HomeMy WebLinkAbout091294 work session/regular meeting agenda AGENDA Sanford City commission Meetings Monday, September 12, 1994 Sanford City Hall, 300 North Park Avenue Sanford, Florida ***************************************************************** Work Session 4:00 o'clock P.M. City Manager's Conference Room 1. Discussion of request from Johnell Jackson, Westside Homeowners Association, for City to review/address law enforcement issues/concerns in black communities. 2. Discussion of request from Academy Manor Neighborhood Association, for City action regarding loitering in the park, installation of sidewalks, problem with stormwater drainage, and excessive speed on neighborhood streets. 3. Discussion of Special Event Applications. 4. Discussion of request from Seminole County, for City water and sewer service for proposed Seminole County Affordable Housing Demonstration Project. 5. Discussion regarding augmentation of City Code Enforcement Program. 6. Discussion of Waterfront Master Plan Steering Committee recommendation to install additional sidewalk along lakefront between Sailpointe Apartments and City Hall. 7. Discussion regarding Solid Waste Management Interlocal Agreement with Seminole County. 8. Discussion of alternative fuel vehicle initiative. 9. Discussion of fences in City right-of-ways. 10. Discussion regarding former Sanford Manufactured Gas Plant. 11. Discussion of proposed ordinance establishing requirements for reimbursement of a portion of costs associated with installation of infrastructure. 12. Discussion of Regular Agenda Items and other items. ******************************************************************* Regular Meeting 7:00 o'clock P.M. City Commission Room 13. Public Hearing to consider tentative Budget and Proposed Millage for FY 94/95. 14. Public Hearing to consider Sanford Airport Authority's proposed FY 94/95 Budget. 15. Public Hearing to consider closing, vacating and abandoning a portion of a 14 foot wide north-south utility easement lying between Mellonville Avenue and Washington Court and between East 24th Street and East 25th Street/SR 46/Geneva Avenue. 16. Public Hearing to consider closing, vacating and abandoning a portion of Elder Road between Rinehart Road and Upsala Road and between Fifth Street and Wilson Avenue extended easterly. 17. Public Hearing to consider closing, vacating and abandoning all of 24th Place between Princeton Avenue and poinsetta Avenue and a portion of a north-south alley between Grandview Avenue and 24th Place and between Princeton Avenue and poinsetta Avenue. 18. Public Hearing to consider second reading and adoption of ordinances. 19. Public Hearings to consider condemnation of structures. 20. Condemnations: Status Report/Requests for Time Extensions/Update regarding Condemnation Report #94-10, 2544 Park Drive (Party Machine) . 21. Consideration of Petition for Annexation for a portion of property lying between Sir Lawrence Drive and Art Lane and between Hidden Lake Drive and Lake Mary Boulevard (200 Art Lane) . 22. Consideration of request from Academy Manor Neighborhood Association, for City action regarding loitering in the park, installation of sidewalks, problem with stormwater drainage, and excessive speed on neighborhood streets. 23. Consideration of request from Seminole County, for City water and sewer service for proposed Seminole County Affordable Housing Demonstration Project. 24. Consideration of retention of Thomas K. Maurer, Esq., Foley & Lardner, as co-counsel with respect to the former Manufactured Gas Plant issue. 25. Consideration of Solid Waste Management Interlocal Agreement with Seminole County. 26. First reading of ordinances. 27. Recommendations submitted from Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting of Thursday, August 18, 1994. 28. Consent Agenda. 29. Information regarding invoices paid during the period for previously approved lump sum contracts. ADVICE TO THE PUBLIC: IF A PERSON DECIDES TO APPEAL A DECISION MADE WITH RESPECT TO ANY MATTER CONSIDERED AT THE ABOVE MEETING, OR HEARING, HE MAY NEED A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS, INCLUDING THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE, WHICH RECORD IS NOT PROVIDED BY THE CITY OF SANFORD. (FS 286.0105) PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES NEEDING ASSISTANCE TO PARTICIPATE IN ANY OF THESE PROCEEDINGS SHOULD CONTACT THE PERSONNEL OFFICE ADA COORDINATOR AT 330-5626 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE OF THE MEETING. 