HomeMy WebLinkAbout082597 ws/rm agenda AGENDA Sanford City Commission Meetings Monday, August 25, 1997 Sanford City Hall, 300 North Park Avenue Sanford, Florida ****************************************************************************** ** Work Session 3:30 P.M. in the City Manager's Conference Room 1. Presentation by PRA Development & Management Corporation re: waterfront development. 2. Presentation by Paul Porter of Conklin. Porter & Holmes re: water. sewer and storm water projects. 3. Discussion of appraisal for land required for Mill Creek drainage improvements. 4. Discussion of request from Henry Sweet for the aquisition of ~ of a lot. 5. Discussion of report on Placid Woods buried debris clean-up. 6. Discussion of renovation of Coastline Park. 7. Discussion of economic development benefits of membership in East Central Florida Regional Planning Council. 8. Discussion of GoldenRule request for funding for a Bed and Breakfast. 9. Discussion of litigation between the City and Pebble Junction. 10. Discussion of board appointments/reappointments. 11. Discussion of Regular Agenda items and other items. 12. City Manager's report. ****************************************************************************** ** Regular Meeting 7:00 P.M. City Commission Chambers 13. Presentation of Resolution No. 1760 re: sympathy to the family of Terrance Flanders. 14. Citizen participation. 14.5 Presentation of Certificate of Appreciation to Citizen of the Month in District 1. 15. Consideration of Commission meeting minutes. 16. Public hearing to consider condemnation of structures. 17. Public hearing to consider second reading and adoption of: A. Ordinance No. 3352. re: annexation of property between East Airport Boulevard and Lake Mary Boulevard and between Palm Way and Highway 17-92. B. Ordinance No. 3353. re: annexation of property between Oregon Avenue South and Paola Road and between Rinehart Road and Kaywood Drive. C. Ordinance No. 3354. re: Code amendments for the Police Officers' Retirement System. D. Ordinance No. 3355. re: Code amendments for the Firefighters' Retirement System. 18. Public Hearing to consider first reading of: A. Ordinance No. 3356 to amend the Southridge PD and rezone a portion of the property between Twin Lake Road South extended westerly and Paola Road and between 1-4 (State Road 400) and Towne Center Boulevard. B. Ordinance No. 3357 to amend the future land use map of the Future Land Use Plan Element of the Comprehensive Plan. and changing the designation of a portion of property lying between Rinehart Road and CR 46A and between Rinehart Road and Oregon Avenue.South. 19. Consideration of Resolution No. 1761. re: Submission of a Florida Recreation Development Assistance Program Grant for the renovation of Coastline Park. 20. Consideration of approval of appraisal for land required for Mill Creek drainage improvements. 21. Consideration of disposal of property - dumpsters. 22. Consideration of approval of Citizen's Advisory Board By-Laws. 23. Consideration of contract with Conklin. Porter & Holmes regarding Continuing Services for Final Design and Construction Plans for Utility Improvements/Relocation associated with Lake Mary Boulevard Phase ill. East Lake Mary Boulevard (Airport Entrance Road to S.R. 46) and Airport Boulevard Phase II B (Beltway Overpass to c.R. 46A). 24. Boards: appointments/reappointments. 25. Consideration of recommendations from Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting of August 7. 1997. 26. Consent Agenda. 27. Information regarding invoices paid during the period for previously approved lump sum contracts. 28. City Attorney's Report 29 City Manager's Report. 30. City Clerk's Report. 31. City Commissioners' Reports. ADVICE TO THE PUBLIC: IF A PERSON DECIDES TO APPEAL A DECISION MADE WITH RESPECT TO ANY MATTER CONSIDERED AT THE ABOVE MEETING OR HEARING HE MAY NEED A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS, INCLUDING THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE WHICH RECORD IS NOT PROVIDED BY THE CITY OF SANFORD. (FS286.0105) PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES NEEDING ASSISTANCE TO PARTICIPATE IN ANY OF THESE PROCEEDINGS SHOULD CONTACT THE PERSONNEL OFFICE ADA COORDINATOR AT 330-5626 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE OF THE MEETING. FOR FURTHER DESCRIPTION OF AGENDA ITEMS, SEE ATTACHED MEMORANDUM 32. Hiring of Finance Director. 