HomeMy WebLinkAbout050800 ws/rm min.360 E718672 MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida 4:00 P.M. Work Session May 8 2000 19-- The City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida met in Work Session on Monday, May 8, 2000, at 4:00 P.M. in the City Manager's Conference Room, Sanford City Hall, 300 North Park Avenue, Sanford, Florida. Present: Mayor-Commissioner Larry A. Dale Commissioner Whitey Eckstein Commissioner Velma H. Williams Commissioner Brady Lessard City Manager Anthony VanDerworp City Clerk Janet R. Dougherty Absent: City Attorney William L. Colbert The Chairman called the meeting to order. Employee of the Month Award. Mayor Dale presented Bill Getman with the Employee of the Month Award for May 2000. Con~prehensive Plan and Land Development Regulations Program. Jay Marder, Director of Engineering and Planning gave a status report regarding changes to the Comprehensive Plan that were outlined and agreed upon in the Evaluation and Appraisal Report, including the establishment of a Waterfront DoWntown, the establishment of a Transportation Concurrency Exception Area encompassing Waterfront Downtown, estaplishing an Airport Industry and Commerce designation for the Airport, and anticipated map changes. Mr. Marder said the establishment of a Waterfront Downtown designation corresponds closely to the Waterfront Do .~yntown Community Redevelopment Area and will include the current Central Business District as well as areas west of ! French Avenue along the lakefront, including the hospital. The Waterfront Downtown designation is proposed as a mixed use designation that replaces multiple designations such as Central Business District, Public/Semi Public, Residential/Office/lnstitutionalandustdal and General Commercial. This is intended to provide more flexible land use decision making like Westside Industry and Commerce. The statutory designation of a Transportation Concurrency Exception Area encompassing Waterfront Downtown will provide more flexibility for redevelopment activities and is often utilized by communities for redevelopment areas where in~ll development and redevelopment are to be strongly encouraged. A proposal from Solin & Associates to develop policies and ~ata to establish the TCEA is included as a consent agenda item in today's agenda. The establishment of an Airport Industry and Commerce designation for the Airport establishes one mixed use designation to reflect multiple land uses on airport and adjacent areas instead of several designations for the airport and its environs (Industrial, Public/Semi-Public and Airport Industry and Commerce). Anticipated map changes include recent annexations and a proposed single family residential subdivision known as Venetian Bay, adjacent to the Regatta Shores Apartments. Owners of property adjacent to Silver Lake are considering a land use ~hange which will take approximately five months, once the project is submitted. The proposed time frame for submitting the above changes to the Planning & Zoning Commission is tentatively set for June/July 2000. Antonia Gerli, Senior Planner, prepared a matrix of Land Development Regulations which summarizes and further orga~tizes LDR changes, most of which have been previously reviewed by the Commission. The matrix includes several items which were discussed at length by the Commission. Number 14, Traditional Neighborhood District Overlay, is recommended for ~ First Sp[eet area to protect the character of the area (requested by Sanford Main Street) by preserving commercial retail 1~718672 MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida 4:00 P.M. Work Session May 8 361 19 2000 retention areas from 6:1 to 5: 1. situations in Downtown Sanford. in all areas. uses such as store fronts as opposed to buildings with no doors. Number 11, conversion of Apartments to Condominium Ownership, is recommended to develop minimum criteria, considering building code and utility issues and state requirements. The Commission discussed and concurred that this item needs to be done immediately. Number 35, Chain Link Fences, is recommended to develop specifications for chain link fences that are located in front yards. There is an existing regulation that prohibits chain link fences in front yards, and the Commission recommended that industrial use require a conditional use with specific standards. Number 36, Barbed Wire, recommends a provision be added that prohibits barbed wire, concertina, razor, etc. from being visible from any residential area or zone. The Commission recommended that verbiage be clarified regarding visibility. Number 37, 15' Sign Height, recommends revision to conform to County height standard for detached signs, reducing sign height from 25' to 15'. The Commission discussed the need to have 15' signs for the gateway concept, but higher signs may be necessary for new developments, 17-92 redevelopment, the Marina, and recommended allowance for flexibility. Number 34, Trees, includes the recommendation to develop standards and