30. Interlocal Agreement for Conflict Resolution, proposed by CALNO. 31. Request from Amefika Geuka, Goldenrule Housing & Development Corporation, for waiver of $75.00 variance fee for property at 2548 El Capitan Drive. 32. Augmentation of Code Enforcement Program. 33. Request from Reverend Rucker, First Shiloh MB Church, for waiver of two required police officers at the Martin Luther King, Jr. Celebration in the Park on January 16, 1995. 34. Request to authorize a contract with Coopers & Lybrand for an internal audit. 35. Request to advance order a front end loader to be purchased from FY 94/95 funds. 36. Request to authorize a contract with Ernst & Young for consultation work regarding arbitrage. 37. Time Extension regarding Party Machine, Item #20.C. 38. Public participation. MEMORANDUM September 13, 1994 TO: CITY STAFF FROM: CITY MANAGER AND CITY CLERK RE: SEPTEMBER 12, 1994 AGENDA ITEMS. ************************************************************** Work Session Second Floor 1. (Westside Homeowners Association.) Information attached. Discussed; see Item #38.A. for action. 2. (Academy Manor Neighborhood Association.) Information attached. Discussed; see Item #22 for action. 3. (Special Event Applications.) Information attached. A. Request from First Shiloh Missionary Baptist Church for Martin Luther King Celebration on January 16, 1995. Tabled at August 22, 1994, Work Session, pending additional information relative required liability insurance and police officers for previous church events. Discussed; see Item #33 for action. B. Request from Greater Seminole Chamber of Commerce for Airshow at Central Florida Regional Airport on October 29 and 30, 1994. Request includes street closures and sale/consumption of alcoholic beverages. Reviewed for information. 4. (City Water/Sewer Service - Seminole County Affordable Housing Demonstration Project. Information attached. Discussed; see Item #23 for action. 5. (City Code Enforcement Program.) Information attached. Discussed; see Item #32 for action. 6. ~.b. (Additional Sidewalk along Lakefront.) Information attached. City Manager reviewed, and the Commission had no questions or comments. 7. (Solid Waste Management Interlocal Agreement.) attached. Information Discussed; see Item #25 for action. 8 {jJ.Q). . . (Alternative Fuel Vehicle Initiative.) Information attached. City Manager reviewed, and the Commission concurred not to participate at this time. 9. ~ 6>>. .P. (Fences in City Right-Of-Ways.) Discussed; City Attorney to work with City Staff to draft standards and criteria for approval of fences. 10. (Gas Plant.) Information attached. 11. ~l 12. Discussed; see Item #24 for action. (Reimbursement - Infrastructure Installations.) Information attached. Discussed; Staff to proceed with ordinance, and to strengthen the LDR to require oversizing. (Regular Agenda Items and other items.) A. Item #31, request from Amefika Geuka, Goldenrule Housing & Development Corporation, for waiver of $75.00 variance fee for property at 2548 El Capitan Drive. Discussed, see Item #31 for action. B. Item #17, vacate a portion of 24th Street and a portion of an alley. Discussed, see Item #17 for action. C. Item #34, hiring an auditor to perform an internal investigation of the Licensing Division. Discussed, see Item #34 for action. D. Item #35, advance order of a front end loader. Discussed, see Item #35 for action. E. Item #26 B. and C., first reading of ordinances to amend the Firefighter's Pension Plan and the Policemen's Pension Plan. City Manager reported these ordinances are not prepared and ready for first reading. F. Item #36, hiring an arbitrage consultant. Discussed; see Item #36 for action. ***************************************************************** Regular Meeting First Floor 13. (Public Hearing) Advertised via Notice of Proposed Property