HomeMy WebLinkAbout128-Chuck & Dorothy Guesshis instrument was pre~ £ed by:.City Attorney Will ~m L. P. O. Box 1778; Sanford, Florida 32771. GRAI~T OF t Colbert; THIS IND~TURE, made this 29th d~ of A.D. 19 86, between .. Chuck Gues~ & Dorothy Gugs of the County of Seminole , and State of Florida partY___of the first part, and CITY OF BAlqFORD, FLORIDA. a munic~al corporation, sit. ate la Seminole Count-y, Florida, Part7 of the second part; WITN~SETB. That part:z_of the first part, for and In eideration to be in hand paid by part7 of the second consideration of the sum ol~O~e Dollar and other valuable con- part, receipt whereof is hereby ac~-owle~ed, has__ ~ranted and conveyed, and by these presents does ~rant and convey to part7 of the second part, its successors, asstF~s, and licensees, a perpetual easement u~der, upon. and across the property situate in Sanford, Seminole County, Florida, more particularly described as: A 15 foot Utility Easement l~in~ 7½ feet each side of the center-line of an existin~ sanitary sewer main ~lyin~ ~orth-South across the followin~ described parcel: Be~in at the NW corner of the East % of the NW ½ of the SW % of the NW % of Section 36-19-30; East 264 feet; North 194.46 feet to the P.O.B. (less ~ --- the West 40 feet for Road). for public alley and utility purposes, includin~.specifically storm and sanit.a~y sewers, and for the ~-,tallatxon, ~-,pection, servicing, repaxr, maintenance, and replacement of all utilities now existi~ or hereafter to exist on said property, such ease- ment includi~ the right of free ingress and ~gress over amd across said property for any of the pu~oses aforesaid, together with the right to open an alley for use of party of the second part and the general public. IN WITNESSWHEREOF, part_Z_.of the first part has here- unto set his han~_ and seal~ the day and year first above written. Si~ned, sealed,, and delivered in the presence of-' D~ot hy Guess STATE O~ Florida C OU~Y O~ Seminole CERTIFY that on this da~ in the next above named State and County Before me__an officer duly authorized to ad- minister oaths and take acknowle4~mem.~..._sonally appe-.'ed Chuck Guess to me well-known and known to me to be the individual_ described in and who executed the foregoin~ easement, who acknowledged before me that he executed the same as a free. act and deed. "~ ~ .... .' IN WITNESS W~EREOF, I have hereunto set ~7 han'A end %fficAal seal at Sanford ,~C~y Of Seminole , state~ o~ ~ler~d~, ~ ,