HomeMy WebLinkAbout032894 work session/regular meeting agenda AGENDA Sanford City Commission Meetings Monday, March 28, 1994 Sanford City Hall, 300 North Park Avenue Sanford, Florida **************************************************************** Work Session 4:30 o'clock P.M. City Manager's Conference Room 1. Presentation of FY 92/93 Audit. 2. Discussion of requests from McDonalds Corporation regarding proposed McDonalds Restaurant. 3. Discussion of proposed One Harbour Place Lease. 4. Discussion of pedestrian Signs/STOP Signs at First Street and Magnolia Mall. 4.5 Drivers making U-Turns into parking spaces on First Street. 5. Status Report regarding Site 10. 6. Discussion regarding Amendment to Contract with Universal Engineering Sciences, for quality assurance inspection and testing for CRA/Mall road construction. 7. Recommendations for Welcome Sign Displays for April, 1994. 8. Discussion of Expense and Revenue UPdates. 9. Discussion of Regular Agenda Items and Other Items. ************************************************************** Regular Meeting 7:00 o'clock P.M. City Commission Room 10. Public Hearing to consider closing, vacating and abandoning that certain north-south alley between Maple Avenue and French Avenue and between West First Street and West Second Street; also, consideration of request to open and use City-owned east/west alley. 11. Public Hearing to consider second reading and adoption of Ordinance No. 3201. 12. Consideration of Petition for Annexation of a portion of property lying between SR 46 and St. John's Parkway and between Towne Center Boulevard and Rinehart Road. 13. Consideration of Petition for Annexation of a portion of property lying between Fern Drive and Rose Drive and between Palmway and Sanford Avenue. 14. Consideration of request for reduced rate of Civic Center rental fees. 15. Consideration of FY 92/93 Audit. 16. Consideration of FY 94/95 Service Agreement with Roche Biomedical Laboratories. 17. Consideration of FY 94/95 Contract with Personal Performance Consultants, Inc., regarding Employee Assistance Program (nEApn). 18. Consideration of Amendment to Contract with Universal Engineering Sciences, for testing on CRA/Mall project. 19. First reading of Ordinances. 20. Recommendations from Planning and Zoning conunission Meeting of Thursday, March 3, 1994. 21. Consent Agenda. 22. Information regarding invoices paid during the period for previously approved lump sum contracts. ADVICE TO THE PUBLIC: IF A PERSON DECIDES TO APPEAL A DECISION MADE WITH RESPECT TO ANY MATTER CONSIDERED AT THE ABOVE MEETING, OR HEARING, HE MAY NEED A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS, INCLUDING THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE, WHICH RECORD IS NOT PROVIDED BY THE CITY OF SANFORD. (FS 286.0105) PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES NEEDING ASSISTANCE TO PARTICIPATE IN ANY OF THESE PROCEEDINGS SHOULD CONTACT THE PERSONNEL OFFICE ADA COORDINATOR AT 330-5626 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE OF THE MEETING. 23. Consideration of Holiday Inn Lease proposed by Bernard Sandler. 24. Consideration of authorization to install a seasonal discharge feed line from the Water Reclamation Facility to the wet weather discharge point in the St. Johns River near the Highway 17-92 bridge. 25. Reconsideration of Tabulation of Bid #93/94-24 for Laboratory Equipment. 26. Designation of registered agent for correspondence with the Florida Department of Community Affairs regarding the Seminole Towne Center Community Redevelopment Agency. 27. Consideration of request from Building Official to hire one (1) or two (2) additional, temporary, personnel for work related to construction of Seminole Towne Center Mall. MEMORANDUM March 29, 1994 TO: FROM: RE: STAFF CITY MANAGER AND CITY CLERK **************************************************************** MARCH 28, 1994, AGENDA ITEMS. Work Session Second Floor 1. (FY 92/93 Audit.) Presented; see Item #15 for action. 