HomeMy WebLinkAbout041497 ws/rm agenda AGENDA Sanford City Commission Meetings Monday, April 14, 1997 Sanford City Hall, 300 North Park Avenue Sanford, Florida ****************************************************************************** Work Session 3:30 P. M. in the City Manager's Conference Room 1. Presentation by Commissioner Lessard re: residency requirements for city employees. 2. Review of prioritized policy goals and prioritized budget goals. 3. Discussion of policies. goals and objectives for the Police and Fire Departments. 4. Discussion of the role of the Citizens Advisory Board. 5. Discussion of extension of the Coopers & Lvbrand. L.L.P. contract for annual audit services. 6. Discussion of contract with IBM for Business Recovery Services. 7. Discussion of purchase of equipment to upgrade the Local Area Network system in City Hall. 8. Discussion of proposed Utility Standards and Specifications Manual. 9. Discussion of the Sanford Housing Authority's Audit for FY ended June 30. 1995. 10. Request to establish the meeting date for the second City Commission Meeting in May 1997. 11. Discussion of board appointments/re-appointments. 12. Discussion of Regular Agenda items and other items. 13. City Manager's Report. ****************************************************************************** Regular Meeting 7:00 P. M. City Commission Room 14. Citizen Participation. 15. Continuation of public hearing to consider closing, vacating and abandoning blanket north-south and east-west utility easements lying between SR 46 (W. 25th Street) and Osceola Drive and between Georgia Avenue and Hartwell Avenue. 16. Consideration of requests for Right-of-Way Use Agreements. 17. Consideration of Special Event activities: city assistance. alcoholic beverage sale/consumption. and street closures. 18. Consideration of Petition for Annexation of property between Onora Street and Est Lake Mary Boulevard and between Mellonville Avenue and Ohio Street (3435 Mellonville Avenue. ) 19. Condemnation Status Report/requests for demolition. 20. Clarify the role of the Citizens Advisory Board. 21. Consideration of adopting an Industrial Development Policy for the Orlando Sanford Airport and amending the Joint Planning Agreement with Seminole County. 22. Recommendations from Planning and Zoning Commission Meetings. 23. Consideration of Groundwater Monitoring Proposals for Site 10 and Mayfair Golf Course. 24. Consideration of contract with mM for Business Recovery Services. 25. First reading of ordinances. 26. Consent Agenda. 27. Information regarding invoices paid during the period for previously approved lump sum contracts. 28. City Attorney's report. 29. City Manager's report. 30. City Clerk's report. 31. City Commissioners' reports. 32. Consideration of Contract with Conklin, Porter & Holmes, Engineers, Inc. for engineering services to develop plans for the installation of a reclaimed water line on Springview Drive. ADVICE TO THE PUBLIC: IF A PERSON DECIDES TO APPEAL A DECISION MADE WITH RESPECT TO ANY MATTER CONSIDERED AT THE ABOVE MEETING OR HEARING HE MAY NEED A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS, INCLUDING THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE, WHICH RECORD IS NOT PROVIDED BY THE CITY OF SANFORD. (FS286.0105) PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES NEEDING ASSISTANCE TO PARTICIPATE IN ANY OF THESE PROCEEDINGS SHOULD CONTACT THE PERSONNEL OFFICE ADA COORDINATOR AT 330-5626 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE OF THE MEETING. FOR FURTHER DESCRIPTION OF AGENDA ITEMS, SEE ATTACHED MEMORANDUM. MEMORANDUM April 16, 1997 TO: r n STAFF . f'fu1~ CITY MANAGE~~ CITY CLERK FROM: RE: APRIL 14,1997 AGENDA ITEMS ****************************************************************************** Work Session Second Floor 1. (Residency requirements.) . ... .. . . .. Commissioner Lessard distributed & reviewed 3 pages of information and reported that as positions are filled with new employees over time, perhaps 10 years, he hopes that all employees will live in the City of Sanford. Commissioner Eckstein reported he would only support requiring police officers & firefighters to live in the city; not the rest of the employees. Commissioner Lyons reported he would support giving points to city residents, something like Veteran's Preference, during the hiring process. Commissioner Williams reported she sees some value to requiring all employees to live in the city, but has some reservations about having a blanket policy. She requested a break down by departments of the exit rate. Mayor Dale reported he would encourage hiring Sanford residents when possible, and to have some type of program that encourages this. ~1 City Manager reported he will refine the turn over rate to exit rate; will review with the City Attorney the enforceability of hiring city residents only or those persons who will move into Sanford; and would look at implementing such a policy in steps. 