HomeMy WebLinkAbout520 Seminole County-Sidewalk,Drainage & Utility Easement ~ < (,) u ~ >- Cl 2: -=:t: C/) o I- 2: 0:: =:> I- ~. . J , 11111111 n 0111 011111111111111111111111111 H 11111111/1111 This instrument prepared by: Susan E. Dietrich County Attorney's Office Seminole County Government 1101 East First Street Sanford, FL 32771 MARVANNE MORSE, CLERK or ClkCUn COURT SEMINOLE COUNTY BK 06877 Pgl 1806 - 1814, (9pgs) CLERK'S :It 200711:.1:.1:.47 RECORDED 11/30/2007 03:26:33 PM RECORDING FEES 78. 00 RECOkDED BY T S.ith n I;:>;' OJ' ! ., ~:J tER1\f\ED COP~., f\R'i f\NNE MORSE ~ERK OF CIRCUIT COURT ~IO~ I c IORIC t\O~ ~ u 'LUUI ~ LU C':l r- <::.> c' N ~) f"; ,- SIDEWALK, D~~INAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENT THIS SIDEWALK, DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENT is made and entered into this ~ day of S<.....~6etL, 20 cr7 , by and between the CITY OF SANFORD, a Florida municipal corporation, whose mailing address is Post Office Box 1788, Sanford, Florida 32772-1788, hereinafter referred to as the "GRANTOR", and SEMINOLE COUNTY, a political subdivision of the State of Florida, whose address is Seminole County Services Building, 1101 East First Street, Sanford, Florida 32771, hereinafter referred to as the "GMNJ'EE". /\'17, WIT N~~.,...S~s E T H: FOR AND IN CONSIDERATION of the sum of TEN AND NO/100 DOLLARS ($10.00) and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the GRANTOR does hereby grant and convey to the GRANTEE, its successors and assigns an exclusive permanent easement and right-of-way for sidewalk, drainage and utility purposes, including the right to enter upon, locate, excavate, construct, repair, operate and maintain, as the GRANTEE, its successors and assigns may deem necessary, a sidewalk, drainage system and utility facilities consisting of pipes and ditches together with appurtenant drainage structures and any other drainage and utility facilities necessary to convey storm water over, across, through and under the following lands hereinafter described as the "easement area", situate in the County of Seminole, State of Florida, to-wit: SEE LEGAL DESCRIPTIONS AND SKETCH OF DESCRIPTIONS ATTACHED HERETO AS EXHIBITS "A-1", "A-2", "B-1", "B-2", "C-1" AND "C-2" Property Appraiser's Parent Parcel Identification Nos: 04-20-30-300-0030-0000 and 04-20-30-300-003A-0000 TO HAVE AND TO HOLD said sidewalk, drainage and utility easement unto said GRANTEE, its successors and assigns forever. Sidewalk, Drainage and Utility Easement City of Sanford to Seminole County Paae 1 of 3 . , GRANTEE, its successors and assigns shall have the right to access, clear, keep clear and remove from said easement and right-of- way all trees, undergrowth and other obstructions that may interfere with location, excavation, operation, repair or maintenance of the sidewalk, drainage system or utility facilities or any structures installed thereon by the GRANTEE, its successors and assigns, and the GRANTOR, its successors and assigns agree not to build, construct or create, or permit others to build, construct or create any buildings or other structures on said easement that may interfere with the location, excavation, operation, repair or maintenance of the sidewalk, drainage