2. (Requests from McDonalds Corporation.) Information attached. J. riJ! ... . ~ Lf-I ,-q~ A. Close, vacate and abandon north-south alley between Maple Avenue and French Avenue and between West First Street and West Second Street. B. Open, use and landscape City-owned between Maple Avenue and French Avenue First Street and West Second Street in proposed McDonalds Restaurant. east-west alley and between West conjunction with Discussed; see Item #10 for action. (One Harbour Place Lease.) Discussed; City Manager to prepare revised draft lease using existing lease language, adding a provision to exclude professional services from the rent calculations for the first five (5) years, unless it is specifically extended by the City Commission; revised draft lease to be submitted April 11, 1994. 4. (Pedestrian Signs/STOP Signs - First Street and Magnolia Mall.) Information attached. Cfwr.. . 4.5 tilJ ~ .'. Lf-~ -C1Lf Discussed; concurred to remove the existing signs and mark the cross walk, on a trial basis. (Drivers making U-Turns into parking spaces on First Street.) Discussed; City Manager to provide recommendation for appropriate traffic enforcement on April 11, 1994. 5. (Site 10) Status Report by City Manager. Status report given; City Commission had no questions or comments. 6. (Amendment to Contract with Universal Engineering Sciences.) Information attached. 7. - y~... Discussed; see Item #18 for action. (Welcome Sign Displays.) Information attached. Reviewed; City commission concurred with as displays submitted. 8. (Expense & Revenue Updates.) Information attached. Discussed. 9. (Regular Agenda Items and Other Items.) A. Items #2 and 10 (McDonalds). Commissioner Howell reported that since the proposed McDonalds structure is near the Historic Area, he wants to encourage McDonalds to construct a structure that complements the historic architecture. B. Item #23 (Holiday Inn lease). Discussed; concurred that since Mr. Sandler states this is the final offer, to ask for City Attorney's recommendation at Regular Meeting, then vote to accept or decline said final offer. C. National Community Development Week. Charles Rowe briefly outlined the city's activities for recognition of National Community Development Week. D. Item #24 (Water Reclamation Facility, Wet Weather Discharge line). Discussed; see Item #24 for action. E. Item #25 (Bid 93/94-24, Laboratory Equipment). Discussed; see Item #25 for action. F. Sanford Airport Authority Police Protection. City Manager reported agreement has been reached with Steve Cooke that effective October 1, 1994, the airport police officers will be transferred to the Sanford Police Department, which will provide police protection to the airport with the airport to reimburse the city for said protection and to provide the vehicle(s) for the officer(s) to utilize. G. Item #27, one (1) or two (2) temporary, contractual, Building Department employees. Discussed; see Item #27 for action. H. 1801 West First Street. City Manager reported that a tenant with a car wash business at this location had requested to be on the March 28, 1994, Agenda, to request approval of a sign, but that no information regarding the proposed sign was submitted; that Staff has been in contact with the tenant and the landlord, and that the two do not agree on the sign location; and that Staff will review and handle the request when detailed information is submitted. I. Item #26, Registered Agent for CRA. .... Discussed; see Item #26 for action. ~ ~ J. ~ .... crt.. .. Wes Rinker's defaulted lease of the Stadium. City Manager reported Mr. Rinker still has personal property and a telephone with an answering machine on the property; the City Attorney is agreeable to the city boxing up the personal property and storing it; Southern Bell will not remove the telephone line; Mr. Rinker has not paid last year's or this year's taxes, which total approximately $4,500.00, on the Stadium; the city paid last year's taxes; he recommends the ci ty not pay this year's taxes, and to request the Tax Collector to place a Tax Execution Lien on any property in Florida which Mr. Rinker owns, to collect this year's taxes; and the City Commission concurred. K. Access 94 Meetings. Mayor Smith requested Wednesday nights. meetings the scheduled be not on ***************************************************************** 10. A. ~ ~lrL.. . Regular Meeting First Floor (Public Hearing.) Ad published March 14, 1994; property posted March 10, 1994; owners notified March 9, 1994. McDonald's Corporation, Petitioner. Copies attached: Map Application Letters from all utility companies