HomeMy WebLinkAbout010801 ws/rm min. Ii " MINUTES 1 3:30 P.M. Work Session January 8 2001 20_ City Commission, Sanford. Florida EOO014148 The City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida met in Work Session on Monday, January 8, 2001, at 3:30 P.M. in the City Manager's Conference Room, Sanford City Hall, 300 North Park Avenue, Sanford, Florida. Present: Mayor-Commissioner Lany A. Dale Commissioner Whitey Eckstein Commissioner Brady Lessard Commissioner Randy Jones Acting City Manager Roger Dixon City Clerk Janet R. Dougherty ...... Absent: Commissioner Velma H. Williams City Manager Anthony VanDerworp City Attorney William L. Colbert - The Chairman called the meeting to order. Employee of the Month Award for January 2001. Mayor Dale presented Bill Marcous with the Employee ofthe Month Award for January 2001. City Hall phone system. Mayor Dale, using the conference room telephone, dialed the City's main switchboard telephone number in an attempt to reach the office of the Mayor. Voice mail listed a menu of various departments and prompts, and at the prompt for administration, consisting of City Manager, City Clerk, and City Commission, the voice mail begins with a message regarding contacting Mary Ann Morse, Clerk of the Circuit Court. Mayor Dale said he has been told that he is hard to get a hold of and thought that people weren't trying hard enough because he carries two pagers and two cell phones, has a home phone number and a City Hall office phone that is answered by administrative staff. Earlier today, when he dialed the main number for City - Hall, he received the menu and realized that there is no prompt for the Mayor. He said it is unacceptable to have a phone system that is confusing to the public which we serve. Acting City Manager Roger Dixon reported that an enormous amount of calls are received for County operations and the recording is to alleviate those calls, thereby allowing Utility Department Staff to handle City issues rather than County Issues. Commissioner Eckstein reported the telephone book lists City departments and telephone numbers and the number for the Mayor and Commission. Mayor Dale said the lobby on the first floor of City Hall that is supposed to be the reception/information area is empty, and asked for what purpose the lobby was built. He said there are times he has been standing in the break area at the employee entrance of the building and has been asked by the public how to enter the building. City Clerk Janet Dougherty ...... reported that there used to be a reception area near the Building/Community Development Department. Mayor Dale said the purpose of elected officials and Staifis to serve the public. He recommended that a reception/information area be staffed in the lobby downstairs and that a person answer the switchboard in order to accommodate the public. Acting City Manager Dixon reported that Finance Director Donna Watt is responsible for the phone system's - recorded message and the Utility Departmentis responsible for answering the phones. Ms. Watt reported that there is a plan to renovate City Hall and to relocate some functions downstairs and to have a reception/information area there. She will have BellSouth attempt to change the programmed message and to simplifY the phone system. Mayor Dale requested that Acting City Manager Dixon get with City Manager VanDerworp upon his return and come back with alternatives and costs regarding the phone system, and when City Hall is remodeled that there be a staffed 2 Eoo014148 MINUTES 3:30 P.M. Work Session January 8, City Commission. Sanford. Florida 2001 20_ reception/information area. Interview of prospective board appointments. Scenic Improvement Board. City Clerk Janet Dougherty reported that there are two vacancies on the Board and that applications are on file from Donna Castellano and Stephanie Powers. Ms. Castellano could not be here today, however, Ms. Powers is present. Ms. Powers reported she has worked in Sanford for two years and moved from Apopka to Sanford in August. She has always wanted to be involved in the community by doing volunteer work and now has time and ambition to do something substantial. Her hobby is landscaping. Wastewater Treatment Facility - biosolids. Utility Director Paul Moore reported that the City is currently planning the construction of a new wastewater treatment facility on property recently purchased on Cameron Avenue. One of the components of the facility will be a biosolids (sludge) treatment unit. Upon investigation of several treatment technologies, it was learned that there is a Thermo-System that utilizes solar energy in a "greenhouse" type structure for the drying and processing of sewage biosolids and is extremely energy efficient. The process produces class A sludge which can be applied for agriculture, landscaping, etc. At present, class B sludge is produced and is applied at Site 10; it is not appropriate to be used in the public right-of-way. [Commissioner Williams present.] Mr. Moore introduced Mr. Russ Cook, Parkson Corporation. Mr. Cook reported that Parkson Corporation is located in Fort Lauderdale and is a manufacturer of water and wastewater treatment equipment. He distributed to the Commission a brochure and the 1999 Annual Report for Axel Johnson Inc., the parent company of Parks on Corporation. Axel Johnson Inc. is a large Swedish company, is privately owned by one woman, and does approximately $5 billion of business a year. He gave a power point presentation on the Thermo-System Solar Sludge Drying process. The system is energy-efficient and uses sunlight and the equivalent of a greenhouse, and is designed to accept liquid, thickened, or de-watered sludges and dry them to more than 75% solids. It consists of a translucent chamber, sensors to monitor atmospheric drying conditions, air louvers, ventilation fans, mobile electric "Moles," and a microprocessor which controls the entire drying environment. The system's main source of drying energy is the sun's solar radiation. The microprocessor evaluates a number of climatic variables and then initiates one or more operations which optimize the moisture- absorbing potential of the ambient air. The microprocessor also signals the Mole to begin its operational cycle by tilling the sludge bed, bringing the moist sludge to the surface, and as the process progresses, granulizes it into a dry, pelletized end product. The microprocessor is the brain, assuring that the drying potential of the chamber's atmosphere is optimized and the incoming solar radiation is maximized to produce a consistent dried sludge in a relatively short time. The Mole is an electrical device which tills the sludge bed and ultimately produces either a dry pelletized material or a finer dirt-like end product, reducing all types of sludge volumes by up to 90%. Hauling and disposal costs are dramatically reduced, and the final product is biologically stable. Mr. Cook said the technology is new to the United States, and Parkson Corporation is proposing a pilot study of one Thermo-System unit at Site 10, at no cost to the City. The purpose of the pilot test is to prove that the end product is class A sludge equivalent. Benjamin Fries, Project Manager, Conklin Porter Hohnes Engineers, reported that all sludge regulations go through EP A; DEP has deferred to EP A for this process. EP A has approved a pilot plant testing module and has issued a license to Parkson Corporation to do the pilot project. EP A is taking it upon themselves to find a technology to force the use of class A sludge. MINUTES 3. City Commission. Sanford, Florida 3:30 P.M. Work Session January 8 2001 20- E00014148 Mr. Moore said if the test works, it will