HomeMy WebLinkAbout246-Sanford Church of Christ':t: F,~, OF CIP, CUIT COUP, ~MIFIOLE COUI, tT¥, FL. ..~ BOm PAG£ RECORDED &VERIFtED 2266 ! 010 , ~1 SEMINOLE CO. FL. I '~! q ~ ~' '~ : ~ FEB ~5 ?i,l 3:59 ' '; ~ GRANT OF EASEMENT 9/, ~d L~f the first pa~, aha ~1~ ~r ~ .... ~ ~.. ~m~e County, Florida, pa~ at the ~na pa~, fire ~, for and in consideration of the sum of one dollar WITNE~ETH, fhaf ~ of t~ . , ~ _~ ~..~d, of fhe ~ond ~, r~ipt ~her~f nd at r valuable considerahon JS hereby ack~owleag~, ~a~ ~ ......... ~ment under, u~n, and ........... n assJans, IJ~ns~s, a per~iual he s~ona pa~, ~t ~s suc~ , ~ . Florida, more ~cularly ia parry of t ...... a~ro~ the pro.dy described as follows: A 15 fool utility ~menf, lying 7.5 fee either side of the ~n~er-line of an existing Nodh- ~uJh ~wer main and also an Easf-West sewer main ~Jng on fhe following d~crJb~ parcel: Lo~ 1,2,3 and 4 (LESS the East 5.~ ~ thereaf); AND A~ Lo~ 5 and 6, and al~ the Easf 1~.~ fe~ of the ~uth 1/2 of Lo~ 7, G.C. Kelley's Addition to ~nford, a~ordJng to recorded in Plaf Book 2, page 86 of the Public R~rd of ~minole ~un~, Florida. · ' I sanita sewer, and for t_h.e installation0 inspection., servi¢in.g, for utility c~urposes, including s .pec~fmal .y · .~..:~:~:~ now exi~mg or hereafter to ex,si on smd repair, ~%intenonce, and replacemenr~g~; oc~'~r~'?~g"~r~ss and e~ress over and across =id property property, such easement including the for any of the purposes aforesaid, iN WITNESS WHEREOF, pert_¢~_, of the first part ha ~._~_ hereunto set ~ hand ~' and seal.,,~_ the day and year first above ,written. SIGNED, SEALED AND DELIVERED IN THE PRESENCE OF: S 'ATE OF .,cO,NTY OF n this da in the next above named State and County before men, I HEREBY CERITIFY. that ? . . . Y howled ements, personally appeared, an officer,duly autho,ryed to aclm~mst.~r ~ents, per~onu,,~, to me we . - L--.-.,A..I-.eed befor'~'~ that ~-~ , executed the same as Gin easement who foreg g ac~ and deed. IN WITNESS W.HERE,O.F, I have hereunto~et~my hand and official seal at Sc~fo~'d, NOTARY PUBLI'C ',,., MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: