HomeMy WebLinkAbout040901 ws/rm min. MINUTES WORK SESSION APRIL 9 20 01 City Commission, Sanford, Florida The City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida met in Work Session on Monday, April 9, 2001, at 5:00 P.M. in the City Manager's Conference Room, Sanford City Hall, 300 Noah Park Avenue, Sanford, Florida. Present: Mayor-Commissioner Brady Lessard Commissioner Whitey Eckstein Commissioner Velma Willjams Commissioner Randy Jones Commissioner Art Woodruff City Manager Anthony VanDerworp Deputy City Manager Roger Dixon City Clerk Janet R. Dougherty Absent: City Attorney William L. Colbert The Chairman called the meeting to order. Employee of the Month Award for April 2001. Mayor Lessard presented Nancy Jermyn with the Employee of the Month Award for April 2001. Capital Proiect Status Report. Deputy City Manager Dixon distributed and reviewed the Capital Project Status Report. Commissioner Eckstein requested the City Hall roof replacement be fast tracked because the roof needs to be fixed now. City Manager VanDerworp reported the roof rephcement is behind schedule and that bids will be processed and possibly agendized for the next Commission meeting; he will discuss it with Public Works Director Jerry Herman. Mr. VanDerworp said that in addition to the Capital Projects listed, there is an extensive list of utility relocates as a result of the County' s road building program and utility projects which are funded in the budget or with low interest loans. City of Sanford Strategic Phn 2000. Mayor Lessard distributed and gave an overview of the City of Sanford Strategic Plan 2000 that was adopted in the fall of 1999. Of the 155 actions outlined in the Plan, 96 have been completed, 35 are expected to be completed within the next six months, and the remaining 24 actions are longer term projects. City Manager VanD erworp reported he facilitated the Plan and suggested a second planning session be held prior to the budget process to identify future actions. He suggested that a facilitator be hired to help with the project to provide a more refined product; a proposed schedule and cost estimate will be provided to the Commission. Mayor Lessard said that all the longer term projects need to be completed before new goals are identified. The City Manager said he will provide a refined deadline for those projects. Commissioner Williams asked about City wide street lights. City Manager VanDerworp said the street light project is on the internal tracking sheet but can be listed in the Plan. City Manager VanDerworp said he would review the budget calendar so a strategic planning session can be scheduled. Mayor Lessard asked that each Commissioner bring project recommendations firore their district to the session so projects can be prioritized, funded, and completed. Mayor's Board/committee appointments. Mayor Lessard made appointments as follows: Vice-Mayor, Commissioner Eckstein; CALNO, Commissioner Woodruff; Member and Commissioner Eckstein, Alternate Member; Sanford/Seminole Chamber of Commerce Board, Inc. Board of Directors, Commissioner W'~liams; East Central Florida Regional Planning Council, Russ Gibson; Metroplan Orlando, Mayor Lessard, Member, Commissioner Williams, Alternate Member, and City Manager VanDerworp, Staff Representative; Sanford Museum, Commissioner Woodmffi, Police Department Liaison, Mayor Lessard; Fire Department Liaison, Commissioner Jones; MINUTES . I 19 City Commission, Sanford, Florida WORK SESSION APRIL 9 2001 Sanford Airport Authority Liaison, Mayor Lessard; Sanford Aviation Noise Control Study Committee, Commissioner Jones; Tri-County League of Cities, Commissioner Jones; Florida League of Cities, Mayor Lessard; Seminole County Expressway Authority, Commissioner Eckstein; Sanford Housing Authority Lion, Commissioner Willjams; Senq. inole County Youth Commission, Commissioner Williams; U.S. 17-92 Redevelopment Plannln~ Agency, Commissioner Jones, Member and City Manager VanDerworp, Alternate Member; American Heritage River Initiative Steering Committee, Mayor Lessard; Greater Seminole County Chamber of Commerce Design/Regulatory Sub-Committee, Jay Marder, Representative and Antonia Gerli, Alternate Representative; Metroplan Orlando Transportation Technical Committee, Jay Marder and Bob Walter, Representatives and Antonia Gerli and Chris Smith, Alternate Representatives; Metrnplan Orlando Bicycle/Pedestrian Advisory Committee, Jay Marder, Representative and Antonia Gerli, Alternate Representative. Sanford Housing Authority. Mayor Lessard reported that based upon the hearing this Wednesday, there is potential of there not being a Housing Authority Board sometime