be proposed to include the technology in the bid for the new wastewater treatment plant. Mayor Dale asked what the difference in cost is between what the City is doing now to process sludge and the - cost to produce class A sludge. Mr. Moore nor Mr. Fries knew the cost. Commissioner Eckstein said that the future financial impact of the Thermo-System should be brought to the Commission prior to submission of a proposal. The Commission concurred that Mr. Moore provide information to the Commission regarding how much sludge the City would produce, how much of an area it would take to stockpile the sludge, how the end product could be used, how much it would cost to produce - class A sludge and how much it would cost to get rid of it, in comparison to how class B sludge is handled. The information should contain the financial impact including personnel, fringe benefits, etc. fu response to Commissioner Lessard's question regarding what will happen to the tent facility at Site 10 if the pilot test doesn't prove successful, Mr. Cook said that everything would be taken away at no cost to the City. Mr. Moore said the City's current sludge system will not work with the new plant and new technology is being considered. There are a dozen technologies available, however, the Thermo-System is energy efficient and operating costs are low. He will answer all of the Commission's questions and will present a report. Commissioner Eckstein said he preferred that Mr. Moore discuss this item with Mayor Dale, as a conduit to the Commission. Mayor Dale requested that a representative of Conklin Porter Holmes discuss this item with him so he can respond to the Commission. Mr. Moore said the request tonight is for the Commission to accept the proposal from Parkson Corporation for a pilot test of their Thermo-System biosolids drying unit at Site 10, at no liability and no cost to the City. The Commission - concurred to take action on this item tonight during the Consent Agenda. Continuation of presentation of City of Sanford Year-End Financial Report. Finance Director Donna Watt reported that the Stormwater Fund total operating revenue reflects $1,506,570 and total expenses of$I,368,743. fu addition to $157,412 paid for debt service interest, $230,000 was paid on the principal of the stormwater loan. The balance of the loan, approximately $546,000, will probably be drawn down in this fiscal year. She reported there is currently $950,000 in an escrow account for Mill Creek 3B that has not yet been paid. A contract was awarded in the amount of$530,000 for Mill Creek 3B. Public Works Director Jerry Herman reported there are a half million dollars left in the fund and he is planning a project for a pond on Cloud Branch Creek, just south of 13th Street. The pond at Pinehurst Park on Cloud Branch Creek is done. Ms. Watt said the stormwater fee needs to be reviewed and suggested a gradual increase to plan for projects. Commissioner Eckstein said it is incumbent for the Commission to have a schedule of projects to decide when - the stormwater fee should be changed. Mayor Dale requested that Ms. Watt and Mr. Herman prepare a schedule of projects and report to the Commission. Commissioner Williams asked where the Cloud Branch project begins and ends. Mr. Herman said that Cloud Branch starts at about 25th Street and French Avenue but is not a creek until it reaches Pinehurst Park; it then runs to Lake -- Monroe. The Cloud Branch project includes putting a pond at Pinehurst Park south of22nd Street and a pond just south of 13th Street just west of Lake Avenue. Mayor Dale said that until the EP A stops having public hearings and lets the gasification plant be cleaned up, there may never be a Cloud Branch project. He said he spoke with Judy Santiago and told her that he is going to the Governor regarding the gasification plant, because it is ready to be cleaned up and has been ready to clean up since he became Mayor. The money is available to clean it up but EP A continues to charge oversight dollars. People in the areas of the , MINUTES 3:30 P.M. Work Session January 8, City Commission. Sanford. Florida 2001 20_ EOO014148 gasification plant keep saying they want to have more meetings. Commissioner Williams said the guidelines call for more meetings. Mayor Dale said all the meetings for the guidelines have been held and the meetings being held now are just for the sake of having meetings. Commissioner Williams said the community is not asking for meetings, that it is the EP A. Mayor Dale suggested having a town meeting to see if the community wants the gasification plant site cleaned up and to proceed with the Cloud Branch project, and to tell theEPA that the City is ready to move forward with the clean up. The EPA is dragging their feet and oversight costs could be spent on cleaning the site and doing the Cloud Branch project. Mayor Dale said he is going to the Governor and the President if necessary, because the City is getting nowhere with the EP A. The PRP's have the money, the money has been allocated, yet the EP A continues charging oversight dollars every quarter. Mayor Dale said that while the litigation attorneys are all good, the job is not being done and suggested that Ken Wright, Shutts & Bowen, be hired to go to the Governor's office and the President, and to the head of the EPA to say that the PRP's are tired of paying oversight money and have agreed to the clean up and to sign a consent decree. Mayor Dale said he would ask the Commission for a recommendation tonight so he can take it to the PRP's. Commissioner Williams said she would call the EP A tomorrow to say that the City is ready to do the clean up. [Commissioner Eckstein left the meeting.] Ms. Watt reported that the Water & Sewer Fund reflects that the City is billing and collecting about $10 million every year. Water and sewer projects this year will cost about $25 million, and much of the money will come from State Revolving Loan funds. Total revenue for this fund reflects $13,692,232 and total expenses of $12,380,391. The Water & Sewer Impact Fee Funds reflect water impact total fund equity in the amount of $2,557,246 and excess revenue over transfers in the amount of$740,484. Sewer impact fees reflect total fund equity in the amount of $3,919,070 and excess revenue over transfers in the amount of$I,751,989. The Police Education $2 Fund reflects total liabilities and fund equity in the amount of$38,302 and excess revenues over expenditures in the amount of$8,127. [Commissioner Eckstein returned to the meeting.] The Law Enforcement Trust Fund reflects total fund equity in the amount of$180,187; SRO/Dare officers are paid from this fund. [Mayor Dale left the meeting and returned.] The Community Development Grant Funds reflect revenue and expenditures in the amount of $222,317 for LIHEAP, and revenue of $77,437 and expenditures of $82,096 for Weatherization. Ms. Watt reported that the Local Option Gas Tax Fund reflects total liabilities and fund equity in the amount of $923,042 and expenditures in the amount of$625,314. This fund pays for road improvements. Commissioner Eckstein reported that Seminole County Commissioner McLain and City Manager VanDerworp have discussed paving Park Avenue using LOGT funds, which could cost up to $400,000. Mayor Dale requested that Mr. Herman and Acting City Manager Dixon bring a recommendation to the Commission regarding a paving program. Commissioner Williams said that she is not pleased with the paving of streets in her district, although they are improved, and that all the streets do not have ribbon curbing. She asked that if there is extra money for paving, that the other streets have ribbon curbing installed. She asked that