HomeMy WebLinkAbout012588 regular meeting agenda / (\[.~:/ -' \~!1. I I AGE N D A Regular Meeting of the City Commission Monday, January 25, 1988 at 7:00 P.M. In the City Commission Room of the City Hall In the City of Sanford, Florida. 1. Public Hearing to consider closing, vacating and abandoning a portion of that certain 14 foot East-West alley lying between Oak Avenue and Myrtle Avenue and between First Str~e7 ar;~ Second St;.ree:-.. trJ.: L;, \ c< /!d!~/((j.'}Z'L( )~f~) I. <( ~S- '\ I 1 J~ /i, '(', tt+ '1 -,-,,-(;. - '/,')1 J/j ,~ / I I..,,-'i... / j,r:.-c_( \. I i' J'(_'<r'~ r7gf ,/, i', -.{_ , ~.-' -~J.:.. (;'~ \. ./ 2. First Reading of Ordinances. 3. Public Hearing for Second Ordinances. c~, /. ;2 ,,') C', 1'- . E . ~: .. It . I I I \ Reading and Adoption of 4. City Manager's Late Agenda Items. I \ , I)J'1, 'y(>///;0111/11' ...., 'JJ/h I I' ) , ;'/:' \--""c.x.c.- , /'1 -! /~,/'-r:- T 11.'1 / fkj:'L .'--'. I. f .{. \ , .I . ,... 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" ADVICE TO THE PUBLIC: If a person decides to appeal a decision made with respect to any matter considered at the above meeting or hearing, he may need a verbatim record of the proceedings, including the testimony and evidence, which record is not provided by the City of Sanford. (FS 286.0105) MEMORANDUM JANUARY 25, 1988 TO: CITY COMMISSION 1. Notice was sent to December 29, 1987, and Re: Lying North of and 1'1 ~<.. 'f / \ /~ -,1/ flu/) ------- ~, ~ owners~hael J. Paulucci, et aI, . ad was publishec:rcm-l1afiUaI'Y II, 1988. abutting Lot 6. FROM: CITY CLERK Copy Attached: Map Legal Ad 2. FIRST READING OF ORDINANCES: a. Ordinance No. 1922: re: to rezone a portion of that certain property lying between East 24th Place and East 25th Street and between Sanford Avenue and Grandview Avenue from RC-1 (Restricted Commercial) District to GC-2 (General Commercial) District. Petitioner: David O. Lanier, et al Copy Attached: Map b. Ordinance No. 1923: re: to rezone a portion of that certain property lying between 25th Street and 25th Place and between Magnolia Avenue and Palmetto Avenue from RC-1 (Restricted Commercial) District to GC-2 (General Commercial) District. Petitioner: Selma Williams Copy Attached: Map 3 . SECOND READING AND ADOPTION OF ORDINANCES: b. Ordinance No. 1911: re: to annex a portion of that certain property lying between State Road 46 (Geneva Avenue) and vacated SCL RR and lying West of and abutting Brisson Avenue. Ad published December 18 and 24, 1987 and January 1 and 8,~988. Petitioner: Stanley H. Sanderfur, Trustee, et al Copy Attached: Map Ordinance No. 19~: re: to annex a portion of that certain property lying West of and abutting Ridgewood Avenue and lying between West 25th Street (C.R. 46A) and Airport Boulevard. Ad published January 1, 8, 15, and 22, 1988. Petitioner: School Board of Seminole County a. Copy Attached: Map 4. City Manager's Late Agenda. . ' //){)./~ MEMORANDUM January 22, 1988 TO: CITY COMMISSION FROM: CITY CLERK RE: REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COMMISSION - JANUARY 25, 1987 Please insert in your agenda package for the January 25, 1988 Commission meeting the attached Memorandum replacing the Memorandum currently in package. The changes are: *1 - owner changed to Stanley H. Sandefur; and #3B scriveners error - ordinance number changed to 1914. . jem attachment MEMORANDUM JANUARY 25, 1988 TO: CITY COMMISSION FROM: CITY CLERK 1. Notice was sent to owners, Stanley H. Sandefur, et aI, December 29, 1987, and ad was published on January 11, 1988. Re: Lying North of and abutting Lot 6. Copy Attached: Map Legal Ad 2. FIRST READING OF ORDINANCES: a. Ordinance No. 1922: re: to rezone a portion of that certain property lying between East 24th Place and East 25th Street and between Sanford Avenue and Grandview Avenue from RC-1 (Restricted Commerc~al) District to GC-~ ~ General Co~ercial). District. --l-it{ , .~~,~~~~~~~~i~ !"