HomeMy WebLinkAbout111494 work session/regular meeting agenda AGENDA Sanford City Commission Meetings Monday, November 14, 1994 Sanford City Hall, 300 North Park Avenue Sanford, Florida ***************************************************************** Work Session 5:00 o'clock P.M. City Manager's Conference Room 1. Discussion of FY 2000 Transportation Improvement Program Prioritized Project. 2. Discussion of right-of-way use permits. 3. Discussion regarding Marina Inn (Holiday Inn) Lease. 4. Discussion of lease renewal for Boys and Girls Club. 5. Discussion of Historic Preservation Board recommendations. 6. Discussion of proposed FY 94/95 CDBG allocations. 7. Discussion of Regular Agenda Items and other items. ***************************************************************** Regular Meeting 7:00 o'clock P.M. City Commission Room 7.5 Discussion regarding 1921 American LaFrance fire truck. 8. Continuation of public hearing to consider second reading and adoption of Ordinance No. 3231. 9. Request from Thelma Thompson to speak to the Commission regarding loud music at neighbor's house. 10. Consideration of request from Kelton and Jenny Sweet, for right-of-way use permit, for installation of wood picket fence at 1204 Palmetto Avenue. 11. Consideration of request from AMVETS POST 0017, for permission to apply to Planning and Zoning Commission, for non-conforming use of building site at 901 Locust Avenue (Roberts' Grocery Store), for meetings/activities, including the sale of alcoholic beverages. 12. Consideration of request from Jerry Nance, Executive Director, Teen Challenge, to park two or three travel trailers on premises for the next few months. 13. Consideration of Petition for Annexation (water service) for a portion of property lying between Grandview Avenue and poinsetta Avenue and between East 26th Street and Lemon Street (2605 Grandview Avenue). 14. Consideration of Petition for Annexation for a portion of property lying between Pamala Court and Vihlen Road and between Upsala Road and Old Monroe Road extended southerly (741 Upsala Road), and first reading of Ordinance No. 3224. 15. Consideration of request from Jean Kibbie, for permission to keep a Vietnamese Pot Belly Pig at her residence located at 205 Palm Place. 16. Consideration of request from Steve Neighbor to utilize recreational vehicle for security purposes at 2539 Park Drive. 17. Consideration of request from Conklin, Porter and Holmes, for contract fee adjustment regarding Seasonal Discharge/Water Reclamation Facility Project. 18. Consideration of request to purchase Computer/Video Imaging System with LETF funds. 19. Consideration of Amendment 16, to Engineering Services Contract with Conklin, Porter and Holmes, for Stormwater NPDES Group I Permit Application. 20. Consideration of proposed FY 94/95 CDBG allocations. 21. December 6, 1994, City Election. 22. Condemnations: Status Report/Request for Time Extension/Requests for Demolition of Structures/Update regarding Condemnation Report #94-10, 2544 Park Drive. 23. Recommendation from Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting of Thursday, October 20, 1994. 24. Board appointments/re-appointments. 25. Consent Agenda. 26. Information regarding invoices paid during the period for previously approved lump sum contracts. ADVICE TO THE PUBLIC: IF A PERSON DECIDES TO APPEAL A DECISION MADE WITH RESPECT TO ANY MATTER CONSIDERED AT THE ABOVE MEETING, OR HEARING, HE MAY NEED A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS, INCLUDING THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE, WHICH RECORD IS NOT PROVIDED BY THE CITY OF SANFORD. (FS 286.0105) PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES NEEDING ASSISTANCE TO PARTICIPATE IN ANY OF THESE PROCEEDINGS SHOULD CONTACT THE PERSONNEL OFFICE ADA COORDINATOR AT 330-5626 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE OF THE MEETING. 27. Baseball/Sports Hall of Fame. 28. Ex parte communications regarding rezoning of property by the Mayfair Golf Course. 29. Correction of Minutes of April 11, 1994 Regular Meeting. 30. Second reading and adoption of Ordinance No. 3201. 31. Purchase of a new, replacement, fire engine. 32. Authorization to prepare an emergency ordinance to provide for an additional License Official and authorization to advertise the position immediately. 33. Request from Doris Stein, Pilot Club, for free use of the Civic Center for Immigration and Naturalization Ceremony in March. 34. Public participation. MEMORANDUM November 16, 1994 TO: STAFF FROM: CITY MANAGER AND CITY CLERK RE: NOVEMBER 14, 1994 AGENDA ITEMS. ******************************************************************* Work Session Second Floor 1. (FY 2000 Transportation Improvement Program.) Discussed/reviewed. 