preservation criteria for specimen trees and standards to prevent hat-racking trees. The Commission discussed the potential problem for developers regarding specimen trees. Number 45, Walls/Double-Frontage Lots and Number 48, Walls, General, recommends walls for double frontage lots and requiting walls and entrance features for all subdivisions. The Commission recommended developing one standard requiring a six-foot high brick wall, with any exception requiring a Conditional Use. Number 49, Streetlights, recommends clarifying that street lights are required in all circumstances. Mr. Marder explained that areas annexed into the City provide frontage which will be required to have street lights. Mayor Dale expressed concern regarding Seminole County and FDOT not having street lighting standards on four lane highways, and requiting a builder to install street lights and give them to the City to maintain. The Mayor recommended attention be paid to the language in the LDR, and that the City proceed with developing street lighting districts as was approved by the Commission. Number 51, Retention Area Fencing, recommends revising fencing requirements around Number 52, Downtown Stormwater, recommends developing standards to better deal with Commissioner W~liams requested consideration be given to developing stormwater standards A draft of a majority of the changes will be available for review and processing within forty-five days. Staff will be requesting proposals from consultants where designated on the matrix and these will be brought to the Commission for consideration. Downtown Sanford and Lake Monroe Waterfront Redevdopment Plan. Mr. Marder reported the City' s Strategic Plan Goal 2 includes a 'Downtown Master Development Plan." The Community Redevelopment Agency and the Waterfront Master Plan Steering Committee approved the scope of the project prior to presentation and approval by the Commission. In February 2000, the City hired Herbert Halback, Inc., a planning and design company, in conjunction with Real Estate Research Corporation, to develop a redevelopment plan based on sound market data. The scope generally identifies specific redevelopment/revitalization parcels and market-based development proposals for such sites and packaging the plans into a suitable marketing package for the Downtown Waterfront area. Draf~ materials and a matrix showing how some of the sites are proposed to be redeveloped should be available within a month. Downtown master drainage SJRWMD permitting. Bob Walter, City Engineer, reported that Staff was requested to review the downtown area to determine what could be done regarding permitting in~ll properties though the St. Johns River Water Management District to allow additional 362 E718672 City MINUTES 4:00 P.M. Work Session May 8 Commission, Sanford, Florida 2000 19.-- projects to tie into the existing system without significant additional expense and permitting. Owners of the vacant property currently have difficulty developing their property and meeting the SJRWMD requirements due to the small lot sizes. Approximately fourteen vacant lots were identified within a very limited area in the downtown area which will be problematic in meeting the SJRWMD stormwater requirements as well as meeting the character of the downtown area. The small lots do not have adequate area to place stormwater. After meeting with SJRWMD Staff to discuss the stormwater permitting options for these sites, it was determined that development of the vacant lots would be considered "new development" regardless of area or location and would have to meet water treatment and attenuation requirements. It was suggested that the City may want to purchase a downtown lot and permit a master system which could be designed as a park. The Pump Branch Interceptor project has solved many of the major stormwater problems in the downtown area and there are several locations along that system that could provide potential tie-ins for additional development. The SJRWMD will not provide an overall permit that would allow various projects within the given area to "automatically'' tie into the City' s existing system. Two alternatives could be to design a master stormwater system including investigating possible stormwater pond sites for downtown "infill" sites, and assist infill project developers on a case by case basis and, where feasible, assist in integrating their projects into the City's existing stormwater system. Mayor Dale suggested applying for an FCT Grant for lakefront improvement parks to create a park and a detention/retention facility. The City Manager said the next step would be to identify property and present a proposal to the St. Johns River Water Management District. Interlocal Agreement providinl/joint funding for the Seminole County Watershed Atlas. Mark Flomerfelt, Stormwater Manager for Seminole County Stormwater Programs, and Kim Ornberg, Water Quality Engineer for Seminole County, were present to discuss the Interlocal Agreement for the Seminole County Watershed