HomeMy WebLinkAbout071299 ws/rm agenda & Revised 5:54. p.m., July 12, 1999 AGENDA Sanford City Commission Meetings Monday, July 12, 1999 Sanford City Hall, 300 North Park Avenue Sanford, Florida ****************************************************************************** WORK SESSION 5:00 P.M. in the City Manager's Conference Room, Second Floor 1. Presentation of Employee of the month for July. 1999. 2. Discussion of assignment of Marina Hotel Land Lease. (Item R-3.) 3. rIcscntation IC. South Shol e Club. Item removed per South Shore Club's request. 4. Discussion of: Mill Creek Phase 3D Project (Sandefur property, Contract with Bishop & Buttrey). (Item R-4.) 5. Discussion of Re2ular A2enda items. Add-on items. and other items. 6. City Mana2er's briefin2. ****************************************************************************** REGULAR MEETING 7:00 P.M., City Commission Chambers, First Floor Presentation to Representative Tom Feeney for his outstanding responsiveness and proven commitment to the City of Sanford and Seminole County during the State of Florida 1998-1999 Legislative Session. Citizen participation. Approval of minutes of the City Commission June 28, 1999 Regular Meeting. Recommended by City Manager. Public Hearings. 1. Second readin2 of Ordinance No. 3495 annexing 43.78 acres of property lying between South Oregon Avenue and Woodridge Trail and between South Oregon Avenue and Twin Lake. Thomas & Mary Ratliff, Matthew & Lourdes Burke and Sara Burke, owners. Recommended by City Manager. Ad published July 1 and 8, 1999. 2. Adopt Resolution No. 1817 re: the Revised Evaluation and Appraisal Report (EAR) of the City of Sanford Comprehensive Plan. Recommended by Planning & Zoning Commission, Director of Engineering & Planning, and City Manager. Ad published July 1, 1999. Rel:ular Items. 1. Condemnations: Status Report update to be given at meeting re: Condemnation Report No. 98-16,218 W. 12th Street/1119 Myrtle Avenue. There are no requests or recommendations. 2. Inoperable/Unta1U:ed vehicles -- time extension requests. Community Development Director and City Manager recommend extensions as itemized. 3. Approve assignment of Marina Hotel Land Lease. Recommended by City Manager. 4. Authorize execution of Contract with Bishop & Buttrey - Mill Creek Phase 3B Project. Recommended by City Manager. 5. Adopt Resolution No. 1816, re: rescinding Resolution No. 1813, potable and reclaimed water restrictions. Recommended by Director of Utilities and City Manager. 6. Approve Right-of-Way use agreement at 2613 Orlando Drive, for use ofa portion of rights-of-way at the intersection of Hiawatha Avenue, French Avenue, and Orlando Drive, for installation of landscaping, irrigation, and fencing. Recommended by Plans Review Committee and City Manager, on the condition that the irrigation is restricted to the landscape area only and not to spray into the impervious area of the street. Consent Agenda. 1. Approve agreement with Infrastructure Management Services, Inc., for Professional Engineering Services for a Comprehensive Pavement Management Program and Concrete Sidewalk Inventory. Recommended by City Manager. 2. Approve street closures and sale/consumption of beer in conjunction with the Sanford Heritage Festival. Close East First Street and Commercial Street between Park Avenue and Sanford Avenue, and close Park A venue and Palmetto Avenue between Commercial Street and Second Street from 12:00 P.M. on November 11, 1999 through 6:00 P.M. on November 15, 1999. Recommended by City Manager, with appropriate monitoring by the Sanford Police Department. 3. Authorize $2.500.00 transfer from City Manager's Contingency Fund for travel, meals, and lodging for six Police Chief finalists participating in the selection process. Recommended by City Manager. Revised 5:54 p.m., July 12, 1999 Add-on items. A. Waiver of Burn Permit fee for land clearing associated with the Seminole High School swimming pool site. Information only. A. Code Enforcement Board Minutes for March 9, 1999, April 13, 1999, and May 11, 1999. City Attorney's Report. City Clerk's Report. City Manaa:er's Report. City Commissioners' Reports. ADVICE TO THE PUBLIC: IF A PERSON DECIDES TO APPEAL A DECISION MADE WITH RESPECT TO