HomeMy WebLinkAbout041188 regular meeting agenda AGE N D A Regular Meeting of the City commission Monday, April 11, 1988 at 7:00 P.M. In the City Commission Room of the City Hall In the City of Sanford, Florida. 1. Public Hearing to consider rezoning a portion of that certain property lying South of and abutting Airport Boulevard and lying between East Woodland Drive and Sanford Avenue from SR-1 (Single Family Residential Dwelling) District to RC-1 (Restricted Commercial) District. 2. First Reading of Ordinances. 3. Public Hearing Ordinance. for Second Reading and Adoption of 4. Consideration of the Emergency Shelter Grants Program Amendment to Interlocal Agreement. 5. Consideration of the Cultural Arts Center Rehabilitation. 6. Consideration of proposed CSX Pipeline Crossing Agreements- Vacuum Sewer System. 7. Consent Agenda. 8. Appointment to the Human Relations Advisory Board. 9. City Manager's Late Agenda Items. ADVICE TO THE PUBLIC: If a person decides to appeal a decision made with respect to any matter considered at the above meeting or hearing, he may need a verbatim record of the proceedings, including the testimony and evidence, which record is not provided by the City of Sanford. (FS 286.0105) ~fttl MEMORANDUM April 11, 1988 TO: CITY COMMISSION . ~ CITY MANAGE~~ ADDENDUM TO CITY MANAGER'S LATE AGENDA ITEMS FOR CITY COMMISSION MEETING OF APRIL 11, 1988 FROM: RE: 1. "Rotary Club and J. Mila requests": Both of these items may come from the "the floor" Monday night. Request City Commission take action at the same meeting. Information and recommendations for approval are attached. , MEMORANDUM APRIL 11, 1988 TO: CITY COMMISSION FROM: CITY CLERK 1. Notice was sent to owners, Harvey and Frances Harris, on March 11, 1988, and ad was published on March 22, 1988 and April 1, 1988. Copy Attached: Map 2. FIRST READING OF ORDINANCES: a. Ordinance No. 1930: re: to close, vacate and abandon a portion of that certain North/South utility easement lying between East 25th Place and East 26th Street and between Poinsetta Avenue and vacated Princeton Avenue. Petitioner: City of Sanford Copy Attached: Map b. Ordinance No. 1932: re: to rezone a portion of that certain property lying East of and abutting Cypress Avenue and lying between East 2nd Street and East 3rd Street from RMOI (Multiple-Family Residential, Office and Institutional Dwelling) District to GC-2 (General Commercial) District. Petitioner: Donald L. Vincent Copy Attached: Map c. Ordinance No. 1933: re: to rezone a portion of that certain property lying East of and abutting Hidden Lake Drive and lying between Lake Mary Boulevard and Sanford Grant Line from SR-1 (Single Family Residential Dwelling) District to MR-2 (Multiple Family Residential Dwelling) District. Petitioner: BML Investments Copy Attached: Map d. Ordinance No. 1934: re: to amend Chapter 16 Licenses, the Code of the City of Sanford, Florida, 1954, as amended providing for exhibit and display of licenses and providing a License Official, or other employee as designated by the City Manager, be responsible for inspection of businesses. 3. SECOND READING AND ADOPTION OF ORDIKANCES: Ordinance No. 1929: re: to annex a portion of that certain property lying East of and abutting Upsala Road and lying between vacated SCL RR and West 25th Street (CR 46A). Ad published March 18, 25, April 1 and 8, 1988. Petitioner: Debra Trizzino, et al Copy Attached: Map 4. The Urban County Emergency Shelter Grants Program provides for the subgranting of an additional $4,000 for homeless assistance. City Manager recommends approval of subgranting. Copy attached: Memo from the Community Development Officer Agreement for Emergency Shelter Grant MEMORANDUM APRIL 11, 1988 PAGE 2 5. Copies attached: Letter from Director of Engineering & Planning Letter from the Greater Sanford Chamber of Commerce 6. Request to authorize the execution of two (2) CSX Railroad Utility Crossing Agreements - Vacuum Sewer System in the amount of $2100. Recommended by the City Manager. Copies attached: Letter from the Director of Engineering & Planning CSX Railroad Agreements 7. REQUEST FOR PAYMENT OF STATEMENTS AS FOLLOWS: A. Briar Construction Company for Bevier Road Reconstruction - Pay Application No. 5 (Final Payment) in the amount of............................ $12 , 995.60 B. Wharton-Smith, Facility Pay Inc. for payment on Application No. 18 Sludge Handling in the amount of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 7, 577 . 70 C. Ivey, Bennett, Harris & Walls, Inc. for computerized mapping data in the amount of...............$ 92.00 D. Conklin, Porter and engineering services for 3/11/88: Holmes Engineers, Inc. for period of 2/6/8 through Site 10 Site Specific Studies CPH Job No. S0602.30 in the amount 0 f .............................. $ 25 , 31 B . 70 Grant Ineligible Sewer System Repair Work CPH Job No. S0602.24 in the amount of ..................$ 9,012.83 Vacuum Sewer Design CPH Job No. S0602.27 in the amount of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 8, 968 . 23 Wastewater Effluent Spray Irrigation Systems CPH Job No. S0602.26 in the amount of...............$ 3,420.67 CONSIDERATION OF BID TABULATIONS: E. Bid Tabulation #87/88-24 for repair and repainting of the Mellonville Elevated Water Tank. Utility Director recommends the bid be awarded to the lowest bidder meeting specifications from Hi-Line Contractors, in the amount of.............................. $ 31,175.00. F. Bid Tabulation #87/88-25 to replace roof at the Public Works Complex. Public Works Director recommends the bids be rejected and re-bid this item. G. Approval of Vouchers for the month of March, 1988. H. Approval of Minutes (2) March 7, 1988 and (2) March 14, 1988. 8. Human Relations Advisory Board - one appointment. 9. City Manager's Late Agenda. MEMORANDUM April 8, 1988 FROM: MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION CITY MANAG~ y~ CITY MANAGER'S LATE AGENDA ITEMS FOR CITY COMMISSION MEETING OF APRIL 11, 1988 TO: RE: 1. Items from the April 4, 1988 Work Session. a. Discussion of the Historic Preservation Board's recommendation (submitted February 8, 1988) to designate a portion of Sanford an Historic District and have it placed on the National Register. b. Recommend the City maintain its Financial Advisory relationship with Art Diamond, Fishkind & Associates, Inc. c. Recommend approval of request to advertise for bids to weatherproof the Cultural Arts Center (roof, window and exterior wall repairs.) d. Discussion of the Lake Mary/Sanford Irrigation Lease. (Please bring your copy.) 2. Request to authorize Staff to proceed to obtain a written option to purchase the site for Fire Station 13. Recommend approval, as outlined in memo from Director of Engineering and Planning (attached.) 3. Request to authorize hiring Construction Inspectors for Wastewater Program. Memo attached from Director of Engineering and Planning, with copy of Utility Director's Memo. Recommend approval. 4. Discussion of purpose and function of the Henry Shelton Sanford Memorial Library and Museum Board. Letter attached from A. B. Peterson, Jr., Chairman. 5. Irrigation Project at Mayfair Golf Course. (Approval recommended of ( a ) and ( b) . ) a. Proposed agreement to obtain a turf expert's recommendation as to the acceptability of use of reclaimed water on the greens. City Manager's Late Items for City Commission Meeting of April 11, 1988 Page 2 of 2 b. Request authorization to add installation of groundwater monitoring wells and monitoring of groundwater conditions to Amendment No. 14 of Conklin, Porter & Holmes contract (design of Golf Course Irrigation System contract.) 6. Consideration of changes to Lot Mowing Fees. Memo attached. 7. Request to authorize transfers from reserve funds. Memo attached with Memo from Director of Finance. Recommend approval ($3,930.68 from General Fund and $2,032.68 from Utility Fund.) 8. Requests for payment of invoices. Recommend approval. a. From Seminole County for Reclaimed Water Installation right-of- Way Use Permit..................................... $ 1, 313 . 10 b. From Donald W. McIntosh & Associates for Site 10 Topographic Survey. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $18 , 21 7 . 