each Commissioner ride on all the streets that were paved to see if they are satisfied with the way they look and the way they ride; the coal mix doesn't look like type 2 asphalt. She said that Federal Government funds are available for paving. The County paved streets in Midway and the Lockhart area with block grant money. Mayor Dale said that when the County paved the streets, coal mix was not approved so they used type 1 or 2 asphalt and curb and gutter; most of the money was spent on drainage improvements. Streets paved now are paved with coal mix. Ms. Watt reported the Impact Fee Funds reflect as follows: Recreation revenue of$380,593 and expenditures of$149,683; Fire revenue ,of $93,955 and expenditures of $20,000; Police revenue of$224,566 and expenditures of$20,000. MINUTES City Commission. Sanford. Florida 3:30 P.M. Work Session January 8 EOO014148 S 2001 20- Impact fees are tied to the growth of the City. [Commissioner Lessard left the meeting.] Ms. Watt reported that the Seminole Towne Center Community Redevelopment Agency revenue reflects $434,689 and expenditures of$502,376. Per Commission action, $28,015 was transferred from General Fund to cover a shortfall in revenue. The Waterfront Community Redevelopment - Agency reflects a fund balance in the amount of $330,292, with revenue of $119,260 and zero expenditures. The Internal Insurance Service Fund equity reflects $1,125,384, revenue of $93 5,560 and expenditures of $1,065,189. There were significant settlements of workers compensation claims in the amount of $515,582.58, which, combined with premiums, totaled $710,490.16. The total for liability/auto/property claims and premiums is $367,799.22. The Cemetery Trust Fund reflects a fund - equity in the amount of $403,456, with revenue of $20,325. The Tennination Benefit Reserve Fund reflects fund equity in the amount of$207,378, with revenue of $12,277. [Commissioner Lessard returned to the meeting.] Ms. Watt briefly reviewed the schedule of outstanding long term debt for all funds. Bus shelters. Mayor Dale introduced Joel Davis, 20/20 representative, who was present to discuss transit shelters. Mayor Dale reported that for two years he and City Manager VanDerworp have discussed ways of having shelters for the City's transit populace. Most of the Lynx bus stops have neither bench or shelter. ~he City's present shelters provide protection from the sun but not from the rain. There is a provision in the Florida Statutes that allows municipalities to enter into an agreement for transit shelters without bid. Mayor Dale said he met with Mr. Davis to discuss 20/20's transit shelter product and learned that the shelter goes all the way to the ground, provides cover from the rain and sun, is lighted, and the slab is concrete. Mr. Davis' company will provide, install, and maintain the shelters at no cost or liability to the City. 20/20's shelters are funded with private - advertising, with a portion of proceeds given to selected sponsors or charities. Mayor Dale reported that the City has a contract with Metropolitan Systems for benches which states that they have first option to provide shelters. Their sponsors were the Junior Women's Club and the Sanford-Seminole Jaycees, both of which are now defunct; the Sanford Woman's Club absorbed the Junior Women's Club. Mayor Dale said that in conversation with the City Attorney regarding the contract, he was told that Metropolitan Systems is in breach of the contract. Upon investigation, Mayor Dale learned that the benches have not been maintained. Further, he has never been contacted by a representative of Metropolitan Systems regarding supplying shelters. Mr. Davis reported that 20/20 is in the business of providing shelters and has contracts around the State. Shelters are provided and maintained at no cost to the City. A portion of the gross revenue is remitted to either the City or a non-profit organization. The Historic District will have customized shelters. Each shelter has to be permitted by the City and the size - and shape is at the discretion of the City. Because 20/20 does not deal with benches, typically the cities remove the benches where the shelters will be located. Mayor Dale said the City has 177 bus stops and the majority of them do not have shelters. During prior conversation with County Commissioner Daryl McLain, Lynx Advisory Committee Chairman, Mayor Dale was told that the - shelters would be welcomed. Mr. Davis said that State Ordinance allows for shelters to be placed at official bus route stops. Mr. Davis said that based on studies done by transit agencies around the Country, the shelters will increase ridership. Mayor Dale said that Mr. Davis has agreed to a dispute provision in the contract regarding placing shelters in specific areas, based on ridership. Further, the City Commission will approve/disapprove every location for a shelter. [Commissioner Lessard left the meeting.] MayorDale said that before Commissioner Lessard left the meeting, he made a comment regarding #9 of the contract, 6 MINUTES EOOO14148 C't C .. S & d FI 'd 3:30 P.M. Work Session January 8, 1 Y OmmrSSlOn, anlor, on a 2001 20_ Advertising, and requested that it read, "It is agreed that 20/20 media shall not place on shelters advertising for any product or service not lawfully for sale to minors; provided, however, advertising the Florida Lottery is permitted." Mr. Davis agreed. Mayor Dale said that it will be necessary to write a letter to Metropolitan Systems, Inc. constituting notice of default of their contract. City Attorney Colbert drafted the proposed letter which reads that there is a breach of contract, however, Mayor Dale recommended that Metropolitan Systems be allowed to have benches in the area where there are no shelters, and to allow the Woman's Club to be one of the sponsors. He requested that tonight the Commission authorize him to write the letter. Denny Emory, representative for Metropolitan Systems, Sanford-Seminole Jaycees, and the Woman's Club, was present to discuss the bus bench contract. In response to Mayor Dale's question of why he had never heard of Metropolitan Systems, Mr. Emory replied that things seemed to be running smoothly and no one ever questioned the contract. Mayor Dale asked Mr. Emory to answer in his presentation why he never came forward with a provision regarding having the first option on advertising for transit shelters, when a letter received in 1992 exercised that option. Mr. Emory reported that a certified letter received from the City Manager dated February 25, 1992 regarding providing bus shelters was responded to, stating that Metropolitan Systems, Inc. does intend to exercise its option to provide bus shelters, providing that the City Commission decides to implement a shelter program, and that a proposal for the shelters would be submitted in the near future. A letter from the City Manager dated August 31, 1992, stated that at his request, a proposed contract for installation of bus shelters was forwarded from Metropolitan Systems, and that at the August 24, 1992 Work Session, the City Commission considered allowing transit shelters at certain locations, and at the Regular Meeting, the Commission took no action to expand the contract to include bus shelters. The letter further stated that based on the Commission's action, the issue is essentially dead, at least for the present. Mr. Emory said that until last Tuesday, he had no idea that the City was interested in shelters. Additionally, Mr. Emory stated that the sponsors are not defunct. Mayor Dale said that the Department of State shows them both to be inactive non-profit corporations. Mr. Emory said it is not a requirement that a club be