HomeMy WebLinkAbout022795 work session/regular meeting agenda AGE N D A Sanford City Commission Meetings Monday, February 27, 1995 Sanford City Hall, 300 North Park Avenue Sanford, Florida ****************************************************************** Work Session 5:00 o'clock P.M. City Manager's Conference Room 1. Discussion regarding vacating alleys at 1400 West Eighth street and 410 Bay Avenue. 2. Discussion of chain link fences in front yards. 3 . Discussion of outside Displays in the downtown historic area. 4. Report on Business Information Group ("BIG"). 5. Discussion of Regular Agenda Items and other items. ***************************************************************** Regular Meeting 7:00 o'clock P.M. City Commission Room 5.5. Presentations. 6. Public Hearing to consider second reading and adoption of Ordinance No. 3245. 7. Consideration of request from Ron Prevatt for Right-Of-Way Use Permit, to stabilize (gravel) a portion of right-of-way of Country Club Drive, fronting 122 Country Club Drive, for parking privately-owned vehicles. 8. Consideration of Petition for Annexation of a portion of property lying between Lake Mary Boulevard and Main Road extended easterly and between Hospital Road extended northerly and U.s. Highway 17-92. 9. Consideration of Contract with North American Life Assurance Company, for group life/AD&D, and supplemental life insurance through FY 95/96. 10. Consideration of Contract with Personal Performance Consultants for Employees Assistance Program ("EAP"). 11. Consideration of Surplus City Property. 12. Consideration of request for utilization of Good Neighbor Utility Funds. 13. Recommendation from Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting of Thursday, February 16, 1995. 14. Consideration of 7% vs 10% Utility Tax on telecommunication services. 15. Board appointments/resignation. 16. Consent Agenda. 17. Information regarding invoices paid during the period for previously approved lump sum contracts. 18. Consideration of request from Central Florida Riders of Orlando, Inc. for street closures in conjunction with Special Event Application. Meeting recessed, then reconvened .... 19. Consideration of Tabulations of Bids #94/95-08 and #94/95-09, Landscaping/Sodding and Irrigation of Right-Of-Ways for Towne Center Mall (Recreation & Parks Department.) ADVICE TO THE PUBLIC: IF A PERSON DECIDES TO APPEAL A DECISION MADE WITH RESPECT TO ANY MATTER CONSIDERED AT THE ABOVE MEETING, OR HEARING, HE MAY NEED A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS, INCLUDING THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE, WHICH RECORD IS NOT PROVIDED BY THE CITY OF SANFORD. (FS 286.0105) PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES NEEDING ASSISTANCE TO PARTICIPATE IN ANY OF THESE PROCEEDINGS SHOULD CONTACT THE PERSONNEL OFFICE ADA COORDINATOR AT 330-5626 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE OF THE MEETING. 20. Consideration of request for sale of beer for consumption on the premises at the St. Johns River Festival on March 4 and 5, 1995. 21. Consideration of letters from Tom Schneider regarding police facilities at Seminole Towne Center Mall. 22. Consideration of sponsoring a Florida Sesquicentennial Public Service Announcement. 23. Consideration of vacating two unopened alleys. 24. Consideration of Change Orders to contract with Amick Construction. 25. Appointment to the Planning and Zoning Commission. , . MEMORANDUM February 28, 1995 TO: FROM: RE: STAFF CITY MANAGER AND CITY CLERK ****************************************************************** FEBRUARY 27, 1995 AGENDA ITEMS. Work Session Second Floor 1. (Alley vacatings - 1400 West Eighth Street & 410 Bay Avenue.) Information attached. 2. ~j. .. ~Joo 4. Qj~.. . 5. Discussed; concurred to consider requests to maintain/vacate unopened alleys on a case by case basis, to consider vacating if there are no utili ties in the alley, and if there are utilities in the alley to consider vacating based on the physical culture (trees, fences, etc.) of the alley; concurred to begin procedures to vacate these two alleys; see Item No. 23 for action. (Chain Link Fences.) Discussed; concurred with Planning and Zoning Commission IS concurrence to prohibit chain link fencing in front yard set backs, with the Board of Adjustment, not Planning and Zoning, to decide on exemptions, and consider each request for exemption on a case by case basis. (Outside Displays.) Information attached. Discussed; asked City Manager to compile the recommendations as a policy, for review by City Commission and downtown associations. (Business Information Group.) Charles Rowe to report. Reviewed; concurred that the program proceed as outlined. (Regular Agenda Items and other items.) A. Regular Agenda Item # 14, Utility Tax. City Manager reported the City Attorney states it will be necessary to adopt an ordinance to implement the requested change. .... See Item #14 for action, B. Regular Agenda I