HomeMy WebLinkAbout4062 ORDINANCE NO. 2007- 4062 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 3079 (CITY OF SANFORD COMPREHENSIVE PLAN) AS PREVIOUSLY AMENDED; PROVIDING FOR AMENDMENT OF THE FUTURE LAND USE ELEMENT AND THE FUTURE LAND USE MAP OF THE FUTURE LAND USE PLAN ELEMENT OF THE CITY OF SANFORD COMPREHENSIVE PLAN WITH MULTIPLE FUTURE LAND USE MAP AMENDMENTS; AMENDING GOAL 1-2 PROVIDING FOR ATTACHMENT OF COMPOSITE EXHIBITS; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR RATIFICATION OF PRIOR ACTS OF THE CITY COMMISSION; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS; PROVIDING FOR CODIFICATION AND DIRECTIONS TO THE CODE CODIFIER AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City of Sanford's Planning and Zoning Commission, as the City's local planning agency, held a public hearing on June 21, 2007 and any continuance thereof, to consider amending the Future Land Use Element and the Future Land Use Map of the Future Land Use Plan Element (Goal 1-2) of the City of Sanford Comprehensive Plan; and WHEREAS, the City Commission, as the City's governing body, held a transmittal public hearing on July 9, 2007 and any continuance thereof, to consider the same amendments to the City of Sanford Comprehensive Plan; and WHEREAS, the City Commission, as the City's governing body, held an adoption public hearing on November 26, 2007, to consider the same amendments to the City of Sanford Comprehensive Plan and all documents and Exhibits germane thereto and after reviews in accordance with the controlling provisions of State law; and WHEREAS, the City of Sanford has complied with all requirements and procedures of Florida law in processing its first annual large scale amendment in 2007 to the City of Sanford Comprehensive Plan. c>..;,,~_.",.._~_.,,~!I' NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ENACTED BY THE PEOPLE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA: SECTION 1. AMENDMENT TO FUTURE LAND USE MAP. That portion of the Future Land Use Plan Element referenced as the Future Land Use Map is hereby amended by changing Future Land Use Plan Element as set forth in the Future Land Use Map as attached hereto as Composite Exhibit "A" and by this reference incorporated herein, which changes made thereon are hereby made a part of the City of Sanford Comprehensive Plan. SECTION 2. AMENDMENT TO GOAL 1-2. Goal 1-2 of the City of Sanford Comprehensive Plan is hereby amended so as to be consistent with the land use map amendments attached hereto as Composite Exhibit "A" and included herein, and is hereby amended thusly and made a part of the City of Sanford Comprehensive Plan. SECTION 3. SEVERABILITY. If any section, sentence, phrase, word or portion of this Ordinance proves to be invalid, unlawful or unconstitutional, it shall not be held to impair the validity, force or effect of any other action or part of this Ordinance. SECTION 4. CONFLlCTS/RA TIFICA TION OF PRIOR ACTIONS. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are repealed. The prior actions of the City Commission and its agencies in enacting and amending the City of Sanford Comprehensive Plan are hereby ratified and affirmed. SECTION 5. CODIFICATION/INSTRUCTIONS TO CODE CODIFIER. It is the intention of the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, and it is hereby ordained that the provisions set forth in the exhibits to this Ordinance shall become and be made a part of the codified version of the City of Sanford Comprehensive Plan Ordinance No. 2007- 4062 Page 2 of 4 and/or the Code of Ordinances of the City of Sanford, Florida; and that the Sections of the Exhibits to this Ordinance may be renumbered or re-entered or otherwise formatted to accomplish such intention. The actual text of the Sections to this Ordinance need not be codified. The Code codifier of the City is given broad and liberal authority to appropriately codify the provisions of the City of Sanford Comprehensive Plan in a format that can readily published and distributed in an unseable and manageable format. The City Manager, in conjunction with the City Clerk and the City Attorney, are hereby granted and authority to take any and all necessary and appropriate actions to accomplish the provisions of this Section. SECTION 6. EFFECTIVE DATE. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately when the State Land Planning Agency issues a final order determining the adopted amendment to be in compliance in accordance with Section 163.3184(9), Florida Statutes, or when the Administration Commission issues a final order determining the adopted amendment to be in compliance in accordance with Section 163.3184(9), Florida Statutes, whichever occurs first. PASSED and ADOPTED this 26th day of November, 2007. ATTEST: CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA ~~'--- Linda Ku n, Mayor ) CERTIFICATE I, Janet R. Dougherty, City Clerk of the City of Sanford, Florida, do hereby certify that a true and correct copy of the foregoing Ordinance No. 2007- 4062, PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida on the 26th day of Ordinance No. 2007- 4062 Page 3 of 4 November, 2007, was posted at the front door of the City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida, on the 28th day of November, 2007. ~/(.,{Gw~ J .. et R. Dougherty, Cit lerk Ordinance No. 2007- 4062 Page 4 of 4 -"".,.-"._, "-' CITY OF SANFORD FIRST COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT 2007 ..".- ~ ISTOIC IATERFRONTGATEiAY ,..-. November 26,2007 Prepared by the City of Sanford Planning and Development Services Department ~ '""".,,' ....."....,."."'''_,..,'.''Il~.,..+._-''"';".~.,.,~+<_.'' .....,_...,."'~""~-'"""",~.~,~,,'-"..-.~. .., ~ TABLE OF CONTENTS PPROPOSED FUTURE LAND USE MAP DATA, INVENTORY AND ANALySIS......,........ ,......,...............................Pages 1-17 EXHIBIT A: Individual Existing and Proposed Future Land Use Maps and Existing Land Use Maps for Amendment Sites EXHIBIT B: Seminole County/City of Sanford Joint Planning Interlocal Agreement including Future Land Use Equivalency Chart EXHIBIT C: Map of Sanford Sewer Service Area Map of Sanford Water Service Area .~ A TT ACHMENT 1: Support Data for Site 1 ATTACHMENT 2: Support Data for Site 35 Schedule B Permitted Uses of the Sanford Land Development Regulations ~ /~""'" aQ~ n~/Jl{r :[h::::::~W1 ../:/.,:~~0Qf' SUI'lIS ---'~~ ::" " .'" ~,,\!:::::' I ... 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Exhibit A consists of individual maps of each site depicting the existing land use and the current and proposed future land use designations. Thirty-two amendments are due to annexations. Three are due to applications for map amendments. 2, Annexation Amendments. The City has recently approved 32 applications for annexation. Pursuant to both the City's Comprehensive Plan objective 1-2.9 and the Seminole County/City of Sanford Joint Planning Agreement, the future land use designations for these amendments in the City are the equivalents of those in Seminole County. In table 1 of Sanford's amendment, these sites are identified in the second to last column, 'Impact on Facilities and Services' as having no impact because permitted uses, densities and intensities have not changed. The City's Comprehensive Plan Objective 1-2.9, Unincorporated Urban Area Land Use, states: .,....~ Based on Resolution #1556, the City of Sanford accepted and confirmed the joint recommendations of the City and County Administrative Staff concerning joint planning procedures, including a commitment to develop consistent Future Land Use Map concepts for the unincorporated urban area plus transportation, water, sewer and drainage facilities and services. ............. The City of Sanford and Seminole County shall maintain land development regulations which implement the mutually agreed upon program for coordinating development within the unincorporated area. To implement this objective, in 1991, the City entered into a Joint Planning Agreement (JPA) with Seminole County to adopt standards and procedures to insure coordinated planning activities related to urban expansion. Such standards ensure property owners some certainty regarding the development of property when it is annexed into the City. In the Agreement, Section 3. Comprehensive Planning, Future Land Uses And Development Approvals states: (a) Findings. The COUNTY and the CITY have reviewed their respective future land use designations and land development regulations for consistency between their jurisdictions. It has been determined that many of their respective future land use designations and land use regulations are equivalent and of similar nature. ,,-.... \.-.. (b) Future Land Use Equivalency. The "Future Land Use Equivalency Chart", labeled Exhibit "B" and incorporated herein, describes equivalent Page 4 future land use designations in the City and County comprehensive plans. These designations have been deemed equivalent due to their similar intensities and densities of allowable development. Both the County and the City shall ensure that all of their respective land use amendments and rezonings are consistent with the other jurisdiction's zoning and future land use designations for the subject property as described in Exhibit '"B", except to the extent set forth in Section 3( c), The County shall not oppose land development orders of the City if such actions are compliant with applicable law and all County zoning and land use designations as described in Exhibit "B", The City shall not oppose any land development orders of the County if such orders are compliant with applicable law and all City zoning and land use designations as described in Exhibit '"B". The Future Land Use Equivalency Chart may be amended from time to time as agreed upon by both parties and each such proposed amendment shall include, an assessment and evaluation of all required planning elements including, but not limited to: .~ (l) Public services and facilities (e,g., water, drainage, sewer, roads, public safety, law enforcement, schools, library services, etc.). (2) The identification and evaluation of current supply of vacant land already designated for the proposed land use category. (3) Fiscal impacts related to the cost of and payment for urbanization. .~ (4) RurallUrban transition controls. (5) Designation and protection of parks, conservation areas, open space, flood prone and environmentally sensitive areas within the "Joint Planning Area. " The Future Land Use Equivalency Chart contained in the Joint Planning Agreement and labeled Exhibit "B" in this document, describes equivalent future land use designations in the City and County comprehensive plans. These designations have been deemed equivalent due to their similar intensities and densities of allowable development. For nearly twenty years (first through a joint planning agreement and later by mutual agreement) Seminole County and Sanford have agreed that all of their respective land use amendments and rezonings will be consistent with the other jurisdiction's zoning and future land use designations as described in Exhibit '"B". To further ensure equivalency, in the first Comprehensive Plan amendment of 2004, the City changed the definition of open space in Policy 1-1.1.1 and the definition of density in Policy 1-2.1.1 to make the maximum residential densities permitted by the City and the County equivalent. Although the City lists a density of 6 units/acre in its low density single family district and the County lists 4 units/acre the 2004 changes make the densities of the two jurisdictions the same. '~ Page 5 ...:'~ ~ The equivalency concept also extends to the County's Conservation designation which is equivalent to the City's Resource Protection designation. Although the County uses Conservation as an overlay district and the City does not, both designations severely restrict the types of permitted development in wetlands areas and allow virtually no impacts to environmentally sensitive areas, Because the future land use designations are equivalent in the County and the City, the potential impacts of development from the 32 sites on public facilities such as water, sewer, drainage, transportation and parks are also equivalent and have already been taken into account by the County. 3, Applications for Map Amendments. When a future land use designation is proposed to change, the impacts of the change are based on the impact of the maximum development that is allowed to occur in the new future land use designation minus the maximum impacts of development under the existing future land use designation. The City received two applications for map amendments. The impacts of these amendments are discussed in Sections 7 and 8. 4, General Comment on Water and Sewer Facilities. In general, the public facilities of water and sewer are all within the City of Sanford Service Area per interlocal /_ agreement with Seminole County (see Exhibit C). Therefore, all of the City's and .,-, County's water and sewer facilities planning are based on similar data, inventory and analysis. In 2003, the City, together with the County and the other cities and special districts within the County, participated in preparing an Interlocal Service Delivery Agreement Report. The report did not identify any overlapping of services within the entire County. The provider of water and sewer services is determined by location and not by a parcel's jurisdiction. There is an underlying assumption that the water and sewer infrastructure will be served by the City of Sanford in the Sanford Urban Planning Area. This assumption has been in effect since the Joint Planning Agreement of 1991 and is incorporated in the City and County plans. Based on the its Utility Strategic Business Plan (1999), its State-approved Water Supply Plan and the capacity of its new wastewater treatment plant, Sanford has adequate capacity to operate at or below its level of service standards for potable water and wastewater treatment through the planning period. In the summer of 2007, the City opened a new wastewater treatment plant on the east side of town with an initial capacity of 2 million gpd. The plant can be expanded to 3 million gpd with only minor modifications and to 4 million gpd with an investment in additional tankage. With the new plant online, the City now has a treatment capacity of9.3 million gpd. ,- The City's Utility Department consistently implements a strategic plan and action plan to ensure that the following objectives are met: '-' Page 6 "','N--'_,.;'f<._-,jI__~""'~_il'_ _ J - I>"'" -..,,,,.,.<.-. To provide quality water, reclaimed water and wastewater service to the residents of the City at the lowest possible price; o To maximize the utilization of the City's water production and treatment and wastewater treatment and reclaimed water facilities; To plan for area growth; To maintain or place the utility system in a competitive posture in relationship to the cost of operations, raters for service and the financing of the utility's infrastructure needs; To achieve equity and fairness in providing utility services and the rates and charges billed for such services to existing and future customers; and To meet customer expectations as it relates to the value of the services provided by the City. In addition, the City has been so successful in conserving water, that this year it was able to reduce its level of service standards from 147 to 132 gallons per capita per day for wastewater and from 161 to 144 gallons per capita per day for potable water. The City is also implementing its DCA-approved water supply plan. The Water Supply Facilities Work Plan (Work Plan) is the City's plan to meet current water demands and the anticipated growth in demand within its jurisdiction through 2017. Although the projection shows that the source water allocation is sufficient to meet the City's water demand through the 10-year planning period, the City has started on the extensive planning for the City's water supply. Over the term of the Work Plan, the City of Sanford will improve the existing water production and distribution systems within the service area. In addition, the City has started planning on alternative water supplies for future demand beyond the term of this Work Plan. The City of Sanford also operates a very successful reclaimed water system. As a result of the City's reuse effort, the City has achieved virtual total reuse and conserves approximately 5 MOD of ground water through its water reclamation program at a host of sites, including a City-owned citrus/hayfield, parks, golf courses, and commercial, residential and government owned properties. o City of Sanford Pro,iected Water Demand and Sources Year Projected Water CUP Permitted Water Source Demand (MGD) Amount (MGD) 2007 7.577 8.77 Floridan Aquifer 2008 7.783 9.02 Floridan Aquifer 2009 7.994 9.30 Floridan Aquifer 2010 8.211 9.58 Floridan Aquifer .~ Page 7 4. 1.1.." m '-' 2011 8.414 9.58 Floridan Aquifer 2012 8.622 9.58 Floridan Aquifer 2013 8,835 9.58 Floridan Aquifer 2014 9.053 9.58 Floridan Aquifer 2015 9.277 9.58 Floridan Aquifer 2016 9.383 9.58 Floridan Aquifer 2017 9.490 9.58 Floridan Aquifer 5. General Comments on Transportation Facilities. The City of Sanford provides funding to, and participates in, the regional transportation modeling process by Metroplan Orlando (the MPO for Orange, Osceola and Seminole Counties). Seminole County performs transportation modeling for the area that includes Sanford. Therefore, the City has no need to conduct independent traffic analyses. Our traffic impact review of specific plan amendment sites is based upon data, inventory and analysis that are compiled through the Metroplan Orlando transportation modeling. The future land use data upon which the Metroplan analysis is based ,_ reflects existing and future land use planning data from the City of Sanford. That "-' information is compiled by Seminole County with input from the seven cities within the county. Sanford's Traffic Circulation Plan Element and the City's analysis of individual sites incorporates traffic analysis that reflects future development for the entire Sanford area including the unincorporated area around the City, much of which is subject to annexation. Traffic projections are based on modeling by Seminole County and Metroplan Orlando. Therefore, with regard to the future land use plan map amendment sites, unless the proposed future land use designation is different than the Seminole County future land use plan map designation, the model has already accounted for the impacts to the transportation system of the development potential of a site and there would be no significant change to traffic impact. The County has implemented various projects over the last 10 years that have either been constructed or will be constructed in the near future to deal with growth and concurrency issues in the Sanford area. ~ The County is improving the east-west SR 46/CR46A corridor on both sides of U.S. Highway 17/92. On the west side of U.S. Highway 17/92, the County is 4-laning County Road 46A from U.S. Highway 17/92 to 1-4. This work will be completed in July of 2008. The County is also improving entrance and exit ramps to 1-4 at CR 46A. Additionally, the County has worked with the City of Sanford to construct the St. Johns Parkway, which is a parallel facility that runs from Rinehart Road eastward "-" Page 8 ,.,,,;,,,,<,_,,'$ ,", ~1iE'.. . ~ ~_.j.e+'"'''''''''''~-''"''' and will eventually connect to Airport Boulevard. Both of these roads are parallel facilities providing relief to the western section of State Road 46, .~ Seminole County completed the new East Lake Mary Boulevard Extension from u.S. Highway 17/92 to State Road 415 in the Spring of 2007, This road is a 4-laned road expandable to 6-lanes designed to reduce traffic on State Road 46 adjacent to the airport by at least 20 percent. The County will not perform travel time delay studies on SR 46 or East Lake Mary Boulevard until 2008. These studies can determine the impact of the construction of East Lake Mary Boulevard on the level of service on SR 46. County Road 427, which serves as a parallel route to U.S. Highway 17/92, has been 4-laned from State Road 436 in Altamonte Springs to State Road 46 in Sanford. This roadway has been constructed so that the majority of the roadway can be upgraded to 6-lane facility if necessary. In April of 2008, north of Lake Mary Boulevard, the County will complete the 4- laning of Airport Boulevard from U.S. Highway 17/92 to State Road 46 providing another parallel corridor to U.S. Highway 17/92 through the Sanford area, In addition, the County is committed to extending Airport Blvd. north of SR 46 to terminate at CR 15, eliminating the need for many trips on U. S. Highway 17/92., Next year, the County will start the 4-laning of Monroe Road (CR 15) from SR 46 to US 17/92. ~ The County has also committed to fund $39 Million Dollars for a Commuter Rail System in Seminole County which will provide a parallel facility to U.S, Highway 17/92 and relieve traffic on Interstate 4. In summary, the citizens of Seminole County, including Sanford, have taxed themselves 270 Million Dollars to directly improve state roads or build parallel County roadways that provide additional capacity to state roads as well as committed 39 Million Dollars for Commuter Rail. We believe that this type of partnership that we have with the FDOT needs to be recognized as the plan that the County has come forth to relieve concurrency concerns along U.S. Highway 17/92 and State Road 46 in Seminole County. 