HomeMy WebLinkAbout092500 ws/rm agenda . .' AGENDA Revised 9/25/00 6:00 p.m. Sanford City Commission Meetings Monday, September 25, 2000 Sanford City Hall, 300 North Park A venue Sanford, Florida ****************************************************************************** WORK SESSION 3:30 P.M. in the City Manager's Conference Room, SecondJloor 1. Discussion of Insurance renewals for FY 00/01. (R-7) 2. Discussion re: Sanford Lakefront and Downtown Revitalization Project. 3. Discussion of Amendments to the Land Development Ret:ulations ret:ardint: appeals initiated by members of the City Commission. 4. Discussion re: Request for Waiver of Land Development Ret:ulations for Billboards. 5. Review of clean-up deposit required for special events. 6. Discussion of Ordinance No. 3581 re: repeal residentiallit:htint: standards. (R-5) 7. Discussion of Ret:ular At:enda items. Add-on items. and other items. 8. ciry Manat:er's briefint:. A. Code Enforcement liens and Florida Statute 162 change. B. Mill Creek Phase III-B Pond Construction Schedule update. C. Resolution supporting trail referendum. (R-3) ************************************************************************ REGULAR MEETING 7:00 P.M., City Commission Chambers, First Floor Public hearing to adopt the final millaee rate.. annual budeet and Capital Budt:et for Fiscal Year October 1. 2000 to September 30. 2001. Ads published September 21,2000. A. (1) ANNOUNCE/discuss that the City of Sanford's proposed millage rate of 6.75 mils exceeds the rolled-back millage rate of6.60 by 2.23% and that this is necessary for the City to provide continuing level of City Services in the face of inflation and to meet increased demands for service. (2) PUBLIC INPUT. (NOTE: PUBLIC HEARING MUST REMAIN OPEN DURING CITY COMMISSION'S ACTION IN (3) AND (4) BELOW). . / (3) I f reducing the millage rate and budget, recompute tentative millage rate, and amend budget as necessary. (4) ADOPTION OF RESOLUTIONS: (a) Resolution No. ] 852, re: Adopt Final MilIa~e Rate. (b) Resolution No. 1853, re: Adopt Final Bud~et of Revenues and Expenses and Capital Programs. Citizen participation. Approval of minutes of Regular Meeting of August 28, 2000 and Work Session and Regular Meeting of September 11, 2000. Recommended by the City Clerk and the City Manager. Public Hearin~s. 1. Second readin~ and adoption of Ordinance No. 3577 amending City Code re: Violations and Prohibited Acts re: animals defecating in any park. Recommended by the City Manager. Ad published September 14, 2000. 2. Second readin~ and adoption 3578 to annex 1.8 acres of property lying between W. SR 46 and Smith Canal Road and between Sewell Road and Rinehart Road (4437 W. First Street); BGZM Partnership. Recommended by the City Manager. Ad published September 14 & 21, 2000. 3. First reading of Ordinance No. 3580 to rezone a portion of that certain property lying between E. Lake Mary Boulevard, and Pine Way and between Andrews Road and Park National Drive (3801 Mellonville Avenue) from MI-2 (Medium Industrial) to PD (Planned Development) with single family residential uses and based on consistency with the anticipated approval of the Comprehensive Plan Amendment, with stipulation and conditions. Helen Howland Holdings, Inc., owner; Michael Murray, applicant. Recommended by the Planning and Zoning Commission, the Director of Engineering and Planning, and the City Manager. Ad published August 23,2000. Re~ular items. 1. Consider request from Jean Metts for Seminole Volunteers Enterprises, Inc. to serve meals at different times than settlement agreement, in conjunction with a fund raiser on October 27 and 28, 2000, at 407 W. 4th Street. The Community Development Director and the City Manager request direction to either allow/ disallow sale of lunches/dinners. .' 2. Adoption of Resolution No. 1854 re: Amending the Classification and Pay Plan for FY 2000/200 I. Recommended by the Human Resources Director and the City Manager. 3. Adoption of Resolution No. 1855 re: Completing the Trails Connection with Seminole County Natural Lands 2000. Recommended by the Director of Engineering & Planning and the City Manager. (WS-8C) 4. Adoption of Resolution No. 1856 re: authorizing Mayor Dale to execute the Local Agency Program Agreement with the State of Florida Department of Transportation in regard to the Lake Monroe Riverwalk; and approval of the agreement. Recommended by the Director of Engineering and Planning and the City Manager. 