this week. City Attorney Colbert had advised him that it is necessary to schedule a court date because a Judge will have to decide who and how the Housing Authority would be run. City Manager VanDerworp said that a date has not been set but anticipates that it will be right away, given the urgency of the situation. Mayor Lessard said he is hoperid for an amicable conclusion so the Housing Authority and the City can get hack to business. City Manager VanDerworp reviewed the format for Wednesday' s hearing and said that he would speak individually with each Commissioner regarding the hearing. --- City Manager VanDerworp said that a fax was received last Friday evening from HUD's Washington office regarding the Sanford Housing Authority being designated a troubled agency; a copy was given to the Commission. Commissioner Williams asked why HUD didn't indicate the agency was troubled in their 300 page final report; why did they walt until two or three days before the heating to tix the letter. Deputy City Manager Dixon explained that HUD' s Washington office decided that the rating was too high based upon information given by their Jacksonville office. City Manager VanDerworp said that tomorrow he would arrange to have Commissioner Willjams' question answered further. Other business. City Manager VanDerworp distributed a revised Development Order for Public heating item 2.B., rezone of property on W. SR 46, Sharp Car Store. The owner is willing to provide 300' of landscaping on SR 46. City Manager VaaDerworp reported the Development Order for Regqfiar Item #6, waive minimum distance separation requirements for a proposed telecommunicatious tower at 3508 Orlando Drive, will be amended tonight. The applicant has agreed to provide $10,000 worth of landscaping for the 17-92 median. Commissioner Jones expressed concem regarding the close proximity of the subdivision behind Sonny's to the proposed tower. City Manager VanDerworp reported that regarding Consent Agenda Item #1, approve street closure and deny request to waive insurance requirement for the Friends of Ma~ Street Picnic, Staff recommends approving the street closure, denying the waiver, and that an indenmification hold harmless agreement be executed in lieu of the insurance requirement. MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida WORK SESSION APRIL 9 20 01 There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. Mayor __ Attest: City Clerk cp MINUTES 121 City Commission, Sanford, Florida REGULAR MEETING APRIL 9 2001 E00014148 The City Commission of the City of Sanfonal, Florida met in Regular Meeting on Monday, April 9, 2001, at 7:00 P.M. in the City Commission Room, City Hall, 300 North Park Avenue, Sanford, Florida. Present: Mayor-Commissioner Bmdy Lessard ... Commissioner Whitey Eckstein Commissioner Velma H. Williams Commissioner Randy Jones Commissioner Art Woodruff City Manager Anthony VanDerworp City Clerk Janet P~ Dougherty Absent: City Attorney V~rilliam L. Colbert The Chairman called the meeting to order. Citizen participation. Doreen Freenama, 705 Mellonville Avenue, greeted the new Commission and said she noticed that today's Work Session was held at 5:00 P.M. and asked ifa precedence is being set and will they continue to he held at 5:00. Mayor Lessard said a Work Session wasn't scheduled today but in deference to the two Commissioners who work for the School Board, he decided it would be held at 5:00, however, in the fut, ure Work Sessions will he held at 3:30; there will he occasions when no Work Session is scheduled. Ms. Freeman said she was hoping that Work Sessions would not he held and that Regular Meetings only would he held starting at 6:00 so the general public can participate in beth discussion and decision making. Millard Hunt, 801 E. 2nd Street, greeted the new Commission and pointed out that issues remain; he assured the Commission that conversation will continue. Today's Work Session included assignments made by the Mayor to various beards "-- and them was discussion regarding liaison~s. He said the issue of liaison needs to be examined and asked that the role of liaison be better defined. Art Harris, 1108 Grove Manor Drive, reported he and his wife often walk along Seminole Boulevard and that several tinles she has stumbled over crocks in the pavement. Several months ago he asked the Commission to have the street paved. City Manager VanD erworp said that paving Seminole Boulevard was in last year' s budget. The design of the Riverwalk should he done by mid-August and the whole street may he recon~gtwed, and didn't want to spend the money to repave when there may he a different design