HomeMy WebLinkAbout090299 jtws agenda & min. AGENDA Joint Work Session Sanford City Commission and the Planning and Zoning Commission Thursday, September 2J 1999, 3:00 PM City Commission Chambers, First Floor Sanford City HallJ 300 North Park Avenue Sanford, Florida 1. Presentation by staff: . Utility expansion plans . Transportation improvements . Airport development plans . Joint Planning Agreement provisions for control of land uses . County-adopted land uses . City-adopted land uses and land use policies 2. Commission discussion regarding planned improvements and adopted land uses. 3. Discussion regarding future actions (e.g., utility development, future land use amendments, marketing pieces, expedited permitting, etc.) ADVICE TO THE PUBLIC: IF A PERSON DECIDES TO APPEAL A DECISION MADE WITH RESPECT TO ANY MATTER CONSIDERED AT THE ABOVE MEETING OR HEARING HE MAY NEED A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS INCLUDING THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE WHICH RECORD IS NOT PROVIDED BY THE CITY OF SANFORD. (FS286.010S) PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES NEEDING ASSISTANCE TO PARTICIPATE IN ANY OF THESE PROCEEDINGS SHOULD CONTACT THE HUMAN RESOURCES OFFICE ADA COORDINATOR AT 330-5626 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE OF THE MEETING. MINUTES 9 1 City Commission, Sanford, Florida 3:00 Joint. 14ork session Sept. ember 2, ~99c. The City Commission of the City of Sanfurd, Florida and the Planning & Zoning Commission met in Joint Work Session on Thursday, September 2, 1999, at 3:00 P.M. in the City Commission Koom, City Hall, 300 North Park Avenue, Sanford, Florida. Present: Mayor-Commissioner Larry A. Dale Commissioner Whltey Eckstein Commissioner Velma FL WHliams Commissioner Brady Lessard Commissioner A. A, McClanahan City Mulnager Anthony VanDerworp Jay Martier, Director of Engineering & Planning Acting City Clerk Markae Rupp Michael SPat Bobby VonHezbulls Kevin Hipes Otto Garrett Carol Dennison Ross Robert Andy Kutz Tim Hudson Absent: City Attorney William L. Colbert City Cleric Janet Doughea~ty Mayor Dale said that for the last two years the City Commission has established several goals and policies re~trding expansionary plans for the City. He said ~e City Manager thought it was important that the City Commission and the Planning & Zoning Commission meet as a team to review work that Staff has been doing and to discuss the future growth of the City as it expands into our urban planning and utility service area. The City, through a Joint Planning Agreement with the County and approved DEP utility service area, is in the process of making a major investment in utilities based on adopted land City Man~er VanDawozp said that with more than $500 million pw~'ammed for transportation improvements and $38 million in utility improvements, this area is expected to become one of the fastest ~'owing areas in the re~ion. This Work Session will present an ovendew of the plans and programs currently in effect or underway and allow discussion of the City's role in the orderly ~rowth and development of the City. Jay Marder, Director ofEnglneering & Planning said half a million dollars in transportation improvements is providing the structure and access to the new leg of the beltway, the construction of 46A, six laning 1-4 from Lake Mary Boulevard to 46A and six hning up to 'and including the bridge, Airport Boulevard, the east-west connector, the St. Jobms Parkway, the Riverwalk, and transportation improvements at the Airport. The improvements arc City, County, State, and Federal. Mayor Dale said the transportation improvements are already funded and designed and construction activity has begun on some of them and should be completed within the next four years. The St. Johas Parkway is parfly funded by the one cent sales tax. He said the utility department is expending funds to relocate and upl~ade utilities as the roads are built. fithe Conference Center comes to fruition, money from the one cent sales tax has been earmarked for improvements downto~m, and there are stormwater improvements slated for First Street. City Manager VanDenvorp said the County has design engineers under contract to add a fifth lane to Sanford Avenue from Airport Boulevard to 27~ Street. It is a safety project which could cost between four hundred thousand and six hundred thousand dollars to relocate City utilities. , Mayor Dale said the transportation improvements total approximately $600,000,000., and that Sailford was 92 MINUTES City Commjsslon, Saaford, Florida 3,00 Joint work session September 2 always tailored for the tail end of the sales tax dollar improvements, and most of the improvements ~re in the Sanford area. Michael Skat asked if there are traffic studies done which relate to the transportation improvements. Mayor Dale said there have been traffic studies done for every project. City Manager VanD envorp said the network is modeled based on population projection demands. Andy Kutz asked if the one sat tax was population based and if the new Census