6. School Capacity: The student generation rates at which a single family, multi-family and mobile home generates public school students are currently established under Seminole County BCC Ordinance 92-14, which adopts the impact fees and the related study that determined the rates. The study was also adopted by resolution of all municipalities within Seminole County. The adopted rates are: o Page 9 ~" Housing "-" Type Elem Middle High All Single Family 0.249 0.114 0,124 0.487 Multi Family 0.115 0,053 0.057 0.226 Mobile Home 0.186 0.083 0.075 0.345 Only one amendment has the potential to increase public school enrollment. Site 1 will impact Seminole High School, Markham Woods Middle School and the northwest cluster of elementary schools (Bentley Elementary, Crystal Lake Elementary, Idyllwilde Elementary, Wicklow Elementary and Wilson Elementary). The WDBD district will allow site 1 to have a maximum of 50 dwelling units per acre for a total of 1048 units, This could yield 261 elementary students, 119 middle school students and 130 high school students for a total of 51 0 students. Seminole High School and Markham Woods Middle School have not reached their capacity and will be able to accommodate these hypothetical students. The northwest cluster has some capacity left, although not enough to accommodate 261 students. Additional capacity is planned for the northeast cluster with the new Midway Elementary School due to open for the 2009-2010 school year. School concurrency will be assessed during the review of the development application. Normally this first occurs during the pre-application conference. cF'~ "-' 7, Needs Assessment and Compatibility of proposed applications for amendments with objectives and policies of the Comprehensive Plan: Site 1 This site is located at the northeast comer of the intersection of County Road IS (Monroe Road) and the CSX rail lines. When the site was annexed into the City last year, the entire site took the Resource Protection future land use designation which is equivalent to the County's Conservation overlay designation. This designation turned out to be erroneous for most of the property because a large portion of the property is disturbed. The amendment site contains two areas that will remain in the Resource Protection future land use designation due to the presence of forested wetlands. The applicant is proposing to keep the Resource Protection designation on 8.18 acres and to change 4.05 acres from the Commercial designation with a Conservation overlay and 16.92 acres from the Suburban Estates designation with a Conservation overlay to Waterfront Downtown Business District. The Waterfront Downtown Business District was established in 2001 as the designation for all lands north of the CSX rail line in Sanford and in close proximity to the St. Johns River. The surrounding area is rapidly developing with a mix of commercial and industrial uses and the proposed amendment is ~,_ consistent with the existing uses in the area. ..........,., Page 10 ,.,._,.",..c"",~__..,~.".c. The disturbed portion of the site is primarily comprised of old agricultural fields now maintained as mowed turf grass. Two abandoned residential structures exist on the eastern portion of the property. Soils on the site consist of Felda and Manatee "mucky" fine sand. Due to past historic agricultural activities, most of the soil has been modified so that it no longer exhibits characteristics that would classify it as hydric (wetland) soil. The ecological consulting firm, Aquatic Symbiotics, Inc., has determined the upland/wetland line on the site and has secured a general permit from the St. Johns Water Management District for the construction of a commerce center (see Attachment A). The District issued a permit and concurred with the location of the upland/wetland line, The request for this amendment to the future land use map reflects the acknowledgement by the District that a portion of the site is disturbed and can be classified as uplands. Policy 1-3.2.1, Future Land Use Map and Related Policies, requires that the City use the criteria listed below to evaluate any future land use map amendments: The amendment shall be consistent with the State Comprehensive Plan (Chapter 187, FS.) and the Growth Policy Act (Chapter 163 FS.): The amendment furthers State Comprehensive Plan goal 15: Land Use: In recognition of the importance of preserving the natural resources and enhancing the quality of life of the state, development shall be directed to those areas which have in place, or have agreements to provide, the land and water resources, fiscal abilities, and service capacity to accommodate growth in an environmentally acceptable manner. In addition, the amendment is consistent with Chapter 163, F. S., the Growth Policy Act. The amendment shall be consistent with all elements of the City of Sanford Comprehensive Plan: The amendment is consistent with, and furthers, the following goals, objectives and policies of the City's Comprehensive Plan: Objective 1-1.2: Allocating Commercial Development The City's land development regulations shall continue to ensure that commercial development shall be comprised of a wide range of business uses. The City shall continue to promote redevelopment of the central business district including the Lake Monroe waterfront and the historic commercial downtown area. This area has historically served as the City's center for commerce as well as the focal point of civic and cultural enrichment. In this pursuit the City shall continue to enhance the identity, design, and vitality of the corridor which provides a unique waterfront activity center within the City's central core area. Page 11 ~ ~ ~ "" 1I1IT ,'- ~ ",.,~. "-' - .,,-, The site is located near the waterfront in an area already developed with commerce. Surrounding properties are within the WDBD designations. Therefore, it is fitting that the upland site be designated WDBD. Policy 1-2.2.6: WaterfrontlDowntown Business District (WDBD). The Waterfront! Downtown Business District is designed to provide centralized residential, governmental, cultural, institutional, and general commercial activities within the downtown and waterfront urban area. The future use of the property will be consistent with this policy. Objective 1-2.7: Resource Protection (RP). The "resource protection" designation has been established to direct the preservation of natural systems induding environmentally fragile wetlands which the City has committed to retain, preserve, and/or conserve as essential open space systems. This designation shall be considered identical to the "Conservation" designation as 9J-5.003(19).. defmed in FAC~ Uses within the resource protection areas shall be regulated pursuant to State law as though they were designated "conservation". The fact that the applicant is leaving the environmentally sensitive portions of the site in the Resource Protection future land use designation illustrates compliance with this objective. The amendment shall be consistent with Rule 9J-5, Florida Administrative Code: The amendment is consistent with Rule 9J-5. Public facilities and services shall be available concurrent with development of the site: Public facilities and services are available to the site. There have been changes in population, land use or economic development trends and/or projections that warrant a change in the future land use designation: This area has always had industrial and commercial uses interspersed with traditional agricultural uses. In recent years, agriculture has ceased to exist and the entire area is developing primarily with light industrial and office uses. The area is appealing for industrial uses due to its proximity to the interstate roadway system. Improvements to the exit ramps from 1-4 to US 17/92 are scheduled to be completed at the end of this year and the widening of County Road 15 from 2 lanes to 4 lanes will be competed in 2009. In addition, the presence of the CSX rail line provides another transportation opportunity for developments in this area. There have been sufficient changes in the character of the area or adjacent lands to warrant a different land use designation; The current land use designation of Resource Protection was established for the preservation of natural systems including environmentally fragile wetlands. While the site may have Page 12 ,~.,...<"."....,,,..,~,,,,,,,,,~,~Ii'!lI"''';"' been wetlands in its natural state, a century of fanning has modified most of the site to the point that it is not recognized as wetlands by the St. Johns River Water Management District. ~ The surrounding area has changed from a traditional fanning community to a commerce and industrial center and is now part of what is regionally known as the '1-4 Corridor'. The proposed future land use designation and its allowable uses are compatible with surrounding land use designations and with the preferred growth and development pattern of the City as evidenced by land use policies in the Comprehensive Plan. The amendment will not significantly alter acceptable existing land use patterns or adversely affect the livability of the area or the health and safety of the residents; The proposed designation of Waterfront Downtown Business District is the same designation as the surrounding properties. In establishing the WDBD designation, the area was intended by the City to develop as a high density, high intensity commerce center. The capability of the land to support development allowed under the proposed future land use designation as evidenced by the presence or absence on the site of soil types suitable for development, vegetative habitats, wetlands, wetland protection zones or flood-prone areas, well field protection zones, wildlife habitats, archaeological, historical or cultural resources, According to the habitat evaluation report prepared by Aquatic Symbiotics, Inc., the Felda mucky fine sand complex has been modified in the upland portion of the site so that is no longer exhibits characteristics that would classify it as a hydric (wetland) soil. Presumably, the upland portion of the site will be able to support development at least to the extent that the surrounding properties do. ~ Site 3S These four parcels total 1.25 acres and are located on Hiawatha Avenue, just off of US 17/92. The applicant is proposing to amend the future land use designation from Low Density Residential - Single Family to Neighborhood Commercial. The site is located in an older part of the City where public facilities, including paved roads, storm sewers, water and sewer, have been established for many years. Soils are classified by the United States Department of Agriculture as urban land where natural soils have been obscured or altered so that the identification of the natural soil is not feasible, Thus the amendment is consistent with Objective 1-1.6: Coordinate Future Land Use with Soil and Topographic Conditions and Ensure Availability of Facilities and Services which states: Upon adoption of the Comprehensive Plan, the City shall not issue a development order or permit unless the applicant for development has ~ Page 13 <- demonstrated that each proposed future land use is located on a site which has soil and topographic conditions which are suitable for accommodating the proposed land use. Furthermore, no proposed future land use shall be granted a development order or permit unless the applicant for the development has demonstrated that all requisite facilities and services shall be available concurrent with the impacts of development and shall meet or exceed level of service standards established in the Comprehensive Plan, '-" The zoning on the two southernmost parcels is Restricted Commercial which corresponds to the Neighborhood Commercial future land use designation. The southernmost two parcels, containing .71 acres, includes a commercial office building which was constructed in 1955 and ancillary parking, landscaping and drainage. The amendment to Neighborhood Commercial is warranted in order to make the future land use designation consistent with the zoning and with the existing land use. The amendment is consistent with Policy 1-2.2.2: Neighborhood Commercial Development (NC). Because the building has been occupied as offices since 1955, trips generated by these businesses have already been accounted for by FDOT in their annual average daily traffic report. The remaining .54 acre is vacant and the owner desires to construct an office. This block of Hiawatha Avenue is a combination of small commercial enterprises and single family residential units and serves as a buffer between the more intense General Commercial uses on US 17/92 and the single family residences to the west of the amendment site. <-, Across Hiawatha Avenue, where the lots also front on US 17/92, the properties are in the "'-' General Commercial future land use district and in the US 17/92 Community Redevelopment Area. In the area, several houses have been converted into businesses. Pursuant to Policy 1-2.2.2, Neighborhood Commercial Development, of Sanford's Comprehensive Plan, the neighborhood commercial designation allows small neighborhood commercial businesses accessible to major thoroughfares near residential neighborhoods. Neighborhood Commercial activities include shops catering to residential markets within the immediate vicinity and are restricted Business and professional offices, neighborhood convenience stores, limited item shops restricted to retail sales of convenience items and services including barber, beauty care, and other personal services, drug stores, laundry and dry cleaning pick-up stations and specialty shops. This policy prohibits shopping centers, discount and department stores, industrial and automobile uses, fast-food and take-out restaurants and services and stores serving a community wide or regional market. From a transportation trip generation standpoint, the most intensive use permitted in the Neighborhood Commercial District is a convenience store. However, several Plan policies would preclude such an intense use in this location. ""'-' Policy 1-1.2.1, General Considerations for Locating Commercial Development requires that the City consider the location and distribution of specific types of commercial activities based on the following considerations: Page 14 e-'''-"'-_~'-';'''''It."~~~"""""",,,,,,"-,-,, ,.."..._"'.__._-.-""""....._~_~!'Ii""'-~.'"..,-"".--- a. Trip generation characteristics, impact on existing and planned transportation facilities and ability to achieve a functional internal circulation and off-street parking system, with landscaping amenities; ~ b. Location and site requirements based on specific needs of respective commercial activities, their market are~ anticipated employment generation and floor area requirements; c. Compatibility with and impact on other surrounding commercial activities; d. Relationship to surrounding land uses and natural systems; e. Impact on existing and planned community services and utilities. Based on these criteria, the small size of the site, the proximity of the site to residential uses and the location of the site in a transitional area, would prohibit uses requiring a large number of parking spaces and uses that generate a large number of trips on the road. In addition, Policy 1-1.1.2, Promote Orderly Land Use Transition, would prohibit a high intensity use such as a convenience store, specialty shop or service in this location. This policy states: Where it is infeasible to separate residential from nonresidential land uses, buffering shall be required to promote a smooth land use transition. Buffering may take the form of: 1) physical separation such as distance (building setbacks), vegetative berms, hedges or other landscape cover; walls or fences aesthetically designed for screening purposes; and open space systems with dense native vegetation and tree canopy; and/or 2) the development of a transitional use between the incompatible uses (such as low intensity office development between general retail commercial centers and residential areas). ~ If consistent with the policies above, the only use of the site would be an office. The maximum size of any development on the site is also restricted. While the Comprehensive Plan allows a floor area ratio of .35, the City's land development regulations further restrict development to a maximum of 3,500 square feet, regardless of parcel size (Attachment 2). Based on the most intense use of the site as a 3,500 square foot office, the proposed amendment actually reduces the number of trips on the road. the potential trip generation for the site is shown in the table below. .~ Page I 5 t""""'" ~ Trip Generation Calculations for Amendment 35 Property Existing Proposed Change Change Size in in Peak Daily hours Acres FLU Maximum ITE Daily Peak FLU Maximum ITE Daily Peak Trips Trips allowed Land Trips Hour allowed Land Trips Hour intensity Use Trips intensity Use Trips Code Code 1.25 LDR- 6DU/A 210 71 7 NC 3500 SF 710 39 6 (32) (I) SF The proposed future land use designation of Neighborhood Commercial and its allowable uses are compatible with surrounding land use designations and with the preferred growth and development pattern of the City as evidenced by land use policies in the Comprehensive Plan. The amendment will not significantly alter acceptable existing land use patterns or adversely affect the livability of the area or the health and safety of the residents. 8, Summary of Impacts of Proposed Amendments of Public Facilities /,f""........ Table 2: Summary of Future Land Use Plan Map Amendments Evaluation of Service and Facility Impacts " -..rap Acres Existing Existing Proposed Future Potable Sewer Drainage Solid Recreation Traffic Assigned No, Use Future Land Land Use Map Water Demand Waste (Acres) (ADT) Street Use Map Designation Demand (GPD) (PPD) Designation (GPD) I 19,81 Vacant SE, J,C WDBD, RP 420,132 383,599 Adheres 5,297 10.43 8,384 Monroe to the 25 Avenue Year, 96 (CR 15) Hour LOS Adheres 35 1.88 Vacant, LSRSF NC 564 515 to the 25 16 N/A (32) US 17/92 Office Year, 96 Hour LOS GPD: Gallons per Day PPD: Pounds per Day ADT: Average Daily Traffic Adiusted Available Cauacitv Potable Water Million Gallons Per Day Sanitarv Sewer Million Gallons per Day Total Permitted Capacity: Current Flow Available Capacity ,.......Demand per Plan Amendment ~.djusted Available Capacity: 8.51 6.85 1.66 .42 1.24 Total Permitted Capacity Current Flow: Available Capacity: Demand per Plan Amendments: Adjusted Available Capacity: 9.30 5.55 3.75 .38 3.37 Page 16 J Solid Waste Tons per Year Recreation Acres Available Capacity: Current Demand: Demand per Plan Amendments Adjusted Available Capacity: 358,333 266,873 970 90,490 Existing Park Land: Available Park Land: Demand per Plan Amendments: Surplus: 273,60 65.90 10.43 55.47 Summary of Peak Hour Roadway Impacts from Peak Hour Traffic Generated by Future Land Use Map Amendments SITE FACILITIES CURRENT FUTURE (2013) NUMBER LOS'E' EXISTING EXISTING PROJECT SURPLUS! LOSE DEMAND PROJECT SURPLUS CAPACITY DEMAND LOS IMPACT DEFICIT CAPACITY IMPACT DEFICIT (peak Hour) (peak Hour) (Peak Hour) (Peak Hour) I +CR 15 1520 895 D 398 227 3240+ 1320 398 1522 35 US 17!92 3720 3188 D (I) 531 3,720 5037 (I) (1318) 25tth St. to Airport Blvd, *Seminole County 2005 Traffic Count Note: It should be emphasized that this analysis does not represent a concurrency determination for the development project that could result from the proposed comprehensive plan amendment. The assignment of trips i~ to various road segments will be accomplished in a more comprehensive manner at the time of site plan review and ...." adequate facilities and services will be insured as part of the City's concurrency management system set forth in the City's Land Development Regulations. + CR 15 is scheduled to be widened to 4 lanes plus a turn lane in June, 2007 and has a completion date of October, 2009. :> Page 1 7 R"_~-"IilJ_ -It_. .lll.'" -, '--' EXHIBIT A cct.O",' ........... ,- "-' Q .7'" t. ~.. \ l'~}:r ~ ,. " (Y,' . .. . o I~ ..... ~~ -u ...... 1111=\1- ~..L ~ ~ [~r ~ 1., ~ 1- ~ mE ~,J~u ~ ~ IT _. ~ p~.~ m~n /\~, l'! ~ ~i II ,g~E.. t .iI3i1 ~~:".__'=fl.;:! ~ 7l' '; "= h Ii: .... = . .= ~ 13f ~ . ~l -= ~ ~of-i r-I~ . i-o- - 1--- H v~ \J'I^ ~ ; I:tj~ ,\. =~'H ~ '" ~ =- II I ~ f-f ~~~ ill'] 2 ~1 ::I ';1 C> C> C> 8 C> ~ 5' g. - '" C> .g g '" in b g o C> o '" w !a 8 C> ~ ....., I 1- ... 8;r l!!. \ I I o '. 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" !ilI~l!lili'lilllWli!llilllll'l .. l!llBilBD[JlliUlillflBi _II . 1IIl'I1ffiIilUl8ll1!ll1lfl1l . ~~~~~9~~~~ .111 ~m= =11= II. ~IIII ..... !IIIIlIHllBIBlIiiIlElll1l!ll.~ , lIIImJ~lii\llliilml._ lIIIlill!llill'llilll8e. .1fBIlIl!IIIIIII~~ 1IIII1I!81H1111'l111lfiiil= !!IIIl!Ii'lIIlIBIi!IIlIIIi1 (I 1= ~[ffiE'iJlfE:B1 , I I Ii II ff E5'EliE1 r .~I ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ City of Sanford Small Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment C May 2007 lJSHwy Existing land Use 17 & 9< Legend Existing Land Use _ Vacant _ Conservation _ Mobile Home Single Family Residential _ Commercial _ Industrial _ Government 600 ~ o I Feet Current and Proposed Future land Use Plan Legend Future Land Use _ GC General Commercial _ RP Resource Protection _ WlC Westside Industry & Commerce I::J Seminole County FLU Current Future land Use: SE, COM, CONS Proposed Future land Use: WDBD, RP Parcel No: 16-19-30-5AC-OOOO-013A 16-19-30-5AC-OOOO-014A 16- 19-30-5AC-OOOO-0360 19,81 Acres o 600 ~ I Feet Conservation ....... 'I . . c ,Q ro c: OJ Ul C o o I . j . . ...... c -g 0::: c: c: W ~ 0 ~'EO::: lii 0 ~ :!: .c '" I City of Sanford Department of Planning & Development Services, May 2007 City of Sanford Small Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment May 2007 0 Existing Land Use Legend Existing Land Use _ Vacant _ Multi-Family _ Institutional _ Mobile Home _ Agriculture Single Family Residential _ Commercial _ Industrial _ Government 800 I Feet Current and Proposed Future Land Use Plan Legend _ Westside Industry & Commerce I::] Seminole County FLU Current Future land Use: HIPTI Proposed Future land Use: WIC Parcel No: 16-19-30-5AC-0000-00LO 16-19-30-5AC-0000-0560 16-19-30-5AC-0000-0570 16-19-30-5AC-0000-0630 16-19-30-5AC-0000-0640 16-19-30-5AC-0000-064A 16-19-30-5AC-0000-0720 16-19-30-5AC-0000-072A 16-19-30-5AC-0000-072B 16-19-30-5AC-0000-072C 16-19-30-5AC-0000-0730 16-19-30-5AC-0000-0740 16-19-30-5AC-0000-0820 71,04 Acres 800 I Feet F F 01 I ~ 1: i 'u) Q) 21:> [ c: Ql 0 -c:- ,0> t1l Ql :co..Cl Mf "1 .: III .1 4' ,.' ,..., . . . . ... .., 4 0 .1 D:: High Intensity 0:: c( Development o . W !. B .-. . ". I ~ . I . Ii . ..-...~... AV o High Intensi Plan ed Develo ment High Intensity Planned ! Development City of Sanford Department of Planning & Development Services, May 2007 City of Sanford Small Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment o May 2007 o o Existing land Use Legend Existing Land Use _ Vacant _ Multi Family Residential _ Agriculture _ Mobile Home Single Family Residential _ Commercial _ Industrial _ Government 500 ~ >- - - C ~'C [ CQ)O :;;;2~ ID-a - i10 .... High Intensity Planned Development I Feet '. Current and Proposed Future land Use Plan Legend Future Land Use _ WIC Westside Industry & Commerce o Seminole County FLU Current Future Land Use: HIPTI Proposed Future Land Use: WIC Parcel No: 16-19-30-5AC-0000-087 A 7,89 Acres 500 ~ ~ 'E 0:: ~ ~ U .!! -c a. CQ)O ~2~ ,2>~ <Ll :CD-a ~:. .bAL~TEk IT 111- I Feet ----' - - - :=-: L 'High In nsily P1annec - Develo ment City of Sanford Department of Planning & Development Services, May 2007 . ,8: . . . . . . . . . . . .. W 1ST ST AI.. . . iij' ~ . ~[IJ~ ~ 3 C III W I I .. . II! W . I II . . I I . ~ . . . . I ,I . ---: . . ,. . . . I, . .. ,., W 1ST ST High Intensity Planned Development I >- - ."!:: c: en Q) C E .!! "C a. CQ)O -c- ~C:%! ,!2'.!2 l1J :CD-a High I tensity Plann d Devel pment City of Sanford Small Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment May 2007 () AL TE Existing Land Use Legend Existing Land Use _ Vacant _ Multi Family Residential _ Mobile Home Single Family Residential _ Commercial _ Industrial _ Government 500 ~ I Feet Current and Proposed Future Land Use Plan Legend Future Land Use _ Westside Industry & Commerce c::J Seminole County FLU Current Future land Use: HIPTI Proposed Future land Use: WIC Parcel No: 28-19-30-506-0000-0070 4,95 Acres 500 ~ I Feet W 1ST ST .... . . . . . . . o '" - ~ c VI <0 '" E .s"C a. "'<00 -",- .cc:~ .2'12 Q) Ic..O 10 ...... 