5. First reading of Ordinance No. 3581 to repeal Ordinance No. 3386 re: lighting. Recommended by the Director of Community Development and the City Manager. (WS-6) 6. Approve Preliminarv Subdivision Plan for Burke property (single family portion of the Arbor Lakes Planned Development Master Plan) based on the plan meeting the requirements of the approved Arbor Lakes Master Plan and Standards for Consideration and subject to final Engineering Plan approval. Recommended by the Director of Engineering and Planning and the City Manager. 7. Approve broker-recommended insurance renewals for FY 0010 1. Recommended by the Finance Director, the Human Resources Director and the City Manager. (WS- 1) 8. First reading of Ordinance No. 3579 to annex .16 acres of property lying between Poinsetta Drive and Rose Drive and between Sanford A venue and Palm Way (313 Poinsetta Drive). Norberto D. Campos, owner. Recommended by the Plans Review Committee, the Director of Engineering & Planning, and the City Manager. Consent Agenda. 1. Accept bid for renovations and additions to the Historic Sanford Memorial Stadium, from CPH Constructors, LLC, lowest responsible bidder for Bid #IFB99/00-21, in the amount of$I,641,913.00. Recommended by the City Manager. ') Accept bid for base bid contract for the lead and asbestos removal for the Historic Sanford Memorial Stadium, from Cross Construction, lowest responsible bidder for Bid #IFB99/00-33, in the amount of$184,750.00. Recommended by the City Manager. ... Revised 9/25/00 6:00 p.m. 3. Approve street closure of Seminole Boulevard from Sanford Avenue to San Juan Avenue on Saturday, October 14,2000 from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., in conjunction with Congresswoman Corrine Brown's Community Involvement Day. Recommended by the City Manager. 4. Approve street closure of 10th Street from Orange Avenue to Willow Avenue on September 30, 2000 from 1:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m., in conjunction with a neighborhood barbecue. Recommended by the City Manager. 5. Approve street closure of Oak Avenue from 8th Street to 9th Street on October 13,2000 from 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., in conjunction with the Sanford Fire Prevention Youth Rally. Recommended by the City Manager. 6. Approve agreement addendum to Dispatch Services Agreement with Seminole County Sheriff's Office, for Dispatch Services effective October 1, 2000 through September 30,2001, in the amount of$464,843.00. Recommended by the City Manager. 7. Authorize up-sizing of the water line crossing of SR 46 at White Cedar A venue from an eight inch (8") to a twelve inch (12") with the City paying McKee Construction $10,850 for the cost difference. Recommended by the City Manager. Add-on items. 1. Approve Josie Hood to use sick leave to care for sick family members, under family medical leave. Recommended by the Human Resources Director and the City Manager. Information only. 1. Police Department Status Report through September 20, 2000. City Attorney's Report. 7 City clG!:S Report. //l J t3src ) JJf1 v,1 City Manager's Report. City Commissioners' Reports. ADVICE TO THE PUBLIC: IF A PERSON DECIDES TO APPEAL A DECISION MADE WITH RESPECT TO ANY MATTER CONSIDERED AT THE ABOVE MEETING OR HEARING HE MA Y NEED A VERBA TIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS INCLUDING THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE WHICH RECORD IS NOT PROVIDED BY THE CITY OF SANFORD. (FS286.0 1 05) PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES NEEDING ASSISTANCE TO PARTICIPATE IN ANY OF THESE PROCEEDINGS SHOULD CONTACT THE HUMAN RESOURCES OFFICE ADA COORDINATOR AT 330-5626 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE OF THE MEETING. AGENI>A Revised 9/25/00 6:00 p.m. Sanford City Commission Meetings Monday, September 25, 2000 Sanford City Hall, 300 North Park Avenue Sanford, Florida ****************************************************************************** WORK SESSION 3:30 P.M. in the City Manager's Conference Room, Second Floor 1. Discussion ofIp~urance renewals for FY 00/01, (R-7) .......... Recommendations submitted by brokers~ see Item #R-7 for action. 2. Discussion re: Sanford La~efr()ntand Downtown Revit~izatwn Project. Jay..... Discussed; concurred to show hotel/conference center as a separate, major, project. Staff to issue RFQ, then bring proposals to .Commission. 3. Discussion of ~meQdments to tbe Land I>evelopment Regulations r~~rding appeals initiated by melBb~rs of tbe City Commission. Jay.... Discussed; concurred to scad to P & Z for recommendation. Questioned whether or not decisions by the City Commission could be taken by a favorable vote ofless than 4 members; see Item #WS8.6 for conclusion. 