2. (Prioritized policy goals and prioritized budget goals.) Information attached. Acknowledged; no action necessary or taken. 3. (Policies, goals and objectives for the Police and Fire Departments.) Presentation by City Manager, Police Chief and Fire Chief Information attached. Not discussed. 4. (Citizens Advisory Board.) Information attached. Martha Yancey reported the board was set up to see if the Police Department has the needs and resources to handle an emergency, and that she doesn't think they can as they don't have enough training and equipment. Further, the board cannot perform Section 1.(C)(3) of the enacting ordinance with input only from citizens, because they don't know. Mayor Dale reported the board was created to assist with citizen input. Commissioner Williams reported there needs to be an immediate internal investigation of 5. &~ 6. the Police Department. See Item #20 for further discussion. (Coopers & Lybrand audit contract.) Information attached. Discussed; concurred that Finance Director ask Coopers & Lybrand what they will charge the city to continue existing audit procedures, and report back to the Commission. (Contract with IBM for Business Recovery Services.) Information attached. Discussed; see Item #24 for action. 7. (Equipment for City Hall LAN.) Information attached. Discussed; see Item #29.B. for action. 8. (Utility Standards and Specifications Manual.) Copy attached. 9. ~ J ........ 10. ~ HHHH 11. Discussed; Paul Moore reviewed his Memo and discussed his concerns. The Commission concurred to add ABS Pumps to the acceptable manufacturers list for submersible pumps; to add polyethylene as an alternate material for water service lines from the main to the meter; to allow the developer to decide either single or double sewer service lateral line, based on city criteria, at the time the developer submits engineering plans; and to allow the developer to pay one-quarter of the cost of an appropriate generator (instead of providing the actual generator) for a lift station with the design engineer for the subdivision to certify the necessary generator capacity and the city to spec and purchase the appropriate generator. (Sanford Housing Authority Audit.) Information attached. Acknowledged; asked Staff to provide further information regarding legislation to reclassify the Housing Authority as an Independent District under Florida Department of Administration rules. (Second meeting in May). The fourth Monday falls on Memorial Day, a city holiday. Need to establish the meeting date. In the past meetings falling on holidays have been held on Monday the week prior, or on another day in the same week as the holiday. Concurred to hold the 2nd meeting in May on May 19. (Board appointments/re-appointments). Not discussed. 12. (Regular Agenda items and other items.) A. Other items. (1) Discussion regarding proposed amendments to the Alcoholic Beverage Code. Mayor Dale reviewed; Commission concurred with the concept as proposed, except for the distance requirements, and requested Staff prepare a draft ordinance as proposed, with the distances left blank for the Commission to fill in. See Item #29.C for action. 13. (City Manager's Report). A. Acquisition by Florida Department of Transportation of approximately 1 acre of city property at the auxiliary water plant at Airport Boulevard and 17-92, behind Barnett Bank and fronting on Airport Boulevard. City Manager reported FDOT is offering $128,000.00, and that the city can either accept this offer or obtain our own appraisal, after which we would negotiate with FDOT. See Item #29.E for action. B. Extension of a Sub-Recipient agreement with Seminole County RFP 204 for $166,290.00 of Community Development funds. .......... City Manager recommended approval; see Item #29.F for action. C. Condemned property at 1607 Mulberry Avenue - request for time extension. .......... Discussed; see Item #19.B. for action. D. Waiver of time limit for tent/tarp at the Orlando Sanford Airport. .......... Discussed; see Item #29.G. for action. E. Sale of surplus fire truck. .......... Discussed; see Item #29.H for action. F. Police facility at Seminole Towne Center Mall. ~ .......... Discussed the Police Department's inability to man the facility as desired by the mall -U- manager, that our no-cost lease has expired and the mall wants us to vacate the storefront because we have not manned it as desired. Chief Dillard to discuss joint use with the Sheriff's Department and Mayor Dale will discuss the proposed joint use with the mall manager. ****************************************************************************** Regular Meeting First Floor 14. (Citizen Participation). None given. 