0:: () , W 1ST ST .. . . . ,~ . .. . . I. . I . . II ~: .. '" - ~ c: VI <0 '" E ~"Cc. "'<00 -",- ~~~ Ic..O I Hi h Intensit Planned Dev. ... .. o City of Sanford Department of Planning & Development Services, May 2007 City of Sanford Small Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment o May 2007 o o Existing land Use Legend Existing Land Use _ Vacant Single Family Residential _ Commercial _ Industrial _ Government 400 ~ "'ot'. . \~ :J, .. . . . . .. . P B. .. 5 . .. . .. . .. . ... Hi h Intensit Planned Development High Int nsily P1ann Devel menl High Intensity Planned Development I Feet Current and Proposed Future land Use Plan Legend Future Land Use _ Westside Industry & Commerce Cl Seminole County FLU Current Future land Use: HIPTI Proposed Future land Use: WIC Parcel No: 26-19-30-5AE-0400-0000 4,00 Acres 400 ~ :. . . . . .. . ft.. i51I C' .~. L.;..I I .. ~ . . ~. I. .~ City of Sanford Department of Planning & Development Services, May 2007 I Feet City of Sanford Small Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment May 2007 0 Existing Land Use I Feet ~ '. L. -..,;;.\' ;t", ,"'; ~'HhI:ito, ,~ Legend Existing Land Use _ Vacant _ Agriculture Single Family Residential _ Commercial _ Industrial _ Government 400 o Current and Proposed Future Land Use Plan High I tensity Plann d Devel pment C 0:: Legend Future Land Use _ Westside Industry & Commerce c:J Seminole County FLU Current Future land Use: HIPTI Proposed Future land Use: WlC Parcel No: 27 -19-30-502-0000-00AO 0,25 Acres I Feet ~ 01 400 City of Sanford Department of Planning & Development Services, May 2007 City of Sanford Small Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment C May 2007 o c Existing Land Use Legend Existing Land Use D Vacant _ Agriculture Single Family Residential _ Commercial _ Industrial _ Government 500 ~ W 1 ST ST .,............ . . I P . . ~ ~ .. L... ,.; .. .... 4' S ... · .~. .~,.~..,... I w aJ I Feet Current and Proposed Future Land Use Plan Legend Future land Use _ Waterfront Downtown Business District I -- Industrial c: low Density Res, Single Family _ Westside Industry & Commerce c:J Seminole County FLU Current Future Land Use: HIPTI Proposed Future Land Use: WIC Parcel No: 26-19-30-5AE-4900-0000 26-19-30-5AE-490A-0000 26-19-30-5AE-660A-0000 27-19-30-300-0040-0000 27-19-30-501-0000-0080 12,10 Acres 500 ~ High I tensity Plann Devel pment High Intensity Planned D OJ, W 1 ST ST I Feet ~> '(ii <1J cD ~'O c Q) -c .<=c Cllll IO: ......... " . 41 . W ,I C " 0::: . 0::: 1I W :> w aJ . ., . .... . 4 . . . I . . . 0.., L~. . . . ... . . .-.-. High Intensity Planned Development City of Sanford Dep~rtment of Planning & Development Services, May 2007 City of Sanford Small Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment May 2007 0 Existing Land Use Legend Existing Land Use _ Vacant _ Multi-Family _ Institutional Single Family Residential _ Commercial _ Industrial _ Government 600 ~ I Feet Current and Proposed Future Land Use Plan Legend Future land Use _ Waterfront Downtown Business District _ Industrial _ low Density Res, Single Family _ Westside Industry & Commerce I:::::J Seminole County FLU Current Future Land Use: HIPTI Proposed Future Land Use: WIC Parcel No: 26-19-30-300-0120-0000 4,25 Acres W 1 ST ST c ~ III l- e:: o 0- e:: :;:c- 3: o High I tensity Plann d Devel pment :. - Ii .. Ii .. Ii .. ill B · ..~ c__~' . . . . . . . .- W 1ST ST .2:'> ~ .~~ 600 ~'O 0 c: ., , I Feet -c: .cc: om :CO: City of Sanford Department of Planning & Development Services. May 2007 City of Sanford Small Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment May 2007 c Existing land Use Legend Existing Land Use _ Vacant _ School Single Family Residential _ Commercial _ Industrial _ Govemment 400 ~ I Feet o Current and Proposed Future land Use Plan Legend Future Land Use [_ - . Industrial c.J Low Density Res, Single Family _ Med, Density Res. 15 Units/acre _ Neighborhood Commercial _ Public / Semi-Public _ Parks, Recreation & Open Space c:J Seminole County FLU Current Future Land Use: MDR Proposed Future Land Use: MDR15 Parcel No: 35-19-30-514-0000-0070 0.41 Acres o 400 ~ I Feet ~ -.~... I ~ 1 ~ ' ;' 1 ~ , ' t-" City of Sanford Department of Planning & Development Services, May 2007 City of Sanford Small Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment May 2007 Existing land Use Legend Existing Land Use _ Vacant _ School _ Multi-Family Single Family Residential _ Government 300 ~ I Feet Current and Proposed Future land Use Plan Legend Future land Use C Industrial _ low Density Res, Single Family _ Med, Density Res. 15 Units/acre _ Public / Semi-Public _ Resource Protection c:J Seminole County FLU Current Future Land Use: MDR Proposed Future Land Use: MDR10 Parcel No: 35-19-30-513-0700-0080 0,09 Acres 300 ~ I Feet o > <t :r: u <t w D.. ITJIIJJJ : W17TH ST ~ [[]]I[[[] ! [[]]]]]] ~ U~ ~ IX: w r:o ..J :J :ii: o i II-~[ l~ rll r il !nl~ I[ I IUIII I, ' Iii II I i ~ J lJ. I: ,; ~ IX: W C z <t w ..J o W 17TH ST 0, i City of Sanford Department of Planning & Development Services, May 2007 City of Sanford Small Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment o May 2007 o o Existing land Use legend Existing land Use _ Vacant _ Institutional Single Family Residential _ Govemment 400 ~ City of Sanford Department of Planning & Development Services, May 2007 I Feet Current and Proposed Future land Use Plan legend Future Land Use ~ Low Density Res, Single Family _ Parks, Recreation & Open Space I::J Seminole County FLU Current Future Land Use: LDR Proposed Future Land Use: LDRSF Parcel No: 32-19-31-502-0000-0470 32-19-31-503-0000-0100 32-19-31-503-0000-0110 32-19-31-503-0000-0180 1,10 Acres 400 ~ Z ...J Z ...J W (!) Cl ~ 0:: <l: Cl w u Cl ~ lJ:l >- I Feet Z ...J Low Density Residential Z ...J W (!) Cl ~ 0:: <l: Cl w U --- Low Density Residential City of Sanford Small Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment May 2007 0 Existing land Use Legend Existing Land Use _ Vacant _ Multi-Family _ Mobile Home _ Agriculture Single Family Residential _ Commercial _ Govemment ...':;".':'. '~'..J"~,;::..l "'0" ......,l. .iJ.;:.~J.' ;"t,..',v..'i."r_" o 600 ~ I Feet . Current and Proposed Future land Use Plan Legend Future Land Use _ Airport Industry & Commerce _ Industrial _ Low Density Res, Single Family _ Resource Protection _ Suburban Estates c:J Seminole County FLU Suburban Estates Current Future Land Use: SE Proposed Future Land Use: SE Parcel No: 08-20-31-301-0030-0000 08-20-31-301-0030-0000 12.66 Acres 600 ~ I Feet City of Sanford Department of Planning & Development Services, May 2007 o Q' City of Sanford Small Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment C May 2007 o o Existing land Use Legend Existing Land Use _ Vacant _ Multi-Family _ Agriculture Single Family Residential 400 ~ ~ Q :I: o ~; o S~ Industrial ... .. . . . . ...~ l:J V. coo~c/ - Suburban Estates .. .. . . I . . Iiel . .& 13 v I Feet Current and Proposed Future land Use Plan Legend Low Density Residential Future Land Use _ Airport Industry & Commerce _ Industrial _ Low Density Res, Single Family _ Med, Density Res. 10 Units/acre _ Suburban Estates c:J Seminole County FLU Current Future Land Use: SE Proposed Future Land Use: SE Parcel No: 08-20-31-300-0270-0000 1,01 Acres 400 ~ I Feet City of Sanford Department of Planning & Development Services, May 2007 City of Sanford Small Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment May 2007 0 I Feet ~ Existing land Use Silver Lake legend Existing land Use _ Vacant _ Multi-Family _ Agriculture Single Family Residential ^ . . .. ....... . 500 E. LAKE MARY BLVD Q I Feet ~ Low Density Residential Current and Proposed Future land Use Plan legend Silver Lake Suburban Estates Future Land Use CJ Industrial _ Low Density Res, Single Family _ Med, Density Res, 10 Units/acre _ Resource Protection _ Suburban Estates CJ Seminole County FLU . . ., ..,...... " .. .. .. I,. I . . . ~.. . . . . . " .- Current Future Land Use: LOR, SE, CONS Proposed Future Land Use: LORSF, SE, RP Parcel No: 07-20-31-300-0210-0000 07-20-31-300-0240-0000 07-20-31-300-0260-0000 11.40 Acres Industrial ~ Q :I: o 500 E. LAKE MARY BLVD 01 City of Sanford Department of Planning & Development Services, May 2007 c o o City of Sanford Small Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment May 2007 Existing land Use Legend Existing Land Use _ Vacant _ Multi-Family _ Institutional _ Mobile Home _ Agriculture Single Family Residential _ Commercial _ Industrial _ Government 500 ~ ~ '........?} I Feet Current and Proposed Future land Use Plan Legend Future Land Use _ Resource Protection _ Suburban Estates c:J Seminole County FLU Current Future Land Use: SE Proposed Future Land Use: SE Parcel No: 17-20-31-5AZ-0000-0210 4,77 Acres 500 ~ PINE WAY ..... I . . ~ [151. II L,.;.;.I. . . I . . p . ... Suburban Estates I Feet PINE WAY ..... I .1 . . .IB : 15 C 1 " . . I . II! . . !II ... I Conservation \ Suburban Estates Suburban Estates Con ervation Low Density Residential City of Sanford Department of Planning & Development Services, May 2007 City of Sanford Small Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment May 2007 0 Existing land Use Legend Existing Land Use _ Vacant _ Agriculture Single Family Residential _ Govemment 500 ~ I Feet Current and Proposed Future land Use Plan Legend Future Land Use _ Low Density Res, Single Family _ Resource Protection _ Suburban Estates 1::1 Seminole County FLU Current Future Land Use: SE Proposed Future Land Use: SE Parcel No: 17-20-31-5AZ-0000-0020 17 -20-31-5AZ-0000-002A 15,QQAcres 500 ~ I Feet y. · · · · · · · · · .i . . . . · B6 · . . . . . . . . . . . ... . .. .Ii PALM WAY ~ . . . . .... '( I'" . ; II Conserv .alion II . II . I' . I . . . . . . . . . . .. Suburban Estates PALM 'WAY City of Sanford Department of Planning & Development Services, May 2007 B Suburban Estates o City of Sanford Small Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment C May 2007 o c Existing Land Use legend Existing land Use _ Vacant _ Mobile Home Single Family Residential _ Govemment 500 ~ C:::J ~ ~ -p ~ -\\ tQ \ \1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ >:t. C:::J Planned Development ~ ~ ~ -\\ \ ~.. (:) - 'Y ~ ~ '-t-. . ~ >:t. l De ity Resi " ntial I Feet Current and Proposed Future Land Use Plan legend Future land Use ~ Low Density Res, Single Family _ Med, Density Res. 10 Units/acre c:J Seminole County FLU Current Future land Use: LDR Proposed Future Land Use: LDRSF Parcel No: 18-20-31-300-0070-0000 2,61 Acres 500 ~ City of Sanford Department of Planning & Development Services, May 2007 I Feet City of Sanford Small Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment May 2007 0 I Feet ~ :\ ."....i' Existing land Use Legend Existing Land Use _ Vacant Single Family Residential _ Industrial _ Govemment ~ ~,: '. . . . . ... . , E. lAKE MARY BLVD 500 o Current and Proposed Future land Use Plan Legend Future land Use [.::J Industrial _ Low Density Res, Single Family _ Med. Density Res. 10 Units/acre _ Resource Protection c:J Seminole County FLU rn Industrial II . W " . . I II . . j '.. , E, lAKE MARY BLVD Industrial Current Future Land Use: IND Proposed Future Land Use: I Parcel No: 07-20-31-300-0350-0000 1.70 Acres o I Feet ~ 500 City of Sanford Department of Planning & Development Services, May 2007 City of Sanford Small Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment C May 2007 - _I!!: u- Existing Land Use - :i- ~ - :iE w- - ...J 0 ~<o u - ~ <8<:>- - ~ .f: > \ ~ Legend _ct r-- ~ /1 l:iL :. i f-- ~rl 0::: Existing Land Use ...-~ f-- _ Vacant ~ L-- - l~ ~ SAN IRA BLVD _ Multi-Family - TlI w II 'II .. Single Family Residential - 0::: 13- ;. . :=\ - II) z tIj ~ REEL CT - ~ z ::;- I --ll - - ROSE DR =- ~~- ~ ~~ / - - ---' STENSTROM ...!!;VD ~\-v= d 400 ~ =( I 0 I I Feet I /' RARIIN roT j I \ o - ~ w Dens~y' ~'" ,- .,~-'''. - U ~I''''''''''''''",,--''' - Res, - z Current and Proposed ct - >- ~ .'= ctI - :iE en' .- / Future Land Use Plan w - Q) Q) - ...J 0 ;: 'i(l u Low Dens &~ -1-lL .. - ~ Res, ~<:> ~ ~ ~ ~ Legend r-- -~ c f-- - J 0::: -I 1191 T 0::: Future Land Use ct 0 f-- f-- - ...-0- ~ U. I -, Low Density Res. Single Family ~ z L-- Low Denstt ct _ Med, Density Res, 10 Units/acre - \ II) SANORA BLVD - Residentia Tl I _ Neighborhood Commercial .1\- .. c::J Seminole County FLU - - .. I ~ 1\ - . . ~ co Current Future Land Use: LOR - z ~ REEL CT Proposed Future Land Use: LORSF ..,1--- r l - ---. ---1.l Parcel No: 12-20-30-503-0200-0150 - ~i: DC' --- /l"- \~ ~ - Lo'Der ' y I / - - Rider i I ~ I STENSTROM ~VD 0,74 Acres ~ - ~. / r-- ---I ( I I Low De hsity - ---1 400 ~ Reside hti"j I /j RABUN CT I I Feet ~ed, Dens ty \ \ \ Res, - City of Sanford Department of Planning & Development Services, May 2007 City of Sanford Small Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment May 2007 ;E ::i: ~ w w Existing Land Use ...I ...1- 0 0 u u '\.. :/~ . Legend / I ~ \ I-- I x: POINSETTA DR Existing Land Use 0: =- ~ ii: I >--- _ Vacant '\ L-- _ Multi-Family - ~ In Single Family Residential 120 J c ;: w 0: _ Industrial 0: 0 0: (j- Uo K\- (j Z _ Govemment l/) l/) , - <I: Z Zr--._ __~ l/) x: ~H -r- -I ----< ( Z ::; ---j ROSE D [)I ~N ~ ~ I I STEN~ ~r ~ - - --I ( 400 ~ 1/1 I I Feet FERN DR I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ';E ::i: I w ~- ~:!.'! / ...I Current and Proposed 0 0 c: c: ow Dens~ ~ U U .!li " Future Land Use Plan \~ " ':3 fes, '\.. -J~ ~ I ~ - I-- Legend x: .POIN ET 'A DR. 0: I--- Future Land Use ii:1 -I LDR I I--- _ Industrial '\ '--- _ Low Density Res, Single Family - Low Dens' ~ Res, ~~ c Tl _ Med, Density Res, 10 Units/acre ;: w _m 120J 0: 0: 0: 0 _ Med, Density Res, 15 Units/acre (j (j- Uo ~ -.'..'........,- Z l/) l/) <I: _ Public I Semi-Public Z z-. . - ~ l/) " S2 lil:: _ Parks, Recreation & Open Space Z :!!: ----' -I- -I ----< ( c:J Seminole County FLU ::; .... LDR ---j , Rn!':1= D .. ~N ~ ~ "Lo;tem -I I Current Future Land Use: LOR es, Proposed Future Land Use: LORSF '\1 STEN~ Low Dens ~Y- Parcel No: 12-20-30-503-0500-0080 c: Res, ,Q d co --I 0,28 Acres 2: ( Q) Low Density ----; V) c: Residential , /j 0 U : Med, Den lty 400 ~ Res, I I Feet ' ,- FERN DR", LDR I MDFil ( City of Sanford Department of Planning & Development Services, May 2007 0; I I i o 0: - City of Sanford Small Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment C May 2007 3! :!! w ~1-- Existing Land Use ..J 0 0 ~ u u ~ \"'-- Legend ~ ~ POINSETTA DR - Existing Land Use I 0:: =- - _ Vacant ~ T - '\ -----' _ Multi-Family - ~ Tl Single Family Residential s: w -----." . . c G 0:: _ Industrial 0:: ~--II..~ 0 u. ~ U z _ Govemment III III <l: z Z III S2 S2 z :!O- I f------1 ( ::; .., 1---1 ~nSE 01 [)I ~M \~ ~ / STENS I ~~ =r ---1 - -1( 400 ~ /r I I Feet FERN DR I I I I I I I I I I I I I 'I ( o o ~ :!! ' -- I w ~- ~.. / Current and Proposed ..J 0 0 " " ow Dens~ ~ U U " " Future Land Use Plan ~ 'ifl Res, '\.. \~ ..JLL I ~ ~ . Legend ~ : PruNSET-1l. n~ I 0:: / I f------ Future Land Use ~ -I lLDR f------ l.llndustrial '---- _ Low Density Res, Single Family ~ - Low Dens; ~ , . Res, C In _ Med, Density Res, 10 Units/acre r s: w~ .. ~ 0:: i II 0 0:: u---li. . .".~ _ Med, Density Res, 15 Units/acre u u. F:S- z _ Public / Semi-Public , III III <l: j Z III -;1 Z ,S2 ~ _ Parks, Recreation & Open Space z :!Oi-- rLDR ---i ( c:::l Seminole County FLU ::; .., --i ~n~i: 0 1~ \~ ~ LO\;,feens I Current Future Land Use: LOR es, Proposed Future Land Use: LORSF ' - '\1 STENS Low Dens ~\- Parcel No: 12-20-30-503-0500-0050 c: Res, ,Q ~ n; - 0,55 Acres 2: ( Q) Low Density - - l/l c: Residential /j 0 U Med, Den ity 400 ~ Res, I I Feet FERN DR , LDR I MDRl ( City of Sanford Department of Planning & Development Services, May 2007 City of Sanford Small Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment May 2007 0 Existing Land Use Legend Existing Land Use _ Vacant _ Multi-Family Single Family Residential _ Commercial 400 ~ I Feet Current and Proposed Future Land Use Plan Legend Future land Use _ General Commercial _ low Density Res, Single Family _ Med, Density Res, 10 Units/acre _ Med, Density Res, 15 Units/acre _ Neighborhood Commercial _ Resource Protection c:J Seminole County FLU Current Future Land Use: LOR Proposed Future Land Use: LORSF Parcel No: 12-20-30-503-0000-0081 0,55 Acres 400 ~ I Feet 0::: U U):;:: ow Densit Z >- Res, <( 0'0 ~ ::E w :;;: (I) ::E ...J ....J ...J 0 ~ Low Dens' Res, MDR ~ ll:: 0::: ~ City of Sanford Department of Planning & Development Services, May 2007 ~ C 0::: o LL Z <( If) o o City of Sanford Smal~ Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment C May 2007 o o Existing Land Use Legend Existing Land Use _ Vacant _ Multi-Family _ Mobile Home Single Family Residential _ Commercial _ Industrial _ Govemment 400 ~ ...J D.. W 0:: c: :!E w ...J D.. W ...J < ~ I Feet Current and Proposed Future Land Use Plan Legend Future Land Use _ Airport Industry & Commerce _ General Commercial _ High Density Residential _ Low Density Res, Single Family _ Resource Protection c::J Seminole County FLU Current Future Land Use: LDR Proposed Future Land Use: LDRSF Parcel No: 06-20-31-506-0000-01 OA 0,16 Acres 400 ~ City of Sanford Department of Planning & Development Services, May 2007 I Feet - City of Sanford Small Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment May 2007 0 Existing land Use Legend Existing land Use _ Vacant _ Multi-Family _ Institutional Single Family Residential _ Commercial _ Industrial _ Govemment 400 ~ I Feet Current and Proposed Future land Use Plan i,'>,,~~F~': >:~:,"- : "H, ~ I ~ Legend ~ C 0:: o u. Z <l: lJ) ,':1 ~ ' , ' ~ ~-{!... , L ~'( ",~, _-;1 (.?' .} k..., ':j,"""" , "'< ~ ,; ',JI,' , .~ "..~j. i Future Land Use _ Airport Industry & Commerce _ General Commercial _ Low Density Res, Single Family _ Med, Density Res, 15 Units/acre _ Public / Semi-Public c::J Seminole County FLU Current Future Land Use: LDR Proposed Future Land Use: LDRSF ,> <l: Low ens,'~ R s. I- W (J z ii: ll. Low Density Residential Parcel No: 06-20-31-503-0300-0010 0.42 Acres 400 ~ -- - --~ - WYLLY AV I Feet City of Sanford Department of Planning & Development Services, May 2007 o (): City of Sanford Small Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment ~ May 2007 o o Existing Land Use Legend Existing Land Use _ Vacant _ Multi-Family _ Institutional Single Family Residential _ Commercial _ Industrial _ Govemment 400 <f5 ll.. Low Resi E27T1:I ST . ,. ' City of Sanford Department of Planning & Development Services. May 2007 I Feet Current and Proposed Future Land Use Plan Legend Future Land Use _ General Commercial ;::::] Low Density Res, Single Family _ Med, Density Res, 15 Units/acre _ Public / Semi-Public _ Resource Protection _ Parks. Recreation & Open Space c:::l Seminole County FLU Current Future Land Use: COM Proposed Future Land Use: GC Parcel No: 01-20-30-506-0000-0770 0,85 Acres 400 <f5 I Feet City of Sanford Small Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment May 2007 0 Existing land Use Legend Existing Land Use _ Vacant _ Multi-Family _ Institutional _ Mobile Home Single Family Residential _ Commercial 400 ~ I Feet Current and Proposed Future land Use Plan Legend Future Land Use _ General Commercial :::J Low Density Res. Single Family _ Med, Density Res, 15 Units/acre _ Resource Protection _ Parks, Recreation & Open Space c:J Seminole County FLU Current Future Land Use: LOR, CONS Proposed Future Land Use: LOR SF, RP Parcel No: 01-20-30-506-0000-4240 01-20-30-506-0000-4260 0.44 Acres 400 ~ I Feet ~ ::E ..J W City of Sanford Department of Planning & Development Services, May 2007 ~ W ..J I- 0:: >- ::E ~ W ..J I- 0:: >- ::E Low Dens, Res, o I I (>> -- City of Sanford Small Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment C May 2007 o o Existing land Use Legend Existing Land Use _ Vacant _ Multi-Family Single Family Residential _ Commercial _ Govemment 400 ~ ~ ~ ~ :I: o ~ City of Sanford Department of Planning & Development Services, May 2007 I Feet Current and Proposed Future land Use Plan Legend Future Land Use :=J Low Density Res, Single Family _ Neighborhood Commercial _ Resource Protection _ Parks, Recreation & Open Space E::I Seminole County FLU Current Future Land Use: LOR Proposed Future Land Use: LORSF Parcel No: 01-20-30-504-1100-0180 0,27 Acres 400 ~ I Feet City of Sanford Small Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment May 2007 0 Existing Land Use Legend Existing Land Use _ Vacant _ Multi-Family _ Commercial _ Government 400 ~ I Feet Current and Proposed Future Land Use Plan Legend Future land Use _ General Commerdal _ High Density Residential _ Resource Protection [::J Seminole County FLU Current Future Land Use: COM, CONS Proposed Future Land Use: GC, RP Parcel No: 11-20-30-300-0058-0000 11-20-30-300-006A-0000 5,14 Acres 400 ~ I Feet <) o City of Sanford Department of Planning & Development Services, May 2007 City of Sanford Small Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment o May 2007 o o Existing Land Use Legend Existing Land Use _ Vacant _ Mobile Home _ Agriculture Single Family Residential _ Commercial _ Govemment 400 ~ E alE co. cO row 0:: a; a City of Sanford Department of Planning & Development Services, May 2007 I Feet Current and Proposed Future Land Use Plan Legend Future Land Use _ General Commercial _ Public I Semi-Public _ Resource Protection I::] Seminole County FLU Current Future Land Use: COM Proposed Future Land Use: GC Parcel No: 22-20-30-300-0120-0000 0,13 Acres 400 ~ I Feet - City of Sanford Small Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment May 2007 0 Existing Land Use Legend Existing Land Use _ Vacant _ Multi-Family _ Institutional Single Family Residential _ Commercial _ Industrial 400 ~ I Feet Current and Proposed Future Land Use Plan Legend Future Land Use _ General Commercial _ High Density Residential _ Industrial _ Resource Protection I::J Seminole County FLU Current Future Land Use: COM Proposed Future Land Use: GC Parcel No: 35-19-30-300-0240-0000 1.73 Acres 400 ~ I Feet il:lk_11~ :J~. ~,l ,c ~..,.,;t\, ,;:. 'fj~ ..:~ ~ ..::~ " .' COUNTRY CLUB RD ..... ,,' B~ ~""~'" _,' 30 II! '-"'"' , ?=. . , I ... i.,..,~l- :" " ~ COUNTRY CLUB RD ~ merc al City of Sanford Department of Planning & Development SeNices, May 2007 - City of Sanford Small Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment May 2007 o Existing Land Use legend Existing land Use _ Vacant _ Multi-Family _ Institutional Single Family Residential _ Commercial _ Industrial _ Govemment 400 ~ o I Feet Current and Proposed Future Land Use Plan Legend Future land Use _ General Commercial _ High Density Residential _ Industrial _ Public I Semi-Public _ Resource Protection _ Parks, Recreation & Open Space c::J Seminole County FLU Current Future Land Use: COM Proposed Future Land Use: GC Parcel No: 35-19-30-300-0250-0000 35-19-30-300-0258-0000 1,16 Acres o 400 ~ I Feet "'.,. '~I;'~-i' ,....