concept. Mr. Harris said that for the fourth week in a row his yard trash wasn't picked up. He waited two days to call City Hall to have it picked up and they came right away; it seems silly. Mayor Lessard asked the Commission Liaison to remind him tomorrow of Mr. Harris' address and he would address the issue with FRS and the Solid Waste Coordinator. Public hearing and second reading and adoption of Ordinance No. 3631 to close. vacate, and abandon a north-south utility easement between Mellonvi!le Avenue and Bay Avenue and between East 24th Street and East 25th Street; Lee P. Moore, applicant; 64.7% of the abutting owners concur with the request to vacate, per the Petition to Vacate. Ad published March 28, 2001. Recommended by the City Manager. Ordinance No. 3631 was read by title. Mayor Lessard reported the Commission would hear from those persons present to speak for, or in opposition to, Ordinance No. 3631. No one appeared. Commissioner Eckstein moved to adopt Ordinance No. 3631, entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, CLOSING, VACATING, AND ABANDONING THE NORTH-SOUTH UTILITY EASEMENT LYING BETWEEN MELLONVILLE AVENUE AND BAY AVENUE AND BETWEEN EAST 25TH STREET AND EAST 24TH STREET; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY, CONFLICTS AND EFFECTIVE DATE. I 2 2 MINUTES REGULAR MEETING APRIL 9 20.01 City Commission, Sanford, Florida E00014148 Seconded by Commissioner Jones and carried by vote of the Commission as follows: Mayor-Commissioner Lessard Aye Commissioner Eckstein Aye Commissioner Williams Aye Commissioner Jones Aye Commissioner Woodruff Aye First reading of Ordinanee No. 3634 to annex 2.28 acres lying between SR 46 (W. 1st Street) and Northstar Court and between Creek Road and Upsala Road, 3941 W. 1st Street, Johnson Ventures, Inc., owner, Craig Johnson, President. Recommended by the Plans Review Committee, the Director of Engineering and Planning, and the City Manager. Ordinance No. 3634 was read by title. Mayor Lessard reported the Commission would hear from those persons present to speak for, or in opposition to, Ordinance No. 3634. No one appeared. Commissioner Eekstein moved on the first reading of Ordinance No. 3634, entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORID& TO ANNEX WITHIN THE CORPORATE AREA OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, LIPON ADOPTION OF SAID ORDINANCE, 2.28+ ACRES OF PROPERTY LYING BETWEEN S.R. 46 AND NORTHSTAR COURT AND BETWEEN CREEK ROAD AND UPSALA ROAD; IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE VOLUNTARY ANNEXATION PROVISIONS OF SECTION 171.044, FLORIDA STATUTES; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY, CONFLICTS AND EFFECTIVE DATE. Seconded by Commissioner Willjams and carded by vote of the Commission, as follows: Mayor-Commissioner Lessard Aye Commissioner Eckstein Aye Commissioner Williams Aye Commissioner Jones Aye Commissioner Woodruff Aye Public hearing and first reading of Ordinance No. 3635 to rezone 2.28 acres lying between SR 46 (W. 1st Street) and Northstar Court and between Creek Road and Upsah Road from A-I, Agriculture, to PD, Phnned Development; 3941 W. 1st Street, Johnson Ventures, Inc., owner, Craig Johnson, President. Recommended with conditions contained in Development Order No. 01-0007 by the Planning and Zoning Commission, the Director of Engineering and Planning, and the City Manager. Ad published March 4, 2001. Ordinance No. 3635 was read by title as follows: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORID& AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 3117 OF SAID CITY; SAID ORDINANCE BEING A ZONING PLAN; SAID AMENDMENT TO CHANGE THE ZONING OF 2.28+ ACRES OF PROPERTY LYING BETWEEN S.R. 46 AND NORTHSTAR COURT AND BETWEEN CREEK ROAD AND UPSALA ROAD; FROM A-i, AGRICULTURAL, TO PD, PLANNED DEVELOPMENT; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY, CONFLICTS AND EFFECTIVE DATE. City Manager VanDerworp said there was discussion with the applicant before the meeting and there are minor corrections to the Development Order conditions. Director of Engineering and Planning Jay Marder reported the following corrections: item #3 should read, No outdoor repair or service is allowed on the site; except for two cars displayed at the front (north side) of the site, all cars stored or disphyed outside sl~tll be located to the rear of the principal building, south of the north building line; #8 regarding landscaping the S.R. 46 median, change to provide a sum of $2,500 toward landscaping the median. Mr. VanDerworp said the money toward the landscaping is a voluntary commitment of the applicant. Craig Johnson, 4896 Shoreline Circle, reported