Atlas. Bob Walter distributed a handout of The Seminole County Watershed Atlas Project Concept, and requested approval for the City to participate in an Intedocal Agreement with Seminole County and six other municipalities to provide an Internet based-interactive watershed database. The County has contracted with the University of South Florida to design the Atlas which will assemble all existing surface water information including historical and current water quality, lake bathymetry, vegetation, photographs, flood and gauge data, local histories, etc. for all Seminole County lakes, rivers and streams. The Atlas will satisfy the City's NPDES permit requirements for Water Quality Education Programs and public inquiry for detection of illicit discharges and connections. The total cost of the Atlas is $605,000 and the County is requesting that each of the seven municipalities within the County contribute $10,000 the first year to develop the Atlas and $5,000 per year for annual maintenance for the following three years. Commissioner Eckstein said the County needs to develop a stormwater utility tax and he is reluctant to spend $25,000 over the next three years to develop the Atlas. [Commissioner Lessard briefly left the meeting and returned.] Mayor Dale said there have been several studies done and would not endorse the Atlas until he knows more about it, and expressed concern regarding the gauge and stage data. [Commissioner Eckstein briefly left the meeting and returned.] [Commissioner Williams briefly left the meeting and returned.] Mr. Flomerfelt said the current USGS keeps gauges at 17-92, Lake Harney, at the mouth of Lake Jessup, Little m E718672 City MINUTES Commission, Sanford, Florida 4:00 P.M. Work Session May 8 Econ and big Wekiva, and satellite fed data from USGS systems which will be linked into the website. Base flood elevations will be included in the public access. A flood study will be updated for the Lake Monroe basin, and flood maps will be amended. Mr. Flomerfelt said the existing modeling is being wrapped up and a draft report should be ~nalized within six months. Seminole County is funding the study which includes data from each city. Ms. Omberg said surveys are being done by County Staff, University of South Florida Staff, and the County' s registered surveyor. College students will compile historical data, lake bathymetry maps, and photographs. Mayor Dale said accurate data needs to be provided and he will not make a decision until more information is available. The Commission concurred to take action at tonight's Meeting. Board appointments. Janet Dougherty, City Clerk, reported the Code Enforcement Board has one vacancy due to the'resignation of Derry MeGill, Jr., and the terms of Paul Legge and Heidi Liles expire June 30, 2000; both wish to be reappointed. Mayor Dale suggested attendance requirements be enforced. The City Manager said each Board has a Staff member and a Staff Liaison who should be tracking attendance, and said he would find out if there is an attendance issue. Regular Agenda items, Add-on items, and other items. A. June 27, 2000 Special Election. Janet Dougherty, City Clerk, reported information has been provided to the newspapers regarding qualification and the election. Newspaper articles have been written and interest has been expressed. She requested direction regarding the Commission meeting the day after the election at noon to accept and certify election results. The Commission concurred to meet at noon on June 28, 2000 to canvass and accept the election results. She said in the past the District Map of the City has been published along with the ballot the day before the election and requested direction whether to publish the District 3 map. The Commission concurred to not publish the District 3 map. The Election Proclamation and delegating the canvassing board duties will be on the June 12 Agenda. Candidates qualified to date are Dean Ray, Randy Jones, Kerry Lyons, and Mark Hoen. City Manaeer's briefin8 A. OnoraJOnoro Road/Street/Drive. The City Clerk reported a notice was received from Seminole County regarding clarifying the street name of Onoro Street to Onora Street, and this change will be considered by the Board of County Commissioners at their meeting of May 23, 2000. Further, all properties in the City which would be affected by this are vacant. There were no comments or objections to Seminole County clarifying and renaming it "Onora Street." B. Designation of Airport Boulevard west of 17-92 to SR46 "Martin Luther King, Jr., Memorial Highway." The City Manager reported Seminole County is getting together materials and designs for two road monuments, up to about $3,500 each, 50/50 split between Seminole County and the City of Sanford. Mayor Dale reported the type of monument the City of Sanford envisioned would probably be about $10,000 each. C. Boat ramps at the Marina. The City Manager reported the low water level of Lake Monroe has caused some damage to props; the City is fabricating additional "Use at your own risk" signs and new 'l,ow water" signs for installation at the ramps as needed. D. Ice house property on 13th Street. The City Manager reported the City is getting ready to clean it up. E. Ridgewood Villas. The City Manager reported demolition has begun. 