West 25th Street (CR between Ridge Drive and The action of the Commission was to approve first reading. The public hearing for second reading and adoption is scheduled for July 25, 1988. f. Ordinance No. 1955: re: annex a portion of that certain property lying between Briarcliffe Street and Osceola Drive and lying between US 17-92 (French Avenue) and Marshall Avenue. Petitioner: David A. Stump The action of the Commission was to approve first reading. The public hearing for second reading and adoption is scheduled for July 25, 1988. g. Ordinance No. 1958: re: amend City Code to prohibit use of lead pipes, solder and flux; require notice to persons who may be affected by contamination of City drinking water. The action of the Commission was to approve first reading. The public hearing for second reading and adoption is scheduled for July 11, 1988. MEMORANDUM JULY 5, 1988 PAGE 3 7. SECOND RE.ADING AND ADOPTION OF ORDIN~CE: a. Ordinance No. 1883: re: to rezone a portion of that certain property lying east of SCL RR ROWand North of Airport Boulevard from MR-2 (Multiple Family Residential Dwelling) District to PUD (Planned Unit Development) District. Petitioner: ZOM-Sanford The petitioner withdrew request mentioned property. to rezone above b. Ordinance No. 1942: re: to annex a portion of that certain property lying between West 28th Street and West 29th Street and lying between Park Avenue and Pinecrest School. Petitioner: K. J. Spector, et al The action of reading and advertisement 8, 1988. the Commission was to table second adoption and to authorize said be republished for the meeting of August c. Ordinance No. 1945: re: annex a portion of that certain property lying West of and abutting Airport Boulevard and lying between Jewett Lane and West 5th Street. Petitioner: Seminole Capital, Ltd. The action of the Commission was to reading and adoption of Ordinance No. meeting of September 26, 1988. table second 1945 to the PASSED AND ADOPTED ORDINANCES: d. Ordinance No. 1947: re: close, vacate and abandon a portion of that certain 14 foot North/South alley lying between West 10th Street and West 11th Street and lying between Mulberry Avenue and Jessamine Avenue. Petitioner: Willie Mae Franklin e. Ordinance No. 1951: re: rezone a portion of that certain property lying West of and abutting Sanford Avenue and lying between East 25th Street (Geneva Avenue) and the Westerly extension of East 25th Place from MR-1 (Multiple Family Residential Dwelling) District to RC-1 (Restricted Commercial) District. Petitioner: Anita Reid 8. Confirmation of appointment. The Commission stated that WINS their own chairman. Committee should elect 9. The Commission authorized the Payment of Statement as follows: a. Donald W. McIntosh Associates, Inc. for professional services rendered Site 10 Topographic Survey Contract in the amount of .......................... $ 5,062.00 b. Ivey, Bennett, Harris and Walls for professional services rended in the amount of ..........$ 1,203.81. MEMORANDUM JULY 5, 1988 PAGE 4 10. Presentations: a. Certificate of Appreciation was presented to Mike Martin, Division of Forestry. b. The Commission passed and adopted Resolution No. 1509 and presented said Resolution to Amefika Geuka. Resolution No. Amefika D. Geuka Sanford, Florida Committee. 1509: for as re: thanking and commending his services to the City of a member of the WINS Steering 11. a. The Commission authorized the City Attorney to review Interlocal Agreement for Sign control on Lake Mary Boulevard right-of-way and to place on the Agenda for July 11, 1988. b. The Commission approved the Amendments to Conklin, Porter and Holmes contracts as follows: (1) Amendment No. 13 Effluent Filtration, Disinfection, Storage, Pumping and Transmission Facilities. Due to changes in conditions and requirements for consultant support, request the "not-to-exceed" fee be increased by $12,600, to $406,719.47. Information submitted with June 20, 1988 Work Session Packet. (2) Amendment No. 23 Update Study for Water and Sewer Impact Fees. Information submitted with June 20, 1988 Work Session Packet. c. The Commission approved the Rental Rehabilitation Policy Guidelines dated May, 1988. d. The Commission denied the request to waive the ramp fee for Halifax Cruise Club, Inc. 12. The Commission authorized the request from Sid Vihlen, Jr., representing Florida Carpet to continue use of an off-site sign for one year located at 2895 South Orlando Drive. 