HomeMy WebLinkAbout070600, 071300 & 071400 Budget ws (Continued)432 E718672 MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida ': Budget~ Work ............. :- ~::.i,.'.". ')."2 ~'~'~ )'..':,<!.~::Z'. :': .' ::' The City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida met in Budget Work session on Monday; : July 6,'2000, · · at 9:00 o' clock A.M. in the City Manager' s Conference Room, Sanford City Hall, 300 North Park Avenue, Sanford, Florida. Present: Mayor-Commissioner Larry A. Dale Commissioner Whitey Eckstein Commissioner Brady Lessard Commissioner Randy Jones Commissioner Velma H. Williams City Manager Tony VanDerworp City Clerk Janet R. Dougherty Absent: City Attorney William L. Colbert The Chairman called the meeting to order. Donna Watt, Finance Director, presented a brief historical review of fiscal years 1995 through 1999. $200,000 has been proposed for gasification expenses for next year, and she recommends the current $I .7 million that is in reserves, and the money that is transferred into reserves this year, not be used for anything except clean-up costs. The Commission discussed the gasification clean-up at length. During discussions regarding Workers Compensation Costs Commissioner Eckstein requested a breakdown of claims by department. The Commission also discussed an RFP for insurance for the City including major medical and health, life, property, casualty and liability insurance. City Manager VanDerworp presented his budget message, reporting the overall budget is up from $57 million to $83 million largely due to capital projects in water, sewer and storm water. The proposed ad valorem tax rate is 6.75 mills, reduced from the current 6.79 mills. The City Manager reported that Fort Mellon Park renovations should be added to major Capital Expenditures 'with a budgeted amount of $190,000. He also reported there are 16 new positions proposed for FY 00/01. He reported the Economic Incentive program is budgeted at $400,000, but the awards made to date of $179,160 were not subtracted from that figure, so the balance is $228,040, and he recommended keeping that budget at $400,000. Commissioner Eckstein wanted the Safety Program implemented by the end of September. City Manager VanDerworp will report at a later date on putting a safety officer in the budget, or possibly the Deputy City Manager could be the safety officer. (Commissioner Eckstein left the meeting briefly and retumed.) He reported funding for Lynx remains at $80,000, with an additional $20,000 earmarked for a 50% match for construction of bus shelters. (Commissioner Lessard left the meeting briefly and returned.) City Manager VanDerworp recommended the City's costs for in-kind services for the Heritage Festival be deducted from the $25,000 donation to the Chamber of Commerce. After discussion the Commission concurred to not deduct the City's costs this year, but to notify the Chamber of Commerce that beginning next year, they will be deducted. The Commission discussed the street light projects, specifically the area between Goldsboro and 20th Street and the area north of Sanford Middle School to Trinity. City Manager VanDerworp reported that area will be studied to determine what kind of revenue stream it should fit under. The Commission also discussed the South Pinecrest Park, concurring it needs to be renovated and upgraded, and the Westside Community Center. The City Manager reported the lease with the Boys and Girls Club will be closely monitored, and a cost analysis will be done to consider implementing some City sponsored pro. grams at the Center. (Commissioner Williams left the meeting briefly and returned.) The Commission discussed the Budget Summary and departmental budget requests as follows: :2 E718672 MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida Budget Work Sessions July 6, 13 & 1,~, 433 The General Fund -- Donna Watt, Finance Director, reported she will be doing an overall analysis of the phone system, the cost of telephones, and determining whether or not the City has the best and most effective system cost- wise and operational-wise. This analysis should be completed in August, and may include the possibility of an information desk or reception capabilities on the first floor of City Hall. City Manager VanDerworp reported there may be some adjustments in communications costs for telephone and radio by department. (Mayor Dale left the meeting briefly and returned.) The Commission also discussed false alarms and repeat nuisance calls to the Police and Fire Departments. Mayor Dale recessed the meeting at 11:30 a.m. and reported it would reconvene at 1:00 p.m. today. Mayor Dale reconvened the Budget Work Session at 1:00 p.m. City Manager VanDerworp highlighted the telephone expenses reporting the AT&T phones the City received is offset by the revenue received. The Promotional