HomeMy WebLinkAbout071101 Budget ws MINUTES 2 7 i2 City Commission, Sanford, Florida BUDGET WORK SESSION JULY 11 01 20~ ,~ The City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida met in continuation of Budget Work Session on Wednesday, July 11, 2001, at 12:00 P.M. in the City Manager's Conference Room, Sanford City Hall, 300 North Park Avenue, Sanford, Florida. Present: Mayor-Commissioner Brady Lessard Commissioner Whitey Eckstein Commissioner Velma H. Williams Commissioner Art Woodraft City Manager Tony VanDerworp City Clerk Janet R. Dougherty -- Absent: Commissioner Randy Jones City Attorney William L. Colbert The Chairman called the meeting to order. City Manager Tony VanDerworp directed the Commission' s attention to the disphy board, where he had written a list of items he wanted to further explore in today's Work Session meeting. He distributed a written summary of revisions discussed in Tuesday's meeting, which the Finance Department prepared pursuant to the direction of the Commission. The Commission continued discussion of the Budget Summary and departmental budget requests as follows: Recap of Tuesday, July 10 Work Session. The City Manager distributed the summary of budget revisions and explained that he had written a list, on the right-hand side of the board, of items the Commission wanted to look at; i.e., McKibbin Park, property valuations at the Seminole Towne Center Mall, impact and transport fees, addition of Grant Coordinator, etc. The City Manager said that none of these items individually had a large monetary impact, but that they each "-' merited further discussion. The City Manager said that, in addition, the Commission had requested each department head look at providing a Clwistmas bonus to each City employee at two different [gross] levels, $500.00 and $750.00, plus FICA payment applicable, and that each department bead had found funds in his or her individual budget forthe higher bonus mount. Ms. Watt said the bonus would be taxable at the 28% rate; at $750.00, the net mount of the bonus check would be approximately $500.00. The City Ivlanager reported that adjustments could be made in office supplies or printer reproduction costs; other moneys, such as radios which were going to be changed out at five years forthe Police Department and Public Works Department and could be moved instead to a six- to seven-year time flame, would help meet the challenge of the Commission to lind these funds. He also said that some eonsultin~ services for both the City Clerk and the Engineering and Planning Department could be deferred, and that rather than do an Araaual Citizen Report and a Citizen Survey, just one item could be completed. The City Manager offered to prepare an extensive, line-by-line changed proposed budget, but the preliminary report showing changes as of July 10 was before the Commissior~ The City Manager recapped the elimination or reduction of soma requested personnel positions as discussed in Tuesday's Work Session, and the addition of a few items. Tuition for the City Commission budget and an allowance for the Scenic Improvement Board had been added; retaining only a part-time secretary in the Finance Deparhxxent and deleting various other requested positions were also shown, for a net effect of Tuesday's suggested reductions of $151,242.00. Coupled with Mayor Lessard's proposed 0.25 millage rate reduction, $158,344.00 was left as a deficit for Fiscal Year 2001/2002. Commissioner Eckstein disagreed with Mayor Lessard's request to reduce the rrillage rate by 0.25, or ¼ point, and said that the rate had never been reduced by that much during his term as Commissioner. Mayor Lessard explained that his position was that the tax rate had been increased by 0.25 in the past, and that he had not been happy with the 0.004 rate MINUTES BUDGET WORK SESSION alLY 11 01 City Commission, Sanford, Florida 20~ reduction that was made in 2000 property taxes. Commissioner Eckstein suggested that since the millage rote due to Seminole County for preparation of 2001 property tax notices cotrid not be increased at any point, but could be decreased, the City of Sanford submit a reduction of 0.125, or 1/8 point, and increase it if need be at a later time. Commissioner Williams and Commissioner Woodruff requested an explanation of the City Manager' s proposal before making a decision either way. Ms. Watt explained that $1,860,525.00 bad already been cut t~om general fund requests. She explained $190,238.00 was currently in