HomeMy WebLinkAbout110100 sm agenda & min. AGENDA Sanford City Commission Special Meeting Wednesday, November 1,2000 4:00 P.M., City Manager's Conference Room Sanford City Hall, 300 North Park Avenue Sanford, Florida ****************************************************************************** 1. Discussion of health insurance provider. 2. Other business. ADVICE TO THE PUBLIC: IF A PERSON DECIDES TO APPEAL A DECISION MADE WITH RESPECT TO ANY MATTER CONSIDERED AT THE ABOVE MEETING OR HEARING HE MAY NEED A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS INCLUDING THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE wmCH RECORD IS NOT PROVIDED BY THE CITY OF SANFORD. (FS286.0105) PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES NEEDING ASSISTANCE TO PARTICIPATE IN ANY OF THESE PROCEEDINGS SHOULD CONTACT THE HUMAN RESOURCES OFFICE ADA COORDINATOR AT 330-562648 HOURS IN ADVANCE OF THE MEETING. :SA~OIIOJ su uo!ss!mmoD oqljo O~.OA Xq po.ureo ptm p~USSO'I ~ouo~ss~mmoD ~q popuooo U~Id anlUA sl[ aoj u~oV ~[~ luomoo~ uu jo uo~lnaoxo o~oaddu ol poAom u~ols~o~ ~ouo~ss~moD 'poao~o su~ mq~ poldooou oq su ~uoI su pols[I oq pIno~ oq pop,aa aq8 'omp ~ol*l u m ~ao~ou oql pou[o[ oq j~ aop[Aoad poAoaddu ~ su ~n~ 'xG lS~l pIno~ XoqlJ[ 'OA~lmuoso~doa · ~la~oad posmqm[o~ sum oq ams o~u~ ol ~oJ poluno~u mm[u[~ o~ poluu~ ~[n~ 'aG pu* 'poqlom luo~ud oql puu luo~udjo ~ o~ olo~ omds~ u[ smol~ p~ 'op[~oad lo,ua uulov mql uo[lmuo~oop aa~nboa pInom qo~q~ ~u[lunooo~ moll ou[I ~u[sn Xq pomlduo su~ mnm[u~m u ao~o op Xo~ mq '~Id mql ao~o lou soop u~oV 'oq pino~ luo~ed oql luq~ ol su luo~j dn ,[n~oj poq~osoad u p~q p~ luop{ouI qo*o jo luooaod %0I I p},d l{ Xqoaoq~ ~Id * puq IU~luopmd pouodoa 'UUld [u}luopmd oql 'uuql ao~oq louj[ 'ol lUOlUA[nbo lmol m si qo~q~ p~ 'saojjo 1~ su lo,~uoo u q$[q s, s~ luql lou~uoo u ~[n~ '~G poao~o suq ureaV -~u[l~ooou audi Xq oust ~u~p~o~ 'op lo~uo XliUO[sXqd uulov l~l suo[l[puoo omos aoj po~su suq oq osnuooq ~o~lou aql pou~o[ lou suq ~ 'aG 'InJssooons~ uooq oAuq umoV p~ ~n~ '~G uoo~loq suo~mslo~o~ '~ao~lou oql 2u~o[ '~n~ mil 'aG 'uu~o[SXqd ~D oql ol loo[qns '000g '~Z ~oqoloo 'Xupuo~ uo aop~Ao~d oouu~su[ sl~ su u~oV poAoaddu uo[ss[mmoD ~[D o~ mql po~odo~ 'paooo~ jo luo~v s,~[D o~ 'omoM loqD uop[Ao~d U uo oppop pm 'suo[ldo oo~msu[ ql[uoq ssnos[p ol s~ ~u[loom 'aop~o ol ~u~loom o~ POllUO ~uqo oq~ ~oqloo '2 ~II~ Xom°gv ~ :mosqv souof Xp~ ~auo[ss[mmo9 p~sso2 Xpm8 aouo~ss~mmoD smu~lI[~ 'H umlaA aouo[ss~oD u[ols~o~ ~ol[~ aouo[ss~mmoD aluG 'V ~u2 ~ouo~ss[mmoD-ao~u~ :mosoad -up~aoi~ ~m~ q~oN 00~ 'fiSH hid p~oju~8 '~ooI~ puooo8 'moo~ oouo~o~oo saa~ his o~ u~ '~'d ~ooIo,o 00:~ m 'O00Z 'I aoqmo~oN '~upso~o~ uo ffu~loo~ Iup~8 u~ lam up,oH 0-6-6~ 1' i aoqmo~oN ~u!loolA[ I*.~ood$ 'ua'd 00:17 ~p.uolat 'p~oJtmS 'uo!ss.mn-uoD SHJJ1NIIN 99§ MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida 4:00 p.m. Spec/al Meeting 567 November 1, 20010)__ the POS. The deductible under POS is $500.00 for office visits. Other Business. Commissioner Eckstein requested the Commissioners drive through his neighborhood and look at all the homes and how they are taken care of, especially on Larkwood. He reported there is a rezone request going before P&Z Thursday night that involves, or potentially could involve, ingress and egress. He thinks the developer is going to want to dump the traffic onto where he lives as opposed to Vihlen Road, which is in the County. He reported this is going to have a big impact and his neighborhood is up in arms. I-Ie reported it is impossible to get out on SR 46 with the bumper to bumper traffic at times, and now someone wants to dump all the traffic onto Larkwood and connect the neighborhoods. Furthermore, Jay Marder thinks connecting neighborhoods is a good idea and there is nothing wrong with it. Commissioner Eckstein does not feel you can have ~raffc going into Idyllwilde. City Manager VanDerworp reported the City Commission will have input on where the access points are, and this piece is one of those that really needs to be looked at to understand what is going on. Mayor Dale reported the Commission can look at it regardless, now that it can appeal a P&Z decision. City Manager VanDerworp reported it will come to the Commission, and can be looked at, at the time of rczoning. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. Attest: