HomeMy WebLinkAbout081 Public Historic Center-UCF PUBLIGO Facility Lease Agreement History Department University of Central Florida STT 1[� Y U PO Box 161350 Orlando, FL 32816 -1350 C^ 407 -936 -1679 �y Company Name if a Iic Ie P y ( PP ) Contact Name: C► 4 o -� Sall-the-CI CI� i s+,' o t7a l - � 6P Address: City: S'A,tl- f)(�V`GI Zip: 3 300 N. P ark ti4 ve Phone: fl l.( 07 tv $� - I el 5" Email: r iS t r✓ d a ( h ( Such t�� } 5(3 FACILITY USE FEE CHARGE The Public 1listory Center is located at the Sanford Student Museum at 301 West 7 Street, Sanford FL 32771 Room Normal Business Hours Hourly Rate Non - Business Hours Hourly Rate 9 a.m. to 5 :00 PM Monday, Tuesday. Thursday, Friday, Saturday President's Room $30.00 $50.00 Global Villages $30.00 $50.00 Auditorium $75.00 $100.00 • "fours of the museum are not included in the rental cost set forth herein. Tours are available for a tee of $5.00 per guest. • All fees are subject to six percent (6 %) sales tax, unless a valid tax exemption certificate is provided to UCF, prior to execution of this Agreement. • Other areas of the building may be available upon prior written request (addressed to U('F) and for additional tees. • President's Room and the Auditorium are not ADA Accessible. • All ehecks'money orders are to be made out to the Universit of Central Florida. There is a $25 returned check lee. Rental Date(s): Start Time; ( End Time: Type of Event: Reservation Requested Number of Hours /Guests Hourly Rate /Tour Rate Subtotal President's Room Fu. 11 DaN elak Fe e Auditorium — I1 D 6 4 Ft a Fe e -yF Global Villages — Audio /Visual Equip Tour t^ Other "�`f (A� , P-L 01 gDO rte ciay — Subtotal — 6% Sales Tax (if applicable) E X erg p t C erg- r('1'ca Total �i (900, 0 0 If you have any questions concerning this Agreement, please contact Sirt Ambrosecchia at 407 -823 -3258 or Office Use Only sirq a ucf edu. Cnccla "- Recervedan W. Through 1 PU BLC65 Facility Lease Agreement History Department University of Central Florida STORY Box 161350 Orlando, FL 32816 -1350 407- 936 -1679 This Agreement is effective as of _Tr, 0,,, h 2 S 20 1 3 (the "Effective Date ") by and be wep the n University of Central Honda, on behalf of its Board of Trustees (UCF), and C - - a (Company /Individual /Lessee). NOW, THEREFORE, for the mutual consideration set forth herein. the adequacy of which is acknowledged. UCF and Company /individual, intending to be legally bound, agree as follows: I. DUTIES. UCF shall perform the duties, as follows, for Company /Individual; a. Provide the space, as noted on the Agreement (page 1) One UCF staff member will be on -site for the duration of the event. If the event the guest list exceeds thirty (30) guests or if tours are booked, additional staff tnember(s) may be assigned, at the sole discretion of UCF. at an additional fee of S15.00/hour. With respect to staff members who are on site during Lessee's event, Lessee expressly acknowledges that such UCF staff member responsibilities at the Public Ilistory Center are limited to the operations of the Public I listory Center and such UCF staff members will not serve as hosts /aides to Lessee's event. Specific instructions regarding the appropriate use of the facility are stated in this Agreement, and Company /Individual shall be solely responsible for returning the facility to the condition it was in prior to Company /Individual's usage. UCF staff will have full access to all areas of the rented facility during the rental period. to ensure compliance with this Agreement, as well as for general maintenance purposes with respect to the facility. 2. CATERERS AND ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES a. if the Lessee plans to serve alcohol at the event, the Public History Center must approve all plans and circumstances under which it is served. NO ONE UNDER THE AGE OF 21 IS ALLOWED TO CONSUME OR POSSESS ALCOHOL IN THE STATE OF FLORIDA. The Lessee must have a licensed and insured caterer and bartender serving at Lessee's event. The University of Central Florida must be listed as an additional insured on caterer's/bartender's Liquor Liability Insurance. b. If the Lessee plans to serve Ibod, the Lessee can either use one of UCF's pre- approved caterers (list available upon request) or an alternate caterer. i. If an alternate caterer is requested, such caterer must be licensed and insured. The Uni %ersity of Central Florida, the UCF Board of Trustees, the State of Florida and the Florida Board of Governors must be listed as an additional insured on that caterer's insurance policy. 3. PROHIBITED ACTIVITIES a. Possession or use of controlled substances b. Smoking or other tobacco use, except in designated outdoor smoking areas c. Possession or use of firearms, except by law enforcement officers Because of the character of the Public Ilistory Center as an educational and historic institution and the need for protection of the collection and building structure, the Public Ilistory Center reserves the right to refuse to make its facilities available to a prospective user at its sole discretion. 4. CARE OF PUBLIC HISTORY CENTER a. Company /Individual is required to schedule a walk - through of the facility prior to execution of this Agreement, in order to allow Company /Individual to familiarize itself with the facility. 13y signing this Agreement, Company /Individual accepts the facility in its current status, as -is. b. Any type of damage occurring to the Public History Center must be reported itnrnediately by Company /Individual to the Public Ilistory center station site. c. No landscape material. no personnel and no permanent installation may be moved. disturbed. or altered in any wav prior to or during the course of an event. No elements may be affixed to any plant or plant material that might cause any form of damage to the tree or plant. No elements may be affixed to any part of the buildings that might cause any form of damage to the structure. No elements may be affixed to the historic properties under any circumstances. d. All trash must be collected and deposited in designated outdoor receptacles, marked with the letters PHC. e. lighting or therntostats may not be adjusted or changed. 