HomeMy WebLinkAbout152-Henery Hodge HeirsPrpoerty Owner Address: Sanford, FL. 32771 TEIS iNDENTURE, made this 19th dH of . February A.D. 19 87, between .Hener~ Hod~e Heirs Att. Curtis C. Hodqes Of the 0o%~y of Seminole ~ a~d Stat~ Of . Florida p~t~ of the f~st D~, ~d CI~ O~ ~, ~RIDA, m~c~al co~orat~on, ~ate ~ S~ole Co~, ~lorida, p~ of the secoma p~:, WIT~S~H, That p~t~of the f~st p~t, for ~d co~ide~ation of the s~ o~e Doll~ ~d other valuable con- sideratmon ~o be ~ h~d paid by p~ of the second p~t, receipt whereof is hereby ac~owle~ed, has__ ~ted conveyed, ~d by these presents do es ~t ~d convey to of the second p~t, its successors~ ~si~, ~d lice~ees, a pe~e~_ea~eme:t~ger,_upon, ~a across the proper~ si~ate ~ ~mora, ~em~oAe ~o~y, Florida, more p~ticul~ly describe~ A 15 foot utility easement lyin9 7% feet each side of the centerline of an existin9 sanitary sewer main, lyin9 southwesterly to northeasterly across the followin9 describe( parcel; Lot 2 F.H. Rands add to Sanford Subdivision accordin~ to the Plat thereof, as recorded in the Plat Book 1 page 131 of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida. m ~for public alley aud utility purposes, ~uclud~ng specifically ~stor~..and sanit.ary se.we.rs, and for the in~tallation, inspection, serv~c~ repast, ma~u~enance, ~ud replacement of all utilities now existmmg or hereafter to exist on said property, such ease- ment includ~ the right of free ~sress aud ~gress over ~ud across said property for ~uy of the purposes aforesaid, together with the right to open am alley for u~e of party of the second part and the general public. ~ IN WITNESS W~F, part~y___ of the f~st part has__ here- u~to set his hand andseam ~he day and year first above ~ritten. - -- Signed, sealed,, amd delivered e~. o f: STATE 0~ Florida t COI3NTT O~ Seminole I w~EBY CERTIFY that on this d '- he nex~ above named State and County before me, au officer duly authorized to ad- mLuister oaths and tak..~.Wnowled~ments, personally appeared Curtis C. Hodges to me well-known and known to me to be the Lu~ividual described Curtis C. Hod§es-- '  . j¥~:~ . Lu and who executed the forego~ easement, who ackmo~ledged before me that he executed the same as free act and deed. a IN ~I~ WHF~F, I have he~unto.~et my hand anti.official ~ ~blic NOTARY Pl/~l lc ~/ATE OF FLORIDA