15. (Public hearing, continued from March 28, 1997) - vacate blanket utility easements, HH.J. Foods, Inc., owner. Ad published March 6, 1997, property owners notified March 4, 1997 and property posted March 7, 1997. The applicant, Dan Hicks, Attorney, requested the vacation of only the blanket utility easements over the lots owned by H.H.J. Foods, Inc. (Lots 1,2,3, and 28, 29 and 30); however, in accordance with city policy, the entire north-south easement was advertised so that the entire easement could be vacated if that was determined appropriate. Copy of map attached. Three of the five utility companies responded to our request for information on their need for utility easements over the subject properties. Based on their response, the Plans Review Committee recommends vacating and abandoning the easements on Lots 1, 2, 3, 28,29, and 30, Block 35, Dreamwold 3rd Section, PB 4, Pg 99, with the stipulation that the owner give the city a 14-foot utility easement along the south side of Lots 3 and 28. On March 14 notice was received from Mr. Hicks, Applicant, that H.H.J. Foods, Inc. sold the property to Florida Exchange Corporation on March 11, 1997. The new owner's address and phone number were immediately requested but have not been received. City Manager recommends the public hearing be held, then continued to April 28, pending notification of the new owner. ~........ Declared the process to vacate the easements has ended due to lack of participation by the V new owner; City Clerk to notify applicant by Certified, RRR letter. 16. (Right-of-Way Use Agreements.) Copies attached. A. 900 Locust Avenue, Sunrise Funeral Home, for installation of a three-foot high vinyl fence. City Manager recommends approval. 9iYv\ .......... Approved. B. Goldsboro Elementary School, Seminole County Public Schools, for existing improvements (portables, sidewalks, etc.) City Manager recommends approval. 9~" Approved. ~ ~~... C. 109 West First Street (Tin Lizzie Tavern & Deli), Chris and Amanda Cranias, for installation of a 36" to 42" high iron railing. City Manager recommends approval. Approved with condition that applicant agree to keep the sidewalk in front of the restaurant clean and trash picked up, and that they submit a Certificate of Insurance in the amount of $200,000.00 naming the city as additional insured. 17. (Special Event requests). Information attached. A. July 4th Celebration on July 4, 1997 from 4:00 P. M. to 10:00 P. M. Sanford Main Street, Inc. requests beer sales/consumption in Fort Mellon Park/along the waterfront, to close Seminole Boulevard between Palmetto Avenue and San Juan Avenue and close First Street between Sanford Avenue and San Juan Avenue, city support by providing similar services that historically have been made available. City Manager recommends approval of beer sales/consumption and street closures as requested, and approval to provide city support (such as police officers) as has been done in the past. ~..... Authorized city to provide required police officers and manned stand by rescue unit at no cost to the applicant, authorized beer sale/consumption and street closures as requested. B. Earthday Birthday on April 18 from 8:00 P. M. to 11:00 P. M., April 19 from 1:00 P. M. to 11:00 P. M., and April 20 from 1:00 P. M. to 4:00 P. M. Barry Cunningham requests beer, wine and full liquor under one tent at Sanford Plaza. City Manager recommends approval of beer and wine sale/consumption under one tent on April 18 from 8:00 P. M. to 11:00 P. M., April 19 from 1:00 P. M. to 11:00 P. M., and April 20 from 1:00 P. M. to 4:00 P. M.; and approval offull liquor sale/consumption under one tent on April 18 and 19 from 8:00 P. M. to 11:00 P. M. ~........ Stan Smith reported the event will not be held on April 20. Commission approved April 18 and April 19 beer and wine and full liquor sale/consumption as recommended by the City Manager. C. Taste of Country on April 25 from 1:00 P. M. to 11:00 P. M. and on April 26 from 1:00 P. M. to 11:00 P. M. Barry Cunningham requests beer, wine and full liquor under one tent at Sanford Plaza. City Manager recommends approval of beer and wine sale/consumption under one tent on April 25 and April 26 from 1:00 P. M. to 11:00 P. M.; and approval of full liquor sale/consumption under one tent on April 25 and April 26 from 8:00 P. M. to 11:00 P. M. l4fl.. ~...... Approved as recommended. D. 11th Annual PV A Bass Tournament on April 18, 19,20, 1997 at Marina Isle and Lake Carola. Gary Rudolph requests to close the portion of Sanford Avenue between Seminole Boulevard and the alley in front of the Civic Center on April 18, 19 and 20 from 5:00 A. M. to 7:00 A. M. and from 2:30 P. M. to 4:00 P. M. each day. City Manager recommends approval. yrv~...... Approved. 