Activities expenditures are less and include the Volunteer Appreciation Dinner (which the Commission is now funding), Commission meals, informational mailings, etc, and are being budgeted next year in Non-Classified Items (an accounting adjustment). City Manager VanDerworp reported the City Attomey budget is funded at the historical level of $126,440, a little bit less than the 1999 actual expenses. The Commission received a request from the City Attomey to increase his hourly rate from $110 to $125, and increase his retainer from $1,636 to $2,500. Commissioner Eckstein reported he felt that the $125 an hour was fair, but the retainer should be at $2,000 rather than the requested $2,500. After discussion the Commission concurred that the Mayor and City Manager meet with the City Attomey and discuss his fees before the final budget. City Manager VanDerworp reported there is $15,000 in the City Clerk's budget for an intern. He further ~' reported a records management system was purchased this year, and information has been input into that system on an ongoing basis, and the intem would assist the Clerk's office in inputting the historical dam for purposes of research, etc. This will also benefit the City in records retention and space issues. Also, $8,850 was budgeted for Other Contractual Services to include updating the City Code. The City Clerk reported that the Elections Expense line item includes funds for the Regular Election in March, 2001, and for an annexation referendum. City Manager VanDerworp reported the only new services in the City Manager' s budget for FY 2000/2001 are increasing Property Management, doing an annual Citizens' Report with Customer Satisfaction Surveys, and updating the Strategic Plan. The Commission discussed the dates for annual review of the City Manager, and the City Clerk and Commission Liaison. City Manager VanDerworp reported there was a 3% increase budgeted across the board for salary increases. The $30,000 in Other Contractual Services is for the Conference Center RFP. He is scheduling a joint meeting with the County Commission later this month regarding the Conference Center, but he is recommending the City Commission move forward regardless of the County' s commitment. Also, Printer Reproduction has increased dramatically for the Annual Citizens' Report and Survey. The promotional materials for Sanford were discussed, as well as reimbursement to the City for personal calls on the Commissioners' cell phones. Commissioner Eckstein reported the Mayor does not get reimbursed for any of the City business he conducts on his personal cell phone. The Commission concurred that the phones provided to the Commissioners do not work efficiently, so it is easier to use their personal phones, and it is a hassle to have to fill out all of the paperwork for reimbursement. Donna Watt, Finance Director, reported the phone costs for the Commissioners have always been in the City Manager's budget, but once the phone overview is done a budget adjustment may be done regarding the distribution of charges. 434 E718672 City MINUTES Commission, Sanford, Florida Budget Work Sessions July 6, 13 & 14, FY 2000/2001 are the Memorial Stadium and Chase Park, new programs (a lot of them dealing with the swimming pool), parks maintenance and upgrades. Howard Jeffries, Parks and Grounds Maintenance Coordinator, reported that the overall image of 17-92, between 1st Street and 13th Street, is being improved and landscaping is being incorporated. Also, the landscaping of the medians on 46 is being upgraded. Persimmon Avenue, Southwest Road and 13th Street are being landscaped as part of a CDBG grant. The City Manager reported these in-kind expenditures will increase the odds of the City receiving some Seminole County CRA funds. Mr. Jeffdes further reported there is a lot of interest in making Jaycee Park into a "Paw Park", possibly with some funding from dog owners. City Manager VanDerworp reported the Medical Services in the Human Resources budget, which include pre-employment physicals, drug testing, etc, has had a steady increase because a lot of employees have retired and a lot of new employees have been hired. Contractual Services includes a contract with Workplace Fitness at a cost of $56,250. The money for the contract is budgeted this year, but has not been spent yet, so there should be enough funds this year to go through almost all of next year. There was $65,000 in that account for the DMG Survey, but the City is doing those salary surveys itself, so that $65,000 is covering the $56,250 contract with Workplace Fitness. The Workplace Fitness contract does not terminate until this time next year. There is an increase in the Printer Reproduction budget for the Awards Program, training catalogue, workplace catalogue and a revised Personnel Handbook. There is a $5,000 increase