HomeMy WebLinkAbout166-Christian Fellowship Church S001f RACE '" GRANT OF EASEMENT ~ OLE CO. FL. ~ ~I~ ~'D~"~P~ ~a~e ~-~ 16th ~ O~ June " ~.~. 19 8 be~e~ Christian Fellowship Primitive Baptist Churc~ ~ ~ ~e 00=~ O' Seminole .., ~ ~a~e Of Florida ~TR~S~E, That p~of the f~st ~, for ~ ~ ~o>~.~ ~-m-~t w~ereof is hereby ac~owle~ed, ~ ~e= ~nveyed,=~:~'' ..... ~d~ by ~hese presents d~s ~$ ~d convey ~o ~J~ ~he second o~. iSs s~cessors, ~zl~, ~d llce~ees, =~S=~e~ emseme~ ~der, upon, ~d across .he prope.~ ~~ S~ord. Sem~o!e Co~, Florld~, more p~ic~!y described ~ ~: A lB ~t. easement centered over an exzstzn~ sewer lmne across ~ fo~lowin~ described property: From the Northwest Corner of the East ~f the ~ ~ of the SW ~ of the NW % of Section 36, To, ship 19 South, ~an~e 30 East, Seminole County Florida, run N.89" 55'02"E., alon~ the North Line of said East %, a distance of 264.00 feet; thence run South. parallel with the West Line Of said East %, a distance of 194.46 feet for a POINT OF BEGINNING: thence continue South 135.54 feet; thence run S. 89~55'02"W. 264.00 feet to the West Line of said East %; thence run North 135.54 feet; ~hence run N. 80"55'02"E. 264.00 feet to the Point of Beginning; Less the ~est ~0.00 feet thereof for Bell Avenue. for public ~ley ~d u~ili~ p,~0ses, ~:!ud~ ~e~ifio~l!y sto~ ~d s~i~ sewers, ~ for the ~m~=~!!z=iom, se~i=~, repa~, m~te=~ce, ~ rep!mcemen: of ~1 u~i!i~ies now e~s~ or here~ter to e~st on said properS, such e~e- o me~t ~c!ud~ ~he riEh~ of ~ree ~ess ~d ~Eress over ~d - across s~d prope~ ~or ~ o~ ~he p~oses ~oresaid, 0 = ~ WITh'~S ~F, p~t v of the f~st p~t ~-s here- ~ ~to se~ ~ h~ ~i se~_ =he day ~i ye~ f~s~ above ~ E~ed, 'se~ed,-~ ae!ivered ,. ~ ~he presence 6 Z% / , ~ John T. HatliX .' ~ ' '~ ~ ~ ",, ........ ~C~,~' ~~ STATE 0~ Florida , ' ~ CO~ O~ Seminole o I ~Y C~TL~ ~ha~ o~ =his ~ ~ the ne~ above ~ State ~d 0o~ before ne, ~ officer d~y authorized :o John T. Hall, Jr. , ~' =O me weii-~o~ ~d ~o~ ~o me ~o be =he ~dlvidu~ ~es=ribed · ~ ~d ~0 execu:ed ~he foregoes5 e~em~n:t who ~ free o before me thz~ he execu:ed %he s~e as ~d deed. o ~ WIT.S ~M~P, I have heretic set ~ h~Dd ~d official ~ sezl a% Sanford ., Co~Ty of Seminole , E~a~e of Florida , ~ this 16th ~ Of June , i9