system or utility facilities or any structures installed thereon. GRANTEE shall maintain the sidewalk within the easement area in good condition and repair and shall restore the easement area outside of the new sidewalk construction to its original or better condition, after installation, repair or maintenance of any sidewalk improvements. The GRANTEE, its successors and assigns agree not to build, construct or create any improvements other than a sidewalk, drainage system or utility facilities installed thereon or thereunder. GRANTEE as part of the consideration for this grant, agrees to the extent permitted by. Section 768.28, Florida Statutes, to hold harmless and indemnify the GRANTOR against any and all claims, losses, damages or lawsuits for damages, arising from, allegedly arising from, or related to GRANTEE's co l};:;trHc t ion , operation, repair, or maintenance of the sidewalk, dr::,ii'nage system or utility facilities wi thin said easement area. GRANTOR agrees that, to the extent it receives or has actual knowledge of any hazardous or potentially hazardous condition in the easement area, it shall provide written notification thereof to the GRANTEE. GRANTOR does hereby covenant with the GRANTEE, that it is lawfully seized and possessed of the real estate above described, that it has a good and lawful right to convey said easement and that the easement is free from all encumbrances. IN WITNESS ~nEREOF, the GRANTOR has hereunto set its hand and seal the day and year first above written. ATTEST: CITY OF SANFORD . . ~ ., ~~ , "~:>~t:\Q\.i4..".'l.'U) 'i\';M'~ t'''' ';) .. ,..' ,.,' :k ( " Z; '-L .' ..... ~ (:3" 'ANET DQ~TGHERTY, .\.. , ", v..- '~~~:~!::(: \ :::~;~t BY~~.~ ~-.....-A- LINDA UHN, MayorJ [ATTESTIONS CONTINUED ON PAGE 3] Sidewalk, Drainage and Utility Easement City of Sanford to Seminole County Paae 2 of 3 STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF SEMINOLE The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this ;lorJ.... day of 8tlPTt~1Bcll ,20~, by LINDA KUHN, as Mayor of the City of Sanford, who is personally known to me and who did take an oath. Q~~ Print Name :/)<::-.1>4'1- C. S/fYlmo,vS Notary Public in and for the County and State Aforementioned My commission expires: DEBRA C. SIMMONS i~otalv PubliC.. SIale oj Honda \ "Cilmm, c?",res .July 25, 200B .':' rill, 00340621 rionneiJ IlJru i\sh!OA Agency, Inc. i8GO)451-4B54 Attachments: Exhibits "A-1", "A-2", "B-1", "B-2", "C-1", "C-2" - Legal Descriptions and Sketch of Descriptions SED/lpk 8/10/07 p:\Users\lkennedy\My Documents\Public works\Sidewalk Drainage Utility Easement-Sanford,doc Sidewalk, Drainage and Utility Easement City of Sanford to Seminole County Paae 3 of 3 EXHIBIT "A-1" DESCRIPTION: A portion of the Northwest 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 of Section 4, Township 20 South, Ronge 30 East, Seminole County, Florida, being more particularly described as: Commence ot the Northeast corner of the Northwest 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 of said Section 4; thence along the East line of the Northwest 1/4 of said Section 4 South 00'22'47" Eost, 184.42 feet to a line perpendicular to said West Line; thence along soid perpendicular line South 89'37' 13" West, 27,62 feet