HomeMy WebLinkAbout041194 work session/regular meeting agenda AGENDA Sanford City Commission Meetings Monday, April 11, 1994 Sanford City Hall, 300 North Park Avenue Sanford, Florida ***************************************************************** Work Session 5:00 o'clock P.M. City Manager's Conference Room 1. Presentation by Sanford Main Street, accomplishments and budget request. Inc. regarding 2. Discussion of proposed One Harbour Place Lease. 3. Discussion of petition for City installation of approximately 800 feet of privacy fence/barricade at McKibbin Park. 4. Discussion regarding U-turns into parking spaces on First Street. 4.5 Discussion regarding installation of a sidewalk on Georgia Avenue between 25th Street and Seminole High School. 5. Discussion of Public Works and Utility Mutual Aid Agreement, for reciprocal emergency aid and assistance. 6. Discussion of request from Mid Florida Home Builders Association, for waiver of Sign Regulations, for Spring Parade of Homes, April 17 thru May 1, 1994. 7. Discussion regarding closure of Seminole Boulevard between Sanford Avenue and San Juan Avenue, i . e. along Ft. Mellon Park. 8. Discussion of Regular Agenda Items and other items. ***************************************************************** Regular Meeting 7:00 o'clock P.M. City Commission Room 9. Public Hearing to consider second reading and adoption of ordinances. 10. Consideration of Florida Department of Transportation Utility Relocation Agreement and City Resolution. 11. Consideration of Waterfront Planning items. 12. Consideration of request from Mid Florida Home Builders Association, for waiver of Sign Regulations, for Spring Parade of Homes, April 17 thru May 1, 1994. 13. Consideration of Public Works and Utility Mutual Aid Agreement, for reciprocal emergency aid and assistance. 14. Condemnations - Status Report/Requests for Time Extensions. 15. First reading of ordinances. 16. Reconunendations from Planning and Zoning Conunission Meeting of Thursday, March 17, 1994. 17. Board appointments/re-apPOintments. 18. Consent Agenda. 19. Information regarding invoices paid during the period for previously approved lump sum contracts. ADVICE TO THE PUBLIC: IF A PERSON DECIDES TO APPEAL A DECISION MADE WITH RESPECT TO ANY MATTER CONSIDERED AT THE ABOVE MEETING, OR HEARING, HE MAY NEED A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS, INCLUDING THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE, WHICH RECORD IS NOT PROVIDED BY THE CITY OF SANFORD. (FS 286.0105) PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES NEEDING ASSISTANCE TO PARTICIPATE IN ANY OF THESE PROCEEDINGS SHOULD CONTACT THE PERSONNEL OFFICE ADA COORDINATOR AT 330- 5 6 26 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE OF THE ME.I:!:'J:ING. 20. Consideration of approval to file Notice of Intent to Apply for Empowerment Zone. 21. Consideration of advance purchase of police cars. 22. Consideration of five (5) month extension of Police Benevolent Association building lease to Seminole Community Mental Health Center, Inc. 23. Consideration of First Amendment to Developer I s Agreement regarding Reduction in Number of Billboards (Seminole Towne Center) . 24. Consideration of request to board up property at 515 Elm Avenue. MEMORANDUM April 13, 1994 TO: FROM: RE: STAFF CITY MANAGER AND CITY CLERK APRIL 11, 1994 AGENDA ITEMS. ***************************************************************** Work Session Second Floor 1. (Sanford Main Street, Inc.) Information attached. ~t. . 3. vfl'/W.. . 4. !tjC: 0 L- ~ '4 .. LkJ5/q 4.5 L( ~d-Y.~f. Presentation given by Chris Cranias, President; requested $30,000.00 funding for FY 94/95. (One Harbour Place Lease.) Information attached. Commission concurred with draft lease, and for City Manager to send it to Sun Bank and a copy to Dr. Edwards' group for review. (Privacy Fence - McKibbin Park.) Information attached. Commission requested more information regarding police reports in the area. (U-Turns - First Street Parking.) Commission concurred with recommendation to amend the Parking Regulation Ordinance to provide a $25.00 fine for making a u- turn into a parking space in the downtown area, and to define the downtown area. Discussion regarding installation of a sidewalk on Georgia Avenue between 25th Street and Seminole High School. City Manager reported this item will be on the April 25, 1994, Agenda. 5. (Mutual Aid Agreement.) Information attached. Discussed; see item #13 for action. 6. (Waiver of Sign Regulations.) Information attached. ~J.... Discussed; concurred not to authorize a waiver. 7. (Seminole Boulevard.) Information attached. Briefly discussed, concurred to hold further discussion in abeyance until after the completion of the University of Florida Architecture Studio design project. 