HomeMy WebLinkAbout022894 work session/regular meeting agenda AGENDA Sanford City Commission Meetings Monday, February 28, 1994 Sanford City Hall, 300 North Park Avenue Sanford, Florida ***************************************************************** Work Session 5:00 o'clock P. M. City Manager's Conference Room 1. Discussion of request from AMVETS POST *0017 to purchase or lease the PBA building. 2. Discussion regarding Special Event Application for Commercial Carnival in Fort Mellon Park. 3. Discussion of request to fund and implement Orange Avenue and Seventh Street Park improvements. 4. Discussion regarding draft Holiday Inn lease. 5. Discussion of request for waiver of lien for structure demolition at 901 South Sanford Avenue. 6. Discussion of request for Seminole County Expressway Authority to purchase land adjacent to Hidden Lake Villas. 7. Discussion of St. Johns Parkway (East) Developer's Agreement. 8. Discussion of Cloud Branch/Mill Creek drainage improvements land acquisition. 9. Discussion of Wrecker Service in the City of Sanford. 10. Review of proposed Welcome Sign displays for March, 1994. 11. Consideration of any further action regarding Choo Choo Car Wash - request for wai ver to keep a permanent open canopy tent. 12. Continuing discussion regarding the City's Affordable Housing Strategy. 13. Discussion of Regular Agenda Items and Other Items. ****************************************************************** Regular Meeting 7:00 o'clock P.M. City Commission Room 14. Public hearing to consider closing, vacating, and abandoning a portion of the north-south alley between French Avenue and Laurel Avenue and between West 25th Street and Bayard Street. 15. Public hearing to consider second reading and adoption of Ordinance No. 3197. 16. Discussion of Lease to Glen McCall of 400 feet of Old Seaboard Coastline Railroad right-of-way north of West 25th Street. 17. Consideration of Amendment No. 11 to Conklin, Porter & Holmes Contract dated December 17, 1987, for Construction Administration and Inspection Services on Towne Center Boulevard, North Towne Road, and St. Johns Parkway. 18. First reading of Ordinances. 19. Information from Planning and Zoning Conunission Meeting of February 3, 1994. 20. Consent Agenda. 21. Information regarding invoices paid during the period for previously approved lump sum contracts. ADVICE TO THE PUBLIC: IF A PERSON DECIDES TO APPEAL A DECISION MADE WITH RESPECT TO ANY MATTER CONSIDERED AT THE ABOVE MEETING, OR HEARING, HE MAY NEED A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS, INCLUDING THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE, WHICH RECORD IS NOT PROVIDED BY THE CITY OF SANFORD. (FS 286.0105) PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES NEEDING ASSISTANCE TO PARTICIPATE IN ANY OF THESE PROCEEDINGS SHOULD CONTACT THE PERSONNEL OFFICE ADA COORDINATOR AT 330- 5626 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE OF THE MEETING. 22. Discussion of uses of the Municipal Stadium. 23. Consideration of request from AMVETS POST #0017 to purchase or lease the PBA building. 24. Consideration of Application for LIHEAP Grant. 25. Consideration of reclassification of Police Parking Enforcement Specialist to Community Service Officer. 26. Consideration of Application for Tourist Development Fund Grant for the Soap Box Derby. 27. Consideration of Cloud Branch/Mill Creek drainage improvements land acquisition. 28. Consideration of Wrecker Service in the City of Sanford. 29. Consideration of St. Johns Parkway (East) Developer's Agreement. 30. Consideration of request to fund and implement Orange Avenue and Seventh Street Park improvements. MEMORANDUM March 1, 1994 TO: STAFF FROM: CITY MANAGER AND CITY CLERK RE: FEBRUARY 28, 1994, AGENDA ITEMS. ***************************************************************** Work Session Second Floor 1. (Request from AMVETS POST #0017 to purchase or lease the PBA building.) Information attached. Discussed; see Item #23 for action. 2. ( Carnival in Fort Mellon Park,) First Shiloh Missionary Baptist Church, applicant. Information attached. vrvih.. .. Concurred not to allow a commercial type carnival in Ft. Mellon Park. 3. (Orange Avenue Park.) Information attached. Discussed; see Item #30 for action. 4. (Draft Holiday Inn lease.) Information to follow. Discussed; no action. 5. (Wai ver of lien - 901 South Sanford Avenue), Charles and Marian Shaw, owners. Information attached. ~J.. Discussed; concurred to waive the lien if the property is donated to Habitat for Humanity for affordable housing. 