a small special fund called "Termination Benefit Fund," which the City is required to lump back into the general fund (or other appropriate City fund) as it has not been used. The fund initially bad moneys put into it for vacation and sick time benefits due employees upon retirement from the City, but with untilled vacancies, each department bad been able to cover the same benefits without using this fund for some years. Finance had planned to fold the $190,238.00 back into the general fund at the end of this year, which would more than cover the proposed millage rate reduction. Commissioners Eckstein and Woodraft requested a brief explanation of the City' s exposure should all those persons eligible choose to retire "tomorrow". Ms. Watt reported that 14 employees with over 25 years of service could retire within the next 5 years; 50 employees with over 20 years of service could retire within the next 10 years. City Manager VanDerworp further explained tbat the amount of unexpended personnel funds tbat get rolled forward due to vacancies would be reduced by some dollar amount if this fund is eliminated; Mayor Lessard reported that this would bappen only when this account was phased out, which is mandated by accounting principles in Florida Statutes. The City Manager said that he recotranended taking the moneys available in this fund because: ( 1 ) the City has used the account only once in several years; (2) if there are say, ten, retirements in a given year, the City would bave to look to the general fund for salary savings anyway; (3) there are sufficient vacancies across the general fund each year to cover any payouts required. The only other place to lind the 0.25 mill would be to go back to major capital and personnel items discussed, which bave already been cut by $151,242.00. Mayor Lessard said he sees a trend with Sanford property values increasing; as properties continue to appreciate, the tax rote primarily impacts the very rick who bave the ability to make high-end, high-tech investments in the City of Sanford, and the very poor, who are barely making their taxes at the current millage rote. The middle class of the City is not as affected by rising home values in rehtion to tax rates as are the very rich and the very poor. Commissioner Eckstein said he thought citizens preferred a smaller tax reduction with an increase in quality of services provided by the City as opposed to more of a reduction in taxes, and he proposed using the Termination Benefit Fund moneys to get the new radios for the Police and Public Works Departments as an alternative to the larger mffiage rate reductiork City Clerk personnel issue: request for secretary vs. outsource court reporter. The City Manager asked City Clerk Janet Dougherty to summarize the new secretaxial position requested in the Clerk' s office versus the court reporter option suggested by Mayor Lessard in Tuesday's Work Session, The City Clerk said the secretary would cost approximately $28,000.00 as proposed, and the court reporter would cost approximately $31,360.00 with the rough numbers put together quickly afier calling a well-known, reputable area court reporter. She distributed a chart showing how the $31,360.00 was anived at, and said that a couple of court reporters had been contacted for the rates used. Their absolute lowest rates are shown on the chart provided; the City Clerk recognizes, of course, tbat should using a court reporter be the cbxfice of the Commission, the matter would go out to bid. A verbatim transcript consisting of 45 seconds of Tuesday' s meeting was attached to the chart for the Commission's reference. City Manager VanD erworp said tbat he thought only a verbatim transcript would be available from a court reporter, and the City Clerk said she would investigate both verbatim and summary minutes if the court reporter City Commission, Sanford, Florida B~ET WORK SESSION JULY 11 01 20__ option was chosen. In addition, the City Clerk said a tape recording of the proceedings would be kept by the Clerk' s office as the official record. She explained how the $31,360.00 figure was arrived at, in that a court reporter would charge not only by the hour for attending meetings but also by the transcribed page for his or her services. She also noted that the pricing shown was for a ten-day turnaround. Mayor Lessard said that what he had initially envisioned was a "cottage industry" where someone could take a tape ofproceedings home and transcribe it, and the official record