incorporated. Mr. Emory stated he has been paying the sponsors every month and the checks have been cashed. He provided copies of canceled checks paid to Sanford-Seminole Jaycees and the Womens Club of Sanford, and said that Metropolitan Systems has been acting in good faith. Mayor Dale said that the City's contract was with the Junior Women's Club, and the City was never notified that payments were being made to the Women's Club of Sanford. The Commission never approved payment to the Women's Club, therefore there was a breach of contract. In addition, insurance documentation has not been received by the City. [Commissioner Eckstein briefly left the meeting and returned.] Mayor Dale asked Mr. Emory to call him tomorrow to provide the names of the Presidents of the Sanford Jaycees and the Junior Women's Club, and when and where their clubs meet so he can attend their meetings. Mayor Dale said that because Metropolitan Systems has made no contact with anyone in the City for the last four years, he wouldn't feel comfortable with them providing bus shelter service. The Commission will take action on this item at tonight's Regular Meeting. Bike/multi-use path along Seminole County's East Lake Mary Boulevard extension project. This item was not discussed. Bulk trash pick-ups. This item was not discussed. E00014148 - - - - - MINUTES City Commission. Sanford. Florida 3:30 P.M. Work Session January 8 Telecommunications ordinance. This item was not discussed. Regular Agenda items. Add-on items. and other items. This item was not discussed. Cily Manager's briefing. This item was not discussed. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. Attest: ~-~A~ City Clerk cp t 2001 20_ s MINUTES 7:00 P.M. Regular Meeting January 8, 2001 20_ City Commission, Sanford, Florida E00014148 The City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida met in Regular Meeting on Monday, January 8, 2001, at 7:00 P.M. in the City Commission Room, City Hall, 300 North Park Avenue, Sanford, Florida. Present: Mayor-Commissioner Lany A. Dale Commissioner Whitey Eckstein Commissioner Velma H. Williams Commissioner Brady Lessard Commissioner Randy Jones Assistant City Attorney Clay Simmons Acting City Manager Roger Dixon City Clerk Janet R. Dougherty Absent: City Manager Anthony VanDerworp City Attorney William L. Colbert The Chairman called the meeting to order. Presentations. Mayor Dale presented Johnny Miller with the Employee of the Year Award for 2000. John Testa, John Testa's School of Professional Wrestling, presented a $500 donation check toward the renovation ofthe Historic Sanford Memorial Stadium. He previously donated $250 toward the Christmas Shop With a Cop Charity Event sponsored by the FOP and the Sanford Police Department. Citizen participation. Doreen Freeman, 705 MeIlonviIIe Avenue, reported there were several items discussed at today's Work Session on which she wanted to comment: City Hall telephone system. She agrees with the Mayor and hates telephone menus. There used to be a telephone attendant/information person in City Hall and the position should be reestablished. She suggested relocating the Utility Department downstairs when the City does its renovation. Mayor Dale reported the Commission has already discussed the issue. Renovation of the clarifier nnit at the water reclamation facility. Regarding Change Order 2 to the Wharton-Smith contract, she reported the City has done business with the same company for about thirty years and suggested the contract be bid to see if others could do the renovations more cost effectively. Mayor Dale said this item would be further discussed dwing the Consent Agenda. Bns stop benches. She commended whoever is responsible for getting a new company for the benches. Mayor Dale reported he was responsible, although Staff did the research. She expressed concern as to where Metropolitan Systems' money is going. Mayor Dale reported the City will look into this item. Gasification Plant site clean up. She asked why the City can't use its own attorneys. Mayor Dale reported the City uses the City Attorney, and that Donna McIntosh and Tom Maurer have been involved for many years. They have told him they can't move the clean up along and are extremely frustrated. The PRP's are being charged for time and oversight and the PRP's have paid hundreds of thousands of dollars, of which the City has paid approximately 13%; that could go to clean up. Ms. Freeman asked ifit would help if citizens wrote letters. Mayor Dale reported a Town meeting is being considered to get citizen support regarding the clean up. Monarcha Marcet, 801 S. Park Avenue, asked for a status report regarding the sidewalk RFP. Public Works Director Jeny Herman reported the bids will be opened Wednesday, and he expects it to be awarded at the next Commission Meeting, and she can see the bids when they are opened. Ms. Marcet said that regarding traffic and speed on Park Avenue in the area bounded by Seminole Boulevard, Sanford Avenue, and Hwy. 17-92, she appreciates the active measures taken and requested passive design measures to decrease the amount and speed of traffic passing through this area. She also requested that the City consider a traffic analysis of existing conditions before the riverfront area projects are underway. Mayor Dale , ; '~: 7:00 P.M. Regular Meeting January 8, 9 2001 20- MINUTES City Commission. Sanford. Florida E00014143 reported the City is looking at restoring the northerly portion of Park Avenue to brick and that a traffic study will be done. Millard Hunt, 801 East Second Street, reported that Marveen Kelly, President of the Sanford Historic Trust, asked him to relate to the Commission her concerns regarding bus stop shelters, as follows: design - asked that the Trust have - some review authority; signage - no offensive signs be allowed. Mayor Dale reported both items are already included in the contract. Approval of minutes. Commissioner Lessard moved to approve the Minutes of December 11, 2000 Work Session and Regular Meeting, - and December 18, 2000 Work Session and Regular Meeting. Seconded by Commissioner Williams and carried by vote of the Commission as follows: Mayor-Commissioner Dale Aye Commissioner Eckstein Aye Commissioner Williams Aye Commissioner Lessard Aye Commissioner Jones Aye Second public hearing to consider proposed Orlando Sanford Airport Development of Regional Impact. and approve Development Order No. 00-0047. Recommended by the City Manager. Ad published December 31, 2000. Mayor Dale reported that Orlando Sanford Airport Executive Director Victor White was present to answer questions. Development Order No. 00-0047 was read by title. Mayor Dale reported that the Commission would hear from - those persons present to speak for, or in opposition to, the proposed Orlando Sanford Airport Development of Regional Impact and related Development Order No. 00-0047. No one appeared. Commissioner Jones moved to approve the Orlando Sanford Airport Development of Regional Impact, and to approve Development Order No. 00-0047. Seconded by Commissioner Lessard and carried by vote of the Commission as follows: Mayor-Commissioner Dale Aye Commissioner Eckstein Aye Commissioner Williams Aye Commissioner Lessard Aye Commissioner Jones Aye Public hearing and second reading of Ordinance No. 3604 to amend City Code to eliminate term limits for members of the Cemetery Advisory Committee. Recommended by the City Manager. Ad published December 27, 2000. Ordinance No. 3604 was read by title. Mayor Dale reported the Commission would hear from those persons - present to speak for, or in opposition to, Ordinance No. 3604. No one appeared. Commissioner Williams moved to adopt Ordinance No. 3604, entitled: - AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, AMENDING SECTION 2-312, ARTICLE XVIII, CEMETERY ADVISORY COMMITTEE OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF SANFORD TO ELIMINATE TERM LIMITS FOR BOARD MEMBERS, PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY, CONFLICTS, CODIFICATION AND EFFECTIVE DATE. Seconded by Commissioner Lessard. Commissioner Jones asked what is the point of eliminating term limits. Mayor Dale reported tenn limits were instigated on some of the volunteer boards and the Commission decided there were people who had a lot of experience and wanted to continue to stay involved, and therefore decided to eliminate term limits on certain advisory boards. The Commission appoints the members and when it is determined that someone has served long enough, then a new ao MINUTES 7:00 P.M. Regular Meeting Janumy 8, 2001 20- City Commission, Sanford. Florida EOoo14148 appointment will be made. Doreen Freeman said eliminating term limits doesn't allow for the whole community to have an opportunity to serve; the same people can be on the board forever. Commissioner Eckstein clarified that the elimination of term limits means that qualified board members can continue to be reappointed at the Commission's discretion. Also considered is the Board member's attendance record. The motion was carried by vote of the Commission as follows: Mayor-Commissioner Dale Aye Commissioner Eckstein Aye Commissioner Williams Aye Commissioner Lessard Aye Commissioner Jones Aye Public hearing and second reading of Ordinance No. 3608 to repeal Ordinance No. 3584. and to amend City Code. Section 11-30. subsection (h)' Removal of junk vehicles located on private property: to provide for an alternative method of providing notice to the owners of iunk vehicles on private property. Recommended by the City Manager. Ad published December 27, 2000. Ordinance No. 3608 was read by title. Mayor Dale reported the Commission would hear from those persons present to speak for, or in opposition to, Ordinance No. 3608. Monarcha Marcet asked what is the alternate means of notification. Community Development Director Charles Rowe reported the old ordinance allowed for the posting of vehicles but it had to be on the vehicle. This ordinance allows for the posting to be on the property on which the vehicle is located. Mayor Dale reported it is allowed by State Legislature. Ms. Marcet asked if this applies to vehicles on Federally owned property. Mayor Dale replied it applies to junk vehicles on any property in the City. Commissioner Jones said there are several vehicles on property behind Olive that are sitting on blocks. Ms. Marcet asked if the City sweeper can sweep private streets. Mayor Dale said the street has to be publicly owned right-of-way; a private road cannot be served. Commissioner Eckstein asked Mayor Dale to explain the City's role with the Sanford Housing Authority. Mayor Dale said there were so many comments about the City's role with the Sanford Housing Authority that he asked for a legal opinion. The City has no authority over the Housing Authority; the City has no budgetmy authority. Legislative enaction has given the Sanford Housing Authority the responsibility and oversight of their budget. The Commission liaison to the Sanford Housing Authority is Commissioner Williams. Doreen Freeman said the Sanford Housing Authority's property is not maintained properly and should fall under the City's code. Mayor Dale said the Code Enforcement Department has contacted the Sanford Housing Authority, however, Congress has given HUD certain provisions that the City can't lien the property, so it makes it difficult to enforce code. Commissioner Jones moved to adopt Ordinance No. 3608, entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, REPEALING ORDINANCE 3584, AND REPLACING IT WITH TIDS ORDINANCE NO. 3608; AMENDING SUBSECTION (h) REMOVAL OF JUNK VEHICLES LOCATED ON PRIVATE PROPERTY, OF SECTION 11-30, KEEPING OF JUNK CARS, PARTS AND DEBRIS WITIllN THE CITY LIMITS OF SANFORD FLORIDA; EXCEPTION; OF THE CITY CODE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, TO INCLUDE AN ALTERNATE MEANS OF NOTICING THE REMOVAL OF JUNK VEIDCLES; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY, CONFLICTS, CODIFICATION AND EFFECTIVE DATE. Sec9>>4Fd by Commissioner Lessard and carried by vote of the Commission as follows: Mayor-Commissioner Dale Aye Commissioner Eckstein Aye Commissioner Williams Aye Commissioner Lessard Aye City Commission. Sanford. Florida 7:00 P.M. Regular Meeting January 8, 11 2001 20_ MINUTES EOOO14148 Commissioner Jones Aye Bike/multi-use path alonl: Seminole County's East Lake Mary Boulevard extension project. City Engineer Bob Walter reported that at the end of November he attended a meeting with Seminole County - regarding the extension of East Lake Mary Boulevard. The County is proposing a four-lane road from the Airport entrance south and east through the County and connecting to 415. It will have a raised median with sidewalks on both sides and closed drainage. The issue came up about sidewalks in a rural area. Mr. Waiter proposed asking the County to put in a bike path along the east side of the road instead of putting sidewalks in at this time. The County's rails to trails plan calls for a bike lane with - the outer three to four feet of the traveled lane designated with diamonds as a bike path. He wants a twelve-foot lane off the road above the curb. Although some areas of the road are not in the City, the road is in the service area and will eventually be developed and annexed. Because part of the area is a conservation area, there may be an opportunity to put a lookout where bikers, roller bladers, walkers, and joggers can stop and look. There is a St. Johns area that may be worked into a trail path where cars can pull over and park. In response to Mayor Dale's question regarding County Staff's recommendation, Mr. Walter said there will be some problems because they are getting right-of-way for the road and it may be a little more difficult for the rails to trails. Cost wise, it would be cheaper to install the trail than the two sidewalks, but there are issues that still have to be resolved. Mr. Walter asked for the Commission's support for him to continue working with Seminole County regarding this item. Mayor Dale asked if a letter from the Mayor and Commission would help. Commissioner Williams moved to authorize the Mayor to write a letter of support for the bike/multi-use path, on behalf of the City Commission. Seconded by Commissioner Lessard and carried by vote of the Commission as follows: - Mayor-Commissioner Dale Aye Commissioner Eckstein Aye Commissioner Williams Aye Commissioner Lessard Aye Commissioner Jones Aye Mayor Dale offered to lobby somebody on this issue. Boards: appointments/reappointments. Scenic Improvement Board. City Clerk Janet Dougherty reported that the terms of Alexandria Coulantes, Patricia Hall, Jone Porter and Eliza Pringle expire on January 31, 2001; all wish to be reappointed except Jone Porter. There is also a vacancy due to a resignation. Commissioner Eckstein moved to reappoint Alexandria Coulantes, Patricia Hall and Eliza Pringle to the Board. Seconded by Commissioner Lessard and carried by vote of the Commission as follows: ~ Mayor-Commissioner Dale Aye Commissioner Eckstein Aye Commissioner Williams Aye Commissioner Lessard Aye Commissioner Jones Aye Commissioner Eckstein moved to appoint Stephanie Powers to the Board. Seconded by Commissioner Williams and carried by vote of the Commission as follows: - Mayor-Commissioner Dale Aye Commissioner Eckstein Aye Commissioner Williams Aye Commissioner Lessard Aye Commissioner