4. Discussion re: Req~st for WaiY~f of Lantt Developm~nt Reg\llatjons for Billboards. Jay..... Discussed; concurred not to waive or change billboard regulations. 4.5 Master Plan. Jay..... Commissioner Williams requested that focus groups in each commission district be utilized to provide input into the creation of the Master Plan instead of just committees (obtain citizen input of what they want instead of just having them comment on a proposal). 5. Review of clean-up deposit requir~ for SPffial ev~nts. Mike.. No change. 6. Discussion ofO(dinal)ce No. 3581 re; r~peal res~enti2\llit:btjDg staQdards. (R-5) .......... Discussed; see Item #R.5 for action. 7. Discussion of~esulat A&~nda iteUls. Add-on item~. an'" other items. A. Mayor Dale reported he met with the Sanford Airport Authority as the City Commission asked and asked them to piggyback on the city's lobbyist contract; they agreed to not renew with their lobbyist and authorized to use the city's. Then, their lobbyist pointed out that their existing contract had been automatically renewed for 2 years since the airport had not given notice in February that they were not renewing. Further, the Sanford Airport Authority's budget is subject to approval by the City Commission. . 8. City Manager's briefing. A. Code Enforcement liens and Florida Statute 162 change. .......... Noted. B. Jerry........ . Mill Creek Phase llI-B Pond Construction Schedule update. Discussed; Commissioner Williams asked ifblock grant funds be used. City Manager reported "yes". c. Resolution supporting trail referendum. (R-3) Noted; see Item #R-3 for action. 8.5. Mayor Dale reported Anthony Delgado, a 52 year old employee, had a heart attack Sunday while driving the city tow truck and passed away. 8.6. Super majority vote. .......... Jay Marder reported Asst. City Attorney stated that a super majority vote of the Commission in .only required by statute to be for emergency actions. Mayor Dale confirmed that only a quorum of the Commission is necessary to conduct business and a majority vote of that quorum can decide issues. ************************************************************************ REGULAR MEETING 7:00 P.M., City Commission Chambers, First Floor Public bearing to a~opt the final miDale rate. annual budget and Capital Budget for Fiscal Year October 1. 2000 to September 30.2001. Ads published September 21,2000. A. (1) ANNOUNCE/discuss that the City of Sanford's proposed millage rate of 6.75 mils exceeds the rolled-back millage rate of 6.60 by 2.23% and that this is necessary for the City to provide continuing level of City Services in the face of inflation and to meet increased demands for service. .......... Announced. (2) PUBLIC INPUT. (NOTE: PUBLIC HEARING MUST REMAIN OPEN DURING CITY COMMISSION'S ACTION IN (3) AND (4) BELOW). A. Doreen Freeman, 705 Mellonville Av., asked why the millage is being increased above the roll-back rate and what the roll-back rate is. Mayor Dale explained. B. Charlotte Smith, 1004 Grove Manor Dr., Sanford, asked why the proposed 00/01 budget is 60% higher than the current 99/01 budget and why no explanation for the increase has been provided. Donna Watt explained the 00/01 budget included a lot of major capital projects. Mayor Dale reported citizens are encouraged to attend budget work sessions so they will know these types of things. She reported garbage trucks drive 35 to 40 MPH, toss bins around, Jerry...... . that recycling is non-existent as items are not separated, and asked during what hours the contractor is allowed to pick up refuse. Commissioner Eckstein reported until 8PM. Tony VanDerworp reported the hauler prefers to separate the items at their facility and that excesSive speed will be reported. (3) If reducing the millage rate and budget, recompute tentative millage rate, and amend budget as necessary. No action (not reducing/amending). (4) ADOPTION OF RESOLUTIONS: (a) Resolution No. 1852, re: ~dopt Final Milltlge Rate. Adopted. Markae & Jan....... (b) Resolution No. 1853, re: Adopt Final Budget of Revenues and Expenses and Capital Programs. Adopted. Markae & Jan...... cit~en participation. A. Doreen Freeman, 705 Mellonville Av., reported the public can't see the visual presentations being shown to the Commission. She asked if the parking situation at Memorial Stadium has been resolved; if the parking is going to be in place before funds are allocated to renovate and remove lead and asbestos at the stadium; and reported people a ruining the landscaping by parking all over it and the city is in violation of its own codes by