in Promotional Activities because the City is funding a larger portion of the Volunteer Dinner and the Employee Appreciation Luncheon, with less support from vendors. In the PERC budget the Legal Services is mainly for Komreich, and City Manager VanDerworp feels it was under budgeted, so he will be recommending a revised budget amount. City Manager VanDerworp highlighted the New Services FY 2000/2001 for the Finance Department. He reported there is a Grant Coordinator proposed in the Finance Department budget. The Commission discussed the need for a Grant Coordinator, and exactly what his responsibilities would be. The budget for Accounting & Auditing is increased to allow for the Franchise Audit. The Telephone System budget is increased as part of the comprehensive telephone review, and in Data Processing the Telephone System budget has been increased for anticipated Intemet services. Donna Watt, Finance Director, reported right now Intemet connections are charged to each deparUnent, but the Internet provider is being changed to expand the service, and all costs will now be charged to Data Processing. After the telephone analysis is completed, there may be a redistribution of telephone charges.. City Manager VanDerworp reported the increase in the Data Processing Office Equipment is for HTE upgrades and/or maintenance. Donna Watt reported the steady increase in the City Retirement Expenses budget is because all new employees are now under City Retirement rather than FRS, and the FRS budget is decreasing at the same rate as the City Retirement increase. The Finance Director reported there will be $20,000 per year budgeted for Computer Hardware in anticipation of changing from HTE to another software. (Mayor Dale left the meeting briefly and returned.) (Commissioner Eckstein left the meeting briefly and returned.) (Commissioner Lessard left the meeting briefly and remmed.) City Manager VanDerworp reported in the Engineering budget there is proposed under Contractuals > 6 Months a Contract Engineer/Inspector due to increased activity. The budget for Engineering/Architectural includes surveys, appraisals, land development code updates, etc., and the City has increased requirements for planning services such as additional code updates, master plans and traffic studies. T~~;gnsultants on retainer who are utilized by work orders approved by the CommissiOn. E718672 MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida Budget Work Sessions July 6, 13 & 14, 435 i~00 m City Manager VanDerworp reported that in FY 2000/2001 a Permitting Process Manual for the Community Development Department will be presented to the Commission. The Commission also will be receiving information on Code Enforcement and the multi-year strategy for the Goldsboro/Georgetown master plans. The budget for Personal Services in Code Enforcement has increased substantially as have the Legal Services foreclosure activity and Demo/Landfill Fees for increased demolition. The Commission discussed at length the benefits and/or costs of the Community Development Director administering the County' s LIHEAP and Weatherization Grant programs. Mayor Dale reported the Director's salary should be budgeted 100% from his own department, not split between four areas. City Manager VanDerworp reported he will have an analysis done of how the grant monies are being allocated and how the administrative costs are being funded. The Finance Director reported grant monies are not budgeted because they are in and out funds. The Commission concurred to have the Community Development budget restructured for information purposes to include how it coordinates with the Grant Fund budget, and also to review the budgets for the LIHEAP and Weatherization programs. Mayor Dale recessed the meeting at approximately 4:00 p.m. The Mayor reconvened the meeting at 4:20 p.m. City Manager VanDerworp highlighted the new services in the Public Works Department for FY 1999/2000 as follows: Mill Creek, Art Lane closure, sidewalk repair, 2nd year pavement plan, lighting projects, neighborhood drainage, signal upgrades, railroad crossing upgrades, marina beach restoration, and continuation of midge control. The Commission briefly discussed the beach restoration and the possibility of a sailing regatta. The City Manager reported the Art Lane Landfill closure should be completed with this year' s budget; $10,000 was budgeted for trash receptacles throughout the city in Other MacEquip-Addition; there is an increase of about $6,000 in Buildings to upgrade the electrical lifts for fleet; there is an increase in Electric for additional street lighting; increase in Maintenance-Building is additional money budgeted for additional City Hall repairs, in Maintenance-Buildings $375,000 has been budgeted for City Hall repairs, and $325,000 has been budgeted for sea wall