HomeMy WebLinkAbout102494 work session/regular meeting agenda AGENDA Sanford City Commission Meetings Monday, October 24, 1994 Sanford City Hall, 300 North Park Avenue Sanford, Florida ****************************************************************** Work Session 5:00 o'clock P.M. City Manager's Conference Room 1. Discussion of motion picture production. 2. Discussion of Celery City Cruisers Downtown Car Show. 3. Discussion of Seminole Towne Center Police/Community Relations Substation. 4. Discussion regarding proposed Marina Inn (Holiday Inn) Lease. 5. Discussion of Goldsboro Code Enforcement. 6. Recommendation and request for Welcome Sign Displays. 7. Discussion of Regular Agenda Items and other items. ****************************************************************** Regular Meeting 7:00 o'clock P.M. City Commission Room 8. Continuation of public hearing to consider second reading and adoption of ordinances. 9. Consideration of CALNO's recommendation to re-appoint Mayor Bettye D. Smith as a member of the Seminole County Expressway Authority. 10. Board appointments/re-appointments/resignation. 11. Consent Agenda. 12. Information regarding invoices paid during the period for previously approved lump sum contracts. 13. Consideration of Interlocal Agreement with LYNX. ADVICE TO THE PUBLIC: IF A PERSON DECIDES TO APPEAL A DECISION MADE WITH RESPECT TO ANY MATTER CONSIDERED AT THE ABOVE MEETING, OR HEARING, HE MAY NEED A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS, INCLUDING THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE, WHICH RECORD IS NOT PROVIDED BY THE CITY OF SANFORD. (FS 286.0105) PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES NEEDING ASSISTANCE TO PARTICIPATE IN ANY OF THESE PROCEEDINGS SHOULD CONTACT THE PERSONNEL OFFICE ADA COORDINATOR AT 330-5626 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE OF THE MEETING. 14. Authorization to hire Co-Council for Fountain Construction litigation. 15. Welcome Sign Displays. 16. Appointments/re-appointments/confirmations to Police and Fire Pension Boards. 17. Law Enforcement facility at the Seminole Towne Center Mall. 18. Request from Westside Community Association to waive the license fee for a Fundraising Event on November 5, 1994. MEMORANDUM October 25, 1994 TO: FROM: RE: STAFF CITY MANAGER AND CITY CLERK OCTOBER 24, 1994 AGENDA ITEMS. ***************************************************************** Work Session Second Floor 1. (Motion picture production.) 2. \. vn5Jt. . . 3. ) fjtQ.. .. 5. Discussed; concurred the city does want the filming, does want to support filming by allowing reasonable use of public streets, sidewalks, parks, etc, does want to have film company pay a penalty if it does not comply with its permit, does not want film company to be required to directly compensate merchant(s) for use of city property, but does want city to reasonably control film companies' use of city property; a donation from a film company to a downtown organization working to improve downtown, for the benefit of all the merchants, would be acceptable if the film company desires to do so. (Celery City Cruisers.) Discussed; concurred with revised street closures (Park Avenue between First Street and the lakefront, Commercial Street between Park Avenue and Oak Avenue). (Seminole Towne Center Police/Community Relations Substation. ) Discussed; see Item #17 for action. (Marina Inn [Holiday Inn] Lease.) Discussed; city to contact RTC regarding city purchasing the structures. (Goldsboro Code Enforcement.) Discussed; Joan Campbell reported residents want codes enforced in Goldsboro the same as in other areas of the city; City Manager reported staff is waiting for input from Goldsboro residents regarding procedures, and that in the interim, the city will continue to enforce codes as in the past. 6. (Welcome Sign Displays.) Information attached. A. Recommendation for November, 1994 Displays. Discussed; see Item #15 for action. B. Request from Sanford Historic Trust, for December, 1994 display to include "Historic Homes Tour December 3rd and 4th". .... Discussed; see Item #15 for action. 7. (Regular Agenda Items and other items.) A. Montezuma Hotel. City Manager reviewed considerations for removal of the debris, and the ownership of the property. B. SHARC Grant. City Manager reviewed Johnell Jackson's request for the city to use $60,000.00 from the LETF for tutorial assistance, child care, and community organization in the Sanford westside community; that the Sanford Police Department has spent 41% of the 1994 LETF monies in the community when only required to spend 15%; and recommended no action be taken. No action taken. C. Mall Status. City Manager reviewed building permits. D. Co-Council in the Fountain Construction litigation. Discussed; see Item #14 for action. E. Appointments/re-appointments/confirmations to the Police and Fire Pension Boards. Discussed; see Item #16 for action. F. Special Events. (1) Westside Community Association request for waiver of fee for Fundraiser. Discussed; see Item #18 for action. (2) New Mt. Calvary M.B. Church request to close 12th Street between Avocado Avenue and Pecan Avenue for Special Event on November 12th. vjrvYJa .... Discussed; concurred to close as requested. ***************************************************************** Regular Meeting First Floor 8. (Second reading and adoption of ordinances.) Copies attached. Tabled at October 10, 1994 Meeting. J}J~. . . A. Ordinance No. Plan. 3227, re: Amend Firefighters' Pension Adopted. B. Ordinance No. 3228, re: Amend Police Officers' Pension Plan. ~~.. Adopted. C. Ordinance No. 3231, re: Closing, vacating and abandoning a portion of a fourteen (14) foot wide north-south utili ty easement lying between Mellonville Avenue and Washington Court and between East 24th Street and East 25th Street/SR 46/Geneva Avenue. 11-llrr~tf 9. ~a~. . . 10. fr~ .. Margaret Anderson, petitioner. Petitioner to submit alternate easement. Copy of map attached. Alternate easement not received; public hearing tabled. (Seminole County Expressway Authority.) Information attached. Endorsed CALNO's recommendation to re-appoint Mayor Bettye D. Smith. (Board appointments/re-appointments/resignation.) A. Sanford Museum Board: The terms of Dennis Conner, Cecil A. Tucker, II and Robert W. Mann expire November 4, 1994. Information attached. Acknowledged that the current members are unable or unwilling to serve again, and appointed Dr. John Morgan, George Scott, and Doris Gormly. B. Historic Preservation Board: Bess Simons has submitted her resignation from this board, effective October 7, 1994 . (Copy attached) Recommenda tion submi t ted f rom the Historic Preservation Board to re-appoint Laura Straehla, as Ms. Simons' replacement. (Copy attached) j1~ Accepted Ms. Simons' resignation and appointed Ms. Straehla. 11. ~,' , , , ~ . . wtttt ~ -P~ (Consent Agenda.) A. Consideration of requests for paYment of statements. Copies attached. City Manager recommends authorization to pay. Payment authorized. (1) From Universal Engineering Sciences for: (a) Lake Mary Boulevard Water Main RelocationWork.......................$ 478.00 (b) Oregon Avenue/Hughey Avenue Water Line Extension......................$1,603.00 (2) From Muller, Mintz, Kornreich, Caldwell, Casey, Crosland & Bramnick for professional services. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 2 , 865 . 71 (3) From City Attorney for professional services for the month of September, 1994.. $4,432.50 B. Consideration of Bid #94/95-05, Irrigation Materials (Utility Department). Copy of memo and bid tabulations attached. City Manager recommends acceptance of only bid, which met specifications, from Florida Irrigation at unit prices as described in memorandum dated October 13, 1994, from Utility Director. Accepted bid as recommended. C. Approval of Minutes for September 26, 1994, Regular Meeting. Copy attached. ~d (t. .. Approved. 12. c~. The following fourteen (14) invoices totalling $241,799.45 have been paid per City Commission approval on October 8, 1990, and November 25, 1991: Universal Engineering Sciences $930.00, $256.00; Lake Jessup Groves, Inc. $2,700.00; Martin Paving Company $131,800.50; Amick Contraction, Ltd. $82,170.00; Conklin, Porter & Holmes $2,277.66, $629.96, $326.12, $399.42, $8,879.64, $5,236.09, $2,035.60, $1,654.65 and $2,503.81. Copies attached. Acknowledged. 13. (LYNX Agreement.) Information attached. bJ) ~.. . 14. fjJJ $. . .. 15. ~.... 16. ~.. 17. pLLt .. 18. vn;Jt .. City Manager recommends authorization to execute Interlocal Agreement with Central Florida Regional Transportation Authority (d/b/a LYNX), in an amount not to exceed $22,650.00; City's share $11,325.00, for Inter Modal Study by Manuel Padron & Associates, with funding from budgeted FY 93/94 funds, subject to review by City Attorney. Authorized execution. Authorization to hire Co-Council for Fountain Construction litigation. Authorized to hire Fred Lyon, Lyon and Mcmanus law firm. Welcome Sign Displays. Authorized November displays as submitted and authorized Sanford Historic Trust's display in December as requested. Appointments/re-appointments/confirmations to Police and Fire Pension Boards. Confirmed appointments of Randolph Smith to Police Officers' Board and Robert Vaughn to Firefighters' Board; re-appointed Mayor Smith and Deputy Chief Dillard to Police Officers' Board and Mayor Smith and Chief Hickson to Firefighters' Board; confirmed and appointed as ministerial act Michael Bennett to Police Officers' Board and Ronnie Russi to Firefighters' Board. Law Enforcement facility at the Seminole Towne Center Mall. Authorized to waive up to $30,000.00 of Police Department Impact Fees toward the cost of furnishing a facility at the mall as a law enforcement center for use by the Police and Sheriff's Departments, with the understanding we will obtain no less than a 5 year lease and preferably a 10 year lease. Request from Westside Community Association to waive the license fee for a Fundraising Event on November 5, 1994. Authorized to waive as requested.