would still be maintained in the City Clerk's office. The City Manager explained that part of the City Clerk' s responsibilities are to ensure that the minutes are accurate, so editing the work of an outside source would be potentially more problematie than keeping the function in-house. Ifa court reporter was hired to prepare a verbatim transcript, he or she would be completely responsible for the authenticity of the proceedings, and bonded and insured, thus alleviating the City Clerk of editing respousibility altogether. The City Manager said that the Seminole County Clerk's office functioned at Commission meetings in virtually the same way as the City of Sanford's. The City Clerk also observed that costs for outsourcing transcription of meeting minutes would be somewhat controllable, as the Commission controls how oRen it meets end how long the meetings last. The City Manager said that although the actual cost was close to a wash, the Clerk's office could provide other services (lawsuit and other research, legal ads, development issues) more efficien~y without the responsibility of providing summary minutes, and that he felt ontsourcing would be a good idea. The City Clerk said her office would be excited about this option, as it would leave more time to do fewer things better and to be caught up [ with indexing and other Clerk' s office functions]. The Mayor suggested a meeting between himself, the City Clerk, and the '- City Manager to discuss this option. Commissioner Woodmffsuggested using $1,000.00 to test the idea at an upcoming meeting. Conux~ssioner Eckstein agreed that the idea was excellent, supported trying ontsourcing for one Commission meeting, and said that he felt whatever was agreed to between the Mayor, the City Manager, and the City Clerk would be fine and would alleviate the need for the Commission to meet on the issue. New and replacement vehicles. The City Manager reported that two to three years ago, the Sanford Police Department vehicles were in less than prime mechanical condition. Eight vehicles are currently needed for patrol and eight are needed for investigations. Fiscal Year 2000/2001 was the first year the City attempted to rephce vehicles on a schedule using set criteria: so many miles, so many dollars worth of replacement or maintenance costs going into them. The Police Department vehicles get more use, so they have a shorter timeframe for rephcement age. Eighteen vehicles were repheed last year across the Police Department, and sixteen are requested this year. Just five patrol units will need to be replaced next year, and al~er that the number will be between four and five per year, since the replacement schedule is currently up-to-date. The same holds tree for investigations units. The City Manager said that police motorcycles were taken off the Police Department budget request. Commissioner Eckstein asked which department heads had take-home automobiles provided by the City. The City Manager said that four department heads were provided with take-homo automobiles, and another five received vehicle allowames. In addition, Ms. Watt said, there were others who were not directors but did have take-home vehicles or allowances. Commissioner Eckstein asked about the vehicle provided to the Finance Depamnent, and Deputy Finance Director Kevin Smith reported that the vehicle had been purchased within tJ~ past week and was approved as part of a "vehicle contingency" by the Commission. Commissioner Williams observed that the budgel Was approved at large, and a car was not specially authorized by the Commission. Mr. Smith agreed that that wat'~at~ t~tlse- Commissioner Eckstein asked why the Finance Department BUDGET WORK SESSION alLY 11 City Co~ission, $~ford, Florida 20~ req~d ~ automobil, ~d th~ C~ M~er s~d that th~ c~ w~ p~c~d ~ a pool ~cl~ for ~ a~ation s~ction of Ci~ ~. The ~k ~r (w~ ~ r~qu~d to ~o to med~tb~, deposkio~, ~d ~esti~ate accidents) ~d th~ Data Proc~s~ Depart w~re ~e p~ ~ers of ~ ~, ~d ~to~ ~o~el ~o n~d ~ e~. Co~sioner Ec~e~ ~ked why the ca p~c~e w~ not s~c~c~y approved by ~e Co~ssio~ ~d City M~er V~e~o~ ~ated at he ~on¢ hd decid~ to p~c~e ~e c~ ~ a pool ve~cle. ~e City ~er ~s~ed ~e Co~ssion he would g~ docenm~n on ~ ~r of ~ho~ auaob~s pro~ed ~ ~ CiW, ~ web ~ ~e n~r of ~ ~ow~s pro~de~ M~ the week; it w~ s~ply a ~Rer of up~t~g ~o~tion on ~d ~om ~t ye~'s budget meethgs. Co~ioner ~hte~ ~d ~t ~ a ~jor e~ae (Le., ap~o~te~ $1 5,000.