HomeMy WebLinkAbout136-Allen Blacksheare c/o EdwarProperty Owner Address: GRANT OF EASEMENT 3611 Edleshear~n Rd. San,ford, F1 32771 $~MiNOLE CO. FL. T~I8 IND]~TUR~, made thls 12th d~ Of March , Allen Blacksheare c/o Edward L Blacksheare A.D. 1987, be~e~ ' Of ~hS CO~ Of seminole ~ ~ ~a~ 0f Florida ~p~t~ of the f~st p~, ~d CI~ 0F ~, ~RIDA~ > ~ WIT~S~B. Thst 9~ty of the f~s~ p~t, for ~d ~ ~co~ideration o~ the s~ o~e Doll~ ~d other valuable c~n- ~. ~sideration to be ~ h~d pa~d by p~ of the seco~ ~p~t, receipt whereof is here~y ac~owle~ed, ~a~ ~ed ~ ~conveyed, ~d By these presemts do es ~t ~e.c~vey ~o ~of the second ~, its successors~ ~sz~, --e ~ce~ees, a pe~e~ easement ~der, upon, ~ across the ~roper~ si~ate ~ S~ford, Sem~ole Co~, Florida, more A 15 foot utility easement lying 7½ feet each side of the centerline of an existing sanitary sewer main lying southwesterly to northweserly across the following described parcel; Lot 3 (less S 100 Ft. of E 100 Ft.) F.H. Rands add to Sanford Subdivision, according to the Plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 1, page 131 of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida. for public alley and utility purposes, including specifically storm and sanitary sewers, and for the ~tallation, ~pection, servicing! repair, maintenance, and replacement o~ all u~ilities!il now exist~ug or hereafter to exist on sama properm-y, much ease- me~t including the right of free ingress and egress over and across said property for any of the purposes aforesaid, tog, with the right to open an alley for use of part-y~of the second part and the general public. O ~ 0 IN WITNESSWmqW. EOF, part y of the first part hms here- ~uto set his hand_ and sea_l~he day and year first-~bove written. Signed, sealed,.aud delivered in t~ presence of: STATE 07 Flnr;~ C 0UN'IL 0~ seminole Edward~ L. Blacksheare Documentary Tax Pd I WWREBY CERTIFY that on this day in the next above named Sta~e and County before me, an officer duly authorized to ad- m~%ster oaths and tak..e~aowledgments, personally appeared Edward L. Blacksheare to me well-k~ow~ and known to me to he the individ:al described in and who executed the foregoing easement, who ac~o~ledged before me that he executed the same as ~ fretOgc~ and deed. ': - IN WITN~S W~F. REOF, I have hereunto set my hand end 'office(iai seal at Sanford , Cou%ty ~f,~ Seminole , ~tate of Florida , this ×~=~ day of ./~/~%~-~ , 1987. I~. 0ommis~ion Ex-pir~ Notary Public, Slate of F~orida at Large Bonded t4ru LAWYER'S ~