not providing adequate parking. Mayor Dale reported he and T. VanDerworp have met with the school board about 3 times and they say they will work with the city and discussions are ongoing; grandfathered parking will be in place but the parking we are working on with the school board probably won't; and the city is meeting its codes by providing the grandfathered parking. Ms. Freeman reported she appreciates Commissioner Williams Work Session comments about district meetings with citizens. B. Monarcha Marsett, 801 S. Park Av., reported her house will be on the Tour of Homes the first weekend in December and she wants to put the city on notice that she would like her sidewalks fixed before then; this will be the third tour that people have to walk on dangerous sidewalk conditions to view her home. She asked who to call to enforce the dog cleanup ordinance (Tony VanDerworp reported various code enforcement authorized personnel will enforce it). C. Thelma Mike, 1710 W. 15th St., reported that people have to be aware when purchasing property about the sidewalks and streets .around it. ^pproval ofOlin~tes of Regular Meeting of August 28, 2000 and Work Session and Regular Meeting of September 11,2000. Recommended by the City Clerk and the City Manager. Cynthia....... Approved. Public Hearings. 1. Second reading ~lDd 3doption of Ordinance No. 3577 amending City Code re: Violations and Prohibited Acts re: animals defecating in any park. Recommended by the City Manager. Ad published September 14,2000. Cynthia...... Adopted. 2. Socond reading and adoption 3578 to annex 1.8 acres of property lying between W. SR 46 and Smith Canal Road and between Sewell Road and Rinehart Road (4437 W. First Street); BGZM Partnership. Recommended by the City Manager. Ad published September 14 & 21,2000. Cynthia...... Adopted. 3. First reading of Ordinance No. 3580 to rezone a portion of that certain property lying between E. Lake Mary Boulevard, and Pine Way and between Andrews Road and Park National Drive (3801 Mellonville Avenue) from Ml-2 (Medium Industrial) to PD (Planned Development) with single family residential uses and based on consistency with the anticipated approval of the Comprehensive Plan Amendment, with stipulation and conditions. Helen Howland Holdings, Inc., owner~ Michael Murray, applicant. Recommended by the Planning and Zoning Commission, the Director of Engineering and Planning, and the City Manager. Ad published August 23,2000. Markae ...... Passed 1 st reading. Regular items. 1. Consider request from Jean Metts for Seminole Volunteers Enterprises, Inc. to serve meals at different times than settlement agreement, in conjunction with a fund raiser on October 27 and 28,2000, at 407 W. 4th Street. The Community Development Director and the City Manager request direction to either allow/ disallow sale oflunchesJdinners. Charles....... City Attorney reported city was 1 of3 parties that agreed to and signed the settlement agreement, and that he received a letter from Leffier and Associates objecting to the city granting any exception or variance to Ms. Metts for any reason. Request discussed; opposition. The Commission took no action. 2. A(loption of Resolution No. 1854 re: Amending the Classification and Pay Plan for FY 2000/2001. Recommended by the Human Resources Director and the City Manager. Joe....... Adopted. 3. Adoption of Resolution No~ 1855 re: Completing the Trails Connection with Seminole County Natural LalIds 2000. Recommended by the Director of Jay...... . 4. Jay.... .. 5. Cynthia & 10-9R-M...... 6. Jay...... . Joe... .. Cynthia & 1 0-9R-M,..... Engineering & Planning and the City Manager. (WS-8C) Adopted. Adpption of Resolution No. 1856 re: authorizing Mayor Dale to execute the Local Agency Program Agreement with the State of Florida Department of Transportation in regard to the Lake Monroe Riverwalk; and 3Ppr~val of the agreement. RecOlnmended by the Director of Engineering and Planning and the City Manager. Adopted & approved. First reading of Ordinance No. 3581 to repeal Ordinance No. 3386 re: lighting. Recommended by the Director of Commupity Development and the City Manager. (WS-6) Passed 1 st reading. Approve Preliminary Subdivision PI~n for Burke property (single family portion of the Arbor Lakes Planned Development Master Plan) based on the plan me.eting the requirements of the approved Arbor Lakes Master Plan and Standards for Consideration and subject to final Engineering Plan approval. Recommended by the Director of Engineering and PlaIlfling and the City Manager. Approved. 