HomeMy WebLinkAbout133-Kenneth W Barnes0 o 0 4J 0 0 4J 4J 0 0 ~J U O~ U 4J GRANT OF EASEMENT 1828 I ! !i THIS INDENTURE, made this __4th d~7 Of March A.D. 19 8Z, between ~ p~rtY_~_ of the first pa~t, a~a CITY OF ~FORD, I~LORIDA~.a mm municipal corporation, sit-mate in SemLuole Oou~t-Y, Florxaa, party of the second part; o~ That p~rtv~ of the first part, for ~ud Lu -- ~ITNESSETH, the sum o~O~e Dollar a~d other valuable con~° consideration of grouted a~' sideration to his ~u ha~d paid by party of the second oo_ receipt ~hereof i~ hereby acknowledged, ~a.~.s ~ ___~- conveyed. ~ud y .......... assi~. ~ua xzu=~ ! . ' of the second p~r~, · ..... .~ across the property s;~ _ et~al easemen~ ttn~er,~_Pu~.~o ~. ~rticularlY described ~%anford, Seminole Count, x~=, .... z : . t utility easement lying 7.5 feet each side of a~ A 15 foo ....... ~=tinn sanitary sewer line lying ross the following descrmbed parce . orth 132 Feet of the West ~ of Blk 4 Tier 12, E.R. The N .... ~n of Sanford, according to the Trafford's Map on ~n~ ~-- .... Book 1, ~ages 56 through t thereof as recorded in r~au ~ _ ._ pla ....... As of Seminole County, F±or~aa 6~, of the PUD~lC less the west 100 feet thereof- .~ n~ tilltw =urp0ses, Including specifioall~ sto~ ~d s~it~ se~ers, ~ ~d re~iaceme:m of all ~e~ic~, repaY, ma~ten~ce,, y __ ~aid ~ro~er~, such e~e- i.. ~v~t~n~ or hereafter ~o ex~s~ u~ ~ --~ -~-~=s over merit ~clud~ ~ne rz~ -- -Z; the-~,,~oses aforesaid, ~oge~n~r across s~d proper~ Ior ~.~ _ ~-- -~ of ~he second ~th She right ~o open ~ aizey zor ~ u~ ~ ~ p~t ~d ~e general public. ~ WITN~S ~F, ~t~ of the f~st p~ ~_here- ~to set b~s h~ ~sea~he day ~d ye~ z~sm aoove written. ' Signed, sealed,' amd delivered i~ ~he presence of: ~ ~ .,, ,- STATE O~ Seminole COU~Y OF Florida that on this day in the next above named State and Co~ury before .e~owled~men~s, persona~j minister oaths a~d tak, - - Kenneth W. Barne in a~d who execu:ec :ne zor=9~.. ~... ~,,.. a~ free ac~ before me that he exec1/~ ~ =~ - and deed. IN WIT.S WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and official seal at Sanford , County of ~, State of w~ ., NC;TA?,Y ~ U~ ~. ST ~'TE OF FLORIDA