ANY MATTER CONSIDERED AT THE ABOVE MEETING OR HEARING HE MAY NEED A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS INCLUDING THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE WHICH RECORD IS NOT PROVIDED BY THE CITY OF SANFORD. (FS286.0105) PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES NEEDING ASSISTANCE TO PARTICIPATE IN ANY OF THESE PROCEEDINGS SHOULD CONTACT THE HUMAN RESOURCES OFFICE ADA COORDINATOR AT 330-5626 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE OF THE MEETING. Revised 5:54. p.m., July 12, 1999 AGENDA Sanford City Commission Meetings Monday, July 12, 1999 Sanford City Hall, 300 North Park Avenue Sanford, Florida ****************************************************************************** WORK SESSION 5:00 P.M. in the City Manager's Conference Room, Second Floor 1. Presentation of Employee of the month for July. 1999. .......... Presented to Philip Ryan. 2. Discussion of assignment of Marina Hotel Land Lease. (Item R-3.) .......... Donna Watt reported on the financial information obtained about the buyer; see Item #R-3 for action. 3. Paul.... Presentation re. South Shole Club. Item removed per South Shore Club's request. Inform Sid Vihlen that if South Shore Club does not come forward so that the Commission and South Shore Club can discuss the issue, the city will proceed with other measures. 4. Discussion of Mill Creek Phase 3D PrQject (Sandefur property, Contract with Bishop & Buttrey). (Item R-4.) Jeny....... Fill in broker name or write "none"; deposit funds into City Attorney's escrow fund; Bishop & Buttrey post a bond using their funds; concurred with City Attorney's recommendations; see Item #R-4 for action. 5. Discussion of Regular Agenda items. Add-on items. and other items. #C-l. Acting City Manager reported additional City Attorney recommendations and recommended approval with those conditions; concurred; Thad Hart, VP, IMS, concurred with City Attorney conditions; see Item #C-l for action. 2805 S. Oak Av. Acting City Manager reported he approved emergency water service and the Petition for Annexation will processed to annex the property. Front Porch Florida. Charles Rowe distributed booklets that were sent to Tallahassee for Sanford to be considered for one of the communities to be chosen to receive funding under this program; no date has been provided when the communities will be chosen. #C-2. Ron Rose briefly explained details of the requested street closures; see Item #C-2 for action. TV..... City Hall space utilization. Commissioner McClanahan recommended creation of a committee of the City Manager, department heads and anyone else the City Manager deemed appropriate, to review the city's space needs and recommend the most advantageous use and layout of the City Hall building space; the Commission concurred. Commissioner Lessard reported that instead of recarpeting the City Commission Chamber walls, the Civic Center should be carpeted; Mayor Dale reported the Commission already approved the budget for the City Commission Chambers. 6. City Manager's briefing. .......... None given. ****************************************************************************** REGULAR MEETING 7:00 P.M., City Commission Chambers, First Floor Presentation to Representative Tom Feeney for his outstanding responsiveness and proven commitment to the City of Sanford and Seminole County during the State of Florida 1998-1999 Legislative Session. ........ Mayor Dale presented to Representative Feeney. Citizen participation. A. Barbara Kuhn thanked the Commission for its support ofthe July 4 event and reported about 40,000 people attended. Further, thanked various city departments for assistance and cooperation in helping make the event so successful. Approval of minutes of the City Commission June 28, 1999 Regular Meeting. Recommended by City Manager. Markae...... Approved. Public Hearings. 1. Second reading of Ordinance No. 3495 annexing 43.78 acres of property lying between South Oregon Avenue and W oodridge Trail and between South Oregon Avenue and Twin Lake. Thomas & Mary Ratliff, Matthew & Lourdes Burke and Sara Burke, owners. Recommended by City Manager. Ad published July 1 and 8, 1999. Markae....... Adopted. 