~ja:,7~'_~.'1~;~~~:~'X. ~t ,'~,T;',( , "/l~ Copy Attached: Map b. Ordinance No. 1923: re: to rezone a portion of that certain property lying between 25th Street and 25th Place and between Magnolia Avenue and Palmetto Avenue from RC-1 (Restricted Commercial) District to GC-2 (General Commercial) District~!r tl', /)1[;:/1 /i'Ylc '/".(', (oj' Petitioner: Selma Williams ,-- Copy Attached: Map 3 . SECOND READING AND ADOPTION OF ORDINANCES: a. Ordinance No. 1911: re: to annex a portion of that certain property lying between State Road 46 (Geneva Avenue) and vacated SCL RR and lying West of and abutting Brisson Avenue. Ad publishep, D~cember/ 1,.8. aI}d I ~ 24, 1987 and January 1 and 8,).988 :jItl \ ~/! /:;4 A~dui -:' ,-fit} I Petitioner: Sta~l~~:~~ ~~~~~~~{C~r~~~~e, et al Copy Attached: Map b. Ordinance No. 1914: re: to annex a portion of that certain property lying West of and abutting Ridgewood Avenue and lying between West 25th Street (C.R. 46A) and Airport B~~levard. Ad published January 1, 8, 15, and 22, 198 8:1(D'; '\ /~ ." /'y,t " l t'l .../'1",- 1 1-''fJ" , ",2!. (, Petitioner: School Board of Seminole County, et al Copy Attached: Map 4. City Manager's Late Agenda. /(,t, _._~ ,,,:")1'1 ! ~ 1-- .,) .~ ~J _ Lj"".,~,,1; )/1 'I'" 1 /,( 'L) (, , _ ,_1,__ .............--!.,.---........._ L(' '/ -1/ j,/ ,~', {.7/JI::tf ..... ..f'1 /;,- ,A~J Of ./ -/ '" . .. ,'" _ t- ~ , ,,~,', ,~jl.{J.:J " i" . ('.,. , t "c '-('I(r:f... ' "L r /J ..~ \:'y'. '~.f V" ,..", 1 i.{ 1, -; 1/' 'I'''' ,ii, ,,-r, ,'I .,/{t'/ZL(i.{:J { \ (1/1-' \ l.U . <. ',' .' . ; ': , i J /,1 ( ) ,3 [;(j,n'1,iJ.;)y;"LI',kc , ... MEMORANDUM January 22, 1988 FROM: MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION CITY MANAGE~ CITY MANAGER'S LATE AGENDA ITEMS FOR CITY COMMISSION MEETING OF JANUARY 25, 1988 TO: RE: 1. Acceptance of the Tree City USA designation. Information attached. 2. Items from the January 18, 1988 Work Session. (a) Discussion of recommended use of a collection bureau for collection of aging accounts due. Copy attached: Draft outline of proposed agreement. (b) Proposed water/sewer contract with Seminole County for providing services to General Sanford Estates (Chase Groves): Concurrence of the attached letter which calls for the preparation of the final contract document. 3. Acceptance of Grants of Utility Easement for Reclaimed Water Line on the North side of Seminole County Court House, from Seminole County. Copies attached: Memo from Director of Engineering & Planning with copies of easements. 4. Requests for payment of statements. (a) From Conklin, Porter & Holmes Engineers, Inc. for 10/3/87 through 10/30/87: Core Sewer Collection System Rehab..$1,976.68 Construction of Sludge Handling Facility..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $9,718.63 (b) From Conklin, Porter & Holmes Engineers, Inc. for engineering services thru 01/08/88: Site 10 Site Specific Studies......$18,566.42 Vacuum Sewer Design................$ 7,094.70 Effluent Spray Irrigation Systems..$ 2,512.38 Grant Ineligible Sewer System Repair Work.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 6,010.48 Core Sewer Collection System Rehab.$ 122.07 Water Quality Studies..............$ 1,180.47 Sludge Handling Facility...........$10,115.24 (c) From Conklin, Porter & Holmes Engineers, Inc. for Cloud Branch & Mill Creek Drainage Studies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 3,545.66 ... Late Agenda Items for City Commission Meeting of January 25, 1988 Page 2 of 2 (d) From City Attorney for services rendered In November, 1987.................. .$2,472.85 In December, 1987...................$4,098.00 (e) From Briar Construction Company for Bevier Road reconstruction work...........$13,050.00 Recommended by City Manager. 5. Recommend approval of request for annexation of property at the Southeast corner of the intersection of SR 46 and Kennel Road, Nicholas and Norma Fertakis, owner. Copies attached: petition and map. 6. Recommend approval of request for water service at 221 Crescent Boulevard, Stenstrom-Stump Development Company, owner. (Outside City and not contiguous.) Copies attached: petition, agreement and map. 7. Consideration of Tabulation of Bid 187/88-18 for Police Uniforms. Recommend acceptance of bid in total amount of $13,868.95 from Barker Uniforms, the lowest bidder and the bid does met specs. 