tern # 15 . B. , Commission. Planning and Zoning Discussed two Applications for Appointment and that there is one other recommended appointee; concurred not to make a decision tonight and that Commissioner Eckstein will contact his recommended appointee to obtain an Application, and to place consideration of this appointment on the March 13, 1995 Work Session and Regular Meeting Agendas. C. Regular Agenda Item # 5.5. B., presentation of service weapon to Police Sgt. Bill Dube. .... The City Manager reported the Police Chief has requested this . " . presentation; see Item #5.5.B. for action. c1Y'J-L D. Scenic Improvement Board request to purchase Wildflower Sod in amount of $2,875.00. The Commission had no objection to this purchase, from SIB funds. E. Seminole Towne Center Mall Community Redevelopment Association Meeting. The City Manager reported that in addition to the items on the Agenda, he will also request a $67,194.00 Additive Change Order to the contract with Amick Construction for Towne Center Boulevard and st. Johns Parkway construction. Additionally, he will request an approximately $90,270.00 Change Order which will be reimbursed by the developer of Gateway for medians, turn-outs, a force main casing. Further, we are working on a $81,075.00 Change Order, to be paid by the Developer, to the Martin Contract for FDOT required changes to the west end of the SR46 job. Also, he will ask for approval to award the irrigation contract, with deductives, associated with Gateway. F. Proposed Interlocal Agreement and Proposed Local Bill regarding the Airport Authority/Port Authority Consolidation. The City Manager reported that County Manager Ron Rabun reports a copy of this has been delivered to the Airport Authority, and the City Commission concurred to discuss this issue in a Joint Work Session with the Airport Author i ty before taking any action. G. Item #22, Sesquicentennial Celebration. Discussed Florida League of Cities' "Moments in History" Public Service Announcements; see Item #22 for action. H. Item #20, St. Johns River Festival on March 4 and 5 - request for sale of beer for consumption on the premises in the west end of Ft. Mellon Park. Discussed; see Item #20 for action. I. The City Manager reported, for information, that the contract drawings and specifications are ready to bid, for the underdrains and curbing for Dogwood Drive, the estimated cost for underdrains is $24-25,000.00 and for the curbing is $13,000.00, he recommends it be bid wi,th a base bid for the underdrains and with the curbing being an addi ti ve bid item, with the city paying for the underdrains only and the neighborhood arrange to pay for the curbing should it be desired. J. Item #21, Police Substation at the Seminole Towne Center Ma II . Discussed; see Item #21 for action. K. Seminole Towne Center Community Redevelopment Agency Meeting. Mayor Smith announced the Agency will need to elect a Vice- ." . Chairman, and suggested that the Vice-Mayor be elected. ***************************************************************** Regular Meeting First Floor 5.5. (Presentations.) 6. &'{tAA. . 7. f),dOj iJLM .... 8. ML- . . . . . A. Mayor Smith presented the first Mayor's Role Model Award to Jeff Blake. B. Police Chief Russell presented Sgt. Bill Dube's service weapon to him. (Public Hearing - Second reading and adoption of Ordinance No. 3245,) re: Amending Ordinance No. 3230, and its amendments, and adopting an amended Classification and Pay Plan, effective immediately, to add one (1) "police officer" position. Copy of Ordinance No. 3245 attached. Ad published February 16, 1995. Adopted. (Right-Of-Way Use Permit - 122 Country Club Drive.) Information attached. City Manager reconunends authorization to execute standard Right-Of-Way Use Permit/Agreement approving improvements, utilizing cross-section drawing prepared by Engineering Department for installation as outlined in memorandum dated January 31, 1995, from Civil Engineer. Authorized as recommended. (Annexation Petition.) District Board of Trustees Petitioner. Copies attached: of Seminole Community College, Map Petition Application Staff Recommendations City Manager recommends authorization for City Attorney to prepare the proper ordinance to annex property as requested. Authorized the City Attorney to prepare the proper ordinance. 9. (Group Life Insurance.) Information attached. j~ . . . . City Manager reconunends extension of Contract with North American Life Assurance Company for group life/AD&D and supplemental life insurance through FY 95/96 at existing rates. Authorized as recommended. 10. (EAP.) Information attached. J~ City Manager recommends extension of Contract with Personal Performance Consultants for EAP services for the next three (3) years, as outlined in Option 1 of letter dated February 6, 1995, from Miriam Henry. Authorized as recommended. 