HomeMy WebLinkAbout181-Hidden Lake Housing AssociaSEHINOLE CO. FL, FL. RECOROEO & VERIFIED U__TILITY EASEMENT THIS UTILITY EASEMENT is made and entered into this day of -- March -- , 1988, by and between HIDDEN LA-~KE HOUSING ~SSOCIATION, INC~, a Florida non-profit COrporation, whose address is 148 Hidden Lake Drive, Sanford, Florida 32771, hereinafter referred to as the GRANTOR, and the CITY OF SANEORD, a Florida municipality, whose address is 300 North Park Avenue, Sanford, Florida, 32772-1778, hereinafter referred to asthe GRANTEE. WI TNE S S E TH: FOR AND IN CONSIDERATION OF the sum of ONE AND NO/100 DOLLAR ($1.00) and other good and valuable Consideration, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, GRANTOR does hereby grant and COnvey to the GRANTEE and its assigns, a non-exclusive utility easement for Construction, installation, maintenance and Operation of water, Sewer, electric, telephone, gas or other public utility purposes, Under and through the following- described lands situate in the County of Seminole,State of Florida, to-wit: ~o~_(~ foo~ wide strip of land lying ~ ~nu Contiguous Block G- H~n~ .... to Lots 2 and 3, Plat . ~un~ ~AKE UNIT 1-C as recorded in Book 17, Pages 55 and 56 of the Public ReCOrds of Seminole County, Florida. TO HA.~VE .A__~ND T~O HO_~LD said ess gRANT~-~ and its assigns ~e ..... ~ment and right-of ~ ~P~ua~ly fro~ ~ ~ - way Unto said · s executed by the GRANTOR. ~ =~*~ uate this Easement IN WITNEss WHEREOF the GRANTOR has executed this Agreement and t~ee ~ ~as executed this Agreement the date entered above. HIDDEN LAKE HOUSING ASSOCIATION, INC. (GRANTOR) ~resident ~ . -~.- ACCEPTANCE BY GRANTEE CITY OF SANFORD BET~YE D. SMITH'/ Mayor -- STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTy OF SEMINOLE I HEREBy C duly a ~ · ERTIFy afor~-~n°rlzed i- ~j~u on ~°~ to take aL',. =ne State ~2~ day, befor~ ~nowledc~m~ ~Oresaid ~,~ -...,e, an of~- HOUSING ASSocI .... s, Person~. KELLEy, Well known to me to ~Y aDn~ .... h~ ~ountv this instru- AT/oN, /NC be the Pres~= Vested in =~ent freely, .,_and that he theret~ : nlm by sai~ ~_and VOlun . ac~nowled ~m LAKEs ~ ~s the true -~ ~urPOration tarlly Under ges executin~ uOrporate se ~ and that WITNEss my hand and official°f s · one se last aforesaid this 7th day of March, aid COrporation~ affixed Seal in the County and A.D. 1988. State Notary Public, State of Florida at Large My Commission Expires AUgust 17, ~.991 BO~ed thru HUCkleberry & Associates IND..NITy AND HOLD HARM3~E:~S This agreement ma 1988, between Corporati~_ · the C~. de this Loch L~_u~ (CITy) ~ of Sa~= --~-~ day ~-~ / Benton u~_ Drive. ,~uav~d A. S=~~z°re pl~=~ ~/~_///~ -, 1/6 Wind~i can(etd, F~'~ers aad O,~2~ua,~, ~' W&nter c~"~nLLERS) ~_~°anders, ~ Seminole ~at Book 17 o, Block ~ ~asement on ~u~hty F~ · -' Pages ~ ~' Hidde~ ~urlda, and ~ and 56 of ~=~ake Unit 1~er~y ~ue PubLic C as records a aw' ~EREAs, SELLER o ~in~ co ~ ~greed ~' uesires tn ~ec~ to b~ ~ abov: 2=~ocation o~~ PUrchase ~ ~ell Lot 2 '- COnstructed~, ~as Caused ~aSemen~ ~ its ~.' ~o~ 2 ~ . · a~d h~ , Within ~, and uu~lity ~ ~oVided t~ ~o lOCated ~.. ~ the nu of s~= u the lines ~EREAs, C and relocation . abandonmen~ agrees to t= an aCcepta~s done wit~ [ of Said Ue. relocati~- ~gree to m~=alternat~°~ eXPense to~f~lity ea~L~its ~til' u~mages, ~':uemnify an~ ~Sement an~ ~uae CITy ~, said -~. aOSses =~= ~ ~old ~ ~ uhat b~.' ~nat Ci~,, ~ued uull~ty linl~u eXpense~=~ry harmles~uun BUYER =~reCeive -~, ~ associate= o.against ~u SELLE~ ~aUlO~ Of valuable c~W.~herefore fm~ ~. ~"SZ~eratiOns th/~ cna sum of ~- a~= 1. CIty . .- = Parties agreJlO.00 and et= ~hwz~/ a~ree ~ll Permit ~ as follows.~er gOod and ~ 1~ the 2. SE 5 °c tion its s - ur. $4,000.00~ s~ld Utili~l?.expense ~. Ass~,' =~alty 1~~ =ue CITy ~ -, Wlll m~,_= ~ une ~' ~lation ~ ~es and .~oward t~ ~e a goo~ ~jre Cost = city, and~u and suf~?''e Hidden z_~x°catio ~lCient a~~e ~ernate CITy ~d .SELLER and fees ~. JUSSes, - - =mPlove~ t~ Pro~. ' Wn:ch is ,,.~z reloc~:, ~ncludi ~ against "arm/ess or ~ty damage ~J) for bodoni°9 of thenL~Sonab/e a~ Claims, omi~i? Part by' Jncludino ~ injury, ~lalty lin~ =nt°rney's ~Y them o~ ~ unat of = ~/ BUYERc u~e, and (~[ ur death ~oed ~ey ~a~u ' ur that - "~g~ige~ ~e ATTEST ida liab~ o~ anYon u act Or ~e. e employed ~ ~ ~ CITy Op SANFORD FLORIDA WITNESS AS TO SELLERs SELLERs OUID~ BUYER -~ v. SA~~