8. Request from Calton Homes to use a temporary sales trailer near the proposed intersection of Lake Mary Boulevard and Live Oak Drive. Copies attached: request, sketch, and memo from Director of Engineering and Planning. 9. Discussion re: Mayfair Golf Course (requested by Commissioner Mercer.) 10. Approval of Vouchers for the month of December, 1987. 11. Recommend the Mayor be authorized to execute Amendment No. 8-A to modify the Target Cost Ceiling amount from $36,250.38 to $43,537.12 for Incremental Sewer Collection System Rehab. Copies attached: Memo from Director of Engineering & Planning with proposed amendment. 12. For your review and information: Federal Emergency Shelter Grant. The grant application has been submitted. If awarded, the City will be expected to accept the grant at a later date. Copies attached: Memo from Director of Engineering & Planning with grant application. ADVICE TO THE PUBLIC: IF A PERSON DECIDES TO APPEAL A DECISION MADE WITH RESPECT TO ANY MATTER CONSIDERED AT THE ABOVE MEETING OR HEARING, HE MAY NEED A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS, INCLUDING THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE, WHICH RECORD IS NOT PROVIDED BY THE CITY OF SANFORD. (FS 286.0105) ... .. MEMORANDUM January 26, 1988 TO: CITY MANAGER FROM: CITY CLERK RE: REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COMMISSION - JANUARY 25, 1988 C/f1 1. Public Hearing to consider closing, vacating and abandoning a portion of that certain 14 foot East-West alley lying between Oak Avenue and Myrtle Avenue and between First Street and Second Street. Petitioner: Stanley H. Sandefur, Trustee. The action of the Commission was to authorize the City Attorney to prepare the proper ordinance. 2 . FIRST READING OF ORDINANCES: , \/l t' a. Ordinance No. 1922: re: to rezone a portion of that certain property lying between East 24th Place and East 25th Street and between Sanford Avenue and Grandview Avenue from RC-1 (Restricted Commercial) District to GC-2 (General Commercial) District. Petitioner: David O. Lanier, et al The action of the Commission was reading and to place said ordinance and adoption on February 8, 1988. to approve first on second reading .\: b. Ordinance No. 1923: re: to rezone a portion of that certain property lying between 25th Street and 25th Place and between Magnolia Avenue and Palmetto Avenue from RC-1 (Restricted Commercial) District to GC-2 (General Commercial) District. Petitioner: Selma Williams The action of the Commission was reading and to place said ordinance and adoption on February 8, 1988. to approve first on second reading 3. ' SECOND READING - PASSED AND ADOPTED ORDINANCES: ;. ,)' Ordinance No. 1914: re: certain property lying West Avenue and lying between and Airport Boulevard. Petitioner: School Board of Seminole County, et al to annex a portion of that of and abutting Ridgewood West 25th Street (C.R. 46A) 4. : /, If Ordinance No. 1911: re: to annex a portion of that certain property lying between State Road 46 (Geneva Avenue) and vacated SCL RR and lying West of and abutting Brisson Avenue. Petitioner: Stanley H. Sandefur, Trustee, et al The action of the Commission was to table public hearing to February 22, 1988. (/f( 5. The action of the Commission was to accept the Tree City USA designation and to authorize the City Attorney to prepare the proper resolution to designate February 10, as Arbor Day in the City of Sanford. ;( ~ 6'J t",\, (a) C'J\\ ,j ,/ , . t7' MEMORANDUM JANUARY 26, 1988 PAGE 2 Items from the January 18, 1988 Work Session. Discussion of recommended use of a collection bureau for collection of aging accounts due. The action of the Commission was to authorize the execution of an agreement with Hallmark Collection Bureau, Inc. subject