he currently works out of Winter Springs and has an appointment only system; all the cars are kept indoors. At present be deals only in imports but wants to expand to Sport Utility Vehicles and luxury cars. MINUTES 123 City Commission, Sanford, Florida REGULAR MEETING tPRIL 9 2001 Commissioner Eckstein said the location is great to sell cars but expressed eoncem whether or not the Commission wants this type of development on S.R. 46. He isn't crazy about any of the car places along Hwy. 17-92; a lot of money is being spent to clean up the area. He doesn't want the same problem created on S.R. 46 as on Hwy. 17-92. City Manager VanDerworp said he had the same concerns about the numerous car lots along Hwy. 17-92 that affect the visual character to the d~ of the City. The type of car facility being proposed is different in that the cars will be located inside the building. A precedent is being set for potential ear retailers on S.R. 46. Don Moore, 204 N. White Cedar, representing Mr. Johnson, said the building will accommodate more than 75 cars. The car parking outside is in the back and abuts the industrial park. He offered to provide pietures/elevations of the proposed building at second reading of the ordinance. [City Attorney Colbert present.] After discussion, Commissioner Jones moved on the t"st reading of Ordinance 3635. Seconded by Commissioner Willjams and carded by vote of the Commission, as follows: Mayor-Commissioner Lessard Aye Commissioner Eckstein Nay Commissioner Witliams Aye Commissioner Jones Aye Commissioner Woodruff Nay Condemnation items. Community Development Director Charles Rowe reported that regarding 718 W'~low Avenue, Report No. 00-08, Rosezella Kelly, owner, the Commission authorized a sixty-day extension on November 13, 2000 for the owner to make repairs. There has been no activity. Staff is recommending demolition. Rosezella Kelly, 2507 Sandy Lane, Orlando, reported she was present at the November meeting but became ill and couldn't continue with handling the property, but Mr. Levi Coleman looked over the property and gave an estimate of what needed to be done to the property; a contract has not been signed. The house was a gift tirom her mother. Her plan is to repair the home for her son to have a place to live. Her brother has obligated himself to help in the cost to repair the structure. Mr. Rowe estimated it could cost up to $t5,000 to repair, depending on the level of work that is done. In response to Commissioner Eckstein's question of how she can be helped, Mr. Rowe said there is a program in Seminole County that will do demolitions for the City so a lien would not be placed on the property. The tax roll shows the building is valued at $11,482 and land at $4,450. Commissioner Willisms moved to authorize a thirty-day extension for 718 W'~low Avenue, Condcmqnation Report No. 00-08, for the property owner to provide a plan. Seconded by Commissioner Eckste~ Commissioner Jones said there needs to be proof of available ~mding, a time table, and scope of work. Commissioner W'~liams said Ms. Kelly shouldn't have to bring in evidence that someone is going to lend her $15,000 because there are people that can provide her money, not necessarily a bank. Commissioner Eckstein said the Commission wants to see progress in a timely fashion; Ms. Kelly could commit to that. Commissioner Williams mended her motion to authorize a thirty-day extension for Ms. Kelly to provide a contract for the listed repairs, a scope of work, and a statement that she has icing. Seconded by Commissioner Eckstein and carried by vote of the Commission, as follows: Mayor-Commissioner Lessard Aye Commissioner Eckstein Aye Commissioner Williams Aye Commissioner Jones Aye Commissioner Woodruff Aye 2 4 MINUTES I~GUL~a~ MEETING ,~RIL 9 20.01 City Commission, Sanford, Florida E00014148 Mr. Rowe reported that regarding 2420 Chase Avenue, Report No. 00-09, Anderson & Susan Williams, owner, the Commission condemned the property on November 13, 2000. There has been contact with the owners, but to date there has been no activity and no permits have been pulled. Mr. Rowe recommended demolition of the property. Mayor Lessard asked if anyone was present to speak on behalf of the property owners. No one appeared. Commissioner Eckstein moved to demolish 2420 Chase Avenue, Condemnation Report No. 00-09. Seconded by Commissioner Jones and carried by vote of the Commission, as follows: Mayor-Commissioner Lessard Aye Commissioner Eckstein Aye ' Commissioner Williams Aye Commissioner Jones Aye Commissioner Woodraft Aye Condemnation Status report. Community Development Direaor Charles Rowe reported that there