2 • Facility History Department facility Lease Agreement PU University of Central Florida STS RY U PO Box 161350 Orlando, FL 32816 -1350 407 - 936 -1679 f The use of tikki torches, lit candles, open flames, glitter confetti, or tossing of rice or flower petals shall he prohibited at all times. It is the Lessee's responsibility to ensure that any decorative elements are removed from the event arca following the departure of the last guest. All decorative elements and placement of decorative materials must meet all fire and safety codes. 5. PIIO'FOGRAPHY Any Lessee renting facilities for the purpose of filming or photographing must execute a separate contract with UCF. 6. COMPENSATION. In return for the use of UCF's facility and the services described above, Company /lndividual shall pay UCF a single one -time payment equal to the amount on page one of this Agreerncnt in the form of cash. check or money order. The unsigned lease agreement will serve as the quote and shall include a statement of costs that Company /Individual shall pay to UCF, including all applicable taxes and fees. If Company /Individual is tax exempt, Company /Individual shall provide a valid copy of its tax exemption certificate to UCF. Payment must be made in full at the time of reservation. Make all checks /money orders payable to the University of Central Florida. Send Payment to: University of Central Florida History Department Attn: Sira Ambrosecchia PO Box 161350 Orlando, FL 32816 -1350 7, TERM AND TERMINATION. The Agreement shall be effective on the date the last signature is affixed hereto and shall continue through the end of the rental period indicated on the first page hereof. unless terminated earlier in accordance with the terms of this Agreement. Notwithstanding the above, those provisions, terms and conditions of this Agreement. which by their nature survive the termination or expiration hereof, shall survive. The Agreement may be terminated by Company/Individual with prior written notice to UCF, subject to payment of the fees noted in Paragraph 8 below. UCF shall be paid for all services incurred in accordance with the terms of this Agreement through the date of termination, The Agreement may be terminated by UCF with prior written notice to Company /Individual titr any reason deemed necessary by UCF. If this Agreement is terminated by UCF, UCF will work with Company /Individual to come up with an alternate date for the event. However, UCF shall not be obligated to do anything beyond staking a good faith effort in working with Company /Individual with respect to finding a mutually agreeable alternate date for Company's/Individual's event. 8. REFUND POLICY. if Company/Individual terminates this Agreement with at least thirty (30) days' notice or more prior Y( to the event. Company /lndividual will receive a 50% refund of the rental fee. If Company /Individual terminates this Agreement with less than thirty (30) days' notice prior to the event date, the rental fee will be non - refundable. 9. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR. UCF's relationship to Company/Individual shall be that of an independent contractor. Neither party shall have any obligations with respect to the employment contributions, taxes, premiums, insurance, or other items payable under federal, state and local laws with respect to the activities of the other party. 10. SEVERADILITY. if any clause or provision herein shall be adjudged invalid or unenforceable by a court of competent jurisdiction or by operation of any applicable law, it shall not affect the validity of any other clause or provision. which shall remain in full force and effect. 11. ENFORCEABILITY. Each of the provisions of this Agreement shall he enforceable independently ()I' any other provision of this Agreement and independent of any other claim or cause of action. 3 History Department PUBLICc Facility Lease Agreement University of Central Florida I �� U PO Box 161350 Orlando, R 32816 -1350 407 - 936 -1679 12. COMPLETE AGREEMENT. This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties and supersedes all prior agreements and understandings between the parties and may not be modified or terminated orally. No modification. termination or attempted waiver shall be valid unless in writing signed by authorized signatories of both parties hereto. 13. NOTICES. Any notice or other communication pursuant to this Agreement shall be in writing, unless stated otherwise. and shall be delivered by certified mail, return receipt requested, or by hand delivery with receipt, effective upon delivery, addressed as follows: If to Company: If to UCF: ��s� J- S 0. If) - University of Central Florida .� -Q -- .A__Qar k- Ave College of Arts and humanities S ca.tn 0Y r Fl_ 3 .21) I History Department 141b:,_ h r_ e Attn: Sira Ambrosecchia - S PO 13ox 161350 Orlando, FL 32816 -1350 407 -823 -3258 14. NO THIRD PARTY BENEFICIARIES. This Agreement does not create, and should not he construed as creating. any rights enforceable by any person not a party to this Agreement. 15. WAIVER. No failure or delay of any party to exercise any right or remedy pursuant to this Agreement shall affect such right or remedy or constitute a waiver by such party of any right or remedy pursuant thereto or contained therein. 