HomeMy WebLinkAbout223-Bush Boulevard Partnership HARYAL: :;LERK OF C: SEHIHO[ E, -~ECORDED & yERtFIE~ DECLARATION AND GRANT OF EASEMENTS THIS DECLARATION AND GRANT OF EASEMENTS (hereinafter referred to as the "Easements Agreement"), is made, declared and entered into this ~day of February, 1990 by and between BUSH BOULEVARD PARTNERSHIP, a Florida general partnership (hereinafter referred to as the "Grantor") and the CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA (hereinafter referred to as the "City"). WITNESSETH: W~RwEAS, the Grantor is the owner in fee simple of certain real property located in Seminole County, Florida, more particularly described on Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof by this reference (hereinafter referred to as the "Grantor's Property"); and W~RREAS, there exists certain other real property lying south of and adjacent to Grantor's Property (hereinafter referred to as the "Adjacent Owner' s Property" ) ( the owner thereof is her einaf t~ referred to as the "Adjacent Owner") as more particularly described Exhibit "H", attached hereto; and W~RREAS, in the future, Grantor Property; and W~RREAS, in connection with the desires to develop Grantor said development of Grantor s Property, Property and U.S. Highway 17-92; and WHEREAS, the City has agreed to grant to Grantor access, and egress between U.S. Highway 17-92 and Grantor's Property; W~RREAS, subject to the terms hereof, Grantor Grantor desires access, ingress and egress between Grantor s ingress and desires by execution hereof to declare and grant an access, ingress and egress ! o~easement over, across and through a portion of the Grantor's Property described on Exhibit "C" attached hereto and made a part hereof (said portion of Grantor's Property is hereinafter referred to as the "Access Easement Area") (the easement is hereinafter referred to as the "Access Easement") for the joint benefit of the owners and future Documentary Tax Pd. $ $ ........ ntangible Tax County By, owners of the Adjacent Owner's Property and the owners and future owners of the Grantor's Property and to facilitate necessary and proper access, ingress and egress between the Adjacent Owner's Property and Grantor's Property, and U.S. Highway 17-92; and W~R~EAS, it is Grantor's and the City's intent that the granting of the Access Easement shall be contingent upon, and effective if and only if, and at such time as, the Adjacent Owner grants to the Grantor an easement for access, ingress and egress over, across and through a portion of the Adjacent Owner's Property which is adjacent to the Grantor's Property and is more particularly described on Exhibit "D" attached hereto (hereinafter referred to as the "Companion Access Easement Area") (the easement is hereinafter referred to as the "Companion Access Easement") for the joint benefit of the owners and future owners of the Adjacent Owner's Property and the owners and future owners of the Grantor's Property and for the purpose of facilitating (together with the Access Easement) necessary and proper access, ingress and egress between U.S. Highway 17-92 and the Grantor's Property and Adjacent Owner's Property; and W~EAS, subject to the terms hereof, Grantor also desires b~i execution hereof to dedicate to the City Grantor's right to permi%~ ingress and egress between the eastern boundary of the Grantor's Property and U.S. ~{ighway 17-92 (hereinafter referred to as the "R.O.W. Dedication"). NOW T~{EREFORE for and in consideration of the premises hereof and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the Grantor does hereby grant, declare and state as follows: 1. RECITALS. The above set forth recitals are true and correct and are adopted by the parties hereto as if fully set forth hereinbelow. 