33. Henry Sweet's request for donation of~ ofa lot. 34. Request for board member payment information. MEMORANDUM DATE: AUGUST 27, 1997 TO: STAFF FROM: CITY MANAGER AND CITY CLERK RE: AUGUST 25, 1997, AGENDA ITEMS ****************************************************************************** ** Work Session Second Floor 1. PRA presentation. .......... Architect presented 2 conceptual scenarios for a hotel/apartments/convention center in the Ft. Mellon Park area. Mayor requested feedback from the CRA, Main Street, Sanford Historic Trust, and any other interested parties. 2. Presentation by Paul Porter of Conklin, Porter & Holmes. Information attached. . ... . . . . .. Presentation given. 3. Discussion of appraisal for land required for Mill Creek drainage improvements. ...... . . .. Discussed; see Item #20 for action. 4. Discussion of Henry Sweet's request. ...000000. Not discussed; see Item #33 for discussion. 5. Discussion of report on Placid Woods. Information attached. 0000000000 Discussed; see Item #29.A. for action. 6. Discussion of renovation of Coastline Park. Information attached. 00 . 00 00 ... See Item # 19 for action. 7. Discussion of economic development benefits of membership in the East Central Florida Regional Planning Council. Information attached. 00 00...... Discussed; see Item #29.D. for action. 8. Discussion of GoldenRule request for funding for a Bed and Breakfast. Information attached. . . . . . . . . .. Discussed that business plan information submitted is not sufficient to recommend as a business plan; concurred to table until additional information is received. 9. Discussion oflitigation between the City and Pebble Junction. Information attached. 00.0000.00 Discussed; see Item #29.B. for action. 10. (Board appointments/re-appointments). .......... Discussed appointments/re-appointments/nominations to the Sanford Airport Authority; nominated Mike Good, JeffLongstand, Ken Wright, Ed Bossert, Lon Howell, Lynn Stogner, Lee Moore, Charles Gibson, Ron Weindruch and Gene Daniel. 11. (Regular Agenda items and other items). Not discussed. 12. (City Manager's report). 00 00 . 00 . 00 None given. ****************************************************************************** ** Regular Meeting First Floor 13. Presentation of Resolution No. 1760 re: sympathy to the family of Terrance Flanders. .... 00.... Presented. 14. Citizen participation. ..00....00 Hal Welch and Laurel reported Laurel likes Ft. Mellon Park the way it is, and Mr. Welch requested it remain a park or passive use and not be developed; and requested that all who want to participate in recommending hotel/apartment/convention center locations/development be allowed to do so. 14.5 Citizen of the Month in District 1. . . .. . . . ... Presented to Bob Kuhn. 15. Consideration of approval of Commission minutes for August 11, 1997 Work Session and August 11, 1997 Regular Meeting. Copies attached. .......... Approved. 16. Public hearing (This hearing is a formal procedure that the City is required to do as a first step toward the demolition of dilapidated structures unless the owner(s) brings these up to code; owners who proceed to make reasonable progress toward correction of deficiencies can expect to be allowed time to make corrections upon written request.) Seesurrun, Inc./Paul Moyer, Agent, notified August 7, 1997 and ad published August 10, 1997 and August 17, 1997. Information attached. 1) Condemnation #97-44, 1120 Florida Avenue (Pine Shadow Apartments) City Manager recommends structures in Report #97-44 be found to be unsafe, dilapidated, unsanitary or uninhabitable, to condemn said structures, and give the owner thirty (30) days to repair or demolish. If property owner fails to effect such demolition and removal or repair within said thirty (30) day period, the City shall demolish and remove the buildings and/or structures and the actual cost of said removal and disposal, including administrative costs will be assessed as a lien against the properties. ......00.. Public hearing held; continued to September 15, 1997. 17. Public Hearing to consider second reading and adoption of Ordinances. Copies of Ordinances and maps attached. A. Ordinance No. 3352, to annex property between East Airport Boulevard and Lake Mary Boulevard and between Palm Way and Highway 17-92, Robert J. Smith, owner. Ad published August 14 & 21, 1997. City Manager recommends adoption. Cynthia.. . ..... Adopted. B. Ordinance No. 3353, to annex property between Oregon Avenue South and Paola Road and between Rinehart Road and Kaywood Drive, Seminole Farms Trust IV, Harold G. Hartsock, Trustee, owner. Ad published August 14 & 21, 1997. City Manager recommends adoption. Cynthia. . . . . . . . . Adopted C. Ordinance No. 3354, to amend City Code, Police Officers' Retirement System; amending definitions increasing member's own contribution assessment rate, increasing benefit amounts and eligibility and clarifying the disability benefit amount. Ad published August 14, 1997. City Manager recommends adoption. Cynthia.......... Adopted. D. Ordinance No. 3355, to amend City Code, Firefighters' Retirement System; amending definitions, increasing member's own contribution assessment rate, increasing benefit amounts and eligibility and clarifying the disability benefit amount. Ad published August 14, 1997. City Manager recommends adoption. Cynthia. .. . . ..... Adopted. 