16. LIABILITY. Company /Individual hereby indemnifies and agrees to hold UCF, the UCF Board of Trustees, the State of Florida and the Florida Board of Governors and their respective officers, agents. employees, servants and volunteers harmless from any and all claims and actions regarding usage of UCF's facility. UCI• assumes any and all risks of personal injury and property damage attributable to the negligent acts or omissions of UCF and its agents employees and ag b while acting within the scope of their employment b UCF. Company/Individual / P env lndividunl assuntcs any and Y P y t all risks of personal injury and property damage with respect to the negligent s b act, or omissions of `� P Company's officers, cntployccs, servants, agents and invitees, or other persons acting or engaged to act by Company /Individual in furtherance of the obligations or activities of Company /individual under this Agreement, and further agrees to indemnify UCF, the UCF Board of Trustees, the State of Florida and the Florida Board of Governors and their respective officers, agents. employees, plo b I Y servants and volunteers from any and all damage to equipment or any other damage that is caused by the � damage y willful. wrongful or negligent acts or omissions of Company /Individual's officers, employees, servants, agents or invitees. UCF and Company /Individual further agree that nothing contained herein shall be construed or interpreted as (1) denying to either party any remedy or defense available to such party under the laws of the State of Horida: (2) the consent of the State of Florida or its agents and agencies to be sued; or (3) a waiver of sovereign immunity of the State of Florida beyond the waiver provided in Section 768.28, Florida Statutes. 17. REQUIRED INSURANCE FOR I3USINESS ENTITY LESSEES S Any business entity Lessee — i.e. any organization formed in accordance with the law in order to engage in business activities shall provide UCF with evidence of insurance as set forth below. tusiness entities include. but are not limited to: Corporations (profit or non- profit) DBAs Sole proprietorships General partnerships 1_LCs -- limited liability companies LLLPs limited liability limited partnerships I_LPs — limited liability partnerships LPs — limited partnerships PLLC -- professional limited liability company 4 History Department PUBLIC Facility Lease Agreement � — University of Central Florida - T ), W PO Box 161350 , _-% i '' I 1 ' U Orlando, FL 32816 -1350 407 - 936 -1679 PC Professional corporations No later than at the time of execution of this Agreement, business entity Lessees .hall provide UCF with a Certificate of Liability Insurance in the amount of one million dollars per occurrence. Such Certificate of Liability Insurance must name UCF and the UCF Board of Trustees as an additional insured. 18. REQUIRED INSURANCE FOR INDIVIDUAL LESSEES UCF will decide. on a case by case basis, what insurance shall be required of Lessees who are not business entities as described in Paragraph 17 hereof, but who are individuals. The event insurance requirements for such individual Les.ces will be decided by UCF after consideration of the type and size of the event requested and after conducting and completing a proper risk assessment. If UCF decides based on the foregoing that the event requested by the individual Lessee requires event insurance. such individual Lessee trust. at the time of execution of this Agreement. pro% ide UCF with a Certificate of Liability Insurance naming UCF and the UCF Board of Trustees as an additional insured. . 1 he following activities automatically require event insurance in the amount of one million dollars per occurrence. • Commercial Rentals • Use of DJ/Band or Dance floor • The use of exterior areas (including, but not limited to the teaching garden., the Rose Garden, lawn and %valkways (except for those exterior areas used merely for vehicle parking). • Distribution of Alcoholic Beverages 19. COMPANY REPRISENi'ATIONS. Companyilndividual hereby represents and warrants that Company. Individual possesses any and all required licenses to conduct the desired activity at the event listed above and that any food and beverages sold by Companyilndividual shall comply with any and all applicable state, county and local food saft.ty laws. I. Company /Individual further indemnifies and agrees to hold UCF, the UCF Board of 1 nistees. the State of Florida and the Florida Board of Governors and their respective officers. agents. employees. servants and volunteers harmless from any and all claims and actions regarding any products sold at the event noted above, including but not limited to food, beverages and/or any other items sold. including Company's'Individual's failure to comply with any applicable laws, including hut not limited to food safety laws and or failure to obtain and maintain any required licenses. 20. USE OF NAME. Neither party shall use the other party's name, logo. likeness, or any other name suggesting that it is related to the other party in any informational or promotional materials or communications without the prior written approval and consent of the other party. 21. JURISDICTION ANi) VENUE. The validity, interpretation. and performance of this Agreement shall be controlled by and construed under the laws of the State of Florida. Venue lbr any action to construe or enforce the terms of this Agreement shall be in Orange County, Florida. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned has executed this Agreement as of the Effective Date. University of Central Florida, on behalf of its [Name of party I Board of Trustees By: By: / " � Name: ,7 Af , 1 - 6 [ Name] Title: [Title] 6.. � University of Central Florida • a t •rm and tegaltty r, % o ,,;_ i2/11 5 'z 4,.,,,.