HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance Dated 06/03/1918 ORDINANCE NO. o :/ '._!_~ "' r. _1 Jf--"f' An ordinnnQe ;:m t it lea"' AIr ORDnB.NCr,; OF 'TIE C I?Y OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, ABOLISHnm, VACATING, DISCGUTTIIUr'G .\ND ABANDONING- AS PICLIC 'lIGHTIAYS CERTAIN STRE:-':TS, A~N1.ES, ALLEYS AND IIIGEYTAYS IN TEE eI'l'Y OF SAin'ORn, FLORIDA". \"rrIEREAS th0 City C(iUI1Cil of th8 City of S:~n::Q.r:-~, Florid:-~, boin~ iiully advised in the premises and 8,.ft0r due consideration and investi.';n.tion, deem it expedL;nt, '1.dvla.uble ~nd to the best int0r~et of said City of S8nford, Florida, to abolish, V;1.c:~.te, c'U,5continue and abn.nd.on a.s public Gtr>;ta :u1d highw'lYs in the City of Sanford, the'oertain ntr,J3ts. "vnnues, alleys ;md hlgL....m.ys more )8.rtiC'.ilarly deseri ed in Seotion 1 of t', is ordinanoe: Ncm.TII'EREFORE, m: IT ORDAIlIEIJ BY TE~ CITY COUlICIL OF THE c'ITY OF SANFOIID, FLOn!DAf SECTIon 1: Thf',t all streets, :wenucD,:::"l~ys und or not" hiq-h';""..ya, 1.."~"'eF "'r oy)'''n,"''2 ;".\.~'u"f'''' <,<> ;'''''l~'~ ,,~r..ch'.''''Y'' U'" '" i...~ \,I>..,...., .1 '...1 __ .........:.... _OJ!".). .',,- j;.J\..J.V ,J._ ....-,. ,- t. ~ ">..6 in th0 City of ganford, F:horlda., and located be~w;m the f:Jain 11:~ of the Atlantic Coast Line R~ilroad fu~d the Trilby Branch of said Atlantic Coast Line fL'1.11road and East of ce, line desoribed as, Beginning D.t 'a pQint :It the Southa;".st corner of Block Eighty-two (82.) or M.U~Smithla Subdivision of all that part of. ::;s~-tiii6n m1'lihiit~aS1Jei1(S") lying South of Gertrude AV0nue <1.11.d ths.t part of theV/f:wt a~lf of Section TWJnty-aix(26! lying South of Bertrude Avenue and At~antic Const Line lliiilroa., i , Company.. and the If! of Hi of SQot1on Thirty-four (34)~ und Ni- of NIl of Seotion Thirty-five (35), all in TO:n1shlp Nineteen (19) South# a~~ge Thirty (3ol Ea~t~ according to plat of said aubdi.ieion of reco1:'d in the .pubJ.,io records of Orapge County, ltD. . ,_, in plat B:.,ok. 1, .\ \\ Oil fi ~ !l J 11 It I t ~ J i ~ f . '! /,: [') '.:: I. -', ~/ of 8ftid M. M. Smith's sub-,-~_lvi5io11; tr;!]tlG.;.; S,.:__:tll on tho" Wast lina of. Blocks'aS, 86 :u'lCl 87, to t:'L; rl@l.t J:~ 'J:W o~> the Trilby Branoh of an.i::} Ata,r;J1t 10 Oo~wt Line R'li.lroD.d~ IL"lU all streets, n,venuesl ,-,,113:/3 &"13. hi:)Ydilye of nny su!]" l.":i:iion or sub-divisions of '~~I):f1 crtlc.l1 or pcrtio'flt:l G: l'.n~r 1::.:-:(: 2.1"l.l:.g En..at of tha aJ)o vc}es:;r b,:;d 1md :l.n::l b8t':-,:;:~'n, t:~_3 :::;-;..iT1 1 ins of snid Atl"nt 1c COi1.st Li .0 RilrGad1.n' t.,.:; Tri11)y Bl'"n:h of said Atlnntic Coast Lin;.; E:'ilreadl '.:het::..:;r 0)':;11:.1::1. n.nd usecl :.16 {jubIlee hicil'rr:.lYs or !lGt.J b-; J and "t;I:1..:;' SD..l718 ;i.!~~~ hereby deGln~red to be ab'o11s110d) v'o:~cat8d, .diacG:lti-_1.:e-J '-:.n ~ ~-:...b .~;.d011ed D,S publiC str:;.3ts and l1ii~;Fi,~!YS ~)f the St\id C1 ty of Snf ed., Florida. SECTIOll 2. That :'\,11 ordin,nG.)G or ycrts ,J: ordinanoes in conflict ITi th th,:; prov1$L'5 ')f t::is ordinano:z. b~ and the same are hereby repoaled. Passed on first reading by C1 ty Council';)'] iutj d'i ty vote at meeting of the f:,13//~ ct:~y 0t A. D. 1918. Pas Bed on seoon' reading by City C"junall y rr,:ority ';.;J day of )l~ vote at maet lng of t!1e A. D. 1918. , . J Passed en. ~lllrd reading by 01 ty C01.11'10il by m",j ori ty vot's of all memb~,r~ 3 ;,a<, ofl;laid Cit.'y Council a.t meetinG of the day of .....,.~ . . "'?/' ATrEST: ~.~ ...y ~er.K or th~ City of Sa.m:ord,Fl&", A.D. 191~. '; Ii: '7 '-"..~ Approved by me this the -s 1/' O,J:"-. day of ~ A.D. 1918. ~~ '/\ \'i"': ' f . /{ J' , i r: , ,t. ,~ ,}-, / /t,1 i7/,.;~ MaIo;r';of th"'e ~ 1\1 of S13...'1f'ora. .1 J . .., ~--.-r~ _. . ".-:, .- iI., / j.~':L ;4.tiffA.. (A y\; b / ,) f v l ! .~if-:~ .' , Y':r\ i:J /1 . V Florida. /";Y:-' ,;-"', fl,',,/:. .~';f. NF1!/ lu ... '"-..... c> 1J-~- /I/