will determine if we will get more. City Manager VanDerworp said it was mostly need based when the formula was designed, but population based to a degree to make sure cities received the[r fair share. The one cent sales tax expires at the end of 2001 and will probably go to a refeamdum for an extension. Mr. Kutz asked how much money will be needed for downtown. City Manager VanDenvorp said that approximately $3,600,000. has been allocated to b6 spread between projects, inch[cling downtown. Mayor Dale said a master plan for downtown won't be designed until it is determined whether the Cofferonce Center will be built. Regardless of the Conference Center, there are lighting and drainage improvements needed downtown. Paul Moore, Utility Director, presented an overview of the main water end sewer trunk lines. He referred to a map of potabl6 water lines representing City funded improvements. He said that County road wid'~nlng projects dictate relocafion and up-sizing existing water lines for future roads, including Airport Boulevard, 46A, and Eas~ Lake Mary Boulevard. The proposed wastewater plant by the Airport and the other side of the Airport require lines for future roads. There are water and sewer lines in the area of Rand Yard Road and lq'areissus Avenue. He said there is a million dollar project currently under construction in the area of Country Club Road and Airport Boulevard. Mr. Moore said there is :$38,000,000. being spent on utility improvements. Mayor Dale said he would like water and sewer lines extended out Celery Avenue because of the potential for upsc~le housing. Water lines presently e~tend to Sanford Boat Works, however, sewer lines only extend to Brisson Avenue. He said the $38,000,000. in utility improvements does not include money that developers spend for improvements for their proje<~,s. Ross Robert said that ae~ording to the map, the proposed sewer line for the proposed sewer plant runs though the Kirehhoff property. Mayor Dale said the original sewer plant site was on the Airport, however, the FAA turned it down. He said the sewer plant location is north of Marquette and is the Grove Partnership, of which Kirehhoff is a part. Mr, Moore, making reference to a map of City sewer lines, indicated the City utility service area extends past the City limit area for future growth. The County and the City have an interlocal agreement which defines the utility boundary line. City Manager VanDenvorp said the interlocal agreement with the County addresses utilities, land uses, and a con.ilia resolution process. The City and the County jointly agreed to land uses. Mr. Marder said the agreement allows the annexation of property concurrent with the zoning. Once a property is annexed, the land us6 equivalency chart regulates the zonZng and plan dassi/]cation. City Manager VanDerworp said when a property is annexed the City can overlay the zoning and subdivision regulations and clean it up as a land use amendment when the Comprehensive Plan Amendment is done twice a year. City Manager VanDerworp mad6 reference to a 1996 map of development in the City and a map of current activities and said ~e amount of activity has doubled. He said the i~cture is in place for the area and the region that people are looking to develop. City Manager VanDerworp said there are approximately 10,000 acres of land in the City limits and th, e map i~cates 9,000 acres of undeveloped land which would nearly double the acreage of the City as we develop under the Joint :,~,. .......-..... ::~. MINUTES City Commission. Sanford, Flodda 3.*00 3otnt i4ork ,cI~qq4nn Planning Agreement If we plan our utilities fight and deal with our land use issues, we could almost double the size of the City. In response to Commissioner Eckstein's questions regarding why we want to double the size of the City, the City Manager said it was done with the Interlocal Joint Planning Agreement betwren the City and the County. The City Manager said the agreement came about due to utility issues and conflicts over annexations. Commissioner Eckstein said he would like to ace transitional zoning to make the area attractive and to maintain integrity. Mayor Dale said the purpose oftoday's meeting is to see what goals the Commission established in the past and to see where we want to go in the future., both eoma planning perspective and a Commission perspective. Mayor Dale said that he and Staff spent a lot of time trying to find a site that will work for the sewer plant, and the site at the Airport will serve the Airport and the surrounding area~ He said there is currently one sewer plant in the City, and when it rains the plant is at capacity at limes. We can't build a sewer plant just for the growth of the Airport because we would have to increase our rates to do that. Because of the noise and the activity at the Airport, Mayor Dale said he didn't think the area would remain rural or residential but may be multi-family in certain areas. City Manager VanDerworp said the City and the County have placed high intensity uses along the Lake Mary Boulevard