11. (Surplus Property.) Information attached. uJatt . . City Manager recommends declare property, as identified in memorandum dated February 16, 1995 from Purchasing Agent, surplus and authorization to sell same at public auction on Saturday, March 11, 1995. Declared surplus and authorized to sell as recommended, with list to be provided to the Humane Society of Seminole County as previously agreed. 12. (Good Neighbor Utility Funds.) Information attached. -P aJd. .. . City Manager recommends assistance in amount of $90.91 with Good Neighbor Utility Funds. Authorized. 13. (Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting of February 16, 1995.) Information attached. Rec. #1: Approved a 202 Lot Preliminary Subdivision Plan for Country Club Park located at 500 Upsala Road in a PD, Planned Development, Zoning District subject to condi tions as described in memorandum dated February 17, 1995, from Land Development Coordinator. NEEDS ACKNOWLEDGEMENT AND/OR REVIEW/COMMENTS. Acknowledged. 14. (7% vs 10% Utility Tax.) Information attached. j"/3~qS ~ ~~.. City Manager recommends switching from 10% of the recurring monthly (base) charge to 7% of the total charge for services with certain exclusions, subject to City Attorney comments/recommendations. Authorized the City Attorney to prepare the proper ordinance to change as recommended. 15. (Board appointments/re-appointments/resignation.) A. Cemetery Advisory Board: The term of William E. Welborn expires March 13, 1995. Mr. Welborn has served the maximum number of terms and cannot be re-appointed. q~ S-/3--.:.!::. No action; list on March 13, 1995 Agenda. B. Planning and Zoning Commission: Mike Davis has submitted his resignation effective February 16, 1995. Information attached. .... No action; list on March 13, 1995 Agenda. 16. (Consent Agenda.) A. Consideration of request for payment of statement from Muller, Mintz, et al, for Professional Services from January 11 to January 16, 1995 in amount of $991.12 Copy attached. City Manager reconunends authorization to pay. ~~.. Payment authorized. 17. The following thirteen (13) invoices totalling $372,634.91 have been paid per City Commission approval on October 8, C#r. 1990, and November 25, 1991: Conklin, Porter & Holmes $1,646.48, $84.49, $91.42, $4,251.87, $2,379.74, $1,206.26, $7,004.76, $2,077.18; Universal Engineering Sciences $1,486.50, $2,776.00, $2,124.00; Martin Paving $325,006.21; McMahan Construction $22,500.00. Copies enclosed. Acknowledged. 18. (Street Closures.) Information attached. ,. ~.. City Manager reconunends closing Seminole Boulevard between San Juan Avenue and Sanford Avenue, and Sanford Avenue between Seminole Boulevard and Commercial Street. Authorized as recommended. 19. (Bid #94/95-08 and #94/95-09.) Information attached. Meeting recessed, then reconvened 0W:. 20. L1~ 2~ . 6J1 A 00 22. ~J. 23. -roo 00 24. 6JJ -P.oo . 1 City Manager recommends acceptance of lowest bid, which met specifications, from Dora Landscaping Company in amount of $241,019,39; reserving $12,570.00 for deducts 3 and 4 should the Gateway project, under separate contract, not be completed on schedule thereby requiring Dora Landscaping Company to finish the work. Accepted as recommended. (Request for sale of beer for consumption on the premises at the St. Johns River Festival on March 4 and 5, 1995.) Authorized sale of beer and wine for consumption on the premises all day on Saturday, March 4, and on Sunday, March 5 beginning at Noon. (Police facilities at Seminole Towne Center Mall.) Authorized to proceed with said facilities as outlined letter dated February 24, 1995 from Thomas J. Schneider. in (Sponsoring a Florida Sesquicentennial Public Service Announcement.) Authorized to sponsor an announcement in amount of $500.00, from City Manager's Contingency Fund, and to provide information and assistance as described in Memorandum dated February 21, 1995 from Sharon G. Berrian, Director of Public Information, Florida League of Cities, Inc. (Vacating two unopened alleys.) Authorized Staff to proceed with the vacating. (Change Orders to contract with Amick Construction) for installation of Towne center Boulevard, St. Johns Parkway and North Towne Road. Authorized Change Orders: (1) for change in material in water main from South Rinehart Road, credit on additional underdrains which were bid and then determined not to be required, resolution of several underground utility conflict,s, installation of irrigation sleeves in Towne Center Boulevard and St. Johns Parkway associated with the irrigation project, demucking overrun in number of units estimated under the unit price contract, all for a net additional cost of $67,194.00; 25. ~~ (2) for $90,270.00 of Gateway Center related work, reimbursable from the Gateway developer, for road and utility modifications, pavement markings, irrigation sleeves and the addition of a sleeve for a sanitary sewer force main. (Appointment to the Planning and Zoning Commission.) Appointed Mark Platts to the Planning and Zoning Commission to fill the unexpired term of Mike Davis.