HomeMy WebLinkAbout022497 jtws/rm agenda AGENDA Sanford City Commission Meetings Monday, February 24, 1997 *********************************************************************** Work Session 4:00 o'clock P.M. A Joint Work Session will be held with the City of Lake Mary, in the Lake Mary City Commission Chambers, 100 North Country Club Road, Lake Mary, Florida. *********************************************************************** Regular Meeting 7:00 o'clock P.M. Sanford City Hall, 300 North Park Avenue City Commission Room, Sanford, Florida .5 Presentation of Proclamation re: Violence Free Community Month. 1. Citizen Participation. 2. Public hearing to consider second reading and adoption of ordinances. 3. Consideration of request from Alexander Freyman for waiver of City Code to enclose garage at the residence 113 Krider Road. 4. Consideration ofFDOT Utility Relocation Agreement re: property at SR 46 from French Avenue to Avocado Avenue. 5. Consideration of ICMA 457 Retirement Plan and Trust Document. 6. Consideration of Resolution No. 1741 requesting the legislative delegation to support testing of alternatives for midge control. 7. Consideration of request for one (1) temporary "Mechanic In Position. 8. Consideration of request from Howard Sklar for Right-Of-W~ Use Agreement for off- site parking at 110 Holly Avenue. 9. Consideration of proposal from Natural Systems Analysis. Inc. re: converting water. sewer. drainage. reclaimed water and street lights to digital format. 10. Consideration of request from AMVET Post #17 for joint use ofPBA Building. 11. Consideration of Resolution No. 1742 in support of citizen efforts to restore educational funding that was withdrawn after passage of the Florida lottery. 12. Consideration of Soap Box Derby Agreement. 13. First reading of ordinances. 14. Recommendation from Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting of February 6.1997. 15. Consent Agenda. 16 .Information regarding invoices paid during the period for previously approved lump sum contracts. 17. City Attorney's Report. 18. City Manager's Report. 19. City Clerk's Report. 20. City Commissioners' Reports. ADVICE TO THE PUBLIC: IF A PERSON DECIDES TO APPEAL A DECISION MADE WITH RESPECT TO ANY MATTER CONSIDERED AT THE ABOVE MEETING, OR HEARING, HE MAY NEED A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS, INCLUDING THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE, WmCH RECORD IS NOT PROVIDED BY THE CITY OF SANFORD. (FS 286.0105) PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES NEEDING ASSISTANCE TO PARTICIPATE IN ANY OF THESE PROCEEDINGS SHOULD CONTACT THE PERSONNEL OFFICE ADA COORDINATOR AT 330-562648 HOURS IN ADVANCE OF THE MEETING. FOR FURTHER DESCRIPTION OF AGENDA ITEMS, SEE ATTACHED MEMORANDUM. .. MEMORANDUM February 13, 1997 TO: MA YOR AND COMMISSION .' CITY CLERK r v FEBRUARY 24, 1997, AGENDA ITEMS. FROM: RE: ************************************************************************** Work Session (Joint Work Session with the City of Lake Mary.) ************************************************************************ Regular Meeting Sanford City Hall First Floor .5 (Proclamation.) Infonnation attached. 1. (Citizen Participation.) 2. (Public hearing - second reading and adoption of ordinances.) Copies of ordinances attached. A. Ordinance No. 3326, re: Amend Ordinance No. 3117, Land Development Regulations Section 2, Schedule B, Permitted Uses, and Schedule E, additional requirements for specific uses re: communication towers. Ad published February 16, 1997. B. Ordinance No. 3328, re: Annex that certain property lying between Rose Drive and Fern Drive and between Palmway and Sanford Avenue; Lawrence Calvin Seigler, Petitioner. Ad Published February 13 and 20, 1997. Copy of map attached. C. Ordinance No. 3329, re: Close, vacate and abandon a portion of East Road between Summit Road and Main Road, a portion of Summit Road between East Road and Hospital Road, and a portion of Hospital Road between Summit Road and Main Road, retaining Hospital Road as a utility easement; Seminole Community College, Petitioner. Ad published February 13, 1997. Copy of map attached. 