HomeMy WebLinkAbout1560 UCF facilitator for Blue Ribbon PanelLETTER OF AGREEMENT BETWEEN UNIVERSITY OF CENTRAL FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF LEGAL STUDIES CENTER FOR LAW AND POLICY AND THE CITY OF SANFORD RELATING TO FACILITATION SERVICES This Agreement is made and entered into this 1 day of February, 2013, by and between the UNIVERSITY OF CENTRAL FLORIDA ( "UCF "), for the benefit of the Department of Legal Studies Center for Law and Policy, whose address is Department of Legal Studies, College of Health and Public Affairs, University of Central Florida, HPA I, Suite 343, Orlando, Florida 32816, (hereafter referred to as "Center "), and the CITY OF SANFORD, a Florida municipal corporation, whose address is 300 North Park, Sanford, Florida 32771 (hereafter referred to as "City "). Wltnesseth. Whereas, the City of Sanford is committed to promote and prevent discrimination by ensuring that all people in the City of Sanford are treated fairly and have equal access to opportunities in employment, housing and certain public accommodations; and to promote mutual respect amongst groups through education and collaboration; and Whereas, the City Manager of the City of Sanford has created a "Police- Community Relations Blue Ribbon Panel" to review, assess and suggest strategies to strengthen police community relations; and Whereas, the Blue Ribbon Panel's purpose is to assess the community's perception of the City's Police Department's ability to carry out its primary function to serve and protect the public as a whole in a fair and equitable manner; and 1IPa��e Whereas, the Blue Ribbon Panel's goal is to produce a report with findings recommend strategies to transform police- community relations in the City of Sanford from negative to positive and from destructive to collaborative; and Whereas, the Blue Ribbon Panel is intended to represent a diverse broad cross section of the community and be facilitated by an independent party; and Whereas, the Center's Vision is to become renowned for the development, sharing and promotion of innovative ideas that advance the legal field and broader community and the Center will maintain flexibility in content but have two themes: partnership and multiple audiences; and Whereas, the Center provides services to the community through partnerships, with the intended purpose of providing services that motivate social change while stimulating furthering UCF's goal of being American's leading partnership university and achieving prominence in key programs of research and community outreach; and Whereas, the City and the Center desire to partner in a cooperative manner motivating social change relating to the provision of facilitation services for the Police Community Relations Blue Ribbon Panel and the Center has agreed to provide said facilitation services for the City's Police Community Relations Blue Ribbon Panel with the goal of producing a report that contain findings and recommended strategies to enhance police community relations for the benefit of the City. Now, Therefore, in consideration of the promises, covenants and commitments contained herein and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt, adequacy, and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged as to both parties, the parties agree as follows: 2 1Page Section 1. Purpose of this Agreement. The purpose of this Agreement is for the Center to provide to the City facilitation services to support and guide the Police Community Relations Blue Ribbon Panel through an assessment of the Sanford Police Department Police - community relations strengthens and challenges and produce a report containing recommended strategies to enhance community relations. Section 2. Obligations of the Parties. (a). UCF /Center agrees to allow Cynthia Schmidt, J.D., Director of the Center for Law and Policy, to serve as facilitator of the Blue Ribbon Panel guiding the Panel through the assessment process and drafting the Police Community Relations Report containing findings and recommendations for enhancement. The facilitation services will be provided in compliance with the International Association of Facilitators Statement of Values and Code of Ethics for Facilitators which is attached as Attachment "A" to this Agreement. Specific responsibilities of the Center are as follows: (1). The facilitator shall be responsible for his /her primary office space, telephone and office equipment. (2). The facilitator shall be responsible for her primary clerical support. (3). The facilitator shall meet with the City's designated contact person to review work plan and timeline for the project, scheduling presentations from City's Police Department staff and process logistics. (4). The facilitator shall research the origin of all material referenced in final report. (5). The facilitator shall be the primary contact person with the co- chairs of the Panel. 