2. ACCESS EAS~NT. There shall be, and Grantor hereby creates, declares to exist, grants and conveys to the Adjacent Owner a non- 2 exclusive easement (hereinbefore and hereinafter referred to as the "Access Easement") for access, ingress and egress purposes over, across and through the Access Easement Area for the purpose of providing access, ingress and egress between U.S. Highway 17-92 and the Adjacent Owner's Property and the grantor's Property or any portion(s) thereof, for the benefit of the owners and future owners of the Adjacent Owner's Property and Grantor's Property, their respective successors, assigns, tenants, employees, customers, agents, licensees, invitees and guests; provided, however, that no improvements shall be constructed within the Access Easement Area without the prior written consent of the Grantor, its successors and assigns and, provided further, that the Access Easement shall be contingent upon, and effective if and only if, and at such time as, the Adjacent Owner shall grant, execute and record in the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida, the Companion Access Easement, providing for access, ingress and egress over, across and through the Companion Access Easement Area for the owners and future owners of Grantor's Property and their successors, assigns, tenants, employees, customers, agents, licensees, invitees and guests, in form reasonably acceptable to the owner of Grantor's Property. 3. R.O.W. DEDICATION. Grantor hereby dedicates to the City all of Grantor's right to permit ingress and egress between the eastern boundary of Grantor's Property and U.S. Highway 17-92 (hereinbefore and hereinafter referred as the "R.O.W. Grantor's rights of access, ingress Paragraphs 2 and 4 herein. 4. GRANTOR'S ACCESS TO U.S. 17-92. forth herein to the contrary and any of Dedication"), save and except and egress provided for in Notwithstanding anything set the contingencies set forth hereinabove, the City hereby grants to Grantor, and its successors in title to the Grantor's Property, the perpetual right of access, ingress and egress between the portion of Grantor's Property depicted on Exhibit "E," and U.S. Highway 17-92, together will the right to 3 install, at any time and in Grantor's discretion, appropriate curb- cuts and other facilities between Grantor's Property and U.S. Highway 17-92 to facilitate such access, ingress and egress rights. Grantor covenants and agrees to remove any driveway and curb cuts in Exhibit "E" and to landscape consistent with Exhibit "A" concurrent with the installation of appropriate facilities for ingress and egress on the Access Easement Area and Companion Access Easement Area described in paragraph "2" above. 5. DURATION. The Access Easement and R.O.W. Dedication hereby declared, created, granted and conveyed shall each be perpetual in duration (provided, the Access Easement shall be perpetual if and after the same commences as hereinabove set forth) and may not be changed, amended or modified except by an instrument in writing executed by the City and all of the owners and mortgagees of the Grantor's Property. 6. MAINTENANCE. It shall be the obligation of Grantor to maintain the Access Easement Area and any improvements located therein and thereon consistent with the City Code of the City of Sanford, Florida. It shall be the obligation of Adjacent Owner to maintain the Companion Access Easement Area and any improvements located therein and thereon consistent with the City Code of the City of Sanford, Florida. 7. NO RIGRTS IN PUBLIC. Nothing herein shall be deemed to create, grant or convey any rights in or to the Access Easement, the Access Easement Area and the R.O.W. Dedication in the general public. 8. COVENANT RUNNING LAND. The Access Easement and R.O.W. Dedication declared, created, granted and conveyed hereby shall run with the land, subject to the provisions of this Agreement set forth hereinabove. The conveyance of an interest in the Grantor's Property or any portion thereof, shall be subject to the respective burdens and benefits hereby created to the same extent as if all of the terms of this instrument were set forth in such conveyance in full, with or without specific reference to this Agreement. 