363 2000 19-- 364 1~718672 MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida 4:00 P.M. Work Session May 8 200019- Commissioner. Training Catalog. Human Resources Director Joe Denaro distributed a training catalogue to each There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. Attest: cp E718672 MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida 7:00 P.M. Regular Meeting May 8 365 The City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida met in Regular Meeting on Monday, May 8, 2000, at 7:00 o'clock P.M. in the City Commission Room, City Hall, 300 North Park Avenue, Sanford, Florida. Present: Mayor-Commissioner Larry A. Dale Commissioner Whitey Eckstein Commissioner Velma H. Williams Commissioner Brady Lessard City Attorney William L. Colbert City Manager Anthony VanDerworp City Clerk Janet R. Dougherty The Chairman called the meeting to order. Resolution honoring Commissioner McClanahan.. Mayor Dale reported the City of Sanford was honored by the City of Oviedo adopting Resolution No. 634-00 in honor of Commissioner McClanahart, and that the original Resolution was sent to Mrs. McClanahan. He read Resolution No. 634-00 into the record. RI~SOLUTION'NO. 634-00 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF OVIEDO, FLORIDA, HONORING A. A. "MAC" McCLANAHAN AND HIS FAITHFUL AND TIRELESS SERVICE TO THE CITY OF OVIEDO WHEREAS; J/. A, "Mac" McCianahan, who died April 19, 2000, served as a Sanford City Commissioner for over 16 years; and WHEREAS, Mr. McClanahan held various appointed positions throughout the Central Florida area; and WHEREAS, Mr. McClanahan was Executive Director of Self Reliant Housing providing housing in Oviedo to residents who were economically disadvantaged; and WHEREAS, Mr. McClanahan was instrumental in the City of Oviedo acquiring the property now known as Round Lake Park; and WHEREAS, Mr. McClanahan gave unsparingly of his time and eflbrt in service to this community. NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Oviedo, Florida that A. A. "Mac" McClanahan be honored for his dedication and commitment to the citizens of the City of Sanford and the City of Oviedo. That this Resolution shall become effective immediately upbn its passage and adoption. The foregoing Resolution No. 634-00 was passed and adopted by the City Council of the City of Oviedo, Florida, on the I st day of May . , A.D., 2000. The foregoing Resolution No. 634-00 is approved by me this 1 st day of Ivlav , A.D., 2000. City of Oviedo, ' do, Florida }f the City Council of the ?lorida ATTEST: I HEREBY CERTIFY that a true and correct copy of the foregoing Resolution No. 634-00 was by me, on the 3/2~ day of C,f4,(0t4./,~ , A.D., 2000, posted in three (3) places wi thin the City of Oviedo, Florida, to wit: ~ City Hall Memorial Building, 38 S. Central Ave. Riverside Park, 1600 Lockwood Blvd. IN WITNE S WHEREOF, I hercurate ,&et my hand and official seal of the City of Oviedo, _,~ J'~ff day of May , A.15., 2000. Florida, this ' ~~1i~ City of OViedo; ...' 171nrlda 366 E718672 MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida 7:00 P.M. Regular Meeting May 8 1~000 On recommendation of Mayor Dale, Commissioner Eckstein moved that Resolution No. 634-00 be spread upon the minutes oftonight's Meeting. Seconded by Commissioner Williams and carried by vote of the Commission as follows: Mayor-Commissioner Dale Aye Commissioner Eckstein Aye Commissioner Williams Aye Commissioner Lessard Aye City Attorney Colbert reported that he is also the City Attorney for the City of Oviedo, and at the same meeting that Resolution No. 634-00 was adopted, the City Council of Oviedo discussed placing a plaque in Commissioner McClanahan' s memory in Round Lake Park. Mayor Dale reported that the new Fire Station No. 2 will be named in honor of Commissioner McClanahan, in recognition of his ongoing desire to serve public safety in the City of Sanford. Citizen participation. Marveen Kelly, 1119 S. Myrtle Avenue, Sanford, Florida, President of Sanford Historic Trust, reported there are sidewalks in the historic residential and historic business districts that are in need of repair due to the age of the sidewalks and the number of oak trees which have caused them to buckle, thereby creating a health hazard and a liability hazard for the City of Sanford. After numerous phone calls to the City during the past ninety days, the City patched some areas of sidewalk with loose asphalt patch which is like a pebble patch, which causes a hazard because it was not graded properly and the asphalt is loose. When right-of-ways are mowed, asphalt pebbles shoot into the road and strike vehicles. Children riding bicycles are falling and pet owners have had to have tar removed from the paws of their pets. She asked if a hot tar treatment