HomeMy WebLinkAbout020888 regular meeting agenda r- .1 ..:.,,(JI (-iYi ,) ,/ AGE N D A Regular Meeting of the City Commission Monday, February 8, 1988 at 7:00 P.M. In the City Commission Room of the City Hall In the City of Sanford, Florida. 1. Public Hearing to consider rezoning a portion of that certain property lying between State Road 46 and Narcissus Avenue and lying West of and abutting Rand Yard Road from AD (Agricultural) District to RI-1 (Restricted Industrial) District. 2. Public Hearing to consider rezoning a portion of certain property lying between West 24th Place and West Street and between Cedar Avenue and Holly Avenue from (Single Family Residential Dwelling) District to (Multi-Family Residential Dwelling) District. that 25th SR-1 RMOI 3 . Public Hearing to consider a portion of that certain North of and abutting Lot South of and abutting Lots ROW. closing, vacating and abandoning 14 foot East/West alley lying 9 and vacated RR ROWand lying 1, 2 part of 3 and vacated RR 4. Public Hearing to consider closing, vacating and abandoning a portion of that 10 foot North/South utility easement lying North of and abutting Coastline Road and lying between Codisco Way and Central Park Drive. 5. Public Hearing to consider closing, vacating and abandoning a portion of that 7 foot utility easement lying East of Hidden Lake Drive and lying between Loch Low Drive and Meadow Hills Drive. 6. Public Hearing to consider the Small Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment. 7. Request to Vacate a Utility Easement. 8. First Reading of Ordinance. 9. Public Hearing to consider Second Reading and Adoption of Ordinances. 10. Consent Agenda 11. City Manager's Late Agenda Items. ADVICE TO THE PUBLIC: If a person decides to appeal a decision made with respect to any matter considered at the above meeting or hearing, he may need a verbatim record of the proceedings, including the testimony and evidence, which record is not provided by the City of Sanford. (FS 286.0105) MEMORANDUM FEBRUARY 8, 1988 TO: CITY COMMISSION FROM: CITY CLERK 1. Notice was sent to owner, SAN-FLA Investors Ltd., January 7, 1988, and ad was published on January 18 and 28, 1988. Planning and Zoning Commission memo of 1-21-88, Item #1, recommend approval. Copy Attached: Map 2. Notice was sent to owner, A. V. Barber, Jr., January 7, 1988, and ad was published on January 18 and 28, 1988. Planning and Zoning commission memo of 1-21-88, Item #2, recommend denial. Copy Attached: Map 3. Notice was sent to owners, Michael J. Paulucci, et aI, January 21, 1988, and ad was published on January 25, 1988. Copy Attached: Memo from Utility Director Map 4. Notice was sent to owners, Codisco, Inc., January 21, 1988, and ad was published on January 25, 1988. Copy Attached: Map 5. Notice was sent to owners, David and Virginia Sanders, January 21, 1988, and ad was pUblished on January 25, 1988. Copy Attached: Memo from Utility Director Map 6. Re: A portion of Lot 45, Florida Land & Colonization Celery Plantation. Ad was published February 1, 1988. Copy Attached: Map 7. Request from Sanford Gymnastics Association, Inc. to close, vacate, and abandon a utility easement lying between 25th Street and 26th Street and between poinsetta Avenue and Princeton Avenue. Copy Attached: Memo from Director of Engineering and Planning Map 8. FIRST READING OF ORDINANCES: Ordinance No. 1924: re: to close, vacate and abandon a portion of that certain 14 foot East/West alley lying between Oak Avenue and Myrtle Avenue and between First Street and Second Street. Petitioner: Stanley H. Sandefur, et al Copy Attached: Map 9 . SECOND READING AND ADOPTION OF ORDINANCES: a. Ordinance No. 1883: re: to rezone a portion of that certain property lying East of Seaboard Coastline Railroad Right-of-Way and North of Airport Boulevard from MR-2 (Multiple-Family Residential Dwelling) District to PUD (Planned Unit Development) District. MEMORANDUM FEBRUARY 8, 1988 PAGE 2 Tabled from meeting of 8-10-87. Ad published January, 29, 1988. Petitioner: 20M Development, Inc., et al Copy Attached: Map b. Ordinance No. 1915: re: to annex a portion of that certain property abutting Narcissus Avenue and lying between Kennel Road and Terwilliger Lane. Ad published January 15, 22, 29 and February 5, 1988. Petitioner: SAN-FLA, Inc. et al Copy Attached: Map c. Ordinance No. 1916: re: to annex a portion of that certain property lying North of and abutting SCL RR and between Kennel