extension. The road has been double loaded to get the maximum tax base from a fac'dity. Additionally, we are starting to expedanco discussion regarding development ofsubdivi;ions in the area of South Sanford Avenue. Urban services are available for office, wholesale, industrial, and multi-family. City Manager VanDenvorp said areas have been identified which have issues involved with them and will need to be dealt with. Prop~y owners in the area of the zoo along the lakefront are interested in where the utility lines are, if they can annex, and what uses the City would allow. The west side industry and commerce area does not have a lot offand use conflicts. Most ofthe people that were living in that area understand that it is industrial and sold their homes, There is a need to put a road in that area if we are go'rag to make it work for us in the tax base, The Airport area property has permitting issues which need to be dealt with. We need to deal with utilities and land use density and intensity issues in the Celery Avenue area. The Commissions next discussed housing developments regarding square footage, lot sizes, density, buffers, setbacks, enrazxc~ fes/ures~ ctc. Mr. Kutz said to have transitional zoning there needs to be a method incorporated to limit the scope of a project, and a real asset would be a project limiting criteria. Mayor Dale said direction is given to Staff on what to bring to the Commission. Mr. Sicat said Staff knows' to bring what the Commission wants to the Planning & Zoning Commission. Commissioner Ecksteln said ifguldelines and standards are set which c~.nnot .be mitigated, then we are acting out ofintegrlty and not at the whim of developers..Mr. Robert said he is not in Favor ofcodifylng our intensity oFuse on the land that we have zoned for vations uses down to a narrow range. He likes it the way it is to give the developer and the City leeway to allow for planning. Mr. Marder said nobody is doing conventional zoning and nobody is doing an SP,-1 subdivision today, and they arc all coming in for special subdivision development. When developers are given a choice of a group of design criteria, certain amenities can b~ chose~x. Mayor Dale said the biggest demand is for a large house on a small lot. City aer VanDerworp said the purpose of the meeting was to get an overall ovclvlew regarding issues and direction to take. Over the next year suggestions will be offered to the Planning & Zo~ng Commission regarding land use and zoning issues, Mayor Dale said the sewer plant by the ALrport will become an issue in t.he ne~a sixty days and wanted to confirm ,, 94 MINUTES · City Commission, Sanford, Flodda 3,00 ~o~nt work Session Seotember 2 19 ~9 that the Commissions agreed that the !and use around the Airport is going to change, and if it was agreed there was a need for the mower plant in that area. No one disagreed. Therewasdiscu$1onregafdingimprovementsofthe 17-92corridor. The City Manager sald thereneeds to be a plan for 17-92. FIe said it is a huge project and a plan will be submitted next year. Ther~ being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. Attest: Mayor City Clerk E718672 MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida 3:00 Joint Work Session September 2, 91 19 99 Session on Thursday, September 2, 1999, at 3:00 Sanford, Florida. Present: The City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida and the Planning & Zoning Commission met in Joint Work P.M. in the City Commission Room, City Hall, 300 North Park Avenue, Absent: Mayor-Commissioner Larry A. Dale Commissioner Whitey Eckstein Commissioner Velma H. Williams Commissioner Brady Lessard Commissioner A. A. McClanahan City Manager Anthony VanDerworp Jay Marder, Director of Engineering & Planning Acting City Clerk Markae Rupp Michael Skat Bobby VonHerbulis Kevin Hipes Otto Garrett Carol Dennison Ross Robert Andy Kutz Tim Hudson City Attorney William L. Colbert City Clerk Janet Dougherty Mayor Dale said that for the last two years the City Commission has established several goals and policies regarding expansionary plans for the City. He said the City Manager thought it was important that the City Commission and the Planning & Zoning Commission meet as a team to review work that Staff has been doing and to discuss the future growth of the City as it expands into our urban planning and utility service area. The City, through a Joint Planning Agreement with the County and approved DEP utility service area, is in the process of making a major investment in utilities based on adopted land uses. City Manager VanDerworp said that with more than $500 million programmed for transportation improvements and $38 million in utility improvements, this area is expected to become one of the fastest growing areas in the region. This Work Session will present an overview of the plans and programs currently in effect or underway and allow discussion of the City' s role in the orderly growth and development of the City. Jay Marder, Director of Engineering & Planning, said half a million dollars in