to the Westerly Right of Way Line of Country Club Road, os recorded in Plat Book 5, Pages 72-73, Public Records of Seminole County, Florida, said point being the POINT OF BEGINNING; thence along Westerly Right of Way Line South 01'01 '04" East, 403.04 feet; thence departing aforesaid Westerly Right of Woy Line, North 89'56'15" West, 4,00 feet; thence North 00'47'57" West, 352,55 feet; thence North 89'56' 15" West, 3.48 feet; thence North 00"03'45" Eost, 50,45 feet; thence North 89'57'04" East, 5,18 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING, Containing 1,459 square feet, more or less, SURVEYORS NOTES: 1, Bearings shown hereon ore based on the East Line of the Northwest 1/4 of the Northeost 1/4 of Section 4, Township 20 South, Range 30 East, being North 00'22'47" West, assumed, 2, I hereby certify thot the" Sketch of Description" of the above described property is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief as recently drawn under my direction ond that it meets Minimum Technical Standards for Land Surveying CH, 61G17-6 requirements, J, Not valid without the signoture and raised seal of a Florida licensed surveyor ond mapper, Dote: CERT. NO. LB2108 LEGAL DESCRIPTION 11/10/2006 CMA 49459013 FOR Inwood Consulting Engineers Job No,: 49459013 Scale: 1"=60' Not valid without sheet 2, SHEET 1 OF 2 SEE SHEET 2 FOR SKETCH ..' "', \$ SOUTHEASTERN~"S()RVEYING Y& MAtieING CORP. 6500, Ah.J ArEitri4~~f1~F.louleyard Orland,p, FlOrida 32810- 4350 ~ ( 07)29_;:;~858~O' 'i^'f~A~~7)292--:0141 em : lD'fo.@so ~as~nsurve'y),i1g com 'r;; ',' ;"'~. I' ~ : "{- .. ~~~-~ GARY KRICK. '>,' , . REGISTERED LAND SURVEYOR NO. 4245 CH, 61 G 17 - 6, Florida Administrative Code requires that 0 legal description drawing bear the notation that THIS IS NOT A SURVEY, , SKETCH OF DESCRIPTION NORTH LINE OF NE 1/4 OF SECTION 4, TOWNSHIP 20 SOUTH, RANGE 30 EAST PARCEL ID 04-20-30-300-003A-0000 CllY OF SANFORD LINE TABLE LINE L1 L2 L3 LENGTH 4,00' 3.48' 5,18' BEARING N89'56'15"W N89'56'15"W N89'57'04"E o w l- I- <( -l a... I- o z PARCEL ID 04-20-30-300-0030-0000 MAYFAIR COUNTRY CLUB ~ 1" 60' GRAPHIC SCALE I , , o 30 60 I 120 Not valid without sheet 1. Drawing No, 49459013 Date: 11/10/2006 Sheet 2 of 2 See Sheet 1 far Description & Surveyors Report EXHIBIT "A-2" COUNTY ROAD 46A RIGHT OF WAY AS SHOWN ON SEMINOLE COUNlY RIGHT OF WAY MAP WESTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE COUNlY ROAD 46A, POINT OF COMMENCEMENT NE CORNER OF NW 1/4 OF THE NE 1/4 OF SECTION 4. TOWNSHIP 20 SOUTH. rGE '0 EAST POINT OF BEGINNING SHEET 11 OF~ L3 w to. ~ i<) o b o z BLOCK 1 LOCH HARBOR PLAT BOOK 5. PAGES 72-73 ~tJi 0L:5 ""0 ~r<) ~~ w<l: In:: f- . ",-I O~ ..,.~ -0 ::;:N z~ wI ~'2 ::;: "'-0 Of- ~...t :Jz tJi@ L:5t;3 (f) BLOCK 12 LOCH HARBOR PLAT BOOK 5, PAGES 72-73 SUNSET DRIVE 50' RIGHT-OF-WAY PER PLAT BOOK 5, PAGES 72-73 in It) N It) I') ;q- o .- 3 ? ~ .- It) ~ i' ~ b o z l1 n r-- ~ ~ ~~(!] m 3 t3 1<( ;:) ~ (L -I I - (J L[J ~::.:: - >- Q 0 ~ ~g z 0 I- ;:) CO ::s o (L (J 8J (L SOUTHEASTERN SURVEYING & MAPPING CORP, 6500 All American Boulevard Orlando, Florida 32810- 4 350 (407)292- 8580 fax( 407)292- 0141 email: info@southeasternsurveying.com ~ THIS IS NOT A SURVEY, EXHIBIT "B-1" DESCRIPTION: A portion of the Northwest 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 of Section 4, Township 20 South, Range .30 Eost, Seminole County, Florida, being more porticularly described os: Commence ot the Northeast corner of the Northwest 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 of said Section 4; thence along the Eost line of the Northwest 1/4 of said Section 4 South 00'22'47" Eost, 887,80 feet to a line perpendiculor to said East line; thence along said perpendicular line South 89'.37' 1.3" West, 19,79 feet to the Westerly Right of Way Line of Country Club Rood, os recorded in Plot Book 5, Poges 72-7.3, Public Records of Seminole County, Florida, said point being the POINT OF BEGINNING; thence along said Westerly Right of Way Line South 01'01 '04" East, .300,7.3'; thence deporting said Westerly Right of Way Line North 89'56'15" West, 2,00 feet to 0 point on a line 2,00 feet West of and parallel with said Westerly Right of Woy Line, thence along said parallel line North 01'01 '04" West, .300,7.3 feet; thence deporting said parallel line South 89'56' 15" East, 2,00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING, Containing 601,0 square feet, more or less, SURVEYORS NOTES: 1. Bearings shown hereon ore based on the Eost Line of the Northwest 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 of Section 4, Township 20 South, Range 30 East, being North 00'22'47" West, assumed, 2, I hereby certify that the" Sketch of Description" of the above described property is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief as recently drown under my.,direction and that it meets Minimum Technical Standards for Land Surveying CH, 61G17-6 requirements, J. Not volid without the signature ond roised seal of a Florido licensed surveyor pnd mapper, Dote: CERT. NO, LB21 08,-";-, ' LEGAL DESCRIPTION 11/14/2006 CMA 49459014 FOR I n wood Consulting Engineers Job No.: 49459014 Scale: 1"=50' Not valid without sheet 2, SHEET 1 OF 2 SEE SHEET 2 FOR SKETCH , , 't' - ., \~ " SOUTHEASTERN RVEYING & q'M' ~PING;{CORP. '6500 MbAij,'flri8",n1,Bo\1reyarct':, Orlando, F'lOrhiat~~2-810-~350~ (07)292-8580 fa~407)29'2-0t41 - em : "l~'fQ@SOP~""'ea~':e ~~:lLsur~efng'com , '. . '" . ~l" ~ ';'''1 . /~ . . .f} V~ ..., GARY KRICK ' REGISTERED LAND SURVEYOR NO. 4245 CH, 61 G 17-6, Florida Administrative Code requires that 0 legal description drawing bear the notation that THIS IS NOT A SURVEY, EXHIBIT IB-2" I SKETCH OF DESCRIPTION COUNTY ROAD 46A RIGHT OF WAY AS SHOWN ON SEMINOLE COUNTY RIGHT OF WAY MAP COUNTY ROAD 46A, SHEET 11 OF 15 NORTH LINE OF NE 1 /4 OF SECTION 4. TOWNSHIP 20 SOUTH, RANGE 30 EAST SS9' 37' 13"W 19,79' POINT OF COMMENCEMENT NE CORNER OF NW 1/4 OF THE NE 1/4 OF SECTION 4, TOWNSHIP 20 SOUTH, RANGE 30 EAST w }....O Yro N ' NI'- . ro Oro o Ul I POINT OF BEGINNING I 100 L2 t..- o l- I " 0:: ~ ~ w ~ w ~ 2,0' r') " ~~ I t-'l N " " w ci a g~ ~~ ,.,., ,.,., ~~ m I III ::> u-l<: w~ 00 ~ 10 (,) I-CD ~ <ot ~3 ~ ~~ or- (Eo.. a z . 00 0r- a ~::> <Oz z ;; 0 0 :r: (,) Vl Vl f-- -< t..-V1 0L;'j ..,. ........0 ~r') Ww zG Z w-< :r:~ f-- u..I o!; ..;-0 ........(11 -0 ;;N ZCL wI IVl f--z :;; u..O Of-- L1 w' z"" :::;z >- Q I Vlf-- <(u Ww Vl Cl W l- I- 4: .