Taxes (TRIM Notice), mailed by Property Appraiser. A. Announce that the proposed millage rate of 6.8759 mills exceeds the rolled-back rate by 4.7309% and this is necessary for the City to provide continuing level of City Services in the face of inflation and to meet new demands associated with new development. . . .. Announced. B. Public Input. No one appeared. C. (Recompute proposed millage rate, if necessary, and) adopt proposed millage rate of 6.8759 as the tentative millage rate. NEED MOTION Adopted proposed millage rate as tentative millage rate. D. (Amend and) adopt tentative budget. NEED MOTION Adopted tentative budget. E. ANNOUNCE that the public hearing will be held on September 26, 1994, at 7:00 o'clock P.M., to consider the final budget and to adopt the final millage. Announced. ~;nA~ F. First reading of Ordinance No. 3229, re: ~~~Cf appropriations for FY 94/95 Operating Budget. q -J.&-q I.. Passed first reading. Making ./1 i ~ JU-AM cy q - J~- C?lf. . G. First reading of Ordinance No. 3230, re: 94/95 Personnel Classification and Pay Plan. attached. Adopt FY Information Passed fitst reading. 14. (Sanford Airport Authority's proposed FY 94/95 Budget.) City Manager recommends approval. if v-:: .. Approved. 15. (Vacate easement.) Ad published August 29, 1994; property posted August 26, 1994, and owners notified August 25, 1994. Margaret Anderson, owner. Copies attached: Map Letters from Utility Companies Recommendation from Plans Review Committee Plans Review Committee recommends approval to vacate as advertised, with the condition that an alternate fourteen (14) foot utility easement be granted for the existing City sewer line. All utility companies have no objection to the vacating. "<C- pi)) .... City Manager recommends authorization for City Attorney to prepare the proper ordinance to vacate the utility easement as advertised, and that dedication of the new easement be concurrent with adoption of the ordinance. City Attorney authorized to prepare ordinance as recommended by City Manager. 16. (Public Hearing.) Ad published August 29, 1994; property posted August 26, 1994 and owners notified August 25, 1994. Seminole Farms Trust IV, Petitioner. Copies attached: Map Letters from Utility companies 17. ~~ q -J-&-.tf.if. All utility companies have no objection to the vacating. City Manager recommends approval. Approved, see Item #18 A. for ordinance adoption. (Vacate street and alley.) Ad published August 29, 1994; property posted August 29, 1994, and owners notified August 29, 1994. James B. and Michaeline G. Freeman and Kimberly S. Yeargain, petitioners. Copies attached: Map Letters from Utility Companies. Recommendation from Plans Review Committee to be available at Work Session. All utility companies have no objection to the vacating, however, Florida Power & Light requires retention of a utility easement over the south 20 feet of street right-of-way. City Manager's recommendation to be available at Work Session. Public hearing tabled to September 26, 1994. 18. (Second reading and adoption of ordinances.) Copies of ordinances attached. lj)J t:~ f~.. .: ~ p){" ~a~. . A. Ordinance No. 3225, re: Closing, vacating and abandoning a portion of Elder Road between Rinehart Road and Upsala Road and between Fifth Street and Wilson Avenue extended easterly; Seminole Farms Trust IV, Petitioner. Ad published August 29, 1994. Copy of map attached. Adopted. B. Ordinance No. 3215, re: Closing, vacating and abandoning a portion of Jewett Lane between Rinehart Road and Upsala Road; Tabled at July 11, 1994, July 25, 1994, and August 8, 1994 Meetings. City of Sanford, applicant. Copy of map attached. Adopted. 