transportation improvements is providing the structure and access to the new leg of the beltway, the construction of 46A, six laxring 1-4 from Lake Mary Boulevard to 46A and six laxring up to and including the bridge, Airport Boulevard, the east-west connector, the St. Johns Parkway, the Riverwalk, and transportation improvements at the Airport. The improvements are City, County, State, and Federal. Mayor Dale said the transportation improvements are already funded and designed and construction activity has begun on some of them and should be completed within the next four years. The St. Johns Parkway is partly funded by the one cent sales tax. He said the utility department is expending funds to relocate and upgrade utilities as the roads are built. If the Conference Center comes to fruition, money from the one cent sales tax has been earmarked for improvements downtown, and there are stormwater improvements slated for First Street. City Manager VanDerworp said the County has design engineers under contract to add a fifth lane to Sanford Avenue from Airport Boulevard to 27m Street. It is a safety project which could cost between four hundred thousand and six hundred thousand dollars to relocate City utilities. Mayor Dale said the transportation improvements total approximately $600,000,000., and that Sanford was 92 E718672 MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida 3:00 Joint work Session September 2 always tailored for the tail end of the sales tax dollar improvements, and most of the improvements are in the Sanford area. Michel Skat asked if there are traffic studies done which relate to the transportation improvements. Mayor Dale said there have been traffic studies done for every project. City Manager VanDerworp said the network is modeled based on population projection demands. Andy Kutz asked if the one cent tax was population based and if the new Census will determine if we will get more. City Manager VanDerworp said it was mostly need based when the formula was designed, but population based to a degree to make sure cities received their fair share. The one cent sales tax expires at the end of 2001 and will probably go to a referendum for an extension. Mr. Kutz asked how much money will be needed for downtown. City Manager VanDerworp said that approximately $3,600,000. has been allocated to be spread between projects, including downtown. Mayor Dale said a master plan for downtown won't be designed until it is determined whether the Conference Center will be built. Regardless of the Conference Center, there are lighting and drainage improvements needed downtown. Paul Moore, Utility Director, presented an overview of the main water and sewer trunk lines. He referred to a map of potable water lines representing City funded improvements. He said that County road widening projects dictate relocation and up-sizing existing water lines for future roads, including Airport Boulevard, 46A, and East Lake Mary Boulevard. The proposed wastewater plant by the Airport and the other side of the Airport require lines for future roads. There are water and sewer lines in the area of Rand Yard Road and Narcissus Avenue. He said there is a million dollar project currently under construction in the area of Country Club Road and Airport Boulevard. Mr. Moore said there is $38,000,000. being spent on utility improvements. Mayor Dale said he would like water and sewer lines extended out Celery Avenue because of the potential for upscale housing. Water lines presently extend to Sanford Boat Works, however, sewer lines only extend to Brisson Avenue. He said the $38,000,000. in utility improvements does not include money that developers spend for improvements for their projects. Ross Robert said that according to the map, the proposed sewer line for the proposed sewer plant runs through the Kirchhoff property. Mayor Dale said the original sewer plant site was on the Airport, however, the FAA turned it down. He said the sewer plant location is north of Marquette and is the Grove Partnership, of which Kirchhoff is a part. Mr. Moore, making reference to a map of City sewer lines, indicated the City utility service area extends past the City limit area for future growth. The County and the City have an interlocal agreement which defines the utility boundary line. City Manager VanDerworp said the inte~ocal agreement with the County addresses utilities, land uses, and a conflict resolution process. The City and the County jointly agreed to land uses. Mr. Marder said the agreement allows the annexation of property concurrent with the zoning. Once a property is annexed, the land use equivalency chart regulates the zoning and plan classification. City Manager VanDerworp said when a property is annexed the City can overlay the zoning and subdivision regulations and clean it up as a land use amendment when the Comprehensive Plan Amendment is done twice a year. City Manager VanDerworp made reference to a 1996 map of development in the City and a map of current activities and said the amount of activity has doubled. He