could be applied to the pebble patches to create a seal, thereby lessening the hazard to citizenry. She said it has been reported to her that at least five adults and children have tripped and fallen in the last week in those areas. Ms. Kelly requested that the repair of the sidewalks be out sourced to public bid, and that consideration be given to not cut the roots of old oak trees in older neighborhoods. Ms. Kelly reported there are not enough wheelchair accessible ramps in the historic residential and business areas. She said she knows there was a survey done regarding wheelchair ramps and the site areas that need to be repaired and asked that when information is totally compiled that access to the information be given, because she wants to track the progress for the next few years to see what can be done to assist the City, possibly resoursing funds for some of the very needy areas. City Manager VanDerworp reported a consultant was hired to do a sidewalk survey so a multi-year sidewalk program could be prepared to address sidewalks and funding. Based on the availability of funds, the intention is to out source as many of the sidewalk repairs as possible. Jerry Herman, Public Works Director, reported the inventory and analysis of all the sidewalks has been completed and is being analyzed. There is approximately 20 to 25 miles of sidewalk that is badly in need of repair, most of which lies in the older downtown areas. He plans to request approximately $300,000 in the budget to begin the first year of repairs, beginning with those that are worst, and the work is planned to be out soureed. The approximate cost to repair the entire 20 to 25 miles of sidewalk is between $1,000,000 and $1,250,000, and will take approximately four to five years if$250,000 can be budgeted each year. He said he will review and address the problem areas mentioned by Ms. Kelly. A preliminary sidewalk report is scheduled to be heard by the City Commission at the June 12 Meeting. Mayor Dale said that sidewalks in a public domain are owned by the public and are for the benefit of the public, E718672 City MINUTES Commission, Sanford, Florida 7:00 P.M. Regular Meeting May 8 367 19.-- 2000 and the City is responsible for maintaining the sidewalks in the City. He said a sidewalk program has been established by the present Commission and requested that Staff proceed with funding them in a priority manner. The attention brought to this matter tonight puts the Commission on notice. City Manager VanDerworp said there are many sidewalks that can be considered in need of emergency repairs, but categorizing and prioritizing them would provide a bigger picture of how to address the problem comprehensively. Out sourcing the repairs will provide a bigger bang for the buck. City crews can make a few repairs between now and the meeting of June 12 when the preliminary report will be provided to the Commission. Mr. Herman said bid documents are being prepared in anticipation of the Commission approving the prioritization methodology. Ms. Kelly reported the sidewalks in the business district are also in need of repair, and that she saw two elderly couples trip Thursday evening on her way home from work in the area between First Street and Second Street and between Second Street and Third Street. Commissioner Williams said that since she has been a Commissioner she has requested that sidewalks be installed on 16th Street in front of Goldsboro Elementary School. City Manager VanDerworp said that Goldsboro and Georgetown will be included in the sidewalk master plan. Projects will be prioritized on a neighborhood basis. Jay Marder, Director of Engineering & Planning, reported an MPO Enhancement Grant was submitted last week for the project of installing sidewalks in from of Goldsboro Elementary School, but it is for a few years down the road. Commissioner Williams said she is concerned about waiting two years to install the sidewalks in front of Geldsboro Elementary, especially since she has been requesting them for a while, and feels it should have been a priority; she requested that serious consideration be given to her request. Mayor Dale requested that Mr. Marder provide the Commission with the cost to install a sidewalk in front of Geldsboro Elementary School. Monarcha Maroct, 801 S. Park Avenue, reported she began calling the City regarding the condition of the sidewalk in front of her home in November of last year, because of concern that people would trip and fall. She called again in January and since then, pebble patch asphalt was placed on the sidewalk. She was told there were two existing lists prioritizing sidewalk repairs: a list of those that would pay for material, and those that would not pay for material, and those that paid for the material would receive priority service. She said that material to repair the sidewalk should have been paid through the ad valorem taxes she paid.. Mayor Dale said he read an editorial written by Ms. Marcet regarding the two lists, after which he questioned Staff and