to the City Attorney's approval. (b) Proposed water/sewer contract with Seminole Coupty for providing services to General Sanford Estates (Chase Groves) . The action of the Commission was to authorize the confirmation of letters from City Manager and to authorize the City Attorney review the final contract document. Utility Easements for Reclaimed Water Line on the North side of Seminole County Court House, from Seminole County. On recommendation,of Commission was to execute acceptance perpetual easement. the City Attorney, the action of the authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to of a construction easement and a 8 . The action of the Commission was to authorize payment of statements as follows: (a) From Conklin, Porter & Holmes Engineers, Inc. for 10/3/87 through 10/30/87: Core Sewer Collection System Rehab..$1,976.68 Construction of Sludge Handling Facility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $9,718.63 (b) From Conklin, Porter & Holmes Engineers, Inc. for engineering services thru 01/08/88: Site 10 Site Specific Studies......$18,566.42 Vacuum Sewer Design................$ 7,094.70 Effluent Spray Irrigation Systems..$ 2,512.38 Grant Ineligible Sewer System Repair Work.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 6,010.48 Core Sewer Collection System Rehab.$ 122.07 Water Quality Studies..............$ 1,180.47 Sludge Handling Facility...........$10,115.24 (c) From Conklin, Porter & Holmes Engineers, Inc. for Cloud Branch & Mill Creek Drainage Studies.......................$ 3,545.66 (d) From City Attorney for services rendered In November, 1987...................$2,472.85 In December, 1987...................$4,098.00 (e) From Briar Construction Company for Bevier Road reconstruction work $13,050.00 and to authorize the ~ . MEMORANDUM JANUARY 26, 1988 PAGE 3 City Manager to invoice LON Industries for their 50% contributions. CJ0 9. Request for annexation of property at the Southeast corner of the intersection of SR 46 and Kennel Road. Petitioner: Nicholas and Norma Fertakis. The Commission authorized the City Attorney to prepare the proper ordinance. Request for water service at 221 Crescent Boulevard. Petitioner: stenstrom-Stump Development Company. The Commission authorized said extension at no cost to the City and to record the annexation agreement. ~lO. ~Jl. Consideration of Tabulation of Bid Uniforms. #87/88-18 for police The Commission specification $13,868.95. authorized acceptance from Barker Uniforms of lowest bid meeting in total amount of ~~ ,i. 12. l /) .. ~ ' \0 ~ (}v rvlj(\ Request from Calton Homes to use a temporary sales trailer near the proposed intersection of Lake Mary Boulevard and Live Oak Drive. (~A The Commission authorized the use of a temporary sales trailer for a period not to exceed eighteen months. 13. The Commission discussed the Mayfair Golf Course lease. The Commission authorized the City Attorney to notify said lessee of violations in accordance with of Section 22. 14. The commission approved Vouchers for the month of December, 1987. _M~' 15. The commission authorized the Mayor to execute Amendment No. 8-A to modify the Target Cost Ceiling amount from $36,250.38 to $43,537.12 for Incremental Sewer Collection system Rehabilitation. Request from the Rotary Club of Sanford, Breakfast club to close Seminole Boulevard from Myrtle Avenue to Palmetto Avenue and to close park Avenue form Fulton Street to Seminole Boulevard from 6:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on Saturday, March 5th, 1988 for the annual "Blue Ribbon Classic" Antique Auto Show; and to utilize City Hall parking lot and restroom facilities on the first floor of city Hall. The action of the commission was to authorize said request. 16. cr DISTRIBUTION LIST: Director of Administrative Services Director of Engineering and planning Director of Recreation and Parks Director of Public Works Director of Utilities police Chief Fire Chief city Attorney Building Official Zoning Inspector ~ ~