31Page (b). The City's responsibilities under this Agreement are as follows: (1). The City shall provide all materials and supplies needed by facilitator to perform contract services. (2). The City shall provide site for group meetings. (3). Any unforeseen expense incurred by facilitator related to delivery of services stipulated in contract will be presented to City for consideration. (4). The City shall provide office space, telephone and computer for facilitator on an as needed basis, when conducting facilitation. (5). The City shall provide staff support to take Minutes and recording each session, mailing Notices and posting documents to the City's Website; and writing of the final Panel report. (6). The City will identify the 25 members of the Blue Ribbon Panel. Section 3. Assignment. This Agreement shall not be assigned by either party without the prior written approval of the other. Section 4. Public Records. The parties shall allow public access to all documents, papers, letters or other materials which have been made or received by the parties in conjunction with this Agreement. Section 5. Records and Audits. The parties shall maintain any and all records, documents, papers, and other evidence pertaining to the work performed under this Agreement. Such records shall be available at reasonable times and places during the term of this Agreement and for so long as such records are maintained thereafter. Records shall be maintained in 41Page accordance with State law, including but not limited to Chapter 119, Florida Statutes, and generally accepted accounting and auditing principles. Section 6. Notices. (a). For the present, the parties designate the following as the representative places for giving of notice, to -wit: For UCF: Chair, James A Beckman, J.D. Department of Legal Studies College of Health and Public Affairs HPA I — Suite 343 Orlando, Florida 32816 With Copy to: Cynthia Schmidt, J.D. Director Center for Law and Policy HPA I Suite 343 Orlando, Florida 32816 For the CITY: Norton N. Bonaparte, Jr. City Manager 300 North Park Sanford, Florida 32771 With a copy to: Mr. Andrew Thomas Senior Project Manager 300 North Park Avenue Sanford, Florida 32771 (b) Either of the parties may change, by written notice as provided herein, the addresses or persons for receipt of notices. All notices shall be effective upon receipt. Section 7. Standards Of Conduct/Public Records. (a). The parties shall not discriminate on the grounds of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin in the performance of work under this Agreement or violate any laws pertaining to civil rights, equal protection or discrimination. (b). The parties reserve the right to unilaterally terminate this Agreement if the other party refuses to allow public access to all documents, papers, letters, or other 51Page materials subject to provisions of Chapter 119, Florida Statutes, and other applicable law, and made or received by the party in conjunction, in any way, with this Agreement. (c). The parties shall not engage in any action that would create a conflict of interest or which would violate or cause others to violate the provisions of Part III, Chapter 112, Florida Statutes, relating to ethics in government. Section 8. Insurance And Indemnification. (a). The parties shall maintain their respective insurance programs and policies in effect during the term of this Agreement. (b). To the fullest extent permitted by law, each party shall indemnify, hold harmless and defend the other party and its agents, servants, officers, officials and employees, or any of them, from and against any and all claims, damages, losses, and expenses including, but not limited to, attorneys fees and other legal costs such as those for paralegal, investigative, and legal support services, and the actual costs incurred for expert witness testimony, arising out of or resulting from the performance or provision of services required under this Agreement. (c). In accordance with Section 725.06, Florida Statutes, adequate consideration has been provided, if necessary, for the undertaking of this obligation, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby specifically acknowledged. (d). Nothing herein shall be deemed to affect the rights, privileges, and immunities of either party as set forth in Section 768.28, Florida Statutes. Section 9. Controlling LawsNenue /Interpretation. (a). This Agreement is to be governed by the laws of the State of Florida. (b). Venue for any legal proceeding related to this Agreement shall be in the Eighteenth Judicial Circuit Court in and for Seminole County, Florida. 61Page (c). This Agreement is the result of bona fide arms length negotiations between UCF and the City and all parties have contributed substantially and materially to the preparation of this Agreement. Accordingly, this Agreement shall not be construed or interpreted more strictly against any one party than against any other party. Section 10. Termination. (a). This Agreement may be terminated by either party at any time by the terminating party providing written notice to the other party of the termination. (b). This Agreement shall terminate upon the completion of the Blue Ribbon Panel work and the submission of the final Panel report to the City Manager. Section 11. Waiver. The failure of a party to insist in any instance upon the strict performance of any provision of this Agreement, or to exercise any right or privilege granted to the party hereunder shall not constitute or be construed as a waiver of any such provision or right and the same shall continue in force. Section 12. Severability. Each provision of this Agreement is intended to be severable. If any term or provision hereof is illegal or invalid for any reason whatsoever, such illegality or invalidity shall not affect the remainder of this Agreement. Section 13. Entire Agreement/Integration. This Agreement constitutes the complete and entire agreement between UCF and the City with respect to the subject matter hereof, and supersedes any and all prior agreements, arrangements or understandings, whether oral or written, between the parties relating thereto, all of which have been integrated herein. 71Page Section 14. Headings. All sections and description headings in this Agreement are inserted for convenience only, and shall not affect the construction or interpretation of this Agreement. Section 15. Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of which, when executed and delivered, shall be an original, but all counterparts shall together constitute one and the same instrument. Section 16. Modification. This Agreement may not be amended, changed, or modified, and material provisions hereunder may not be waived, except by a written document, of equal dignity herewith; provided, however, that this Agreement anticipates the entering of memoranda of understanding as set forth herein. In Witness Whereof, the parties have caused this Agreement to be executed on the day and year first written above: SIGNATURE PAGE FOLLOWS: 81Page Attest. City By: I d Jan Dougherty City Clerk Date For use and reliance of the Sanford City Commission only App roved as to form and legality William L. Colbert, City Attorney Attest. r W��4- UCF Department of Legal Studies Date: For the use and reliance of the University of Central Florida Approved as to form and legal sufficiency C OV" / 9 1Pate clrx j" CODE OF ETHICS FOR FACILITATORS Statement of Values and Code of Ethics for Facilitators Adopted 20 June 2004 This is the Statement of Values and Code of Ethics of the International Association of Facilitators (IAF). The development of this Code has involved extensive dialogue and a wide diversity of views from IAF members from around the world. A consensus has been achieved across regional and cultural boundaries. The Statement of Values and Code of Ethics (the Code) was adopted by the IAF Association Coordinating Team (ACT), June 2004 The Ethics and Values Think Tank (EVTT) will continue to provide a forum for discussion of pertinent issues and potential revisions of this Code. Preamble Facilitators are called upon to fill an impartial role in helping groups become more effective. We act as process guides to create a balance between participation and results. We, the members of the International Association of Facilitators (IAF), believe that our profession gives us a unique opportunity to make a positive contribution to individuals, organizations, and society. Our effectiveness is based on our personal integrity and the trust developed between ourselves and those with whom we work. Therefore, we recognise the importance of defining and making known the values and ethical principles that guide our actions. This Statement of Values and Code of Ethics recognizes the complexity of our roles, including the full spectrum of personal, professional and cultural diversity in the IAF membership and in the field of facilitation. Members of the International Association of Facilitators are committed to using these values and ethics to guide their professional practice. These principles are expressed in broad statements to guide ethical practice; they provide a framework and are not intended to dictate conduct for particular situations. Questions or advice about the application of these values and ethics may be addressed to the International Association of Facilitators. Statement of Values As group facilitators, we believe in the inherent value of the individual and the collective wisdom of the group. We strive to help the group make the best use of the contributions of each of its members. We set aside our personal opinions and support the group's right to make its own choices. We believe that collaborative and cooperative interaction builds consensus and produces meaningful outcomes. We value professional collaboration to improve our profession. Code of Ethics 1. Client Service We are in service to our clients, using our group facilitation competencies to add value to their work. Our clients include the groups we facilitate and those who contract with us on their behalf. We work closely with our clients to understand their expectations so that we provide the appropriate service, and that the group produces the desired outcomes. It is our responsibility to ensure that we are competent to handle the intervention. If the group decides it needs to go in a direction other than that originally intended by either the group or its representatives, our role is to help the group move forward, reconciling the original intent with the emergent direction. 2. Conflict of Interest We openly acknowledge any potential conflict of interest. Prior to agreeing to work with our clients, we discuss openly and honestly any possible conflict of interest, personal bias, prior knowledge of the organisation or any other matter which may be perceived as preventing us from working effectively with the interests of all group members. We do this so that, together, we may make an informed decision about proceeding and to prevent misunderstanding that could detract from the success or credibility of the clients or ourselves. We refrain from using our position to secure unfair or inappropriate privilege, gain, or benefit. 3. Group Autonomy We respect the culture, rights, and autonorny of the group. We seek the group's conscious agreement to the process and their commitment to participate. We do not impose anything that risks the welfare and dignity of the participants, the freedom of choice of the group, or the credibility of its work. 4. Processes, Methods, and Tools We use processes, methods and tools responsibly. In dialogue with the group or its representatives we design processes that will achieve the group's goals, and select and adapt the most appropriate methods and tools. We avoid using processes, methods or tools with which we are insufficiently skilled, or which are poorly matched to the needs of the group. 5. Respect, Safety, Equity, and Trust We strive to engender an environment of respect and safety where all participants trust that they can speak freely and where individual boundaries are honoured. We use our skills, knowledge, tools, and wisdom to elicit and honour the perspectives of all. We seek to have all relevant stakeholders represented and involved. We promote equitable relationships among the participants and facilitator and ensure that all participants have an opportunity to examine and share their thoughts and feelings. We use a variety of methods to enable the group to access the natural gifts, talents and life experiences of each member. We work in ways that honour the wholeness and self- expression of others, designing sessions that respect different styles of interaction. We understand that any action we take is an intervention that may affect the process. 