spoke with Mr. Herman through the City Manager and was told there was a miscommunication and that there are not two lists. There was a prior policy that the City would provide the labor if the material was provided, however, it is not the policy of the present Commission. Mayor Dale said sidewalk repairs will be prioritized by the Commission, based on what is the biggest liability to the citizens. Art Harris, 1108 Grove Manor Drive, reported that Seminole Boulevard is in need of repair, and although funds for repairs and enhancements will be included with the 'Riverwalk and hotel and conference center development, that will be several years down the road, and Seminole Boulevard should be repaired before then. 3,68 City MINUTES Commission, Sanford, Florida 7:00 P.M. Regular Meeting May 8 2000 19.-- Dick Huber, 1012 Magnolia Avenue, Sanford, requested that when sidewalk repairs are made that consideration be given to not cutting the roots of trees. Approval of minutes. Commissioner Lessard moved to approve the minutes of April 24, 2000 Work Session and Regular Meeting. Seconded by Commissioner Williams and carded by vote of the Commission as follows: Mayor-Commissioner Dale Aye Commissioner Eckstein Aye Commissioner Williams Aye Commissioner Lessard Aye Public heating and second reading of Ordinance No. 3557 to annex .77 acres of property lying between West State Road 46 and Smith Canal Road and between Sewell Road and S. EIder Road (4301 W. S.R. 46). Helen L. Stapler, owner. Ad published April 27 and May 4, 2000. Ordinance No. 3557 was read by title. Mayor Dale reported the Commission would hear from those persons present to speak for, or in opposition to, Ordinance No. 3557. No one appeared. Commissioner Williams moved to adopt Ordinance No. 3557, entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORID& TO ANNEX WITHIN THE CORPORATE AREA OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, UPON ADOPTION OF SAID ORDINANCE, 0.77 ACRES OF PROPERTY LYING BETWEEN WEST STATE ROAD 46 AND SMITH CANAL ROAD AND BETWEEN SEWELL ROAD AND ELDER ROAD SOUTH; IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE VOLUNTARY ANNEXATION PROVISIONS OF SECTION 171.044, FLORIDA STATUTES; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY, CONFLICTS AND EFFECTIVE DATE. Seconded by Commissioner Eckstein and carded by vote of the Commission as follows: Mayor-Commissioner Dale Aye Commissioner Eckstein Aye Commissioner Williarns Aye Commissioner Lessard Aye Public hearing and second reading of Ordinance No. 3558 to rezone 1.95+/- acres of property lying between Country Club Road and West 251h Street and between Airport Boulevard and the proposed Central Florida Greeneway (2720 W. 251h Street) from AG, Agricultural to GC-2, General Commercial Joseph Rogers, KMR Inc., owner; Harry G. Reid, III, applicant. Ad published April 27, 2000. Ordinance No. 3558 was read by title. Mayor Dale reported the Commission would hear from those persons present to speak for, or in opposition to, Ordinance No. 3558. No one appeared. Commissioner Eckstein moved to adopt Ordinance No. 3558, entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORID& AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 3117 OF SAID CITY; SAID ORDINANCE BEING A ZONING PLAN; SAID AMENDMENT TO CHANGE THE ZONING OF 1.95+ ACRES OF PROPERTY LYING BETWEEN COUNTRY CLUB ROAD AND WEST 25TH STREET AND BETWEEN AIRPORT BOULEVARD AND THE PROPOSED CENTRAL FLORIDA GREENEWAY, FROM AG, AGRICULTURAL TO GC-2, GENERAL COMMERCIAL; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY, CONFLICTS AND EFFECTIVE DATE. Seconded by Commissioner Williams and carded by vote of the Commission as follows: Mayor-Commissioner Dale Aye Commissioner Eckstein Aye Commissioner Williams Aye Commissioner Lessard Aye E718672 City MINUTES Commission, Sanford, Florida 7:00 P.M. Regular Meeting May 8 (mended) On recommendation of Mayor Dale, Commissioner Eckstein moved that Resolution No. 634-00 be spread upon the minutes of tonight' s Meeting. Seconded by Commissioner Williams and carded by vote of the Commission as follows: Mayor-Commissioner Dale Aye Commissioner Eckstein Aye Commissioner Williams Aye Commissioner Lessard Aye City Attomey Colbert reported that he is also the City Attorney for the City of Oviedo, and at the same meeting that Resolution No. 634-00 was adopted, the City Council of Oviedo discussed placing a plaque in Commissioner McClanahan' s memory in Round Lake Park. Mayor Dale reported that the new Fire Station No. 2 will be named in honor of Commissioner McClanahan, in recognition of his ongoing desire to serve public safety in the City of Sanford. Citizen participation. Marveen Kelly, 1119 S. Myrtle Avenue, Sanford, Florida, President of Sanford Historic Trust, reported there are sidewalks in the historic residential and historic business districts that are in need of repair due to the age of the sidewalks and the number of oak trees which have caused them to buckle, thereby creating a health hazard and a liability hazard for the City of