HomeMy WebLinkAbout144-James & Phyllis Richardson 0 0 0 Property Owner Address 1017 Persimmon Ave~ue Sanford, Fla. 327. i GRANT OF EASEMENT THIS INDENTURE, made ~his 26~h d~ Of ~9 87., betweem James B~ and Phyllis ~e O0~ Of Seminole ~ ~ ~a~ Of Florida , ~p~ of ~he secona p~, s~ o~e Doll~ ~d other valuable con- co~ideration of ~he ~si~eratio~o be . ~ h~d paid by p~ of the secon~ ~p~t, receipt Whereo~ is hereby ac~owle~ed, ha~ ~ted ~ ~conveyed, ~d by ~hese presents does ~t ~d convey ~o p~ ....... ~-~-+ its successors. ~si~=, ~d lice~ees, a ~pe~e~ easemen¢ ~aer, upon, ~ across ~he proper~ si~aCe ~:S~ora, Sem~ole Co~, ~loriaa, more p~icul~ly aescribe~ A 15 foot wide utility easement along the east lot (47.7 ft + 10.25 ft) line of that portion of said land legally described as: SEC 26 TWP 19S RGE 30E BEG 550 FT N + 287.1 FT E OF S.W. CORNER OF S.E. ¼ RUN E 364.12 FT N 19 DEG 49 MIN 33 SEC W 47.7 FT N 8 DEG 55 MIN 25 SEC W 10.25 FT W 346.35 FT S 55 FT TO BEG. as recorded in the public records of Seminole County, Florida. for public alley ~d utility pu?poses, fncludiug specifically ~ ~I~S ~s ~ les O% ~he f~s~ p~ ~ here- ~'O se~ their h~ ~ se~he Cay ~a ye~ f~s~ above Signed, sealed,- a~d delivered .. STAT~O~ Florida 00LT/~TI O~ seminole - ~ I HEREBY C~RTIFT that on this day lu the nex-~ above n~med State ~ud County before me, ~ officer d~ mu~horized ~o ad- ~ister oat~ ~d ~..n~owle~e~ts, person~ly ~ppe~ed James R. & Phyllis Richardson to me well-k~owm and ~-now: ~o me to be the iudividual_ described iu ~d who executed :he foreEo~ e~em~:t~ who mc~owle~ed before me that they executed ~he s~e as a free act ~d deed. ~ WIT.S ~F, I have here~to set ~ ~d ~d official sezl aS Sanford, , CO~ of ~, S~a~e of Florida .., ~his 26th G~ Of February t