18. Public Hearing to consider first reading of: A. Ordinance No. 3356 to amend the Southridge PD and to rezone a portion of the property between Twin Lake Road South extended westerly and Paola Road and between 1-4 (State Road 400) and Towne Center Boulevard from AG to PD. Seminole Farms Trust IV, Harold G. Hartsock, Trustee. Ad published July 23, 1997 and August 1, 1997. Tabled August 11, 1997. Information attached: Map Application Request from Jim Willard to amend Condition "C". Recommendation from Planning & Zoning Commission to approve with conditions. (Recommendation attached with Item #25) Recommendation from Director of Planning and Development to approve with conditions Ordinance No. 3356 City Manager recommends approval of the 1st reading of Ordinance No. 3356. Cynthia & 9-15-97..00.00. Passed 1st reading as amended. B. Ordinance No. 3357 to amend the future land use map of the Future Land Use Plan Element of the Comprehensive Plan, and changing the designation of a portion of property lying between Rinehart Road and CR 46A and between Rinehart Road and Oregon Avenue South from Low Density Residential (LDR) and Medium Density Residential (MDR) to Residential, Office and Institutional (ROI). Ira William Southward Trust, owner. Ad published August 17, 1997. Information attached: Map Application Recommendation from Planning & Zoning Commission to approve. (Recommendation attached with Item #25) Recommendation from Director of Planning and Development to approve Ordinance No. 3357 City Manager recommends approval of the 1st reading of Ordinance No. 3357. 9-15-9700000000 Tabled to 9-15-97. 19. Consideration of Resolution No. 1761, re: Submission of a Florida Recreation Development Assistance Program (FRDAP) Grant in the amount of$125,000.00 ($93,750 FRDAP; $31,250 City) for the renovation of Coastline Park. Information attached with Work Session Item #6. City Manager recommends approval of adoption of Resolution No. 1761. 00 00 00 .. 00 Adopted. 20. Consideration of approval to obtain an updated appraisal from Pardue-Reid Church-Smith & Waller, Inc. for land required for Mill Creek drainage improvements. Information attached with Work Session Item #3. City Manager recommends approval, for appraisal fee of$2,850.00 plus exceptional expenses. Bill S oo' 00 Approved. 21. Consideration of disposal of dumpsters owned by the City. The dumpsters will be sold as scrap metal to Jennings Environmental at $3.00 per 100 pounds. Information attached. City Manager recommends approval. Jerry..oooo.. Approved. 22. Consideration of approval of Citizen's Advisory Board By-Laws. Information attached. City Manager recommends approval. Joeoooo... Approved. 23. (Contract with Conklin, Porter & Holmes.) Information attached. Tabled at meeting of August 11, 1997. City Manager recommends authorization to execute Amendment No. 27, to original Contract dated December 17, 1987, for Continuing Services for Final Design and Construction Plans for Utility Improvements/Relocation associated with Lake Mary Boulevard Phase III, East Lake Mary Boulevard (Airport Entrance Road to S.R. 46) and Airport Boulevard Phase II B (Beltway Overpass to c.R. 46A) in amount of$197,987.93. Funds for this work are not budgeted and are recommended to come from utility reserves. PauL... Authorized. 24. Boards. October through December 1997 expirations attached. A. Planning & Zoning Commission: there is one vacancy. NEED TO APPOINT. Applications for this board on file from W. David Johnson and Jerry W. Mills. . . . . . . . . .. City Clerk reported there are no vacancies; no action necessary or taken. B. Sanford Airport Authority: Terms of Lee P. Moore, Charles H. Gibson, Gene B. Daniel and Ronald L. Weindruch expire September 30, 1997. All four wish to be reappointed. NEED TO APPOINT/REAPPOINT. 9-15-97.....00 No action taken; list 9-15. C. Waterfront Master Plan Steering Committee: Terms of Ed Posey, Helen Stairs, Jerry Mills, Jami Meeks, Tim Puthoff, and Eliza Pringle have expired; they would like to be reappointed. NEED TO APPOINT/REAPPOINT. Arlene........ Reappointed. Although there are three other vacant positions on this board that could be filled the Director of Planning and Development reports very sufficient representation with the current board members and sees no need for these positions to be filled. Applications for this board on file from Derrick Anderson, Edward E. Bossert, William (Bill) D. Sternberg, Judy Sternberg and Robert L. Taylor. Arlene......... Appointed Martha Yancey and Reginald Lowry. 25. Consideration of recommendations from Planning and Zoning Commission. Recommendation #1 refers to Agenda Item #18.B. but NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY. ..0000..00 No action taken. Recommendation #2 refers to Agenda Item #18.A. but NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY. No action taken. 26. Consent Agenda. A. Consideration of requests for payment of statements. Copies attached. City Manager recommends authorization to pay. (1) From Foley & Lardner, Thomas K. Maurer, in amount of$351.00 for services re: City Coal Gasification Plant. Sandy..... (2) From Muller, Mintz, Kornreich, Caldwell, Casey, Crosland & Bramnick, P.A. in amount of $665 .19 for services re: police issues. (3) From Universal Engineering Sciences in the total amount of$I,094.10 ($994.35 and $99.75) for Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation for Areas Tributary to Ft. Melon Lift Station and Reclaimed Water Service Extension to SCC, Phase 1, Seminole County, Florida. Authorized. 27. The four invoices in total amount of $179,221.09 from Masci Construction Inc. ($79,644.70), Lake Jessup Grove, Inc. ($2,700.00), Hartman & Associates, Inc. ($738.00) and H. C. Connell, Inc. ($96,138.39) have been paid per City Commission approval on October 8, 1990 and November 5, 1991. Copies attached. Sandy...... Acknowledged. 28. (City Attorney's report). . . . . ...... Reported the Sanford Airport Authority is a dependent district. 29. (City Manager's report). A. Proposal from Ardaman & Associates to perform further analysis on ground water contamination of the Placid woods Site. , Jerry........ Authorized in amount of$21,476.34. B. Bill S.H.H. C. Mike......... D. Bill S....HH E. Jay...... H' G. 9-15-97 Mike........ 1. Bill SHH.H Settlement of litigation with Pebble Junction. Authorized as described in letter dated August 18, 1997 from Joe Flood. Exterior painting of Civic/Senior Center. Accepted $6,290 bid from Orlando Painting Contractors, Inc. Membership in the East Central Florida Regional Planning Council. Authorized to amend the FY 97/98 budget to fund membership. $500 donation from Historic Preservation Board to Sanford Main Street. Authorized. F. Schedule change for Great Fall Exposition. Reported dates changed to Oct 2 through 12, with set up beginning September 26 and breakdown October 13 & 14. Spirit of 17-92 Task Force representation. list 9-15-97 H. Don Mealey's Seminole Ford Labor Day Sale August 28 through September 1 at Movieland. Authorized. 1. Special Work Session September 8, 1997. Stated there will be a Special Work Session September 8, 1997 to discuss privatization of the Solid Waste Division of the Public Works Department. Request from Sanford Crisis Pregnancy Center for funding assistance. Discussed; no funds budgeted; no action. 9-15-97 WS ......K. Cost containment/City Attorney, Persimmon Avenue/Auto Train area improvements, Historic Sanford Memorial Stadium. 30. (City Clerk's report). .00....00. Confirmed each Commissioner received the Agenda for the September 8, 1997 Special Work Session. 3 1. (City Commissioners ' reports). None given. 32. Commissioner Williams asked the status of hiring a Finance Director. City Manager reported not very many applicants met qualifications; Civil Service authorized one of the two requested job qualification changes; some applicants have withdrawn; he will interview another 5 or 6 applicants. Commissioner Lyons stated the Commission could consider removing department heads from Civil Service. Mayor Dale stated the Commission could, or it could change the requirements. 33. Request from Henry Sweet for donation of 112 of a lot. Discussed giving Mr. Sweet a contract for deed, crediting or paying him to clean and maintain the property, and giving him the deed when fully credited or paid. Bill C & Charles & 9-15 WS...... Bill Colbert & Charles Rowe to work out the legalities. 