Jones Aye Condemnation Status Report. Conununity Development Director Charles Rowe reported that regarding Condemnation Report No. 00-02, 1406 l~ MINUTES E00014148 City Commission, Sanford, Florida 7:00 P.M. Regular Meeting January 8, 2001 20_ W. 13th Street, due process has taken place, the owner was notified, and the title search has been done. Mayor Dale said the Agenda reads that there are no recommendations to be made, and he was not briefed on this item. Mr. Rowe said it was in the Report, however, Staff wrote there was no recommendation. When he reviewed the report, he noticed that this property was coming up for demolition and thought it should be pointed out to the Commission. In response to Commissioner Eckstein's question whether the property owner knew this item was coming before the Commission tonight, Mr. Rowe said no, but that owners are never told about the final one. Assistant City Attorney Simmons said that if all the notices have been sent pursuant to the Code and Statutes, then all due process has been afforded. Mayor Dale said the press prints the City's entire Agenda and had the address been on the Agenda, it would have been printed. Mayor Dale said that even when the Commission is serving people who have done wrong, the Commission still has service to the people, which is paramount. Commissioner Lessard moved to table this item to the next meeting. Seconded by Commissioner Williams and carried by vote of the Commission as follows: Mayor-Commissioner Dale Aye Commissioner Eckstein Aye Commissioner Williams Aye Commissioner Lessard Aye Commissioner Jones Aye First reading of Ordinance No. 3605 to amend the Land Development Regulations of the City Code to eliminate term limits for members of the Historic Preservation Board. Recommended by the City Clerk and the City Manager. Tabled at December 18, 2000 meeting. Ordinance No. 3605 was read by title. Commissioner Lessard moved on the first reading of Ordinance No. 3605, entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, AMENDING SECTION 3.5, HISTORIC PRESERVATION BOARD, OF APPENDIX A, THE LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS, OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, TO ELIMINATE TERM LIMITS FOR BOARD MEMBERS, PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY, CONFLICTS, CODIFICATION AND EFFECTIVE DATE. Seconded by Commissioner Williams and carried by vote of the Commission as follows: Mayor-Commissioner Dale Aye Commissioner Eckstein Aye Commissioner Williams Aye Commissioner Lessard Aye Commissioner Jones Aye First reading of Ordinance No. 3606 to amend City Code to eliminate term limits for members ofthe Planning and Zoning Commission. Recommended by the City Clerk and the City Manager. Tabled at December 18,2000 meeting. Ordinance No. 3606 was read by title. Commissioner Williams moved on the first reading of Ordinance No. 3606, entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, DELETING SECTION 18 lIz-13, ARTICLE II, PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION, OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF SANFORD TO ELIMINATE TERM LIMITS FOR BOARD MEMBERS, PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY, CONFLICTS, CODIFICATION AND EFFECTIVE DATE. Seconded by Commissioner Lessard and carried by vote of the Commission as follows: Mayor-Commissioner Dale Aye Commissioner Eckstein Aye Commissioner Williams Aye Commissioner Lessard Aye Commissioner Jones Aye City Commission. Sanford. Florida 7:00 P.M. Regular Meeting January 8, 13 2001 20- MINUTES E0001414S First reading of Ordinance No. 3607 to amend City Code to eliminate tenn limits for members of the Scenic , Impr~vement Board. Recommended by the City Clerk and the City Manager. Tabled at December 18, 2000 meeting. Ordinance No. 3607 was read by title. Commissioner Lessard moved on the first reading of Ordinance No. - 3607, entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, AMENDING SECTION 2-112, ARTICLE VII, SCENIC IMPROVEMENT BOARD OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF SANFORD TO ELIMINATE TERM LIMITS FOR BOARD MEMBERS, PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY, CONFLICTS, CODIFICATION AND EFFECTIVE DATE. - Seconded by Commissioner Williams and carried by vote of the Commission as follows: Mayor-Commissioner Dale Aye Commissioner Eckstein Aye Commissioner Williams Aye Commissioner Lessard Aye Commissioner Jones . Aye First reading of Ordinance No. 3609 to amend Personnel Rules and Regulations. adding policy prohibiting use of tobacco products for firefighters and police officers. effective February 1. 2001. Recommended by the Director of Human Resources and the City Manager. Ordinance No. 3609 was read by title. Commissioner Eckstein moved on the first reading of Ordinance No. 3609, entitled: - AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 3324 OF THE CITY'S PERSONNEL RULES AND REGULATIONS AND ADOPTING SECTION 21.0 TOBACCO ABSTENTION FOR POLICE AND FIRE APPLICANTS NEW HIRES; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY, CONFLICTS, AND EFFECTIVE DATE. Seconded by Commissioner Jones. Commissioner Eckstein said he wanted to make sure that starting February 1,2001, the City protects itself in the language that is used, and that the applicant signs off on the fact that he does not smoke and will not smoke. Mayor Dale said to make sure the City Attorney reviews the language regarding the provision. The motion was carried by vote of the Commission as follows: Mayor-Commissioner Dale Aye Commissioner Eckstein Aye Commissioner Williams Aye Commissioner Lessard Aye Commissioner Jones Aye First reading of Ordinance No. 3610 to annex 1.03 acres of property lying between Marquette Avenue and East Lake Mary Boulevard and between Brisson Avenue S. and Ohio Avenue (3525 Ohio Avenue); Johnny and Miriam Rodriguez, .... owners. Recommended by the Plans Review Committee, the Director of Engineering & Planning, and the City Manager. Ordinance No. 3610 was read by title. Commissioner Lessard moved on the first reading of Ordinance No. 3610, entitled: - AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, TO ANNEX WITHIN THE CORPORATE AREA OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, UPON ADOPTION OF SAID ORDINANCE, 1.03 ACRES OF PROPERTY LYING BETWEEN MARQUETTE AVENUE AND EAST LAKE MARY BOULEVARD AND BETWEEN BRISSON AVENUE SOUTH AND OHIO AVENUE; IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE VOLUNTARY ANNEXATION PROVISIONS OF SECTION 171.044, FLORIDA STATUTES; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY, CONFLICTS AND EFFECTIVE DATE. Seconded by Commissioner Jones and carried by vote of the Commission as follows: Mayor-Commissioner Dale Aye Commis~onerEck~cin Aye 14 , MINUTES 7:00 P.M. Regular Meeting January 8, 2001 20_ E00014148 City Commission, Sanford, Florida Commissioner Williams Aye Commissioner Lessard Aye Commissioner Jones Aye First reading of Ordinance No. 3611 re: telecommunications. Recommended by the City Manager. Acting City Manager Roger Dixon reported there was an error in the subject portion of the Agenda Cover Memo submitted with this item in today's Agenda. He distributed to the Commission a corrected Agenda Cover Memo. Mayor Dale reported the Florida League of Cities recommended that the City adopt an ordinance to protect itself from the new Legislation regarding telecommunications. Ordinance No. 3611 was read by title. Acting City Manager Dixon reported this item was on today's Work Session, however, it was not discussed due to lack oftime. He reported that telecommunications companies are beginning to bundle their services. In the past municipalities have charged different communication companies