HomeMy WebLinkAbout127-US Home Corporation This 'P.O. instrument was pre~-~red by: Box 1778; Sanford, Florida City Attorney Wil].~m L. ~oert; P~GE 32771. GRkNT OF E.%SE~iENT SEMINOLE CO. FL. THIS INDENTURE~ made this 26th day o£ _ August , A.D. 19 8&~ between _U.S. Home Corporation of the County of Oranqe ~ and State of p~ty of the first pa~t, s~d CiTY 0F SM~FORD~ FLORIDA a m~icipal corporation~ situate in Seminole County, Florida party of the second pa~t; WITNESS~rH~ That part~zl_~ of the first part, for and in consideration of the s~xn or One Dollar and other valuable con- sideration to have ___ in hand paid by party of the second part: receipt whereof ~ hereby acknowledged, has__ granted and conveyed, and by these presents do_e__s grant and convey to party of the second part~ its successors~ assigns, and licensees, a perpetual easement mnder, upon, &nd across the property situate in Sanford, Seminole County, Florida, more particularly described as: SEE ATTAC}~D EXHIBIT "A" for utility purposes, including specifically water lines, storm and sanitary sewers, and for the installation, inspection, servicing, repair, maintenance, ~tnd replacement of all utilities now existing or hereafter to exist on said property, such ease- ment including the risht of free ingress and egress over and across said property for any of the purposes aforesaid, for use of party of the second part andthe general public. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, p~t y of the first part has here- seal~ --, unLo set ~h~ hand~ and the day and y~ ¢~t aoove written. ~ ...... Signed, sealed, and delivered in the presence of: STATE OF Florida COUNTY OF Oramqe I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day in the next above neuned State and County before me, am officer duly authorized to ad minister oaths and take aoks~ow!edgments~ personally appeared Jonathan S. Sundheim and John M. Seitz to me well-~n~o',vn and known to me to be the indiv~dualm described in ~nd who execuued ~',- ~ne foPegoln~ easement, who ackl~owledged before me that ~e¥ execnted the same as _~heir free act and deed. IN ".!ITNESS [~IHEREOP ~ seal at City of Haitland , County this 26th day of _Au{n~st I have hereunto set my hand of c ~ State ..~_~._,Sih~ript~,z.4~..~_ LAKE MINNIE TRACT DEDICATED EASEMENT LEGAL DESCRIPTION EXHIBIT "A" BOOK PAgE 1766 1792 SEMINOLE CO. FL. A strip of land lying 25.00 feet North of the North right-of-way line of Lake Minnie Drive as shown on the plat of LAKE MINNIE ESTATES as recorded in Plat Book 6, Page 92 of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida and being more particularly described as follows: Commence at the Southwest corner of Lot 2 of said LAKE MINNIE ESTATES, said corner being on the North right-of-way line of said Lake Minnie Drive; thence S.89o13,30,,E. along said North right-of-way line for 7.62 feet to the Point of Beginning; thence continue S.89o13,30,,E., along said right-of-way line for 192.48 feet to a point of curvature of a curve concave Northwesterly; thence Northeasterly along the arc of said curve, along said right-of-way line, having a radius of 149.78 feet, through a central angle of 33°34'56,, for 87.79 feet; thence N-89°13'30"W. for 262.20 feet; thence S.28o28,46,,W. for 28.24 feet to the Point of Beginning. Containing 6053.56 square feet, more or less. June 5, 1984 701-377.09 MEMORANDUM August 27, 1986 To: From: Re: Finance Director Utility Director Henry: Recording of Easement Northlake Village Please have the court. Minnie Drive. I will also need a copy of the recording for my files and for engineering. this executed grant of easement recorded with This is a 25 ft. easement adjacent to Lake PM/th cc: Rick Holloway