HomeMy WebLinkAbout072594 work session/regular meeting agenda AGE N D A Sanford City Commission Meetings Monday, July 25, 1994 Sanford City Hall, 300 North Park Avenue Sanford, Florida ***************************************************************** Work Session 5:00 o'clock P.M. City Manager's Conference Room 1. Discussion of Sanford Airport Authority's proposed FY 94/95 Budget. 2. Discussion of request from Jerry C. Evans, President, WEB Properties, Inc., for waiver of fire and police impact fees regarding construction of Walgreens. 3. Discussion regarding Florida Power and Light meter reading proposal. 4. Discussion regarding Site 10 Hay/Cattle area lease award. 5. Discussion regarding fences in city rights-of-way. 6. Discussion regarding Waterfront Signage Project. 7. Welcome Sign displays for August, 1994. 8. Discussion regarding Regular Agenda Items and other items. ***************************************************************** Regular Meeting 7:00 o'clock P.M. City Commission Room 9. Public Hearing to consider closing, vacating and abandoning a portion of a 10 foot wide north-south drainage and utility easement lying on the west side of the property located at 119 Wildwood Drive. 10. continuation of public hearing to consider second reading and adoption of Ordinance No. 3215. 11. Consideration of request from WEB Properties, Inc. for waiver of fire and police impact fees at 2501 South French Avenue (Walgreens Drug Store). 12. Consideration of request from Mars Hill Seventh-Day Adventist Church, for right-of-way use permit, for passenger loading areas on Locust Avenue and Second Street. 13. FY 94/95 Budget and Millage. 14. Consideration of Interlocal Agreement with Sanford Airport Authority for Police Services. 15. Consideration of Site 10 Hay/Cattle area lease award. 16. Consideration of Resolution No. 1694 approving and ratifying all actions taken by the Community Redevelopment Agency. 17. Consideration of City's Travel Reimbursement Policy. 18. First reading of ordinances. 19. Board appointments/re-appointments/resignation. 20. Consent Agenda. 21. Information regarding invoices paid during the period for previously approved lump sum contracts. ADVICE TO THE PUBLIC: IF A PERSON DECIDES TO APPEAL A DECISION MADE WITH RESPECT TO ANY MATTER CONSIDERED AT THE ABOVE 1fJJs.lS'.1'LNG, OR HEARING, HE MAY NEED A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS, INCLUDING THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE, WHICH RECOlID IS NOT PROVIDED BY THE CITY OF SANFORD. (FS 286.0105) PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES NEEDING ASSISTANCE TO PARTICIPATE IN ANY OF THESE PROCEEDINGS SHOULD CONTACT THE PERSONNEL OFFICE ADA COORDINATOR AT 330-5626 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE OF THE MEETING. 22. Authorization to establish CRA TIF Bond Fund Agency account with the State Board of Administration. 23. Authorization to purchase signs for the Waterfront Master Plan Steering committee's Signage Project. 24. Appointment of representatives to the Friends of Lake Jesup Advisory Team. MEMORANDUM July 27, 1994 TO: STAFF FROM: CITY MANAGER AND CITY CLElliC RE: JULY 25, 1994 AGENDA ITEMS. ***************************************************************** Work Session Second Floor 1. (Sanford Airport Authority's Proposed FY 94/95 Budget.) Information attached. Discussed. 2. (Request for waiver of fire and police impact fees at 2501 South French Avenue, Walgreens Drug Store.) Information attached. Discussed; see Item #11 for action. 3. (FPL Meter Reading Proposal.) Information to be available at Work Session. tiJ) J ~ .. Discussed; City Manager to submit contract for approval prior to August 30, 1994. 4. (Site 10 Hay/Cattle area lease award.) Information attached. Discussed; see Item #15 for action. 5. ~,g.... r (Fences in city rights-of-way.) Discussed; City Manager to review any recently approved fences in city right-of-ways; to review with the City Attorney legal ramifications of requiring removal of any fences placed in city right-of-ways in violation of any code or statute; but allowing fences to remain in city right-of-ways if their installation did not violate a code or statute, with notification to the property owner that if the city or a utility company requires the fence to be moved it will be at the owner's expense. 