repair. The City Manager reported the first focus for sea wall repair would be the Memorial Park area. He also reported the midge lights will be put into operation. There are three new positions budgeted in Public Works for FY 00/01, namely: Electrical Technician, Inspector Technician and Maintenance Worker I. City Manager VanDerworp highlighted expenditures in the Stormwater Fund as follows: The 1 st Street project and other major projects are funded in Renewal/Replace-Drainage; there is $30,000 budgeted for localized drainage in New Construction; and trenching shields, sidewalk sweepers and a grade-all have been funded in Other Mach/Equip-Addition. Donna Watt, Finance Director, reported the Stormwater revenues are going to be about the same, and the City will be drawing down the remaining $546,000 of the $4.2 Stormwater Loan. The balance of the Loan that is already drawn down is $1,230,000 and that is in the SBA. The City Manager reported new positions requested are a Stormwater Supervisor and a Heavy Equipment Operator. The Commission concurred when stormwater fees are increased to do so in gradual increments rather than all at one time. (Commissioner Williams left the meeting.) City Manager VanDerworp highlighted expenditures in the Utilities Department as follows: Administration, Contractual > 6 Months, a Utility Inspector has been requested. In Buildings, chlorine upgrades in the plants have been budgeted, and the City' s portion of the reclaimed water phase II. The rates are not anticipated to increase for about five MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida Budget Work Sessions July 6, 13 & 14, 13000 p.m. and Friday, July 14 at 12:30 p.m. follows: more years. Donna Watt, Finance Director, reported the City is funding from Water Impact Fees projects that total I $176,500, and from Sewer Impact Fees projects that total $500,000. The projects that are funded by the State Revolving Loans are $23,304,000 which will extend over two or three years. $830,000 is budgeted from Reserves to fund the balance of the projects for next year. This budget was modeled from the five year Business Plan that was submitted by the Utility Department. Mayor Dale questioned why the phone bill was so high and how many lines the Utility Department has, and Ms. Watt reported that will all be determined in the telephone survey she is doing. Mayor Dale asked what a Raw Flow Meter and Grid Chamber is, and how often it needs to be replaced. City Manager VanDerworp reported he will get back to the Commission with more detail on that item. The new personnel requested in Utilities are a Utilities Coordinator, a Custodial Worker, and a contractual Inspector. In the Non-Departmental expenditures, Donna Watt reported that the increase in retirees health and life insurance is due to more retirees and the increased cost of health insurance. City Manager VanDerworp reported on the budget for Lynx, the Lobbyists, Economic Development Incentive, Main Street, Chamber of Commerce and Central Florida Sports Commission. Donna Watt, Finance Director, reported the budget for the 17-92 TIF will be $36,000 rather than the budgeted $22,000. The Commission asked if the City is getting its money's worth from the Central Florida Sports Commission. City Manager VanDerworp reported he will get a report from the Recreation Department on the benefits received from the Sports Commission. City Manager VanDerworp reported he will be giving the Commission another Vehicle Renewal and Replacement Report in the near future. Mayor Dale reported the Insurance budget is almost doubled, and is becoming an increasing burden. This $3.7 million cost is directly related to personnel, and the biggest liability in the City is personnel. (Commissioner Williams rejoined the meeting.) A lengthy discussion on health and life insurance, especially for retirees, ensued. City Manager VanDerworp reported several options will be presented during the RFP process for a broker, on all insurance types. Commissioner Wiltjams moved to continue today's Budget Work Session to Thursday, July 13 at 12:30 Seconded by Commissioner Lessard and carried by vote of the Commission as Mayor-Commissioner Dale Aye Commissioner Eckstein Aye Commissioner Williams Aye Commissioner Lessard Aye Commissioner Jones Aye The meeting was recessed and continued to July 13 and July 14, 2000, at 12:30 p.m. E718672 MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida Budget Work Sessions July 6, 13 & 14, 437= i~000 The City Commission of the City of Sanford, Horida met in Work Session on Thursday, July 13, 2000, at 12:30 o'clock P.M. in the City Manager's Conference Room, Sanford City Hall, 300 North Park Avenue, Sanford, Florida, continued from Thursday, July 6, 2000. Present: Mayor-Commissioner Larry A. Dale Commissioner Whitey Eckstein Commissioner Brady Lessard Commissioner