13. Requests for waiver of Marina Ramp Fee. a. From the Florida Citrus Sports Association, Inc. for their Sailing Regatta. The Commission authorized the request for the waiver of the Marina Ramp Fee for the Sailing regatta December 2, 3, and 4, 1988. b. From Greater Sanford Chamber of Commerce for sailboat parade on July 4, 1988. The Commission delayed enforcement of the Marina ramp fee to July 9, 1988. c. From Lake Monroe Sailing Association for "Small Ship parade" on July 4, 1988, and for its bimonthly regattas and races. The ramp fee will be initiated on July 9, and waiver of bimonthly fee for the regattas and races was denied. MEMORANDUM JULY 5, 1988 PAGE 5 14. Review of the County Road Impact Fee Interlocal Agreement. The City Attorney reported the agreement was not in proper legal form and recommended this be tabled pending the courts decision on the impact fee case. The Commission tabled same for further information. 15. The Commission follows: approved the payment of statements as a. From Ardaman & Associates, Inc. for Development Contract...................... Wellfield $ 14,721.51 b. From Ivey, Bennett, Harris and Walls, Inc. for Impact Fee Development............................. $ 302. 50 c. From Ivey, Bennett, Harris and Walls, Inc. for Planning Assistance Grant............................$ 1,347.60 d. From Conklin, Porter and Holmes for Engineering Services through June 3, 1988: (1) For Construction of Sludge Handling Facility . . . . . .. .............................. $ 1,294.55 (2) For Grant Ineligible Sewer System Repair Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 84. S2 (3) For Wastewater Effluent Spray Irrigation Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 627.54 (4) For Vacuum Sewer Design................$ 740.20 (5) For Site Specific Studies..............$ 7,349.48 (6) For WWTP Tertiary Improvements and Reclaimed Water Distribution System....................$16,521.19 (7) For Master Wastewater Pump Station.....$30,307.71 (8) For Water Treatment Plant High Service Pumping Mod. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 484 . 94 .~ 16. Consideration of Tabulations of Bids. a. Bid *87/88-36 for Water Main Extension The Commission authorized acceptance of lowest bidders per section. Materials. bids from b. Bid #87/88-37 for Water Meter and Chart Recorder. The Commission authorized acceptance of low bid from Blankenship & Associates in amount of $6,800. 17. Request for an Occupational License for Restaurant. an Open Air The action of the Commission was to authorize issuance of an occupational license upon submission of proper lease and sanitation requirements. MEMORANDUM JULY 5, 1988 PAGE 6 18. First reading of Amended Ordinance No. 1911 (tabled January 25, 1988), re: Annex property between SR 46 and vacated Seaboard Coastline Railroad and West of and abutting Brisson Avenue. The petitioner, Stanley H. Sandefur, Trustee, has deleted property from that to be annexed, so that the annexation does not create an enclave. The action of the Commission was to consider the annexation on the next regular agenda. 19. The Commission approved a Galaxy Fireworks, Inc. requirement for peddlers located on the southwest Minnie Drive. request from Denney Mahoney, d/b/a to waive the two-hour moving from June 28, 1988 to July 5, 1988 corner of Highway 17-92 and Lake 20. The Commission approved a request from Hanson's Auto Lot to waive the 25 foot setback requirement located at 185 West Airport Blvd. jem DISTRIBUTION LIST: Director of Administrative Services Director of Engineering and Planning Director of Recreation and Parks Director of Public Works Director of Utilities Police Chief Fire Chief City Attorney Building Official Zoning Inspector