~<:.. W 25TH S City of Sanford Department of Planning & Development Services, May 2007 City of Sanford Small Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment May 2007 0 Existing Land Use Legend Existing Land Use _ Vacant _ Institutional Single Family Residential _ Commercial _ Govemment 400 ~ I Feet Current and Proposed Future Land Use Plan Legend Future Land Use o Low Density Res, Single Family _ Med, Density Res. 10 Units/acre _ Resource Protection _ Parks, Recreation & Open Space CJ Seminole County FLU Current Future Land Use: LOR, CONS Proposed Future Land Use: LORSF, RP Parcel No: 04-20-30-501-0200-0010 04-20-30-501-0200-001 A 1,68 Acres 400 ~ I Feet W 25TH 5T l1JffiJ r-.-.. ~m . . 0:: 4 0:: !II :E . . o L w i Resi enti I o City of Sanford Department of Planning & Development Services, May 2007 City of Sanford Small Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment May 2007 '~ I c Existing land Use Legend Existing Land Use _ Vacant _ Institutional _ Agriculture Single Family Residential _ Commercial 500 ~ o I Feet Current and Proposed Future land Use Plan Legend Future land Use !=:I Low Density Res, Single Family _ Med, Density Res. 10 Units/acre _ Public / Semi-Public _ Resource Protection c:J Seminole County FLU Current Future Land Use: LDR, CONS Proposed Future Land Use: LDRSF, RP Parcel No: 34-1 9-30-300-001 0-0000 3319305AF0000039A 34-19-30-300-001 B-OOOO 3319305AF0000039 B 34-19-30-300-001 C-OOOO 3319305AF0000039C 34-19-30-300-001 0-0000 28,03 Acres o 500 ~ I Feet Low Density Residential Public - Semi-Public Conservation City of Sanford Department of Planning & Development Services, May 2007 City of Sanford Small Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment May 2007 Legend Existing Land Use _ Vacant _ Multi-Family _ Institutional _ Agriculture Single Family Residential _ Commercial c ~ I- ~ < J: W Z C2 0, I Existing land Use I Feet ~ ".-. . .. . . . . . . ' . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . ., .. .. CR 46 A 500 C) Legend Future Land Use _ 1-4 High Intensity _ Med, Density Res, 10 Units/acre CJ Seminole County FLU c ~ I- ~ < J: W Z C2 Agriculture (City of Lake Mary) 01 Current and Proposed Future land Use Plan Current Future Land Use: HIP Proposed Future Land Use: HI Parcel No: 32-19-30-301-0088-0000 32-19-30-301-008C-0000 10,60 Acres I Feet ~ 500 City of Sanford Department of Planning & Development Services. May 2007 - City of Sanford Small Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment May 2007 o Existing land Use Legend Existing Land Use _ Vacant _ Multi-Family _ Institutional _ Mobile Home _ Agriculture Single Family Residential _ Commercial _ Industrial _ Government 400 ~ I Feet o Current and Proposed Future land Use Plan Legend Future Land Use _ General Commercial _ Low Density Res, Single Family _ Public I Semi-Public c:J Seminole County FLU Current Future Land Use: LDRSF Proposed Future Land Use: NC Parcel No: 01-20-30-50-1800-0040 01-20-30-50-1800-0050 01-20-30-50-1800-0070 01-20-30-50-1800-0090 1,25 Acres o 400 ~ I Feet ~ W 27TH ST ~ ...J ~ 0:: o II.. ...J W ~ x: ~ x o ::iE . , I ' I W 27TH ST City of Sanford Department of Planning & Development Services, May 2007 '............ EXHIBIT B '- c ."'....'~_-"'"'"'~...,~..i.._.;..,,_'" SEMINOLE COUNTY/CI~Y OF SANFORD JOINT PLANNING INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT ~ THIS INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT is made and' entered into this ."?!~ day of Xjt~J0./, 1991, by and between SEMINO~E COUNTY, a political subdivision of the State of Florida, whose address is Seminole County Services Building, 1101 East First street, Sanford, Florida 32771, hereinafter referred to as the "COUNTY", and the CITY OF SANFORD, a Florida municipal corporation whose address is Post Office Box 1788, Sanford, Florida 32772-1788, hereinafter referred to as the "CITY". WHEREAS, it is beneficial to the public for local governments to work together in a spirit of harmony and cooperation and the CITY and the COUNTY have worked together in the past as evidenced by the following Interlocal Agreements: Seminole County/City of Sanford Automatic Aid/First Response Interlocal Agreement dated September 20, 1989. o Road Impact Fee Interlocal Agreement dated August 15, 1989. _ Road Maintenance and Right-of-Way Dedication Interlocal Agreement (Bevier Road) dated September 14, 1987. Urban Service Area and utilities Service Area Establish- ment Interlocal dated October 18, 1990. Rand Yard Road Maintenance Interlocal Agreement Between Seminole County and the City of Sanford dated July 16, 1990. Upsala Road Intersection Construction Agreement dated . November 16, 1990. Agreement for the Enforcement of Building Codes dated May 3, 1983 and numerous interlocal agreements relating to the community Development Block Grant Program; and ~ 1 H ,- '-" '............ ~ \-.. WHEREAS, in June, 1989 the Board of County Commissioners and the Sanford city Commission executed joint resolutions that expressed agreement as to a number of considerations affecting both the CITY and the COUNTY, including urban planning, transportation impact fees, first response fire service, future annexation limits for the CITY, and water and wastewater service area boundaries for the COUNTY and the CITY in the Sanford/Seminole County Joint Planning Area hereinafter referred to as the Joint Planning Area; and WHEREAS, the Joint Planning Area and future annexation boundaries require more specific definition; and WHEREAS, the provisions of the Local Government Comprehensive Planning and Land Development Regulation Act (Part II, Chapter 163, Florida statutes) and the Rules of the Florida Department of Community Affairs (in particular Rule 9J-5.015, Florida Administra- ti ve Code) provide for intergovernmental coordination in, the comprehensive planning process; and WHEREAS, the provisions of this Agreement are consistent with, the state Comprehensive Plan (Chapter 187, Florida statutes); the Regional Policy Plan adopted by the East Central Florida Regional Planning Council and the comprehensive plans of the CITY and the COUNTY; and WHEREAS, the parties have the lawful right and power to_enter into this Agreement. 2 WIT N E SSE T H: ~ --l In consideration of the premises, mutual covenants, and agreements and promises contained herein and other good ,and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged by the parties, the parties do hereby covenant and agree as follows: SECTION 1. RECITALS_ The foregoing recitals are true and correct and form a material part of this Agreement upon which the parties have relied. SECTION 2. PURPOSE/INTENT/JOINT PLANNING AREA. (a) The purpose of this Agreement is to adopt standards and procedures to insure that coordinated and cooperative comprehensive planning acti vi ties are accomplished to guide urban expansion. The purpose of the following provisions are to provide the public and ;~ landholders with some certainty as to how property wi~l be developed in the Joint Planning Area, to provide both jurisdictions a level of confidence that their respective plans will be imple- mented, and to provide formal conflict resolution procedures to reduce future conflicts. (b) For the purposes of this Agreement, the "Joint Planning Area" means the area reflected in Exhibit "An to this Agreement which Exhibit is incorporated herein by this reference thereto as if fully set forth herein verbatim. SECTION 3 . COMPREHENSIVE PLANNING, l"uTuRE LAND USES AND DEVELOPMENT APPROVALS. (a) Findinqs/Pun>ose. The COUNTY and the CITY have reviewed their respective Future Land Use Designations and Land Development 3 o H ",- '-' ..- '-' .,.,- ~ Regulations for consistency. It was found that many Future Land Use Designations, at the time of this Agreement, are equivalent and therefore property developing to these equi valent land us,es, whether in the unincorporated area or CITY, will be consistent with the CITY's and COUNTY's Future Land Use Plans. It was also found that the Land Development Regulations of both jurisdictions, at the time of this Agreement, are consistent and that property developing in the unincorporated area or CITY will meet consistent minimum standards. (b) Future Land Use Equi valencv. Exhibi t "B", attached hereto and entitled "Future Land Use Equivalency Chart", sets forth equivalent future land use plan map designations with related intensities and densities between respective CITY and COUNTY comprehensive plans. Said Exhibit is incorporated herein by.this reference thereto as if. fully set forth herein verbatim." The Future Land Use Equivalency Chart' shall provide the basis for review by the COUNTY and the CITY of future land use element consistency and compatibility determinations with regard to the respective future land use plan elements of the CITY and the COUNTY with particular reference to lands adjacent to the jurisdictional limits of the CITY and the COUNTY and to lands that may be annexed by the CITY. Parcels of land annexed into the CITY or developed in the unincorporated area which develop to an equivalent land use designation shall not be opposed by the CITY or COUNTY based on the compatibility of land use type, density or intensity. The Future 4 Land Use Equi valency Chart may be amended from time to time as ~ .....J agreed by both parties. ( c) Recommendations For Future Comnrehensi ve Plan Amendments. Exhibit "c" attached hereto and entitled "Recommendation For Future Comprehensive Plan Amendments", sets .forth land use designations that may be appropriate over a twenty (20) year planning horizon, but which are not recommended for adoption in the CITY's or COUNTY's future land use element at this time as the recommended designation represents a major change in uses which. have not. undergone extensive public review and these uses may require additional services and facilities above those programmed in the County or City's Capital Improvement Elements. The purpose of developing jointly acceptable long range land use recommendations is to provide some consistent guiding recommendations fromcwhi9h ::> future applicant requested or administratively generated land,use plan- amendments can be reviewed. Parcels of land proposing to develop consistent with these recommendations will not be. opposed based on the joint land use recommendations contained in Exhibit "c" but will undergo j oint review for facility and' services to ensure that adopted levels of service are maintained. Exhibit "C" may be amended from time to time as agreed by both parties. (d) Joint Review Of Plan Amendments. During the development and drafting phases of the respective comprehensive plans or plan amendments of the CITY and the COUNTY, CITY and COUNTY staff shall transmit respective draft planning documents to the other as part of the public participation processes and intergovernmental 5 .~ /.-..... ~ .........." .c#,!tf/!it,",. '"'-" coordination mechanisms. Each staff shall compare each other's plan or plan amendments to determine whether proposed land uses and policies in the Joint Planning Area are consistent and equivalent pursuant to the Future Land Use Equivalency Chart and Recommenda- tions For Future Comprehensive Plan Amendments. This Agreement is not intended to modify or require special procedures or processes for respective COUNTY and CITY planning programs. SECTION 4. ANNEXATION AND LAND USE JURISDICTION_ (a) Jurisdiction OVer Annexed Parcels. The parties recognize that the COUNTY loses land use jurisdiction over annexed properties subsequent to their annexation into the municipal limits of the CITY. Upon annexation of COUNTY lands by the CITY, the CITY shall have the authority to process rezoning, site plan and plat applications and apply CITY Land Development regulations, in accordance with Subsection 4(b) of this Agreement. (b) Land Use and Zoninq Desiqnation For Parcels Annexed Into the CITY. Upon annexation of COUNTY lands by the CITY, said. lands shall have the zoning ciarification assigned to them in accordance wi th and by operation of law. Upon annexation the CITY shall apply a CITY zoning district in a manner consistent with the Future Land Use Equivalency Chart included in this Agreement. The CITY shall amend its comprehensive plan to include annexed lands during its plan amendment cycle immediately fOllowing_such annexation. Plan amendments and/or rezonings that are not consistent with the Future Land Use Equivalency Chart (Exhibit "Bn) of this Agreement shall undergo a joint CITY/COUNTY review and zoning, plat and site plan 6 final approvals shall not become effective until the CITY's plan is amended according to the review and approval process in Chapter 163, Florida statutes. SECTION 5. COORDINATION OF LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS_ ( a) Uniform Riqht-of-Wav and Buildinq Setbacks on Ma; or Roads. In addition to establishing consistent future right-of-way requirements for major roadways, the CITY and the COUNTY agree to set uniform base building lines on such roadways as part of their required 1992 Land Development Code update. Such base building lines result in a uniform building setback that supersedes a lesser building setback in a given zoning district. (b) Land Development Code Updates. Each party will be provided by the other party with a meaningful opportunity to review and provide formal comments relating to all land development regulation updates or revisions except amendments to the .zoning district map unless otherwise specified. Land Development,Cod~ updates relating to the, Higher Intensi ty Planned Development District in the Interstate Highway 4jState Road 46 area will undergo j oint CITY/COUNTY review and will be incorporated into CITY and COUNTY codes to more effectively manage development of this higher intensity area. ( c) Review of Development ProDOsals for Transportation Impacts. Each party shall provide the other party with a meaning- ful opportunity to review and comment upon planned development project rezonings, proposed subdivisions and site plans located adj acent to the other's jurisdiction. The primary consideration as 7 .~ o o <~ "-' ('~" '-" j'- \.,.... to such reviews shall be consistency with the provisions of this Agreement and an evaluation and analysis of off-site transportation impacts. Applications and proposals for the above mentioned projects shall be forwarded to the reviewing party as soon as practicable after the time of receipt. SECTION 6. ANNEXATION CRITERIA. The parties agree that contiguity will be the primary criteria for annexation of lands located wi thin the Sanford Urban Area. wi thin this area the COUNTY agrees, to the extent permitted by law, not to oppose the. annex- .: ation of any parcel that is contiguous and relates to lands located either East of Interstate 4 or East of the Interstate 4 Industrial Park. SECTION 7. CONFLICT RESOLUTION. (a) Interqovernmental Communication. In the eveQ~; ;that disagreements or conflicts arise between the parties relating to the terms and provisions of this Agreement, the following proce- dures for conflict resolution will be initiated prior to final action by the approving ~gency: (1) Manaqement. The chief actministrative.offici?ls of both the CITY and the COUNTY shall meet to review unresolved issues and to develop a report to the respective Commissions. Reports must be submitted to the Commissions ten (10) working days prior to scheduled final action and should address areas of agreement, areas of disagreement and recommended compromise provisions or options. (2) Elected Officials. If agreement over unresol ved issues is not reached after the procedure set forth in Section 8 7 ( a) ( 1 ) is accomplished, a joint worksession meeting of the ::; respective commissions may be held within twenty (20) working days of submission of the report. Both entities agree to delay final action regarding the conflict until either a joint worksession is held or a determination is made that one shall not be held. (b) Informal Conflict Mediation. The parties agree to maximize utilization of the Informal Interjurisdictional Mediation Process of the East Central Florida Regional Planning Council embodied in Rule 29F-3. 012, Florida Administrati ve Code,' - or its successor provision. Actions relating to the issue of conflict shall be delayed, to the maximum practicable extent, if the informal mediation process is utilized. ( c) Chapter 164. Florida Statutes. Nothing in this Agreement shall be deemed in any way to waive any rights deriving to a party ::> under the provisions of Chapter 164, Florida statutes, or its successor provision. ( d) Time of Actions. The parties agree, to the extent practicable, to time their actions to maximize intergovernmental coordination, communication and cooperation. SEC'J,'ION 8. TERM. :..This Agreement shall be in effect_ for a five (5) year period beginning the date which it is fully executed by the parties. This Agreement shall be automatically renewed for a subsequent five (5) year period unless one (1) of the parties thereto gives the other ninety (90) days advance notice, :in writing, of intention to not renew the Agreement. 9 ~ ,#~ SECTION 9. NOTICE. Contact persons for this Agreement shall '--' be the CITY Manager and the COUNTY Manager. FOR THE CITY Bill Simmons, city Manager City of Sanford Post Office Box 1788 Sanford, Florida 32772-1788 FOR THE COUNTY Ron H. Rabun, County Manager Seminole County Services Building 1~01 East First Street Sanford, Florida 32771 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have set their hands and seals the day, month and year above written. ATTEST: ~( ,4vwhL , ET R. DONAHOE, Clerk City of Sanford CITY OF SANF~ ~ By: l*= YJ die BE TY D. SMITH, Mayor Date: tfJdM-M_ JI. jqf( / / . ATTEST: ~MORS~ C/'~ Board ~ County Commissioners of Date: Seminole County, Florida. COUNTY COMMISSIONERS C TY, FLORIDA "JtA I q/ f As authorized for execution by the Board of co~. Commis- SiOqrS at their , /.;v . ' , 19 , regular mee 'ng. . LNG/gg LNG/gg cr, ..., 10/31/90 OS/23/91 1..0 -i -<. ;-< 11/06/90 LNG/gn ~r-, ..... r:; r-':: --- <: :::: ..., -- 01/02/91 08/12/91 3C:n I::::J . --- <: ::":."r~.'" :-'::'::::0 ~.'~.; ~~ .~~ LNG/dre \ --- :'.) 0....... r--. .:. ._..~- 01/30/91 ~ .r: .:....;.:;:: ", C) ! ;l;::":::~ 02/18/91 -0 /.-... g:.:,,,, :::!: ~~_: ~~ (~ \-.. OS/21/91 " cv ~' ;~.81~ CJr..:.!0 .r:- ;:.1 n -<=- co 10 Ul ---'.',. j .....:: " .-- --. '::yv. '~i\;",-- .-,-,'-' . , ~.......;~-;.....'" ..;............ "]j;' /;;f -"://<L~-\"'~ R'/AC~ q . r ~~~ ; ,~,~~..~.. \S>,~ .~ ~' ~ ~ 11. ~ .... 'b , ~~~\~~1i /I' \, -I I ,- <: f!:J~P~:-~ I I' "-:::d"Jll'Z~..ff+-- "., ~ A . ~,..:;:~ ,,7 IFE - _.-: r L - I );H : .- .. '-"...~ '( fJ ~ T -:-::,_1 -5 <!1 : 4: i =- ~/ -/ 'J:J;jf:, 'i~'~ I P , : :l! I . 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'"_ '-- - '~( ., j CITY OF SANFORD/SEMINOLE COUNTY URBAN SERVICE AREA AND UTILITY SERVICE PLANNING AREA - AMENDED AGREEMENT THIS AMENDED AGREEMENT is made and entered into this / 3 ~ o day of ~~ 1993, by and between SEMINOLE COUNTY a political subdivision of the State of Florida, whose address is 1101 East First Street, Sanford, Florida 32771, (hereinafter referred to as the "COUNTY") and the CITY OF SANFORD, whose address is Post Office Box 1788, Sanford, Florida 32772, (hereinafter referred to as "SANFORD"). WIT N E SSE T H WHEREAS, on the 12th day of June, 1989 the Board of County commissioners and the Sanford city commission, meeting in Joint Worksession, agreed to a number of considerations affecting both SANFORD and the COUNTY, including Transportation Impact Fees, first o response fire service, establishment of a Sanford Urban Service Area, County Agreement with future annexation limits for Sanford, and water and wastewater service planning area boundaries for the COUNTY and SANFORD in the Sanford Urban Area; and WHERE~S, water and wastewater service boundaries require more specific definition; and WHEREAS, it is in the interest of both COUNTY and SANFORD to define long range utility service planning areas to facilitate joint long range planning and achieve the best economies of utility system development; and WHEREAS, it is desirable to create a procedure for providing' for interim utility service to properties within one (1) utility 1 ~ !li........."_~. ., .(Ml_ provider's service planning area, but which may be more expedi- ~qj~' tiously initially served by the other utility provider; and WHEREAS, the COUNTY purchased a private utility known as Lake Monroe utilities whose certified area is within the utility service planning area contemplated within this Amended Agreement; and WHEREAS, SANFORD and the COUNTY have agreed that SANFORD shall reimburse the COUNTY for a pro rata share of the purchase price that the COUNTY incurred in the acquisition of Lake Monroe utilities based upon the utility service planning area addressed within this Amended Agreement; and WHEREAS, the parties entered on October 18, 1990 an Agreement entitled "Urban Service Area And utility Service Area Establish- ment," and WHEREAS, the parties mutually desire to amend the Agreement of 06tober 18, 199Q in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth herein; and WHEREAS, this Agreement is authorized by the provisions of Chapter 125, 163 and 166, Florida Statutes, and other applicable law; and WHEREAS, this Amended Agreement is consistent with ,the provisions of both parties' comprehensive plans; NOW, THEREFORE, based .upon the promises, covenants and agreements herein expressed and other good and valuable consider- ation, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the parties agree as follows: ".- ~ 2 SECTION 1. RECITALS/AMENDMENTS. (a) The foregoing recitals are true and correct and.form a material part of this Amended Agreement upon which the parties have relied. (b) Whenever the term "Amended Agreement" is used herein, the term shall mean the October 18, 1990 Agreement as amended by this, comprehensive amendment thereto. SECTION 2. DEFINITIONS. Parties agree that in construing this Agreement the following words, phrases and terms shall have the following meanings unless the context indicates otherwise. 2.1 "AGREEMENT" means this Amended Agreement as it may from time to time be modified. 2.2 "COLLECTION FACILITIES" means those facilities located with~n the Sanford utility Service Planning Area, operated and maintained by SANFORD and used to collect wastewater and transmit it to the COUNTY's transmission and treatment facilities located outside of the Sanford Wastewater Service Planning Area as depicted on Exhibit c. 2.3 "COUNTY WASTEWATER SYSTEM" means those transmission facilities and COUNTY plant from which SANFORD is receiving wastewater service capacity on a wholesale basis and which are operated and maintained by the COUNTY. 2.4 "COUNTY WATER SYSTEM" means those transmission facilities and COUNTY plant from which SANFORD is recei ving water service capacity on a wholesale basis and which are operated and maintained by the COUNTY. 3 J. r .~ o ~ \ 2.5 IIDISTRIBUTION FACILITIES" means those facilities operated ~ and maintained by SANFORD to receive potable water from the COUNTY's transmission facilities at point(s) of connection along the Sanford Water Service Planning Area boundaries as depicted on Exhibit .E. 2.6 "GPDII means gallons per day on an average annual basis. 