are no motions or recommendations to be made. First reading of Ordinance No. 3636 to annex .40 acres of property between Sarita Street and Briareliffe Street and between Mohawk Avenue and Marshall Avenue (704 Briareliffe Street); James Jr. and Veronica Postell, owner. Recommended by the Plans Review Committee, the Director of Engineering & Planning and the City Manager. Ordinance No. 3636 was read by title as follows: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORID& TO ANNEX WITHIN THE CORPORATE AREA OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, UPON ADOPTION OF SAID ORDINANCE, 0.40 ACRES OF PROPERTY LYING BETWEEN SARITA STREET AND ' BRIARCLIFFE STREET AND BETWEEN MOHAWK AVENUE AND MARSHALL AVENUE; IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE VOLUNTARY ANNEXATION PROVISIONS OF SECTION 171.044, FLORIDA STATUTES; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY, CONFLICTS AND EFFECTIVE DATE. Mayor Lessard reported the Commission would hear from those persons present to speak for, or in opposition to, Ordinance No. 3636. No one appeared. Commissioner Jones moved on the first reading of Ordinance No. 3636. Seconded by Commissioner Willjams and carried by vote of the Commission, as follows: Mayor-Commissioner Lessard Aye Commissioner Eckstein Aye Commissioner Williams Aye Commissioner Jones Aye Commissioner Woodruff Aye First reading of Ordinance No. 3637 to annex 126 acres of~roperty between Seminole Boulevard extended easterly and Celery Avenue and between Brisson Avenue extended northerly and May River Court~ 2250 Celery Avenue, Celery Farms Land Holding Company, owner, W. Gamett White, Managing General Partner. Recommended by the Plans Review Committee, the Director of Engineering & Planning, and the City Manager. Ordinance No. 3637 was read by title as follows: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, TO ANNEX WITHIN THE __ CORPORATE AREA OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, UPON ADOPTION OF SAID ORDINANCE, 126.0 ACRES OF PROPERTY LYING BETWEEN SEMINOLE BOULEVARD EXTENDED EASTERLY AND CELERY AVENUE AND BETWEEN BRISSON AVENUE EXTENDED NORTHERLY AND MAY RIVER COURT; IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE VOLUNTARY ANNEXATION PROVISIONS OF SECTION 171.044, FLORIDA STATUTES; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY, CONFLICTS AND EFFECTIVE DATE. Mayor Lessard reported the Commission would hear from those persons present to speak for, or in opposition MINUTES 2 5 City Commission, Sanford, Florida REGULAR MEETING APRIL 9 2001 to, Ordinance No. 3637. Jay Jurie, Sanford resident, property owner, registered voter and tax payer, reported there is an eagle's nest located between the site proposed to be annexed and existing City limits that is identified by the Florida Fish and Wildlife "" Conservation Commission as nest number SC024. Them are specific regulations promulgated concerning eagles nests. He asked if the City is prepared to address that concern. City Attorney Colbert said the eagles are a protected species and are governed by Federal Statutes and part of it is tracked by Florida Statutes. If there is an eagle's nest, it should not affect the proposed annexation, however, ff one exists in either the primary or secondary zone it can impact how the property can be developed. It would be addressed through permitting. U,S. Fish and Wildlife Service will have the ability to comment as well as a number of other agencies. The City would have to take those comments into consideration in any development of the property, but not for the purpose of annexation. Mr. Jude said he has concerns about fiscal impact analysis and what may or may not have been done regarding the annexation, and asked what municipal services would be provided to the property and what would be the cost to the City in terms of fiscal impact analysis; would the benefits to the municipality outweigh those costs. Mayor Lessard said the annexation of the property would not adversely affect the City in any way. The fiscal impact would be the addition of the property to the City's tax rolls, if the ordinance passes first and second reading. Mr. Jude said the annexation sets the stage for subsequent corntyrehensive plan and rezone changes. He asked what reason the City has in annexing the property. In response to Commissioner Eckstein's question whether the property is within the service area agreement with Seminole County, City --. Manager VanDerworp replied, "yes." City Manager VanDerworp said that in addition to the annexation, the applicant is applying for a comprehensive plan amendment and rezone. When a comprehensive plan and fezone