6. (Request for Expressway Authority to purchase land adjacent to Hidden Lake Villas.) Information attached. Reviewed; concurred not to request the Expressway Authority to purchase said land. 7. (St. Johns Parkway (East) Developer's Agreement.) Discussed; see Item #29 for action. 8. (Cloud Branch/Mill Creek drainage acquisition. Information attached. improvements land Discussed; see Item #27 for action. 9. (Wrecker Service - contractual vs. rotation.) attached. Information Discussed; see Item #28 for action. 10. (Welcome Sign displays for March, 1994.) attached. ~... Reviewed; concurred with recommendations. Information 11. ~... 12. 13. ~... err.. . (Choo Choo Car Wash, 2418 French Avenue - tent.) Discussed; concurred not to waive Code requirements; suggested Mr. Savard discuss options for building a permanent structure with Jay Marder. (City of Sanford Affordable Housing Strategy.) Not discussed. (Regular Agenda Items and Other Items.) A. Request from Maranatha New Life Center Church for waiver of license fees and waiver of requirement to hire two off-duty police officers for a carnival March 2 through 12, 1994. Discussed; concurred not to waive fee in amount of $625.00 per week and not to waive the requirement to hire two off-duty police officers. B. Access 94 Meetings. Discussed; concurred to hold District, in district order. in each City Commission one C. LIHEAP contract. Discussed; see Item #24 for action. D. Fraternal Order of Police Union. City Manager reviewed meetings and the need for an Executive Session of the City Commission. E. Soap Box Derby Grant Application. Discussed; see Item #26 for action. F. General approval of submittal of grant applications that do not require a city commitment. Discussed; concurred that the City Commission approve all grant applications or that the City Manager inform the City Commission prior to staff submitting the application. G. February 28, 1994, Community Redevelopment Agency Meeting. City Manager reported that the city will be front-ending whatever portion of the funds that are incurred in moving forward with this. H. Glen McCall of 400 feet of Railroad right-of-way north old Seaboard of West 25th Lease to Coastline Street. Discussed; see Item #16 for action. ******************************************************************* Regular Meeting First Floor 14. (Public hearing - close, vacate, and abandon part of an alley to facilitate construction of a Walgreens Drug Store; WEB Properties, Inc., applicant. b)J) ~. .. 15. dI)()AtL . . 16. ~$.. 17. W] .$.. Ad published February 14, 1994; property posted February 14, 1994; owners notified February 11, 1994. Copies attached: Map. Application. Letters from all Recommendation Committee. utility companies. from Plans Review All utility companies have no objection provided the applicant pays the costs to relocate or relocates their utilities, the utilities are relocated prior to the vacation, and the applicant/owner dedicates and records a suitable utility easement. Jerry C. Evans, President, WEB Properties, Inc., has confirmed that WEB Properties, Inc. "is willing to absorb within reason the entire cost of relocating these utilities." Plans Review Committee recommends approval, with conditions/ stipulations. City Manager recommends authorization for the City Attorney to prepare the proper ordinance to close, vacate, and abandon the alley as requested, with conditions/stipulations recommended by the Plans Review Committee. Public hearing held; authorized City Attorney to prepare the proper ordinance as recommended by the City Manager. (Ordinance No. 3197) re: extending authorization and source of funding for Community Policing Team. Copy attached. Ad published February 17, 1994. Adopted. (Glen McCall lease.) Information attached. Proposed new lease provides for time payment of $7,130.04 arrearage (rent plus interest) in 24 monthly payments of $321.10. City Manager recommends approval of lease as submitted, with monthly rental in amount of $1,000.00. Approved five year lease effective retroactive to the end of the prior lease, with option to renew for five years, lease amount to be $500.00 per year with arrearage to be paid at $500.00 per year plus 8% interest until paid in full, as requested by Mr. McCall. (Construction Administration and Inspection Services on roadway infrastructure to serve the Seminole Towne Center Mall.) Information attached. City Manager reconunends approval of Amendment No. 11 in amount of $55,779.46, with payment from Community Redevelopment Agency funds generated from sale of Tax Increment Fund Bonds. Approved as recommended. 