2. (Right-Of-Way Use Permits.) Information attached. Commission concurred with proposed form. 3. (Marina Inn/Holiday Inn.) Ci ty Manager reported RTC is packaging the note from the Holiday Inn with other RTC properties to offer a 45% undivided interest in the group to the highest bidder; we will know who the new partner is the last week of December, and can then ask them their requirements to consider a proposal from the City. Between now and then we can be thinking about terms in the offer such as the dollar value, a due diligence period, and an appropriate earnest money deposit. 4. (Boys and Girls Club.) Information attached. City Manager reported the 25 year lease and the negotiate said lease and for consideration. Boys and Girls Club has requested a Commission concurred that Staff submit same to the City Commission 5. (Historic Preservation Board Recommendations.) Information attached. A. Sanford's Early 1922 LaFrance Fire Truck. 9tUj .... City Commission concurred with recommendation to contribute $500.00 from the Historic Preservation Board's 94/95 budget. B. Ritz Community Theater Restoration Project. crt... City Commission concurred with recommendation to contribute $2,000.00 from the Historic Preservation Board's 94/95 budget. 6. (FY 94/95 CDBG Allocations.) Information attached. CAh~... Discussed; concurred with recommendation; see Item #20 for action. 7. (Regular Agenda Items and other items.) A. December 26, 1994/second City Commission Regular Meeting in December, 1994. .... The City Commission concurred to hold this meeting on December 19, 1994. B. Item #21.B. City Election - delegation of Canvassing Board responsibilities. Discussed; see Item #21.B. for action. C. Item #31, purchase of a new, replacement fire truck. Discussed; see Item #31 for action. D. Adul t Entertainment Ordinance amendments to the Land Development Regulations. City Manager reported there were scrivener's errors in the Ordinance as adopted, and that the corrective ordinance will be advertised by quarter-page ads in the newspaper, possibly for first reading November 28, 1994. E. fjJJ J... Martin Paving Contract, 1-4/SR46 deductive Change Order. City Manager reported that now that funds from the "B" Bonds are in hand, he will execute an additive Change Order to restore the signalization. F. Request from Sanford Main Street, Inc., for a waiver of all fees regarding Light Up Sanford and the Christmas Parade. vfiW City Manager reported there are no vendors so there is no license fee; there will be some Police and Public Works (barricades) cost associated with the parade, and that the city has previously provided these services at the city's expense and these are provided for in the current budget. The Commission had no objection to the waivers. G. Item #32, License Official/Licensing Division. Discussed; see Item #32 for action. H. Exchange with Seminole Community College of a 32 acre conservation easement on a portion of Site 10 for an installed reclaimed water line to connect the college to Lake Mary Boulevard. City Manager reported the agreement will be available in the next two weeks; however, a draft of the conservation easement must be submitted now. The Commission had no objections to the proposed agreement. I. Item #29 and Item #30, vacation of alley for Walgreen's Drug Store. Discussed; see Item #29 and Item #30 for action. **************************************************************** Regular Meeting First Floor 7.5 (1921 American LaFrance fire truck.) Fire Chief Hickson reported that sufficient funds have been raised to bring the truck back to Sanford, and thanked everyone for their support. 8. IJ'~ J~.... 1'1 (Second reading and adoption of Ordinance No. 3231,) re: Closing, vacating and abandoning a portion of a fourteen (14) foot wide north-south utility easement lying between Mellonville Avenue and Washington Court and between East 24th Street and East 25th Street/SR 46/Geneva Avenue. Tabled at October 10 and 24, 1994 Meetings, pending receipt of executed Grant of Easement. Copy of map attached. Grant of Easement has not been received; recommend public hearing be tabled. Easement not received; public hearing left on the table. 9. (Loud Music.) Information attached. {oJ~.... City Manager recommends appropriate action by Police and Code Enforcement. The City Commission concurred that the Police Department take appropriate action. 10. (Right-Of-Way Use Permit.) Information attached. n~noj pLL^ .... ~ City Manager recommends action as deemed appropriate. Authorized a right-of-way use permit as requested. 901 Locust Avenue.) Information 11. (Non-Conforming Use attached. City Manager's recommendation to be available at Work Session. Authorized AMVETS POST 0017 to apply to the Planning and Zoning Commission as requested. 12. (Two or Three Travel Trailers - Teen Challenge.) Information attached. ~l... ~aJ 13. 14. City Manager recommends approval, with requestor to provide details for suitable electric and water service, and provision for proper handling of gray water and wastewater. Approved as recommended. (Petition to Annex Morris L. Hunt and Copies attached: [water service].) RaYmond J. Jones, Petitioners. Map Petition Application Staff Recommendations City Manager recommends authorization of water service, with applicant to pay all costs and fees associated with same, and to record Annexation Petition and annex property when annexable. Approved as recommended. A. Petition to Annex from Copies attached: Esther M. Locke, owner. Map Petition Application Staff Recommendations City Manager recommends authorization for City Attorney to prepare the proper ordinance to annex property as requested, &iCtf 11''- J~ .. .. and to place ordinance on first reading. B. First reading of Ordinance No. 3224. (Applicant requested ordinance be placed on first reading tonight. ) Passed first reading. 15. (Pot Belly Pig - 205 Palm Place.) Information attached. -r .. .. City Manager recommends denial. Denied. 16. (Recreational Vehicle attached. 2539 Park Drive.) Information :{;' .... City Manager recommends denial of recreational vehicle use. Denied. 17. (Contract Fee Adjustment.) Information attached. ~ .~.. City Manager recommends approval of fee increase in amount of $9,181.00 as reimbursement for services as itemized in Letter of Agreement dated October 18, 1994. Approved as recommended. 18. (Computer/Video Imaging System.) Information attached. w.. City Manager recommends authorization to purchase Computer/Video Imaging System in amount of $6,848.75 with LETF funds. Approved as recommended. 19. (Stormwater NPDES Group I Permit Application.) attached. f!-. ;-, ~ j ~ .... Information City Manager recommends authorization to execute Amendment 16, to original Agreement dated December 17, 1987, with Conklin, Porter and Holmes in amount of $12,000.00, for Stormwater NPDES Group I Permit Application. Approved as recommended. 20. (FY 94/95 CDBG Allocations.) Information attached with Agenda Item No.6. ~ hoJWJ l. .... 21. ,.(\': . ~~ .. . City Manager recommends allocation of FY 94/95 CDBG funding as recommended in memorandum dated November 4, 1994, from Community Development Director. Authorized as recommended. (December 6, 1994 Election.) A. Need motion to appoint the Election Clerk, Inspectors, and Deputy, and to authorize the Mayor to issue the Election Proclamation. Copy attached. Appointed and authorized Proclamation. - r.... 4i04 ~ 'cf .... B. As the Canvassing Board, need to delegate/appoint persons to attend the Logic and Accuracy Test at 3:30 P.M. on December 2, 1994, and to canvass the absentee electors' ballots, the votes on the absentee ballots, and the votes on the ballots from the polling place on the night of the election. In the past, this has been delegated to a member of the City Commission, the City Clerk, and the Deputy City Clerk. Delegated to Mayor Smith, Commissioner Howell, City Clerk Dougherty and Deputy City Clerk Brace. C. Information/Assistance to voters. Proclamation (legal ad) will be published providing notice and polling place. Sample Ballot will be published. For prior elections, Commission had authorized publication of City of Sanford map designating District Boundaries, by a display ad published in Orlando Sentinel and Sanford Herald the Sunday prior to election, along with the Sample Ballot, and designated police officers to be at the polling place to assist voters. Does City Commission desire the same for December, 1994, Election? Ci ty Commission concurred to publish display ads and have police officers at the polling place. 22. (Condemnations.) Information attached. ~.. 90 A. Status Report of all current and pending condemnations. Acknowledged. B. Request for time extension regarding Condemnation Report #94-08, 1608 West 13th Street, Mary Smith, owner. Building Officials recommends 90 day extension. City Manager concurs with Building Official's recommendation. day extension authorized. C. Requests for Demolition of Structures. (1) Condemnation Report #94-14, 515 Elm Avenue, Ronald W. Riggs, owner. ( 2) Condemnation Report #94-15, 1205 Lincoln Avenue, Margaret Jones, owner. ( 3 ) Condemnation Report #94-24, 1412 West 12th Street, George Pike, Heirs. ( 4 ) Condemnation Report #94-30, 1123 Oleander Avenue, George Pike, Heirs. ( 5 ) Condemnation Report #94-31, 1121 Oleander Avenue, George Pike, Heirs. ( 6 ) Condemnation Report #94-32, 1622 West 13th Street, Margaret Jones, owner. ( 7 ) Condemnation Report #94-34, 1314 Williams Avenue, Auther Jones, owner. City Manager recommends authorization to proceed with demolition of structures (1) through (7), above, after title searches. ~.. Authorized demolition as recommended. D. Update regarding Condemnation Report #94-10,2544 Park Drive, and request for time extension. Building Official recommends final 30 day extension. ~. City Manager concurs recommendation. with Building Official's Authorized final 30 day extension. 