4 FL. IN WI~ESS W~IRREOF, Grantor and the City have presents to be executed in manner and form sufficient to the day and year first above written. caused bind it these as of Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of: BUSH BOULEVARD PARTNERSHIP, a Florida general partnership Ronald L. Hooker, a general partner "GRANTOR" CITY OF SANFOIRD, FLORIDA By: ' ' ' -%~I_TY" ~ STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF ORANGE The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me of February, 1990, by Ronald L. Hooker, as general partner Boulevard Partnership, a Florida gen~.e.~l partn~ship. / ; Notary Public My Co.mascon Expires: STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF SEMINOLE The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me of February, 1990, by Bettye D. S~ , as Mayor City of Sanford 5 EXHIBIT A LEGAL DESCRIPTION WRITTEi, _~ SURVEYOR: P~S,E Prom the Northwest corner of ~he Southwest 1/4 of Section 14, T20S, R30E, ' Seminole County. Florida run South 300.00 feet along the West line of said S[~{NCL[ C~. Southwest 1/4; thence S 59~43'11' B 1046.58 feet to the Northwester~ Righ~ of Way of State Road 25 and 600; thence 9 40'45'09' W along smid Right of Wu/ 20.34 feet to the Point of Beginning; thence 9 40'45'09' W along sal~ Right of Way 205.38 feet; thence depurting said Right of W~ run N 58'14'51' W 155.43 feet; thence N 27~45'09' B 47.33 feet; thence N 05'42'33' E 165.68 feet; thence S 59'43'1~' E 263.69 feet to the Point of Beginning. containing 0.927 acres more or I hereby ce,ify that ~e ~. repre~nt~ on ~is map w~ made under my dl~on on the date ~own ~ on the information furnished to me as not~ and conforms m the ~IHI~U~ TECHHI~L STAHD~DS FOR ~RVEYIHG IH THE STATE OF FLORIDA in accordance wi~ CH. 21HH.6, RoHda Admini~aflve C~e and ~at there is no evidence on the ground of u~ of ~e pro~y which might sugg~ a ~ible claim of ea~ment o~er ~an ~ose shown on the su~ey. Bush Boulevard Partnership · ~ lrom R~ SOUTH~S~RNSURV~ING&MAPPINGCORR t Fern Par~ F~rida x = Cro~ Cut LEGAL DESCRIPTION WRITTE. _! SURVEYOR: From the Northwest corner of the Southwest 1/4 of Section 14, T20S, R30E, Seminole County, Florida run South 300.00 feet along the West line of said S~M~NOLE. C~3. f'L. 8outhwest ~/4: thence S 59'43']1" E ~046.58 feet to the Northwesterly Right of Way of S.R. ]5 and 600; thence S 40'45'09" W along said Right cfi Way 225.72 feet to the Point of Beginning; thence S 40'45'09" W along maid Right of Way 93.55 feet; :hence departing said Right of Way run N 58']4'5~' W 126,00 feet; thence N 40~45'09' E 66.55 feet; thence N 58'~4'51" W 33.34 feet; thence N 2~'45'09" g 26.73 feet; thence S 58*]4'5]" the Poin: of Beginning. containing 0,268 acres more or leas. I hereby ce~ffy that the ~. r~pr~nt~d on ~i* m~p w~, m~d~ under m~ dillon on th~ d~t~ ~hown ~ on th~ in[orm~tion [urni~hed to m~ ~* noted *nd confor~ to th~ ~l~l~O~ ~RVEYIHG IH THE STATE OF FLORIDA in accor~nce with CH. 21HH-6, Rodda Admini~rafive C~e and ~at there is no evidence on the ground of u~ of the pm~y which might sugge~ a ~ble claim of ~ment o~er than ~ose shown on the su~ey. The Su~eyor has not abstra~ed the lands ~wn hewn for e~men~ and/or ~ ~ way ~ ~d. Ho underground installations or im~ovemen~ have ~n ~ ex~ ~ ~ed. i' LE~E~D Bush Bou~eva:d ~a~cne:sh$p · ~ Iron R~ 8OUTH~TERN 8URV~IN~ & ~PPlN~ GORP. O a Iron R~ ~ ~ Conc. ~nument ~ ~71~7~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ail ~ D~. x a Cro~ Cut OE~T. NO. LB-~I~ Rev~: e~~ ~,~ EXHIBIT C LEGAL DESCRIPTION WRITTI~ BY SURVEYOR: Proposed 15 foot easement From the Northwest corner Township 20 S, R&nge 30 E, for driveway. of the Southwest Seminole County, Z/4 of Section 14 Florida run South 300.00 feet alan§ the West line of said Southwest 1/4; thence tun S 59"43'11" E. 1046.58 feet to the Northwesterly Right- of-Way lzne of S.R. 15 and 800; thence run S 40'45'09" W. along said Right-of-way line 210.53 feet to the Point of Begznnlng; thence continue aton~ saxd Right-of-way line S 40' 45'09" W. 15.