different prices, for example: telephone companies would be charged 6% whereas cable companies would be charged 1 % of the total revenue. The Florida Legislature said this is a discriminatory act and is attempting to make a level playing field for all telecommunications companies. The Florida League of Cities is providing a model ordinance to municipalities that will be non-discriminatory. Ordinance No. 3611 is a fee ordinance that will assure that a telecommunications facility will pay a fee for occupying the City's right-of-way. Commissioner Lessard moved on the first reading of Ordinance No. 3611, entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, ASSESSING A FEE ON TELECOMMUNICATIONS COMPANIES THAT OCCUPY MUNICIPAL RIGHTS-OF-WAY FOR TELECOMMUNICATIONS FACILITIES; PROVIDING FOR WHEN PAYMENTS ARE DUE; PROVIDING FOR INTEREST; PROVIDING FOR REVIEW OF RECORDS; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Seconded by Commissioner Eckstein and carried by vote of the Commission as follows: Mayor-Commissioner Dale Aye Commissioner Eckstein Aye Commissioner Williams Aye Commissioner Lessard Aye Commissioner Jones Aye Approve agreement with 20/20 Media Holdings. Incorporated for installing and operating transit shelters. Recommended by the Director of Engineering & Planning and the City Manager. Acting City Manager Dixon reported there should be a clause in the Agreement to allow the City to direct 20/20 to construct shelters at specific locations. Architectural standards should also be included, specifically in the Historic District. Mayor Dale said there will be a dispute clause in the Agreement regarding placing shelters at specific locations if ridership warrants. As discussed in today's Work Session, Mayor Dale said that Commissioner Lessard requests that #9 of the contract, Advertising, read, "It is agreed that 20/20 media shall not place on shelters advertising for any product or service not lawfully for sale to minors; provided, however, advertising the Florida Lottery is permitted." Doreen Freeman asked if the Commission will absolve the contract with Metropolitan Systems. Mayor Dale said there is a recommendation from Staff to do so, however, the Commission would have to authorize him to write a letter to declare them in breach of the contract. She asked if 20/20 would then be in charge of the benches. Mayor Dale said there will be another provider of benches in the areas where there are no shelters. In response to Commissioner Eckstein's question regarding who will remove existing benches, Mayor Dale said ~t Metropolitan Systems will be asked to remove them. The contract with Metropolitan System provides that notice shall be giv~ in writing and thirty days be given to settle the dispute. Mayor Dale said he would like to enter into a contract with 20/20 - - - """" r- , I , EOOO14148 '" I ..,; ~ ;; r )~ ,'; ;, ' ~ ;" MINUTES City Commission. Sanford. Florida 7:00 P.M. Regular Meeting January 8, to be~ as soon as that time limit is complete. i Conunissioner Eckstein moved to authorize the Mayor to write a letter to Metropolitan Systems holding them 1 in b,r,., ,'~h of contract. , Seconded by Conunissioner Williams and carried by vote of the Conunission as follows: III "';II!\ " ,III ';1 ...".'il ,': !i:~ii::i:;~i\ lllH,il!1 ::!H'Hj~ Mayor-Conunissioner Dale Conunissioner Eckstein C(jnunissioner Williams CQnunissioner Lessard Conunissioner Jones Aye Aye Aye Aye Aye coinmissioner WilliaIIIs moved to approve entering into a contract, as amended, with' 20/20 Media, to take effect y days ,of clearing out the breach ,of contract with Metropolitan Systems. Seconded by Conunissioner Lessard and Y\1Qteoft~eConunission as foll(jws: MltyorcConunissioner Dale Aye Conunissioner Eckstein Aye Gommissipner Williams Aye Conunissioner Lessard Aye Conunissipner Jones Aye I:' Mayor Dale reported that Consent Agenda item #3, Accept proposal from Parkson Corp, for a pilot test oftheir >: ,J;:,,,, " '_, ::::: neWllermo-System biosolids drying unit at Site 10, and, #4, Approve Change Order 2 to the Wharton-Smith contract for the ren~vJtion ofth~ clarifier unit at the Water Reclamation Facility, will be removed for separate consideration, , ,: :Jf:' on recommendation of the City Manager, Commissioner Lessard moved as follows: .'ll: Accept bid for replacement of metal roof at the Utility Building, from McKee Construction, lowest bidder for ",,11~,',,: ' ... #IFB 00101-10, m tho """"'" of $16,457 92 (bao Wd plu, oI''''''''), fund. """"" m ~, 451-453~ I 536-62-00 and 451-4540-536-62-00, 'Iii ' ACcept bid for 16 Sig Sauer Model P226 Handguns, from Oaks Wholesale Distributors ofRockledge, Florida, !I' "j. Ii lowest bidder for Bid #IFBOO/Ol-11; in the amount of $9,952; funds available in account numbers 001-2022-521- " f! i' 64-06; 001-2022-521-64-05; 001-2023-521-64-05; and 001-2023-521-64-06. i Approve amendment No. 49 to CPH Engineers Agreement for engineering services needed during the construction ofa sanitary sewer line on Narcissus Avenue, in an amount not to exceed $79,540; funds available "I :" }! I ')" 1 I , I 1',1, 'I! !',: 1'1' I' II' :1 II ,I il 1;1 H 'Iii ') " :1 I: I'! I' , , I,; ~ i II I' ,I " ,l:i, :1 from the SRF loan. Approve amendment No. 51 to CPH Engineers Agreement for design of water and sewer lines in the Mulberry Ave./19th St. area, in an amount not to exceed $15,125; funds will come from the Community Development Grant. Approve street closure of First Street from Oak Avenue to Sanford Avenue; Park Avenue from Commercial Street to Second Street; Palmetto Avenue from Second Street to Commercial Street, from 5:30 P.M. to 9:00 P.M. on the following dates in 2001: January 20, February 17, March 17, April 21, May 19, June 16, July 21, August 18, September IS, and October 20; and approve use of Magnolia Square on the same dates and at same times; in conjunction with the "Main Street Cruise" special event. Approve Amendment No. 1 to contract with WCG, Inc. - Maitland, Florida, for Phase III services for Art Lane " ::i Class III Landfill Closure, at an estimated not-to-exceed amount of$91,220. I' I !I:! , Approve payments made during the month of November 2000. I: II ,,1 '11 15 2001 20- In: MINUTES EOOO14148 City Commission. Sanford. Florida 7:00 P.M. Regular Meeting January 8, 2001 20_ Authorize to proceed with construction of Marina restrooms using Boating Improvement funds for boating related facilities. Approve contract to piggyback Orange County's contract with Metrocall to provide pagers to all City departments. Seconded by Commissioner Eckstein and carried by vote of the Commission as follows: Mayor-Commissioner Dale Aye Commissioner Eckstein Aye Commissioner Williams Aye Commissioner Lessard Aye Commissioner Jones Aye Accept proposal from Parkson CO'll. for a pilot test of their new Thermo-System biosolids drying unit at Site 10. at uo cost to the City. subiect to Parkson Corp. providing adequate insurance and execution of a hold harmless agreement. Doreen Freeman said that in today's Work Session the Commission expressed concern regarding committing to something without having the finances in place and the cost factor involved. Mayor Dale said the Commission's concern was whether the City was committing itself to something beyond the pilot project and what was the cost involved. Tonight the Commission is considering approval of the pilot project, subject to Parkson Corporation and Conklin Porter Holmes representatives discussing it with him as the Commission's liaison, at the request of Commissioner Eckstein. Utility Director Paul Moore will work on the cost related to the Thermo-System unit for future consideration of the Commission. At this point there is no cost or liability to the