2.7 "POINT OF CONNECTION" is the location(s) where SANFORD Distribution or Collection Facilities connect to COUNTY Water Transmission Facilities or Wastewater Transmission Facilities. 2.8 "SANFORD WATER UTILITY SERVICE PLANNING AREA" shall be that area depicted on Exhibits A and B in which it is planned for SANFORD to provide retail water service in accordance with the terms of this Amended Agreement. The COUNTY shall have the rights to provide retail water service to all surrounding properties not ~ included in the Sanford Water utility Service Planning Area. 2.9 "SANFORD WASTEWATER UTILITY SERVICE PLANNING AREA" shall. be that area as shown on Exhibits A and C in which it is planned for SANFORD to provide retail wastewater service in accordance with the terms of this Amended Agreement. The COUNTY shall have the rights to provide retail wastewater service to all surrounding properties not included in the Sanford Wastewater utility Service Planning Area. 2.10 "SANFORD UTILITY SERVICE PLANNING AREA" includes the . presently incorporated area of SANFORD and those areas of the COUNTY surrounding SANFORD as depicted on Exhibit A, as further detailed in Exhibits Band C. In cases of apparent conflict ;,;#~ '-' 4 between Exhibit A and Exhibits B or C, Exhibit B or C shall prevail over Exhibit A. In order to avoid significant utility service inequities SANFORD and the COUNTY agree to cooperate in providing efficient utility service to existing developed properties located within five hundred feet (500') east or west of South Sanford Avenue by flexibility of retail service agency within that area. The parties also agree, in cases of emergency or genuine hardship, to consider further mutually agreeable geographical extensions of this policy. 2.11 "WATER SERVICE CAPACITY" means the rate of potable water flow, measured in GPO which one party wishes to buy from the other party and which the Seller agrees to produce from its water system. 2.12 "WASTEWATER SERVICE CAPACITY" means the amount of wastewater flow, measured in GPO, which one party wishes to buy from the other party and which the Seller agrees to accept at its wastewater system in accordance with the terms of this Amended Agreement. 2.13 "WASTEWATER TRANSMISSION FACILITIES" means those lines, pipes, lift stations, meters and appurtenant equipment used by the COUNTY to transmit wastewater from the SANFORD collection facili- ties to the head works of the COUNTY's water treatment facilities. 2. 14 "WATER TRANSMISSION .FACILITIES" means those lines, pipes, water mains, meters and appurtenant equipment used by the COUNTY to transmit potable water from the COUNTY plant to the point(s) of connection with the SANFORD distribution facilities. These 5 .~ o ~ point(s) of connection will be located at the water service area boundaries as shown on Exhibit B. SECTION 3. PURPOSE. The purpose of this Amended Agreement is to establish long range water and wastewater utility service planning ar~as that are planned to be ultimately served by the parties. This Amended Agreement also provides for interim wholesale utility service to SANFORD by the COUNTY for those areas where the COUNTY can more expeditiously meet near term requests for utility service for property which is located within the designated long range Sanford Water or Wastewater utility Service Planning Area. Under this Amended Agreement, the COUNTY shall sell wholesale water service capacity and/or wastewater service capacity to SANFORD for those properties located within the Sanford utility "- Service Planning Area; and SANFORD may purchase and receive from the COUNTY, wholesale water and/or wastewater service capacity for interim service for these properties. SANFORD may, in turn, serve utility customers in this utility service planning areas on a retail basis. Nothing herein shall be construed to require SANFORD to serve utility customers in the Sanford Utility Service Planning Area on a retail basis. SECTION 4. TERM. This Amended Agreement shall be effective when executed by all parties .hereto. Those parts of the Amended Agreement relative to wholesale utility sales/service shall continue in full force and effect for five (5) years from October 18,1990 (October 17,1995), unless extended by mutual agreement of both parties to this Amended Agreement. Those parts of the Amended ,- \.-. 6 , ) Agreement relative to establishment of the Sanford utility Service ~ Planning Area shall not be affected by the term established for utility wholesale sales and shall continue in full force and effect pursuant to the terms of any wholesale agreement between the parties that may be in effect, except as provided for elsewhere in this Amended Agreement. Within said five (5) year period, SANFORD shall have the option to undertake construction of its own water transmission facilities and wastewater collection facilities to serve those customers initially being served by the COUNTY on a wholesale basis, pursuant to this Amended Agreement. At the completion of the five (5) year period, should it be determined that SANFORD is unable to assume direct retail service to said customers, said customers shall become direct customers of the COUNTY. Any future customers requesting service who would be o served from lines assumed by the COUNTY in accordance with Sections 6.1 and 6.2 shall also become retail customers of the COUNTY. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the parties agree that either party may, at its sole option, terminate the utility wholesale sales part of this Amended Agreement without cause by giving not less than sixty (60) days written notice of its election to do so, to the COUNTY. SECTION 5 . REIMBURSEMENT FOR LAKE MONROE SERVICE AREA. SANFORD and the COUNTY acknowledge that the Lake Monroe utilities Service Area consists of approximately one thousand six hundred fourteen (1,614) acres. The long range Sanford Water Service Planning Area includes approximately three hundred eight (308) of 7 J those acres, the long range Sanford Wastewater Service Planning ',,-, Area includes approximately two hundred one (201) of those acres. SANFORD had agreed to pay to the COUNTY the sum of ONE HUNDRED EIGHTY-FIVE THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED TWENTY AND NO/100 DOLLARS ($185,720.00) within forty-five (45) days of execution of the original Agreement. Said sum has been paid. The sum constitutes reimbursement to the COUNTY for the cost of those portions of the Lake Monroe Utility Service Area now being assigned, for planning purposes, by the COUNTY to SANFORD by this Amended Agreement. Further, said sum is calculated as detailed in Exhibit D of this Amended Agreement. Should any of the Sanford Utility Service Planning Area hereby assigned to SANFORD, ultimately return to the COUNTY in accordance with the terms of this Amended Agreement, SANFORD shall receive an appropriate refund based proportionally on the amount of acreage returned to COUNTY and the calculation used in this section. SECTION 6. WATER AND WASTEWATER SERVICE CAPACITY. 6.1 PROVISION OF WATER SERVICE CAPACITY. It is the intent of the parties for SANFORD to have the ability and, in its discretion, to assume full water service for all customers located within the long range Sanford Water Utility service Planning Area. Initially, retail water service may be ~hrough wholesale purchase of water capaci ty from the COUNTY under this Amended Agreement. Should SANFORD not assume direct water service for retail customers within the Sanford Water Utility Service Planning Area, not involving wholesale procurement from the COUNTY by October 17, 1995, the r I' '-' 8 \ ! COUNTY shall become retail water service provider for those retail c:> customers. If, by October 17,1995, SANFORD is not yet directly serving all such customers, but has a construction permit issued by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection and is actively constructing, or has a binding contract for construction of necessary facilities to provide direct service, an additional six (6) months shall be allowed for facility completion and commence~ ment of direct service. If SANFORD does not assume said direct water service, applicable water impact fees collected under the terms of this Amended Agreement and the original Agreement shall be remitted to COUNTY and associated distribution lines and appurte- nant facilities shall be deeded to the COUNTY by SANFORD at no cost to the COUNTY. Said remittance of impact fees and conveyance of lines shall occur within'forty-five (45) days from the expir~tion c:> of the utility sales portion of this Amended Agreement. 6.2 PROVISION OF WASTEWATER SERVICE CAPACITY. It is the intent of the parties for SANFORD to have the ability and, in its discretion, ,to assume full wastewater service for all customers located in the Sanford Wastewater utility Service Planning Area. Initially, retail wastewater service may be thorough wholesale. purchase of wastewater capacity from the COUNTY, under this Amended Agreement. Should SANFORD not assume direct wastewater service for retail customers within the Sanford Wastewater utility Service Planning Area, not involving wholesale procurement from the COUNTY by October 17, 1995, the COUNTY shall become the retail wastewater service provider for those retail customers. If by October 17, 9 c:> CO" r --.rr l;~ '-' ) 1995, SANFORD is not yet directly serving all such customers, but has a construction permit issued by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection and is actively constructing, orha~ a binding contract for construction of necessary facilities to provide direct service, an additional six (6) months shall be allowed for completion and commencement of direct service. If SANFORD does not assume such direct wastewater service, applicable wastewater impact fees collected during the term of this Amended Agreement and the original Agreement shall be remitted to COUNTY and associated collection lines and appurtenant features shall be conveyed to the COUNTY by SANFORD at no cost to the COUNTY. Said remittance of impact fees and conveyance of lines and equipment shall occur within forty-five (45) days from the expiration of the utility sales portion of this Amended Agreement. 6.3 RESERVATION OF CAPACITY. The COUNTY intends to reserve both water and wastewater capacity for SANFORD for proposed development of those properties located within Exhibits Band C, respectively. Therefore, should SANFORD not provide direct retail service for either water or wastewater service by October 17, 1995, both the wholesale water and wholesale wastewater parts of this Amended Agreement shall terminate. 6.4 CONNECTION TO TRAN:3MISSION FACILITIES. SANFORD, its successors or assigns, shall connect or cause to be connected, the water distribution facilities to the water transmission facilities at the point(s) of connection established on Exhibit B in the case of water service, and shall connect or cause to be connected, the 10 ) collection system to the COUNTY Wastewater Transmission facilities ~ at point(s) of connection to be identified as Exhibit C in the case of wastewater service. Operation, maintenance and replacement of all pipes, fittings, valves and appurtenances, including the transmission facilities up to the point of connection into the COUNTY distribution/transmission systems and water/wastewater plant providing capacity, shall be the responsibility of the COUNTY. .Operation, maintenance and replacement of the distribu- tion/collection system(s), calibration and master water meters shall be the responsibility of SANFORD. 6.5 IMPACT FEES. (a) Prior to commencement of service and prior to issuance of any building permits, SANFORD, shall collect an impact fee established by SANFORD for each unit to be served by the COUNTY c:> Water and/or Wastewater System. Said impact fee(s) collected shall be placed in an interest bearing escrow account. The escrow agent to receive and administer said escrow account shall be mutually agreed upon by the COUNTY and SANFORD. (b) The terms of the escrow shall be that, if by October 17, 1995; SANFORD assumes direct service for any retail customers initially served hereunder, said fees for those new connections shall be released from escrow to SANFORD, except that three and thirty-three hundredth percent (3.33%) of the escrow, plus accrued interest, shall be released to the COUNTY for each calendar year the funds were held in escrow and prorated for any portion thereof that wholesale water and/or wastewater service was provided for 11 .~ ......I that property under this Amended Agreement or the original Agreement. Releases of impact fees to SANFORD shall be based upon SANFORD' s demonstration that construction of a water/wastewater transmission facilities which shall result in provision of service by SANFORD to retail customers contemplated and being served under this Amended Agreement has occurred. Such demonstration shall include an approved Department of Environmental Protection permit for construction of the system, executed contracts for the construction of the system, and any necessary disconnection from COUNTY transmission facilities within six (6) months. The COUNTY acknowledges that SANFORD may not utilize a contractor for said work and may utilize SANFORD forces or developer commitments for said construction, and that in such cases, an executed contract ~ will not be required but SANFORD shall have identified sources of funds adequate to pay the cost of the system. Upon commencement of construction, escrowed funds shall be released as costs of construction are incurred. Draws against the escrow shall be no more frequent that monthly and must include copies of corresponding contractor t s invoices together with certification of SANFORD' s consulting engineers that work covered by the invoices has been performed in accordance with all requirements. In any case, upon completion of construction and provision of direct services by SANFORD to certain customers pursuant to this Amended Agreement, the balance of the escrow account for those customers, less fees previously paid or due to COUNTY as addressed above, shall be paid to SANFORD. Should it be determined that by October 17, 1995 and ~ '-' 12 as further specified in sections 6.1 and 6.2 that SANFORD has not <:) served directly any retail customers served under this Amended Agreement, said fees together with all accrued interest, less escrow fees, shall be paid to the COUNTY. (c) SANFORD shall be solely responsible for collection of required impact fees, service deposits, connection costs, meter set costs and tap fees, and for monthly billing and their distribution as set forth in this Amended Agreement. CUstomers provided retail water and/or wastewater service under this Amended Agreement shall be retail customers of SANFORD unless said customers are not served directly by SANFORD by October 17, 1995 in which case they shall become retail customers of the COUNTY. 6.6 METERING. (a) SANFORD shall furnish and install, or cause to be <:) furnished and installed, master water metering equipment for each point of connection under this Amended Agreement as depicted in Exhibit B. This metering equipment shall be considered to meter all water flowing from the COUNTY transmission facilities to the distribution facilities. The metering.equipment shall remain the property of SANFORD and SANFORD. shall be responsible for the operation, maintenance, and replacement. The COUNTY shall have the right to review and approve the type of meter and meter installation in each case. The COUNTY t S approval shall not be unreasonably withheld. The COUNTY shall also have the right to read the meter (s) and the right of access thereto for billing purposes. 13 o (b) The metering equipment shall be of standard make and ~ type, installed in a readily accessible location and shall record flow with an error not to exceed plus or minus five percent (5%) of full scale reading, suitable for billing purposes. SANFORD shall calibrate and test the meters for accuracy at regular intervals consistent with testing within the remainder of the Sanford Water utility service Area. SANFORD shall provide COUNTY with test results. If either party desires more frequent calibration or meter checks, work shall be at that party's expense. Results shall be provided to the other party and adjustments of charge if any shall be specified. Bills shall be adjusted for meter error in excess of five percent (5%) of full scale readings. In calculating such billing adjustments, it will be assumed that the meter inaccuracy existed for one-half (~) of the entire time interval ~ between meter accuracy checks by either party. The billing adjustment shall be made at the same rate established in accordance with section 6.8 hereof but the volume used in the billing calculation shall be adjusted as described herein. Either party. may test the meter more frequently at its expense. If errors are found, adjustments shall be made as specified above. (c) Applicable charges for wastewater shall be based on the total amount of metered water consumption for all master meters served under this Amended Agreement. Charges for wastewater service shall be calculated as follows: Total metered Water consumption 300 qpd/sewer ERC 350 gpd/water ERC # of permitted sewer ERC' s # of permitted water ERC' s . 14 lII"T!!' "} COUNTY's bill. SANFORD and the COUNTY agree to negotiate in good faith to determine billable quantities of water in case of distribution system breaks or leaks within the Sanford Water utility Planning service Area and SANFORD agrees to immediately pay such amounts upon said billable quantities being determined. In recognition of. joint benefit for fire fighting within the incorpo- rated and unincorporated portions of the Water utilities service Planning Area and the First Response Agreement, SANFORD and the COUNTY agree to negotiate equitable billing adjustments for water and related wastewater charges in cases of significant fire flow requirements. (b) WHOLESALE WASTEWATER USER CHARGES. The COUNTY agrees to provide transmission, treatment and disposal of SANFORD's wastewa- ter in accordance with the terms and conditions for a charge ONE AND 82/100 DOLLARS ($1.82) per thousand (1,000) gallons of retail wastewater treatment billed. The charge shall be adjusted from time to time by the COUNTY based on increased costs. The wholesale wastewater charge under this Amended Agreement-shall not exceed the lowest wholesale charge to any other wholesale customer by the COUNTY. The adjusted charge shall become effected on the approval of the COUNTY and SANFORD shall thereafter pay said charge as adjusted. The COUNTY agrees to bill SANFORD monthly based on the total number of gallons of potable water billed in accordance with Section 6.6 of this Amended Agreement. SANFORD agrees to pay for all wastewater transmitted from the collection facilities, thusly determined, at the above mentioned rate and agrees to make paYment 17 ~ - . .,..- ~ ~ ",-. '-'- 'J ) to the COUNTY within thirty (30) days from the date of the COUNTY's bill. Any applicable wastewater charge credits for the previous month, as addressed in section 6.6 (c) shall be deducted from the bill. 6.9 WHOLESALE SERVICE TO COUNTY BY CITY. The parties agree \ that if the COUNTY notif ies SANFORD that it desires to obtain wholesale service from SANFORD, final agreement for such service shall generally parallel, as appropriate, conditions .outlined herein for the COUNTY services to SANFORD. SECTION 7. CHANGE OF RATES. In event that the COUNTY, during the term of this Amended Agreement, proposes any new rate schedule or amended rate schedule applicable to who~esale service furnished; the COUNTY shall provide a copy of such rate schedule or amended rate schedule to SANFORD prior to the effective date thereof, and substitute such rate schedule or amended rate schedule for the rate schedule then in effect hereunder for such wholesale service, commencing with the next billing period after the effective date. SECTION 8. USE OF RIGHT-OF-WAY. Water transmission lines and wastewater collection and transmission lines are frequently installed in street/road rights-of-way owned by the COUNTY or SANFORD. The COUNTY and SANFORD agree to cooperate in permitting the installation and maintenance of water and wastewater lines of the other party, within owned rights-of-way. Such permitting and fees shall be in accordance with established procedures. Approval shall not be unreasonably delayed or withheld. 18 ) SECTION 9. DEFAULT. Any party to this Amended Agreement, in .::; the event of or act of default by the other, shall have all remedies available to it under the laws of the state of Florida including, but not limited to, injunction to prevent default or specific performance to enforce this Amended Agreement. Each party agrees to pay all reasonable costs and attorney fees for the other parties not in default; provided, however, that such costs and attorney fees are payable under this section only if suit is filed that results in an adjudicated default. The rights of parties shall be considered cumulative and shall not be waived not or in the future by the exercise of or failure to exercise any rights or remedies provided under the terms of this Amended Agreement and authorized by law. SECTION 10. NOTICES. Any notice required or allowed to be .c:> delivered hereunder shall be in writing and be deemed delivered when (a) hand delivered to the official hereinafter designated, or (b) upon receipt of such notice when deposited in the united states mail, postage prepaid, certified mail, return receipt requested, addressed to a party at the address set forth opposite the party's name below, or at such other address as the party shall have specified by written notice to the other party delivered in accordance herewith. SANFORD City Manager City of Sanford Post Office Box 1788 Sanford, FL 32772-1788 19 ~ with a copy to: Director of utilities city of Sanford Post Office Box 1788 Sanford, FL 32772-1788 \-. and City Attorney stenstrom, McIntosh, Julian, Colbert, Whigham & Simmons P.o. Box 4848 Sanford, Florida 32772-4848 COUNTY Seminole County Director of Public Works 3000A southgate Sanford, FL 32773 with a copy to: County Manager Seminole County Services Building 1101 East First Street Sanford, FL 32771 SECTION 11. SEVERABILITY. If any part of this Amended Agreement is found invalid or unenforceable by any court, such \.......- invalidity or unenforceability shall not affect the other parts of this Amended Agreement if the rights and obligations of the parties contained herein are not materially prejudiced and if the inten- tions of the parties can continue to be effected. To that end, this Amended Agreement is declared severable. SECTION 12. TIME OF THE ESSENCE. Time is hereby declared of the essence to the lawful performance of the duties and obligations contained in this Amended Agreement. SECTION 13. APPLICABLE LAW. This Amended Agreement and the provisions contained herein shall be construed, controlled and interpreted according to the laws of the State of Florida. f.