[9 feet; thence run N 58' 14'51" W. 50.82 feet; thence tun N 40° 45'09" E. 15.19 feet; thence run S 58'14'51" E. 50.62 feet to the ~olnt of Beginning. I hereby certify that the c:~_e~=, represented on this map was made under my direction on the date shown based on the in~orrnation [umished to me as noted and conforms to the /vtlHI/~,,(J~ TECHHICAL STAHDARDS FOR LAHD S(JRVEYIHG IH THE STATE OF FLORIDA in accordance with CH. 2 ! HH-6, Florida Administrative Code and that there is no evidence on the ground of use of the property which might suggest a possible claim of easement other than those shown on the survey. The Surveyor has not absttac~ed the lands shown here~ I~' eaaement~ anti/re' right~ o! way ~ re(ord. ~o underground installations or improvements have been located exce~ es no,ed, Certifiecl to b No.: ~.~- ,.E,~ I Bush Boulevard Partnership LEGEND Inn Rod Iron Pipe Conc, ~onument Hail 6- Disc. Cross Cut CERT. NO, LB-2108 Revised: SOUTHEASTERN SURVEY;NG & MAPPING CORP. 2~01 Wells Avenue, Suite 181 t Fern Park, Flortds 32730 LEGAL DESCRIPTION WRITT~.~ BY SURVEYOR: Proposed 15 foot easement for driveway. From the Northwest corner of the Southwest 1/4 of Section 14, Township 20 S, Range 30 E, Seminole County, Florida run South 300.00 feet along the West line of said Southwest 1/4; thence run S 59"43'11" E. 1046.58 feet to the Northwesterly Right- of-Way iine of S.R. 15 and 600; thence run S 40'45'09" W. along said Right-of-Way line ~5.72 feet to the Point of Beglnnlng; thence continue along said Right-of-Way line S. 40' 45'09" W. 15.19 feet; thence run N 58' 14'51" W. S0.~ feet; thence run N 40' 45'09" E. 15.19 feet~ thence run S 58" 14'51' E. 50.62 feet to the Point of Beginning. ,o° ,,/ I here~y ce~i[y that the ~. r~pr~nt~ on ~i, m~p w~ m~d~ under my dir~ion on ~e d~t~ ~own b~d on the information [urni~h~d to m~ ~ noted ~nd eon[om to th~ ~1~1~0~ TECH~I~ STandARDS FOR ~RVEYIHG IH THE STATE OF ~ORIDA In acmr~nce with CH. 21HH-6, Roflda Admin~a~e C~e and ~at there is no evidence on the ground o~ u~ of ~e pro~y which might sugg~ a ~ble c~im of ea~ment o~er ~an ~ose shown on the su~ey. The Su~eyor has not abstra~ed the ~ndl ~own ~ I~ e~n~ ~ ~ ~ way ~ r~d. ~GEHD Bush Boulevard Partnership · ~ I~n R~ SOUTH~STERNSU~ING & ~PPING o ~ Iron ~ ~1 Welle A~nue, Suite 181 O ~ Conc. ~ument t Fern Par~ Florida ~ e ~Hail~D~. x ~ Cro~ Cut CERT. NO. LB.21~ Revi~: -~o~ LEGAL DESCRIPTION WRI/'i_,, BY SURVEYOR: Proposed 24 foot easement for Driveway. From the Northwest corner of the Southwest 1/4 Section 14, Township 20 S, Range 30 E, Seminole County, Florida run South 300.00 feet along the West line of said Southwest 1/4; thence run S 59'43'11" E. 104S.58 feet to the Northwesterly Right- of-Way l~ne of S.R. 15 and 600; thence run S 40' 4S'09" along sa~d R~ght-of-Way line 18~.23 feet to the Point of Beginning; thence continue along sald Right-of-Way line S 45'09" W. 24.30 feet~ thence run N 58' 14'51" W. 50.S2 feet; thence run N 40'45'09" E. 24.30 feet~ thence run S 58'14'51" E. 50.S2 feet to the Point of Beginning. I hereby ce~i[y that th~ ~.r~pr~nt~d on ~i~ m,p w,~ m~d~ under my dir~ion on ~ d~t~ ~o~n ~ on the in[orm~tion [urni,h~d to m~ ~ noted ~nd confor~ to th~ ~1~1~0~ T[CH~ICAL ST~DAR~ FOR ~RVEYIHG IH THE STATE OF ~ORIDA In accor~nce with CH. 21HH.6, Roflda Admini~aflve C~e and that ~em is no evidence on the ground of u~ of the pro~ffy which might sugg~ a ~bie c~im of ea~ment o~er ~an ~ose shown on the su~ey, LEOE~D ~ ' 5ush Sou[eva:d ~a:~ne:sh:p · ~ Iron R~ S~STERN SURV~tNG & ~PPING CORR O a Iron ~ ~1 Wells Avenue, Suite 181 [ Fern Park, F~lda ~7~ ~ a Conc. ~nument A ~71~7 a ~ . ~ x ICm~Cut ~