HomeMy WebLinkAbout129-Florida Food Industries InvThis instrument was~repared by: City Attorney W~lliam L. ~olbert; p. O. Box 78; Sanford, Florida 32773 G_RANT OF EAS~? THIS IND~TURE, made this _7th da~ of August A.D, 1986, between lorlda Food Industries Investments, Inc. of the County of qordnnle , and State of --Florida [ part_~_ of the first part, and CITY OF SARFORD, FLORIDA, a municipal corporation, situate in Seminole County, Florida, party of the second part; WITNESSETH That ar' '~ · , P ~ . of the first part, for and in ~ part, receipt Whereof ~ =-- - ~a= ~y.pa~_=y of the second ~ ~ ~ureoy acknowledged, ha__ granted and conveyed, and by these presents do grant and convey to party'_ of the second part, its successors~gssigns, and licensees, a ~ Perpetual easement under, upon, and across the ~roperty situat.e~ ~s:Sanford, Seminole County, Florida, more partmcularly described See attached sukuzey - Exhibit "A" for public alley and utility purposes includ~.m s~e.~ .... ' sto~ ~nd sanitary sewers, and fo~ th~ ~stallation, inspection,~A~ servicing, renair ma= ~ , ~ , ~en~ce, ~d replacement of all ~tilities now existl~ or hereafter to exist on said property, such ease- ment ~clud~ the right of free ~ across said property for ~y of ngress ~d egress over ~d the p~poses aforesaid, together with the right to open ~ alley for use of p~ty of the second p~t ~d the general public. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, part_v__~ of the first part ha~_s here- unto set his hand_ and sea _l~he day and year first above written. Signed, sealed, and delivered in the presence of: STATE OF ~b,,-~,o COUNTY OF ¢)~,,~¢ · I H~EBY C.~RTIW% that on this day in the next above named . State and County before me, an officer duly authorized to ad- minister oaths and take acknowledgments, personally appeared L. David HOmer, President to me well-known and known to me to be the individual described in and who executed the foregoing easement, who acknowledged before me that he executed the same as free act and deed. -- _ his IN ,VITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand;and official this _ /ih _ d~ of , , '~ .'"~':¢,'(;~ ,. "~'~ , ~VHIBIT 'A" f ~"~4' -LI~SAL DESCRIPTION WRITTEN BY SURVEYOR: A11 that land lying Easterly of a line lying 10 feet Westerly o~ Parallel and measured perpendicular to the following described line: Beginning at a point on the Westerly Right of Way line of U. S. Highway '17- 92 said point being N 31'48'31" E 50.00 feet from the Southeast corner of Lot 27, Block 22, 4th Section Dreamwold as recorded in Plat Book 4, Page 99 of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida; run N 18°00'00' W 10.00 feet to the center of a manhole: thence run N 01"17'00" W 148,00 feet to the Southerly Right of Way of Desoto Drive, bounded on the East by the Westerly Right of Way line of U. S. Highway 17-92 and on the North by the Southerly Right of Way line of Desoto Drive. b Z Lot ~7/~ hereby certify that the cJee, c. represented on [his map was made under my direction on the date shown based on [he information furnished to me as noted and conforms to the /~lNI/~L/t4 TECHNICAL STANDARDS FOR LAND S(JRVEYING I~ THE STATE OF FLORIDA in accordance with CH. 2 1HH-6, Florida Administrative Code and [ha[ there is no evidence on the ground of use of the property which might suggest a possible claim of easement other than those shown on the survey. Cer~i find to Florida Food Industry Investment, Inc. LEGIBILITY UNSATISFACI'ORY Jot:) ~o: 4 LEGEND : Iron Rod o = Iron Pipe =Conc. ~onument = ~ail L Di~. x = Cro~ Cut Revi~d: Southeastern --'--"--- Surve~ir~g ~igd M.~pping Corp. 2601 ,WELL'J AVENUE, SU~TE'181 FERN P.~K, ~Lg~i~~ ;2~ x * <CERI NO, LB.21~ ~' ) ~ REGISTERE~ ~ SURVEYOR NO 4245