8. (Regular Agenda Items and other items.) A. Item #20, Empowerment Zones. Charles Rowe reported there are 3.5 census tracts in the city that could be designated Empowerment Zones; that Seminole County will vote whether or not to apply for Empowerment ~ j ,Vli. oo . $ F. W. . oo Moo v0k. Zones, and the City of Sanford can also apply; recommended authorization to execute an Intent to Apply and begin assembling a committee to compile the Strategic Plan. B. Item #21, purchase of Police Cars. Discussed Police Chief's request to purchase six (6) 1994 Ford Crown Victoria Police Vehicles now, at $13,512 each, with Contingency funds, instead of budgeting these replacements in the 1994/95 budget at $16,140 each. Commission concurred to purchase the six (6) vehicles as requested, and to purchase four ( 4) additional vehicles using Law Enforcement Trust Funds, for the Community Based Policing Team. C. Item #23, First Amendment to Developer's Agreement regarding Reduction in Number of Billboards (Seminole Towne Center). Discussed. D. Item #22, Police Benevolent Association building lease. Discussed. E. Request from Sanford Herald to place newspaper vending machines inside City Hall Lobby, instead of outside in the breezeway. Commission concurred to deny. Bids for utility relocation work in Lake Mary Boulevard. City Manager reported County's bid for this work is well above the amount set forth in the Agreement, which gives the city the option to advertise for bids for this work. Commission concurred that city advertise for bids, for City Commission review May 9, 1994. G. April 14, 1994, Special City Commission Meeting Agenda. The City Clerk confirmed that members of the Commisson received their copy of this agenda. H. Item #24, 515 Elm Avenue. Discussed. I. Lake House Recovery House Fishing Tournament Special Event. Discussed request to waive liability insurance requirement and instead to have participants sign a waiver. Commission concurred to deny request to waive liability insurance. J. Emmanuel Assembly of God Christian Concert Special Event. Discussed request to waive requirement of two police officers. Commission concurred to require two police officers and liability insurance. K. Items #9A. and 9B. .... Discussed proposed letter of intent for McDonalds. L. Speed humps on arterial streets. Ci ty Manager reported that in consideration of the safe operation of emergency vehicles, the city will not install speed humps on main arterial roads, and that the speed humps on 20th Street east of Mellonville Avenue will be milled out. ***************************************************************** Regular Meeting First Floor 9. (Public Hearing to consider second reading and adoption of ordinances.) Copies attached. A. Ordinance No. 3201, re: Closing, vacating and abandoning a portion of a north-south alley between French Avenue and Laurel Avenue and between West 25th Street and Bayard Street; WEB Properties, Inc./Walgreens, Petitioner. Public Hearing continued from March 28, 1994, Regular Meeting, pending Developer's Agreement or relocation of utilities. Copy of map attached. Need Developer's Agreement or relocation of utilities prior to adoption of ordinance. Public hearing held and concluded; adoption of ordinance tabled. Authorized City Manager execute Letter of Intent and Utility Relocation Agreement. B. Ordinance No. 3202, re: Closing, vacating and abandoning a north-south alley between Maple Avenue and French Avenue and between West First Street and West Second Street; McDonald's Corporation, Petitioner. Ad published March 31, 1994. Copy of map attached. Need Developer's Agreement or relocation of utilities prior to adoption of ordinance. Public hearing held and concluded; adoption of ordinance tabled. Authorized City Manager execute Memo of Understanding with McDonald's. C. Ordinance No. 3203, re: Annexing a portion of property lying between Old Lake Mary Road and the SCL Railroad right-of-way and between West 25th Street and Airport Boulevard; Bettye D. Smith, Petitioner. Ad published March 31 and April 7, 1994. Copy of map attached. ,,17; ~~~.... Ordinance adopted. D. Ordinance No. 3204, re: Amending Ordinance No. 3185, re: cessation of operation of non-conforming adult entertainment establishments. Ad published March 31, 1994. ~I~~.. Ordinance adopted. 10. (FDOT Utility Relocation Agreement/Resolution.) 1nformation attached. City Manager reconunends authorization to execute Utility Relocation Agreement, for relocation, change or adjustment of City-owned utilities located on 17-92, between SR 419 to SR 46 (25th Street), as necessary, in connection with FDOT road improvements; said work to be a t the City's own expense. Also, adoption of Resolution authorizing execution of Utility Relocation Agreement. Authorized. 