19. (Public Hearings - Condemnations.) Information attached. (This hearing is a formal procedure that the City is required to do as first step toward the demolition of dilapidated structures unless the owner brings these up to code, owners who proceed to make reasonable progress toward correction of deficiencies can expect to be allowed time to make corrections.) A. Report #94-11, 112 Avocado Avenue, Sharon Angell, owner. B. Report #94-12, 412 Cypress Avenue, Lizzie J. Debose, owner. C. Report #94-13, 415 Cypress Avenue, Lizzie J. Debose, owner. ~. D. Report #94-14, 515 Elm Avenue, Ronald W. Riggs, owner. E. Report #94-15, 1205 Lincoln Court, Margaret Jones, owner. F. Report #94-16, 2616 Mohawk Avenue, William and Geraldine Mayhood, owners. G. Report #94-17, 1305 Myrtle Avenue, Wilma and Richard Schoenborn, owners. H. Report #94-18, 1307 Myrtle Avenue, Wilma and Richard Schoenborn, owners. I. Report #94-19, 1204 Oleander Avenue, Cedric and Pamela Barnes, owners. J. Report #94-21, 146 Sabal Palm Court, Donald and Carol Kreusch, owners. K. Report #94-22, 505 Wylly Avenue, Felix Rivera, owner. L. Report #94-23, 1105 East 10th Street, Robert and Fontaine Black, owners. M. Report #94-24, 1412 West 12th Street, George Pike/Heirs, c/o Frances Strickland. N. Report #94-25, 1413 West 12th Street, Enterprises, owner. Blackman O. Report #94-26, 1210 West 16th Street, Dora Bryant c/o Horace Gathers. P. Report #94-28, 501 Wylly Avenue, Johnnie Johnson, owner. Q. Report #94-29, 503 Wylly Avenue, Century Bank, owner. R. Report #94-30, 1123 Oleander Avenue, George Pike/Heirs, c/o Frances Strickland. S. Report #94-31, 1121 Oleander Avenue, George Pike/Heirs, c/o Frances Strickland. T. Report #94-32, 1622 West 13th Street, Margaret Jones, owner. u. Report #94-33, 411 Sanford Avenue, George and Linda Lopez, owners. v. Report #94-34, 1314 Williams Avenue, Arther Jones, c/o Armetta Foster. W. Report #94-35, 1113 West First Street, Jean Booth, c/o Sloan Realty Association. X. Report #94-36, 206 Holly Avenue, David Dyess and Steven Duff, owners. Building Official recommends demolition of structures (A) through (X), above. City Manager recommends structures (A) through (X), above, be condemned and the owners given thirty (30) days to repair or demolish; if property owners fail to effect such demolition and removal or repair, within said thirty (30) day period, City shall demolish and remove the buildings and/or structures, and the actual cost of said removal and disposal, including administrative costs, be assessed as a lien against the properties. All condemned and gi ven 30 days as recommended by City Manager, except K. 505 Wylly Avenue, P. 501 Wylly Avenue, and Q. 503 Wylly Avenue. 20. (Condemnations.) Information attached. A. Status Report of current and pending condemnations. Acknowledged. B. Requests for Time Extensions. (1) Condemnation Report #94-08, 1603 West 13th Place, C.S. Winn/Mary Smith, owners. ~.. Authorized public works to demolish. J/j~ ~.. 21. WJL. (2) Condemnation Report #94-09, Jamie Williams, owner. 1021 Orange Avenue, Authorized 90 day time extension. Building Official recommends demolition of both structures. City Manager recommends authorization for public works to demolish both structures. C. Update regarding Condemnation Report #94-10 2544 Park Drive (Party Machine). Information attached. Authorized 30 day time extension. (Petition for Annexation.) Dale F. Richardson, petitioner Copies attached: Map Petition Application Staff Recommendations City Manager recommends authorization for City Attorney to prepare the proper ordinance to annex property as requested, with owner to pay all appropriate costs associated with same. Authorized preparation of ordinance as recommended. 22. (Academy Manor Neighborhood Association.) attached with Agenda Item No.2. ~j.. 23. Information City Manager recommends increased police patrol and appropriate response to complaints at park; approval of sidewalk on one side of the street and posted "No Parking"; monitor drainage problems in the Academy Manor area, ensure that the drainage system and its outfalls remain clear, and re-invert swales and ditches as appropriate, with periodic checking of park grading to ensure that water flows toward existing catch basins; and installation of seven (7) speed humps as long as they are "calibrated" for 25-mile per hour speed. Authorized as recommended by City Manager, with two additional speed humps as requested by Ms. Campbell. (City Water/Sewer Service - Seminole County Affordable Housing Demonstration Project.) Information attached with Agenda Item No.4. City Manager recommends conceptual approval subject to Iinj conditions as described in memorandum dated September 1, 1994. The Commission took no action. 