18. (Petition for Annexation), Bessie L. Field, owner, by Mary P. Gentry, Guardian. Information attached: Map Petition Application Routing Memo (Department Heads recommend annexation.) /J ."0 D t DJc;. L{-d-2......... City Manager recommends authorization for the City Attorney to prepare the proper ordinance to annex the property. Authorized preparation of ordinance. 19. (Condemnation Status Report, requests for demolitions.) Copy attached. A. Status report. NO ACTION NECESSARY. .......... Acknowledged. B. Requests for demolitions. Report #96-4, 501 E. 4th St. Report #96-6,827 Escambia Dr. Report #96-10, 1106 Pecan Av. Report #96-11, 1712 W. 15th St. Report #96-12, 1605 W. 7th St. Report #96-15, 1219 Lincoln Ct. Report #96-16, 1607 Mulberry Av. Report #96-17, 1504 W. 18th St. Report #96-18,1716 W. 8th St. Report #96-19,613 E. 3rd St. Report #96-20,615 Locust Av. Report #96-21,903 Bay Av. Report #96-23, 308-310 E. 4th St. Maggie Williams & Theodore Hardy, owner Anthony & Ida Fakess, owner Minnie Colson Life Estate, owner Bonita M. Nelson, owner Willie McGee, owner T ommy Wood & Dorothy Cobb, owner Mary Smith, owner Delores & Irwin Joseph, et ai, owner Neal & Fassie L. Cambel, owner Laura Fujii, owner Herbert Starke, owner Frank & Addie Smith, owner Millenium of Glory Church, owner City Manager recommends authorization for Public Works to demolish after title search. )6~. Authorized title searches and demolition by Public Works except for #96-16, 1607 Mulberry Ave. Authorized 30 day time extension for #96-16. 20. (Citizens Advisory Board.) Information attached with Work Session Item NO.4. ... . ...... Martha Yancey appeared and discussed her correspondence and conversations with Mayor Dale, reported the board discussed and agreed with the appointment of the members of the subcommittee, reported she has letters of resignation from Lynn Stogner from the board and from Sara Jacobson from the subcommittee. Ms. Yancey verbally resigned and submitted her written resignation and Mr. Stogner's and Ms. Jacobson's resignations to o the City Clerk. bJ.Q .A........ Commission asked Staff to obtain information from UCF's School of Government regarding training for members of the Citizens Advisory Board, and to send the members to school if they are still willing to serve. M J.nnnn. Sheriffs Advisory Board to brief the Commission at the next meeting regarding what this board does, and the Citizens Advisory Board is invited to attend. 21. (Airport Industrial Development Policy.) Information attached. City Manager recommends adoption of the policy and amendment of the Joint Planning Agreement with Seminole County. L{ .~ ;;.2 ... .. . . .. Discussed & concurred; Mayor Dale to talk to Seminole County Commission Chairman Randy Morris regarding Seminole County's proceeding with the HIP mixed use amendment even though at the joint meeting we said we could expand our utilities if the area is kept industrial and the residential uses were not expanded; list April 28. 22. (Planning and Zoning Commission recommendations). Copies attached. A. March 6, 1997 Meeting. Two items continued from the March 24, 1997 Meeting: #5. Approved the sale of alcoholic beverages for consumption on the premises (AB-COP) at 2921 Orlando Drive, Suites 220 & 230 (Sanford Plaza), Stan Smith, Sanford Plaza, Inc. ofDeltona, owner. NEEDS ACTION: APPROV AUDENIAL. ~.... Approved. #6 Approved the sale of beer and wine for consumption on the premises (BW- COP) at 2921 Orlando Drive, Suite 200 (Sanford Plaza), Stan Smith, Sanford Plaza, Inc. of Deltona, owner. NEEDS ACTION: APPROV ALIDENIAL. Cj~..... Approved. B. March 20, 1997 Meeting. #1. Approved the sale of beer and wine for consumption on the premises (BW- COP) at 2921 Orlando Drive, Suite 170 (Sanford Plaza), James W. Bard, Representative, FSV, Inc. of Del ton a, owner. NEEDS ACTION: APPROV ALlDENIAL. Oth- f .......... Approved. 23. (Groundwater Monitoring Proposals.) Information attached. City Manager recommends approval of both Groundwater Monitoring Proposals with Ardaman & Associates, Inc., for one year, in amount of $9,500.00 for Site 10, and in amount of$3,600.00 for Mayfair Golf Course. --P cuJ........ Approved. 24. (Contract for Business Recovery Services.) Information attached with Work Session Item NO.6. City Manager recommends authorization to execute the contract with IBM Corporation in amount of $302.00 per month as described in Memorandum dated April 1, 1997 from the Director of Finance and Administrative Services. ~ Authorized with the condition that the city look at other sources. 25. (First reading of ordinances.) Copies of maps attached. ~-~ ~ 9-~......... A. Ordinance No. 3334, re: rezone a portion of property between Airport Boulevard and West Lake Mary Boulevard and between Old Lake Mary Road and Art Lane extended northerly from SR-l, Single Family Dwelling Residential, to PD, Planned Development. P. Peterson, Seminole National Bank and BML Investments, owner. Passed 1 st reading. B. Ordinance No. 3335, re: rezone a portion of the property between East 3rd Street and East 5th Street and between Pine Avenue and Hickory Avenue from MR-3, Multiple Family Dwelling Residential, to PD, Planned Development. Barton, Olivia and Chris Pilcher, owner. lf~;g ~ r...... Passed 1 st reading. C. Ordinance No. 3337, re: amend the approved Planned Development project plan L/ - J~ ~ 9~... Passed 1 st reading. for Northgate PD, for property zoned PD, Planned Development, between SR46 (West First Street) and St. Johns Parkway and between Towne Center Boulevard and Rinehart Road. Seminole Farms Trust IV, owner. Ordinance No. 3336, re: amend the approved Planned Development project plan for Towne Center Plaza at Seminole Towne Center PD, for property zoned PD, Planned Development, between North Towne Road and North Entrance Road and between South Oregon Avenue and Towne Center Boulevard. MS Management Associates, Inc., owner. q~ f .......... Passed 1st reading. D. u-JJ \\f 26. (Consent Agenda.) A. Consideration of requests for payment of statements. Copies attached. (1) $6,982.02 from Stenstrom, McIntosh, Colbert, Whigham & Simmons, P.A. for professional services in March 1997. (2) $830.00 from Ardaman & Associates, Inc. for professional services from February 1 through February 21, 1997 pertaining to Stage 1 Contamination Assessment at Placid Woods Subdivision. (3) $15,677.50 from Yovaish Engineering Services, Inc. for investigation and monitoring to assess environmental contamination at Placid Woods Development Phase II. City Manager recommends authorization to pay. ~ Payment authorized. B. Consideration of Tabulations of Bids. Copies of memos, bid tabulations and IFB's Clttached. (1) For Well Pump Rehabilitation, IFB 96/97-55 (Utility Department.) tC. 0 ~ City Manager recommends acceptance of lowest bid, which met 4- specifications, from Central Florida Well Drillers in amount of$8,845.00. P~..... Accepted as recommended. (2) For Sanford Memorial Stadium Turf Renovation, IFB 96/97-61 (Recreation and Parks Department.) ~ 0 C~ City Manager recommends acceptance of lowest bid, which met o 'f- specifications, from Turf Solutions, Inc. in amount of $12,3 80.00. y~ .......... Accepted as recommended. C. Approval of Minutes of February 24, 1997 Regular Meting, March 3, 1997 Special Meeting, March 10, 1997 Work Session, March 10, 1997 Regular Meeting, and March 18, 1997 Special Meeting. Copies attached or to be provided. ~... Approved. 27. The sixteen (16) invoices in total amount of $264,713.28 from Conklin, Porter and Holmes ($9,825.28, $2,903.54, $856.48, $9,110.97, $1,448.30, $492.81, $710.38, $19,212.76, $1,228.10, $4,919.61, $16,082.58, $2,000.00); Prime Construction ($184,629.47); Universal Engineering Sciences ($1,878.00); Hartman & Associates, Inc. ($6,569.00); and Ecotech Consultants, Inc. ($2,846.00) have been paid per City Commission approval on October 8, 1990 and November 25, 1991. Copies attached. ~.. Acknowledged. 28. (City Attorney's report.) .......... None given. 28.5. Citizen participation. A. Joan Campbell appeared and reported she is a member of the Citizens Advisory Board, and that Martha Yancey appointed the subcommittee without the board's knowledge or approval of the members. B. Dean Ray appeared and reported he is a member of the Citizens Advisory Board, and concurred with Ms. Campbell's statements. 29. (City Manager's report.) A. Purchase of equipment to upgrade the Local Area Network system in City Hall. ~... Authorized as recommended by Director of Finance. B. Amendments to the Alcoholic Beverage Code. 9-~..... Authorized Staff to prepare ordinance to amend as discussed at Work Session. J ( ....-;;IS C. Utility Standards and Specifications Manual. '1~ f ai.