~ \..,..., 20 SECTION 14. CONDITION PRECEDENT. The COUNTY and SANFORD ~ propose to enter into this Amended Agreement which provides for two types of service: Wholesale Water Service and Wholesale Wastewater Service. provision and obtaining of either of these services is contingent upon providing and/or obtaining the other, as applica- ble. Failure to provide either of the utility services constitutes default of this Amended Agreement; provided, however, that this failure shall in no way abrogate the Amended Agreement with regard to the Sanford Urban Service Planning Area and future annexation area boundaries as depicted on Exhibit A. This instrument supersedes all previous discussions, understandings, and agreements between the parties relating to the subject matter of this Amended Agreement. Amendments to and waivers of the provisions herein shall be made by the parties in writing by formal amendment in equal dignity hereto. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Amended Agreement on the date and year first above written. <:) I. ATTEST: , I . , CITY OF SANFORD By: ~. 0 Jd;L BETT D. SMITH, Mayor ~#,.,~- For the use and reliance of City of Sanford only. Approved as to form and legal sufficienc . _ Date: iJJfI~ ~ /713 (bJUfUIjt"'7~ ~ 1'1~ ~ If'l3 21 c:> ,<lI~ '-" ATTEST: E M \ CI~ ' . t'9 \ 'Qhe Board of County Commissioners of Seminole County, Florida. .~ ,........ '-'- LNG/gg 08/24/93 . 09/24/93 10/13/93 11/02/93 . ) BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ~~ COUNTY, FLORIDA By. ~............ ~ DICK VAN DER WEIDE, Acting.Chairman Date: 1-z,~1 "~.3 . As authorized for execution the Board of coun~ommis- si~~rs at their '~3 19 7, regular meeting. 22 by , ~ m "'l :<( W :ill: W :5 ex: g <2: w lei 0 0 >: a: :l: 0 0: ;f ~ W c:> en lei I:: lC ~ m .~ ... i: -- X -! W i= :J C 0: 0 u. Z <( en t~. j ~ <!.. /OW ~ a: 0: \ 0 <( A LL Z E .\ ~ <( .JU) ~ ~ J :J ~ o <:40 >- wa: a: ~.o <( "'0 <:4l1..U) 2 > zt- U)<(- ill OJ wU)::E y: t-ZJ <( <:4_ -l u:t:)- L.. at-t- l: uo:..a V!b ~ ~~u [] .~ . . . . . . . . . B/( I G l.~ FG I G-l} 7 - .$~' '-' LEGEND \.,..... n-n SANFORD WATER . SERVICE 130UNDARY ) 7 .... APPROXIMATE POI NT OF CONNECTION p 0::> -=..:.... LO c::> . '. -. i '...0 ::;.::: co L_..___ : . ........-...- -- A-t 40 . i t ;~-I f f .. j I I ., , . ~l::~:':':.:'. . ." .. ..... ... "I~' '. " I, 0/ .. J .. AO - .-.... T. , J . "- ,. .~. I . -. .-' .'\ 1. f c. t -..,. . ;~. ,. . "'" . /~> ./-.. 4.... II -.w - .. . ~ --.; :. . J 5:. . " - I - I,' .' , - .- r 1- I I, ., ; .-- -_ - I _ ..-, _ ~L. - , I L------. I --'I -- . 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I ! :.~~ ; I ::; :, t: . : ;. - { - _I~':l ~ - i ~--'I--!'---n'------ ,.- -- - . - Ill. _l~___'_l ,--, II 1 . \. .' ... r"l . :. , ~e':"';dt": . . :: .-; . .ltL'--.~. .. .. "'. --. I. " "~~'I~~"IHlb l It j - ';:." ,'. I" ,I II ~ ,', .- .. ~ ' , . 0". ...~t:.ruo,.-.......... ' -.r~. ~ . " . ;;.:;: \ -', '-' .,' :; - ., ~::.' - i I:....~.. . , ,_., .: - " Ie.. -- .' · '. m" . '. - ~ .... "-, I ~..-1. . .... I:~' ~~.:! '., .~_~. ~1 'I' .,; ~- i, ~ I i _. _""'-;: ............. , .:..-:~. , . ~. ;~; - ..; -. " ....;;- I" " . - la . _ :J ... I if : I :1 I , I; ! I , I ': rt; /""",,*,,,, . it t ,.~.. 1 . .. . rf' .~ ,) l-- - .~ \.~. . ~ ~ :, \' ::"U-'~ ~.1:. {.. ~-;:1~- L "'-,;. - 'I:' , I __ _ . --- . ~!_', ,. , L(~-f ~ I' . . ',,- ~ -, GI )>(Jl . r- 0)> ;0)> il ..,.- '1""0 l"11Z ..., ""0 >" l[q C> (')~ 0 0:>;0 1fT) en Ox 00 z- C~ Z CJ1 z:S: l"11~ z):> 1.0 CJ-i ("1m l>fTl I -i 0 ;;Ji'C) I z"'D -< 0 (j) Z (Tl -i ;0 -< n (Tl t ~ \... ""'_1:I~".~""""'.ij.". ..;~~. ,w''''',U''''''.';(,_.I>l. .~ lS._.IMillli", . n~ . o 1 :...... . ~-_.\ r. '.0 l. yo ,~ -. . ,,';'- . '-. -: .: :L.o ,. . ... . . <:) () I //,J m 110..6/, / _f .,I /~ 0 '."/' .f z (f) 0 .... -. fTl ;;J 11 -f X I 0 -<'. ;0 I ':: 0 J'Tl - ~J' ~ OJ -I )> - -i -t (/'I fT\ rr; ;::c ""' (;) -i lJl ::; ("T1 , ::> ;n ['.) ..,... < "T1 ):- ;r. PI ~ n I EXHIDIT D. LAKE MONROE UTILITIES ANALYSIS - SANFORD PORTION .'~ '-" 1. Net cost of LMU service area Purchase Price Less: Land value Equipment Net Purchase Price $1,593,200 100,000 200.000 $1,293.200 II. Per cent of total service area that Sanford wants to acquire. A. Water portion ,308 acres Sewer portion 201 acres 308/1614 = 19.08% 201/1614 = 12.45% B. Percentage split of service area acquired by water and. sewer. This is based on the relative value of connection fees on a per gallon basis. Water clf Sewer clf $2.83 per gallon' -2....Q.Q. $9.83 2.83/9.83" = 26.79% Water Sewer 7.00/9.8.3 = 71. ~J.'i Net purchase price $1,293,200 broken down into water and sewer portions ',-" Portion applicable to water = 1,293,200 Adjusted for rounding for entire service area 28.79 $ 372,305 $372.305 water Portion applicable to sewer = 1,293,200 for entire service area 71.21% $ 920,888 $920.895 sewer $1,293,200 C. Calculation of cost of water service area to be acquired by Sanford Sewer Service Area $372,305 19.08% $ 71,036 $920,895 12 45% St14,684 Total cost of service area to be acquired by Sanford wlo debt service $ 71,036 114.684 $185,720 /,....,..., '-' [](, I 6 I,~ PG I 6 5 2 r (- .:JF 3q 0 '! ,.J AMENDMENT TO CITY OF SANFORD/SEMINOLE COUNTY URBAN SERVICE AREA AND,UTILITY' SERVICE PLANNING AREA AMENDED AGREEMENT .~ THIS AMENDMENT is made and entered into this /y day of m~ , 1996, and is to that certain Amended Agreement made and entered into on the 13th day ~~ December, 1993, between ,;-- SEMINOLE COUNTY, a political subdivision of the State of Florida, whose address is Seminole County SerVices Building, 1101 East First Street, Sanford, Florida 32771, hereinafter referred to as .., "COUNTY," and the CITY OF SANFORD, whose mailing address is Post Office Box 1788, Sanford, Florida 32772-1788, hereinafter referred to as "SANFORD.II WIT N E S ,S E T H: WHEREAS, SANFORD and COUNTY entered into the above-referenced Amended Agreement on December 13, 1993, to define long range <:) utility service planning areas, facilitate joint long range planning and achieve the best economies of utility system develop- ment; and WHEREAS, t~e parties desire to amend the Amended Agreement so as to enable both parties to continue to enjoy the mutual benefits it provides; and WHEREAS, Section 14 of the Amended Agreement provides that any amendments shall be valid only when expressed in writing and duly signed by the parties, NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual understandings and agreements contained herein, the parties agree to amend the Amended Agreement as fol,,;!...QWs..:..,:-,... ::-~~ ~~ r~ .t;~ ~ .:'-;.~' ':t-~:~ ~ ~~' , ' .".i.. :.1. .,.~I'.:::).C 1 t~il f-\.~!' ,-.... - u CERTIFIED COpy :> MARY ANNE MORSE CLERK OF CIRCl:l1T COURT SEMII\OLE COUNTY. FLORIDA ~f~_ BY DEPUTY CLERK - . ..., '. . ,~ '--' '-" ,.-. \.-.. . '1... r co 1. Section 2 of the Amended Agreement is amended to read: SECTION 2. Parties agree that in construing DEFINITIONS. this Agreement the following words, phrases and terms shall have the following meanings unless the context indicates otherwise. 2.1 "AGREEMENT" means the City o~,_ Sanford/Seminole County ;-- Urban Service Area and Utility Service Planning Area Amended Agreement entered into on the 13th day of December, 1993, as amended, and its predecessor Utility Service Agreement between the ,.., City of Sanford and Seminole County dated October 18, 1990. - 2.2 "COLLECTION FACILITIES" means those facilities located within the Sanford Utility Service Planning Area, operated and maintained by SANFORD and used to collect wastewater and transmit it to the COUNTY's transmission and treatment facilities located outside of the Sanford Wastewater Service Planning Area as depicted on Exhibit C. 2.3 "COUNTY WASTEWATER SYSTEM" means those transmission facilities and COUNTY plant from, which SANFORD is receiving wastewater service capacity on a wholesale basis and which are' operated and maintained by the COUNTY. 2.4 "COUNTY WATER SYSTEM" means those transmission facilities and COUNTY plant from which SANFORD is receiving water service capacity on a wholesale basis and which are operated and maintained by the COUNTY. 2.5 "DISTRIBUTION FACILITIES" means those facilities operated and maintained by SANFORD to recei ve potable water from the COUNTY's transmission facilities at point(s) of connection along 2 . " r c the Sanford Water Service Planning Area boundaries as depicted on ~ ...."I Exhibit-B-2. 2.6 "GPD" means gallons per day on an average annual ,basis. 2.7 "POINT OF CONNECTION" is the location(s) where SANFORD Distribution or Collection Facilities connect to COUNTY Water ;.- Transmission Facilities or Wastewater Transmission Facilities. 2.8 "SANFORD WATER UTILITY SE:RVICE PLANNING AREA" shall be that area depicted on Exhibits A and B-2 in which it is planned. for '-' SANFORD to provide retail water service in accordance with the - terms of this Agreement. The COUNTY shall have the rights to provide retail water service to all surrounding properties not included in the Sanford Water Utility Service Planning Area. 2.9 "SANFORD WASTEWATER UTILITY SERVICE PLANNING AREA" shall be that area as shown on Exhibits A and C in which it is planned ::> for SANFORD to provide retail wastewater service in accordance with the terms of this Agreement. The COUNTY shall have the rights to provide retail wastewater service to all surrounding properties not included in the Sanford Wastewater Utility Service Planning Area. 2.10 "SANF-ORD UTILITY SERVICE PLANNING AREA" includes the presently incorporated area of SANFORD and those areas of the COUNTY surrounding SANFORD as depicted on Exhibit A, as further detailed in Exhibits B-2 and C. In cases of apparent conflict between Exhibit A and Exhibits B-2 or C, Exhibit B-2 or C shall prevail over Exhibit A. In order to avoid significant utility service inequities SANFORD and the COUNTY agree to cooperate in providing efficient utility service to existing developed proper- 3 ~ lll" ,- '---' .- '-" ,--- "-" ( (' ties located within five hundred feet (500') east or west of South - , Sanfora-Avenue by flexibility of retail service agency within that- area. The parties also agree, in cases of emergency or genuine hardship, to consider further mutually agreeable geographical extensions of this ~olicy. , '- r 2.11 "WATER SERVICE CAPACITY" means the rate of potable water flow, measured in GPD which one party wishes to buy from the other party and which the Seller agrees to produce from its water system. .., 2.12 "WASTEWATER SERVICE CAPACITY" means the amount ,of wastewater flow, measured in GPD, which one party wishes to buy from the other party and which the Seller agrees to accept at its wastewater system in accordance with the terms of this Agreement. 2.13 "WASTEWATER TRANSMISSION FACILITIES" means those lines, pipes, lift stations, meters and appurtenant equipment used by the COUNTY to transmit wastewater from the SANFORD collection facili- ties to the head works of the COUNTY's water treatment facilities. 2.14 "WATER TRANSMISSION FACILITIES" means those lines, pipes, water mains, meters and appurtenant equipment used by the COUNTY to transmit potable water from the COUNTY plant to the point(s) of connection with the SANFORD distribution facilities. These point(s) of connection will be located at the water service area boundaries as shown on Exhibit B-2. 2. Section 5 of the Amended Agreement is amended to read: SECTION 5. REIMBURSEMENT FOR LAKE MONROE SERVICE AREA. (a) SANFORD and the COUNTY acknowledge that the Lake Monroe Utilities Service Area consists of approximately one thousand six 4 '. .. . . ( (' hundred fourteen (1,614) acres. The long range Sanford Water ::; Service -Planning Area includes approximately three hundred eight-' (308) of those acres, the long range Sanford Wastewater Service Planning Area includes approximately two hundred one (201) of those acres. SANFORD had agreed to pay to the COUNTY the sum of ONE HUNDRED EIGHTY-FIVE THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED TWENTY AND NO/100 DOLLARS ($185,720.00) within forty-five (45) days of execution of ;-- the original Agreement. Said sum has been paid. The sum consti- .., tutes reimbursement to the COUNTY for the cost of those portions of - the Lake Monroe Utility Service Area now being assigned, for planning purposes, by the COUNTY to SANFORD by this Agreement. Further, said sum is calculated as detailed in Exhibit D of this Agreement. Should any of the Sanford Utility Service Planning Area hereby assigned to SANFORD, ultimately return to the COUNTY in :) accordance with the terms of this Agreement, SANFORD shall receive an appropriate refund based proportionally on the amount of acreage returned to COUNTY and the calculation used in this Section. (b) SANFORD agrees to pay to the COUNTY the sum of SIX THOUSAND FOUR -HUNDRED THIRTEEN AND 85/100 DOLLARS ($6,413.85) ($237.55 an acre) as reimbursement for the costs of an additional 27 acres of the water service area included in the Lake Monroe Utility Service Area now being assigned, for planning purposes, by the COUNTY to SANFORD. Should any of the Sanford Utility Service Planning Area hereby assigned to SANFORD, ultimately return to the COUNTY in accordance with the terms of this Agreement, SANFORD shall receive an appropriate refund based proportionally on the 5 o .. ~ . . /- \......- .~ -, \.. . , '. . ~ .' ( ( amount of acreage return to COUNTY and the calculation used in this Section. 3. Exhibit B of the Amended Agreement is hereby deleted and Exhibit B-2 attached hereto is substituted therefor. 4. Except as herein modified, all_ terms and conditions of ;-- the Amended Agreement shall remain in full force and effect for the term of the Amended Agreement, as originally set forth in the Amended Agreement. .~ IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this instrument for the purpose herein expressed. ATTEST: CITY OF SANFORD 9t:rn~/f to~~~ty Clerk Mayor By: Date: LfJ1~ 1(P)/CJCZ& BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ~ ~ COUNTy, FLORIDA 8. ~--- DICK VAN DER WEIDE, Chairman l~ b./ /~(~ I ( /? MORSE er to the 30ard of County Commisstoners of Seminole County, Florida. Date: For the use and reliance of Seminole County only. Approved as to form and legal sufficiency. ~~.~ S,/I7-'i~ County Attorney As authorized for execution by the Board of Cou~~y Commis- sioners at their //lll-y / Y , 19~, regular meeting. SED/dre Attachment Exhibit "B-2" 041596 F,\USERS\OEB\AGT\SANURBAN.AMD 6 ~, ., .'.".. ( ( ;.- ...., , -.. ..r... . .--.\ r. ' :.' l- i- ~ . -.,. - . - ~ .......... ! '. , ~ .. .... " . ..... ,- ~, 1 '~. . . .~ " , -, / -7.,__-,", /.,. J ./ Z III (.; -;-- fll ;:J Tl ~< . n -I 0 I ;:0 I ~- " 0 fT1 m J. -= -I ..... - ~ -{ -I ! ell ('T\ '. rr; A: I D I " -l 1/1 ~ ::-> (1~ (\) ;r. " -~ " . ), ;r. P"I :>' ~/ , I / /J: 165/, / / It, Y /1.' "" ~~ '--' EXHIBIT C 4~ \....,. ~""""""'''_''''~_'''''__''''__''''''_~;oil_~_''-'~l''!.-W''''-'''' 'I'" 1,.,-,......".,.... o UJ o ~ o ~ c ~ ::5 (1) u '~ IF) .... - (1)_ (1) 'E -c en ell (1) :.:J "'C ~E_ .... IF) (1) ell (1) ~ s::: iiiiiilij ~ ~ c l5 Q) ~~ en<( :.:J 0 C) 1-0... I Q) D ..J . oil OJ . c: Ul ,- <l> c: 0 ~'~ a:~b ac~ ~EQ; E o.,C 't::oE <u OJ Q) a.>> <l> <l> 0 OOZ I J; ~, g; I I CI) !!:J I ~ 0 I :5 I I <<%)- o UJ o Q: <: o ~ ~ <l: -J 01 <1> U ~ 'E '2: ~ C> . ctl c: Ul <1> .c ~ "C c:: en E fij'c: s::: L.. L.. CIl :.:J a:: CD,..... CI> <1> <1> ctl <1> _WO O. - -<1> .?;- 0-0 C) ~ ~:t c "E~~ CI> :.:J (3 0> E 0> E 0..0 ..J D I I tOE co OJ CD <llII I a.>> 0>0>0 OOZ .- \".....- ATTACHMENT 1 ,,~ '--' c St. Johns River \Y/ater Management District <.J Kl!by B. Green III. Exe::!JllV~ Director . Dawj IN Fls~ ASSl3;anl EX8CUllV'! Dtreclor ::; 4049 Reid Street · P,O, Box 1429 . Palalka. FL 32178-1429 . (386) 329-4500 On the Internet at www.sjrwmd.com May 2,2007 Lake Monroe Development LLC 204 N Park Ave Ste 100 Sanford, FL 32771 SUBJECT: Permit Number 40-117-81506-5 Lake Monroe Commerce Center - North Dear Sir/Madam: Enclosed is your general permit as authorized by the staff of the St. Johns River Water Management District on May 2,2007, This permit is a legal document and should be kept with your other important documents. The attached MSSW/Stormwater As-Built Certification Form should be filled in and returned to the Palatka office within thirty days after the work is completed. By so doing, you will enable us to schedule a prompt inspection of the permitted activity. In addition to the MSSW/Stormwater As-Built Certification Form, your permit also contains conditions which require submittal of additional information, All information submitted as compliance to permit conditions must be submitted to the Palatka office address. .~ Permit issuance does not relieve you from the responsibility of obtaining permits from any federal, state and/or local agencies asserting concurrent jurisdiction for this work_ Please be advised that the District has not published a notice in the newspaper advising the public that it is issuing a permit for this proposed project. Publication, using the District form, notifies members of the public (third parties) of their rights to challenge the issuance of the general permit. If proper notice is given by publication, third parties have a 21--day time limit on the time they have to file a petition opposing the issuance of the permit. If you do not publish, a party's right to challenge the issuance of the general permit extends for an indefinite period of time, If you wish to have certainty that the period for filing such a challenge is closed, then you may publish, at your own expense, such a notice in a newspaper of general circulation. A copy of the form of the notice and a list of newspapers of general circulation is attached for your use. In the event you sell your property, the permit will be transferred to the new owner, if we are notified by you within thirty days of the sale and if you provide the information required by 40C- 1.612, F.AC. Please assist us in this matter so as to maintain a valid permit for the new property owner. ~ GOVEflMING BOARV David G, Graham. CPAIAMAN JACY.SON";U" John G. SOWlnSKJ, VICE CH~iflM"r; ~P.t.AIJDG ,I\nn r Moor2, SECF::l~RY BLl'mEU Duane L Otte!lSlroer. TP.tASUfiffi JACKSONVllll R Clay AlbriQ/l1 Susan N. Hugn2s William W Kerr Ometrias D Long W leona<<l Wood Thank you for your cooperation. and if this office can be of any further assistance to you, please do not hesitate to contact us. lcerely. ......... Lisette Bonilla Data Management Specialist It Division of Permit Data Services Enclosures: Permit with As-built Certification Form Notice of Rights List of Newspapers for Publication cc: District Permit File Consultant: Briskey & Associates Engineers Inc PO Box 7641 Daytona Beach, FL 32116 '- ,.-... \.... ST. JOHNS RIVER WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT Post Office Box 1429 Palatka, Florida 32178-1429 o PERMIT NO. 40-117-81506-5 DATE ISSUED: May 2,2007 PROJECT NAME: lake Monroe Commerce Center - North A PERMIT AUTHORIZING: Construction and operation of a surface water management system for a 13.41-acre commercial project to be known as lake Monroe Commerce Center - North. This permit authorizes the filling of 1.71 acres of wetlands and other surface waters. No other impacts to wetlands or other surface waters are authorized under this permit. lOCATION: Section( s): 16 T ownship( s}: 19S Range(s): 30E Seminole County lake Monroe Development llC 204 N Park Ave Ste 100 Sanford, Fl32771 o Permittee agrees to hold and save the St Johns River Water Management District and its successors harmless from any and all damages, claims, or liabilities which may arise from permit issuance. Said application, including all plans and specifications attached thereto, is by reference made a part hereof. This permit does not convey to permittee any property rights nor any rights of privileges other than those specified herein, nor relieve the permittee from complying with any law, regulation or requirement affecting the rights of other bodies or agencies. All structures and works installed by permittee hereunder shall remain the property of the permittee. This permit may be revoked, modified or transferred at any time pursuant to the appropriate provisions of Chapter 373, Florida Statutes: PERMIT IS CONDITIONED UPON: See conditions on attached "Exhibit Aft, dated May 2,2007 St Johns River Water Management District Departm 0 esource Management By: / ~ """'" enter Director - Altamonte Spring David Dewey - "EXHIBIT An CONDITIONS FOR ISSUANCE OF PERMIT NUMBER 40-117 -81506-5 LAKE MONROE DEVELOPMENT LLC DATED MAY 2, 2007 ............ 1. All activities shall be implemented as set forth in the plans, specifications and performance criteria as approved by this permit Any deviation from the permitted activity and the conditions for undertaking that activity shall constitute a violation of this permit. 2, This permit or a copy thereof, complete with all conditions, attachments. exhibits, and modifications, shall be kept at the work. site of the permitted activity. The complete permit shall be available for review at the work site upon request by District staff, The permittee shall require the contractor to review the complete permit prior to commencement of the activity authorized by this permit 3, Activities approved by this permit shall be conducted in a manner which do not cause violations of state water quality standards, 4, Prior to and during construction, the permittee shall implement and maintain all erosion and sediment control measures (best management practices) required to retain sediment on-site and to prevent violations of state water quality standards, All practices must be in accordance with the guidelines and specifications in chapter 6 of the Florida Land Development Manual: A Guide to Sound Land and Water Management (Florida Department of Environmental Regulation 1988), which are incorporated by reference, unless a project specific erosion and sediment control plan is approved as part of the permit. in which case the practices must be in accordance with the plan. If site specific conditions require additional measures during any phase of construction or operation to prevent erosion or control sediment, beyond those specified in the erosion and sediment control plan, the ........... permittee shall implement additional best management practices as necessary, in accordance with the specifications in chapter 6 of the Florida Land Development Manual: A Guide to Sound Land and Water Management (Florida Department of Environmental Regulation 1988). The permittee shall correct any erosion or shoaling that causes adverse impacts to the water resources. 