6. Stewardship of Process We practice stewardship of process and impartiality toward content. While participants bring knowledge and expertise concerning the substance of their situation, we bring knowledge and expertise concerning the group interaction process. We are vigilant to minimize our influence on group outcomes. When we have content knowledge not otherwise available to the group, and that the group must have to be effective, we offer it after explaining our change in role. 7. Confidentiality We maintain confidentiality of information. We observe confidentiality of all client information. Therefore, we do not share information about a client within or outside of the client's organisation, nor do we report on group content, or the individual opinions or behaviour of members of the group without consent. 8. Professional Development 1r'l/e are responsible for continuous improvement of our facilitation skills and knowledge. We continuously learn and grow. We seek opportunities to improve our knowledge and facilitation skills to better assist groups in their work. We remain current in the field of facilitation through our practical group experiences and ongoing personal development. We offer our skills within a spirit of collaboration to develop our professional work practices. © IAF 2002, 2004 4 00 UCF SCHOOL OF SOCIAL WORK FIELD EDUCATION DEPART February 19, 2013 Norton N. Bonaparte, Jr. City Manager 300 N. Park Avenue Sanford, FL 32772 -1788 Mr. Bonaparte, Enclosed is a finalized copy of the Affiliation Agreement between the City of Sanford and the University of Central Florida. We are looking forward to working with you this school year and in the future. If I can be of assistance to you in any way, please do not hesitate to contact me. Best Regards, Jacquie Withers, LCSW Coordinator of Field Education 407 - 823 -5716 Jacquie.withers @ucf.edu t=rU i 97 College of Health & Public Affairs P.O. Box 163358 • ORLANDO, FL 32816.3358 •407.823.5230 • Fax 407.823.5840 An Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action Institution �4�: UCF SCHOOL OF SOCIAL WORK FIELD EDUCATION DEPART AFFILIATION AGREEMENT BETWEEN UNIVERSITY OF CENTRAL FLORIDA School of Social Work And "City of Sanford" THIS AFFILIATION AGREEMENT, entered into and effective "November, 2012 ", is between the UNIVERSITY OF CENTRAL FLORIDA on behalf of its Board of Trustees, hereinafter "University" and "City of Sanford" hereinafter "Affiliate." WITNESSETH WHEREAS, Affiliate is located at "300 N. Park Avenue, Sanford FL 32772" and provides social work services; WHEREAS, the University is desirous of utilizing facilities ofthe Affiliate for students enrolled in social work courses of the School of Social Work (hereinafter referred to as "Students "); and WHEREAS the Affiliate has such facilities and is desirous of cooperating with the University in making them available for educational purposes ( "field placement ") during a planned program of social work experiences in the Affiliate; NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and mutual understandings herein stated, the parties hereto agree as follows: A. THE UNIVERSITY AND AFFILIATE JOINTLY AGREE THAT: 1. As of "November, 2012 the Affiliate will allow the University to use its facilities for the teaching of social work to Students enrolled in the School of Social Work at the University. 2. This Agreement shall remain in effect for an initial period ending FIVE (5) years from the date set forth above. After such initial term, this Agreement shall continue in effect from year to year to the extent the parties both sign a letter agreeing to such renewal, unless either party desires to cancel such Agreement at any time. The terminating party shall give the other party thirty (30) days written notice of its intention to terminate this Agreement, with or without cause. If such notice is given, this Agreement shall terminate: a) At the end of the 30 -day notice, or b) When the students have completed their respective courses of study under the Program, whichever occurs last. 3. The Affiliate and University shall cooperate in the placement of Students, each sharing responsibility for the final selection of Students. The Affiliate has no obligation to work with Students who are initially considered to be, or are later found to be, unsuited to the Affiliate. 4. The Affiliate and University reserve the right to withhold assignment of Students during the placement period if changes within the University's School of Social Work or the Affiliate appear to present inadequate learning situations. 5. The University's College of Health & Public Affairs purchases liability insurance when a student registers for the field education placement course. This policy is designed to provide coverage for professional malpractice. Students also should have their own personal health and accident insurance coverage. (See exhibit attached "UCF" Certificate of Liability Protection) AFFILIATION AGREEMENT University of Central Florida School of Social Work 6. During this Agreement, neither party shall discriminate against any person because of race, color, gender, religion, national or ethnic origin, disability or marital or veteran status, sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression. B. THE UNIVERSITY AGREES THAT: 1. The University will confer with the Affiliate before the placement of any Student in order to establish or to review the purpose, provisions and responsibilities involved in the field placement. 