-f.......... Authorized to adopt the manual with revisions as discussed at Work Session. D. Offer from FDOT to purchase approximately 1 acre of city property for the Seminole County Expressway. fl .fi 0 ) ~ .......... Authorized to accept the $128,000.00 offer. E. Sub-recipient agreement with Seminole County, RFP 204, for $166,290.00 Community Development funds. ~..... Authorized. F. Waiver of time limit for tent/tarp at the Orlando Sanford Airport. ~ k........ Authorized to waive the time limit, to pennit use of said tent/tarp as a cargo storage area inside a controlled access area, until September 30, 1997. ~ ~ G. Sale of 1985 Pierce Fire Engine. ~)tYV'(\........ Accepted high bid in amount of $48,000.00 from Ten-8. H. Police facility at Seminole Towne Center Mall. ~......... Concurred that Staffwill pursue a proposed joint use with the Sheriff's Department, and -Ov . Mayor Dale will talk to the mall manager to see if this will meet the mall's needs as to use and staffing. fjU~.... I. Refurbishing the Mayor's and Commissioners' Office. Cost breakdown submitted of items and equipment purchased to date, and of additional items requested by the Mayor. Authorized to purchase the additional items as requested. 30. (City Clerk's report.) 31. (City Commissioners' reports.) A. Commissioner Eckstein. (1) Reported the Seminole High School Boys' Basketball Team made history last week when they played and defeated the Number 2 6A rated team in the state and then played and defeated the Number 1 6A rated team in the state. (2) Stated Sanford was wrong when it removed Jackie Robinson from the baseball field, and should apologize to Ms. Robinson and/or invite her to the opening of the stadium, and the Commission concurred. B. Commissioner Williams stated she is concerned about concerns told to her by Police Department employees about the Police Department, that both employees and administration must work together, that the Chief must have an open door policy, must develop a program to allow employees to express their feelings, that administration must convey to employees that each is a person of dignity and worth, and that the Chief must let the employees know he is in charge. C. Mayor Dale. (1) Concurred with Commissioner Williams, reported the Chief is accountable and will be held accountable to the Commission, that the Commission will hold the police officers accountable for doing their job, that the Chief and Deputy Chief are seen together too often and should work more independently. (2) Reported he attended a Regio-Sprinter demonstration, that the Metropolitan Planning Organization identified the CSX railroad line to come to Sanford with a spur to downtown, which will be many years in the future, so he wrote a letter to Commissioner McLain asking Lynx to evaluate the use ofRegio-Sprinter once the initial phase of the light rail is built, to see ifRegio-Sprinter would be a possibility from that first phase of the light rail in the International Drive area to the Orlando Sanford Airport, and the Commission had no objection. (3) Reported the Labor Management Committee is a forum for Police Department employee concerns, but does not include all employees. 4 -- J-J ~~ 32. D. Commissioner Lessard. (1) Reported he and City Clerk Dougherty responded to a request from a resident in his district for representation by city officials when a prospective client, Disney, was visiting the records management business to consider bringing a 1.4 million-dollar annual contract to the business. (2) Reported that about a month ago he wrongly credited the Orlando Sentinel with printing an unsigned letter to the editor. (3) Reported he attended the CALNO Meeting about two weeks ago and was pleased to see a video which English and German tourists see before they fly into Sanford, and that Sanford dominates the video, which is geared to attract tourism to the Seminole County area. (4) Urged Commissioners to review the 3-page handout on requiring new employees to live in Sanford and that he hopes to vote on it April 28, and that he will give a presentation to the public on April 28. (5) Invited everyone to attend a question and answer session he and Mayor Dale are having at the Tin Lizzie tomorrow from 7:00 P.M. to 10:00 P.M. (6) Thanked Chief Dillard for following up on montWy reports. E. Commissioner Lyons stated he concurs with many of Commissioner Williams concerns about the Police Department. (Engineering Services contract for Springview Drive reclaimed water line.) Information attached. City Manager recommends acceptance of proposal from Conklin, Porter & Holmes, Inc., in amount of $10,862.00 to develop plans for installation of the line. Ct(J~c:f