said the infrastructure is in place for the area and the region that people are looking to develop. City Manager VanDerworp said there are approximately 10,000 acres of land in the City limits and the map indicates 9,000 acres ofnndeveloped land which would nearly double the acreage of the City as we develop under the Joint 19 99 E718672 MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida 3:00 Joint Work Session 93 19qq Planning Agreement. If we plan our utilities right and deal with our land use issues, we could almost double the size of the City. In response to Commissioner Eckstein' s questions regarding why we want to double the size of the City, the City Manager said it was done with the Interlocal Joint Planning Agreement between the City and the County. The City Manager said the agreement came about due to utility issues and conflicts over annexations. Commissioner Eckstein said he would like to see transitional zoning to make the area attractive and to maintain integrity. Mayor Dale said the purpose oftodayTs meeting is to see what goals the Commission established in the past and to see where we want to go in the future, both from a planning perspective and a Commission perspective. Mayor Dale said that he and Staff spent a lot of time trying to find a site that will work for the sewer plant, and the site at the Airport will serve the Airport and the surrounding area. He said there is currently one sewer plant in the City, and when it rains the plant is at capacity at times. We can't build a sewer plant just for the growth of the Airport because we would have to increase our rates to do that. Because of the noise and the activity at the Airport, Mayor Dale said he didn't think the area would remain rural or residential but may be multi-family in certain areas. City Manager VanDerworp said the City and the County have placed high intensity uses along the Lake Mary Boulevard extension. The road has been double loaded to get the maximum tax base from a facility. Additionally, we are starting to experience discussion regarding development of subdivisions in the area of South Sanford Avenue. Urban services are available for office, wholesale, industrial, and multi-family. City Manager VanDerworp said areas have been identified which have issues involved with them and will need to be dealt with. Property owners in the area of the zoo along the lakefront are interested in where the utility lines are, if they can annex, and what uses the City would allow. The west side industry and commerce area does not have a lot of land use conflicts. Most of the people that were living in that area understand that it is industrial and sold their homes. There is a need to put a road in that area if we are going to make it work for us in the tax base. The Airport area property has permitting issues which need to be dealt with. We need to deal with utilities and land use density and intensity issues in the Celery Avenue area. The Commissions next discussed housing developments regarding square footage, lot sizes, density, buffers, setbacks, entrance features, etc. Mr. Kutz said to have transitional zoning there needs to be a method incorporated to limit the scope of a project, and a real asset would be a project limiting criteria. Mayor Dale said direction is given to Staff on what to bring to the Commission. Mr. Skat said Staff knows to bring what the Commission wants to the Planning & Zoning Commission. Commissioner Eckstein said if guidelines and standards are set which cannot be mitigated, then we are acting out of integrity and not at the whim of developers. Mr. Robert said he is not in favor of codifying our intensity of use on the land that we have zoned for various uses down to a narrow range. He likes it the way it is to give the developer and the City leeway to allow for planning. Mr. Marder said nobody is doing conventional zoning and nobody is doing an SR-1 subdivision today, and they are all coming in for special subdivision development. When developors are given a choice of a group of design criteria, certain amenities can be chosen. Mayor Dale said the biggest demand is for a large house on a small lot. City Manager VanDerworp said the purpose of the meeting was to get an overall overview regarding issues and direction to take. Over the next year suggestions will be offered to the Planning & Zoning Commission regarding land use and zoning issues. Mayor Dale said the sewer plant by the Airport will become an issue in the next sixty days and wanted to confirm 94. E718672 MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida 3:00 Joint Work Session September 2 19 99 that the Commissions agreed that the land use around the Airport is going to change, and if it was agreed there was a need for the sewer plant in that area. No one disagreed. There was discussion regarding improvements of the 17-92 corridor. The City Manager said there needs to be a plan for 17-92. He said it is a huge project and a plan will be submitted next year. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. Attest: cp