Sanford. After numerous phone calls to the City during the past ninety days, the City patched some areas of sidewalk with loose asphalt patch which is like a pebble patch which causes a hazard because they were not graded properly and the asphalt is lo6se. When right-of-ways are mowed, asphalt pebbles shoot into the road and strike vehicles. Children riding bicycles are falling and pet owners have had to have tar removed from the paws of their pets. She asked if a hot tar treatment could be applied to the pebble patches to create a seal, thereby lessening the hazard to citizenry. She said it has been reported to her that at least five adults and children have tripped and fallen in the last week in those areas. Ms. Kelly requested that the repair of the sidewalks be out soureed to public bid, and that consideration be given to not cut the roots of old oak trees in older neighborhoods. Ms. Kelly reported there are not enough wheelchair accessible ramps in the historic residential and business areas. She said she knows there was a survey done regarding wheelchair ramps and the site areas that need to be repaired and asked that when information is totally compiled that access to the information be given, because she wants to track the progress for the next few years to see what can be done to assist the City, possibly resoursing funds for some of the very needy areas. City Manager VanDerworp reported a consultant was hired to do a sidewalk survey so a multi-year sidewalk program could be prepared to address sidewalks and funding. Based on the availability of funds, the intention is to out source as many of the sidewalk repairs as possible. Jerry Herman, Public Works Director, reported the inventory and analysis of all the sidewalks has been completed and is being analyzed. There is approximately 20 to 25 miles of sidewalk that is badly in need of repair, most of which lies in the older downtown areas. He plans to request approximately $300,000 in the budget to begin the first year of repairs, beginning with those that are worst, and the work is planned to be out soureed. The approximate cost to repair the entire 20 to 25 miles of sidewalk is between $1,000,000 and $1,250,000, and will take approximately four to five years if $250,000 can be budgeted each year. He said he will review and address the problem areas mentioned by Ms. Kelly. A preliminary sidewalk report is scheduled to be heard by the City Commission at the June 12 Meeting. Mayor Dale said that sidewalks in a public domain are owned by the public and are for the benefit of the public, E718672 MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida 7:00 P.M. Regular Meeting May 8 (amended) 2000 and the City is responsible for maintaining the sidewalks in the City. He said a sidewalk program has been established by the present Commission and requested that Staff proceed with funding them in a priority manner. The attention brought to this matter tonight puts the Commission on notice. City Manager VanDerworp said there are many sidewalks that can be considered in need of emergency repairs, but categorizing and prioritizing them would provide a bigger picture of how to address the problem comprehensively. Out sourcing the repairs will provide a bigger bang for the buck. City crews can make a few repairs between now and the meeting of June 12 when the preliminary report will be provided to the Commission. Mr. Hennan said bid documents are being prepared in anticipation of the Commission approving the prioritization methodology. Commissioner Lessard said it was originally anticipated that approximately 31 miles of sidewalk needed repair and it is now 25 miles, and asked if there was good news in the survey. Mr. Herman said he learned to filter data from the data base as he became more proficient in the data base. Ms. Kelly suggested that since Mr. Herman had problems making a comprehensive report from the data and was learning as he was going through the data base, that it would be helpful to use as a resource someone who has expertise in that field so that information given to the Commission will be accurate. Ms. Kelly reported the sidewalks in the business district are also in need of repair, and that she saw two elderly couples trip Thursday evening on her way home from work in the area between First Street and Second Street and between Second Street and Third Street. Commissioner Williams said that since she has been a Commissioner she has requested that sidewalks be installed on 16th Street in front of Goldsboro Elementary School. City Manager VanDerworp said that Goldsboro and Georgetown will be included in the sidewalk master plan. Projects will be prioritized on a neighborhood basis. Jay Marder, Director of Engineering & Planning, reported an MPO Enhancement Grant was submitted last week for the project of installing sidewalks in front of Goldsboro Elementary School, but it is for a few years down the road. Commissioner Williams said she is concerned about wailing two years to install the sidewalks in front