24. (Manufactured Gas Plant.) Information attached with Agenda Item No. 10. ~j ~.. .. City Manager recommends authorization to retain Thomas K. Maurer, Esq., Foley & Lardner, as co-counsel at an hourly rate of $135.00. Authorized to retain Mr. Maurer. 25. (Solid Waste Management Interlocal Agreement.) attached with Agenda Item No.7. ~t. . . 26. ,ilidJ{ q "J(;-JJ~ q--a'.Cf.L/ No Q--aL/:.r1NO Information City Manager recommends authorization to execute said Interlocal Agreement with Seminole County, for preparation and implementation of Seminole County Waste Management Plan in order to meet requirements of the Solid Waste Management Act. Authorized. (First reading of ordinances.) A. Ordinance No. 3226, re: adopting a wrecker qualifications and allocation system. Copy attached. Passed first reading. B. Ordinance No. 3227, re: amending Firefighters' Pension Plan. action (ordinance not ready). C. Ordinance No. 3228, re: amending Police Officers' Pension Plan. action (ordinance not ready). 27. (Recommendations submitted from Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting of Thursday, August 18, 1994.) Copy attached. 28. uJ aJ;f ct- ~.. B. ~. Item No.1: On August 22, 1994, the City Commission approved execution of the Replat, subject to Planning and Zoning Commission's approval. NO ACTION REQUIRED. No action. (Consent Agenda.) A. Consideration of Tabulation of Re-Bid #93/94-51, Chain- Type Trencher (Recreation and Parks Department). Memo and Bid Tabulations attached. City Manager recommends acceptance of lowest bid, which met specifications, from Carlson Industries, Inc. in amount of $1,696.50. Accepted as recommended. Approval of Vouchers for the Month of August, 1994. Approved. VA{4.~. 29. &~.. ~Il {J 30. ~U: '-"<4- q/d-~-qtf. . 31. pljQ J... ~~1 33. ~~. I A . A ,1.,~ 4. ~f1. _dJl5. W LLU' T ~... 36. ~.. dA"i 37. ~ur .. 38. C. Approval of Minutes of August 22, August 22, 1994, Regular Meeting. 1994, Work Session; Copies enclosed. Approved. The following nine (9) invoices totalling $127,142.26 have been paid per City Commission approval on October 8, 1990, and November 25, 1991: Vilcon Construction Corporation $94,849.20; Ardaman & Associates, Inc. $2,498.75, $1,559.25; S.E. Marine Construction $8,178.50; Florida Environmental Management, Inc. $10,515.00; and Conklin, Porter & Holmes $1,748.11, $1,444.52, $775.42, $5,573.51. Copies attached. Acknowledged. (Interlocal Agreement for Conflict Resolution, proposed by CALNO. ) Concurred to discuss September 26, 1994, and City Attorney to provide further information regarding the status of the agreement and amendments. (Request from Amefika Geuka, Goldenrule Housing & Development Corporation, for waiver of $75.00 variance fee for property at 2548 El Capitan Drive.) No action. (Augmentation of Code Enforcement Program.) Authorized as recommended by City Manager. (Request from Reverend Rucker, First Shiloh ME Church, for waiver of two required police officers at the Martin Luther King, Jr. Celebration in the Park on January 16, 1995.) Authorized to waive requirement for two police officers. (Contract with Coopers & Lybrand for an internal audit.) Authorized, with fee not to exceed $10,000.00. (Advance order a front end loader to be purchased from FY 94/95 funds.) Authorized. (Authorize a contract with Ernst & Young for consultation work regarding arbitrage.) Authorized, with fee not to exceed $10,000.00. (Time Extension regarding Party Machine, Item #20.C.) Authorized 30 day extension. (Public participation.) A. Johnell Jackson, asked when action will be taken on his request, discussed at Work Session. ~~vo$, . 'fI-P. . .. CJ. ty Manager reported he will meet with Police Chief and State's Attorney, and proceed as appropriate. bJlJ. B. Man, reported need sidewalks around Hamilton Elementary School. C. Julia Lewis, read a letter alleging illegal activities and requesting the Mayor to ensure that they are ended. D. Patricia Campbell, alleged illegal activities and requested the Mayor to ensure that they are ended. E. Edward Hamilton, alleged illegal activities and requested the Mayor to ensure that they are ended.