HomeMy WebLinkAbout012395 work session/regular meeting agenda AGENDA Sanford City Commission Meetings Monday, January 23, 1995 Sanford City Hall, 300 North Park Avenue Sanford, Florida ****************************************************************** Work Session 5:00 o'clock P.M. City Manager's Conference Room 1. Discussion regarding Establishment of Community Redevelopment Agency for Lake Monroe Waterfront and Downtown Sanford Area. 2. Discussion of requests from Conklin, Porter and Holmes for fee modifications. 3. Discussion of request from Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc., for reimbrusement of expenses incurred as a result of incident during their event at the Civic Center. 4. Discussion of request from Commissioner Lyons for re- instatement of Youth Advisory Committee. 5. Discussion of request from Seminole County to adopt resolutions re: Gaming and Gambling Activities, and Ex-parte Communications. 6. Discussion regarding the Florida Hotel. 7. Recommendations for Welcome Sign Displays. 8. Discussion of Regular Agenda Items and other items. ******************************************************************* Regular Meeting 7:00 o'clock P.M. City Commission Room 9. Presentation of "Medal of Valor" to Conunander T. Ray Bronson. 10. Public Hearing to consider second reading and adoption of ordinances. 11. Consideration of Appeal of Denial of Certificate of Appropriateness by the Historic Preservation Board, to replace existing chain link fence at 217 South Park Avenue. 12. Consideration of request from Jerry Kleinberg, for Right-Of- Way Use Permit, for paved loading zone parking on south side of Third Street (300 South Sanford Avenue). 13. Consideration of request from Jon and Tammy Rogers and Reverend Don Bault, for approval to continue to intermittently park and occupy a recreational vehicle at 1412 Sanford Avenue, for approximately the next three months. 14. Consideration of request from Central Florida Chapter of Paralyzed Veterans of America, for street closures in conjunction with Special Event "9th Annual PVA u.S. Open Bass Tournament" April 28, 29, and 30, 1995. 15. Consideration of land acquisition for Cloud Branch/Mill Creek Drainge Improvement Project. 16. Consideration of Conservation Easement for wetland mitigation and installation of pipelines. 17. Consideration of request from SHDWA, for free use of Civic Center, for Miss Sanford Scholarship Pageant on February 18, 1995. 18. Consideration of request from Seminole County school Board, for additional full-time School Resource Officer at Crooms School of Choice. 19. Consideration of requests from Conklin, Porter and Holmes, for fee modifications. 20. Consideration of revisions to the City's Alcohol/Drug Testing Policy, as required by Federal mandate, and first reading of Ordinance No. 3242. 21. Consideration of resolution transferring cable television franchise from Time Warner Engtertainment Company, L.P. to Time Warner Entertainment-Advance/Newhouse Partnership. 22. Recommendations from Planning and Zoning Conunission Meeting of Thursday, January 5, 1995. 23. First reading of ordinances. 24. Consent Agenda. 25. Information regarding invoices paid during the period for previously approved lump sum contracts. 26. Consideration of request from Robert Stump for re- consideration of free hospitalization for retired elected City Officials for the remainder of their lives. ADVICE TO THE PUBLIC: IF A PERSON DECIDES TO APPEAL A DECISION MADE WITH RESPECT TO ANY MATTER CONSIDERED AT THE ABOVE MEETING, OR HEARING, HE MAY NEED A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS, INCLUDING THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE, WHICH RECORD IS NOT PROVIDED BY THE CITY OF SANFORD. (FS 286.0105) PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES NEEDING ASSISTANCE TO PARTICIPATE IN ANY OF THESE PROCEEDINGS SHOULD CONTACT THE PERSONNEL OFFICE ADA COORDINATOR AT 330-5626 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE OF THE MEETING. 27. Sanford Gasification Plant. 28. Low Income Emergency Repair Agreement. 29. Consideration of requests from Shelly Baggs for waiver of the 2 hour moving requirement for peddlers and for issuance of one occupational license for two business locations. 30. Consideration of request from Florida Department of Corrections for free use of the Civic Center on February 24, 1995. 31. Public participation. MEMORANDUM January 25, 1995 TO: STAFF FROM: CITY MANAGER AND CITY CLERK RE: JANUARY 23, 1995 AGENDA ITEMS. ******************************************************************* Work Session Second Floor 1. (Community Redevelopment Agency - Lake Monroe Waterfront and Downtown Sanford Area.) Information attached. Discussed. 