Randy Jones Commissioner Velma H. Williams City Manager Tony VanDerworp City Clerk Janet R. Dougherty Absent: City Attorney William L. Colben The Chairman called the meeting to order. City Manager VanDerworp distributed to the Commission a packet of Additional Budget Information, and reported this year the Police Department is requesting ten new positions, $164,000 for building renovations, and funding to open a new Police Station downtown (possibly in the old Library building.) He reported that the total budget for Public Safety is 81.76% of taxes. The costs of insurance and workers compensation were not included in this analysis. The Commission concluded that if the cost of insurance and workers compensation was added, 100% of taxes would be for Public Safety. The Commission received a list of other sources of revenue for the Police Department, and the receipt and distribution of those Revenues. The City Manager reported that a plan is in progress to track, and start collecting on, false alarms. For the Administration Division of the Police Department the Commission discussed overtime and how it relates to the Custodian. City Manager VanDerworp will review the Custodian's work schedule regarding working days instead of afternoons or evenings. The Commission discussed the cost of radio maintenance and replacement. The Commission discussed, at length, a situation whereby the Civil Service Board did not meet in a timely fashion to hear a police matter due to requests to delay from the opposing attorney. The Mayor reported the Commission wants to set a standard to the Staff Liaison, the City Attorney, and to the City's advisory board (the Civil Service Board), that if there is a quorum, the board will meet, and not honor any requests for postponement, unless there. are extenuating circumstances. Also, the City Attorney's report to the Commission should include any problems en~otmtered with the Civil Service Board. The Commission discussed telephone and radio service and expenses in the Uniform Divisio, of the Police Department. Mayor Dale reported if a vehicle requires major repairs or is considered totaled due to an accident, it needs to be turned in as an insurance claim. The Chief of Police reported he is trying to increase the number of Reserve Officers to twelve. The Police Department agreed to reduce the requested twenty full.time bicycle officers to ten, and utilize other officers as part time bicycle patrol. The Commission discussed at length the effectiveness of bicycle patrols. The Chairman recessed the meeting for about twenty minutes and then reconvened the meeting. The Commission discussed the purpose of sending officers to mountain bike training, and also the technology in the police department. The City Manager reported Donna Watt, the Finance Director, will have a comprehensive report around mid-August to address technology and phones throughout the City. Donna Watt, Finance Director, reported the total budget for the Investigation Division at the Police Department is $953,639. The Mayor asked 438 E718672 City MINUTES Commission, Sanford, Florida Budget wodc sessions July 6, 13 & 14, the percentage of cases that have been solved. A lengthy discussion ensued regarding the terminology of a case being cleared or being solved. Police Chief Tooley reported a case can be cleared by arrest, inactive pending arrest, or exceptionally cleared lack of prosecution. Less than 10% are cleared by arrest. The Commission would like to see the percentage of arrests increased and for the Police Department to be results oriented. In response to Commissioner Eckstein's question, Police Chief Tooley reported the Patrol Division probably demands the highest intelligence level of personnel of any Police Department division. (Mayor Dale left the meeting briefly and returned.) He is working to put personnel in the divisions in which they can perform the best. (Mayor Dale left the meeting briefly and returned.) The Commission discussed the hours that investigators work, reporting most investigations should probably be done in the evening. Also, the Commission was concerned that police personnel work twelve hour shifts, and there are weeks they only work two days, with the next three days off. The Mayor reported the Commission wants a results oriented system that produces a result out of the work that is done. Also, the Commission does not want to have somebody investigate a scene on Sunday night that does not get followed up on until the next Wednesday, with investigators working 8.579 odd hours. There should be a system that makes sense so people know when investigators are going to be on duty, and that things are followed through on every day and not put off because the investigator is off duty. (Commissioner Lessard left the meeting briefly and returned.) City Manager VanDerworp reported he has