50 9. Approval of Minutes of March 28, 1988. Copy enclosed. ADVICE TO THE PUBLIC: IF A PERSON DECIDES TO APPEAL A DECISION MADE WITH RESPECT TO ANY MATTER CONSIDERED AT THE ABOVE MEETING OR HEARING, HE MAY NEED A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS, INCLUDING THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE, WHICH RECORD IS NOT PROVIDED BY THE CITY OF SANFORD. (FS 286.0105) MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: RE: \ ~ ~' , tLl~ \j 1. APRIL 12, 1988 CITY MANAGER CITY CLERK REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COMMISSION - APRIL 11, 1988 Public Hearing to consider rezoning a portion of that certain property lying South of and abutting Airport Boulevard and lying between East Woodland Drive and Sanford Avenue from SR-1 (Single Family Residential Dwelling) District to RC-1 (Restricted Commercial) District. The Commission authorized the City Attorney to prepare the proper ordinance and place said Ordinance on first reading April 25, 1988. 2 . FIRST READING OF ORDINANCES: /a. (( -4l<: Ordinance No. 1930: re: to close, vacate and abandon a portion of that certain North/South utility easement lying between East 25th Place and East 26th Street and between poinsetta Avenue and vacated Princeton Avenue. Petitioner: City of Sanford The action of the Commission was to approve first reading and to place said Ordinance on second reading and adoption on April 25, 1988. b. Ordinance No. 1932: re: to rezone a portion of that certain property lying East of and abutting Cypress Avenue and lying between East 2nd Street and East 3rd Street from RMOI (Multiple-Family Residential, Office and Institutional Dwelling) District to GC-2 (General / Commercial) District. '\j\ Petitioner: Donald L. Vincent_ ./ /, Ii I '-\+- /' {l\ The action of the Commission was reading and to place said Ordinance and adoption on April 25, 1988. to approve first on second reading c. Ordinance No. 1933: re: to rezone a portion of that certain property lying East of and abutting Hidden Lake Drive and lying between Lake Mary Boulevard and Sanford Grant Line from SR-l (Single Family Residential Dwelling) District to MR-2 (Multiple Family Residential Dwelling) District. Petitioner: BML Investments / The action of the Commission was to approve first reading and to place said Ordinance on second reading and adoption on April 25, 1988. d. Ordinance No. 1934: re: to amend Chapter 16 Licenses, the Code of the City of Sanford, Florida, 1954, as amended providing for exhibit and display of licenses and providing a License Official, or other employee as designated by the City Manager, be responsible for inspection of businesses. The action of the Commission was reading and to place said Ordinance and adoption on April 25, 1988. to approve first on second reading MEMORANDUM APRIL 12, 1988 PAGE 2 3 . PASSED AND ADOPTED: I ~' Ordinance No. 1929: re: to annex a property lying East of and abutting between vacated SCL RR and West 25th Petitioner: Debra Trizzino, et al portion of that certain Ups ala Road and lying Street (CR 46A). 4. The Urban County Emergency for the subgranting of an assistance. Shelter Grants Program provides additional $4,000 for homeless ,}: . '\ i,j'\, I~, '\" 1"""- y" City Manager, the Commission Urban County Emergency Shelter Agreement and Subgrant ^ward in " ;,l': On recommendation of the approved Amendment No. 1 to Grants Program Interlocal the amount of $4,000. 5~ On recommendation of the City Manager, the Commission~~ (' - \ ~.JI' authorized the approval to advertise for bids to \- 'f}I-' weatherproof the Cultural Arts Center. 6. The Commission , . (, \,;' Railroad Utility (~I.lL''-t in the amount of "J ..v authorize the execution of two (2) Crossing Agreements - Vacuum Sewer $2100. 7. /PAYMENT OF STATEMENTS AUTHORIZED AS FOLLOWS: ; l,f/ ~ A. Briar Construction Company for Bevier Ro Reconstruction - Pay Application No. 5 (Final Payment in the amount of............................ $12,995.60 B. Wharton-Smith, Inc. for payment on Sludge Handl Facility Pay Application No. 18 in the amo of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 7, 577 .7 C. Ivey, Bennett, Harris & Walls, Inc. for computer1 mapping data in the amount of...............$ 92. D. Conklin, engineering 3/11/88: Porter and Holmes Engineers, Inc. services for period of 2/6/8 Site 10 Site Specific Studies CPH Job No. the amount of .............................. $25,318: Grant Ineligible Sewer System Repair Work CPH Jo S0602.24 in the amount of .................. $ 9, O~~ Vacuum Sewer Design CPH Job No. S0602.27 in the of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 8,9 . ' Wastewater Effluent Spray Irrigation Systems No. S0602.26 in the amount of...............