2. (Conklin, Porter and Holmes - Fee Modifications.) Information attached. A. Fee adjustment of $5,000.00 to authorized engineering fee as outlined in Amendment 8, which covers subconsultant charges and engineering time relative meetings, project coordination and data review, for Mill Creek/Cloud Branch Year 2 Improvements; revised total $67,067.14. B. Fee increases in amount of $9,051.20, $18,000.00, and $13,546.00, to Amendment No. 11 (S0613.01) (S06013.02) and Amendment No. 13 (S0613.05), respectively, regarding Seminole Towne Center Projects. Discussed; see Item #19 for action. 3. (Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. - Civic Center Rental) Information attached. Discussed; concurred to discuss further after receipt of requested documentation of additional expenses incurred. 4. v(yitk . .. (Youth Advisory Committee.) Information attached. Discussed reinstatement of the committee for a one year trial basis in accordance with recommendation from Commissioner Lyons, with education of committee members to be a primary goal. 5. ~ t ~~5 a' I~/t.. (Resolutions re:) Gaming and Gambling/Ex-parte Communications. Information attached. Concurred to support requested legislation regarding Ex-parte Communications, and to take no action regarding Gaming and Gambling. 6. (Florida Hotel.) Staff to report. Discussed. 7. (Welcome Sign Displays.) Information attached. y~JL .. .. Concurred with recommendation from the Parks and Recreation Director, with "American History Month" to be displayed during one of the first two weeks. 8. (Regular Agenda Items and other Items.) t)~ A. ~~ '--( .... V State of Florida Centennial Celebration. Concurred that the City suggested local activities. obtain on information Manager B. Item #11, appeal of denial of Certificate of Appropriateness at 217 South Park Avenue. Commissioner Howell reported there is more information, from previous Historic Preservation Board Meetings, regarding this issue which the Historic Preservation Board took into consideration when it denied the Certificate of Appropriateness, and requested that the City Commission be provided with copies of same. C. Item #29, request for waiver of peddler's 2 hour moving requirement and for one occupational license for two business locations. Discussed; see Item #29 for action. D. Item #30, request for free use of the Civic Center. Discussed; see Item #30 for action. E. Item #28, offer of a Grant from the Department of Community Affairs under the LIHEAP Program. Discussed; see Item #28 for action. F. Holiday Inn/Marina Inn. City Manager reported that RTC did not include the Holiday Inn property in the portfolio offered/sold to a minority partner, as it had previously said it would; instead, it will be a single bid item in a large portfolio to be sold by sealed bids to be opened February 28th. Further, he had requested a bid package and has asked the City Attorney to research the best method to hold an Executive Session on February 13th to discuss the amount to offer in the sealed bid. ***************************************************************** Regular Meeting First Floor 9. (Presentation of "Medal of Valor".) Information attached. 10. fyj~ . Presented to Ray Bronson. (Public Hearing - Second reading and adoption of ordinances.) Copy of ordinances attached. A. Ordinance No. 3232, re: Correcting a scrivener's error in Adult Entertainment Ordinance No. 3195. Ad published January 18, 1995. Adopted. B. Ordinance No. 3238, re: Amending the City's Classification and Pay Plan to reorganize the Licensing Division, Building/Code Enforcement Division, Department of Engineering and Planning and Department of Community Development, andassociatedre-classifications/re-grades. fJ}. Ad published January 12, 1995. -~ . . .. Adopted. ~'~ C. Ordinance No. 3239, re: Closing, vacating and abandoning an easement at 2449 Mellonville Avenue; Heidi M. Tauscher, Esq., Applicant; Margaret Anderson and Anne McCoy, owners. Ad published January 12, 1995. Copy of map attached. NEED new easement. Adopted. D. Ordinance No. 3241, re: Amending Chapter 2 of the City Code to provide for reorganization of the Department of Community Development and Department of Engineering and Planning. Ad published January 12, 1995. ,(\;'~ l\.>U\.... Adopted. 11. (Appeal re: Certificate of Appropriateness to replace chain link fence at 217 South Park Avenue.) Gas Properties, Inc., owner/F.A. Ford, Jr., Esq., Agent. Information attached: Application Letter from Eugene Collier, Collier's Enterprises Site Plan Letter of Request Letter from previous property owner Historic Preservation Board Minutes of December 1, 1994 Need to make Findings of Fact, and Conclusions of Law, and authorize preparation of Order, based on the record presented to the Historic Preservation Board. ;;-I)-~~ City Manager recommends action as deemed appropriate based upon the facts presented to the Historic Preservation Board. Continued to February 13, 1995 as requested by the Applicant. 