asked Chief Tooley to provide, in sixty days, a recommendation for shift schedules, etc. for the Police Department; one that would provide the best response to citizens. The Commission concurred they would like to see a plan of eight hour, ten hour and twelve hour shifts for comparison purposes. The Commission also discussed the Police Department' s membership on the City/County Investigations Bureau (C.C.I.B.). Chief Tooley reviewed the termination activity from the Police Department between 01/01/97 and 07/01/00, and the hiring activity within the Police Department between 01/01/98 and 07/11/00. The Department has hired fourteen people in the last twelve months and thirty-four people in the last nineteen months. This indicates turnover which generates costs for training, uniforms, etc. The biggest reasons for the mover are pay issues and job diversity. The Commission discussed the K-9 unit. City Manager VanDerworp recommended maintaining the K-9 unit. The Commission concurred to move ahead with rebuilding the K-9 unit immediately. City Manager VanDerworp reported money has been budgeted for recruitment and retention of Public Safety personnel, in a Personnel Contingency Fund. This Fund will fund the city-wide market adjustment and the 1% performance incentive bonuses. The amount left over after funding those two items is sufficient to fund the Police Department recruitment and retention. The Commission concurred that the starting salary needs to be sufficient to attract good people. Commissioner Williams expressed concern that when police personnel top out in their pay range, they still get raises, and she felt it was unfair to other City employees who top out and don't get raises. Mayor Dale reported it would be very expensive to continue raises after top out on a City-wide basis. (Commissioner Williams left the meeting briefly and retumed.) .,.. Mayor Dale asked for a chart of the use of the 56 vehicles in the Police Department, when there are only 14 officers on the street. There are 90 ~gr, s in uniform, 28 of them:,on the street every day, so what are the other 62 vehicles being used for? The Commis~0. discusseel !~ving ~. Sirvice Center in the downtown area, possibly at the old Library building. City Manager VanDerworp will continue ~O investigate the possibility and cost of using the old Library E71~7~ city MINUTES Commission, Sanford, Florida Budget Work Sessions July 6. 13 & 14. 439 12)000 building for a Police. Commtmity Service Center. Chief Tooley reported he has not filled the Lieutenant's position because of the pending appeal. The Acting Lieutenant is being paid as a Lieutenant. Also, the Acting Sergeant is being paid as a Sergeant. If the FOP Impasse is resolved before August 1 st, then he can utilize the new criteria under the new contract. The Commission concurred to vote on the Impasse at the July 24, 2000 City Commission meeting. (Commissioner Willjams left the meeting.) Mayor Dale reported this was just a budget work session, and the budget is not really done. There are still a lot of unanswered questions in all departments, and the City Manager has a lot of work to do to get some answers to those questions. The meeting was recessed and continued to July 14, 2000, at 12:30 p.m. The City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida met in Work Session on Friday, July 14, 2000, at 12:30 o'clock P.M. in the City Manager's Conference Room, Sanford City Hall, 300 North Park Avenue, Sanford, Florida, continued from Thursday, July 13, 2000. Present: Mayor-Commissioner Larry A. Dale Commissioner Whitey Eckstein Commissioner Brady Lessard Commissioner Randy Jones 'Commissioner Velma H. Williams City Manager Tony VanDerworp City Clerk Janet R. Dougherty Absent: City Attorney William L. Colbert The Chairman called the meeting to order. City Manager VanDerworp reported the main changes in the budget for the Fire Department are the continuation of work on Fire Station #2, building renovations of $70,000 and some medical baseline services. There are not a lot of increased services proposed for this year, and no proposed staff increases. City Manager VanDerworp reported there are three syringe pumps and two twelve-lead monitors (defibrillators) budgeted in Capital Improvements. The Commission requested that the Administrative Costs be broken out from the rest of the Fire Department budget. ChiefHickson reported the people considered as Administrative in the Fire Department are the Chief, the Deputy Chief, the Administrative Secretary, the Training Officer and the EMS Director. 