$ CONSIDERATION OF BID TABULATIONS: E. /, '-,Fv,!, t \ ' ,\ ,H/).. ~\,V Awarded Bid #87/88-24 for repair and Mellonville Elevated Water Tank to the lowes~} meeting specifications from Hi-Line Contractor.j amount of.................................. $ 31 /; F. Approved Vouchers for the month of March, 1988., Approved of Minutes (2) March 7, 1988 and (2) 28,1988. G. MEMORANDUM < t~~1~8. t~J'}-;~ 9 . I ~.;Jj10 . 1S \ ~011. A~ ~V12. ~ " \i 13 \\1 (\}V . -\0 f'\ r~~ , \ \ I " 14. ~ ~\\~ t n IV \pY ~\:i\' 16. t~ ~ ~ '\J 17 \1-, ii'" . rr APRIL 12, 1988 PAGE 3 The Commission authorized to reject Bid #87/88-25 to replace roof at the Public Works Complex and to rebid. The Commission authorized a portion of Sanford as an Historic District, as recommended by the Consultant, be placed on the listing of the National Register. The Commission authorized the City to maintain its Financial Advisory relationship with Art Diamond, Fishkind & Associates, Inc. The Commission denied the and authorized the City Mary a 180 day option spraying of effluent. irrigation lease with Lake Mary, Staff to offer to the City of Lake at a price of $10,000 for the The Commission authorized Staff to proceed to obtain a written option to purchase the entire site for Fire Station #3 in the amount of $99,000, for Lot 22 Sanford Central Park. The Commission authorized the request to hire Construction Inspectors for the Wastewater Program. The Commission approved the policy pertaining to the Sanford Memorial Library and Museum Board as stated in Mr. Peterson's letter of March 15, 1988. The Commission authorize with Seminole Club, Inc. corrections are made on Mr. Daniels. ~\~~ ~ The Commission authorized Staff to obtain bids on the VJ .~ acceptability of use of reclaimed water on the greens. p. The Commission tabled to 4/25/88 consideration to add '~~/' the, in~tallation of groundwa~e7 monitoring wells and ~}-':ll' \ mon~tor~ng of groundwater cond~t~ons to Amendment No. ~~' 14 of Conklin, Porter & Holmes contract (design of Golf Course Irrigation System contract.) the Mayor to execute a contract (Mayfair Country Club) after two Page 12, and after acceptance by The Commission authorized the acceptance of the Lot Mowing Procedures as recommended by the City Manager in his memo of April 7, 1988. The Commission authorized transfers from reserve funds in the amounts of $3,930.68 from General Fund and $2,032.68 from Utility Fund for employees retired prior to FRS. 18~ The Commission authorized the payment of '* \ follows: a. From Seminole County for Reclaimed Water Installation right-of-way permit.....................$ 1,313.10 19. - Qb' ~}J invoices as b. From Donald W. McIntosh & Associates for Site 10 Topographic Survey.......................$18,217.50 The Commission authorized the City to aid the project at 110 Rand Yard Road to extend a 10" main with the City to pay the difference between the developer's initial cost for a 6" main and the cost of the 10" line; the City amount not to exceed $7,327. MEMORANDUM APRIL 12, 1988 PAGE 4 i^ \!,--., '20. QSt\ I'v Vj'J The Commission authorized the request from the Sanford Rotary Club for installation of sleeves, to hold American flags, in the sidewalks in front of downtown businesses. A flush cap will be installed in each sleeve except when the flag staff is in place in order to avoid creation of a tripping hazard. 21f ~~:\ The Commission approved the plat for Brynhaven First Replat, a replat of Brynhaven subdivision, a 161 single family home subdivision located at Stenstrom Boulevard and Sanford Avenue in a SR-1 zone. Petitioner: Suda, Inc. 22., The Commission appointed Commissioner Whitey Eckstein to the / Lake Mary Boulevard Corridor Board as the Commission's ,V\ representative. \ jem DISTRIBUTION LIST: Director of Administrative Services Director of Engineering and Planning Director of Recreation and Parks Director of Public Works Director of Utilities Police Chief Fire Chief City Attorney Building Official ,Zoning Inspector