of Goldsboro Elementary, especially since she has been requesting them for a while, and feels it should have been a priority; she requested that serious consideration be given to her request. Mayor Dale requested that Mr. Marder provide the Commission with the cost to install a sidewalk in front of Goldsboro Elementary School. Monarcha Marcet, 801 S. Park Avenue, reported she began calling the City regarding the condition of the sidewalk in front of her home in November of last year because of concern that people would trip and fall. She called again in January and since then, pebble patch asphalt was placed on the sidewalk. She was told there were two existing lists prioritizing sidewalk repairs: a list of those that would pay for material, and those that would not pay for material, and those that paid for the material would receive priority service. She said that material to repair the sidewalk should have been paid through the ad valorem taxes she paid. Mayor Dale said he read an editorial written by Ms. Marcet regarding the two lists, after which he questioned Staff and spoke with Mr. Herman through the City Manager and was told there was a miscommunication and that there are not two lists. There was a prior policy that the City would provide the labor if the material was provided, however, it is not the policy of the present Commission. Mayor Dale said sidewalk repairs will be prioritized by the Commission, based on what is the biggest liability to the citizens. E718672 City MINUTES Commission, Sanford, Florida 7:00 P.M. Regular Meeting May 8 (amended) Ms. Maroct said it would be a very discriminatory policy for the City to have, in that those people who could not afford to have their sidewalks paid for by themselves would lose out. The City would be discriminatory if it was still following that practice. Mayor Dale said the City does not have that policy. Ms. Maroct said that regarding priori 'ttzing the list, she backed up Marveen Kelly in her statement that the list made by the out of state company should be evaluated and prioritized by an individual that has experience in data compilation, not just by people who were prioritizing the work previously. Mayor Dale said that in the long run, sidewalk repairs will be prioritized by the Commission, based on what is the biggest liability and service to the citizens. Ms. Maroct said that would be an acceptable solution. Ms. Marcet said she is a new member to Sanford, would like to continue to invest in Sanford, and it would be in the City's best interest to come up with acceptable solutions to these kind otissues in order to show support for the whole City at large, in order to bring people in that want to invest and improve in the area. Mayor Dale said that most sidewalks are obtained by a homeowner when they buy their house because a contractor builds them and gives them to the City, which then uses the taxes to maintain them, but the City has not done a credible job. Ms. Marcet said she is a licensed building contractor and said a permit is required to be obtained from the City to build a sidewalk and the cost of the sidewalk is included in the contract as part of the money paid by the homeowner, but in essence, the sidewalk is City property and is a City liability. Art Harris, 1108 Grove Manor Drive, reported that Seminole BouleVard is in need of repair, and although funds for repairs and enhancements will be included with the Riverwalk and hotel and conference center development, that will be several years down the road, and Seminole Boulevard should be repaired before then. Dick Huber, 1012 Magnolia Avenue, Sanford, requested that when sidewalk repairs are made that consideration be given to not cutting the roots of trees. Approval of minutes. Commissioner Lessard moved to approve the minutes of April 24, 2000 Work Session and Regular Meeting. Seconded by Commissioner Williams and carded by vote of the Commission as follows: Mayor-Commissioner Dale Aye Commissioner Eckstein Aye Commissioner Williams Aye Commissioner Lessard Aye Public hearing and second reading of Ordinance No. 3557 to annex .77 acres of property lying between West State Road 46 and Smith Canal Road and between Sewell Road and S. EIder Road (4301 W. S.R. 46). Helen L. Stapler, owner. Ad published April 27 and May 4, 2000. Ordinance No. 3557 was read by title. Mayor Dale reported the Commission would hear from those persons present to speak for, or in opposition to, Ordinance No. 3557. No one appeared. Commissioner Williams moved to adopt Ordinance No. 3557, entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORID& TO ANNEX WITHIN THE CORPORATE AREA OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, UPON ADOPTION OF SAID ORDINANCE, 0.77 ACRES OF PROPERTY LYING BETWEEN WEST STATE ROAD 46 AND SMITH CANAL ROAD AND BETWEEN SEWELL ROAD AND ELDER ROAD SOUTH; IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE VOLUNTARY ANNEXATION PROVISIONS OF SECTION 171.044, FLORIDA STATUTES; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY, 2000