HomeMy WebLinkAbout237-Placid Lake Associates LtdCl !:~'i,~ OF Cn,:CUI CQu ~ . :.ii'. NOLE COU!iTY. FL. RECORDED & VERIFIED U 0 PLACID LAKE ASSOCIATES, LTD. EASEMENT FOR WATER METER In consideration of the .sum of the sum of ten dollars i~ hand paid and for other good and valuable consideration, t~ adequacy and receipt of which is here, by acknowledged from the Cit~ of Sanford ("Grantee") , Placid Lake Associates, Ltd. , owners of tb~ below described premises ("Grantor"), hereby grant to the Grantee the right of way and easement to construct, maintain, add to, service, or otherwise install a water meter and related water lines on the property described on the attached Exhibit "A", incorporated herein by this reference (the "Easement Area"). Grantor does hereby grant to Grantee the right over, across and through said property for the purpose aforesaid, includ- ing the following rights: ingress and egress to such Easement Area at all reasonable times; the ability to clear and keep the property clean from undergrowth or other obstructions which may interfere with the proper maintenance and Grantee's equipment on the Easement Area. Provided, however, that the grant of easement made herein is subject to the following conditions: ae Grantee retains the right to use said property for all lawful purposes not inconsistent with the rights and uses herein granted. By use of this easement, Grantee hereby agrees to indemnify and hold Grantor harmless from any damage, loss or expense incurred by Grantor arising out of Grantee's, his agents or employees' use of the ease- ment herein granted (including attorneys' fees). TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above granted easement unto Grantee, its successors and assigns forever. ~'/~!~ day ofIN WIm~ESS~.~:~WHEREOF,, 1990.the undersigned has signed on this (Corporate Seal) Oounty By: PLACID LAKE ASSOCIATES, By: LTD. P.A.c. CO?P. ~~al Partner By. / ~/~_-~- Th6ma~L.~2vanaugh, Vice President STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF ~/~j BEFORE ME, the undersigned officer, a Notary Public authorized to administer oaths and to take acknowledgments in and for the State and County set forth abovef personally appeared THOMAS L. CAVANAUGH, as Vice President of P.A.C. LAND DEVELOPMENT CORP., known to me and known by me to be.the person who executed the foregoing Easement for Water Meter and he acknowledged to me and before me that he executed this easement on behalf of the aforesaid Limited Partnership. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand my official seal, in the State and County aforesaid, day of ~z~_//~/ , 1990. (,Se'al') and affixe~ this ~/~ NOfPARY PU BI~rC ' State of Florida at Large My commission expires: NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF DESCRIPTION OF EASEMENT FOR WATER METER THRI~I4. ~0 OF THE PUBI./C ~ ~ART~C~.A~LY [~E~:4~O A~ FO'6LOWS~ R~HT-0F-WAY ~N~ AND TH~ WE~TEF~.Y ~JU~a~T Ur ~v --~ ~ ~y]~ ~.00 FE~T TO THE ~I~ OF CU~AT~ OF A A ~Z~ OF ~..~ FE~T: T~E RUN ~UT~TE~Y ~0~ T~ C~E TH~U~H A LENTIL ANGLE OF g0~00'O0" A O~TA~E TO THE POZNT 0F TA~Y AL~ ~ A RZ~T-OF-WAY L~ OF LIVE ~ ~EV~ WAY LI~ A DIST~ OF ~0~.00 ;EET TO Y~ ~ OF C~YAT~ OF A O~E ~AVE ~HE~Y HAVZ~ A ~AOZU~ OF ~,~ FEET; ~H~T~Y ALO~ 5A~O ~RTHE~Y R~SHT-OF-WAY OF ~$D C~YE TH~H A CENTRE A~LE OF ~a'~'~' A DZSTA~E OF ~8,~ FEET FOR A ~A T~E DEPART]N~ ~]O ~RT~Y R[~T-OF-~AY LINE ~ N 74e44'55' E A D]BT~CE OF ~0.00 FEET; THE~E A DEsTAnE OF ~a. ~2 F~T TO A ~[~ ON ,~ AFO~[D ~LY R[SHT- OF-~AY LINE A~ AL~ ~[N8 A ~ ON A C~VE C~AVE ~UTHERLY HAV]~ A ~OZ~ OF ~.~ FEET: T~E ~ A C~ BEAR~ OF S ~" J~'49" ~ R~ SO~HWEBTE~Y A~ A~ T~ A~ OF ~[D C~VE THRUSH A CE~RAL D[ST~E OF ~O.~t FEET TO T~ ~. C~A[N~ ~ ~ FEET ~ OR