Road extended Northerly and Terwilliger Lane. Ad published January 15, 22, 29 and February 5, 1988. Petitioner: Fred Clark, et al Copy Attached: Map d. Ordinance No. 1917: re: to annex a portion of that certain property lying between Airport Boulevard and SCL RR ROWand lying between West 5th Street and Jewett Lane. Ad published January 15, 22, 29 and February 5, 1988. Petitioner: Lee R. & Carolyn G. Sallee Copy Attached: Map e. Ordinance No. 1918: re: to annex a portion of that certain property lying between Sanford Avenue and Palmetto Avenue and lying between East 28th Place and East 29th Street. Ad published January 15, 22, 29 and February 5, 1988. Petitioner: Charles R. Tate, et al Copy Attached: Map f. Ordinance No. 1919: re: to annex a portion of that certain property lying at the Southeast corner of the intersection of Highway 17-92 and County Home Road. Ad published January 15, 22, 29 and February 5, 1988. Petitioner: Gary Mullen Copy Attached: Map g. Ordinance No. 1920: re: to annex a portion of that certain property lying between State Road 46 and West 5th Street and between Upsala Road and Old Monroe Road. Ad published January 15, 22, 29 and February 5, 1988. Petitioner: Theo and Mildred Cobb Copy Attached: Map h. Ordinance No. 1922: re: to rezone a portion of that certain property lying between East 24th Place and East 25th Street and between Sanford Avenue and Grandview Avenue from RC-1 (Restricted Commercial) District to GC-2 (General Commercial) District. Ad published January 29, 1988. Petitioner: David O. Lanier, et al Copy Attached: Map MEMORANDUM FEBRUARY 8, 1988 PAGE 3 i. Ordinance No. 1923: re: to rezone a portion of that certain property lying between 25th Street and 25th Place and between Magnolia Avenue and Palmetto Avenue from RC-1 (Restricted Commercial) District to GC-2 (General Commercial) District. Ad published January 29, 1988. Petitioner: Selma Williams Copy Attached: Map 10. Consent Agenda a. Request for approval of Vouchers for the month of January 1988. b. Planning and Zoning recommendations from the meeting of January 21, 1988. 1. Item ~1 refers to Item ~1 on this agenda. 2. Item ~2 refers to Item ~2 on this agenda. 3. Item ~3 was approved January 25, 1988. c. Request for Harris and December 1, $1,137.25. Manager. payment of invoices from Ivey, Bennett, Walls for consultant Planning Services from 1987 to December 31, 1987 in the amount of Recommend payment by City Engineer and City 11. City Manager's Late Agenda. MEMORANDUM February 5, 1988 TO: MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION FROM: CITY MANAGE~~._ . CITY MANAGER'S LATE AGENDA CITY COMMISSION MEETING OF ~ RE: ITEMS FOR FEBRUARY 8, 1988 1. Items from the February 1, 1988 Work Session: a. Sanford Gymnastics Association. Proposed lease. (Being revised by City Attorney. ) Discussion of site plan and request to vacate utility easement. Memos attached from Director of Engineering and Planning with map, list of Board of Directors and copy of By-laws. b. Recommend authorization for change in Occupational License Ordinance, removing Police Department from inspectional responsibilities and assigning same to the Occupational License Division or others as may be assigned by the City Manager. c. Consider acceptance of the By-laws of Henry Shelton Sanford Memorial Library and Museum. Letter attached from Chairman, with copy of By-laws. d. Request from the We the People ballet to fund supporting expenses. Copy attached: Memo from Director of Recreation and Parks with cost explanation. e. Consideration of conceptual approval of Scenic Improvement Board presentations: Concept for log cabin. Concept for municipal parking lot. f. Discussion of appointment and removal authority of the City Commission for boards and commissions. g. Discussion of "Resign to Run" pOlicy/ ordinance. 2. Request from Ron Knight for approval to operate an Open Air Restaurant (Hot Dog Stand) at Sanford Plaza. Copies attached: City Code requirements and request. 