11. (Waterfront Planning Items.) Information attached. A. Contract with Anderson and Associates, for Private Parcel Development Services, as discussed at March 14, 1994, Meeting. Copy attached. ~... Authorized. B. Contract with University of Florida Architecture Studio, for waterfront and downtown design, as discussed at March 14, 1994, Meeting. L{- C).5 -: tJ.tf Tabled to April 25, 1994. City Manager recommends authorization to execute Contracts A and B, above. 12. (Waiver of Sign Regulations.) Agenda Item No.6. Information attached with City Manager reconunends action as deemed appropriate. No action taken. 13. (Mutual Aid Agreement.) Information attached with Agenda Item No.5. -Pa~ oo . City Manager reconunends approval. Approved. 14. (Condemnations.) Information attached. A. Status Report of all current and pending condemnations. (No action required) Acknowledged. B. Requests for Time Extensions. (1) Condemnation Report #90-7, 408 1/2 Cypress Avenue; Ruth Allen, owner. (2) Condemnation Report #92-7, 1411 Bell Avenue, Burda Scott/Betty Vickers, owners. (3) Condemnation Report #92-8, 1413 Bell Avenue, Burda Scott/Betty Vickers, owners. (4) Condemnation Report #92-9, 1106 West First Street, Kirby Moncrief, owner. Building Official recommends 60 day time extensions for (1) thru (4), above. 15. tfb~Cf L( 'd5~ q4. 1 ' d2l ~~ tf'-d-5' ~1oo ~'r/A~ U~J:5~qtj . . . . 16. 1JJ1lU )... City Manager concurrs recommendation. with Building Official's Authorized 60 day extensions for (1)/(4). (First reading of ordinances.) A. Ordinance No. 3205, re: Annex a portion of property lying between Fern Drive and Rose Drive and between Palmway and Sanford Avenue. Randall W. Flake and John Edgar Perry, Petitioners. Copy of map attached. Passed 1st reading. B. Ordinance No. 3206, re: Annex a portion of property lying between SR 46 and St. John's Parkway and between Towne Center Boulevard and Rinehart Road. Harold G. Hartsock, Trustee/Owner. Copy of map attached. Passed 1st reading. C. Ordinance No. 3207, re: Amending effective date of Ordinance No. 3199, Small Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment adopted March 14, 1994. Passed 1st reading. (Recommendations from Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting of Thursday, March 17, 1994.) Copy attached. Rec . # 1 : Recommend approval of Final Plat for Pamala Oaks PD, a twenty-eight (28) single-family residential subdivision, located at 841 Upsala Road in a PD, Planned Development Zoning, District; A. David Feinberg, owner. NEEDS ACTION: APPROVAL/DENIAL. Approved. 17. (Board appointments/re-appointments.) Information attached. ~.~.. 18. w cJf cr- -fJauJ oooo A. Board of Adjustment & Appeals: The term of Jerry Mills expires May 21, 1994; Mr. Mills has been contacted and is willing to serve again, if re-appointed. Re-appointed Jerry Mills. (Consent Agenda.) A. Consideration of Tabulations of Bids. tabulations attached. Memos and bid (1) Bid #93/94-32, Reclaimed Water Main Materials (Utility Department). City Manager reconunends acceptance of lowest bids per item, which met specifications, as described in memorandum dated March 30, 1994, from Utility Director; totalling $6,588.50. Accepted as recommended. (2) Bid #93/94-33, Fluorosilicic Acid (Utility Department). Ci ty Manager reconunends acceptance of lowest bid, which met specifications, from Lucier Chemical Industries, at unit price of $.4848/gallon or $96.00/ton. (}J~H-"t ~~ Accepted ~. &~ 19. ('Jw A:J1 J/V1 \..{"v vv ~if 1.1. 20. C)~. ~~~21. ~... 22. ~.oo 23. cr' .. .. 24. rrr. as recommended. B. Approval of Vouchers for the month of March, 1994. Approved. C. Approval of Minutes of March 28, 1994, Work Session; and Minutes of March 28, 1994, Regular Meeting. Copies enclosed. Approved. The following fourteen (14) invoices totalling $417,394.88 have been paid per City Commission approval on October 8, 1990, and November 25, 1992: Phoenix Fabricators & Erectors, Inc. $58,282.00; H.C. Connell, Inc. $151,330.70; Conklin, Porter & Holmes $10,728.24, $9,397.36, $1,944.13, $2,418.49, $20,650.18, $1,399.98, $794.23, $3,901.53, $19,079.27, $14,122.41; Environmental Management, Inc. $101,246.00; and Lee Construction $22,100.36. Copies attached. Acknowledged. (Request to file Notice of Intent to Apply for Empowerment Zone Designation.) Authorized. (Request to purchase police cars from Contingency funds.) Authorized purchase of 10 police cars, 6 from Contingency funds and 4 from LETF. Consideration of five (5) month extension of Police Benevolent Association building lease to Seminole Community Mental Health Center, Inc. Authorized. Consideration of First Amendment to Developer's Agreement regarding Reduction in Number of Billboards (Seminole Towne Center) . Authorized. Consideration of request to board up property at 515 Elm Avenue. Authorized as requested.