12. (Right-Of-Way Use Permit Information attached. 300 South Sanford Avenue.) ~J. City Manager recommends authorization to execute Right-Of-Way Use Permit, for the requested pavement installation, with the provision that the area be signed as a "Loading Zone" and that the pavement installed be pervious concrete. Authorized as recommended. 13. (Occupation of RV in residential area - 1412 Sanford Avenue.) Information attached. r City Manager recommends no extension or further permits upon expiration of permit issued January 4, 1995, expiring January 25, 1995. ~ Voted not to extend or issue further permits. 14. (PVA U.S. Open Bass Tournament.) Information attached. City Manager recommends approval to close Sanford Avenue from ~~.. filley in front of Civic Center to corner of East Seminole Boulevard. Authorized. 15. (Land Acquisition.) Information attached. City Manager recommends to facilitate closing this property acquisition, authorization to waive the lot mowing lien of $330.00 against the three (3) lots in question. f\ .... . ~ ~ ~.. Authorized. 16. (Conservation Easement.) Information attached. ~~ City Manager recommends authorization to execute and record the Conservation Easement covering 32-acres of wetlands at Site 10 to meet mitigation requirements for construction at Seminole Community College, and installation of required boundary corner monuments in accordance with proposal from Donald W. McIntosh Associations, Inc. in amount of $1,900.00. Authorized. 17. (SHDWA - Free Use of Civic Center.) Information attached. , I ~~. 18. ~. City Manager reconunends reduced rate as outlined in memorandum dated December 8, 1994, from Director of Recreation and Parks, and that consideration of the requested "free" use of the Civic Center be held in abeyance pending receipt of appropriate budget information for the event. Authorized as recommended. (Request for additional School Resource Officer.) Information attached. City Manager reconunends to be available at Work Session. Authorized for the remainder of FY95, with the provision that it is included in next year's agreement. 19. (Conklin, Porter and Holmes - Fee Modifications.) Information attached with Agenda Item No.2. ~>.oo A. Fee adjustment of $5,000.00 to authorized engineering fee as outlined in Amendment 8, which covers subconsultant charges and engineering time relative meetings, project coordination and data review, for Mill Creek/Cloud Branch Year 2 Improvements; revised total $67,067.14. B. Fee increases in amount of $9,051.20, $18,000.00 and $13,546.00 to Amendment No. 11 (S0613.01) (S0613.02) and Amendment No. 13 (S0613.05), respectively, regarding Seminole Towne Center Projects. City Manager reconunends approval of fee increases/adjustments for A and B, above, and authorization to execute Letter of Agreements regarding same. Authorized. 20. (City's Alcohol/Drug Testing Policy.) Information attached. City Manager recommends approval of revisions to the City's Alcohol/Drug Testing Policy as described in memorandum dated January 9, 1995, from Personnel Director; approval of first !) IJ1f'..y '~~ } .... reading of Ordinance No. 3242 implementing said revisions, effective immediately upon passage/adoption; authorization to transfer sufficient funds in estimated amount of $7,000.00 from City Manager's Contingency Funds to cover shortfall; and authorization for Staff to proceed with formalizing agreements with City Physician's Office, Roche Biomedical Laboratories, and Central Florida Regional Hospital as medical/testing providers. Passed Ordinance No. 3242 on first reading. 21. (Resolution re: Transfer of Cable Television Franchise.) Information attached., ~(~ City Manager recommends approval, subject to City Attorney's comments. Adopted Resolution. 22. (Recommendations from Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting of January 5, 1995. Item #1: Unanimously recommends approval of conditional use permit for property located at 2904 Orlando Drive in a GC-2, General Commercial Zoning, District for alcoholic beverage (beer and wine) sales, Class 5, for consumption on premises. NEEDS ACTION: APPROVAL/DENIAL ~o/ ~ .... Approved. 23. (First reading of ordinances.) $~. A. Ordinance No. 3240, re: Annex a portion of the property between Silver Lake Road and Cornwall Road extended easterly and between Mellonville Avenue and Ohio Avenue. Tabled at January 9, 1995 Meeting. Henry J. Schumacher, owner. Copies of map and Ordinance No. 3240 attached. Passed 1st reading. B. Ordinance No. 3243, re: Rezoning a portion of the property between Pamala Court and Vihlen Road and between Upsala Road and Old Monroe Road extended southerly from AG, Agricultural, to PD, Planned Development. A. David Feinberg, petitioner; Esther M. Locke, owner. Copy of map attached. '(\i' . ~ ~t... Passed 1st reading. C. Ordinance No. 3244, re: Closing, vacating and abandoning portions of streets (a portion of south White Cedar Road and other certain un-named streets lying between SR 46 and SR 417 and between Upsala Road and South Kennel Road) . Loren W. Howard, III, applicant for Sanford Central Park, Ltd., owner. Copy of map attached. ~tP~ Passed 1st reading. 24. (Consent Agenda.) A. Consideration of requests for payment of statements. Copies attached. City Manager recommends authorization to pay. uJcJf ~ \^^~ ILL 1 !~. Accepted ~ u)~~ ~J w~ ~J ~~~!i>. 25. ~.. 26. '" --5 LNVl .. .. 27. ~~.. c)\~. (1) From Muller, Mintz, Kornreich, Caldwell, Casey, Crosland & Bramnick, P.A. for professional services through December 29, 1994......$3,411.11 (2) From City Attorney for professional services for the month of December, 1994.........$8,565.75 Authorized. B. Tabulations of Bids Information attached. Proposal. and Request for (1) Bid #94/95-13, Athletic Equipment (Recreation & Parks Department). City Manager recommends acceptance of lowest bid, which met specifications, from Braxton Recreation in total amount of $16,600.68. Accepted as recommended. (2) RFP #94/95-17, Concession Stand (Recreation & Parks Department). City Manager recommends acceptance of only proposal submitted from Dolores A. Gracey, the term of the proposal to be from February 1, 1995 to December 1, 1995, with the City receiving $1,800.00. Accepted as recommended. ( 3 ) Bid #94/95-19, Sports Accident Insurance (Recreation & Parks Department). City Manager recommends acceptance of lower bid, which met specifications, from Florida League of Cities in amount of $1,300.00. as recommended. C. Approval of Minutes of December 19, 1994, Regular Meeting; and Minutes of January 3, 1995, Organizational Meeting. Copies enclosed. Approved. The following seven (7) invoices totalling $54,108.96 have been paid per City Commission approval on October 8, 1990, and November 25, 1991: Conklin, Porter and Holmes $6,027.34, $ 9 , 108 . 3 4 , $ 3 , 992 . 91 , $ 4 , 948 . 09, $10, 867 . 04 , $ 9 , 898 . 13, and Speegle Construction $9,267.50. Copies attached. Acknowledged. (Health Insurance - Retired City Officials.) attached. Information Voted that no past, present, or future member of the City Commission receive city-paid health insurance benefits after said member retires from the City Commission. (Sanford Gasification Plant.) Authorized to enter into a Stipulation to dismiss this case. (Low Income Emergency Repair Agreement.) Authorized. 29. or: 30. Vv~ 31. (Requests from Shelly Baggs for waiver of the 2 hour moving requirement for peddlers and for issuance of one occupational license for two business locations.) Denied. (Request from Florida Department of Corrections for free use of the Civic Center on February 24, 1995.) Authorized reduced rate in amount of $145.00. (Public participation.) A. Michael Skat appeared to discuss Item #11. Upon recommendation of the City Attorney, citing the Jennings and Snyder cases and the fact that consideration of the Appeal has been tabled and that all items addressing this issue should only be heard during the Appeal, Mr. Skat was not permitted to discuss the issue with the City Commission. Commissioner Howell reported that action was taken at a prior Historic Preservation Board Meeting that was a part of the action taken at the meeting when the Certificate of Appropriateness was denied. The City Attorney reported that normally the only information the City Commission could consider is the record, made at the meeting when the Certificate was denied, upon which the Appeal is based; however, he will review all of the Historic Preservation Board's discussions regarding this issue and advise whether or not the City Commission should consider other information in deciding the Appeal. B. Shelly Baggs reported she has the flower stand at Baggs' Produce, and asked why her request was denied since the City allows the flower vendor at Sav-A-Lot. The City Manager reported information from the City Clerk that the license for the vendor at the Sav-A-Lot is held by a business in" that shopping center; that the area Ms. Baggs requested to use on 25th Street has no business at that location; and that he will be happy to meet with her and explain what the vendor at Sav-A-Lot did to comply with City regulations and be licensed. C. A man asked to when Item #11 was tabled and was informed it was tabled to February 13, 1995.