are done, DCA is sent documentation showing how urban services will be provided to the project. An analysis of capacity and what it would cost to bring the development on line is done. It is not a requirement of law with respect to the annexation, however, because the applicant is in the process of a plan amendment and fezone, the site was reviewed to determine whether the City has the capacity to provide water, sewer, and roadway. The roadway serving the project right now has a good level of service to it. The City is requesting one cent sales tax money to add tam lanes and increase the capacity of the roadway. With respect to the annexation, no fiscal irnpact analysis is required. Mr. Jude said the State' s Growth Management Study Commission is looking at realring the fiscal impact analysis a requirement of annexation. He said it is sound fiscal management that the City is aware of the costs that may be incurred by bringing in a parcel such as this one. Literature seems to indicate that residential properties really do not recoup the investment. If the City is looking to enhance the tax base and recoup the investment then it should go after commercial or industrial annexations rather than residential. Monarcha Marcet, 801 S. Park Avenue, asked that when development approval and rezoning, etc. are considered, if Staffand the Commission will review the impact that a large scale residential development will have on Celery Avenue feeding into and through the historic district of Sanford, specifically 13th Street to Sanford Avenue north or Hwy. 17-92 north or south in order for the residents to get to 1-4 and points beyond. She said if the parcel becomes a large scale residential development, it would behoove the City to make a north-south connector road to S.R. 46 a requirement. Commissioner Woodruff expressed concem that the Commission is looking at SR-1 rather than SR-1A or SR- 1AA. Mayor Lessard said that would be addressed in the rezoning. Commissioner Jones moved on the first reading of Ordinance No. 3637. Seconded by Commissioner Williams 12 6 MINUTES REGULAR MEETING APRIL 9 20.01 City Commission, Sanford, Florida E00014148 and carried by vote of the Commission, as follows: Mayor-Commissioner Lessard Aye Commissioner Eckstein Aye Conmissioner Williams Aye Commissioner Jones Aye Commissioner Woodruff Aye Approve the Final Plat for Seminole Centre (Wai-Mart Supercenter), 3653 Orlando Drive, with conditions, and approve Development Order 01-0005. Recommended by the Plans Review Committee, Planning and Zoning Commission, Director of Engineering and Planning, and City Manager. Tabled at March 26, 2001, Regular Meeting. Larry Wmy, CPH Engineers, 500 W. Fulton Street, reported there had been a slight concern with the applicant' s understanding of the language contained in the Development Order. Those concerns have been discussed with City Staff and everyone is comfortable at this point with going forward with the Development Order as it reads. Commissioner Jones moved to approve the Final Plat for Seminole Centre and Development Order No. 01-0005. Seconded by Commissioner Williams and carried by vote of the Commission, as follows: Mayor-Commissioner Lessard Aye Commissioner Eckstein Aye Commissioner Wiliiams Aye Commissioner Jones Aye Commissioner Woodruff Aye Adopt Resolution No. 1876 to delete one Acting Recreation Superintendent position in the Recreation Department. Recommended by the Director of Human Resources and the City Manager. Resolution No. 1876 was read by title. On recomendarion of the City Manager, Commissioner Williams moved to adopt Resolution No. 1876, entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA TO PROVIDE FOR PERSONNEL-RELATED REVISIONS TO BE INCORPORATED IiNTO THE AUTHORIZED POSITIONS OF THE "CLASSIFICATION AND PAY PLAN" TO PROVIDE FOR THE DELETION OF ONE (1) "TEMPORARY RECREATION SUPERINTENDENT" POSITION IN THE ADMINISTRATION DIVISION WITHIN THE RECREATION & PARKS DEPARTMENT; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY, CONFLICTS AND EFFECTIVE DATE. Seconded by Commissioner Jones. Commissioner Eekstein said that Lisa Jones served as the Temporary Recreation Superintendent. She is a pleasure to work with, has a good positive attitude, conducts herself, and has a rapport with the community. Some day he expects her to run the department. Mayor Lessard echoed the sentiments. The motion was carded by vote of the Commission, as follows: Mayor-Commissioner Lessard Aye Commissioner Eckstein Aye Commissioner Willjams Aye Comnfissioner Jones Aye Commissioner Woodraft Aye Waive minimum distance separation requirements for a proposed telecommunications tower