3. Consideration of tabulations of bids. a. Reconsideration of Bid Tab 86/87-55 for Boom Mower. Memo and information attached from Public Works Director. Recommend reject lowest bid for non- performance, and accept next-to-lowest bid from Robinson Equipment Company in amount of $15,989. (This bid also meets specs.) b. Bid Tab 87/88-19 for water system improvements. Memo and bid tabulation attached from Utility Director. Recommend accept lowest bids for each item, which do meet specs, as outlined in the attached memo. c. Bid Tab 87/88-20 for Golf Course Water Main Extension. Memo and bid tabulation attached from Utility Director. Recommend accept lowest bids per section, which do meet specs, as outlined in the attached memo. I .. Late Agenda Items for City Commission Meeting of February 8, 1988 Page 2 of 2 4. Disposal site for processed sludge. Memo attached from Utility Director. Recommend the City Commission approve the "Frenz Proposal", authorize the City Attorney to draft the necessary contracts and authorize the City Manager to execute. 5. Request from Reverend Archie Buie, President, Sanford Ministerial Association, to hold Easter Sunrise Services in Memorial Park on April 3, 1988 and to erect a cross there on March 18, 1988. 6. Boards...resignations and appointments. a. WINS Steering Committee. Recommendation to appoint James Sweeting, III. Information attached. Also, City Manager recommends appointment of Ron Thibodeaux. b. Minimum Housing Code Board of Adjustments & Appeals. Phil Gonzalez is willing to be reappointed for another three year term. Memo attached. c. Human Relations Advisory Board. Letter attached from Dr. Sweeting, Chairman, re: resignations of Rev. Murphey, Rev. Kroll, and Dennis Stewart (missed three consecutive meetings.) Dr. Sweeting suggests appointment of Mary Peake and Scott Quinn. Volunteer requests for appointment attached. 7. First reading of Ordinance No. 1925 re: annex property South of and abutting SR 46 and between Kennel Road and Meisch Road. Nicholas and Norma Fertakis, owner. Map attached. 8. Adoption of Resolution No. 1496, re: designating February 10th as Arbor Day in the City of Sanford. 9. Recommendation from the Historic Preservation Board to send the National Registration of Historic Places registration form to the Division of Historic Resources for continuation toward National Register status of historic structures. Memo from Director of Engineering and Planning attached, with information. 10. Approval of Minutes of December 21, 1987 and December 28, 1987. Copies enclosed. ADVICE TO THE PUBLIC: IF A PERSON DECIDES TO APPEAL A DECISION MADE WITH RESPECT TO ANY MATTER CONSIDERED AT THE ABOVE MEETING OR HEARING, HE MAY NEED A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS, INCLUDING THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE, WHICH RECORD IS NOT PROVIDED BY THE CITY OF SANFORD. (FS 286.0105) , MEMORANDUM FEBRUARY 10, 1988 TO: CITY MANAGER FROM: CITY CLERK RE: REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COMMISSION - FEBRUARY 8, 1988. 1. Public Hearing to consider the Small Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment. The action of the Commission was to approve said amendment. 2. Public Hearing to consider rezoning a portion of that certain property lying between State Road 46 and Narcissus Avenue and lying West of and abutting Rand Yard Road from AD (Agricultural) District to RI-1 (Restricted Industrial) District. The action was to authorize the City Attorney to prepare the proper ordinance. (See Item No. 8C.) 3. Public Hearing to consider rezoning a portion of certain property lying between West 24th Place and West Street and between Cedar Avenue and Holly Avenue from (Single Family . Residential Dwelling) District to (Multi-Family Residential Dwelling) District. that 25th SR-1 RMOI The action of the Commission was to deny said rezoning. 4. Public Hearing to consider closing, vacating and abandoning a portion of that certain 14 foot East/West alley lying North of and abutting Lot 9 and vacated RR ROWand lying South of and abutting Lots 1, 2 part of 3 and vacated RR ROW. The action of the Commission was to table said public hearing. 5. Public Hearing to consider closing, vacating and abandoning a portion of that 10 foot North/South utility easement lying North of and abutting Coastline Road and lying between Codisco Way and Central Park Drive. The action of the Commission was to authorize the City Attorney to prepare the proper ordinance. (See Item No. 8E.) 6. Public Hearing to consider closing, vacating and abandoning a portion of that 7 foot utility easement lying East of Hidden Lake Drive and lying between Loch Low Drive and Meadow Hills Drive. The action of the Commission was to authorize the City Attorney to prepare the proper ordinance. (See Item No. 8D.) 7. Request 10 lots between vacate, from Sanford Gymnastics Association, Inc. to lease