6. (Waterfront Signage Project.) Information to be available at Work Session. Discussed; see Item #23 for action. (Welcome Sign displays for August, 1994.) attached. l1~~.... Approved as submitted. 7. Information 8. (Regular Agenda Items and other items.) A. Item #12, request for right-of-way use permits. City Manager reported that the applicant has withdrawn the request for the Second Street right-of-way use permit. B. Item #24, appointment of representatives to the Friends of Lake Jesup Advisory Team. City Manager recommended Paul Moore be appointed as the city's primary representative, and Bill Marcous be appointed as the city's alternate representative. C. Item #22, CRA TIF Bond Fund account with the State Board of Administration. .... City Manager briefly discussed. D. Item #19, resignation from Jordan Beckner as a member of the Code Enforcement Board. City Manager reported there is one Code Enforcement Board alternate member, Anthony People, and that if he is appointed as a regular member, there will be two alternate member vacancies. E. Waterfront Plan approved by the Waterfront Master Plan Steering Committee, and letter from Seminole County Manager regarding county acquisition of the city parking lot east of Hood Avenue, for courthouse expansion. ~~... ~ ' 5 ~ ,f/-Q4 If) Director of Planning and Development reviewed the Waterfront Plan; City Manager reported he will place discussion of the city's answer to Seminole County on the next Work Session Agenda. F. Update on TIF bond sale. Finance Director provided information on the sale, which the City Commission and the Community Redevelopment Agency will be considering later this evening. ******************************************************************* Regular Meeting First Floor 9. (Vacate easement.) Ad published July 11, 1994; property posted July 8, 1994, and owners notified July 7, 1994. Vansarann Kao, applicant. Copies attached: Map. Letters from Utility Companies. Recommendation from Plans Review Committee to approve. All utility companies have no objection to the vacating. {L /, n C-- ~ .... City Manager recommends authorization for City Attorney to prepare the proper ordinance to vacate the drainage and utility easement as advertized. Authorized preparation of ordinance. 10. (Second reading and adoption of Ordinance No. 3215,) re: closing, vacating and abandoning a portion of Jewett Lane lying between Rinehart Road and Upsala Road; City of Sanford, applicant. Tabled at June 13, July 27 and July 11, 1994 Meetings. Copies attached: Map and Special Warranty Deeds <6- ~._q1.. . . Tabled. 11. (Request for waiver of fire and police impact fees at 2501 South French Avenue, Walgreens.) Information attached with Agenda Item No.2. City Manager recommends credit for square footage of demolished buildings. O~... Authorized credit for square footage of demolished buildings. 12. (Right-Of-Way Use Permit Locust Avenue/Second Street.) Information attached. Plans Review Committee recommends approval of Locust Avenue right-of-way use, and recommends denial of Second Street right-of-way use. City Manager recommends approval of Locust Avenue right-of-way use, and denial of Second Street right-of-way use. ~.... Authorized Locust Avenue right-of-way use permit. 13. (Budget and Millage.) Budget has been adjusted to provide for City Manager's Merit Pay increase per City commission direction at June 28, 1994 Budget Work Session. Information attached. Need to adopt/acknowledge: A. The current year rolled-back millage rate of 6.5653. (This is to acknowledge the rolled-back rate for notification to the Property Appraiser as required by Statute. ) Acknowledged. B. A proposed millage rate of 6.8759. (This is tentative and may be changed downward at the public hearing and final consideration in September.) Tentatively adopted. C. A "Proposed" Budget for 1994/95. may be changed at the public passage. ) (This is tentative and hearing before final Tentatively adopted. D. Set a tentative budget hearing on the "proposed" Budget to be held at 7:00 o'clock P.M. on September 12, 1994 in the City commission Room. Announced. 