~) ~ch ~ ~ amo~e, a ~ mu~ be ~de to keep t~s expendit~e h check. Co~ssioner W~ ~d Mayor Les~d a~eed. City M~ag~ V~o~ ~d at he w~ m~ towed p~c~ pool ve~cles for Recr~ion Supe~rs a B~d~g ~p~m ~loyees opposed to pro~ c~ ~ow~ces, ~d ~at some pro~ess hd ~¢n ~e ~ tht a~. As ~ e~ple, ~e new Ta~ p~c~ by ~e F~ ~pm~nt w~ ~t~d~ ~ a pool veMcle for F~, Ha ~so~ces, the D~or's offi~, ~d ~y~dy el~ ~ aas~ation. Co~sioner W~ expressed ~e ~ew at the c~ sho~d aso ~ avable to ~e City Clerk' s office. ~e C~ M~er ~d ~ ~e ~ of new ~d r~hcem~t ve~cles he ~ r~o~n~ ~ ~en p~d do~ ~om ~e orig~ reque~s: so~ petrel did not ~et the crke~ for reph~mem veMcle ~propr~tio~ some new veMcles w~e not mco~nded by the CiW ~ger tom ~e sty. h ad~fio~ ~e '~e~cle ~nt~encf' request h ~n e~ed ~om t~ Budga. Moneys ~om t~t ~d, ~d sever~ other cont~gency is, hve ~en re~ed to ~e gene~ Id. Automob~e request for ~e DepuW City M~ger. Co~ssioner Eck~e~ ~ked why Deputy C~ M~ger Roger D~on w~ not ~y prodded a c~ by ~e CiW, ~d the Cky M~er re~ffed that he w~ t~g m ~ay ~tl budget when Ig ~. Dkon. Co~ssioner Ecksteh ~d Mayor ~d ~d ~at ~ey wo~d prefer ~ ~ow~ce eq~ o~ d~t h~d ~ ~w~s ~ given m ~. Dko~ i.e., $250.00 ~r mn~ In ~o~ ~ C~ ~er smt~ ~. Dkon wo~d ~ welcome to use the F~ce Depmem' s ~ol veMcle at ~y t~e, ff it were not ~ u~ by ~oth~ s~ ~m~r. Comsioner Eck~e~ reit~ated the need for a comprehemive ch~ sho~ ~ city veMcles ~d ~ek assents, ~ ~ow~ces prodded to City e~loyees, ~d the need for a derive pokey mg~d~ CiW veMcles ~d ~o~ce ~oca~om. He ~t~ ~t ~e sm ofveMcl~ pm~ ~d m~ by t~ C~ ~ a si~c~ cap~ ~n~e w~ch the Co~ssion sho~d ~ kept aw~e o~ CMefB~ Tooley r~oned ~t ~e mque~ woffid o~ cov~ mphc~em of ~e ei~ ve~cl~ wMch c~en~y needed m ~ mphc~. He id ~t a ~e-home c~ pl~ wo~d r~e the p~c~e ofappro~tely eleven c~, wMch not been ad&essed h ~e Pofice Dep~ment budget reque~. ~yor Less~d restated tb~t he is ~ fivor of ~y poHce officer ~g ~ ciW its ~hg given a t~e-~ ~fice c~. Comsioner Woo~ ~so ~vored ~s poficy, sugge~ ~e se~o~ty of ~e officer ~ criterion for ~e t~e-home poficy c~ge to ~gh. CMef Tooley id ~t ~ option h ~hg comid~d, ~ong ~th officem ~hg c~g~ for g~ ~d on ~e ff~ey ~e oreside ofciW ~ts. h ad~tio~ ~ere ~e reed pofice c~ outlets where ~t p~chses c~ ~ rode, ~d ~e Depment wo~d ~ look hto ~s optio~ The CiW M~ r~ue~ed ~t CMefT~ley pmpm a &~ pro~ mg~ ~ ~e-ho~ pote c~ d~sion, ich ~ ~ to supplement ~e c~ent repo~ av~ble on t~e-home autorubrics ~d c~ ~ow~ces. MINUTES 2 7 5 City Commission, Sanford, Florida BUDGET WORK SESSION JULY 11 01 20 Mayor Lessard stated that he would rather pay an allowance than provide an automobile, as there was no insurance or replacement cost factor involved. City Manager VanDerworp said that in some cases, an allowance would not work, as a particular enc~ployee might require a utility vehicle or other type ofspechlized vehicle. Mayor Lessard said that those exceptions could certainly be set up as policy; Commissioner Woodruff said he would like to hear from the department heads about which option they would prefer before making a decision. As an aside, Chief Tooley recognized Wayne Beatty, Shop Supe&ltendent for Building and Fleet Maintenance, for all of his efforts in coming up with a vehicle replacement program and a projection schedule which can be utilized for several years. Chief Tooley also gave the Commission an overview of equipment instathtion options and repair cost control for the Police Department fleet. (Mayor Lessard left the meeting.) City Commissioners' transportation allowance. Commissioner Wrilliavrls asked the Commissioners in attendance if they would consider increasing the transportation/expense allowance that Commissioners currently receive proportional to the current rote of inflation. Ms. Watt said the transportation allowance was increased approximately four years ago, and that it had not been increased for years prior to that point. The inflation rate since that adjustment amounts to approximately 9%, or $540.00 per Commissioner per month, an increase of $45.00 over the current rate of $495.00 per month. City Manager VanDerworp said if this amount had not been adjusted by CPI, be would recommend the adjustment. (Mayor Lessard rejoined the meeting.) Proposed employee bonus. City Manager VanDerworp reported that the numbers were run both ways with ,-- respect to the honus proposed by Commissioner Eckstein. The net amount ofa $750.00 benus cbeck would be approximately $482.00, and the $500.00 benus check would yield a net amount to each employee of abom $320.00. The City Manager requested direction on this