3. (113 Krider Road.) Information attached. City Manager recommends denial. 4. (FDOT Utility Relocation Agreement.) Information attached. 5. Ci~~~ recommends approval, and adoption of Resolution No. 1744. (IC~ and Trust Document.) Information attached. City Manager recommends approval, and adoption of Resolution No. 1743. 6. (Resolution No. 1741- Midge Control.) Infonnation attached. City Manager recommends adoption of Resolution No. 174 I. ,..... ... 7. (Temporary "Mechanic I" Position.) Information attached. City Manager recommends approval, and first reading of Ordinance No. 3333. 8. (Right-Of-Way Use Agreement - 110 Holly Avenue.) Information attached. City Manager recommendation to be provided at Regular Meeting. 9. (GIS Digitizing Project - Utilities & Stormwater.) Information attached. City Manager recommends authorization to proceed with converting water, sewer, drainage, reclaimed water and street lights to digital format in an amount not to exceed $39,500.00. 10. (PBA Building - AMVET Post # 17.) Information attached. City Manager recommends action as deemed appropriate after tentative lease details have been worked out between both parties.. 11. (Resolution No. 1742- Educational Funding.) Information attached. City Manager recommends adoption of Resolution No. 1742. 12. (Soap Box Derby Agreement.) Information attached. City Manager recommends approval. 13. (First reading of ordinances.) Information attached. A. Ordinance No. 3330, re: Amending Ordinance No. 3228, Police Officers' Retirement System. B. Ordinance No. 3331, re: Amending Ordinance No. 3188, Police Officers' Retirement System. C. Ordinance No. 3332, re: Amending Ordinance No. 3227, Firefighters' Retirement System. 14. (Recommendation from Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting of February 6, 1997.) Copy attached. Item #1: Unanimously approved request for Conditional Use for Cactus Bob's Grille & Bar located at 1566 French Avenue in a GC-2, General Commercial Zoning District, for the purpose of alcoholic beverage sales regardless of alcoholic content, for consumption on premises in conjunction with a restaurant (4 COP SRX); Ramco USA, owner. NEEDS ACTION: APPROV AL/DENIAL. 15 . (Consent Agenda.) A. Consideration of requests for payment of statements. Copies attached. City Manager recommends authorization to pay. (1) From Muller, Mintz, Kornreich et al........................$1,106.00 (2) From Stenstrom, McIntosh, Colbert et al.................$7,816.1O B. Consideration of Tabulation of IFB 96/97-45, Riding Mower (Recreation and Parks Department). Memo and Bid Tabulations attached. City Manager recommends acceptance ofthe lowest bid, which met specifications, from Robinson Equipment Co., Inc. in amount of$19,392.00. .. C. Approval of Vouchers for the Month of January, 1997. D. Approval of Minutes of February 3, 1997, Special Work Session. Copy enclosed. 16. The following four (4)invoices totaling $156,377.49 have been paid per City Commission approval on October 8, 1990, and November 25, 1991: Ardaman & Associates $1,273.62, $261.50; Lake Jessup Groves $2,700.00; and Wharton-Smith $152,142.37. Copies attached. 17. (City Attorney's Report.) 18. (City Manager's Report.) 19. (City Clerk's Report.) 20. (City Commissioners' Reports.) '. .. MEMORANDUM February 13, 1997 TO: STAFF FROM: CITY MANAGER & CITY CLERK RE: FEBRUARY 24, 1997, AGENDA ITEMS. ************************************************************************** Work Session (Joint Work Session with the City of Lake Mary.) ************************************************************************ Regular Meeting Sanford City Hall First Floor .5 (Proclamation.) Information attached. Read and presented. 1. (Citizen Participation.) No one appeared. 