2. The University's Coordinator ofField Education will be available for consultation with the Affiliate as needed concerning the requirements and objectives of the field placement. 3. The University will provide a faculty liaison to the Affiliate who is responsible for monitoring the learning experiences and performance of the Student. 4. Upon receipt of Affiliate's written notice of a student whose work or conduct with clients, patients or personnel is not in accordance with acceptable procedures or standards of performance or otherwise could disrupt patient or client services or Affiliate's operations, evaluate such student's conduct and remove the student from Affiliate except as the parties otherwise agree in writing. 5. The University will provide meetings and workshops before and during the term of placement for field instructors and, when assigned, task supervisors. These programs are planned to promote understanding of curriculum of the School of Social Work and to encourage communication and coordination between the Affiliate staff and University faculty responsible for the field placement. C. THE AFFILIATE AGREES THAT: 1. The Affiliate designates an MSW or BSW field instructor for the Student. If a task supervisor is also assigned, the field instructor coordinates the total learning experience with the task supervisor. Additional subsidiary task supervisors should be utilized during the placement period only after consultation with the faculty liaison. 2. The Affiliate provides time for the field instructor, and task supervisor when assigned, to hold an individual conference with the Student for at least one hour per week. Time is also provided for additional conferences with the Student, Affiliate staff and University faculty, as needed, during the placement term. 3. The Affiliate provides time for the field instructor, and task supervisor when assigned, to attend field meetings at the University before and dining the placement period. 4. The Affiliate provides office supplies, access to a telephone and office that enable the Student to effectively complete requirements for field placement. 5. The Affiliate provides appropriate learning experiences for the Student, including orientation to the Affiliate, micro and macro work assignments and other learning activities needed for the satisfactory completion of field placement requirements. 6. The Affiliate communicates immediately with the faculty liaison arty concerns regarding the Student's learning, schedule or conduct. 7. The determination of the number of Students to be assigned for field placement shal I be negotiated between the Affiliate and the University. The Affiliate has the final decision on the number of Students it can accommodate. D. THE UNIVERSITY WILL REQUIRE THE STUDENT TO AGREE THAT: 1. The Student will follow Affiliate and University policies, procedures, and standards related to requirements for field placement. (For example, the Student is expected to adhere to established Affiliate and University AFFILIATION AGREEMENT University of Central Florida School of Social Work guidelines for reporting absences, updating records, completing reports and other written assignments, providing services and reporting to the Affiliate for the hours and on the days scheduled for field placement.) 2. The Student will complete a final evaluation of the field placement as required by the University. 3. The Student will prepare for participation in regular supervisory conferences with assigned Affiliate staff and University faculty. The Student has the responsibility to act professionally and ethically, to maintain client confidentiality, and to give priority to the clients' rights and needs over his or her own. 4. The University's College of Health & Public Affairs purchases Liability insurance when a student registers for the field education placement course. This policy is designed to provide coverage for professional malpractice. Students also should have their own personal health and accident insurance coverage. Students need to be aware that the affiliate does not cover students under Worker's Compensation. 5. The Student is not an employee and is not entitled to financial remuneration during placement unless otherwise arranged for with the Affiliate and University. The Affiliate, when possible, reimburses the student for travel expenses incurred in fulfilling duties at the Affiliate. Travel to and from the field placement Affiliate is paid by the Student. AGREED TO AND ACCEPTED City of Date: Norton "onaparte Jr. UNIVERSIT F CENTRAL FLORIDA Signature: Printed Name Dr. Diane Chase' �� 3 Title: LEGAL CONTENT APPROVED S Date 1 is Office CODE OF ETHICS FOR FACILITATORS Statement of Values and Code of Ethics for Facilitators Adopted 20 dune 2004 This Is the Statement of Values and Code of Ethics of the international Association of Facilitators (iAF). The development of this Code has Involved extensive dialogue and a wide diversity of views from IAF members from around the world. A consensus has been achieved across re_ gional and cultural boundaries. The Statement of Values and Code of Ethics (the Code) was adopted by the IAF Association Coordinating Team (ACT), June 2004 The Ethics and Values Think Tank (EV M will continue to provide a forum for discussion of pertinent issues and potential revisions of this Code. Preamble Facliltators are called upon to fill an Impartial rote in helping groups become more effective. We act as process guides to create a balance between participation and results. We, the members of the International Association of Facilitators (IAF), believe that our