HomeMy WebLinkAbout132-Friendly Ice Cream CorpThis instrument prepared by: Attorney Diane L. Parsons-Salem; 1855 Boston Road; Wilbraham, Massachusetts 01095. E~SEMEN [ October ,i~/ , 1.986 0 THZS INDENI"URE, made t:he day arid year' F'"', .... · l st aboue kar'it, ten by and bet. u~een FRIIENI)I._y ICE CRIERM CORPORRTION, a Massachusetts corpo~at&on ~it:h a F r ] ncipa] place of' business at: 1855 Boston Road, W:J.].bPaham, ~assachuse.tits 01095, do&rig business in Flor'~da as FI~IIENOLY 1CIE CREAM CORF~ORA']ZON OF N '- ~ ...... A,.>c>ACI'IUoI::I c~, party of' t. he first, part:, and (;;I;'I'Y OF S~NI:rORD, I:: I_ORID~, a mun&cipal corporat&on, situalze tin Seminole p rt: of 'th e o,,d part:; ¢0. ¢7 S / NITNESSE1-H, 'Fhab par I:y of 't:he Firs t part., for and in consideration of 'the sum of' One Dollar ($3,00) and other ua].uab].~ cons:iderat.::1on bo :i[. &n hand paid by party of the second p~t~ ecezpt ~hereof' is hereby acknomledged, has granted and ccnue~d~ and by these presenks does grant and conuey I:o party of the se~on~ part, ~[:s StlCCeSSOPS, assigns and l~censees, a perpetua] easel~r [ :' under, upon and acPoss the pPopePty s%tuated &n SanfoPd, Sem:i~role County, F].o~ida more pant:~cu]ar] descP&bed as: ~ st:Pip of ],and 15,00 feet. ~i(Je, lying 5,00 f:eet Southerly 'an~ 10.00 feet NorthePly of the fol].o~ng described 1&ne: ()el'ri'ne n c e at the least quam'ltem-s e c %:ion coPner o¢ ~'~ 'T'obmship 20 South, Range 30 East, ~,., ..... ,} o~.ction 11, o6m.]no].e Count. y, F]or'dcla arid run S.02 16'26"M. along the least, l&ne o¢ the Southeast 1/4 said Section ].] a distance o'¢' 7].6.3~ feet:; thence run N. 27~34."W. 1077.22 feet to the Easterly m&ght-oF-~ay l&ne o'F U.S. High~R~y ].7-92; t.l'ience Purl S. 25 47'00"W, al. erg said right.--,of-way line ~1,17 'Feet. I:o the Point o¢ Beginner9; thence run Easterly ~90,66 feet. a].()lqg %he arc of a curue concaue No-.[hem]y, hau~ng a Pad&us o'F 315,95 feet, a central angle o¢ 3~ 34'28" and a cord bear'ing of S. 83 54'50"E, t:e the Po:in.[ o¢ 'l'e~m:in~t:ion on a boundary line bearing S. 31 41'32"E. The s&de l&nes of 'tb~s easenlent are to corl'L&nue arid s I'~o r'L e i'1 so as to begin and t. erm&nate on tine same 1&res as the ~ilqe hePetn descP&bed Less P&gh'b-,..of-.-.~ay f'or ~me~J. cana Bou].euard, ' ~s sho~n on Sketch and Descript&on fop F'n&end~y Zce Cneam Col"poPat&on attached hereto as Exh~bJ.t ~ 'For ~aLen ]&ne purposes and fop the &nstal~at&on, inspect.~on, senu&c&ng, nepa:i.p, ma&ntenance, and replacemenL of t:he ~a'beP ~J. ne no~ ex&sting oP heneafteP to exist on sa&d p operty, such easernenE, &nc~ud&nq the e&ghl:, o¢ ingPess and egPess ouer ancl acnoss sa~cl pPopePty fop the aforesaid pcP'poses, IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the party to these presents has hereunto set its seal the day'and year First above written. Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence oF: COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS) COUNTY OF H~MPDEN ) FRIENDLY ICE CREAM CORPORATION. a Massachusetts corporation doing business in Florida as FRIENDLY IC~ CREAM CORPORATION OF MASSE ., ~'TS B y: Vice ,,,,, vN J ~ ,'~_:~.,' ,fO Then personally appeared the above-named ~(z~ff~. ~/ d~/~? c~ Uice President~ ~ ~ , FRIENOLY ICE CREAM CORPORATION, a Massachusetts corporation doing business in Florida as FRIENDLY ICE CREAM CORPORATION OF .-- M~SSACHUSETTS, and acknowledged the Foregoing ~ be his Free act and deed and the Free act and deed oF FRIENDLY I~E CREAM CORPORATION, a Massachusetts corporation doing business as ~ FIJI_ ENDLY ICE CREAM CORPORATION OF MASSACHUSETTS, before me, 2 SKETCII AND DESCRIPTION FOR: FRIENDLY ICE CREAM CORPORATION DESCRIPTION: WATER LINE EASEMENT A strip of land 15.00 feet wide, lying 5.00 feet Southerly and 10.00 feet Northerly of the following described line: Conm~ence at the East quarter-section corner of Section 11, Township 20 South, Range 30 East, Seminole County, Florida and run S. 02016'26'' W. along the East line of the Southeast 1/4 of said Section 11 a distance of 716.31 feet; thence run N. 71027'34'' W. 1077.22 feet to the Fasterly right-of-way line of U.S. Highway 17-92; thence run S. 25047'00'' W. along said right-of-way l~ne 1.41.17 feet to the Point of Beginning; thence run F~sterly 190.66 feet aloug the arc of a curve concave Northerly, having a radius of 315.95 feet, a central angle of 34o34'28'' and a cord bearing of S. 83054'50'' E. to the Point of Termination on a bounSary l~ne bearing S. 31 41 32 E. Rhe s~de l~nes of th~s easement are to continue and shorten so ss to begin and terminate on the same lines as the line h~rein described. Less right-of-way for Americana Boulevard. SCALE: I": 50' BROWN & ASSOCIATES, INC. LAND SURVEYING P. O. BOX 7731A ORLANDO, FL 32854 (305~) 896-2896 FILE NO. ~?~-~