2. (Public hearing - second reading and adoption of ordinances.) Copies of ordinances attached. A. Ordinance No. 3326, re: Amend Ordinance No. 3117, Land Development Regulations Section 2, Schedule B, Permitted Uses, and Schedule E, additional requirements for specific uses re: communication towers. Ad published February 16, 1997. JlJ~ Adopted. B. Ordinance No. 3328, re: Annex that certain property lying between Rose Drive and Fern Drive and between Palmway and Sanford Avenue; Lawrence Calvin Seigler, Petitioner. Ad Published February 13 and 20, 1997. Copy of map attached. &~ Adopted. C. Ordinance No. 3329, re: Close, vacate and abandon a portion of East Road between Summit Road and Main Road, a portion of Summit Road between East Road and Hospital Road, and a portion of Hospital Road between Summit Road and Main Road, retaining Hospital Road as a utility easement; Seminole Community College, Petitioner. Ad published February 13, 1997. Copy of map attached. ;jJ~ Adopted. 3. (113 Krider Road.) Information attached. .. r. ~~... ~ 6. - r. 7. ~~ c.t ~1 :J;" IO~ q. 8. tP~ 9. crt. 10. bJi~ City Manager recommends denial. Denied. 4. (FDOT Utility Relocation Agreement.) Information attached. City Manager recommends approval, and adoption of Resolution No. 1744. Approved & resolution adopted. 5. (ICMA 467 Plan and Trust Document.) Information attached. City Manager recommends approval, and adoption of Resolution No. 1743. Approved & resolution adopted. (Resolution No. 1741 - Midge Control.) Information attached. City Manager recommends adoption of Resolution No. 1741. Adopted. (Temporary "Mechanic I" Position.) Information attached. City Manager recommends approval, and first reading of Ordinance No. 3333. Passed 1 st reading. (Right-Of-Way Use Agreement - 110 Holly Avenue.) Information attached. City Manager recommendation to be provided at Regular Meeting. Tabled; Staff to work with Mr. Sklar to develop specific conditions to be written into the agreement. (GIS Digitizing Project - Utilities & Stormwater.) Information attached. City Manager recommends authorization to proceed with converting water, sewer, drainage, reclaimed water and street lights to digital format in an amount not to exceed $39,500.00. Concurred that Staff proceed with RFP's. (PBA Building - AMVET Post #17.) Information attached. City Manager recommends action as deemed appropriate after tentative lease details have been worked out between both parties.. Instructed City Manager to obtain information from the Boys and Girls Club whether or not Bishop Grant can use, and under what conditions, the Boys and Girls Club on Sundays, retaining use of the PBA Building on Mondays and Wednesdays; and if so, then the AMVETS can use the PBA Building on Sundays. 11. (Resolution No. 1742- Educational Funding.) Information attached. ~ u .... 12. ~ 13. ~~ 3/lorq1. b~ 3-,/vrq7 t.0 (Jizu. ~ :)/ /,o-1l 14. v--/ ?f .... 15. ~ City Manager recommends adoption of Resolution No. 1742. Adopted. (Soap Box Derby Agreement.) Information attached. City Manager recommends approval. Approved, with the addition of the City being named an Additional Insured, as well as any other possible location; and the delete "without limitation" in Section A, paragraph 10. (First reading of ordinances.) Information attached. A. Ordinance No. 3330, re: Amending Ordinance No. 3228, Police Officers' Retirement System. Passed 1 st reading. B. Ordinance No. 3331, re: Amending Ordinance No. 3188, Police Officers' Retirement System. Passed 1 st reading. C. Ordinance No. 3332, re: Amending Ordinance No. 3227, Firefighters' Retirement System. Passed 1 st reading. (Recommendation from Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting of February 6, 1997.) Copy attached. Item #1: Unanimously approved request for Conditional Use for Cactus Bob's Grille & Bar located at 1566 French Avenue in a GC-2, General Commercial Zoning District, for the purpose of alcoholic beverage sales regardless of alcoholic content, for consumption on premises in conjunction with a restaurant (4 COP SRX); Ramco USA, owner. NEEDS ACTION: APPROV ALillENIAL. Approved. (Consent Agenda.) A. Consideration of requests for payment of statements. Copies attached. City Manager recommends authorization to pay. (1) From Muller, Mintz, Kornreich et al........................