at 3508 Orlando Drive (Sanford Self Storage facility), with conditions: Nextel Communications, applicant; Troy Peter, Planning and Zoning Coordinator. Recommended by the Director of Engineering and Planning and by the City Manager. City Manager VanDerworp reported the Agenda Cover Memo for this item includes the major conditions of the Development Order; there is one proposed change to the Development Order. [Mayor Lessard left the meeting.] Director of Engir~ering & Planning Director Jay Marder reported the applicant has requested to pay a lump sum fee orS10,000 instead of providing 600' of moderate landscaping in the median ofU. S. Hwy. 17-92 located in tiont of the VFW, Sanford SeW Storage, M Nt3T S 12 7 City Commission, Sanford, Florida REGULAR MEETING APRIL 9 2001 E00014148 and Sonny's Bar-B-Que. [Mayor Lessard returned.] Landscaping will minimize and buffer the impact and view of the communication tower. Mr. Marder displayed an aerial showing the landscape buffer between actual residences in Hidden Lake and the site. Troy Peter, 851 Trafalgar Court, Maltland, Florida, Planning and Zoning Coordinator for Nextel, was present on behalf of Nextel Communications, applicant, and Charles Bailes, land owner. The telecommunications tower is proposed to be located in the rear of the southwest comer of Sanford Serf-Storage. There is a large swale and stormwater system at the back property line of the parcel The site will be well mitigated and there will be minimal impact to residents located to the west of the site. The ambient tree height is approximately 50'. A 120' monopole is proposed. The request is for a variance to reduce the minimum required separation requirements of telecommtmication towers from any parcel of land zoned single family residential. If the waiver is approved, application will be made for a conditional use permit. Mr. Peter said the waiver is subject to conditions, one of which is that the tower and all associated appurtenances shall be located a minimum distance of twenty (20) feet tiom all utility lines and structures (above and below Found), and was imposed by Utility Director Paul Moore. On Friday, Mr. Moore met with a Nextel site acquisition consultant working with the lessor, and it was concluded that instead of the tower being 20' from all utilities, that it needed to be 20' tiom the well located in the area. Commissioner Eckstein asked if the proposed site is the only one being considered for the tower. He suggested that property owned by the City just north of Amigos restaurant be considered. Mr. Peter said if the waiver is approved tonight the other site could be looked at p~or to application forthe Conditioxml Use Permit. He will have to consider the fact that there is a deal in place with the existing lessor. After discussion, Commissioner Eckstein moved to table this item. Seconded by Commissioner Jones and carded by vote of the Commission, as follows: Mayor-Commissioner Lessard Aye Commissioner Eekstein Aye Commissioner W'~liams Aye Commissioner Jones Aye Commissioner Woodruff Aye Mayor Lessard asked that Mr. Peter get with Mr. Moore, City Manager VanDerworp, Commissioner Jones, and Commissioner Eckstein to discuss the City' s alternative site north of Amigos. Waive carport requirement in an SR-1AA zone for 2005 N. Grandview Avenue. based on similar situations in immediate neighborhood and information submitted by the applicant. Recommended by the Director of Engineering & Planning and the City Manager. Director of Engineering & Planning Jay Marder said the applicant has been attempting to get a building permit to enclose a carport at 2005 N. Grandview Avenue. The property is a single family dwelling in an SR-1AA zone that requires an enclosed garage to be used as a garage, not part of an inside living are~ Many of the residences in the vicinity of the applicant have been enclosed. Notwithstanding that the zoning requirements have been continuously in effect for at least twenty years, the City' s enforcement appears to have been irregular. Mr. Marder displayed pictures of the applicant' s residence illustrating that her driveway can park three large vehicles, without the use of the carport. ARer discussion, Commissioner Jones moved to Waive the carport requirement for 2005 N. Grandview Avenue. Seconded by Commissioner Williams and carried by vote of the Commission, as follows: Mayor-Commissioner Lessard Aye Commissioner Eckstein Aye Commissioner Williams Aye 128 MINUTES REGULAR MEETING APRIL 9 20.