matter. Commissioner Eckstein said that the gesture would go further if the directors and/or supenisors personally handed the checks out to staff members in each depat'tment as opposed to the City either mailbig or direct depositing the checks. Ms. Watt said that in the past, bonus checks bad been made payable directly to the employee, not direct-deposited, and came with a son of"thank you" card. She suggested that the date for check distribution be on or about December I0, 2001. Mayor Lessard stated that he wanted to ensure that the checks were presented as an unusual, or special, honns, so that they were not expected in the future. He said he was not in favor of a yearly bonus being shown as a budget item for this reason~ The City Manager suggested that distribution on a general, nonspecific date would remove any "Christmas bonus" assumption by employees. Commissioner Eckstein proposed that as a condition of receipt, all recipients' effective dates of employment be as of September 30, 2001. The City Manager reminded the Commission that the benuses could be part of the current FOP and Fire Department unionization negotiations as part of a benefit package, along with the 3% salary increase and 1% performance paymere proferred to the officers, as the Commission's philosophy has historically been that all employees should be treated equally, whether union or non-union~ Com_missioner Eckstein said the benus was not intended to be conditional and did not want the benus included as a negotiable item, and Commissioner Woodruff agreed. Sanford Main Street, Inc. request for additional funds. The City Manager reported that Sanford Main Street had lost its funding from Seminole County this year and was therefore requesting its $25,000.00 contract amount and an additional $55,000.00 from Sanford CRA funds (the Main Street request is a CRA-eligible expense). Mayor Lessard said that Main Street 2 7' 6 MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida BUDGET WORK SESSION alLY 11 2001 E00014148 should, in face, be funded out of the CRA, so that the organization can achieve its goals. City Manager VanDerworp said that as a rule, the CRA's of most cities (including DeLand, Ft. Pierce, Eustis, Delmy Beach, Daytona Beach) funded their Main Street organizations. Commissioner Eckstein said he was in favor of giving Main Street the additional moneys, with the condition that no administrative costs (i.e., salary expenses) be funded with them. The City Manager said that this clause could easily be put into the contract between the City and Sanford Main Street, Inc. Meals on Wheels request for ~mds. City Manager VanDerworp said that Meals on Wheels has made prior requests for funding in addition to this year's request, and that the City's position has historically been to deny fired requests from all charitable organizations, thereby relieving the City of the responsibility to choose which cause is more worthy. He cited RSVP, the Good Samaritan Home, the Christian Sharing Center, and three or four religious organizations as examples of causes which had requested funds from the City in the past. Commissioner Woodruff was in favor of granting the request from Meals on Wheels. Commissioner Eckstein asked if the City could separate Meals on Wheels from all the other charitable organiTations who requested funds throughout the year on the grounds that Sanford benefited more from its services than from others. Mayor Lessard said that he could not. Commissioner Williams said that she thought the City could in fact separate this particular request, as Meals on Wheels provided the bulk of its services to the elderly and the disabled, and that Sanford had several pockets of poverty the organization provides assistance to. (City Manager VanDerworp briefly lel~ the meeting and returned.) Mayor Lessard stated that the way to provide assistance to a cause each Commissioner personally felt was worthwhile was to "do it on [his or her] time and [his or her] dime." The City Manager said that the request cotrid be decided at a later time, and that the Commission should consider the request in the interirm -- 0.25 mill vs. 0,125 mill tax rate reductiorL City Manager VanDerworp reiterated that this reduction could he accomplished with the use of the Termination Benefit Fund moneys as outlined earlier in the meeting. Other budget issues. Commissioner Woodmffasked where the funding for Bentley-Wilson Park improvements was in the proposed budget, and City Manager VanDerworp stated that