34H.Bill S.H. Commissioner Lyons requested information by the next meeting: how many Sanford board members are being paid by the city for work performed for the city. MEMORANDUM DATE: AUGUST 15, 1997 TO: MA YOR AND COMMISSION FROM: CITY CLE~r RE: AUGUST 25, 1997, AGENDA ITEMS ******************************************************************************** Work Session Second Floor 1. PRA presentation. 2. Presentation by Paul Porter of Conklin, Porter & Holmes. Information attached. 3. Discussion of appraisal for land required for Mill Creek drainage improvements. 4. Discussion of Henry Sweet's request. 5. Discussion of report on Placid Woods. 6. Discussion of renovation ofCoastIine Park. Information attached. 7. Discussion of economic development benefits of membership in the East Central Florida Regional Planning Council. Information attached. 8. Discussion of GoldenRule request for funding for a Bed and Breakfast. Information attached. 9. Discussion of litigation between the City and Pebble Junction. Information attached. 10. (Board appointments/re-appointments). 1 I. (Regular Agenda items and other items). 12. (City Manager's report). ******************************************************************************** Regular Meeting First Floor 13. Presentation of Resolution No. 1760 re: sympathy to the family of Terrance Flanders. 14. Citizen participation. 15. Consideration of approval of Commission minutes for August 11, 1997 Work Session and August 11, 1997 Regular Meeting. Copies attachep. 16. Public hearing (This hearing is a formal procedure that the City is required to do as a first step toward the demolition of dilapidated structures unless the owner(s) brings these up to code; oWners who proceed to make reasonable progress toward correction of deficiencies can expect to be allowed time to make corrections upon written request.) Seesurrun, Inc./Paul Moyer, Agent, notified August 7, 1997 and ad published August 10, 1997 and August 17, 1997. Information attached. 1) Condemnation #97-44, 1120 Florida Avenue (Pine Shadow Apartments) City Manager recommends structures in Report #97-44 be found to be unsafe, dilapidated, unsanitary or ,uninhabitable, to condemn said structures, and give the owner thirty (30) days to repair or demolish. Ifproperty owner fails to effect such demolition and removal or repair within said thirty (30) day period, the City shall demolish and remove the buildings and/or structures and the actual cost of said removal and disposal, including administrative costs will be assessed as a lien against the properties. 17. Public Hearing to consider second reading and adoption of Ordinances. Copies of Ordinances and maps attached. A. Ordinance No. 3352, to annex property between East Airport Boulevard and Lake Mary Boulevard and between Palm Way and Highway 17-92, Robert 1. Smith, owner. Ad published August 14 & 21, 1997. City Mana2er recommends adoption. B. Ordinance No. 3353, to annex property between Oregon Avenue South and Paola Road and between Rinehart Road and Kaywood Drive, Seminole Farms Trust IV, Harold G. Hartsock, Trustee, owner. Ad published August 14 & 21, 1997. City Mana2er recommends adoption. C. Ordinance No. 3354, to amend City Code, Police Officers' Retirement System; amending definitions increasing member's own contribution assessment rate, increasing benefit amounts and eligibility and clarifying the disability benefit amount. Ad published August 14, 1997. City Mana2er recommends adoption. D. Ordinance No. 3355, to amend City Code, Firefighters' Retirement System; amending definitions, increasing member's own contribution assessment rate, increasing benefit amounts and eligibility and clarifying the disability benefit amount. Ad published August 14, 1997. City Mana::er recommends adoption. 18. Public Hearing to consider first reading of: A. Ordinance No. 3356 to amend the Southridge PD and to rezone a portion of the property between Twin Lake Road South extended westerly and Paola Road and between I-4 (State Road 400) and Towne Center Boulevard from AG to PD. Seminole Farms Trust IV, Harold G. Hartsock, Trustee. Ad published July 23, 1997 and August 1, 1997. Tabled August 11, 1997. Information attached: Map Application Request from Jim Willard to amend Condition "C". Recommendation from Planning & Zoning Commission to approve with conditions. (Recommendation attached with Item #25) Recommendation from Director ofPlan.ning and Development to approve with conditions Ordinance No. 3356 City Mana2er recommends approval of the 1st reading of Ordinance No. 3356. B. Ordinance No. 3357 to amend the future land use map of the Future Land Use Plan Element of the Comprehensive Plan, and changing the designation of a portion of property lying between Rinehart Road and CR 46A and between Rinehart Road and Oregon Avenue South from Low Density Residential (LDR) and Medium Density Residential (MDR) to Residential, Office and Institutional (ROI). Ira William Southward Trust, owner. Ad published August 17, 1997. ) , Information attached: Map Application Recommendation from Planning & Zoning Commission to approve. (Recommendation attached with Item #25) Recommendation from Director of Planning and Development to approve Ordinance No. 3357 City Mana2er recommends approval of the 1st reading of Ordinance No. 3357. 