14. (Sanford Airport Authority - Police Services.) Information attached. w 2... City Manager recommends authorization to execute Interlocal Agreement with Sanford Airport Authority, for Airport Police Services, with payment for said services to be made in four equal quarterly installment payments of $25,578.75, commencing October 1, 1994. Execution authorized. 15. (Site 10 Hay/Cattle area lease award.) Information attached with Agenda Item No.4. 6>>J... 16. City Manager recommends, if Lessee selects option which requires the lowest payment to the City, that lease be awarded to Albert Clark with the higher minimum rent, predicated upon 202 cow/calf units, of $13,130.00 per year. Awarded to Albert Clark as recommended. (Resolution No. 1694.) City Manager recommends adoption of Resolution No. 1694. Adopted. 17. (Travel Reimbursement Policy.) Information attached. 18. ~ruJ- ~ ' f5/s,~-L{.. . .();tt~ ~ 'f- g, ~ "q.~ . . 19. ~.... &~ 20. City Manager recommends increase mileage reimbursement rate to $.25 per mile, effective October 1, 1994. Authorized. (First reading of ordinances.) A. Ordinance No. 3220, re: Annex a portion of property lying between pamala Court and Vlhlen Road and between Upsala Road and Old Monroe Road extended southerly (841 Upsala Road); Esther Mae Locke, owner. Copy of map attached. Passed first reading. B. Ordinance No. 3221 , re : Re zone portions of property lying between Fern Drive and Lake Mary Boulevard and between Sanford Avenue and First Street extended northerly, from MR-1 and MR-2, Multiple-Family Residential, to GC-2, General Commercial; Suda, Inc., owner. Copy of map attached. Passed first reading. (Board appointments/re-appointments/resignation.) A. Code Enforcement Board: Jordan Beckner has submitted his resignation from this board, effective immediately. Copy attached. Accepted Jordan Beckner's resignation; Appointed Anthony People to replace Mr. Beckner; Appointed Kimberly Cappechelli as alternate. (Consent Agenda.) A. Consideration of requests for payment of statements. Copies attached. City Manager recommends authorization to pay. (1) From Muller, Mintz, Kornreich, Caldwell, Casey, Crosland & Brammick for professional services. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 894. 37 ~.. Payment authorized. B. Consideration of Tabulations of Bids. and bid tabulations attached. Copies of memos (1) Bid #93/94-39, Uniforms (Fire Department). City Manager recommends acceptance of lowest bid, which met specifications, from Harrison Uniforms in amount of $6,673.00. uJcJt 1 ~~... Accepted ()Jet!! 9cUff. . . ~j<< .. . 21. ~. 22. ~.. vJ CJ.1f~3 . Oft.. . ~:. ,~ as recommended. (2) Bid #93/94-44, Computer Equipment (Planning and Development Department). City Manager recommends acceptance of lowest bid, from JKL, in amount of $1,685.00 for the computer, and acceptance of lowest bid, from Ellis and Associates, in amount of $1,433.00 for the printer. Both bids meet specifications. Accepted as recommended. C. Approval of Minutes of June 13, 1994, Work Session; June 13, 1994, Regular Meeting; June 27, 1994, Work Session; June 27, 1994, Regular Meeting; June 28, 1994, Budget Work Session; July 11, 1994, Work Session; and July 11, 1994, Regular Meeting. Copies attached. Approved. The following two (2) invoices totalling $20,128.88 have been paid per City Commission approval on October 8, 1990, and November 25, 1991: Storm L. Richards & Associates, Inc. $1,100.00, and Phoenix Fabricators & Erectors, Inc. $19,028.88. Copies attached. Acknowledged. (Authorization to establish CRA TIF Bond Fund Agency account with the State Board of Administration.) Authorized, including related Sun Bank forms to allow transfer of funds between Sun Bank and the SBA. (Authorization to purchase signs for the Waterfront Master Plan Steering Committee's Signage Project.) Authorized purchase and installation of signs in amount up to $14,702.00, purchase from Serigraphic Arts, Inc., with $5,252.00 transfer from City Manager's Contingency Account. (Appointment of representatives to the Friends of Lake Jesup Advisory Team.) Appointed Paul Moore as the city's primary representative, and Bill Marcous as the city's alternate representative.