2. Adopt Resolution No. 1817 re: the Revised Evaluation and Appraisal Report (EAR) of the City of Sanford Comprehensive Plan. Recommended by Planning & Zoning Commission, Director of Engineering & Planning, and City Manager. Ad published July 1, 1999. Markae...... Adopted. Regular Items. 1. Condemnations: Status Report update to be given at meeting re: Condemnation Report No. 98-16,218 W. 12th Street/1119 Myrtle Avenue. There are no requests or recommendations. Charles...... Authorized 90 day extension for Kelleys (new owners) to work out repair schedule with Charles Rowe, and Mr. Rowe to inspect the property and report at 7-26 . . meeting. 2. InoperablelUntagged vehicles -- time extension requests. Community Development Director and City Manager recommend extensions as itemized. Charles....... Authorized 30 day extension for 611 Sanford Avenue and consider 30 day extension at next meeting for 1001 Laurel, if the vehicles are legally parked. Jan...... Bill c......... & Mayor ..... & Jan........ Paul...... .. Jan...... 3. Approve assignment of Marina Hotel Land Lease. Recommended by City Manager. Approved. 4. Authorize execution of Contract with Bishop & Buttrey - Mill Creek Phase 3B Project. Recommended by City Manager. Authorized if default provision can be negotiated (if owner defaults and city must take over the project the city would pay to the owner the contracted amount less what is required to complete the project). (Appropriate wording and placement in contract) (negotiate) (signatures) 5. Adopt Resolution No. 1816, re: rescinding Resolution No. 1813, potable and reclaimed water restrictions. Recommended by Director of Utilities and City Manager. Adopted. 6. Approve Right-of-Way use agreement at 2613 Orlando Drive, for use of a portion of rights-of-way at the intersection of Hiawatha Avenue, French Avenue, and Orlando Drive, for installation of landscaping, irrigation, and fencing. Recommended by Plans Review Committee and City Manager, on the condition that the irrigation is restricted to the landscape area only and not to spray into the impervious area of the street. Approved. Consent Agenda. 1. Approve agreement with Infrastructure Management Services, Inc., for Professional Engineering Services for a Comprehensive Pavement Management Program and Concrete Sidewalk Inventory. Recommended by City Manager. Jan & Jeny..... Approved as recommended by City Attorney. 2. Approve street closures and sale/consumption of beer in conjunction with the Sanford Heritage Festival. Close East First Street and Commercial Street between Park Avenue and Sanford Avenue, and close Park Avenue and Palmetto Avenue between Commercial Street and Second Street from 12:00 P.M. on November 11, 1999 through 6:00 P.M. on November 15, 1999. Recommended by . . Mike..... City Manager, with appropriate monitoring by the Sanford Police Department. Approved. 3. Authorize $2.500.00 transfer from City Manager's Contingency Fund for travel, meals, and lodging for six Police Chief finalists participating in the selection process. Recommended by City Manager. Authorized. Joe....... Announcement. Mayor Dale announced that the Citizens Advisory Board will meet Wednesday, July 14 in the City Commission Conference Room. Revised 5:54 p.m., July 12, 1999 Add-on items. A. Waiver of Burn Permit fee for land clearing associated with the Seminole High School swimming pool site. Authorized. Tom...... Information only. A. Code Enforcement Board Minutes for March 9, 1999, April 13, 1999, and May 11, 1999. City Attorn~y's Report. None given. City Clerk's Report. None given. City Manager's Report. None given. City Commissioners' Reports. None given. ADVICE TO THE PUBLIC: IF A PERSON DECIDES TO APPEAL A DECISION MADE WITH RESPECT TO ANY MATTER CONSIDERED AT THE ABOVE MEETING OR HEARING HE MAY NEED A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS INCLUDING THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE WHICH RECORD IS NOT PROVIDED BY THE CITY OF SANFORD. (FS286.0105) PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES NEEDING ASSISTANCE TO PARTICIPATE IN ANY OF THESE PROCEEDINGS SHOULD CONTACT THE HUMAN RESOURCES OFFICE ADA COORDINATOR AT 330-5626 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE OF THE MEETING.