23. (Recommendation from Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting of Thursday, October 20, 1994.) Copy attached. Item #1: Unanimously approved Preliminary Plat for Sanford Central Park, Phase 2, Bauerle Place at Sanford Central Park and Sanford Central Park Phase 1 Replat located in a RI-1, Restricted Industrial Zoning, District, subject to vacating roads adjacent to Lots 4, 5 and 7 M.M.; Codisco, Inc., CBC Industrial Park, Inc., and Sanford Central Park Limited, owners. NEEDS ACTION: ACKNOWLEDGEMENT AND/OR REVIEW/COMMENTS. Acknowledged. 24. (Board appointments/re-appointments.) ~ -J1 1(- .... A. Code Enforcement Board: There is one vacancy (alternate member), for term to expire December 31, 1994. Also, the term of Alfred DeLattibeaudiere expires December 31, 1994; Mr. DeLattibeaudiere has been contacted and is willing to serve again, if re-appointed. Information attached. Re-appointed Mr. DeLattibeaudiere. List vacancy on November 28, 1994 Agenda. B. Human Relations Advisory Board: There is one vacancy for term to expire December 31, 1994. Acknowledged. 25. (Consent Agenda.) A. Consideration of Copies attached. to pay. requests for payment of statements. City Manager recommends authorization (1) From Foley and Lardner for professional services. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 816.29 (2) From City Attorney for professional services for the Month of October, 1994..$7,239.00 ~... Authorized paYment of both. B. Consideration of Tabulations of Bids. Tabulations attached. Memos and Bid ( 1 ) Bid #94/95-3, Automotive and Equipment Parts (Public Works Department). City Manager recommends primary supplier contract be awarded to the bidder with the lowest extended pricing, Sanford Auto Parts/NAPA, and the secondary supplier contract be awarded to the bidder with the next lowest extended pricing, Automotive Stores, as described in memorandum dated October 31, 1994, from Public Works Director; both vendors' bids and materials met specifications. -JfJt~ L' l ~ Accepted as recommended. w~ ~ ( 2 ) Bid #94/95-06, Traffic Cones/Barricades (Public Works Department). City Manager recommends acceptance of lower bids, which met specifications, from Direct Safety Company for traffic cones at unit price of $6.59, and Protection Services, Inc. for traffic barricades at unit price of $44.52; total estimated contract not to exceed $11,000.00. ~ Accepted as recommended. t0at+~ pcuJ . watt ~ ('~. (3) Bid #94/95-07, Sewer Materials (Utility Department). City Manager recommends acceptance of lowest bids, which met specifications, per section as described in memorandum dated November 4, 1994, from Utility Director. Accepted as recommended. (4) FY 94/95 Street Paving Schedule (Public Works Department). City Manager recommends approval of street paving schedule dated November 3, 1994, and issue contract for paving under the Seminole County Contract #A/R-332, with pricing at $31.50 per ton or $1.70 per square yard/inch for overlay, and $1.00 per square yard/inch for milling; total estimated cost $517,095.00. Approved as recommended. C. Approval of Vouchers for the Month of October, 1994. ~. .. Approved. 'cI;i. ti ~ .. . 26. ~.. 27. D. Approval of Minutes of October 10, 1994, Work Session; October 10, 1994, Regular Meeting; October 24, 1994, Work Session; and October 24, 1994, Regular Meeting. Copies enclosed. Approved. The following six (6) invoices totalling $143,414.84 have been paid per City Commission approval on October 8, 1990, and November 25, 1991: Speegle Construction $26,330.58; Florida Environmental Management $~68 .10; Phoenix Fabricators and Erectors $19,009.22; McM~han Construction $10,353.96, $86,693.23; and Ardaman &i Associates $759.75. Copies attached. Acknowledged. Baseball/Sports Hall of Fame. Discussed; concurred that Commissioner Eckstein pursue. 28. Ex parte communications regarding rezoning of property by the Mayfair Golf Course. Commissioner Eckstein communications regarding Mayfair Golf Course, and City Clerk for filing. reported receipt of ex parte the rezoning of property by the submitted a packet of same to the 29. Correction of Minutes of April 11, 1994 Regular Meeting. Corrected to show that the public hearing was concluded. 30. Second reading and adoption of Ordinance No. 3201. l\ ... 0J1~. .. Adopted. 31. Purchase of a new, replacement, fire engine. ~~... Authorized to purchase with $179,377.00 in budget $10,606.00 from City Manager's Contingency Account. and 32. Authorization to prepare an emergency ordinance to provide for an additional License Official and authorization to advertise _ ~ the position immediately. ~ <I:... Authorized preparation of said emergency ordinance, and to ~p advertise the position immediately. 33. Request from Doris Stein, Pilot Club, for free use of the Civic Center for Immigration and Naturalization Ceremony in March. Commissioner McClanahan reported he will underwrite the fee. 34. Public participation. Mr. Neighbor appeared regarding Item #16 above and reported the security guard needs to use the recreational vehicle to provide security for him and his family, the church, and the business on the premises. The Commission took no action.