18. (First reading of Ordinances.) Copies of maps attached. ~~~ 3-'1L/-Lfif . t0~ ~v-IU- ~J.f. 19. A. A. Ordinance No. 3198 , re: Annex a portion of property between Art Lane and Driftwood Lane extended northerly and between Meadow Drive and Hidden Lake Drive (702 and 704 Meadow Street); Donald E. Hunter, owner. Passed first reading. B. Ordinance No. 3199, re: Small Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendmen t . Passed first reading. (February 3, 1994, Planning and Zoning Meeting information.) Copy attached. NO ACTION NECESSARY. .... No action taken. ~.. 20. ~. B. (Item #2 of February 17,1994, Planning and Zoning Meeting Recommendations.) Authorized Class 3 Special sale of alcoholic beverages at a 125 seat restaurant at 2701-2715 S. Orlando Drive. (Consent Agenda.) A. Request from Muller, Mintz, Kornreich, et aI, for payment of statement in amount of $589.91 for Professional Services in January, 1994, regarding labor relations. Copy attached. City Manager recommends authorization to pay. Authorized. B. Consideration of Tabulations of Bids. tabulations attached. Memos and bid (1) Bid #93/94-15, Land Application of Wastewater Residual Biosolids (Utility Department). On January 10, 1994, the low bid, from Mid Florida Environmental Services, was accepted pending satisfactory submittal of all insurance and bond documentation; Mid Florida is unable to submit the required documentation; Utility Director recommends acceptance of bid from second lowest bidder. City Manager recommends acceptance of second lowest II \ _ 1.1 bid, which met specifications, from Bio Gro, at VU~~ unit price of $140.00 per load. fJ~... Accepted as recommended. tJ)tt1f~ mZ4.. (2) Re-bid #93/94-20, Fluorescent Light Fixtures (Recreation and Parks Department). The two (2) lowest bids did not meet specifications. City Manager recommends acceptance of third lowest bid, which met specifications, from Consolidated Electric in amount of $5,123.32. Accepted as recommended. (3) Bid #93/94-24, Department) . Laboratory Equipment (Utility lA tLtt ~ ~auJ.. Accepted City Manager recommends acceptance descr ibed in Memo dated February 15, Utility Director. of bids as 1994, from as recommended. (4) Bid #93/94-26, Police Leather Equipment Department) . (Police City Manager recommends acceptance of lowest bid, which met specifications, from Oaks Wholesale Distributors in amount of $11,162.00. VJ# 'I: Ra1f?~ Accepted ~ldq . 21. ~ 22. cfflk.. . 23. ~.. 24. (J{~ U1.... 25. r1)~tj- :3~/L/~i1'l. 26. ~~. . . 27. -J ~.. .. as recommended. c. Approval of Minutes of February 14, 1994, Work Session; and February 14, 1994, Regular Meeting. Copies enclosed. Approved. The following twelve (12) invoices totalling $130,890.94 have been paid per City Commission approval on October 8, 1990, and November 25, 1992: Conklin, Porter & Holmes: $216.34, $3,268.29, $22,198.10, $26,914.16, $22,270.48, $13,253.79; All-Rite Fence: $19,519.46; Ardaman and Associates: $1,141.33, $778.47; Burke, Bales & Mills: $242.52; M. R. Cooper Construction: $5,663.00; and Florida Environmental Management: $15,425.00. Copies attached. Acknowledged. (Discussion of uses of the Municipal Stadium.) Discussed; staff to check into using the stadium for softball and baseball tournaments, and advertising and promoting same, so that Sanford could be the Williamsport of the south. (Consideration of request from AMVETS POST #0017 to purchase or lease the PBA building.) Voted not to lease the PBA building. (Consideration of Application for LIHEAP Grant.) Authorized. (Consideration of reclassification of Police Parking Enforcement Specialist to Community Service Officer.) Authorized the City Attorney to prepare the proper ordinance to reclassify said position; Ordinance No. 3200 passed first reading. (Consideration of Application for Tourist Development Fund Grant for the Soap Box Derby.) Authorized. (Consideration of Cloud Branch/Mill improvements land acquisition.) Creek drainage Accepted 5 counter offers as recommended by City Manager. 28. ~.l 29. Pw Doo. 30. ~... (Consideration of Wrecker Service in the City of Sanford.) Authorized the City Attorney to put in final form and to implement as the city's procedure. (Consideration of St. Johns Parkway (East) Developer's Agreement. ) Authorized execution contingent on immediate receipt of "right to access" the property by the city's engineers. (Consideration of request to fund and implement Orange Avenue and Seventh Street Park improvements.) Authorized to proceed with park construction.