HomeMy WebLinkAbout153-Minnie Colson Life EstateProperty Owner Address: 1106 Pecan Ave, Sanford, FL. 32771 THIS INDENTUEE, GR~T OF EAEE~T made thls 9th dH of Land Location: 1106 Pecan Ave. Sanford, FL.32771 February A.D. 19 8] bet~e6n Minnie Colson Life Estate Samuel McClairegn, c~ of the Cou~'~ of Seminole , Md State of F]~r~m ~, ~ p~rty~__ of the first p~rt, a~d CITY OF F~2~FORD, FLORIDA, a i~ ~mu~ic-~al corporation, sit~Aate ~ Seminole Count-y, Florida, ~ _ ~p~rt-y of the second part; L,, ~o of the first for and i~ WIT~TESS~.TH, That p~rt~___ part, co~sider, ation of the sum o~One Dollar a~d other valuable con siderat~ou to be ~ ~a~d paid by pa~t-y of the second p~rt, receipt whereof is hereby ackmowledged, l~_a~s grated a~d conveyed, and by these presents does grant .md convey to p~t-y of the second pa~t, its successors, assi~c~n~, and licensees, a perpetual easement under, upon, and across the property sit-aate i~ Sanford, Sem~ole County, ~lo~ida, ~ore particularly described ~S: The Northerly ? foot of the Northerly 100 fleet off Lot ~, Blk ~6, M.W. Clarks Subdivision a¢cordin~ to the plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 1, pa~e 107 accordin~ to the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida. 7 Foot Utility Easement for public alley and utility p,~-~poses, includ~ specifically storm a~d sanitary sewers, ~d for the ~n~tallation, ~n~pection, serviclng~ repair, maintenance, and replacement of all u~ilities now existing or hereafter to exist on said property, such ease- ment including the right of free ingress and ~gress over and across said property for any of the purposes aforesaid, together with the right to open an alley for use of p~rty..of the second part and ~he general public. IN WITNESS W~F, party of the first part ha.M here- unto set his hand_ and sea_~he day and year first above written. Signed, sealed,-and delivered pr sance of: STATE O~ Florida COU~Y OF Seminole I ~REBY C~RTIFY that the next above n~ed State and County before me, an officer duly authorized to ad- minister oaths and tak..~.~owledgments, personally appeared Samuel McClairen , to me well-known and known to me to be the ~.udividual described lu and who executed the forego~_ug~ easement, who acknowledged before me that he executed ~he same as a free act and deed. / IN WITN~S WMEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand a~d official State of ~/~. l~g~ ~ ~v Com.~iss ton I~o ~ ~ry P1Ablic