-J a. PARCEL 10 04-20-30-300-0030-0000 MAYFAIR COUNTRY CLUB LINE TABLE LINE L1 L2 BEARING N89"56'15"W S89"56'15"E I- o z NOT PLATTED PARCEL 10 04-20-30-300-003C-OOOO MAYFAIR COUNTRY CLUB ~ I o 1" == GRAPHIC , 25 50 50' SCALE .,. Not valid without sheet 1. Drowing No, 49459014 Dote 11/10/2006 Sheet 2 of 2 See Sheet 1 for Oescription & Surveyors Report SOUTHEASTERN SURVEYlNG & MAPPING CORP, 6500 All American Boulevard Orlando, Florida 32810-4350 (407)292- 8580 fax( 407)292- 0141 email: info@soulheaslernsurveying.com THIS IS NOT A SURVEY, EXHIBIT "C-1" LEGAL DESCRIPTION: A portion of the West 1/2 of the Northeast 1/4 of Section 4, Township 20 South, Range 30 East, Seminole County, Florida, being more particularly described os follows: Commence at the Northeast corner of the Southwest 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 of soid Section 4; thence along the North Line of said Southwest 1/4, North 89'39'39" West, 1,44 feet to the Westerly extent of poved improvements of Country Club Rood, said point being the POINT OF BEGINNING; thence along said Westerly extent the following courses and distonces, South 00'25'51" Eost, 27,82 feet; thence South 00'23'22" East, 49,11 feet; thence South 00'33' 18" Eost, 50,11 feet; thence South 00"30'04" East, 48,40 feet; thence South 00'19'13" East, 50,99 feet; thence South 00'43'03" Eost, 10,14 feet; thence South 00'10'02" East, 9,86 feet; thence South 00'35'52" East, 39,97 feet; thence South 00'44'43" Eost, 131.42 feet; thence South 00'35'33" East, S,77 feet; thence South 00'20'02" East, 49,11 feet; thence South 00'32'01" East, 50,21 feet; thence South 00'31'03" West, 19,07 feet; thence South 00'48'16" East, 23.11 feet; thence South 00'44'14" East, 7,11 feet; thence South 00'OS'52" East, 51.47 feet; thence South 00'25'44" West, 26,11 feet; thence South 00'50'48" Eost, 25,15 feet; thence South 00'31'55" Eost, 33,96 feet; thence South 00'11 '28" East, 6,30 feet; thence South 00'23' 1 0" East, 59,80 feet; thence South 00'10'51" East, 23,21 feet; thence South 00'26'00" East, 74,20 feet; thence South 00'39'06" East, 50,82 feet; thence South 00"07'26" East, 4S,30 feet; thence South 01'09'46" West, 50,41 feet; thence South 02'37'27" West, 31,84 feet; thence South 07"25'28" West, 1,62 feet; thence South 20'41 '42" West, 3,17 feet; thence South 13"56'27" West, 4.42 feet; thence South 86'10'29" East, 2,78 feet; thence South 03"49'31" West, 12,85 feet; thence South 04'56'26" West, 30,22 feet; thence South 02"41' 14" West, 14,67 feet to the Easterly extension of the North Boundary of Mayfair Club Phase II, os recorded in Plot Book 54, Poges 84-85, Public Records of Seminole County, Florida; thence along said Eosterly extension South 89'43'24" West, 28,74 feet; thence deporting said Eosterly extension, North 07"15'03" East, 66.94 feet; thence North 00'38'27" East, 164,14 feet; thence North 01'05'21" East, 126,81 feet; thence North 00'11'17" West, 511,69 feet; thence North 12"20'29" East, 16,15 feet; thence North 00'26'35" West, 63,07 feet; thence North 00'25'39" West, 175,64 feet to the North Line of the Southwest 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 of aforesaid Section 4; thence continuing North 00'25'39" West, 48.66 feet; thence North 00'30'21" East, 112,05 feet; thence North 89'42'15" East, 13,47 feet to the aforesaid Westerly extent; thence