~I City Commission, S~ford, ~orida Commissioner Jones Aye Commissioner Woodruff Aye Consent Agenda. Mayor Lessard removed for separate consideration, Consent Agenda Item #6, authorize execution of contract with Janus Building Corporation in the amount of $164,000 for Sanford Law Enforcement Center. City Manager VanDerworp reported there is normally an insurance requirement for neighborhood street closures, however, Staff recommends that indemnification agreements be available for everyone to sign at the Friends of Mayfair Street Picnic, detailed in Consent Agenda Item #1. Gary Lowell, 121 N. Summerlin, reported there will be no open containers of alcoholic beverages provided for consumption on the street. On recommendation of the City Manager, Commissioner Jones moved to approve the Consent Agenda, as follows: Approve street closure and deny request to waive insurance requirement for Friends of Mayfair Street Picnic SpeciaiEvent: Summerlin Avenue north of 2nd Street f~om 3:00 P.M. to 8:00 P.M. Saturday, April 21, 2001. Approve street closure for Spring Fest & Earth Day 2001 Special Event: 7th Street between Elm and Myrtle Avenues from 8:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. Saturday, April 21, 2001. Approve Radio Communication Equipment Bid #00/01-18 at unit prices from JDS Systems. Approve Box Spreader Bid #00/01-20 in the amotmt of$8,156.70 from Tresca Turf& Tractor. Accept SJRWMD 2001 Alternative Water Supply Construction Cost Share Award of $3,281.00 and approve use of the funds for the proposed Holly Avenue reclaimed water extension; City's estimated share of costs is $6,563.73. Approve submission of grant application for $300,000 FL DOT County Incentive Grant Program funds for Phase 2 - Lake Monroe Riverwalk. Seconded by Commissioner Williams and carded by vote of the Commission, as follows: Mayor-Commissioner Lessard Aye Commissioner Eckstein Aye Commissioner Willjams Aye Commissioner Jones Aye Commissioner Woodruff Aye Authorize execution of contract with Janus Building Corporation in the amount of $164,000 for Sanford Law Enforcement Center space planning and interior renovation design/build. Recommended by the City Manager. City lvlanager VartDerworp reported that subsequent to going through the process of bidding and ranking, Police ChiefTooley has identified the possible ability to retrofit an existing building to develop a law enforcement center. A meeting is scheduled for April 26 to tour the Ocala Law Enforcement Center which is a rehab of a strip commercial building. He recomraended this item be pulled to allow time to review the viability of retrofitting a building. Mayor Lessard pulled this item from the Agenda. Board appointment. Commissioner Williams moved to appoint David Gierach to the Metroplan Citizen Advisory Committee. Se~.,~l~ by Commissioner Eckstein and carried by vote of the Commission, as follows: MINUTES 12 9 City Commission, Sanford, Florida REGULAR MEETING APRIL 9 2001 Mayor-Commissioner Lessard Aye Commissioner Eckstein Aye Commissioner Williams Aye Commissioner Jones Aye Commigsioner Woodraft Aye Information only. 1. Police Department Status Report on police activities February 16, 2001 through March 15, 2001. This item was noted. 2. Thank you and commendation - Derby Park use and Don Perry. This item was noted. 3. U.S. Census of 2000. This item was noted. City Attorney's Report. No report. City Clerk's Report. City Clerk Janet Dougherty distributed the Agenda for the April 11, 2001 Special Meeting. City Manager's Report. City Manager VanDerworp said he vvffi communicate directly with each Commissioner regarding the process for Wednesday' s meeting. City Commissioners' Reports. Commissioner Eckstein - no report. "-' Commissioner Williams - no report. Commissioner Jones - reported he has received complaints regarding 401 W. 19th Street and requested that Mr. Rowe advise him when the residence was split into a duplex to determine if proper permitting was obtained. He noted that the police status report indicates there were 27 DUI arrests. Commissioner Woodruff- reported that two weeks ago he, Russ Gibson, and Antonia Gerli met with a group of residents to educate them on what a master plan is and what planning in general is; the group has decided to continue to meet and he plans to continue to meet with theat He hopes good communication and planning ideas will come out of the meetings. Mayor Lessard - requested that Mr. Marder look at Anythinggas. tom on Sanford Avenue and 261h Street to verify that the City did not allow a business to he opened by placing an eighteen-wheel trailer on that corner. Mayor Lessard introduced Donja 1Lausom, son of Deputy Fire Chief Ransom, who was present to learn about local government. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. Mayor Attest: City Clerk ep