lying between 25th Street and 26th Street and poinsetta Avenue and Princeton Avenue and to close, and abandon a utility easement lying thereon. The action of the Commission was to authorize a public hearing to be held on March 14, 1988 to vacate the 14 foot North/South utility easement and to authorize the execution of said lease subject to the addition of the use of the parking lot and the restrooms of the Sanford Gymnastics building be available to the public while utilizing the park facilities. MEMORANDUM FEBRUARY 10, 1988 PAGE 2 8. FIRST READING OF ORDINANCES: a. Ordinance No. 1924: re: to close, vacate and abandon a portion of that certain 14 foot East/West alley lying between Oak Avenue and Myrtle Avenue and between First Street and Second Street. Petitioner: Stanley H. Sandefur, et al The action of the Commission was reading and to place said ordinance and adoption on May 9, 1988. to approve first on second reading b. Ordinance No. 1925: re: to annex property South of and abutting SR 46 and between Kennel Road and Meisch Road. Petitioner: Nicholas and Norma Fertakis The action of the Commission was reading and to place said ordinance and adoption on March 14, 1988. to approve first on second reading c. Ordinance No. 1926: re: to rezone a portion of certain property lying between State Road 46 Narcissus Avenue and lying West of and abutting Yard Road from AD (Agricultural) District to (Restricted Industrial) District. that and Rand RI-1 The action of the Commission was reading and to place said ordinance and adoption on February 22, 1988. to approve first on second reading d. Ordinance No. 1927: re: to close, vacate and abandon a portion of that 7 foot utility easement lying East of Hidden Lake Drive and lying between Loch Low Drive and Meadow Hills Drive. The action of the Commission was to approve first reading and to place said ordinance on second reading and adoption on February 22, 1988 subject to the owner paying for relocation of sewer line, dedication of new 20 foot utility easement and contingent upon holding the City harmless in relocation of the sewer line either by the City or by a private contractor. e. Ordinance No. 1928: re: to close, vacate and abandon a portion of that 10 foot North/South utility easement lying North of and abutting Coastline Road and lying between Codisco Way and Central Park Drive. The action of the Commission was to approve first reading and to place said ordinance on second reading and adoption on February 22, 1988. 9. Second Reading of Ordinance: a. Ordinance No. 1883: re: to rezone a portion of that certain property lying East of Seaboard Coastline Railroad Right-of-Way and North of Airport Boulevard from MR-2 (Multiple-Family Residential Dwelling) District to PUD (Planned Unit Development) District. Petitioner: ZOM Development, Inc., et al The action of the Commission was to table said public hearing to meeting of June 13, 1988. MEMORANDUM FEBRUARY 10, 1988 PAGE 3 10. SECOND READING - PASSED AND ADOPTED ORDINANCES: a. Ordinance No. 1915: re: to annex a portion of that certain property abutting Narcissus Avenue and lying between Kennel Road and Terwilliger Lane. Petitioner: SAN-FLA, Inc. et al b. Ordinance No. 1916: re: to annex a portion of that certain property lying North of and abutting SCL RR and between Kennel Road extended Northerly and Terwilliger Lane. Petitioner: Fred Clark, et al c. Ordinance No. 1917: re: to annex a portion of that certain property lying between Airport Boulevard and SCL RR ROWand lying between West 5th Street and Jewett Lane. Petitioner: Lee R. & Carolyn G. Sallee d. Ordinance No. 1918: re: to annex a portion of that certain property lying between Sanford Avenue and Palmetto Avenue and lying between East 28th Place and East 29th Street. Petitioner: Charles R. Tate, et al e. Ordinance No. 1919: re: to annex a portion of that certain property lying at the Southeast corner of the intersection of Highway 17-92 and County Home Road. Petitioner: Gary Mullen f. Ordinance No. 1920: re: to annex a portion of that certain property lying between State Road 46 and West 5th Street and between Upsala Road and Old Monroe Road. Petitioner: Theo and Mildred Cobb g. Ordinance No. 1922: re: to rezone a portion of that certain property lying between East 24th Place and East 25th Street and between Sanford Avenue and Grandview Avenue from RC-1 (Restricted Commercial) District to GC-2 (General Commercial) District. Petitioner: David O. Lanier, et al h. Ordinance No. 1923: re: to rezone a portion of that certain property lying between 25th Street and 25th Place and between Magnolia Avenue and Palmetto Avenue from RC-1 (Restricted Commercial) District to GC-2 (General Commercial) District. Petitioner: Selma Williams 11. Consent Agenda a. Request for approval of Vouchers for the month of January 1988. The action of the Commission was to approve said request. b. Planning and Zoning recommendations from the meeting of January 21, 1988 were reviewed by the Commission. c. Request for payment of invoices from Ivey, Bennett, Harris and Walls for consultant Planning Services from December 1, 1987 to December 31, 1987 in the amount of $1,137.25. The action of the Commission was to approve said request for payment. 12. On recommendation by the City Manager, the Commission authorized the City Attorney to prepare the proper ordinance to change the Occupational License Ordinance removing the Police Department from inspectional responsibilities and MEMORANDUM FEBRUARY 10, 1988 PAGE 4 assigning same to the Occupational License Division or ' others as may be assigned by the City Manager. 13. Consider acceptance of the By-laws of Henry Shelton Sanford Memorial Library and Museum. The action of the Commission was to table said consideration to the work session meeting of February 15, 1988. 14. Request from the We, the People ballet to fund supporting expenses. The action of the Commission was to approve an appropriation of $1,800. from unexpended surplus to go to Maintenance account * 2-01-46467-4 "Building Materials & Supplies". 15. Consideration of conceptual approval of Scenic Improvement Board presentations: Concept for log cabin. Concept for municipal parking lot. The action of the Commission was to approve Scenic Improvement Board presentations on the conceptual improvements to the D.A.V. log cabin site and the municipal parking lot on Seminole Boulevard. 16. Request fro~ Ron Knight for approval to operate an Open Air Restaurant (Hot Dog Stand) at Sanford Plaza. The action of the Commission was to approve said request subject to the owner submitting notarized authorization from the owner of the property. 17. The Commission approved bids as follows: a. Reconsideration of Bid Tab 86/87-55 for Boom Mower. Recommend reject lowest bid for non-performance, and accept next-to-lowest bid from Robinson Equipment Company in amount of $15,989. b. Bid Tab 87/88-19 for water system improvements. Accept lowest bids for each item, which do meet specs. c. Bid Tab 87/88-20 for Golf Course Water Main Extension. Accept lowest bids per section, which do meet specs. 18. Disposal site for processed sludge. the City Manger, the City Commission Proposal", and authorized the City necessary contracts and authorized execute same. On recommendation by approved the "Frenz Attorney to draft the the City Manager to 19. Request from Reverend Archie Buie, President, Sanford Ministerial Association, to hold Easter Sunrise Services in Memorial Park on April 3, 1988 and to erect a cross there on March 18, 1988. The action of the Commission was to approve said request. 20. The Commission appointed James Sweeting, III Thibodeaux to the WINS Steering Committee. and Ron 21. The Commission reappointed Phil Gonzalez to the Minimum Housing Code Board of Adjustments & Appeals for another three year term. MEMORANDUM FEBRUARY 10, 1988 PAGE 5 22. The Commission accepted with regrets the resignations of Rev. Murphy, Rev. Kroll and Dennis Stewart (missed three consecutive meetings) and appointed Mary Peake and Scott Quinn to the Human Relations Advisory Board. 23 The Commission passed and designating February 10th Sanford. adopted Resolution as Arbor Day in No. 1496 the City of 24. The Commission considered the request from the Historic Preservation Board to send the National Registration of Historic Places registration form to the Division of Historic Resources for continuation toward National Register status of historic structures. The action of the Commission was to table to the work session meeting of February 15, 1988. 25. The Commission approved the Minutes of December 21, 1987 and December 28, 1987. DISTRIBUTION LIST: Director Director Director Director Director of Administrative Services . I I . of Eng~neer~ng and Plann~ng of Recreation and Parks of Public Works of Utilities Police Chief Fire Chief City Attorney Building Official Zoning Inspector