Recommendation from Plans Review Committee All utility companies have no objection provided applicant provides easements to accommodate relocation of all utilities; pays all costs associated with said relocation; that all utility rights remain intact until relocation work has been completed, and executes Relocation of Facilities Agreement with Florida Public Utilities Company. Plans Review Conunittee reconunends approval, conditioned upon relocation of all utilities lying within the right- of-way with the developer paying all costs associated with same. City Manager recommends authorization for City Attorney to prepare the proper ordinance to close, vacate, and abandon the alley as requested, with conditions and stipulations as recommended by Plans Review Committee; and authorization for McDonalds to open and use east-west alley. Authorized City Attorney to prepare proper ordinance to close, vacate and abandon the alley as recommended by the City Manager. Authorized McDonalds to open and use the east-west alley, except the easterly 20t feet where there will be no curb cut onto French Avenue, with traffic to be one-way (westerly), and for Firestone to have use of the alley when it is open. B. Petitioner also requests that Ordinance No. 3202, to close, vacate, and abandon the alley, be placed on first reading March 28, 1994. Copy attached of proposed jn~'Wq~4 ordl'nance., f~ for City Commission's consideration. ,[,,1 \,' Lf .... Passed 1st reading. 11. L/-' I~q{ 12. pJi~ 4-" /I-qL{. . 13. ~~ L-l'~11~41' . 14. Cftm . . 15. ~. (Public Hearing to consider second reading and adoption of Ordinance No. 3201), re: closing, vacating and abandoning a north-south alley between French Avenue and Laurel Avenue and between West 25th Street and Bayard Street. Petitioner Walgreens/WEB Properties. Ad published March 17, 1994. Copies attached: Map Ordinance No. 3201. Public hearing held, tabled to April 11, 1994. (Petition to Annex.) Harold G. Hartsock, Trustee/owner. Copies attached: Map Petition Application Staff Recommendations City Manager reconunends authorization for the City Attorney to prepare the proper ordinance to annex property as requested. Authorized City Attorney to prepare the proper ordinance. (Petition to Annex.) Randall W. Flake and John Edgar Perry, owners. On April 26, 1993, the City Commission authorized water service at this location. Copies attached: Map Petition Application Staff Recommendations City Manager reconunends authorization for the City Attorney to prepare the property ordinance to annex property as requested. Authorized City Attorney to prepare the proper ordinance. (Request from Celery City Elks Lodge No. 542, for reduced rate of Civic Center rental fees, for Annual Charity BaIlon April 30, 1994.) Information attached. City Manager reconunends because event is not open to the public and includes alcoholic beverages, therefore the event does not meet criteria for Staff approval, action as deemed appropriate. Motion to approve request for reduced rate failed to carry. (FY 92/93 Audit.) City Manager reconunends acceptance. Accepted. 16. (Service Agreement with Roche Biomedical Laboratories.) Information attached. City Manager recommends renewal of Service Agreement with Roche Biomedical Laboratories, for drug screening services for FY 94/95, with no price increase in the current $17.00 testing fee. .. jffif' . . . . Authorized renewal. 17. (Contract with Personal Performance Consultants, Inc.) Information attached. jJ/rrl , .... 18. ~:d ~ ,~ .... 19. ~r 4-11- qcf . /Jj~ 4~ /1-q4. 20. City Manager reconunends authorization to renew Contract with Personal Performance Consultants, Inc., to provide EAP service for FY 94/95, with no increase in current annual cost level of $10,776.00 thru FY 94/95. Authorized renewal. (Amendment to Contract with Universal Engineering Sciences.) Information attached with Agenda Item No.6. City Manager reconunends authorization to execute Contract with Universal Engineering Sciences, for quality assurance inspection and testing, roadway and infrastructure construction for Towne Center Boulevard, St. Johns Parkway and North Towne Road, at unit prices specified in letter dated March 3, 1994, from Universal Engineering Sciences, in estimated amount of $42,870.00; funding to come from TIF bond