olong said Westerly extent South 00'17'45" East, 40,53 feet; thence South 00'21'46" East, 47,70 feet; thence South 00'04'44" East, 47,57 feet; thence South 00'25'51" East, 25,05 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING, Containing 25,128 square feet, more or less, SURVEYORS NOTES: 1, Bearings shown hereon are based on the East Line of the Southwest 1/4, of the Northeast 1/4, of Section 4, Township 20 South, Range 30 Eost, Lake County, Florida, being North 00'22'47" East, ossumed, 2, I hereby certify that the "Sketch of Description" of the above described property is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief os recently drawn under my direction and thot it meets the Minimum Technicol Standards for Lond Surveying CH, 61G17-6 requirements, .3. Not valid without the signoture and raised seal of a Florida licensed surveyor and. m,apper, LEGAL DESCRIPTION Dote: CERT, NO, 49459015 11/14/2006 CMA FOR Job No,: . 49459 Scale: 1"=150' In wood Consul ting Engineers CH, 61 G 17 - 6, Florida Administrative Code requires that 0 legal description drawing bear the notation that THIS IS NOT A SURVEY, NOT VALID WITHOUT SHEET 2, SHEET 1 OF 2 SEE SHEET 2 FOR SKETCH " : \I!J ~ SOUTH.EASTE.R.t~ SUIiVE;(!NWt:& -;M\\'PPINq CORP, 6500. All AIiAeH3&W Boufevard , Orlando, Elorida "32810;:"435~ (4 7)2.!3f"-;-85tt9Lt>;.1!ai~'407).?t{-g141 emai in~p~sou~. aSl.~r .s';lrv.e.. I, .com f.gl "!' ....'. {'Of:';' '<fj ,. .~~r't.\\,~ 'f\"~'l .. . - ..... - ~ \" ~. -'\"':'.. ~... . GARY KRICI( REGISTERED LAND SURVEYOR NO. 4245 , . SKETCH OF DESCRIPTION EAST LINE OF THE NW 1/4 OF THE NE 1/4 OF SECTION 4, TOWNSHIP 20 SOUTH, RANGE 30 EAST L43 SOUTH LINE OF THE NW 1/4 OF THE NE 1/4 OF SECTION 4, TOWNSHIP 20 SOUTH, RANGE 30 EAST NORTH LINE OF THE SW 1/4 OF THE NE 1/4 OF SECTION 4, TOWNSHIP 20 SOUTH, RANGE 30 EAST ~ POINT OF BEGINNING L41 EAST LINE OF THE SW 1/4 OF THE NE 1/4 OF SECTION 4, TOWNSHIP 20 SOUTH, RANGE 30 EAST L40 NOT TO LINE L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 L7 L8 L9 L10 L11 L12 L13 L14 L15 L16 L39--- PARCEL ID 04-20-30-300-0030-0000 MAYFAIR COUNTRY CLUB ~ NOT PLATTED WEST LINE OF THE NE 1/4 OF THE NE 1/4 OF L46 SECTION 4, TOWNSHIP 20 SOUTH, RANGE 30 EAST . .-- N89'39'39"W L47 1/ 1.44' / SOUTH LINE OF THE NE 1/4 OF THE NE 1/4 OF L48 / SECTION 4, TOWNSHIP 20 SOUTH, RANGE 30 EAST L1 1)~ NORTH LINE OF THE SE 1/4 OF THE NE 1/4 OF f- w SECTION 4, TOWNSHIP 20 SOUTH, RANGE 30 EAST L2 ~i3 f-> Xo Wo:: L3 ~~ 0::- Wo f-w L4 [;J::( ~n. =---.J L5 ~L7 L8 ~ o a:: L5 0:: CD )-< L9 ::;) ~![! ....I u... F o Oz 5;- =- L10 <.:>z _0 _L11 ~ ~ ~ !Z ~ L12::;) ~ L13 0 L14 0 ,,-- L1 5 L16 EXHIBIT "C-2" L44 L45 L42 POINT OF COMMENCEMENT NE CORNER OF THE SW 1/4 OF THE NE 1/4 OF SECTION 4, TOWNSHIP 20 SOUTH. RANGE 30 EAST WEST LINE OF THE SE 1/4 OF THE NE 1/4 OF SECTION 4, TOWNSHIP 20 SOUTH, RANGE 30 EAST <n CO ~ ~ I() :t " ~ ~ ~ b o z L17 L18 L19 ~L20 3 L21 }-. .;t N L22 N b 0 z L23 L24 L25 SCALE LINE TABLE LENGTH 27,82' 49,11' 50,11' 48.40' 50,99' 10,14' 9,86' 39,97' 131.42' 8.77' 49,11' 50,21' 19,07' 23,11 ' 7,11' 51,47' BEARING 500'25'51"E SOO'23'22" E SOO' 33'18" E SOO' 30'04" E 500' 1 9' 1 3" E SOO'43'03"E 500'10'02" E SOO'35'52"E SOO'44'43" E SOO'35'33"E 500'20'02" E SOO'32'01"E SOO' 31'03" W SOO'48'16" E