City. Ms. Freeman said the Commission should get clarification regarding what constitutes type A sludge. She spoke with a Parkson representative after the Work Session and expressed concern that street water will be included in the process. She was told that it wouldn't be because there may be lead and other contaminants. Mayor Dale said that in the past, stormwater has been mixed with sanitary water, but it is no longer allowed. Commissioner Eckstein moved to approve the pilot project and to address concerns of the Commission with Mr. Moore. Seconded by Commissioner Williams and carried by vote of the Commission as follows: Mayor-Commissioner Dale Aye Commissioner Eckstein Aye Commissioner Williams Aye Commissioner Lessard Aye Commissioner Jones Aye Approve Change Order 2 to the Wharton-Smith contract for the renovation ofthe clarifier unit at the Water Reclamation Facility. in the amount of $267.509.63: funds available in account 451-4527-536-64-06. Recommended by the City Manager. Utility Director Paul Moore reported there is a current contract with Wharton-Smith for augmentation at the treatment plant. They were asked to look at the clarifier and provide a proposal. It is quicker and ultimately cheaper to do a change order rather than a separate bid. In response to Ms. Freeman's question regarding when the City contracted with Wharton-Smith to build the clarifier, Mr. Moore said that the plant was built a number of years ago and that particular clarifier was built in the 60's or 70's. Wharton-Smith has done a number of contracts with the City in the last fifteen years. Ms. Freeman asked ifit is possible that there are other companies that can compete and provide the clarifier at a reduced cost. Mr. Moore said there are other companies, however, Wharton-Smith is presently doing a job at the plant and there are guidelines followed regarding the cost. Ms. Freeman said it is still a good idea to bid this item out. Commissioner Jones said that more than $250,000 is a lot of money to sole source. Mayor Dale said that it is EOOO14148 MINUTES City Commission, Sanford. Florida 7:00 P.M. Regular Meeting January 8, 17 2001 20_ - - - ..... - prevalent to negotiate a price on a change order, whereas you can't do that on a bid. Going out to bid takes time and you can't negotiate with the low bidder. He said he is confident that Mr. Moore and Conklin Porter Holmes have negotiated the price. Commissioner Eckstein said that years ago he asked questions similar to those of Ms. Freeman and Commissioner Jones. A chemistry has been developed with Conklin Porter Holmes. They are ethical and try to get the biggest bang for the buck. In the long run the City saves money. Mr. Moore agreed. Mayor Dale said there have been times that he has recommended that Conklin Porter Holmes sharpen their pencil, and they have. It is easier to negotiate when there is an existing contract. After discussion, Commissioner Eckstein moved to approve Change Order #2 to the Wharton-Smith contract. Seconded by Commissioner Lessard and carried by vote of the Commission, as follows: Mayor-Commissioner Dale Aye Commissioner Eckstein Aye Commissioner Williams Aye Commissioner Lessard Aye Commissioner Jones Aye Add-on item. Mayor Dale said that at today's Work Session there was discussion regarding hiring Shutts & Bowen to lobby regarding the Gasification Plant site clean up. Commissioner Eckstein moved to authorize the Mayor to discuss this item with Ken Wright, Shutts & Bowen, and to negotiate a price that the PRP's will agree on that the City will pay its 13.5% so money can be spent on clean up instead of oversight charges; the negotiated fee will be brought to the Commission for consideration. Seconded by Commissioner Williams and carried by vote of the Commission as follows: Mayor-Commissioner Dale Aye Commissioner Eckstein Aye Commissioner Williams Aye Commissioner Lessard Aye Commissioner Jones Aye Information only. 1. Police Department Status Report on police activities December 1 through December 15, 2000. This item was noted. 2. Update on the Comprehensive Plan and Land Development Regulations. This item was noted. City Attorney's Report. No report. City Clerk's Report. No report. City Manager's Report. Acting City Manager Roger Dixon commended Police ChiefTooley and the Police Department for their handling ofthe dog fight situation. He reported that Mike Crumpton took a new job elsewhere. Mr. Moore reported that he wentto work for the Lee County Utility Department as the right-hand man to Utility Director Rick Diaz. The Commission requested that Mr. Dixon come up with something appropriate from the Commission to show their appreciation to Mr. Crumpton. Mr. Dixon reported receipt on December 27 of a congratulatory letter from the Florida Department of Agriculture for a $16,000 Urban & Forestry Grant. Mayor Dale reported the City will be able to plant more trees. Recreation and Parks Director Mike Kirby reported the grant is for planting trees in the rights-of way. Mr. Dixon thanked the Commission and Directors for working with him during the absence of City Manager VanDerworp. Mayor Dale reported that Mr. Dixon has done a good job and he 18 MINUTES 7:00 P.M. Regular Meeting January 8, City Commission. Sanford, Florida E00014148 appreciates the diligence shown, research, Staff reports, time put in, and he enjoyed working with him. Cily Commissioners' Reports. Commissioner Eckstein - Reported that Judge Seymore Benson is stepping down and Assistant City Attorney Clay Simmons is applying for that Circuit Court position. The Commission wished Mr. Simmons good luck. Commissioner Williams - Reported the Martin Luther King Banquet will be at 6:00 P.M. on Saturday; tickets are available from Bernard Mitchell, committee members, and her. She thanked the City of Sanford for being a corporate sponsor on that night. She reported that District 2 parks are being improved. A meeting is scheduled Thursday night with the Academy Manor citizens for their input, because the City will be improving the park. She wished everyone a happy, belated New Year's. Commissioner Lessard - Reported he hopes that everyone's New Year is going well. He commended Commissioner Eckstein for an unbelievable job at the street dedication. He thanked Commissioner Williams and Commissioner Eckstein for being there; he was unable to attend because of work. Commissioner Jones - Asked Mr. Rowe the status of Code Enforcement items: Chicken Coop property, the old gas station property next to the Rib Ranch that has the dump trailer there, and the property between Dr. Quinn's office and the Allstate building. Mr. Rowe reported that Code Enforcement took care of the chickens, actually caught them and took them to the animal shelter, but they are back. Commissioner Jones asked Mr. Rowe to update him on the status of each of the properties. Commissioner Jones reported he spoke with Officer Norman who really enjoys working for the City and thinks Chief Tooley and Captain McCoy are doing a great job. The officers on the street feel that Chief Tooley and Captain McCoy are helping to turn the department around. Mayor Dale - Asked Mr. Dixon to set up a town meeting soon to discuss the Gasification Plant clean up, and to hold it in the Commission Chambers. He reported the dedication of a temporary memorial for Dr. Martin Luther King at 10:00 AM. on Friday at Airport Boulevard and Highway 46A He also reported that East Hwy. 46 was a mess; garbage trucks use it going to Osceola Road. He said that Ms. Crews asked the Sheriff's Department to clean it up and they did. He will send a letter of gratitude to the Sheriff. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. Attest: ~'~~ cp 2001 20-