proceeds. Contract authorized. (First reading of Ordinances.) A. Ordinance No. 3203 , re: Annex a portion of property lying between Old Lake Mary Road and the SCL Railroad right-of-way and between West 25th Street and Airport Boulevard. Bettye D. Smith, owner. Copy of map attached. Passed 1st reading. B. Ordinance No. 3204, re: Amending Ordinance No. 3185, re: cessation of operation of non-conforming adult entertainment facilities/establishments. NEED TO DETERMINE CESSATION DATE. (Planning and Zoning Commission declined to make a reconunendation.) Passed 1st reading, with cessation date to be two (2) years from date of adoption of Ordinance No. 3204. (Recommendations from Planning and Zoning commission Meeting of Thursday, March 3, 1994.) Copy attached. Rec. #1: Refers to Agenda Item No. 19. B: Voted seven to one, not to provide recommendations to the City Commission regarding changes to the Adult Entertainment Code, Ordinance No. 3185. NO FURTHER ACTION REQUIRED. .... No action required or taken. 21. ~ (Consent Agenda.) A. Consideration of request for payment of statement from City Attorney for Title Insurance for Stormwater/Drainage Acquisition - Mill Creek/Cloud Branch in amount of $2,625.00. Copy attached. City Manager recommends authorization to pay. Payment authorized. lD P't- ~. ~ crt B. Consideration of Tabulations of Bids and Quotes. Memos and Bid Tabulations attached. (1) Bid #93/94-29, Street Sign Materials (Public Works Department). City Manager reconunends acceptance of lowest prices, which met specifications, as described in memo dated March 15, 1994, from Public Works Director, from Municipal Supply & Sign Company, for sign blanks, and from Universal Signs and Accessories, for hardware and sign posts, with total estimated amount not to exceed $12,000.00. Accepted lowest bids as recommended. (2) Quote for materials to repair sea wall (Public Works Department). City Manager reconunends acceptance of lowest quote, from Rinker Material in amount of $32.00 per cubic yard. Accepted lowest quote as recommended. ( 3 ) Bid #93/94-30, Intercom systems for fire apparatus (Fire Department). City Manager reconunends acceptance of lowest bid, which met specifications, from Ten-8 Fire Equipment, Inc. in amount of $6,234.13. w tJj\} j~ Accepted lowest bid as recommended. V"da cfM\... . 22. ~ 23. /!;tfJJ j. . 24. -PtluJ ':P:l. uJCLtr~25. -PtWt .. .. C. Approval of Minutes of March 14, 1994, Work Session, and Minutes of March 14, 1994, Regular Meeting. Copies enclosed. Approved. The following three (3) invoices totalling $18,538.25 have been paid per City Commission approval on October 8, 1990, and November 25,1992: Ardaman & Associates $1,952.50, $1,169.75; and Hartman & Associates $15,416.00. Copies attached. Acknowledged. (Holiday Inn Lease proposed by Bernard Sandler.) Lease denied. (Installation of a seasonal discharge feed line from the Water Reclamation Facility to the wet weather discharge point in the St. Johns River near the Highway 17-92 bridge.) Authorized Conklin, Porter & Holmes to prepare the necessary design modifications, authorized Change Order Number 7 to Lee Construction contract for the construction, authorized issuance of $1,000.00 check to Florida Department of Environmental Protection for the permit fee, all for estimated total cost of $44,690.86. (Tabulation of Bid #93/94-24 for Laboratory Equipment.) Rescinded action taken February 28, 1994, wherein second lowest bid, from Fisher Scientific Company, was accepted; and accepted third lowest bid, from Cole-Parmer, in amount of $2,000.00. 26. fL ; 00 J ~ .... 27. ~.. (Designation of registered agent for correspondence with the Florida Department of Community Affairs regarding the Seminole Towne Center Community Redevelopment Agency.) Designated the City Manager as the Registered Agent for the Community Redevelopment Agency. (Request from Building Official to hire one (1) or two (2) additional, temporary, personnel for work related to construction of Seminole Towne Center Mall.) Authorized hiring as requested, of a temporary, contractual, inspector and plans approximately two (2) found who meets the contractual inspector examiner. examiner at Pay years, and if one requirements, to and a part time Grade 234/15 for person can not be hire a full time contractual plans