$1,106.00 (2) From Stenstrom, McIntosh, Colbert et al................. $7,816.10 Approved. B. Consideration of Tabulation of IFB 96/97-45, Riding Mower (Recreation and Parks . . ~1',1lW l- ~v~ Department). Memo and Bid Tabulations attached. City Manager recommends acceptance of the lowest bid, which met specifications, from Robinson Equipment Co., Inc. in amount of$19,392.00. Accepted. C. Approval of Vouchers for the Month of January, 1997. ~ Approved. ~d ~ q... 16. ~. 17. 18. ~j A ~ vJ5 3./ID .... - ~~. ~ 19. D. Approval of Minutes of February 3, 1997, Special Work Session. Copy enclosed. Approved. The following four (4)invoices totaling $156,377.49 have been paid per City Commission approval on October 8, 1990, and November 25, 1991: Ardaman & Associates $1,273.62, $261.50; Lake Jessup Groves $2,700.00; and Wharton-Smith $152,142.37. Copies attached. Acknowledged. (City Attorney's Report.) None given. (City Manager's Report.) Replacement of carpet in City Hall. Reported Staff is collecting information from the State Contract, samples will be at the next Work Session for the Commission's review and guidance. B. Workers' Compensation Excess Insurance. Authorized Staff to proceed with RFP's. C. Sanford Memorial Stadium. Reported low bidder is non-responsive; recommended taking the bid bond and rejecting all bids; and proceed with installation of the lights. Authorized as recommended. (City Clerk's Report.) A. Broader citizen participation on city boards. Reported next utility and next recreation newsletters will be mailed in July, and will proceed to prepare information to be included in them; will use utility bill-backer message( s) in the meantime; a bulletin board of sufficient size to post brief descriptions of each city board can be purchased for just under $200.00, for potential installation in the hallway outside the Commission Chambers; work on the above is on-going. B. Agenda for March 3, 1997 Special Work Session. Confirmed each member of the City Commission received said agenda on the table tonight. C. Municipal Code Corporation Analysis of the City Code. '3/10 l;J5 Reported Commissioner Lyons has requested this item be on the March 10, 1997 Work Session, and that said analysis is being distributed at this time to provide time to review it. D. Information from Bishop Grant. Reported a gentleman with Bishop Grant had just submitted information which he stated he forgot to distribute earlier, and now requested the City Clerk to distribute; information distributed. 20. (City Commissioners' Reports.) A. Commissioner Eckstein. (I) Asked if anyone had received a letter from Rick Sheafer, said letter reported by the Sanford Herald to contain a February 28th deadline for the City Commission to respond. All indicated they had not received said letter. (2) Discussed an alleged incident at the mall involving three Sanford Police Officers, the fact that no city employee had informed him about it. Discussed Sanford Police Department employee interactions and lack thereof B. Commissioner Williams. (1) Confirmed the Mayor will adopt a Proclamation regarding Clean-up Day in District 2 in May; the Mayor directed that it be coordinated with the City Clerk. (2) Stated that in a news article two of the City Commission's goals were omitted in an article and asked if the City Clerk had prepared the list of goals used by the newspaper. The City Clerk reported she is working on the list, and did not furnish the information to the newspaper. (3) Requested that at the Special Work Session on March 3, 1997 the City Commission also consider a list of concerns from police officers. C. Commissioner Lessard. (1) Reported he is disappointed to hear about the Police Department incident like this; and is also disappointed that he has not heard more about Sanford's efforts to attract CAC to relocate here. D. Commissioner Lyons. (1) Invited the Commission to attend the city-wide Crime Watch Convention the city is sponsoring at the Civic Center this Friday. (2) Distributed information regarding police calls in certain areas of Sanford and gave a presentation regarding same. E. Mayor Dale. 3/10 UJS (1) Requested that Comprehensive Plan Review be placed on a Work Session.