profession gives us a unique opportunity to make a positive contribution to Individuals, organizations, and society. Our effectiveness Is based on our personal integrity and the trust developed between ourselves and those with whom we work. Therefore, we recognise the Importance of defining and making known the values and ethical principles that guide our actions. This Statement of Values and Code of Ethics recognizes the complexity of our roles, Including the full spectrum of personal, professional and cultural diversity In the IAF membership and In the field of facilitation. Members of the International Association of Facilitators are committed to using these values and ethics to guide their professional practice. These principles are expressed In broad statements to guile ethical practice; they provide a framework and are not Intended to dletate conduct for particular situations. Questions or advice about the application of these values and ethics may be addressed to the International Association of Facilitators. Statement of Values As group facilitators, we believe In the Inherent value of the individual and the collective wisdom of the group. We strive to help the group make the best use of the contributions of each of its members. We set aside our personal opinions and support the group's right to make Its own choices. We believe that collaborative and cooperative Interaction bullds consensus and produces meaningful outcomes. We value professional collaboration to improve our profession. Code of Ethics 1. Client Service We are in service to our cilents, using our group facilitation competencies to add value to their work. Our clients Include the groups we facilitate and those who contract with us on their behalf. We work closely with our clients to understand their expectations so that we provide the appropriate service, and that the group produces the desired outcomes. it is our responsibility to ensure that we are competent to handle the intervention. If the group decides it needs to go In a direction other than that originally Intended by either the group or its representatives, our role Is to help the group move forward, reconciling the original intent with the emergent direction. 2. Conflict of interest We openly acknowledge any potential conflict of interest. Prior to agreeing to work with our clients, we discuss openly and honestly any possible conflict of Interest, personal bias, prior knowledge of the organisation or any other matter which may be perceived as preventing us from working effectively with the interests of all group members. We do this so that, together, we may make an Informed decision about proceeding and to prevent misunderstanding that could detract from the success or credibility of the clients or ourselves. We refrain from using our position to secure unfair or inappropriate privilege, gain, or benefit. 3. Group Autonomy I We respect the culture, rights, and autonomy of the group. We seek the group's conscious agreement to the process and their commitment to participate. We do not impose anything that risks the welfare and dignity of the participants, the freedom of choice of the group, or the credibility of Its work. 4. Processes, Methods, and Tools We use processes, methods and tools responsibly. In dialogue with the group or Its representatives we design processes that will achieve the group's goats, and select and adapt the most appropriate methods and tools. We avoid using processes, methods or tools with which we are insufficiently skilled, or which are poorly matched to the needs of the group. 5. Respect, Safety, Equity, and Trust We strive to engender an environment of respect and safety where all participants trust that they can speak freely and where individual boundaries are honoured. We use our skills, knowledge, tools, and wisdom to elicit and honour the perspectives of all. We seek to have all relevant stakeholders represented and Involved. We promote equitable relationships among the participants and facilitator and ensure that all participants have an opportunity to examine and share their thoughts and feelings. We use a variety of methods to enable the group to access the natural gifts, talents and life experiences of each member. We work in ways that honour the wholeness and self - expression of others, designing sessions that respect different styles of Interaction. We understand that any action we take is an Intervention that may affect the process. 6. Stewardship of Process We practice stewardship of process and Impartiality toward content. ( While participants bring knowledge and expertise concerning the substance of their situation, we bring knowledge and expertise concerning the group Interaction process. We are vigilant to minimize our influence on group outcomes. When we have content knowledge not otherwise available to the group, and that the group must have to be effective, we offer it after explaining our change in role. 7, Confidentiality We maintain confidentiality of information. We observe confidentiality of all client information. Therefore, we do not share information about a client within or outside of the client's organisation, nor do we report on group content, or the individual opinions or behaviour of members of the group without consent. 8. Professional Development We are responsible for continuous Improvement of our facilitation skills and knowledge. We continuously learn and grow. We seek opportunities to improve our knowledge and facilitation skills to better assist groups in their work. We remain current in the field of facilitation through our practical group experiences and ongoing personal development. We offer our skills within a spirit of collaboration to develop our professional work practices. 0 IAp 2002, 2004