440 E718672 MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, FloridaBudget Work Sessions July 6, 13 & 14, 97ooo Commissioner Williams reported there is a problem with the water flow in some fire hydrants in certain areas due to a combination of improper spacing and insufficient water pressure. Chief Hickson reported the Fire Department pays rent to the Utility Department for the fire hydrants, and the Utility Department checks and flushes the hydrants once a year, and corrects any problems with water pressure it finds. The Chief also reported the Fire Department has never encountered a problem with having sufficient hydrants in the locations in which they were needed. The City Manager and Chief Hickson will look at the maps of fire hydrant locations and determine if there is any place that does not have a hydrant every 1,000 feet, and if so it will be remedied. Also, Commissioner Williams would like to know if the hydrants are being tested every year as required. Deputy Fire Chief Ransom reported the firefighters are now mowing the fire station lawns, but they really do not have time to do it, so they would like to hire someone to mow the lawns. The Commission discussed the podSibility of having the Parks Department maintenance and grounds crew mow the fire station lawns. The City Manager will do a comparative analysis on the cost of privatizing or having the Parks DeparUnent do the mowing. Chief Hickson reported on the Fit for Duty Assessment, explaining it establishes a baseline for all the firefighters and helps them and the City understand what attitudes and other things need to be changed. The Commission discussed the telephones and related costs for the Fire Department. The Commission discussed vehicles in the Fire Department and reported the Fire Chief should have a new car to replace his 1987 vehicle. Donna Watt, Finance Director, reported there is $27,000 in'this year' s budget for vehicle replacement that can be rolled over into next year's budget. The Commission concurred to use that $27,000 to purchase and equip a new vehicle for the Fire Chief. ChiefHickson reported by budget year 2001/2002 it may be necessary to have a transport unit at Station 38, which does not have one now. The transport would cost about $175,000 and six people would be needed to man it. Commissioner Willjams asked if the Fire Department had all of the computer technology and related equipment that they needed. Chief Hickson reported they do have all the equipment needed, and they have asked for additional software, etc. in this budget to upgrade the Department. Donna Watt, Finance Director reported that currently everybody (in all City Departments) is not connected to the outside world for E-mail. She reported that by the end of July or the middle of August the City should be ready to open up all departments for E-mail and Intemet to the outside world. Commissioner Williams also asked if fire personnel were routinely tested for A.I.D.S. ChiefHickson reported that all personnel are checked when they have been exposed to any contaminates, or when they accidentally are stuck with a needle. Commissioner Jones reported that he has had a lot of reports from citizens that they were impressed and appreciate the response time and the level of service and professionalism that are demonstrated by the Sanford Fire Department personnel. Commissioner Williams concurred and reported the Fire Department employees should be commended for their professionalism, the way the personnel relate to people, and their sensitivity. Chief Hickson reported that the training budget was increased because there were people towards the end of last year whom he could not send to training, but this year he should have sufficient funds if the increased amount is approved. They have a new training officer, and all personnel will receive extensi¥~,;~..~jng in all areas. E718672 MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida Budget Work Sessions July 6, 13 & 441 12~)00 In response to a question by Commissioner Williams, Chief Hickson reported of the 63 personnel in the Fire Department, six are women, three or four are Hispanic, and two are black, but one of the blacks has applied to Orange County and the other is on light duty and may not retum to full time. He further reported that during the last three recruitments there have been no black applicants. Commissioner Williams reported it is important the City do everything it can towards aggressive recruitment of blacks in the Fire Department. ChiefHickson reported he has lost several minorities to Orlando/Orange County. Commissioner Willjams reported if the Fire Department has only one black fireman, the department will lose him as well due to the pressure (based on her experiences in talking with retired fireman), and because they need to stay all night and sleep with the other firemen. Mayor Dale reported when a Fire Department vehicle is wrecked or damaged the City wants an insurance claim filed for the record. ChiefHickson reported that those claims have been tracked for the last five years. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. Attest: mr