these improvements were scheduled to be funded, subject to County Commission approval in October, next year as part of CDBG Projects. The amount for park improvements will be between $35,000.00 and $45,000.00. Howard Jeffries, Landscape Architect, will be holding several meetings with residents near the park to determine which options the residents would like to see installed. At this time, some of the options that will be offered are an adjacent land purchase and a picnic pavilion addition. Commissioner Woodruff also asked about seed money for design and engineering for a museum expansion. He said that there would probably be some private money available to construct two wings, and wanted to know how much the City would be willing to commit in funds and in donated services for this project. Commissioner Eckstein said that the roof and the contractor itself had posed a problem during prior expansion of the museum and an engineer should be hired for any additional construction; Mike Kirby, Director of Reereation and Parks, said that the roof problem was completely resolved. (Commissioner Williams left the meeting.) Commissioner Eckstein was in favor of enlarging the museum, including an expansion of the sports portion of the collection and the building of a "visual type" presentation. Commissioner Eckstein suggested contacting Paul Porter for a possible donation of services, and reminded the Commission that the project should be done, if possible, notwithstanding the planned hotel/conference center. Commissioner Eckstein suggested matching any private moneys earmarked for the museum expansion with City funds taken out of reserves. L. Millard Hunt, a Sanford citizen present, said that there seemed to be "a felt need on the part of a number of MINUTES 2 7 7 City Commission, Sanford, Florida BUDGET WORK SESSION JULY 11 01 20__ people" to make the museum "more than just a museum," and to expand the facility to include substantial meeting space. Mr. Hunt stated that his understanding of the current construction was that there would be a problem with adding on to the existing structure without engineering. Commissioner Woodruff asked the City Manager to investigate donation of that service, or, in the alternative, to add that amount to the proposed budget. The City Manager said that he and Mr. Kirby would call CPH Engineers, Inc. to see if they could assist with the project. Commissioner Woodruff also inquired as to whether the City's portion of the proposed lighting in the Historic District, if the measure was passed, was included in the budget. The City Manager said that it would be part of Public Works' budget. Tom George, Project Manager for Public Works, stated that according to the amount of property the City currently owns, its bill for the lighting would be approximately $7,000.00. The City Manage said the amount would be added if needed, and reminded the Commission that the special meeting for counting votes would be held Monday, July 16, at 7:00 p.m. in Commission Chambers. In the event the lighting is voted on affirmatively, Mayor Lessard said that the City should look at adding, in certain areas, a high concentration of the lights for the visual impact desired. He mentioned Sanford Avenue, Park Avenue, and Summerlin Avenue as potential venues for the additional fixtures. Commissioner Woodruff said that he would see individual department heads, or the City Manager, regarding additional questions he had about the budget rather than asking them at this work session, and that he may have further concerns following those conversations. He mentioned telephone costs of approximately $450.00 per employee per year, as well as office supply and small equipment budgets, as examples of some areas of concern he had. -- Orlando Sanford International Airport policing issue. Mayor Lessard said that he had spoken with Larry Dale, President and CEO of the Orlando Sanford International Airport, regarding continued support liom the Sanford Police Department at the airport. City Manager VanDerworp coliF_u'txled that Mr. Dale was presenting a budget to his group at the end of Jaly and would be presenting it to the City of Sanford in August. The Mayor asked how to view the additional bicycle police officers requested by the Police Department in light of the pending decision by Mr. Dale. Commissioner Eckstein said that his understanding was that the two police officers currently at the airport, ff released by Mr. Dale, would not he able to perform bicycle