SOO' 44'14" E SOO'08'52" E L38 EASTERLY EXTENSION OF L37 NORTHERN BOUNDARY L26 OF PLAT BOOK 54, \ _ /"L27 PAGES 84-85 / / L28 NORTHERN BOUNDARY ~L29 OF MAYFAIR CLUB PHASE II <0 L30 Not valid without sheet 1. PER PLAT BOOK 54, \ I") IL- ""~ Drowing No. 49459015 PAGES 84-85 ~l;;; ~ L32 Job No. 49459 \,...r L33 Date 11/14/2006 IL35"'-L34 SHEET 2 OF 2 t See Sheet 1 for Description THIS IS NOT A SURVEY, LINE L17 L18 L19 L20 L21 L22 L23 L24 L25 L26 L27 L28 L29 L30 L31 L32 L33 L34 L35 L36 L37 L38 L39 L40 L41 L42 L43 L44 L45 L46 L47 L48 LINE TABLE LENGTH BEARING 26,11' 500'25'44"W 25,15' 500'50'48"E 33,95' 500'31 '55" E 6,30' 500'11 '28" E 59,80' 500'23'10"E 23,21' 500'10'51"E 74,20' 500'26'00" E 50,82' 500'39'06"E 48,30' 500'07'26" E 50.41' S01'09'46"W 31.84' 502'37'27'W 1,62' SOT25'28"W 3,17' S20'41'42"W 4.42' S13'56'27'W 2,78' 586'10'29"E 12,85' 503'49'31"w 30,22' 504'56'26"W 14,67' 502'41'14"W 28,74' 589'43'24"W 66,94' NOT 15'03" E 164,14' NOD' 38'27" E 126,81' N01'05'21"E 15,1S' N 12'20'29" E 63,07' NOO'26'3S"W 175,64' NOO'2S'39"W 48,66' NOO'25'39"W 112,05' NOO'30'21"E 13.47' N89'42'15"E 40,53' 500'17'45" E 47,70' SOO'21 '46" E 47,57' 500'04'44"E 25,05' 500'25'51"E -'1 i.. o o om 0::> I-.J o 00 w 08>- I:;:s - 0 g: -.Jlz wo::> a.. 000 n::10o I- <{I o CLg~ Z IrE 0>- No<( 1:2 .t- o SOUTHEASTERN SURVEYING & MAPPING CORP. 6500 All American Boulevard Orlando, Florida 32810-4350 (407)292- 8580 fax( 407)292- 0141 Cert. No. LB-2108 email: infa@sautheasternsurveying.cam RESOLUTION NO. 2007-R- 204 RESOLUTION THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION WAS ADOPTED AT THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA, ON THE -1.l...- DAY OF flov. ,2007. WHEREAS, it has been determined by the Board of County Commissioners of Seminole County that a necessity exists for protection of pedestrians along a portion of Country Club Road located in Section 04, Township 20 South, Range 30 East, in Seminole County, Florida; and WHEREAS, the protection of pedestrians will require an easement that is not owned by the County of Seminole; and WHEREAS, the City of Sanford, a Florida Municipal corporation has indicated their willingness to donate to Seminole County the required Sidewalk, Drainage and Utility Easement as evidenced by the executed Sidewalk, Drainage and Utility Easement accompanying this resolution, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of County Commissioners of Seminole County, Florida, hereby accepts the accompanying Sidewalk, Drainage and Utility Easement conveying to Seminole County an easement over the land described within the Sidewalk, Drainage and Utility Easement attached hereto, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the aforementioned Sidewalk, Drainage and Utility Easement be recorded in the Official Records of Seminole County, Florida, November ,2007. ADOPTED THIS 13th DAY OF BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SEMINOLE CO TY _ " Prepared under the di Charles F. Barcus ;~~~~o~anagerlRight-of-Way CERTlfJED COpy MARY ANNE MORSE CLERK OF CIRCUIT COURT SEMINOLE COUNTY. FLORIDA av?~ ~-".../L PEPl-ITY CLERK A TTES!: ~<>'. (t~d~ ,J1~.~~ 0-~ ~RY ANNE: MORSE, Clerk to the Boai~ of '(l:OUl!ty Commissioners in - and for Seminole County, Florida.