5. Stabilization measures shall be initiated for erosion and sediment control on disturbed areas as soon as practicable in portions of the site where construction activities have temporarily or permanently ceased, but in no case more than 7 days after the construction activity in that portion of the site has temporarily or permanently ceased, 6. At least 48 hours prior to commencement of activity authorized by this permit, the permittee shall submit to the District a Construction Commencement Notice Form No, 40C-4,900(3) indicating the actual start date and the expected completion date, 7, When the duration of construction will exceed one year, the permittee shall submit construction status reports to the District on an annual basis utilizing an Annual Status Report Form No. 40C-4.900(4). These forms shall be submitted during June of each year. 8, For those systems which will be operated or maintained by an entity which will require an easement or deed restriction in order to provide that entity with the authority necessary to operate or maintain the system, such easement or deed restriction, together with any other final operation or maintenance documents as are required by subsections 7,1.1 through C 7,1.4 of the Applicant's Handbook: Management and Storage of Surface Waters, must be ..' . submitted to the District for approval. Documents meeting the requirements set forth in these subsections of the Applicant's Handbook will be approved. Deed restrictions, easements and other operation and maintenance documents which require recordation either with the Secretary of State or the Clerk of the CIrcuit Court must be so recorded prior to lot or unit sales within the project served by the system, or upon completion of construction of the system, whichever occurs first For those systems which are proposed to be maintained by county or municipal entities, final operation and maintenance documents mus.t be received by the District when maintenance and operation of the system is accepted by the local governmental entity. Failure to submit the appropriate final documents referenced in this paragraph will result in the permittee remaining liable for carrying out maintenance and operation of the permitted system, o 9. Each phase or independent portion of the permitted system must be completed in accordance with the permitted plans and permit conditions prior to the initiation of the permitted use of site infrastructure located within the area served by the portion or phase of the system, Each phase or independent portion of the system must be completed in accordance with the permitted plans and permit conditions prior to transfer of responsibility for operation and maintenance of that phase or portion of the system to local government or other responsible entity. 10. Within 30 days after completion of construction of the permitted system, or independent portion of the system, the permittee shall submit a written statement of completion and certification by a registered professional engineer or other appropriate individual as authorized by law, utilizing As Built Certification Form 40C-l.181(13) or 40C-l.181(14) supplied with this permit. When the completed system differs substantially from the permitted plans, any substantial deviations shall be noted and explained and two copies of as-built drawings submitted to the District. Submittal of the completed from shall serve to notify the District that the system is ready for inspection. The statement of completion and certification shall be based on on-site observation of construction (conducted by the registered professional engineer, or other appropriate individual as authorized by law, or under his or her direct supervision) or review of as-built drawings for the purpose of determining if the work was completed in compliance with approved plans and specifications. As-built drawings shall be the permitted drawings revised to reflect any changes made during construction. Both the original and any revised specifications must be clearly shown, The plans must be clearly labeled as "as-built" or "record" drawing. All surveyed dimensions and elevations shall be certified by a registered surveyor. The following information, at a minimum, shall be verified on the as-built drawings: o 1. Dimensions and elevations of all discharge structures including all weirs, slots, gates, pumps, pipes, and oil and grease skimmers; 2. locations, dimensions, and elevations of all filter, exfiltration, or underdrain systems including c1eanouts, pipes, connections to control structures, and points of discharge to the receiving waters; 3. Dimensions, elevations, contours, or cross-sections of all treatment storage areas sufficient to determine state-storage relationships of the storage area and the permanent pool depth and volume below the control elevation for normally wet systems, when appropriate; 4. Dimensions, elevations, contours, final grades, or cross-sections of the system to determine flow directions and conveyance of runoff to the treatment system; 5. Dimensions, elevations, contours, final grades, or cross-sections of all conveyance systems utilized to convey off-site runoff around the system; 6. Existing water elevation(s) and the date determined; and Elevation and location of benchmark( s) for the survey, .:) 11. The operation phase of this permit shall not become effective until the permittee has complied with the requirements of general condition 9 above, the District determines the system to be in compliance with the permitted plans. and the entity approved by the District in accordance with subsections 7.1,1 through 7.1.4 of the Applicant's Handbook.: '--' Management and Storage of Surface Waters. accepts responsibility for operation and maintenance of the system. The pennit may not be transferred to such an approved operation and maintenance entity until the operation phase of the permit becomes effective. Following inspection and approval of the permitted system by the District, the permittee shall request transfer of the permit to the responsible approved operation and maintenance entity, if different from the permittee, Until the permit is transferred pursuant to section 7,1 of the Applicant's Handbook: Management and Storage of Surface Waters, the permittee shall be liable for compliance with the terms of the permit. 12. Should any other regulatory agency require changes to the permitted system, the permittee shall provide written notification to the District of the changes prior implementation so that a determination can be made whether a permit modification is required. 13. This permit does not eliminate the necessity to obtain any required federal. state, local and special district authorizations prior to the start of any activity approved by this permit. This permit does not convey to the permittee or create in the permittee any property right. or any interest in real property, nor does it authorize any entrance upon or activities on property which is not owned or controlled by the permittee. or convey any rights or privileges other than those specified in the permit and chapter 40C-4 or chapter 40C-40, F.AC, 14. The permittee shall hold and save the District harmless from any and all damages, claims. or liabilities which may arise by reason of the activities authorized by the permit or any use of the permitted system. ~~~- '-'0. Upon reasonable notice to the permittee. District authorized staff with proper identification shall have permission to enter, inspect, sample and test the system to insure conformity with the plans and specifications approved by the permit. 16. If historical or archaeological artifacts are discovered at any time on the project site, the permittee shall immediately notify the District. 17. The permittee shall immediately notify the District in writing of any previously submitted information that is later discovered to be inaccurate. 18. Any delineation of the extent of a wetland or other surface water submitted as part of the pennit application. including plans or other supporting documentation, shall not be considered specifically approved unless a specific condition of this permit or a formal determination under rule 40C-1.1006, F.AC" provides otherwise, 19. The permittee shall notify the District in writing within 30 days of any sale, conveyance, or other transfer of ownership or control of the permitted system or the real property at which the permitted system is located. All transfers of ownership or transfers of a permit are subject to the requirements of rule 40C-1.612. F.AC. The permittee transferring the permit shall remain liable for any corrective actions that may be required as a result of any permit violations prior to such sale, conveyance or other transfer. 20. This permit for construction will expire five years from the date of issuance. C. At a minimum. all retention and detention storage areas must be excavated to rough grade prior to building construction or placement of impervious surface within the area to be served by those facilities, To prevent reduction in storage volume and percolation rates, all accumulated sediment must be removed from the storage area prior to final grading and stabilization. 22_ All wetland areas or water bodies that are outside the specific limits of construction authorized by this permit must be protected from erosion, siltation, scouring or excess turbidity. and dewatering, .~ -..",.I 23. Prior to construction, the permittee must clearly designate the limits of construction on-site. The permittee must advise the contractor that any work outside the limits of construction, including clearing. may be a violation of this permit. 24. This permit requires the recording of a conservation easement. Description of Conservation Easement Area The permittee shall provide to the District for review and written approval a copy of: (a) the preliminary plat showing the area to be encumbered by the conservation easement, or (b) a surveyor's sketch and legal description of the area to be placed under the conservation easement, per the approved mitigation plan, at least 45 days prior to (1) dredging, filling, or clearing any wetland or surface water for which mitigation is required, (2) clearing any upland within a Riparian Habitat Protection Zone for which mitigation is required, (3) the sale of any lot or parcel, (4) the recording of the subdivision plat, or (5) use of the infrastructure for its intended use, whichever occurs first. If the impacts to an upland within a Riparian Habitat Protection Zone or to a wetland or surface water for which mitigation is required will occur in discrete phases, the areas to be preserved to offset such impacts may be placed under conservation easement in phases such that impacts are offset during each phase. Such phasing of preservation shall only occur if it has been proposed in the mitigation plan and approved by the permit, or if it is approved in writing by the District. A surveyor's sketch and legal description of the area to be placed under conservation easement during each phase must be submitted in accordance with the previous paragraph. o Recording of Conservation Easement Prior to (1) dredging, filling, or clearing any wetland or surface water for which mitigation is required, (2) clearing any upland within a Riparian Habitat Protection Zone for which mitigation is required, (3) the sale of any lot or parcel, (4) the recording of the subdivision plat, or (5) use of the infrastructure for its intended use, whichever occurs first, the permittee shall record a conservation easement which shall include restrictions on the real property pursuant to section 704.06, Florida Statutes, and be consistent with section 12.3.8, Applicant's Handbook, Management and Storage of Surface Waters (February 1, 2005). The conservation easement shall be in the form approved in writing by the District and, if no plat has been submitted, the easement shall include the approved legal description and surveyor's sketch. If the District does not provide written comments on the preliminary plat or surveyor's sketch and legal description within 45 days of receipt, then the permittee may record the conservation easement with the legal description and surveyor's sketch or plat "'reference previously submitted. If the District provides written disapproval of the preliminary plat Of surveyor's sketch and legal description, the permittee shall, within ten (1 O) days of receipt of the disapproval. correct all errors with the conservation easement, including the preliminary plat or legal description and surveyor's sketch, and record the conservation easement. ~ Pursuant to section 704,06, Florida Statutes, the conservation easement shall prohibit all construction, including clearing, dredging, or filling, except that which is specifically authorized by this permit within the mitigation areas delineated on the final plans and/or mitigation proposal approved by the District The easement must contain the provisions set forth in paragraphs 1(a)-(h) of section 704.06, Florida Statutes, as well as provisions indicating that the easement may be enforced by the District, and may not be amended '-- without written District approval. Additional Documents Required The permittee shall ensure that the conservation easement identifies, and is executed by, the correct grantor, who must hold sufficient record title to the land encumbered by the easement. If the easement's grantor is a partnership, the partnership shall provide to the District a partnership affidavit stating that the person executing the conservation easement has the legal authority to convey an interest in the partnership land. If there exist any mortgages on the land, the permittee shall also have each mortgagee execute a consent and joinder of mortgagee subordinating the mortgage to the conservation easement. The consent and joinder of the mortgagee shall be recorded simultaneously with the conservation easement in the public records of the county where the land is located. Within 30 days of recording, the permittee shall provide the District with: (a) the original recorded easement (including exhibits) showing the date it was recorded and the official records book and page number, (b) a copy of the recorded plat (if applicable), (c) a surveyor's sketch of the easement area plotted on the appropriate USGS topographic map, and (d) the original recorded consent and joinder(s) of mortgagee (if applicable), Demarcation of Conservation Easement Area Prior to lot or parcel sales, all changes in direction of the easement area boundaries must be permanently monumented above ground on the project site. ~ 25. The proposed surface water management system shaft be constructed and operated in accordance with the plans received by the District on January 30, 2007, and as amended by Plan Sheets C-3, C-6 and C-7 received by the District on April 04,2007, and Plan sheets C- 5 and C-10 received by the District on April 25, 2007. 26. The operation and maintenance entity shall inspect the stormwater or surface water management system once within two years after the completion of construction and every two years thereafter to determine'if the system is functioning as designed and permitted. The operation and maintenance entity must maintain a record of each required inspection, including the date of the inspection, the name, address, and telephone number of the inspector, and whether the system was functioning as designed and permitted. and make such record available for inspection upon request by the District during normal business hours. If at any time the system is not functioning as designed and permitted, then within 14 days the entity shall submit an Exceptions Report to the District, on form number 40C-42.900(6), Exceptions Report for Stormwater Management Systems Out of Compliance. 27, This permit authorizes 1,71 acres of wetland and surface water impacts. 28, The proposed conservation easement must be at least 8.18 acres in size, as depicted on C the Boundary and Topographic Survey received by the District on April 4, 2007. 29. Prior to initiating any construction within the wetlands to be impacted, the District must receive a letter of verification from the Colbert-Cameron Mitigation Bank stating that a "' "';:";'+,""',"''''''~i!4,,,,,~,,,'l''''_'';W':il':F~'''';''''~''''<4I '_:;';>1"'1 transaction regarding the transfer of 3.9 mitigation credits has been completed. 30. In the event that the permittee does not successfully complete the transaction to obtain 3.9 credits from the Colbert-Cameron Mitigation Bank, the permittee must obtain a permit modification to provide alternative mitigation for the wetland impacts, o o ~ Notice Of Rights ,,"-" '--' 1, A person whose substantial interests are or may be affected has the right to request an administrative hearing by filing a written petition with the S1. Johns River Water Management District (District). Pursuant to Chapter 28-106 and Rule 40C-1,1007, Florida Administrative Code, the petition must be filed (received) either by delivery at the office of the District Clerk at District Headquarters, p, O. Box 1429, Palatka Florida 32178-1429 (4049 Reid St, Palatka, FL 32177) or bye-mail with the District Clerk at Clerk@sjrwmd,com, within twenty-six (26) days of the District depositing notice of District decision in the mail (for those persons to whom the District mails actual notice). within twenty-one (21) days of the District emailing notice of District decision (for those persons to whom the District emails actual notice), or within twenty-one (21) days of newspaper publication of the notice of District decision (for those persons to whom the District does not mail or email actual notice), A petition must comply with Sections 12054(5)(b)4. and 120.569(2)(c), Florida Statutes, and Chapter 28-106. Florida Administrative Code, The District will not accept a petition sent by facsimile (fax). as explained in paragraph no, 5 below. Mediation pursuant to Section 120.573, Florida Statutes, is not available. 2, If the Governing Board takes action that substantially differs from the notice of District decision, a person whose substantial interests are or may be affected has the right to request an administrative hearing by filing a written petition with the District. but this request for administrative hearing shall only address the substantial deviation. Pursuant to Chapter 28-106 and Rule 40C-l.1007, Florida Administrative Code, the petition must be filed (received) at the office of the District Clerk at the mail/street address or email address described in paragraph no, 1 above, within twenty-six (26) days of the District .,-, depositing notice of final District decision in the mail (for those persons to whom the District mails actual notice), within twenty-one (21) days of the District emailing the notice of final District decision (for those persons to whom the District emails actual notice), or within twenty-one (21) days of newspaper publication of the notice of final District decision (for those persons to whom the District does not mail or email actual notice). A petition must comply with Sections 12054(5)(b)4. and 120,569(2)(c), Florida Statutes, and Chapter 28-106, Florida Administrative Code. Mediation pursuant to Section 120.573. Florida Statutes, is not available. 3, A person whose substantial interests are or may be affected has the right to a formal administrative hearing pursuant to Sections 120569 and 120,57(1), Florida Statutes. where there is a dispute between the District and the party regarding an issue of material fact A petition for formal hearing must also comply with the requirements set forth in Rule 28-106.201, Florida Administrative Code, 4. A person whose substantial interests are or may be affected has the right to an informal administrative hearing pursuant to Sections 120569 and 120.57(2), Florida Statutes, where no material facts are in dispute. A petition for an infonnal hearing must also comply with the requirements set forth in Rule 28-106.301, Florida Administrative Code, ,,-. '--' Notice Of Rights 5, A petition for an administrative hearing is deemed filed upon receipt of the complete petition by the District Clerk at the District Headquarters in Palatka, Florida. Petitions received by the District Qerk after 5:00 p.m., or on a Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday, shall be deemed filed as of 8:00 a.m. on the next regular District business day, The District's acceptance of petitions filed bye-mail is subject to certain conditions set forth in the District's Statement of Agency Organization and Operation (issued pursuant to Rule 28-101.001, Florida Administrative Code), which is available for viewing at www.sirwmd.com. These conditions include, but are not limited to, the petition being in the form of a PDF file and being capable of being stored and printed by the District Further, pursuant to the District's Statement of Agency Organization and Operation, attempting to file a petition by facsimile is prohibited and shaJl not constitute filing, ~ ,.....; 6. Failure to file a petition for an administrative hearing within the requisite time frame shall constitute a waiver of the right to an administrative hearing. (Rule 28-106.111. Florida Administrative Code), 7. The right to an administrative hearing and the relevant procedures to be followed are governed by Chapter 120, Florida Statutes, Chapter 28-106, Florida Administrative Code, and Rule 40C-1.1007, Florida Administrative Code. Because the administrative hearing process is designed to formulate final agency action, the filing of a petition means the District's final action may be different from the position taken by it in this notice. A person whose substantial interests are or may be affected by the District's final action has the right to become a party to the proceeding, in accordance with the requirements set forth above. o 8, A person with a legal or equitable interest in real property who believes that a District permitting action is unreasonable or will unfairly burden the use of their property, has the right to, within 30 days of receipt of the notice of District decision regarding a permit application, apply for a special magistrate proceeding under Section 70,51, Florida Statutes, by filing a written request for relief at the Office of the District Clerk located at District Headquarters, P. O. Box 1429, Palatka, Fl32178-1429 (4049 Reid St. Palatka, FL 32177). A request for relief must contain the information listed in Subsection 70.51(6), Florida Statutes. Requests for relief received by the District Clerk after 5:00 p.m.. or on a Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday, shall be deemed filed as of 8:00 a,m, on the next regular District business day. 9. A timely filed request for relief under Section 70.51, Florida Statutes, tolls the time to request an administrative hearing under paragraph nos. 1 or 2 above. (Paragraph 70.51(10)(b). Florida Statutes). However, the filing of a request for an administrative hearing under paragraph nos. 1 or 2 above waives the right to a special magistrate proceeding. (Subsection 70.51(10)(b), Florida Statutes). 