officer functions. ChiefTooley said that should the airport officers be released, the Police Department would find other slots for them through vacancies, attrition or other means, and that the department would still need the two bicycle officers. Commissioner Eckstein suggested that the two police officers currently requested by the department he eliminated in light of what he views as Mr. Dale's probable decision on the matter; ChiefTooley stated that no decision had been made yet and he would not recommend denial of the two new positions. The Police Department has, for instance, three current, funded vacancies, so bringing the police officers back t~om the airport would work. Donna Watt pointed out that should the current arrangement cease, the City's income would automatically he reduced by approximately $137,000.00, the amount currently being paid for the airport officers by the Airport Authority. 0.25 mill reduction discussion (continued). Commissioner Woodruff said he would like to see some take-home cars for Sanford Police Officers, that there were a number of"what if' scenarios presented in this work session, and that he would rather see the City in a position of heing able to reduce taxes again in the 2002/2003 fiscal year than to increase then~ Mayor Lessard said that the matter had not been decided, but that if the Commission was in agreement regarding a 0.125 mill reduction, the Termination Benefit Fund proceeds of $158,344.00 would make the 0.25 reduction feasible. Given that the initial millage rate is due to the Seminole County Property Appraiser by August 4th, Ms. Watt said that the Commission would have BUDGET WORK SESSION JULY 11 281 City Commission, Sanford, Florida E00014148 to determine the rate to provide to the Property Appraiser at its July 25th regular meeting; although the rote can be decreased, it cannot be increased. Commissioner Woodruff told the Commission he would not be in attendance at the July 25th work session, but would be at the regular meeting. City Manager VanDerworp recommended, under the current scenario, that the Comn-fission give the Property Appraiser an initial millage rote with an 0.125 reduction and the ability to increase the reduction to 0.25 at any time prior to October 1~. Other business. Mayor Lessard told those in attendance that a third work session meeting would not be necessary. He asked the City Manager to phone Commissioner Jones to brief him on this work session. (Commissioner Williams rejoined the meeting.) Commissioner Eckstein brought up the Post Office Blue Ribben Committee, and Mayor Lessard asked for two nominations for the committee t~om each Commissioner. The nominees given were as follows: Commissioner Eckstein Marveen Kelly; John Mercer; Millard Hunt Commissioner Woodruff Doug Stenstrom; Marveen Kelly; Nancy Sapp Commissioner Williams Bernard Mitchell; Thelma Mike Mayor Lessard Mike Skat; Trish Thomas Commissioner Eckstein noted that Mr. Stenstrom would not be available to serve. Mayor Lessard asked City Manager VanDerworp to get Commissioner Jones' nominees when they spoke. Commissioner Eckstein said that the United States Post Office would utilize the services of the committee for the selection of sites for the new retail post office location, and that the recommendation of the committee would go to the government. Commissioner Eckstein stated that U. S. Congressman John Mica (R-W'mter Park) was especially eager to form this committee to ensure public participation. Mayor Lessard proposed that the group meet quickly, as some of the sites have basically been identified, and they should be formally recognized by the committee. Mr. Hunt stated that the govemment would also be looking for committee input as to design. Mayor Lessard asked the City Clerk to get the list of nominees to Jeffrey Bauer, Commission Liaison, and to coordinate the scheduling of a meeting as quickly as possible. Mayor Lessard said he would also get clarification liom Congressman Mica on any additional requests the Congressm~'m might have of the Post Office Blue Ribben Committee. Commissioner Woodruffasked ifRiverwalk should be included as part of the Blue Ribben Committee, and beth Mayor Lessard and City Manager VanDerworp said they would prefer to let the committee decide. At Commissioner Eckstein' s suggestion, the Commission will also ask Sanford Main Street, Inc. to select a representative for the committee. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 2:15 p.m. Mayor Attest: City Clerk re