19. Consideration of Resolution No. 1761, re: Submission of a Florida Recreation Development Assistance Program (FRDAP) Grant in the amount of$125,000.OO ($93,750 FRDAP; $31,250 City) for the renovation of Coastline Park. Information attached with Work Session Item #6. City Mana2er recommends approval of adoption of Resolution No. 1761. 20. Consideration of approval to obtain an updated appraisal from Pardue-Heid Church- Smith & Waller, Inc. for land required for Mill Creek drainage improvements. Information attached with Work Session Item #3. City Mana2er recommends approval, for appraisal fee of$2,850.00 plus exceptional expenses. 21. Consideration of disposal of dumpsters owned by the City. The dumpsters will be sold as scrap metal to Jennings Environmental at $3.00 per 100 pounds. Information attac.hed. City Manal:er recommends approval. 22. Consideration of approval of Citizen's Advisory Board By-Laws. Information attached. City Mana2er recommends approval. 23. (Contract with Conklin, Porter & Holmes.) Information attached. Tabled at meeting of August 11, 1997. City Mana2er recommends authorization to execute Amendment No. 27, to original Contract dated December 17, 1987, for Continuing Services for Final Design and Construction Plans for Utility Improvements/Relocation associated with Lake Mary Boulevard Phase III, East Lake Mary Boulevard (Airport Entrance Road to S.R. 46) and Airport Boulevard Phase II B (Beltway Overpass to c.R. 46A) in amount of$197,987.93. Funds for this work are not budgeted and are recommended to come from utility reserves. 24. Boards. October through December 1997 expirations attached. f.!i!J nnin & Zonin Commission: there is one vacancy. NEED TO APPOINT. Applications for this board on file from W. David Johnson and Jerry W. Mills. B. Sanford Airport Authority: Tenns of Lee P. Moore, Charles H. Gibson, Gene B. Daniel and Ronald 1. Weindruch expire September 30, 1997. All four wish to be reappointed. NEED TO APPOINT/REAPPOINT. C. Waterfront Master Plan Steerinl: Committee: Terms of Ed Posey, Helen Stairs, Jerry Mills, Jami Meeks, Tim Puthoff, and Eliza Pringle have expired; they would like to be reappointed. NEED TO APPOINT/REAPPOINT. \ . Although there are three other vacant positions on this board that could be filled the Director of Planning and Development reports very sufficient representation with the current board members and sees no need for these positions to be filled. Applications for this board on file from Derrick Anderson, Edward E. Bossert, William (Bill) D. Sternberg, Judy Sternberg and Robert 1. Taylor: 25. Consideration of recommendations from Planning and Zoning Commission. Recommendation # 1 refers to Agenda Item # 18.B. but NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY. Recommendation #2 refers to Agenda Item # 18.A. but NO FURTHER ACTION NECESSARY. 26. Consent Agenda. A. Consideration of requests for payment of statements. Copies attached. City Manager recommends authorization to pay. (1) From Foley & Lardner, Thomas K. Maurer, in amount of$351.00 for services re: City Coal Gasification Plant. (2) From Muller, Mintz, Kornreich, Caldwell, Casey, Crosland & Bramnick, P.A. in amount of $665.19 for services re: police issues. (3) From Universal Engineering Sciences in the total amount of$I,094.1O ($994.35 and $99.75) for Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation for Areas Tributary to Ft. Melon Lift Station and Reclaimed Water Service Extension to SCC, Phase 1, Seminole County, Florida. 27. The four invoices in total amount of$179,221.09 from Masci Construction Inc. ($79,644.70), Lake Jessup Grove, Inc. ($2,700.00), Hartman & Associates, Inc. ($738.00) and H. C. Connell, Inc. ($96,138.39) have been paid per City Commission approval on October 8, 1990 and November 5, 1991. Copies attached. 28. (City Attorney's report). 29. (City Manager's report). 30. (City Clerk's report). 31. (City Commissioners ' reports).