7. Approve broker-reco:mmended insurance renewals for FY 00/01. Rec.ommended by the Finance Director, the Human Resources Director and the City Manager. (WS- 1) Approved as recoIlunended with Aetna as a back-up plan. 8. First reading of Ordinance No. 3579 to annex .16 acres of property lying between Poinsetta Drive and Rose Drive and between Sanford Avenue and Palm Way (313 Poinsetta Drive). Norberto D. Campos, owner. Recommended by the Plans Review Committee, the Director of Engineering & Planning, and the City Manager. Passed 1 st reading. Consent Agenda. Jay...... .. 1. ^cc~pt bid for renovations and additions to the Historic Sanford Memorial Stadium, from CPH Constructors, LLC, lowest responsible bidder for Bid #IFB99/00-21, in the amount of$I,641,913.00. Recommended by the City Manager. Accepted. Jay....... Mike.. .... Mike..... . Mike... '" Brian....... Pau1... .. . Ad4-on ite91s. Joe...... 2. A~cept bid for base bid contract for the lead and asbestos removal for the Historic Sanford Memorial Stadium, from Cross Construction, lowest responsible bidder for Bid #IFB99/00-33, in the amount ofSI84,750.00. Re.commended by the City Manager. Accepted. Revised 9/25/00 6:00 p.m. 3. ~pprove 8trt~t clqsure of Seminole Boulevard from Sanford Avenue to San Juan Avenue on Saturday, October 14,2000 from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., in conjunction with Congresswoman Corrine Brown's Community Involvement Day. Recommended by the City Manager. Approved. 4. Apprpve street closure of 10th Street from Orange Avenue to Willow Avenue on September 30, 2000 from 1:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m., in conjunction with a neighborhood barbecue. Recommended by the City Manager. Approved. 5. Approve street closure of Oak Avenue from 8th Street to 9th Street on October 13,2000 from 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., in conjunction with the Sanford Fire Prevention Youth Rally. Recommended by the City Manager. Approved. 6. ApprQve agreement addendum to Dispatch Services Agreement with Seminole County Sheritr s Office, for Dispatch Services effective October 1, 2000 through September 30, 2001, in the amount of $464,843.00. Recommende.d by the City Manager. Approved. 7. Authorize uP'"'s~ina of the water line crossing of SR 46 at White Cedar Avenue from an eight inch (8") to a twelve inch (12") with the City paying McKee Construction $10,850 for the cost difference. Recommended by the City Manager. Authorized. 1. Approve Josie Hood to use sick leave to care for sick family members, under family medical leave. Recommended by the Human Resources Director and the City Manager. Approved. Information only. 1. Police Department Status Report through September 20, 2000. Noted. Chief Tooley reported Bradshaw residents had complained to the news media about a situation in the area, not to the SPD, and that when he found out about it he instructed the officers to work on it. City Attorn(y's ~eport. No report. City Clerk's Report. Markae.... Reported Development Order 00-0017, attachment to PD rezoning Ordinance No. 3564, was received in the City Clerk's Office 93 days after the adoption of the ordinance, and the ordinance requires it to be received within 90 days or the ordinance is void; further the Certificate of Receipt which the City Clerk must execute certifies that the development order was received within 90 days of the adoption of the ordinance. Further, staff recommends the Commission accept the development order and instruct the City Clerk to record it. Authorized. City l\fanager~ s Report. 1. Distributed ASA Supertournament information; reviewed by Mike Kirby. 2. Reported he will attend the Seminole County Commission meeting tomorrow and will deliver a copy of the Trails Resolution and supertournament information. City Commissioners' Repo(t$. Commissioner Eckstein: No report. Commissioner Williams: Invited everyone to the Octoberfest celebration at Coastline Park on October 7, 2000. Commissioner Lessard: No report. Commissioner Jones: No report. Mayor Dale: No report. ADVICE TO THE PUBLIC: IF A PERSON DECIDES TO APPEAL A DECISION MADE WITH RESPECT TO ANY MATTER CONSIDERED AT THE ABOVE MEETING OR HEARING HE MAY NEED A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS INCLUDING THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE WHICH RECORD IS NOT PROVIDED BY THE CITY OF SANFORD. (FS286.0105) PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES NEEDING ASSISTANCE TO PARTICIPATE IN ANY OF THESE PROCEEDINGS SHOULD CONTACT THE HUMAN RESOURCES OFFICE ADA COORDINATOR AT 330-5626 48 HOURS IN AOV ANCE OF THE MEETING.