HomeMy WebLinkAbout165-Mary P Brown PROPERTY OWNER ADDRESS 106 Avocado Ave. ~ ;°o?~same PAGE · ~ 16th , SEMJ~LE C0. FL. ~A.~. 19~ ~e~e~ Mary P. Bro~ ~, receiD$ wnereoS conveyed, ~d by ~hese presents of the second p~, i~s ~uccessorz~ ~si~, ~d llcen~ees, ~==~ o 0 4~ 0 o .~ - ~ 0 a~: A 13.0 foot wide easement lying 6.5 feet on each side of the CDfollowing described centerline of a sanitary sewer run: commence 16.01 of the S.W. corner of Lot #44 of Graceline Court according __to theplat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 3, Page 99 of the Public --Records of Seminole County, Florida; said point being on the southerly -=~lot line of said'Lot 944; thence run N 23' 08' 00"E, 33.55 feet ; thence run N. 86' 50' 30"W, 24.93 feet to a point on the west line of said Lot #44; said point being end of easement. for public ~l!ey and u:ili~ypurposes, ~clud~ ~pecifioa!ly Zto---~ a~d s~i~ sewers, se~ic~, rep~, m~en~ce, ~d replacemen~ cf ~ m~ili=ies no~ e~:~ or here~er ~o e~s~ on ~zid prope~, suoh e~e- me~t ~:lud~ :he righ: of :roe ~ess across s~dproper~ :or ~ IN ~I~-h'ESS W~3~.~F, D~rt_y___ of the fi--s: part h~ hero- .to se~ her- h~&s ~! se~ :he ~ey ~d ye~ · ~ above · ~ -~ -~ ~ O~ Florida O 0il/xv~- ~ O? Seminole i ~-~-~Y C~--~.Tr--'-T~ :ha: on ~his day Lu :he nem-~, above n~med State ~ud Cou~--/ before me, ~ officer d~y au~horized $o ad- -islet oa:~ ~d ~, -~ow!e~en~s, personify appe~ed Mary P. Brown ~o me well-~o~ ~d ~o~ ~o me ~o be :he ~vidu~ described ~ ~d who execu:ed :he foreEo~ e~emc=~, who ac~o~!e~ed before me ~hm$ she executed :he s~e as ~ free a:~ ~d deed. iN ~ITh'v~S %-KM~F, I have hereunto set rJ hand ~ud official seal at Sanford OO~y Of Seminole , S:ate of Florida :his 16th aa~ ol Juna , 19 87 . ' h o rYs_'-'y P'u.b i :..c NOTARY PUBLIC. STATE Of FEORID-.~; MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: MAY 17, 1991'i