10. Failure to file a request for relief within the requisite time frame shall constitute a waiver of the right to a special magistrate proceeding, (Subsection 70.51(3), Florida Statutes), ~ ....., Notice Of Rights t""" '-'" 11. Any person whose substantial interests are or may be affected who claims that final action of the District constitutes an unconstitutional taking of property without just compensation may seek review of the action in circuit court pursuant to Section 373.617, Florida Statutes, and the Florida Rules of Civil Procedures, by filing an action in circuit court within 90 days of rendering of the final District action, (Section 373.617, Florida Statutes ). 12. Pursuant to Section 120.68, Florida Statutes, a party to the proceeding before the District who is adversely affected by final District action may seek review of the action in the District Court of Appeal by filing a notice of appeal pursuant to Rules 9.110 and 9.190, Florida Rules of Appellate Procedure, within 30 days of the rendering of the final District action. 13. A party to the proceeding before the District who claims that a District order is inconsistent with the provisions and purposes of Chapter 373, Florida Statutes, may seek review of the order pursuant to Section 373.114, Florida Statutes, by the Florida land and Water Adjudicatory Commission, by filing a request for review with the Commission and serving a copy on the Florida Department of Environmental Protection and any person named in the order within 20 days of the rendering of the District order. 14. A District action is considered rendered, as referred to in paragraph nos, 11, 12, and 13 above, after it is signed on behalf of the District, and is filed by the District Cleric 15. Failure to observe the relevant time frames for filing a petition for judicial review as ".....,..., described in paragraph nos. 11 and 12 above, or for Commission review as described in paragraph no. 13 above, will result in waiver of that right to review. c < - - - h. ~ H~'Jt&2 l!o w ~~~'::.. l:Il:!!1' ~. -~::;l! 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""';"'.:l, ~:oi t=:.. _ <> o '" .f ~ l i ">--, ':;: <r ':> Ul V> o z -<<: ..J f--, w 3: ~ >- <r <( o z ::>- <:;) Q) (,) :::: ~ C5 ~ <:::5 is! ..... ~C> "-l:s ~ is. ~ > ~ :5 ~ Notice Of Rights Certificate of Service \....., I HEREBY CERTIFY that a copy of the foregoing Notice of Rights has been sent by U.S. Mail to: Lake Monroe Development LLC 204 N Park Ave Ste 100 Sanford, FL 32771 At 4:00 p.m. this 2nd day of May, 2007. ~lpnrl~ Division of Pennit Data Services Gloria Lewis. Director S1. Johns River Water Management District Post Office Box 1429 '--'atka, FL 32178-1429 ",-,6) 329-4152 Permit Number: 40-117-81506-5 c ic :Jtics, Ine 'mar an Blvd Florida 3092 28 I .38/6 Macch 14,2007 Ms. Tonya Guadalupe, R,S.L Sc Johns River Water Management District 975 Keller Road Altamonte Springs, FL 32714-1618 Deac Ms. Guadalupe: Lake Monroe Commerce Center App, No, 40-117-81506-5 We ace submitting the additional materials, requested at our meeting with you and Ms. Nations 03114/07. This material applies to the above referenced project RAI dated 02/27/07. We are enclosing the corrected Section E. Tables 1,2 and 3, Specific 02/27/07 RAI responses follow: 2.) Reduction of Primary Wetland ImpactslElder Creek Alternate Road Crossings: As we discussed in the 03/14/07 meeting; relocating the unavoidable wetland crossing to the south (upstream) where the floodplain narrows slightly, results in several significant engineering concerns with little or no further minimization of primary wetland impacts. The following narrative will elaborate the accompanying engineering figures of alternate road crossings. Elder Creek has a very defined channel when it leaves the north boundary of the subject property (flowing north into the historic floodplain of Lake Monroe). Both sides of Elder Creek attbis point consist of forested wetlands with a broad floodplain acea outside the channel. Here the creek becomes lower in elevation and as it joins the floodplain it appears to have an increased frequency of inundation and duration of seasonal flooding. Upstream of the north property line between wetland flags 5 and 12 (the narrowest distance between the two (2) on site upland aceas), the creek bed starts widening. This acea, south or upstream, is overgrown with herbaceous plants (eg_ Colocasia) and foons a wide acea of inundation with significant muck that constitutes a wider stream bed at this point. To sununarize, the proposed road crossing is close to the north property boundary; at this location (confluence with the lake floodplain) Elder Creek has a well defined channel and appears to have minimal poor mucky associated soils, As one proceeds upstream to the south, the creek bed proper rises and forms a funnel shape, having wide areas of mucky soil. Where the creek crosses the south property boundary and adjacent rail tracks it has been excavated and modified wide enough to span three (3) individual box culverts, )(1__ I ~ o ~ ~ Ms, Tonya Guadalupe, SJR WMD Lake Monroe Commerce Center t"-"p. No. 40-117-81506- 5 \-,..arch 14,2007 Page Two 2.) Reduction of Primary Wetland ImpactsIElder Creek Alternate Road Crossings (cont): The proposed road crossing causes a primary wetland impact of 0.71 acres (+0.1 Parcel A impact). As stated, moving the proposed road south results in inconsequential difference in impact and creates several significant engineering and safety issues. It is estimated that at most. the impacts could be reduced perhaps another 0.1 acres however that reduction could be lost or reversed due to hydrologic considerations and construction requirements. Please refer to the engineering cover letter for further discussion of this issue, 3.) Upland Buffer: The total acreage of undisturbed upland buffer to be included within the Conservation Easement is 0.59 acres, 4.) Conservation Easement Documentation and Title: These documents will be provided by the developer (to be included with this submittal). d~ \....- Off Site Mitigation: It has been determined by SJRWMD staff that an additional 3.9 credits will be needed at Colbert-Cameron Mitigation Bank. A letter of reservation is forthcoming. Please contact us if further ,information is required. Sincerely, CA-- Charles A. Turner Senior Scientist CAT:lw LKMONROECOMMERCE.3 Attachments c: Mr. Sid Vihlen, Florida International Consultants Mr. Tom Briskey, Briskey & Associates, Inc. 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PARK AVE., SUITE tOO SANFORD, FL 32771 PREPARED BY: AQUATIC SYMBIOTICS, INC. 100 S. SEMORAN BLVD., SUITE A ORLANDO, FL 32807 DATE PREPARED: AUGUST 26, 2005 ~~ Charles A. Turner Senior Scientist Introduction: Aquatic Symbiotics, Inc. was retained to pertonn State jurisdictional wetland nagging and a StateIFederal Listed species survey on three (3) parcels totaling 19.7 +/- acres (heretofore known as the Lake Monroe parcels). Please refer to the enclosed exhibits lor a representation of the property boundaries. The subject property is physically located at the northeast comer of Highway S-15 and Old Monroe Road. The south property boundary consists of the CSX railroad yard, which parallels Old Monroe Road, Site Description: The subject property is primarily comprised of old agricultural fields (mixed crop-land), which is now maintained (mowed) turfgrass with native ruderal plants growing in the fields. Dominant ruderal plants include: Dog fennel (Eupatorium capillifolium), Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) and common Ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia). Two (2) existing residential structures (now abandoned) are present on the properties, and these structures are apparent on the USGS quad map (included with this report), In addition, historic foundations of old farm structures are also present on site and also are depicted on the USGS quad map_ The northernmost edge of the properties, along with the northeast property comer consist of forested wetland, Florida Land Use, Cover and Forms Classification System (FLUCFCS) code 630. Refer to the enclosed FLUCFCS map, The weLland area is dominated by a canopy of Cypress trees (Taxodium sp.) which exhibit good growth patterns and Cypress knee developmenL Other native wetland hardwood trees are also present, ego Hickory, Red o ~ -1- ~ (HABITAT EVALUATION REPORT - LAKE MONROE DEVELOPMENT, LLC - LAKE MONROE PARCELS) Site Description (conL): maple, At the time of our field reconnaissance (early August, 2005) tIC etland area \..as inundated, average depth 8" to 10". Several trips have been made to the subject property in the time frame referenced above. A portion of the on site wetland area is evident on the USGS quad map and denoted as being immediately north of a 5' contour depression topographic line. Also evident on this map is a stream/ditch channel, which flows to Lake Monroe, from the Village of Lake Monroe. On site soils consist of Basinger, Samsula, Hontoon-depressional, which comprises most orthe State jurisdictional wetlands. In addition, Felda, Manatee '''mucky'' Fine sand comprises most of the old agricultural (upland) areas of the property. Due to past, historic, agricultural activity, the Felda umucky" Fine sand complex has been modified so that it no longer exhibits characteristics that would classifY it as a hydric (wetland) soil. L\..-.J Species: On August 25,2005 the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission's (FFWCC) Bald eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) database was contacted by Aquatic Symbiotics, Inc.. Only one (I) Bald eagle nest was documented as being within a one (I) mile radius of the subject property (La!. 28049.5', Long. 810 19-1'). Note, there are no designated Sections along this portion of the Lake Monroe shoreline. The subject eagle nest (SE029) is 0.7 miles due east of the subject properties, Since the regulatory/Protection Zone around an eagle nest is 1,500' (Secondary Zone) or 0.28 miles. this eagle nest should be too far away from the subject property to adversely affect future development plans and therefore will not have coordination with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS). /-, '-' -2- (HABITAT EVALUATION REPORT -LAKE MONROE: DEVELOPMENT. LLC - LAKE MONROE PARCELS) Listed Species (cont.): Bald eagle nests are protected by Federal regulations, which are enforced by the U,S, Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS). Another bird species regulated by the USFWS is the Florida Scrub Jay (Aphelocoma coerulescens coerulescens). Due to the nature and location of the subject property, it is very unlikely that Scrub jays utilize the property. The subject property consists entirely of either fallow field or forested wetlands. Neither of these habitats are suitable or desirable for use by Scrub jays. Furthermore, FFWCC historic documents (Ref.: Ecology and Development-Related Habitat Requirements of the Florida Scrub jay, Technical Report No.8, April 1991), indicates that Scrub jay habitat is uncommon or non- existent along the subject portion of the Lake Monroe shoreline (southwest corner of lake). During site reconnaissance, efforts were made to observe all upland areas tor evidence of Gopher tortoise (Gopherus polyphemus) burrows. Gopher tortoises are a species regulated by the FFWCC. No Gopher tortoise burrows were observed on any portions of the subject ~ o property . Conclusions: In conclusion, the primary Environmental Resource Permit (ERP) issue for the subject property will be the on site State jurisdictional wetlands. Said wetlands will also, certainly be claimed as jurisdictional by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (COE). The developer (Lake Monroe Development, LLC) has indicated their desire to avoid and/or minimize on site -3- (HABITAT EVALUATION REJ>ORT - LAKE MONROE DEVELOPMENT, LLC - LAKE MONROE PARCELS) ~ /"'~~' "'-' Conclusions (cont.): wetland impacts_ Whatever unavoidable impacts that may be proposed can either be mitigated for on site. or if necessary off site. by purchasing mitigation bank credits, Thank you for the opportunity to provide this Habitat Evaluation Report on the Lake Monroe Parcels. Please feel free to contact this office with any questions or concerns. I ~ CA T:lw LKMONROE Attachments -4- (HABITAT EVALUATION REPORT - LAKE MONROE DEVELOPMENT. LLC - LAKE MONROE PARCELS) c COUNTY, FLORIDA o ~ ... ~~ #'~'"-,~ - . -~{ '" - ~ij ''\'- ...)1 "\ \ '<lo t",~. '!", \,'-0..-'- .~, . .. . I'. of, f ~'f ;.. ~- ~, ...../ _.~ LAKE MONROE COMMEkC E CE~T[R .".-.. FLllCFCS MAP '-' -.: - - ~ "t ::.:.~'~: :_~ -__"_~-~_::-_: i :._...~. -~ :--~.-~.. -,:._~.~ ;-;.... -~... ~ 'l<-.. , -,.-:..0... _ ~.~ ~ - " -~~- :1 . l~. . _...~ . ;;:.U'~ I~ ~- I ~ . . --... \\ ....... ...... ,,'t~ ---:.-;.,..,.- t ----., t . ---............ 4 '" i ',- ',:. "-. s- -. n-.. U ~ .... n t ~ " ~ ./ -r: ~ ,~ )r-:. -' t.i. ... ~ 1- a: . - q I k~ ;"J,-- - , -~--~ -..- ! 7~ .~.,..,-.....-::--,- -T"- . - , :j, ---~--,..---'~~- f f /1,;, ~r '.. ..f ~ . I': I I Ii .' ;/: ! I I lCl " II .::r ;J "i' .~ I. llf ....J LEGENO ,"' .,. J t :! , . I . .'1 ..f 1\ l~ ~f '.t -, ~ /8..J: , , -~+ U, i~ k t,A L:r, . 5:r'orested Wetland ~-Fallow Farm 510-Stream ., :--;>t- (l 0,09 0.18 0.27 (> 'I" 0.45 PH ,1/ L \ 1 o 0.1 0.2 0_3 0.4 0.5 ~,PI Map center is UTM 17 469214E 3188810N (WGS84jNAD83) Sanfo..d quadraoqle :\:::. ~ ....J ATTACHMENT 2 <:) o SCHEDULE B - PERMITIED USES !LAND USE CATEGORY SR-1AA SR-IA SR-l SR-2 MR-l MR-2 MR-3 RMOI RC-l . GC-2 . SC-3. RI-l MI-2 AG PD B ~SIDENTIAL D :CamilY Dwelling 0 D P * amilv with Gar~e P P P D P One-Family with Garage or Carport P P P P P P D P Two-Family Dwelling P (1) D * Mobile Home (3) P * i Multiple Family Dwelling (3) P P P P(l) C C * Townhouses (3) P P P P C C * \1ISCELLANEOUS D Day Care Facility 1-5 Individuals P P P P D D CD D D P P P * I 6 or More Individuals (11) (11) ( 11) D(2) D D (2) P P P D * (2) : Community Residential Home (3) (13)D (13)D (13)D (13)D ( 13) (13)D P ( 13)D P P ( 13) (I I I to 6 Residents (3) 13) i 7 to 14 Residents (3) ( 14)D ( 14)D ( 14)D (1 15)D ( 15)D ( 15)D ( 15)D ( 15) ! Residential Care Facility - 15 or More ( 16) ( 16) P P ( 16) . !Residents (3) ! Nursing Home D D P P P . , Boarding House C C C * C C Accessory Dwelling Unit D D D C C C D C C C C C C : Accessory Residential Structure D D D C C C C C C C . Urban Infill Project (24) C C C C C C C C C C C C C C . : - ~ AND SEMI-PUBLIC ~ommercial Amusement Facility Indoor C P P P P P C . D Outdoor C C p C p p C . P Educational Facilities Elementary School C C C C C C C C p p C C . Middle School C C C C C C C p p C C * High School C C C C C C C C p C C * College, University or Vocational C C C C C p P P P C * School Library C C C D P P P C * Cultural Facility C C C D D P P * C House of Worship C(4) C(4) C(4) C(4) C(4) C(4) P C P C * Cemetery (21) C C C C C C C C p C C C C . HospitallMedical Clinic C C p C * Public Transportation Terminal C C C C C C C . Communication Tower (3) C C C C C C ( 19) ( 19) C * C Solid Waste Disposal Facility C D D C * Government Owned Use/Public Facilities (6) D D D D D D P P P P P P . D ~mity Resource Facility (3) (21) ( 21) ( 21) ( 21) ( 21) ( 21) 8/8/2005 Ordinance No, 3950 B-1 SCHEDULE B - PERMIITED USES !LAND USE CATEGORY RMOI RC-I GC-2 SC-3 RI-I MI- AG PD 2 k:;OMMERClAL rl Retail Sales & Service (3) -- Indoor (7) P P D D * Outdoor Display - New Merchandise P C C C * Outdoor Display - Used Merchandise C C C C * Outdoor Storage C C C * * Temoorarv Conunercial D D D D D Business & Professional Office P (7) P P P P * Bail Bond (12) C C C C C C * Exceptional Uses (3) (20) C Nonhazardous Research & Testing Lab, (3) P P P * Business Training Schools D P D P P * (23) Restaurant (7) P P D D * Drive- Thru Restaurant D P * Sidewalk Cafe D (22) ~SlENT LODGING & ENTERTAINMENT II I Transient Lodging Establishment P P * Commercial Amusements Indoor (Except Adult Performance (8) P C * Establishments and Adult Arcade ~ Amusement Centers) ~ Adult Performance Establishment P P "- (18) Adult Arcade Amusement Center (3) (12) (12) Outdoor (Except Adult Performance C * Establishments and Adult Arcade Amusement Centers) Motion Picture Theater Indoor P P * Outdoor P * VEHICULAR USES (3) Vehicular Service (8) C D P P * Vehicular Repair D D P * Vehicular Rental D P P * Vehicular Rental Office (5) D P P P P * Major Equipment Rental (5) D P P * Major Equipment Repair D P * Vehicular Dealer Sales (9) C * Vehicular Accessory D D D * Sales and Installation .~ 8/8/2005 Ordinance No. 3950 B-2 SCHEDULE B - PERMIITED USES ,..-. ~ LAND USE CATEGORY RMOI RC-l GC-2 SC-3 RI-l MI-2 AG PD MISCELlANEOUS BUSINESS AND SERVICES Funeral Home and/or Crematory (17) P C P P . Laundromat D D D D Printing & Publishing P P P P . Domestic and Business Service Indoor P P P P . Outdoor D C P P . Landscaping Service Establishment Indoor P P P P P . Outdoor C P P P . Auction Sales Establishment Indoor P P P P . Outdoor D P P . Aircraft Sales Establishment Indoor P P . Outdoor P P . Small Animal Boarding Kennel Indoor C P D P P D . Outdoor C P P D . Veterinarian & Animal Hospital Indoor C P D P P D . Outdoor C P P D . Welding Establishment (3) D P P . INDUSTRIAL Wholesale & Storage (10) Nonhazardous (3) Indoor D P P . Outdoor C D P . Tank C C P . Hazardous (3) Indoor C P P . Outdoor C C C . Tank C C . Junkyard (3) C . Laundry And Dry Cleaning Plant P P P . Manufacturing Nonhazardous (3) Indoor D P P . Outdoor C C C Hazardous (3) Indoor C P . Outdoor C . AGRICULTURAL Agriculture P . Animal Raising C . Mining (3) . Agriculture Processing Establishment C C C . ,r"" ~ FOOTNOTES lip" indicates that the use listed is permitted as-of-right within the corresponding zoning district. (See Schedule C, Area And Dimension Regulations,) "D"' indicates that the use is permitted as a minor conditional use and is allowed within the corresponding zoning district only after review by the development review team and approval by the Director of Planning and Development Services, "e" indicates that the use listed is allowed within the corresponding zoning district only after being approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission as a major conditional use, c"." indicates that the use listed is allowed subject to complying with Planned Development Project Regulations, (Schedule D, Planned Development Project Regulations ), . Schedule S, Historic Preservation, may impose additional regulations in this zoning district 8/8/2005 Ordinance No, 3950 B-3 SCHEDULE B - PERMIITED USES o Only for existing platted lots and new subdivisions with ten (10) or less lots. (I) Residential uses in the RMOI Zoning district shall be only in conjunction with office and/or institutional uses. (2) (3) Day care is only pennitted as an accessory use to a residential complex or development and is not pennitted in an individual residential unit. o This use is subject to certain specific requirements. (See Schedule E, Additional Requirements and Provisions for Specific Uses,) (4) A house of worship located in the SR- lAA, SR- IA, SR- I, MR- I, MR-2 and MR-3 zoning districts shall be pennitted to have only limited educational and day care facilities and only as an accessory use. No facilities defined in Schedule A, Glossary, as community resource facilities shall be pennitted as accessories to a house of worship in these residential zoning districts, (5) In addition to the parking requirements of Schedule H, the rental use shall provide parking for rental vehicles and/or equipment. (6) Government owned uses are allowed subject to the same requirements as non-government owned uses of the same type except for noncommercial amusement facilities which shall be allowed within any zoning district and shall not require conditional use approval. (7) Such uses shall be allowed provided that the total of all uses shall not exceed 3,500 square feet or less of floor area, (8) Automobile and Truck Service includes the following: Automobile Parking Establishment, Automobile Cleaning Establishment and Gasoline Service Station. (9) Automotive Dealer Sales includes the following: Automobile Sales, Truck Sales, Boat Sales, Major Equipment Sales, Mobile Home Sales, Travel Trailer Sales and Automotive Specialty Sales, (10) Wholesale and Storage includes the following: Construction and Contractor Yards, Heating Fuel Sales and Nonretail Sales and Service, (I I) If such use is in conjunction with a church and/or an elementary school, such use is allowed as a conditional use, (12) Such use is allowed within the corresponding zoning district only after being approved as a conditional use and after approval by the City Commission, (13) Such use shall be allowed provided that such use shall not be located within a radius of 1,000 feet of another existing Community Residential Home. (14) Such use shall be allowed provided that such use shall not be located within a radius of 1200' of another home in a Multi-Family Zone or within 500' ofa Single Family Zone boundary, (15) Such use shall be allowed provided that such use shall not be located within 500' of a Single Family zone, (16) Such use shall be allowed as a conditional use provided that such use shall not be located within a radius of 1200' of another residential care facility or a community residential home in a multi-family zone or within 500 feet of a single family boundary. '0 (17) Crematory facilities only allowed in RI-I and MI-2 Zoning Districts. (18) Adult Perfonnance Establishments shall comply with all requirements and provisions set forth in Ordinance No. 3185, entitled "The City of Sanford Adult Entertainment Code" and all other applicable provisions of the Sanford City Code and state law, (19) Communication towers up to a maximum height of two hundred (200) feet shall be allowed by right. Communication towers greater than two hundred (200) feet in height shall be allowed only after being approved as a conditional use. Such use is allowed within corresponding zoning district only after being approved as a Conditional Use, Further, such use shall not be located within a radius of I ,500' of another such use nor shall such use be located within 300' of a school, church, park or residentially zoned land, (20) Such use is allowed within corresponding zoning district only after being approved as a Conditional Use, Further, such use shall not be located within a radius of 1,500' of another such use nor shall such use be located within 300' of a school, church, park or residentially zoned land, (21) Such use is allowed within corresponding zoning district only after being approved as a Conditional Use and after approval by the City Commission, Further, such use shall not be located within a radius of 1,500' of another such use nor shall such use be located within 300' of a school, church, park or residentially zoned land. The City Commission shall have the authority to waive this provision during the approval process if the Commission detennines that the proposed community resource facility primarily serves the interests of the specific neighborhood, (22) See Schedule E, Section 20,0 for Sidewalk Cafe procedures and requirements, (23) Business training schools are not pennitted on the ground floor. (24) Schedule E may impose additional requirements on some uses. ~ 8/8/2005 Ordinance No. 3950 B-4